HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-2-16, Page 10C. P.R.�� Mr. Fred M. Rutter Succeeds Mr. R. McKillop Who Has Been Transferred To Toronto The Canadian t'ai•i11r 1teilway Cofif pony uan4)44t is the apt.olutt „Alperin - Mr. Feat M. Ratter to thew illi tendency of its London 1N"""' 1414 lu•adquarter1 et London. 44reetI is )11 r. It 1 lint rend - instant. nnf to ..[h il► sea l f 11. Meth's'., WItl Ita+P� 'tars• juries to 7brunto WIWII t�Iplatetuc'• ;'race diction ober the Mr. It Ontario boy hav- ing In i„,,ter M as educated ioR 'alma 11rn RwtiIU ' .f the 1Tiei To - roam on,/ N •thee. 9( "' mote of tt11 1/'aludian enren~r gauw'y shortly after gradu- „ant and wits engaged in the l:om- i„,ne s engineering and eontertwtion department.' in variolic parts of elest- ,.: a Canada from 11M►' until- 191:,. Sinew the latter year lw hay had rearm. of the operation of lino., which eradiate from Tomtit.) to Owen Sound. Teewwater. Elora, the Muskoka Dis- t ring- least --'other pointe. Thu. expert - unto thus gained inakcs him well titled to take over the .lutl4w of operatkoniuf tee London ftiri:t.bw whkh i*coueeiled t.. 1e .ale .1f 11e heaviest railway truth.• eectlou, in 'Canada. Mr. Rut - r'. new territory includt•s Canadian t'.••itie Railway lines operating A NEW DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT Ir ' t l.l,•ugh •(;Alt, Wo o.L.tOek. Landon, ''silt 114111. N'i ud.ot. 4; ii.4ph, (:(Nlerlch tn.d other important industrial centre* i,. W. -teen Ontario. SIGNAL - OODERIOH, ONT. w 'Meth of lbw. Newer r. fn \ familiar ligur. toe >0:1 "awl teat e;.sl•rich soft. called to 11'�ra whet on Friday, Febn►ey tebbtu 1n Thotua• \ower A!,.1 i 3drtu Mr. llo ('I ,Ic 111:)%04.1 ot ,. by U•ade cud New.•u w:a• „ of pears 4e hafi liver 4 luta; moths a each year in .'sort n feopad printing t• t's• He Ip Uodcricl about 'seventy ons la'o Ilia early 'boyhood' (lays yrll�.pvlt in t4.• 110111e of the late 1so/pert McLean. -*'or reveal' lnuuths of .4.t )tar be had 'wen employed in (he .•tti.'e of 1'1(4' Star **Weil position lie i,•liisplisle,l alb,nt Christmas lime. I•,,r over a yule lie had been P111141491 with a .,nous heart ailment whk-h ,•v.•utunlly resulted In his death. The mureins were brought to Ooderk•h a►d interment was Ilia c 1 ' . de on Wed t1tldly of last work iu Maitland cemetery. Yen. Arclei at0n Jobe.-ltatemau nerd Iter. J. E. Ford conducted the vterviee• Almd the pallbtlr9'r. Were Meese,. 4'. 1. Nairn, J. W. Vanatter, William Keller end A. Me(juartle. HAYFIELD WANTS A DOCTOR Particular", At " Tpia; D�ANNON MAN IS ;NORTH ST. LEAGUE .nett Is Time of the Client i°�.ECTED OFFICER OF IDAYF11%D, Felrwry la. --At this , o emit year dna 11eM1 Ile. 11 fur N certified prnetk.iug I t doctor• homes litany hual there are cases of vnr? tag Meri"u.nely and doctors (,utkrich, g . Zurich., and are called fur. No doubt Heise would be satisfied also tel have (then( Ise ',implied. st•ae. n i Y 7 pool i� Died In Terwrio In. Hauer W at.srn, of Tortgiliiie6iit1 .atunlay after an Minn of se Weeks. lie Wits born to l.ttckwrw fifty -feign yearn ago. Ire graduated in me lee in 1859 and after two years of poet -graduate work in En land begnm prnctfit. 'MOM' IOC llc weld to Toronto la WOO. Died la Ttte N eet A gloom was cast over \t'inglham *heti the news war receives" la..t week that Gordon Jefferson huddled suddenly at his home at Laura, Sask. He had been liv- ing in Winghan with his unoie irantttd Bennett, and had gone Jioute k4 a vitt. Soon after his arrival he wan eluted with paralysis of the heart, dying almost im- . wediately. Ile will be greatly missed ill Wingharu, especial' m the lilethodiut church of %Mclt he � been an member. Try this Friday and Saturday special. ddigh grade chucolatte at forty ant.' a pound at dtlackstone's. West street. DEATH OF WILLIAM EVANS A. BOWLER 1N- HOSPITAL Reentering Nicely From Operation Performed At Landon LUN(;1BRIDGE, Feb. 15. --Mr. Andrew Bowler de iru4$i. Jein'p1's lnspital, Lyn- don, where he u niereent an n) eratign. His many friends are pleased that he is moovt•nag suect-efd1111y. Bouin fib Mr. and Mas. John C. Dalton, a daughter. Congratulations ! bit'. Jobe Ganey is visiting in Toronto. Wayp fdeated to report that Mrs. T.J. Lannon, who is ill in Detroit, is recover - tepidly as can be ex Leet&''. GOES ON A TRIP CAN. PRODUCE ASSN. AROUND THE WORLD Ur. J. R. McNabb Is Named Al Second Vice President At Con- vention In Winnipeg &molest Friday night was well As the floor ea. in good con - and the music excellent, every- btidy eoJoyed the Main. IT. HELENS 8T. HIU.ENS.-Mea. W. Woods is not keeping very well at present. Het daughter, Mrs. Richard Martin. hal been with ber for • few (da s. bock was A friendly game of el played OD TlursdnT night on the L uektaw Rink between K hitochuroh and St. Be.isO boys, more 9-2 in favor of 8t. Helms. We are sorry to report dna Mies Gladys Webb is laid u(1 with aft attack el Ig gramme. We wiah pelt. recovery. tat. Helens Bible eiCrle 'ted wrih Whitechutelt 1 ot1 Plloyrie's clue on Friday evening and neve the prevent. A very en /Maims was upset. Mrs. George Masai is at penult in (ioderich hwpilul When site underwent an oration kir apheedicitis. Reports are that site is411s rovb*g very Direly. Miss W. D. Rutherford of Mitchell. was beam for dip'c ' week -end. The moodily meeting of the at. Helena Woman's leatitato will be held on Thursday, Feb. 1:1, at :.30 o'clock, at the Immo' Mrs. R. K Miller. Subject: Pre - for early flower culture and caring for pilose piant4. Roll call. music, etc. Members some prevalent with something for mll ca1L A general invitation is extended to all the ladies. Ferner Resident of Ray'beld Passes Away Last Weep At Termite BAYFIF.LD Feb. 13. -The funeral of William gran who died at the age of ,reveal -rix years in Toronto, was held in St.Andrewe' church, ILyfreld, and themes to the cemetery on Saturday, Feb. 11th. it(ceased was for utauv years a resident here. Ons' of his sons, \'icurr, was killed in an aeroplane accident tear Toronto during the war. He and his ther were buried in Bayfield within a short time of (arch other in 1917. Surviving are: Mra, Jas. Cameron, Toronto, and another son. 1'1.N(.IANNuN. Feb. 13. -At the truth anima I convention yf lb' 1'an- adisy Product. Association which Wit.. hekl alt \1luulpoyt re'•etlty Mr. J. 1C. M4Nstd, was 4.1,•4'11 a.. see4oud vk•t- iwtaident. Thi. organizations 14 nue 1 c u( lite laseg, •,1 ..f it kind 1s Canada. upo•rnthtg sl it .(.b•. frow ..rola to ta14. Wotaen'r In.tittite The realer meeting of Dime* noon Women', 114461tute will he held at the home of Mrs. 11. J, Crawford 011 Thursday. I'e11. Lelyd. at 3 o'clock. There will Ib' a 14111'.t11w drawer and the topic to 10i• taken by ]ire. Elliott w111 be "aro ing in the Mr. herb. Pentland lies leen on the sk•k list but is able to be out again we are glad to state. Mr. Glib. !Mines 1lad a very sue- ee•M..f11 sale la.) Saturday. Clinton News L'e'conl: Mr. 11•1.* 1)is11- er, who has Igen on the staff of the local branch of the Royal tank for Nome time, lime been tratlefemel to the 1►urliem branch. He spent the week -end at his 'Nine at Dungannon before going to his new post. Mr. Didier won "many friends during his stay in'Clinton and hie depart- ure is regretted. The I.eague of Wesley church, of which lw was tnasurer, pn's- ented hint with a fountain pen prior to 116 going. TIRE AT LEEBURN Blaze Ilii Cbhnne) .%t Home of Hume elegiseitglelegiseIs Quit1 ' y Extinguished k I.F! BURN, Feb. 14.-A fire stared in the chimney of Hume Clutuun's house bn Saturday morning, bat owing to tletµmick responee of the neighbors around the fire was extinguished before much damage wan done. Mr. James Chisholm spent a few days at Sarnia on a Imminent trip. Mr. Edward Shaw fell down the dales its the barn on gaturdey night fracturing Home ribs. We hope to ate him around shortly. We are glad to report that Mrs. Richard V liddon is feeling much better. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Young of Smitlee Hill were visitors at Percy Stewart's on Sunday. The W.M.S. will hold their monthly meeting this week at the home of Mrs. A. N. Clutton. We extend our sympathy u. Mn. E. V. Lawson on the death of her .sister, Miss Ruth Young. Mrs. Hume Clutton is visiting a nth ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Colborne. Na -ming the Montclare �At the Naming Ceremony of the New Canadian Pacific Ste..ner "Monte/are" by lAidy McLaren Brows ( . ► f(n�e l ft oto right' Sir Thomas isher, Sir Charles Ellis, t ady McLaren Brown, Lady a: G cies. Sir George McLaren B wn, Mr. Kenneth Mae- • ke s. Str 'holdall. Belt and ft Morris. I" WHY R IF'$ AS "SHR"? Inspecting the "model" room before the luncheon, Lady .Brown remarked haw strnnPre lit Wee that Rfnce firs they Ravi - ed the main shit. alWnva been spoken of is "she." "i ' purmese,'( she edthed, "they made her •a woman becatire they found out that, loved and snmoured. she is an Primal. hut ven-well, she hin't." She h light it was Rirtbntt who ;r• hat that ships were I+oke Wty- feltfIrtlurt thew had many Ireeret eves and drpnms. How - r tFMP? tt1 . ",1nht he iv. Ship tnhdt('d that th. (•coil .hitt mM(xltclnr,." lite npwe C. P R. ;Llllltlr, would prow,. to to what all women hrirwr4 ft!, d -pct - f t -the' bes'ttl Ill. Me strong. ;earl a rile. • dee of the rid ee `(ewer heti. d rot e l (war that by 1.R•1 ;Brawn. fo:towing it, At referrer frown.. "vll 1).'- - mbar iR While rt., r,aw• (e, 1,_ The new Canadian Pacific Steamer "Montelare," 1r.2n0 Pacific her . not „•,t� rens, as she appeared before launching at the Yards of Messrs. JOHN RAITHBY SELLS OUT 'mansion MANAGER Wu4.d by Premium* Accident Connor el. f...n I.b.r,d po4"se fee all fie ,esel modem end 4.444.4 ,nw.n.a. E.pn.nce u..n.a-ersatr bw esn be herd wrier and .,..h.uo,.,. Gawo.,. cown_umn,. Lewis furnished. T�wlr s* Ce d C e. Tomas Siodaftwe Unique Entertainment Provided - On Monday Evening of This Howell, Master Keith Colborne and Week I Master Ambrose Colborne, adding a picturesque touch to the scenery. Mir., ••.\ 'Trip .kalium' Thw\World" reale 4 Maud Howell and MLTs Dorothy Hen- ma.r unique• ruin iulvrrMllnR entertain. I derma were Irish ladles belittle n i nemr that w:1. eaten by North . ref I bin118g peat tire with apt of 'toy' at Epworth 1. •agile on Tuesday ev.•11114; hand. of this week. The countries of Japan,' The company was then taken brick India. China and Great Britain were . to the church and provided with 44 nitn•seDto'1 fu the 11011uw of four mem- delfeioua lunch. This entertainment. hen of the League and 111 each case. I1t'.1des tieing delightful awl Intereeet- e • arae 'o ,v• . 414.1-0691to 4)81408at it loo tl n ,0 Ing 11841 aaNttber purprse la t4 from that particular country slat en -1 node the patrons letter acquainted other wrtkm t.. s tableau r•prtw•ut• with the various daalds to w'hk•h are 1118 In 'ewe ai,'4.nre the customs et sent mslshunarles. The lnsphatlou for Sells His Farm to Joe. Miller. of To- ronto and Buis O. E, Erratt's Farm Al'lll'IIN. Feb. 15. 1Ir John Ituitll- by ha, sold hi. farm of fifty acnes to Mr. Jus. Milder. :. former resident hero. Mr. Miller ha. -lent a untidier of yennt In Toronto. He gets pstie4- eion next spring. Mr. ltaithby bas bought the farm of Mr. O. E. Ernatt and will get pe -session in the spring. 11r. and Mrs. William YotmghhNl. of Aral*. Sask.. spent Wedn•4(hiy In tide village visiting relativt's ani renewing a4rpl41atenes of their school days. Iloth are looking hale and hearty. Sirs. Sanford Lawlor pre.ent.vl her hudwand with a young daughter on Na t tnd4y. Flest West indiaa Tourist. Readers of "Kenilworth" will re- member with what splendor the Earl of Leicester entertained Queen Elisa- beth. His son. Robert Dudley, In- herited not only his father's love of fine clothes and pomp but also a love of adventure that sent trim in his youth faring to the West Indies. In the "Cradle of the Deep" Sir Fred- erick Treves calls him the first West Indian tourist. Like other tourists he weut primarily to enjoy himself. and to see new lands. Incidentally he did a little pirating, but. though It was for sport, he got little fun from It. The only Spanish vessel he fell in with hoisted English colors. tIi' people. North .tart Methodist church re- pn•w'nted Canada and had several at- tractive dl.plays of made -in -Canada products, stuff -d l'anadlan binds and animalp,•anl a ltuthentsn immigrant's home. MI.. ural Finnigan ret)r(•s('nt- eil alias ('suada, Ml.s I.+ola Hern the Ruthenian Immigrant's wife, and MI's oral (:roper wit. 4 Canadian girl In .W4'Nter and .rarw.ho1M. On having the church the audience was taken, a slelghload at a time. to Japan. otherwise the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Itobertson. Mrs.'tub- ertwu, in Japanest• costume, captain- ed the pieces of Jepenette work which wen. displayed. These included ...owe remarkable earring* and hand work direct from Nippon. Mor. Hazel lire cher. ae-t'Ampauhd by Miss McClinton, entertained the company with a charm- ing solo. ler another room, furnished with Japanese eertens sad sprays of cherry blossoms. four ladies In dainty kiin.nas were drinking tea from tiny silts.. They were Misses ltta(•om, Hob - instil', Hilliard and Gould. The next "p,ort of call " Wes Mrs. Mooney's. East .trwet. representing -India" for the night. The door at- tendant wit.. Mrs. Anderson Who look- ed exactly like a Harem beauty. She l'1 the visitor. to an Indian school when. Mr. Wm. Ward was condueting a class consisting of Douglas John - ton. Mildred Harlow and Oltre West- brook. The "school" sat on the floor and studied aloud incessantly. Other ladies on exhibit were /dilates .Margarcti Paltralge. Dorothy Westbrook and Marin Ryan. all in native costumes.' In another room Mks. Mooney end Mrs. Humber, both dressed as very high -caste Hindu ladles, were showing interesting curio., sn(•h se a devils' horn. a prayer rug and .some beauti- fully woven shawl' and lace work. Miss Itaili.•'. home repre(wnted China Among the uhJeets shown there were a ('''mese' idol. some em- broidery and the .hoer worn by eoolle•, anti women with hound end natural feet. Mist Bailie lntroducod the vis- itor. to various Chinese characters : Mr. 1,ee Low Yee, a mandarin. Mr. Percy Proctor, with his fourteenth wife, Mile Helen Moyer and little boy, Mites Helen Cooper, the latter attired In a geurgeounly embroidered costume. °there were Y lndee, Miss Amelia Hetherington, Mr. Lo, Robert Heth eriagton, and hiv eons, lah Lang and lob Yin. Bally Andrews and Jack Purvis. the latter an opium smoker. The last station was "Great Brit- ain." the home of Mr. and Mn. M. W. and, escaping Into shallow water. Howell. Here were scenes represent - Jeered at the tourist shfp, and taunt- log the home life in England, with ed the crew with mockery and de- . Mist Rota Graham and 'Edgar !Thep - prayed language, "the which," ire- pard as the (rental figures, and Miss cords. his captain. "our general) toke Iteta Hamilton with a spinning wheeel, mfghtelle o!enslve." The pirate nobleman had every reason to be an- noyed with shoes Doane men, for be was proud and dlgnlfod sad Dere I and three children In Hld me- mentoes. mentoes. For example, when his shop home doing the honors. WW1 Alma approached a strange vessel to give battle, the oolors of England and of the general were always advanced to the tops, in the poop, and In the , shroud* of the ship. Tben the "trum- pets" took their places on top of the general's cabin. Any one looking down from the poop would have seen "every gunner standing by his peece." On the poop would be the noble lord himself in his best armor. No wonder, says Sir Frederick, that he considered it as "mlghtelle offen- sive" for the Spaniard to sheer off out of harm's way. and then grin over his bulwarks at him. this work wait rt•prement d ler 'Great llritaiu' by the open Bible and stories �i1.F'+LADi' WANTED -APPLY TO of the lives of heroic missionerie. were exhibited on the wall.. 1 et. Ae MRIaON A 140*. Automobile Owners Get Your 1922 Permits and Markers Now 1- R (111 J. W. MacVICAR :14 i•:eo. ala'Vicar's Shoe $tor.•. North Side of Square. Uoolerr•h 1'. (s. Box 414 CARD U11- AND MRS. W. R. JOHNSTON 11111 friends .a.I neighbor* h .l lege n nelg with to t h Y for the sympathy and tthMlwcs. ,darn them during their roast heresy. treat. W ANTBU. representing Waiee. At Seotland some beautiful Scotch shawls were on ex- hibition with Miss Margaret .iefers.n d/tit• the wat"r. h( r £'trim« the regee•' AVMYO F &4P rPCe) . 1breed +. br+' •Ph'eh tt hared would Rif of Ufa to her '.1+,01:4 Jo•bn grown Co.. Clydebank, Scotland. 14d7 Brown. ti Canadian• was both eloquent and -witty and the was warmly congratulated on her contribution to the post- prandial oratory. • 'tad a The speaker was the wife of Sir • beauty melpiet:t a fresh rm. sed h udl�ap4. G,eoilre McLaren Brown, the European Manager of the C. P. R., who, with a distinguished yam , tEaveII d fr(ota Losdon pt l verypt� for the Leach, R. ler S. as Amateur Traaip. la Iota recently -published "Memo- ries ars Notes," Sir Sidney Colvin devotes a chapter to Robert Louis Stevenson, whom he knew. and whose works and letter* he has edit- ed. We get an interesting early morning glimpse of R. L. S. when he arrived from London at Sir Sidney's Norwood cottage: "He presented himself to my astonished servant, on her opening the shutters, wearing a wornout sleeved waistcoat over a flannel shirt. weary and dirty from a night's walking, followed by a con- ple of briers' slumber In a garden Outhouse he had found open. He had spent the night on the pad through the southern slums and suburbs, try,. log to arouse the suspicions of one policeman after another till he should succeed in getting taken up as a rogue and vagabond." Cando of Oakhatn. Before embarking for India the Prince of Wales 'gaited the es elle of Ockham In Rutland And following an old tradition he had to pay the tithe. This tradition, over three hun- dred years old, is one of the most -the- of note -for whom alone the gates are opened- the obligation to offer a hnrsesho The rrtnee of Wales did not Ign'b- this r stair His eente- shoe wan placed •:ove the first that figured I•. 1 •.• e•.tlectlon, and which was rrr--iv--1 froin the hands of Queen P.I(a:.eth. The Balloting Breams. "Papa," said little F,thel, et dln- ner, "what makes your none no red "" "The e'(ot wind," replied her fath- er, seriously. Poshlag the decanter along the table. the precocious girl mid to ler brother. "Please pass along to papa the east triad." 4 Worth taking our girl to, Feb. 27. Former Brussels Lady Dtee Tlw death oreurrtbl ou Tuesday 04 Iadt week of Mrs. Heaney. of Brant• ford. formerly Miss Annie (lricve of Brussels. EORN LAW LOR-At Auburn. on Asunder. rebruarr 11. to Mr. an.l Mrs. Sanford Lawlor. a daughter. idARRIED PA RKINSON-LYNN-In Toronto. on Saturday. February 11. by Rev. George (Ieant. MW Agnes 'ryas. of Toronto. to Mr. (leo. Parkin elm. of Grelerloh. ALLEN-RNAZEL-At the home sI the bride's parent. on Wednesday. Fbo.soary tit. by Raw. H. D. Moyer. Janet Marlon. daughter of Mr. and Mn. Arthur anaasl. of Ooderieh. to Nle mrd R. Allen. sort of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Allen. o1 Colborne township. DIED GR.(II AN- In Detroit. on Wednesday. P.•1.roary 1'1. Florence. daughter of Mn. Catherine (:sham. M 1i0l4rlch Mc\KII.-At Holland. Manitoba, on Wednesday. hhruary 4. Christina Isabella Robertson. be- loved wife lit Donald McNeil. aged 56 years. *el lasMrk•h. on Friday. February 10. Mary Edith. Infant daughu-r of Mr. and Mn. Tlws. Squires. A1HN1TON-In Go/leech. op( Friday. February w. w•iulsul Johnston. sate 7A years. WANTED-I,IBRA RIAN FOR t 4)I)E- RICH Public Library. also .caretaker for library building Applications. Mating girl'& rations fur either or both of these p,eition" W he in ions'. ul Library hosed b1 Saturday. P,-I•ra. art '.41. W. A. ('Ot'LTHCIttiT. Cbain,l.t 1 WANTED -A 000D FARM, NEAR Wen and lake. If pnrlbb. Dad sal rice• .art. good buildings. (.rick house preferred. Windmill. .fon. some shade trees acct roman, ,ral.r--stork sod Implements batten N 4.Ira. 4,4. Only ow nen of good 'arms peel apply. Inquire at THE 81(14 A1. °erica. demi, TOR 2 YOUNG BITi ,. FOR SALE. Scotch toppnt. 1 whi . 1 owl. they an the low sag thick kind. - . grandma to (.alntoer--Mar. qui* Importer . t and w naatbs uld. Priced In sail. M. u ER. R R. N). 2. CLINTON. Tear ,bona 1 " tiler. RI 1.3 bushel. D OATS FOR SALE. -About 2500 l bushel. O. A. C. Nu 72. Seed OW al eighty - firs coots per bushel. JAS. CHISHOLM. R R. 80 3. (ODERICH. Telephone Dus.aauoS I'r t. FOR SALE OR RENT filp 1;F.NT.-TART 01: MY DOUBLE bock House. corner *nab and Elgin .an+Y, serer the meanFlee rooms fauns... hot w SMt I.e101 Modena Ogeeeaieape. electric ilgb , etc splendid saris tastaee11. (add fame for a maple without eYkirea. For further sPartelligleg en fa ..tA$.NT WAaT. eon« 101'N0 -In e.l township. ga gooday.. ' rn 12. Ruth Evelyn.daughter .dile. R SALE.-1111.0DMIN SEVEN - avid Mr.. R. N. Young RO0>r• arwd brick b4s. t , tel.. Erer•0sd C(N/PKR-ht Toronto_ on_February 4th. lit:. Mn reseal 1" 10My 4. im auMir Two •snouts. walk fume Semm�N - Amity G. P INKED, cooper sod eons; ofAlbertEneeshaw. soil Market 1144014. Mn. w.huer Smith. of town. In her •rah e ler. I BUILDING [.O I' Brock Knot. Mad M sold within the weft - --- few weeks. Make odor to MRS. IttOMASMO KENZIE. Victoria Street. Credw>d. or M W. A. W HITELEY. 1111011 OM Street, Mew Orleans, Le. au WANTED As Experienced Married Farrier Cottage and garden. \Vife to assist in dwelling Apply it life Signal AUCTION SALE AJCTIONEEBINO. M. STAi.KER. Al'(?IONHER e for household reacts. farm seek. etc.. (or the County of Huron. Address till communications U. J.M. STALE Ea Augers P u 44-tf M11810 PIANOS TONED. -APPLY TO C. V. HENRY, Music Studio, north side. of Square. tf AUCTION SALE OF 500 Conte OF , 1 ark 16 inch odd The (.afera kh Manu factoring Co.. Limited. .411 .,•u by tae'- .uta-. PUBLIC NOTICB. lion at 1.4 3. I.. R W , Stanley. lore mile South .1f hayfield) on .stur,tsy. Febru►r1 '21n11• neer, avowing at 130 o cls r k. sharp. W0 cords of hard wood, cut 12 and 16 Int -be. TAY woos' Is all Piled close to the road-onvenlent for hauling out and will be sold in lou to suit purrhas,r.. TERMS --An supe of (10 snit under cash: over that amount mu111hs credit will be gtv,w ep furnishing approved lint note. A Miscount of 0 p e. per annum showed for cash on credit iamounts (NIDIRICit oro. CO , T. GUMMY, 'K Pmprs Auctioneer tion in Coal - . Prices• agents for the only original Lehigh Valley Coed t wish to announce that owing to the drop_in nic- k:nange we have decided to make a reduction of Fifty Cents Per Ton In The Following Sizes : NEW PRICES _�..�..A Chestnut ,A $16.00 "-- --- Stove 16.00 Egg 16.00 Pea 14.00 We also have Ebony Cube Cannel, Black Joe Block - a popular soft coal for domestic use -and Georges Creek Smithing Coal. >r We have Hard Wood. Mixed Wood-- -wood. tiled slabs ana Ced- ar, ail in twelve -inch lengths. The Saults Coal Company "The Yard of Servicer Rwr•Ins(ve Ag.n4. leer Lehigh Valley Coal Sales Co. Ooderich • Telephone 71 1 UR P. J, R. FORSTER_ EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New Tett Ophthalmic e nd Aural Hospital,assistant at Moafaeed'. Eye Hospital and Schnee Throat Hoe- pitaL Loaders. En`. of Waterloo St. S.. 3trautrd. Telephone an. 1 At Hotel Bedford. Oodrr.cal.00' Wednesday. February 1.411 at 770 p.m.. to Thursday. rabrs- ary 11411.119.0). /OLDEN GATE It. B. P., No. 1034. Meets first Thursday of.eseb month. la Foresters' Hall. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. J. MCNEVIN, R. 11. MEW, Registrar. W.P. LEGAL M G. CAMRRON, IL 0., BARRIS- TF.R, Solicitor, notary peblls. Office Hamilton street, Ooderlek, third door from Square. Trust funds is loan at lowest rates. proUDiMOT, KILLORAN & AOLMER, BARRISTZRS, ROLiCITOlta, NO- TARiAIS PT'HLi(', IPO. Once on the Rquare, reread door from Hamilton Street, Onderleli Private funds to loan at yN1 rates. W. Prondfoot, R. O. J. f. ralisli Dudley >ia.�Hsi isikuni CHARLES OARROW, LL B., BAH- kfRTi':R, attorney, solicitor, etc., Ooderfek. Money loaned at lowest rates. ' IMAGER, BARRISTER, ROL fir• iCiTOR, notary pthlle and eon- veyafleet. Office-Conrt Hone, Oods• rich. OP -12m INSURANCE, LOAN&. STO. McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE iNSTJR. era ANCR CO. -Euro and MolatI town property mewed. OlT>eers-,las. Connolly, Pert, Gods - rich P. 0.; Jas. Erase. Vlee-Pres.. Beechwood P. O.; Thoma. B. Hays, lec._Tra`r _.atocch_P_ L.-_ -- - -- - Directors -D. F. McOrapr, R. 8. No. a, Seaforth; Jobs 0. Orley*, No. 40 Walton; Williams 'thin. R. R. No. 2. Soeforth; John Itennewles, Brod- batten ; Oso McCartney, It R. No. 3, Se. forth; Rober• Perris, Hsrloet; Malcolm Melton -1i. tlintos; Jamas Evans, Res(•hwoon Jame. Connolly, Ooderkeh. Agents : J w. Yen. Ondert('b ; Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. I, Clinton; WHil.n CMgary. 'eafertb: a NIseb- ley, Reaforth. Polk:it-holders ran pay all payments and got their earda ni- cotined at R. J Mnrrl.h'. ClntbIwg ator•e, Clinton: R 11 f'ntt•* O� , 'Hamman term. noderleh or .. g Re'd's General Store. A.ySptd