HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-2-16, Page 3Who Pays For Advertising? Why nobody pays for it. pays for it- self. Advertising cuts down selling costs, breaks down sales resistance. It pays for itself. THE SIGNAL PAINTING CO., LIMITED. Publitthers. Buy Space In The Signal the moat ecomIca/ selling appr.oria- non you can make. Your message ton ba-matd by over 3500 people. (10I)EltIt'11, ttNTAKIR t.1 1, 1.1:111tUAIty 111, 1922 SEVENTY-FIFTH YEAR NO. 7. Dr. Emmerson Banquetted--Survey of Advantages of Hydro On Farm --Town League Hockey Schedule Revised PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE The successful farmer to -day Is a business man. And as such, he must be familiar with prevail- ing financial conditions. Through our policy of personally interesting our- selves in each customer, we offer you friendly advice and counsel in all matters of a fipancial or investment nature. You will find our Manager glad to discuss mI4l. tars ilthiou at any dam - THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA ..1711111IMMIMIlatalliwer- Unlimited Quantity of 1 GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at s3 per angle core. delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING' CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesea St,) Phase_ 111._1 Can/104 De Without ;be Signal - "I should not like to be without The Signal," writem )(rm. W. Ik•njamin. of Unity, Sask., when renewing her subscription for another year. "I ani very much interested in it and find k a great friend to me." !titaddl.. Mr. Counolly at Woodaterk Mr. James Couttolly was In 1Vocal- atm* last week attending the annual meeting of the Western Farmers' Wind Insurance l'ompany. Thin is the idriGt.ht et/rupany of its kind in Canada. and this year the business of the eom- pany has lot -reused over $3,000,000. It was the best year the company ever had. IMies Aeneas Sliddletoon leaves shortly for New York alien. she will enter hospital too norm. in training. Slim (Beton recently resigmal her position in Ottawa and is mot in tioderich for a few week, for a %ant to her motlwr and [sisters. Men's Sunday Club Honor Its President Dr. A. T. Emmerson, Organiser of Club Fourteen Years Ago, Guest of Honor At Banquet On Thursday Evening of Last Week. Last Thursday evening was • time of congenial fellowship for about forty-five tnewbers of the Men's Sun- day Club of North street Methodist church when they met in the base- ment of the church for the purpose of doing honor to Dr. A. T. Emmerson who hag avoided the president's chair mince the organisation of the Club fourteen years ago. Atter partaking of a bounteous re- past which had been prepared by some of the Ladles of the enure'', Mr. W. C. Prldham who was acting as toast- maNer for the evening, ealled upon Mr. Weston fur a piano solo. _Mr. Westou rendered "Annie Laurie" In a very sweet, entertaiuing and classical manner and was given a heartily de- served eiwore. Community Angina was then indulged In, allyresent "dot- ing their t °ices in the singing of two tawnier hymns. qdr.sPridhain In his role of tewat- master then proposed a toast to the King which was responded to by the singing of the National Anthem. The next toast proposed was to "Our Country and Euiplre," Mr. E. Prit- chard reaponding to it in a eery inter - eating manner. Mr. Pritchard followed the course of freedom throughout the 'gem from the time of King Ahasuerus to the present day. Ile enapnovolzed the great strides In its development at different stages and theu showed that today tlw Itritiah Kulpire 1111MatitiSe4 the gnsotest demoeracy which has ets•r existed in the world. a fact "of wlokla we 2.41'an44dians and 11111ishera should be very proud. "To our President" was the tomal Ile( proposed, Mr. Pridloom giving in a torief summary the twelfths and characteristk-s which made Dr. Ern - 'thermos ; k.adier in the work of the -'one or the main ofizattties p05- .0•-••••••••164".... The money you SPEND so thoughtlessly every week would siasi y keep up your deposits in our'Ckristmas Club. Join now mad have some READY MONEY next December. Bring in your first deposit now and join. We do the rest. The following tables explain thedifferent Clubs. INCREASING CLUB PLAN Put In le. 2c, 5o or 10o the first week. INCREASE your deposit lc, 2c, k or 10c each week. In 50 weeks: lc Club pays 1112.75 Sc Club pays 63.75 2o Club pays 1125.50 10o Club pays 11127.50 DECREASING CLUB PLAN Start with the largest sum and Decrease your deposits each week. This le a very popular plan. EVEN AMOUNT CLUB PLAN Put In the SAME AMOUNT each week. In 50 weeks: 25c Club pays $12.50 $5.00 Club pays $250.00 Clab pays $25.03 $10.00 Club pays $500.00 $1.-00 Club pays 1160.0o 120.00 Club pays $1,000.00 $2.00 Club pays '100.03 $50.00 Club pays $2,500.00 When you deposit your mone• you KEEP it; when you spend h -it is GONE. You know that is true. Be determined. Join our Christmas Club and REGULARLY deposit some tinsemits _ Join today. Bring in all the FAMILY. We will welcome you. We pa) 3 per rent. Inter.( on Club deposits, BANK OF HAMILTON ()wt. Dollar a By regularly deducting one dollar a week from your earnings and depositing it regularly in a Sav- ings Bank Account, you will soon accumulate a substantial balance without missing the money deposited. In five years, with interest at 3', com- pounded semi-annually, you will have $280.26. In ten years your balance will be $605.54. MI UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe., Manager vt. 2 1: so. 4. 1• . ' 4 • • ... 1, 4` 44 hy one Ivt-w-0idt tit" ntiff Mr. Pridham "which qualities him for his work is that he Is a Christian." His .seriousness about his Job and his man- ner In leading the club meetings in- fluences the inembo•rs greatly and they are eneouraged ou-operate. [hue making the club a live organization %hien hoods the way in all unortak- hags of the church. 1)r. Emmerson In his reply dealt mainly with the influence of one in- dividual upon another. There Is Dot single life, he said, which is not an anchor of good or bad and the !ornate nog up against of our life and other hoes Is bound to leave its impression upon those concerned. Continuing, Dr. Emmerson Kaki "there is no character olden 1s not a quarry out of which atones aro taken to build temple.' In ether lives, and If we will keep this thought In mind vve can make our- seivel. our club, our church, a power - 110 tailtieneo for good in the eetn- notinIty and state. To emulate Jesus ehrbn In all his doings should be the thing to whk.h we should strive to at- tain if we would be influential in the bringing about of the kingdom of God." At this point in the program two, of the club members, Mr. J. R. Witeeter anol Mr. Chas. Robertson, favored the gathering with a pleasing duet. the selection being roundly applandeot Mr. H. It. Long was then called up- on to reapond to the toast to "the Club" and in his reply Mr. 1 mune very interesting Identities re- garding the varying conditions' of the club sinee its incloolon. Since its or- ganization there have been 61N4 live topics diacussed by the membo•rs. these toplem toeing introduced toy 142 men. many of Orin now in far-off plaees, no doubt conowlous of the benefit they re- osoivosil from dita.usstiog the questions of life with other num. Only four of the members of today were nietnberto of the dub ort its beginning. the rest of the charter Members twine scattered far And wide over the North Atnerlown isontinent. In (Ms way Mr. Long strivoal to show In how. great so noanner the teachings of the club would be an untold bo•nelit to the world. AMT. ito inemlwrs, living.up to its kleal. had partosi and establish's] tho•noseiVes 111 1 :111 parts of the continent. The toast whk'h Mr. Priolhano nest 1.1“90sed was to "the Choreic" v.:104h s`•,' renPonded to by1. M r 1Vm. Ilit 111e. In his opening„,ro•marks the 41•01ker 16.111 in the main with the need for andloyalty withio each unit of olio. church so that the latter or- ganization might be of inspirational Siond•I> i'llth was now looked upon as It ants.rtant unit In the clion-I•lo rind in tile els( hot lorron hooked to for !lid %Olen any 111,• it undertaking was to be launch's]. Mr litaille cited the For - 1 Movement and the reoliodloon of the elooreh dela as two PICIIMpiti• 01 tile fact jun 51:0441, In eoneinition the .1w -.ter ealphasized the Seed • for co- operation with ro•gard to the work of the Chili and ("did upon the members ich.. theiroinirvIng &region, thr ooh ,ied effort.. ti thdr spletteal Oil in the great work that the Ph* aas doing as an loilluenee for good. After floe gathi•riost had jobIl In the -dogleg of a hymn. Mr. A T Cooper of Clinton, liev. J. E. Ford and ve Itev. H. D. Moyer molt spoke interest- ingly for a few minutes dealing NS It 11 the 1:10(..da of the present day world, •nd exprewring the how that eolith- tiona would improve in the near future with regard to the work of !lie churclui CHURCH NOTES. Serihem in /COAX elaurelo next Sun- day will be as usual. At 11 am.. Rev. IL- Melte-mid will disetoss the first Itt tlw aeries on ',Paul. the wan and lobo work." "Paul. the man." In the o•veuing Rev. W. J. Scott. M. A.. 'it. T. M.. now under call to '11'j:orbit', will preach Sabbath school awl Ilible ,•tasses will meet at 3 o'clock. Services in North street Methodist church next Sunday will be eonducted by Rev. H. 1). Moyer. the pastor. Pub- lic werothip Itt 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Wm, J. W. tk.ott, M. A.. will preach la tbe morning. The pastor's evening theme will le- the WPC01)(1 in the series on the Lord', l'rayer. "IlemVen." Mr. Scott will take �p him new most/rate with the Presbyterian church at Wharton' n week from Suntlity. IIbs many friends in North street will be pleased to hear him ht•ture b. leaves. The elatt•ili, 34till'M lith anol Rand will meet at 10 a.m. The Club topic, "What I.essons lain we learn front. Religious' Indiffen.nee ?" will he introduced by Mr. A. M. itols•rtsoor. The Epwrirth lamoote meeting ono Tues- day night will be specially interesting and profitable. The topic for snooty III he "Clailstone'a Greatness," and wfthlip taken by Mr. William Raffle. Mr. Itohert Hetherington will trottluet the meeting. HYDRO ON THE FARM ' A Survey of The Advantages Whleb The Fanner Gains Through Its (tis The letter by Mr. Geo. istithweite on "Hydro on the Feral" which ttp-1 pidIrlitt In ti recent issue of The Signal! aets forth very clearly the opportunity that hi given to all rural osonmunitlea, of Ontario to obtain electrieal powers under very favorable eontlitIons. It is -only a ft -w years since electric- ity was a luxury within the reach of a Knoell proportion of the public but sitter its cost has been redueed some- what It has become a V001131011 com- modity of the people. Cpon the part of the general public there to a greatly demand for eleetrieal energy. It wonoldhe impoasible-to make any. thing like a complete of thelarge number of electrical appliances which are in everyday aerviee. Suffice it to say that electricity in its manifold ap- plications tightens the ',Omni of all glasses orthe community. more eapec- laily tho• farm home. In ma Held has electricity been more appreciated than in lightening the bur- dens in the rural home. The electric iron woos, the forerunner In this and is 41111P of the most popular and useful of the o•leetrieal device*. Fol- lowing Gobi came many other appli- ances such as the toaster, the grill. pereolator and stove. The electrically tt rt v en vm 4htist machine, vacuum cleaner and Nerving machine all eom- bine -to fume the hard-working farmer's wife. many hours of heart breaking toll. fine of tine principal arguments in the rase of eleetric•Ity versus kerosene is the absolute safety of the former. Every motlitirtnowa the dread of hav- ing children 411 ry lighted lamps about the home. .1 poiif of wind or a .slight stumble may mean a tragedy as well as material loos. The destruction of barns due -to overturned lanterns would 1,sty for install og electrieity many farms. (Hi the ot .r 11:11111 hardly five per es-nt. of fires recd to tire insura ere romp:tides are tie to Ph`e• trio al dolt -ss and of thiete ,to-Cdlleit electrielii eatososo A very large propor- tion Is due to Ilte-eatetettm use etee- tricot' sippllantvs or incorreet wiring' doiti by ittmluilitits1 eleetricians. Attend. the. tregressivt- endue -and "Piro -Power for the farm leo,' 4niataunroitte 41w1enturlial*r pteril,-11"1"4"41-.4 Matotanie deep eonside•ration in all the Temple on Friday etening'ebritary 24., 7.1thi mmiltmav.. itIesr'y amolhoJancenttimeto . Hotierie Admission 15 twins. . "I would like to take the opportunity el stating that we cordia!!y welcome small a`ccounts at al! ouroffices." -,Cs• Frsykriri Writimin T46, Cr•ota/ Atswerpr, ISK annual serene of the Beall e "lawyers!. BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED MORE THAN 100 YEARS E. V. LESSLIE, Manager. Goderich, Branch WAWANOSH PIONEER DIMS Tisdale Paws Awa) At Horne Of His Itaughter,In The Weir/ One of the iii..neera at psoased away on Friday. January 2 at Aylesboory. Snook when George Tbsda be ti Dowered the timid summon4. ikat•toiust came from Ireland with his parents when only a boy and after, living It short time near Toronto they settled 1., West Wawanosh. Sir. Tis- dale remained on the maw farm for aixty pair* I.ast June he and hit elle went to the home of their daugh- ter. Mrs. Albert Stein, of Aylesbury,' sask., and mince that time his health had been gradually failing. Mr. Tis- dale wits a onemlator of the Methodist church and In polkies n staunch 11b- o•ral. Resides lobs sorrowing widow, ho• beret+ seven sous and three daughters: John Thomas. of North Dakota; Fred- erick, of Waahluaten; Mestere. -David, Albert and AraW af-rovermi • itarar.;--Dr. Maltyof Or. Fevti, N. 0.. Mrs. Albert Stein, orasrs••••xx.. Soak.; Mrs. Josephine Robertson, Of Portland. °Term. and Mrs. H. Woods, of West,Wa wanosh: ••••••••••••• They Are Still Here For You -Bargains In Watches, Clocks, Rings. --- - Jewelry, Umbrellas. Silverware and Rich Cut Glass We are offering -these goods -Well be - inert be future -prima -for -this year. E. C. ROBERTSON Watchmaker and Jeweller EWA 141 and Square---eiderle- oesese •• woo • if SCHEDULE REVISED Studien; Withdraw From Town League Malting A Few Changes Necessary The seinsloole or the town lax•key !rogue was`reviooed at a fleeting of the executive on Saturday evening when the Rankers announced their intention of withdrawing from the emiteet. The ga tile's for the Indents* of he will be 'played as folleWa Feb. 17-Ptirity Flour is Juniors. M. C. C. vs. C. P. R. Feb. 29-Itrewiliaeil Vs. Purity Floor. Juniors re. C. P. R. Feb- 14-4`anne Club vs. Purity now _ Junior,* vs. 1)rewrnaen------- mo A good character 1,1 like a well -cut hovel : it shines which ever way it la approaehed. Nis lie raw C- An .unusual event on February 27th... When you go lop the hill of pros- perity, mny you never meet a friend coming liftWn. 14 BUS AND BAGGAGE SERVICE Bus meets alt trains. Calls made for passengers and baggage to any part of the town, Prompt service guaranteed. Telephone 51 Day or Night -o- . STOWE Residetocc. Cambria Road. opposite the organ Factory: Office 411111111111111111111111110ft, Willoughby's Farm Agency offers for s4le a farm of 100 acres, well situated on boundary of Col:, horne township. A good red brick house of eight rooms and hath, Com - well and windmili, bank himt ti8g84 and -10x2'l with good stabling and %%liter in stables, silo 107c25, hen- house 10s20. bog pen 10)00. Th a is good clay loam soil and well - drained and fenced, 34 acres plough- ed. 41 acres of wood, It miles from station and three•gnarteis of a mile from schoag; A good buy. For particulars apply to C. C. McNEIL brute Street Ooderich, (Mt. 11111111111111.111111...r MISS HAZEL TONE*. Candidate for Queen of as Whist. Z Wlatee Carafes! of the CAM. Silla Peelle Railway ..pi. sad eelettal fee the position by • StZILy$_ _ Itt OUSES-HOUSES 11 kinds for *ideal very reason - Proves Houses to rent. P. J. RYAN Neal ate mod tssnemies tow,w4704040"011,on. mosowsoi,WWWowswipsos CRAIGI E'S INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Don't wait for the Spring rush CON:=11 see our listings t An Industry as Old as Adam ST,•••••" JR- - • Vital to Life Itself Natural to Canada Vastly Profitable 1, Those Who Invest in It Such Is the Flour Milling Industry It is ironicat. yet true, that atom Canadian , (tato is wI104 In the United States and Great Britain, Those enterprising milling CO1111)01110,1, like oglIvie. I.ake '15! the Wood.. Wapiti Leaf. and 'Western Canada. Moos Just naturally reap- ed the rev/tar.l of their courage snit freight in developing floor milling. as then dividend figures prove. xX• are littering for lissivitno•nt the Pret•troil *nue. •1' a woll-ewndortod rwilltng r.../Nk PIMi p01 PM, with • so,,; Hones sr onnuen Ntork..4 portion of thl• loom. h•ving brier!! sold. 1011 will awn isds (sad to snake earls apaiirattes ter • peer- arreta. aria SaJL ••••••••••••,- - BANKERS LIMIT COMPANY 0 kin( ittrwps W.011 or communicate with TOPtii • Tri E. H. HILL 8 CO. INVESTMENT BROKERS Masonic Temple Bldg. Goderich, Ont