HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-2-9, Page 101fienTWUMIlla. trebtftery 0, I9Z2
- GODES1011, ONT.
Knox Churcit'Congregation
*Closes Very Successful Year
ts Presented At Annual Meeting Last Week
Show A Healthy Activity In All Depart-
ments Of The Church's Life.
The reports preeeuted liy %Ise vsr
Mem organisations of Knox sesurch fo
the year 11121 at Abe' manual meeting
bit WedflelidaY Mat week. Isly`'
iirov eel most tee -mime praitiest 11 v
all branehee of Olte worh Making a
vers ereditable (shoeing.
The aerates reported teat ening' to
the condition's genersiki prevailing no
in -Tease tu Imager offerings had been
made thong,: Ito geuerel fund. iota
been fully siottiessi. The. SiloPtioll of
the duplex enteleine for rougregatioual
new luel prated very etweeo.ful. The
boil -i..-h.'u» 1 .ita tea' of the town
e,..iiited in the report of 3,.:7 Presby-
terian families. The yen r .tarted with
612 on the utemberehip roll. Forty -
.II. W00meted fiy profession of faith
and tweet' eis by cert ewe te while
tin -re were .e.moved tifteen by eertiti-
cute and tee IT ,dentli, hotting the
number of members at 654. During
the year there it ere shirty -tour tittle
, 4 lents and Ihirteen marriage,
eoile run ized
i'lle Ma t hod yeti r Was
only_welionoporning but int -reeled
- Ge. let la flee egrrie•I iit'er from the year
Tot -thine, is spite ef the consith-rithie
ittereeise.la. expense. Instead of. as in
. ether Years. Elting to allierrions the
- • $2010 tantriblited fly -tlw cherch proper
for running erpenws last year the
sehool receired u. itsitiatamo esti
reised telti.00 for MinsdOnn. The teatii-
-• tier etaff bad glean faithful and Oh-
efent servicee during the year. I/urine
the ouismer .- months when Sabbath
. scipool frail heti in the morning the et-
tendance kept es. eplendidly. Indeed.
. it difeliddie•• for the wiefle year w•.
r editsireitie as( (.v0000,4-41 ity the fact
cord of att iug at least fifty Sun:
that about f7=s eebolare meth. the re
duper• . -4
The Adult Bible claws reported a
totll,. number oft the roll of eixty-fire
, ivith an average attendant* of oventy-
se( The othcer. for 1922 are : l'rese
dent, Fred Weir ; teacher. J. 1'. flume;
orgaia.t. Mrs. It. It. teillowe; setae.
tary trea.urer, Mrs. W. Tiumnaion.
The Girl,luterum*liate Itihie Chins
have sixty-seven on the roll with an
average attendance of forty. By
suesne of the envelope spotted of giv-
ing $101.12 was mired during the year,
an increase of 177.32 over last year.
St. Andresite Club has bad a very
suceeesful year. line of their most 1111 -
portant undertaking s•att the Whitler
of a "Father and Son" Banquet in
The Mis.ionary Aseociation report-
ed that though no 'special effort was
wade to make an advent.* on last
year's offering the contributlem. were
equal to that of the preeeding year.
During the par the W. M. S. sent
It_to_the General Fundsbesidee cam
tributing to other branchee of the
work. Three Life Members:hip Certi-
ficates were presented. Mentfon was
'made of the v‘kt ot. Mr. Covson, tbe
r _
missionary ,to India:-
The Arthur circle, the young ladiee
miesionary society -of the nitignaution.
reported hic reamed activitt A Betel'
llotildtt cont•ert and a lia7.11ar were
held during the year tut menu. of relat-
ing fund,.
The lIatifillivray Mjsiti,tt Baud bell
meeting. every Wednesday of the year.
The situi of $1115 tie. sent to the Pew-
byterial -Treestirer Joel the church's
miselonary enterprise. itt-re helped in
other ways.
sThe Ss -talk* Club reported sixteen
meetings with an average attendance
of tett member.. In Iltecember the
cotuwenteet the St. John's Ambit -
ranee Course itt firm Aid.
Tlw number.hip of the Ladies' Aid
Seciety eeventy-two. Two teas
were served during 11* year and the
high tea And Nanar added to the
funds. The board of inamtgrment was
given 22.10 for the oreau fuze] and
2.100 for curnett expenses.
The choir reported a ,rnew_. stake
fatiory eonithion finanees, a larwe
amount hat ing leen raised by their
play. -The New Minister." Tbe work
of the eoloiet4 eepecially men-
The year jii.t chew(' learee the
Mani of Stammers in a better finan-
cial tondifien than they have been for
year., a Nihau* of $•.e..101 being on hand.
firmer Godetiris Lad) Passes AWay
At Her Hese At Shelibld
TM' that Reporter of Wedneralay of
las' • week,: referee_ the following to
tl* depth of Mr*. Ikmjamin Hammel,
a 2,frmer Goderieh lady and a eOURIO
Of billesers. F. J. anti W. (1. Priditani.
Goderieh :
eThe funeral of tin litte lairs. Ben-
jamin Hammel, of ehethetd, took plate
on Tuesday afternoon from !Kir late
rekidenee tin the Slime road to Mount-
-*Saw, (entetery, Rev. Mr. Snider con -
(ileitis* the eerviees. The late Mrs.
Hammitt was the eldest daughter of
' the late John leetutore. of Goderich.
tiles eta. a talented emelt-Ian. Ilefore
leer 4marritme playrat the organ in
!leek street Methodist church, Gode-
rich, and ahereerds wit% for ye:ire
emend,* is the chant at Sheffield.
Itesidea -her hatband and eons eh.- is
%Turley() hy one eister, Mrs. Sanmel
Glenn, of Detroit, and four brother. :
lidwerd and Harry of Chicago, Will,
of Chicago Heights. 111.. and eintrii...
of It. Louie. One brotheritleorge. of
Mt. Vernon, N. V., died about a year
age. In. Atige-t filet Mrs. lianimill,
together eith her hireband and other
members ef 11.-r family. attended the
Coming Week" at Goderich,
where she was joined by het skter and
two of her brothers with their fam-
ilies. she very much enjoyed the out-
ing turf appeared at diet tirue to he in
gotIlea it h."
leeserve the date. Februnry 27th.
Order your next lee cream at Mack-
stowee ' appreciate the qual-
ity a wrvicit.
a Siting meting of the General
4 'haver. I. O. D. E. eill he
Meld Monday, Febr-uary at
4.15 psn A full attendance I- re-
r---- AUBURN
Febniary Rth-Mits4 Mildred
Mogh. of T'avistock, is visiting her grand-
mother, Mn. W. Yungbiut.
Teo daughters of Mr. John Stalker, of
Manitoba, are %Lofting relatives here,
tasking over the scenes of their fattwr's
youthful days.
(hvisig to the Monti liutt Thunelay Knox
Helpers Comedy Co. did not present their
play: All on Account of Polly" at Ism-
- demboro. They expect to give it on Wed -
/motley of thin wet*.
Mrs. It. J. Row is in Toronto for a visit
of two week N.
Me. las D. Hewett is advertising his
auction aide for Feb. 15th.
Mr. Forret ('arter and Mr. Ohms.
Beadle each have their summer supply of
ice in for their i creme and butchery
BELFAST. Feb. a -Mr. John Stothert,.
Mr. Cecil Malliteand Mime Roselle Mil
110, of lock/tow, spent Turaiday at Ralph
Mr. and Met Herb. &others aod dangle
IM•,- Lenore, of Illengiusrion apart one
dey last week in the burg.
Who • number of the farmers from
mound here attended Mr. Maisie Reid's
wale on Taes•lay last. Ali report a good
Acknouledgnient of Contributions to
• BIG SUCCESS Field Sorrel:us of National
' - The -11110nrer ofAlInskota Hospital
_ J
Entertainment 1111 anuary 2$
Proves To Be Of A Very.
High Order
.C.titliolt". Jan - A very ••11(•1141•••
fisi Farmer,' clue meeting was; held
in the Township Hail on Thursday.
January 26. The main feature of the
program it,. at" .11.140.• -Itl•SOIred
that itiereassi tinancial refern. would
bessatit the farmer mon. than 0#1114./1 -
tion." The athrmative we. taken le-
TAW•Ott ind W. Young lied- the
negative by Mr. ',Forster and John Ker.
nigbtin. Argumeut. on both +Mee were
well presented, the negative pointing
out that agrieniture and Munition mu
hardly be eeparated tts'one ittiot have
a knowledge of the itolI anti other
mattere in order te; make es mute -rot of
farming. The aflirmatIve semi by five
poinhe The Judges were Ileesre. G.
tomb. 10101 Itobereion Niel Mr.. J.
Long. Betides the debate an exce-1.
lent program was preventeil eonsietine
a (solos by Miss Amelia IIc I i wain.
lidissa Lucy Feagan and Matter Herbert
Green, a fleet by MrslIclIantte anti
Mr. W. W. Waltee, a reeltntion by
1111L+4 V1 -4n Fieher. • violin solo by Mr.
McNay, and it guitar setection by Mrs.
Elle Itolwrtsen. Tbe next of the writes
of Meetings is to be heel at itenntiller
on t'ehruary 9.
Dr. MeMillan's % i•at
A good COrlitr00,11000 ,111i1.• ma lin
Huntley to hear Dr. McMillan lir.
Itehililen wan invited to the an-
niverenry eervinei here at a later Ilate
but as he could not do ea itteffered
to take the :services last Sunday. On
Monday evening he conducted R /111•01
in muske on the Book a Praise at the
home of Mr. C. A. Robertson. which
proved eery interesting.
Monthly Meeting of W. M. S.
F'eb. 6.-'1'he regular
tnonthly meeting of the W. 61. 14wee
held at the home of Mrs. W. Mellwain
on Wednesday, February lat. tlw pren-
Went, Mrs. noes In the chairl'wenty-
three ladies were preempt. Including
#14•VPII visiting ladle* from Nile Auxil-
iary and a very Interesting, instructite
and 'veint afternoon was "spent. Mrs,
hiellwain merved refneehmente in her
usual leospitalee manner.
----- ---
Keep February 27th open.
Mise lf. ti. Mai:Vicar itt Rtt011,1105 the
erring millinery openings in Tonotto this
The sigma is gfleflo report that MIS.
H. 0 Allan!, formerly Muss Gladys Bed-
ford, W110 till/1 been dangerously ill Io,_
enter time, is very much improveil„.._
-Mot. in7Carleas, of Tomiaoe n hreturn
ed to the queen City, after spending a
few dame with Mr*. s. sloe/down and
MN. T. Shields of town.
Inepector Houston le Itt Goderieh to-
day in him official capacity of Inspee-1
tor of Collegietee and High Schools of
far Consioniitive4 Illenfres gratefully to
acknowledge the 'following Contribu-
tions neeived in Goderich by the field
iteeretary of the National Sanitarium
Aseocietion :
4issi6rich Elevator &
Traniiit t'o.. $5; Gotierieh Knitting Co_
22: J. I'. Ilittne. e2; Mk. G. A. Hedge.
$2: lilies J. I- Penfold, 22; It. 'Millar
1, & Son, $2; E. C. Robertson, $2; '1'. F.
Holland, $2; ('has. ('. Lee. 52: I. B.
Mustard. *2: 71* Sault. C,oal Co., $2;
Brophy Bro.., 22: Signal Printing Co..
te: W. B. Murray. 21: F. L. Van Alien,
• $1; J. Muneou, 21: J. If. Meridian, 21;
- MM.' M. Trenaman, 21; Milo M. L.
Brill. $1; Itolierbain Brio., $1: D. M.
O'Brien. $1; E. J. Pridham. $1; II. C.
Dunlop. 111; it. J. Howard, $1: Rev.
H. D. Moyer, 11; HAW. S. N. Hardy, 21:
Mho A. (tarrick. $1: C. J. Harper, $1;
C. Blackstone. Ill ; T. Warriner, 21:
A Friend, 50e; F. Woolcombe. 82; M.
Itobins. 22; 'tr. J. B. Whitely. $2:
Rev. J. I. Iteyereft. El : total. 253.50.
Another Ashaeld Community Seeks
Spate On Signal's Diatriet Page
PAItAllorNT. Feb 7. -Mrs. Herb.
Ensign. of Lolled -di, vleited with her
mother in Liteknow (hiring (he week
Mee. Wm. iVeloter. (of l'ochnene, itt
vieiting her mother, Mrs. T. Webster,
at Zion.
Wm. 110••1 itt II* truest of his
brother's this ei-eir at Lochaish.
The Mieses Made •Mcfettn and
Salem' Grant of the Locknow High
School, .pent the weekend with their
parents'. Mr, and Mre. R. Greek of
Frank Ketchabau itt visiting eith his
potent,' at Para Mount.
Mre. Roy Bailey, who was visiting
her sister, Bra. J. (1. Pickering. of
Paratnonnt, has returned to het' home
in Detroit.
Wm. Stanley, of near Isteknow, Is
suffering from a severe eold which
will confine him to the house for some
Verna Hamilton. of Paramount, watt
the germ of her couein, KIRIN Jennie
of the 3nd concession of Huron.
Mr. John Jamieson. of Laurier, en-
tertained a number of filen& one
night this week.
The new grist mill jute erected by
Wilfred Bradley. of Laurier, makea a
fine tippearanee in the little village of
Mts. eeirah McLean, of Lothian.
spent n few 'hays with friend* in Luck -
now last week.
Now ie the time to buy that hot water
butt its (bin; are guaranteed and they will
adord you a lot of comfort in thin cold
tiitltrier Cempbell'a Drug Store.
Wen- NIFfiaist Coorinef-fircte-r liar-
ildissZakie itherwo(id spent the week . tha Metier, of lAnwood, were viettkag
sad with herornandparenta. Mr. $oul Mr.. , at thp home of Mrs. Cook's brother,
named Rharusexi.
is rioderiehsshls amok.
II,Mr. Nava -iserwood im visiting friends 1 Comity Reeve I. J. Moller.
Mr. thseelre falthwalte goes to Thr.
I Mr. Palmer Irwin an:102ence spent • ' nue io-dat to attend ennventions of
_ The 'fervid -es at Victona etreet ennrrii
next slot lay will be in charge of the pas-
tor, Rev J. F. Reyeraft. The morning
whine will be "Marching Orders" and in
the eveningthe fifth in the wren on the
Ten Commandment*: "Remember the
Sabbath 'ay to keep it ifoly". Sunday
110h001 •1 3 o'clock.
flood ef Haase la Delesil
• _
.11feirrep;.. of 'rich
aig last week In Iffass • attack breeders •ed fruit growers'. He
sownith,p. who la vssitint relatives' in De-
troit, %hell . waa the anent of honor at a
artiry riven on Saturday evening, Jammer?
be Mrs. Arthar ROW and Wm. K.
Rieke, in Detroit. Lunch wait served to
twenty - nix goastn.
r. WiII. Alton mid Mbe 011m visited -ray remain for the opening of PerNew Drees Gingiliems
with Mr. and Met Mae. Alecto, a !Amy, meet on Tuesday of next weak. Char.es .4 adrerdeement OW W. AC11-
on Randier
.11111. J. p. Brown retnriumi last week IttSDnan son was recci,e1 tno layp for
Will mere, hot supper 4n Ha..ett's , le sop Acheson in Toronl.. WY. mad Ina (1., rri vat of • gplenef id seleetinn
Ladies aid of (bit..treuit 'tom a visit Of taro mom lin With Mrip. Ingefti thl# week. They an. Immune -
church on Valentine's night, IPtbrnarf re. W. F. Yungbiodof ti.- 1*, padt, now 4- gingham' and a list of intereat-
14th. A good sapper will be serer (rani ..ines4 Mrs. Brown here i.t.t-. mak anti I lag ',H. ring, In other linen.
d to ff oirifort efkie whkit a gettf poem" • will trleit fn Goderich far it abort time ,
PMbit randensd. • in unnoisi. 11 111 II tie- doer to save February ran.
Bois .tted On liessailler t 'mutt
.lre Participating Is l'nique
Fatucational (•ompetition
BENNIII.I.Elt, Feb. 8. -Two very in-
teresting compile are being lick' in con-
nection with Sentlay schools of Be liter
circuit in the shape of 'way writing on
"The Prophet Elijah" and ."04arettes."
In tlw flintier contest all StiteLy school
scholars .ixtetei years and tinder may
takc part. In the latter all boyn under
tweedy -one years of age •re eligible.
Public win kite e ill he held rwx t Still -
day at ikehel at II a.m., at Ziou Ninth et
2.3ii p.m., anti At He •tier at 7 p.m.
The pastor, Rev. II. FKennedy, will
preach the last 1 it write ef sermons 0/1
the life of Heals the sublets being,
"Elijah mei the Chariot of Fins'.
Chicken pox in noting among the chilti-
ren of the fith lirw, Colborne.
A tem social till' be held at North
Zion church, on the evening of Febniery
15th. in aid of the Sabbath School.
A good programme is being prepared for
the occasion. Come along ladies eith
• sample box of your good cooking.
Conte along Boys and wimple that cook -
tic ladies Aid of Beniniller in meeting
Otis week with Mrs. Clarence 1Valtens
An Enjoyable Evening
Ovidfelloss 'is Hall was filled to capacity
011 IVraineolay evening of last week when
the Holy Name Society of St. Peter's
churcb iteki lie annual euchre and dance.
Tlwre were fifty-oeven tabite at enchre.
The ladies' prise, a centerpiece was won
by lInt. J. C. McIntealt. Weat street,
while Mr. Jam. Buchanan captured the
gentlemen'. prize. an ash tray.
After the euchre • large crowd este pree-
ent for the dancing. The music, by the
lioderich Society orchestra was of the high-
est order while a plentiful and delicious
lunch was very much enjoyed. Ali who
attended voted the affair one of the mon
suoceseful of the season.
Mr. R. J. Megaw Ham Been Enga
In Advisory Capacity Li) (-outland
flour 51111s, Ltd., of Midland
It will be- interesting to Code-.
rkt citisetts to teem that a forme
well•Inown resident, Mr. it. J. Memo
lilts been engaged by the Cope!"
Floor Mills, Limited, to install th
now eheet in their new mill at Mit
burlr. Megaw is at present in Ilidiste
superintending the starting of tit
new plant --reckoned to I* the mo,
modem of its kind in Canada -and
we underetand is engaged in an ad
visory ...opacity for the Copeland Com
In count -ellen with the issue of pre-
ferenee shares of the Copeland Floe
Mills, Limited, of which a large blot:
has been underwritten by the total
Ann of E. H. Hill & Company. the
following letter writteu to the original
underwriters by litr. Megaw will be
of interest :
Gentlemen :-You have *eked we
for an opinion regarding the properties
and prospects et the Copeland Flour
Mills, Ltd., at Midland, Ont., and per-
haps my association with the firm, in
an advisory capacity, enables me to
erpnsw my ideas more tally than 1
otherwiee eouki.
in the tiro plaee, let me point out
that flour milling i. perhaps, tbe most
essentially Canediau industry we have
at the preecot time, and Is unqueetion-
ably capable of tremendous expauaion,
both export and domestic, and the
ability to aecure, and more particularly
to rielect, rim material suitable for
the particular market -4 being catered
to, and also to mauirfacture at lowset
posallsle cost consistent with quality;
and finally to bell Ile manufactured
Writhe/ in any or ali markets of the
world. are the essentials of success in
any ilue of business.
"The Copeland Flour Mills, Ltd., can
claim all three advientagett since their
ideal location affords them access to
all grafire and riawes of grain, from
he higheet to the kevest, which will
ie wdeeted by experte eonneeted with
highly organized .nd up-to-date
hiboratory equipment on the premisee.
"The buildings are of brick and con
rete, of listed modern design milted
o mid -Canada olimatic conditions,
nd fitted with tip -to -date Are protec-
ion systeme conforming to the most
gid demandm of the ,t natilan Board
f Fire 1:nderwritera, than affording
protection at minimum emit.
"Power used will be electric and pur-
hatted at erceptIonally favorable rates,
um materially aseleting In reducing
anutacturing cost to the lowed pore
tile point.
"The operstirer plant is demigned to
nd itself to tbe production of highest
milky, to a maximum degree, at
inimum emit for amply, upkeep and
replaeement, 11* marbinery being of
test modern &Morn, and arranged in
aecoribtece wtth beet practice de-
leted by men of years of experience
inaceeterful f'anadlen milling.
"And Nutty, their nhipping
excellent, enabling shipment by
il or water to reach practkally any
faired market at minimum cost.
"The initial daily capacity will be
299prestehhimnt iwbrit 114141117nfrofig24amhmiplerfliora
rther exterssion, inereafilng to 2.000
Is. per day capacity RR b10/11-10•01 11P•
"The feed plant In connection is up -
tete in every partieular. and will
it splendid arowt to the flour mill in
(wincing in large capacity practicallY
eeds for the completiron-4"11.-.4-6114 mixed main'
lo Aloe a "insight ear lots, an
eseroattM feature poweiteed by very
even of the beet mina, <oder.
o"Thrut eiaa wiesi hriorg,h1:"„tzat Entio,nn Inwitlbel behrudof
elm men of wide experience. Who
rp recorde of 'moose behind them
And wit% all theme advantages,
pled together. a otaff working In
melon. hrrnsony with only one oh -
t hisforp theta, namely. the grog teat
("7restitshemoi tithshouVidooelbeendno rglouvestr
Yours truly,
It. .1. MEGAw.
nd I
The early bird gets the worm" Priti-
ham the Tailor's vrang and summer
samples are all in and they are eonething
I worth while looking at even if you don't
buy just now. They have got the_speed
ie limit beat. Around the corner, North
t street,
Fanners At SI Amrustine Report Qual-
ity la Good This leer
ST. AUGUSTINE, Feh. 7. Harvesting
-We is the order of the day With A number
of farmers in this vicinity. It is of it good
totality this year.
St. A
inc and vicinity Was well ni-
I.rwpenIed at the annual meeting of the
Fire Noumea Co. Iwki at Dungannon
last Friday.
Mae O'Connor spent the eeek-end aittt
her friend Mime Ethel Cuinttij
.1n Excel/eat Time Promised For Fri-
day Night of Th18 Week
KINGSBRIDGE, Feb.7. A dance in to
be held in the hall on Friday night. An es-
oelleut time is premised and the music
will be all it can be wished to be, tut a set
of "traps" has been &skim' to the ortiteates-
Everybody itt welcome.
•-• The autuy Ashtieki friends of Mr. anti
:Mrs. Jae. Dalton, of Goderich, proffer
aincere .sytupathy on the death of their
eon, Cyril.
Mr. Jump!' O'Reilly is visiting in Tor-
Word has been received in Goderich of
the safe arrival in the -Old Land of Mr.
and Mrts R. J. Miller, of New York.
Mrs. Miller is it grand -daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. 0-.1fIcMureity, Picton street.
Get your Star liennett Records at
Campbell's Drug Stole. Price 66 ceMs
each, all the latest hits. Ask for catalogue.
School Report ror January
The following is the report of S. S.
No. I, Ashfleki, for the mouth of Janu-
•ry. Names are In order of merit :
IV. -Howard Quaid, Carman Hay-
den. Jr. IV. - Wiiile Richardson,
Graaf` Green. leaden Hay. George
Ashton, Edna Murray. ler. 111. --Clara
Willie, Vernon Willis, iMelvin Dickson.
Jr. TH.-Vesta Murray, Bert Craw-
ford, Annie Green. 11. -Hugh Bennet,
Margaret Ashton, Florence McKenzie,
Joonard Crawford, Clarence Hay,
Ruby Diekson. 1.-Jewle Hay, Etta
Quaid. John Green, Violet Ashton,
Edna Crawford. Priroer - Erne*
("rawford, Benson Murray, Clifford
flay. Jim Ashton. ELINOR CROOK -
SHANKS, teacher.
COOTTS.-At IfcCntw Station. to lir and Mrs
Rumen coma. soon -Jack 8trathdee.
r WILSON. -In Goderieh. on Saturday February
Ith, to Mr and Mrs Prod Wilson. &daughter.
t h
THOM.-In Boston. cm Tuesday. January 17Ut,
Mary Tho,t. formerly of SC Betook wed
DALTON. --In Goderich. os noadar. Ifithrnary C
Maurice Cyril. elder son of Mr and Mrs. Jas.
Dalton. in Ms MO year.
NEWIN-In Toronto, on Friday. Insbruary B.
Thomas Nowen. of Godierieh in hls tOb yam
DRENNAN. who died on February ub, ins
The moon and stars are shining.
On a lone and silent grave.
Where sleeping without dreaming.
Lies one we could not save
Letter Received hotel Presider 1/rury
.igests That Government May
1 -ole Assistant's'
The Board of Governors of Alex.
audio Hospital has receit el a very en-
ter Drury
(awaiting letter trout Pr'
itt which Mate* that he eousiders
the Cane of the deputatiou, ehieh weid
to Toronto to seek Governmeni aid in
the erection of a new hominid Kt GOtle-
rich. wag very well preeented. The
Preuiler Mated that he intender( ,to
take the matter un with Proviuclul
Seeretary Nixon nod though uo defin-
ite action can be taken until the heitt-
!attire Meetn, favorable results are ex-
AutomoWe Owners
Get Your 1922 Permits
and Markers Now
at lieo. MacVicar'e Shoe Store,
North Side of Square, Goderirli
P1). Box 414
('ountry Wousen's ('Iub Meeting
The regular meeting of the Country
Wouien's Club will be held at the hour
of Mts. Jam. Johnston. If Won road,
on 'rlittrinitty, FehrtIltry 161h, at
o'elock p.m.
The beat home treatment for Rion -
'natant. Sciatica or Neuralgia is T.IL.C•s,
aad for Astimmand Bronchitis is RAZ -
MAN. (ivaranteed. Sold by H. ('.
Wednesday, February 15th. -Clearing
auction sale of tarns stock. imPletnentif
hay, grain and straw, property of Mr.
Jame, Howeitt, Lot 41, Con. 14, Hullett,
one mile east of Auburn, T. Gundry.
Saturday, Fele 11. -Auction sale of
farm stock and implements, the pro rty
04 Mr. (tamers Haines, lot 5. co on
Ashfield, half a mile west of Dungannon,
commencing at 1 o'clock aharp. Thos.
Gundry, auctioneer.
at and Wally nigh to thank their many
friend. for their kindness &nd sympathy during
their repent boreassment In We km a • much
loved son and broth/a.
W. aciterioN S sue.
have best of references No CS
1.11 FLAVORINGS wants local
Splendid opporkinity for lady or man
THE ANN L'Al. MEETING 04 11 Board
e of ?rads will be held la their rooter in Use
Masonic Temale building on Monday evening.
',binary, 1. at 8 0. en.. fur the election of officers
and other matters that may e0I1W1 before the
board nimsed
Town of Goderich
times for tbs widen ef
Assessor a the Teen'
of (loskriek fee the year 1522
will be received by Mee under▪ gned up to e'elaea. ,it., en
Thursday, February lith, 11122.
Fer further information appb
Ch. of Special Committee,
Goderieb. One.
A Winter Sports Expert
INbiPIIAR. late of the To!ItiotEllitutleT
in the Omni, of Hurou.Gentletnim. deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given intilasint to it. 14. 0.
cap. t21. liar. 511. that MI venom haring dams
mamas the mate of the said Albert M. Shepherd,
deceased. who died on the twenty-sixth der of
Deoeuilier. A it,. II are required to send or Me
toon .r t
l.Eletdmtors., nryebrua
full eartieulso of their Hann/. and
that alter such date valid executors •ill distribute
the awes ot the deceased among the parties ses•
rutngt.regaiiaboi uti.u.k) w
lytor.claullit i.of
they shall then he avnoil inth notice. .104 %not
axes shell nist lia,e Leen rivet rod at the ttn.• ue
diatribulxi'.ality •lifth day of Januar).
FOE EALE-j"\-:
sELLI.h-iti-NLfghonli mitarroasath. Strainer twc
foe nes. Addross Post Ogles, SOX Mk Oodts
2 1.0.0...dc:c.(1i.Mh11,11.,11,Sr.111,0; 8iindf..1.th.:. :170. tc.ash
thick kind. got by grandson to Gainforil - Mar-
quis Imported. 7 and months old. Priced ha
sell. N. MILER. It It. NO. g CLINTON. Tithe
Phone 117. Benmilli r. ft
iSEED OATS FOR SALE. -About 2600
jre cs:auite. uoDeeris0mtibush.:14.cii:i.i",boatams.....denbww.tethmsuotat....."Irbilielt.
mar this square Flt• room& harnaos. hot
strirk House, corner mouth MM. st=,
heating. Modern sonvenistwee. atertrie Alma
Mr essenchs garden Included. Good home for
it comet, without on&Il ammo. ree hither
eartieunre may so eke. JAB STEWART. eoude
1 10014. prawt.4 brick house tor gals. Itrorted
this season. Just ready to be_u_Ywo
minutes welt from Senate- apply G. P. GOVLIX
Mario r,,e.
ay Brock stmt. Flint 10 244 within Use Port
few amts. Make offer to 14M5. 1 HONKS MC-
KENZIE. Victoria Street. Gotten/it. or to W. A.
WHITELEY. nra our Street. New Orison& La,
II -ti
lgt. for thyorifit:tirects. farm Mock. ktiF
-Address all communications 10 1.14. STALER
Antrum P 0
• HENRY. Music Studio,
I of Square.
Late Howse Stirroan New York irt:
sod Aural Hoopittoki.sealettiot M
ilye Haell&tal and
&mare Tema Roe -
efts Loos... Kea
n waists.° St. S.. Stratford. Telembeseillf.
At Hotel Bedford. Godencis. from Wediosieday.
Februarr 15113 .1 730 P.M . to Thursday. Febru-
ary Igth al 1 itt,,
- No. 1034.
IHninday a each month..
MalL Visiting Sir
It. H. 111ZW.
Mr. C. B. Vaseeha, a noted Swim'
ski instructor, who has won numer-
ous championship trophies in vari-
ous international ski conspetitions at
St. Moritz, Daves, Klosters, and
other famous Swiss resorts, is
located at the Chateau Frontense
hotel. Quebec, this winter, where hit
seririces will be available for any one
desiring Instruction in any and ever,
branch of ski-inc. Dorn in DiRt11,
Switzerland, and being an active ski
enthusiast from his boyhood, Mr.
Vaseslia's eyperienee cern.* a period
of 20 years, mostly in that country.
He is an expert of international
reputation and holds the European
tecord fi? distance la ski jumning,
having jumped 203 feet at Klosters
in 1915. Ile holds the Swiss cham-
pionship for fancy ski•ing. ineled-
ing the "Telmark.' the "Chris-
tiania," eross jumps, ete fie was
butterfat of ski-ing i n the Swim
Army &wing the Great War. if.
was instructing at Lake Placid Club
during the winter season od 19?0-51.
Tits upper Illostratien "hews C. 11
Vasesha racing en his skis while ill
the !ewer picture one gets • geed
Ides cif the fine physique vesieb wire
ter sports have developed he the
A mother intereszga.festure of
winter sports in
city tile
season is a young team af
huskies whieb hats Won brought
from the far nett\ _canatia or
the entertainment el those visitiag
anclent 4'14-
TER. /Solicitor, wary gabby.
OSes Hamilton camel, Oakafell. third
door from Squats. Tryst roads te
loan at lowest rattan
DaourFrooT, KILLORAN &
Office on the Muer., second door
from Hamilton Street, Goderieh.
Private funds to loan at lowest
W. Proudfoot. K. O., L El:loran,
Dudley E. Holmes.
I° RIOTER, attorney. 'solicitor. etc.
Ooderieh. Money loaned at lowest
C10111)1k foetal -7 public and eon-
reyamee. Oeee--00ort Hones. Gods -
rich. 00-12in
ma ANC' CO. -Farm Nod !waisted
town property humped.
Milkers -Jae Connolly. Press. Godes
rich P. 0.; Jan. Evans, Vice -Pres_
8eechwood 1'. 0.; Thomas 1 Hays,,
Sec.-Treas., Reafort.b P. 0.
DIrectors-D. P'. McGtegor, R.
No. 5, Ikaforth; John CI Orley", No.
t, Walton; William khan, R. R No. I,
Nee forth; John flannewItte Rend-
hagen Geo McCartney. R 9 Ra.
Rea forth ; Robert Ferri« fla rine*
Malcolm Mefilwen. Clinton • James
Evans, Benshwood James Connolly,
Agents 1 W. to (Intends :
Ater. Leitch, R R. No 1 Clinton;
WIlliem Chesney. Beaforth R flinch -
ley. Bea forth. Polley-holde,, can pay
1 ell payments and get their cards ro-
Meted at R. J. Marriott'. fleshing
Atone. Minton; R 11. flutes (Impel,,
stiessten atreet. norliorteh or .1 a
Reld's General More, Hayfield.