The Signal, 1922-2-9, Page 66 Thur,. )*,y YrbrU:, r}
IS T111,
Notepaper Value
Holland Linen
Note Paper and Envelope-.
ONLY, 45e for 1 Quire anti
1 Package of Envelopes.
Special Scainr .(gent; f, r
Waterman's Ideal Fountain
St. Valentine's Day
Rerner;,',er your trieuds with
a Janne
Valentine Postcard or Folder
Ther a ill appreciate it and
we have a choice line.
Sae Eye Specialist Hughson
He is here /Piss'
Id, 9th and-liek
,s Art Store
Phone 198
`:ern a sick child. love the "fey"
taste of "California Fig nip." If the
title to a i• prates!, or 'f
'e lieti'.N, ,e+, your e, or
1 u .•oils• si G•reri+h, fu of rnh1, or
t., ( tela. I a never fail
(Till the how,4,, In a ' w hours
m can see for `uursel how tb1. oughly
it works all the constipation !lei Mur
I "e and waste front the 'tender, 'tile
ti- lowrie and. girl•*4
t 1d eons.-- w11,
.p furl
M:iti.ns of mothers k p "Cable
rig syrup" handy. They
• ;Nronful today now a t
saves a mi 'child t.
• sorrow. Ask your druggist
"California I'. Syrup" 1 s din r\
tions for !tables and children a
of .11 ages
printed) on bottle. Mother! You most
-ray"California" or you may t
fatioa Tri , r g'' as inti•
A Good Suyof SOtt Water .THE FARM CISTERN jj Diamond WWedding C
tlousshuld Boon.
The f'armer's Bide and Daughter
N til .\pgamclate It's-Leeatloa of
the ll>.tern -- Advice aces for
Local Installtnent.
Montt/bated by Ontario Department of
Agriculture. Toronto.)
Lucky indeed is the tanner who
can boast of Y tier er-faltlai SUPPLY of
pure and fresh water from well or
*Pring un his premises. 1ta value
cannot be reckoned up to dollars
and cents Another source of water
supply on the farts is the Mtn outer
caught on the roots of the b ildings
and stored to large under rouud
tanks, called cisterns. It is com-
monly called soft water in eon at
to the bard water of wells n4
•4 Supply of Soft Water a goon.
Every housewitc who is torluuat
enough to hase a plentiful supply o
soft water fur washing dishes,
clothes and woodwork, and for use
in the bath, knows well how touch
superior it :s to hard water. It
eaves a lot of snap, and the oper-
ations are more easily carried out
and the results more satisfactory.
This valuable supply of wiper comes
down from the clouds in fairly cop-
ious amounts mouth by month, and
costa nothing except a small outlay.
Drobably 1150, once la a lifetime
for gave -troughing and a s-orage
tank or cistern.
Over Ontario the average rainfall
from April to December is about 2 to
inch,•, per month, and If all the
buildings of an average -sited farm
were provided with eave-trougbing,
no leas than four barrels of water
per day on the average over the
whole year would be collected. Thos
quantity of water will serve emclent-
1y a family of six firing :n a home
The onlydraw on plumbing thewll,fix-
hard water, supply would be the
amount required for drinking and
cooking purposes.
A t3ood Cistern a Necessity.
of soft awat water againstd
iutimes of d drought
and during the winter .stamp when
rains are scarce, the cistern should
be large enough to hold a two or
three months' supply. Thls would
require a storage tank at the very
least 10 feet square and 10 feet
deep, or Its equivalent la different di-
mensions, or two smaller tanks hav-
thatathae tankbuilt
tIt is well
the cubical foray. say 10'1(410. is
more economics` than one lot the
same site but oblong In form
(6 2-3115110) fur example. Ti.
cylinder form takes even loss ma-
terial than the e.tbieal,
be a little slower and bs a ii
bunt!. sometimes the bottle fora
15 constructed. Either the cylindri-
cal or bottle type is usually built of
brick laid In a rich coucrete mortar
and finally well coated on the Inside
with a rich mixture of cement, pref-
erably super cement. and line sand.
The 10x10x10 size will bold 6,250
Imperial gallons, or approximately
200 barrels. In U.S.A. gallons the
capacity would be 1.. more, or 7,500
gallons. To build the cube -shaped
clstera (10x10110) it w-uuiu require
12 cu. yds. ot concre;r, the watts,
bottom and top being six Inches
thick. tieing a 1-6 mixture It would
stk. approximately 19 barrels ot ce-
ment and 15 loads of gravel. For
the cylindrical shape it would take
about 11 cu. yds. of material, and
for the oblong sbape (6 2.2:16x111
a�t 13
ell. yds. With' a knowledge
if 1pca prices of materiel end
retina would be a0 Elly mister to
estlon te the coat of a 6,000 to 7.090
T1rs Loegtlwt of taw (;`stern.
-The h cistern may be in
1a the eelld , or outside underground
'according t ,conditions. It the
Ire b° d provided with e.I
drainage or a overflow of t1) c,
tern, there cad be no serious order.
tion to having the cistern in the cel-
lar. if the roof of the house is not
large enough to celleet sufficient rain
water for the water service of th..
home, the reefs :-barns.and other
buildings may be connected up to an-
other ciatera at these buildings and
the two cisterns connected for Joint
service it a,.ceesary. In 1.111s can.1
probably the best arrangement would
he to build one very large under-
ground tank, 12 or 15 feet square
and 10 feet deep, at a point where
rain water from both house and
barns would gravitate and collect.
Between the barns and this cistern
d be advisable to build a
basin to intercept dirt from
Tho water system would be
ed to this large cistern to
he holm) or barn u reQulred
A water aye.em could be used
Y the house or barn with the
om the well or miter source
rr drinking and cooking
!ding a cistern do nt t make
us mistake of mak r r It too
Then install sour. rim of
stem In order :o , ve the
r, both hot and c 1, on tap
it the house.
articles m. dose- soiree.
It woul
Radicle is the outstascling IYMPeC" Or kidney disease. =ling
Women often maks the mistake of e-ot:n8;et
attributing other (awe.% anti over- suppir t
look die derangement of the kid- The sam
1111.4., neys until serious developments 143 !"Pt
6re made it difficult to obtain 0."1"::
permanent relief. .14%
This letter points to a tre•Inseit il/ but
the serlo
fried and proves so effective in the water ay
great majority of caul that you eat wet..
cameo afford to overlook it when throughoi
'Which hal bern so thoroughly imam •
cause arises for its use.
type,' of
Mate Albin 131111141,Wt- -
has, used Dr. C111••••• Kelsey -
timer Pith ler die pew tyro ineetio. foo.
weds kidney sreehle. I
rid me is use br. Kidarty.teeer
Pale ea the wasstal toss sea. we /et/
• geed linear, I have gum feae41
4401 de elett hags. sea aft rm.
on pill • disso. 2Sc het. all
Bass &
water ayatems f,, 9 farm
advise you Without chat 6 , Alirdine
instal/at/on of wai.•5 a.,m Plumb -
should feed Itself. and t . tele at
la necessary for ....ea fa
garden vegetables. and s . mute.
0 grow
All core antis *no in Mae
should be earefteny map.. tO apes
that they are rat and to, .ir prow,
sorsetteig Mc
Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett
of Sheppardto
brate the Sixtie
n, Cele.
th Anni-
versary of Their Wedding.
l7' the many wedded 1
has the privilege of
their diamond wedding, b
the honor and distinction
to Mr. and Mrs. John Be
locality, when un Monday
they celebrated the aixtie
sary of their wedding da
more ways than one, as,
of eleven children, five bo
girla, they are all living,
had been the first time t
met together, as some had
to du for the;use•ives w
young, while all are now
Mr Bennet was born in
Scotland, July 20th. 11337,
to Canada with his parent
six years atla` kne
ththe voy
e ntictaking three
three days.
Mrs. Bennett, whose maiden name
was Charlotte Cannan, daughter of
he late Robert and Mrs. Cannan,
ah1 born in Toronto, August 12th,
44, the family afterwards moving
to Rosedale farm, between Shep-
pa •ton and Port Albert.
e wedding of sixty years ago
place on what was known at
nee as Rosedale farm, the one
the farm where the atib-
this sketch lived for practi-
their married life, with the
of a few years in Code -
groomsman on that ew-
Victori a Hawurrakins,d and
securely tied was made
v. Noble F. Eng -
minister located here
rs. Bennett :still has
n the dress she .wase
We might just here
e gay assembly of
nations few
ut such war
that came
nnett of this
Jan. 30th,
th anniver-
Y. unique in
of a family
ys and six
and also it
hey had all
left home
hen quite
and came
s when but
age across
weeks and
jecta o
cally a
rich. Th
rasion wa
the knot so
by the
lish, Mcthodi.
at that time.
in her possessi
wedded in, and
add that out of
sixty years ago,
narrative are the
As we have alre
family of five sons
, subjects of this
my two living.
dy remarked, the
d six
ere all able to atth d, fouruof ters
sons, Arthur, Will, A red and Heir-
ry. all in business i Chicago, and
John on the homeste: ,, while the
girls, Mrs. Jas. Hayd (Bessie),
Mrs. Thos. A. Doughe y (Kate),
Mrs. John Campbel►Ro
Will Crawford l Una), Mrs.
Geo. Pentland (Edna:) Mottle),
rids Mrs.
a few miles of the o
Jan. 30th, 1922, the dayo f home,
mond wedding e din=
bright and s shine, aarm asla one'
tober day, which made it very-
as -
ant for all concerned, p The gusts, children, grandchl
ten and great grandehildre
number of about sixty, ass
ious farm house to
to thethe ir hosts, who cordially
ed a11. After hearty congra
the guests were invited to t
room, which was tastefully
ed with bunting, silver bells
quets of flowers. An els
o'clock dinner was prep
which all present did ample
Rev. Waiter Hawkins, nephe
bride and groom, and Rev. 1)r
pastor of St. Andrew's
while Dr, Whitely, was nof 'er
viser. One of the features
dinner was u mammoth
cake brought from Chicago,
inscription, "Father, q
mond Wedding."lather
selves in socialrchat, withontu
singing interspersed. Resid
eleven children of this h
n; to the ings, and tare latter, who has been
embied in under the doctor's care for several
do honor months, showed wonderful vitality.
welcom- They are both consistent members of
tulationa St. Andrew's Presbyterian church,
he dining Port Albert, and always attended re,
and orat-beu_ gularly when able, Mr. Bennett being
borate six this occasion an elder for many years and was on
a red, to lowingPresented with the.
justice. address: i
w of the To Mr. John Bennett.
iamond '��
Camp- Port Albert, Ont.
ehurch, Dear Sir, -The congregation
emonies, session of St, Andrews Presbyterian
edieal ad- church, Port Albert, Ont., desire to
of the convey to you their appreciation
wedding your to seice, of
with the Christlike and
,your dYent
Dia- zeal for the Masters causer reflected
them- honor upon your eldership, your tan -
sic and ity of judgment, your broadminded-
ness, your gracious humiIJ
es the
there are twenty-five grand,-
and nix great grandchildren.
Throughout the day there were
numerous messages of congratula-
tions received by mail and- wire,
showing the esteem in wrfeb the
ides ppthe mtdiatd eyre relatives eone sdand
their connections, the following
neighbors and friends were fortunate
to have the honor and privilege of
J. 111. and Mrs. Whitng among the ely-, ober fnGoclrrich;
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gordon, Mr. and
Mrs, David Johnston, and J. H.
Simpson, all old neighbors of the
Although not as sprightly as sixty
d i years ago Mr. and Mrs. Bennett took
1 quite an interest in all the proceed_
your unselfishness adorned `y and
union lice. Your stand on all moral
of -
hildren tions was above reproach. Your in-
fluence was ever exerted in the in-
terest of truth and righteousness
As a Christian citizen you always
Played your part nobly and well.
May this brief testimony to your
worth and your work express to you
our sincere appreciation. We rea-
lize that this is a fitting time for
such an expression. Therefore we
ask you to accept this as an a
priate expression of our hearts pre-
spect and love for you. Our hope is
that the love and good wishes of the
friends and members of St. Andrews'
congregation will increase your hap-
piness on this the sixtieth anniver-
that Goduwill richly bless
you and
yours and permit you to enjoy many
Ree. fr. Mo MlRtt Receives
dlttWcn,(hurtlet(Irld(.r From [.est \lek,Int\NXN,
Feb. 1. -Rev,
JlrJlilla:+. of Toronto. see the
l'rai.e Committee of the Presbyterian to the
1•1tireh in `made, PrsNbyteriry
wilier• eetIre a'sileniddn.cs•rl a eery
1'rs•Nbyterian el:iln h (IIIS,ing r'ktste,
tug. The iheetor's meset«e was 1
with en -et interest and 3311 reit
stimulate 11NM"
..,io orrice brunt him.
with A ker•n,•r dieter fur ole colo 1
4'tlt LOC.tL AGENr'y FOR THE
11 Signal Is at N. 1'. Whyard's $tore,
where orders will be received for sub-
sertptions, advertising. and Job work
paidanti t ripts will he given for amounts
o the (same.
We nurh.,. Pr. ('as.. making Iris
r.otnd, wit% a new driver these .lays.
Tiro Youth nasi the Jots elle•.
ef r
hnrg are enjoying the field 'skating
tees: Itu.'.tirtfry7.rrc.nings
The'enviers' inept -lux of tee Goats..
Hell Rural Telephone ('o, wajsehl on
Friday afternoon of Inst
' lu• following entertained their
friend, to the modal
et'••ning of last week aaMe. ss FridayWm.
.Mule, (;es,. (' Messrs. rthi.
;tarry Caldwell. Jr, end P. ('urthr.
} Fowler Iv getting his supply
•d riot. .tared nwny UNeer• days.
Mr . J. Andrews was home from
t;nelph Agricultural College at the
Manson Reid had a su4-s sefut wood -
1, \We, 1Nsday.
ahlWeernee glad to nee Mr.'T tlitrc{i
' down 'street again.
Mr. and Mem. Jos. Medd, of Auburn.
were in the village**W��tay.
?rile Scheel Report
Th.. fulhwfne i. the report of i'. S.
S• No, i, Colle.rne• (Nile) for the
month M Jatmnry. Those markc,l •
were eifisent from ..nm• of the exams.
sltia Seem:. tµ_, •Ituby Kerr
17. •('shin Rutledge 4'�,, Sr. IW _-
'lrn,er Sege,, 417. .Jr. IV. -Mabel
Smith ,14. i'bnreme• /Leyte
504, George
Currey Engin Itutleilirc 21aia r. Alain 243,
tlambl• R:4• •leek itoylr 524, Jtyrle
t'Ir•Mat ei Ilam
rte y417,tHirray Ington
307, M am3,1p 23.�r•
eringt IP '2. 3. 1. -Alvin (Kerr 340it3t0,
Jones. Sr. Pr. ---A .
ask Clinton
ThoseKerr 344) Jr Moyle
Amen, err.he month presumt every day
dnylvisurin tiegin,e were Mahn Smith,
(len. Currey, s CurF. rey,
, r, tent' k ,
Jack Rnt.le Currey, Myree Gamble,
ilunkett. id A. itoyla Grnce
(Hell Over From lest Weekl
abs. Sts
• J• N. 1Kernighass. of C
Tw•,amks visited at Jtr. Nest`-
Le„Tl, r-
Rit hh of lane! one day recently. Glebe Pertinent Question
sJI .. John
with ter +on. Mr. 1l.rb.t (lurrnnQant
Merck sr. r.
J[r.. Mnllougb 1- speeding n few
*Nye wi hie daughter, MN. \ JIc-
rr.•n- ism -Set
tenni' Mies Et rt \GYjnr,id. of Luskns)w
ballet r an,t Mi-. giklreel M,•.
t:oderirh lflgh W h
k•.,.,j at their ho
inch Melee
Bliinney,, e,
,taw slant the we
Sir. nerd .firs.
rleit.,,f al toe. len
Mn.' Ritchie ver
sp looting a tete day
Lurk hoe .
Mr. teal Mr.. idols
Jfnfeking, •lent Knish.)
of Mr. 1'en•y isint+igan,
hfr. aro( Tick: !Cal _
event Su:Nlay et the !torte
-Twnmley, or-TTi• as
( Field Over Front- Last 'Wee 1
-1;O)Df1RN'If.TOWNetHIp, Peb.
air. and Mrs, John Porter, ar., of he
ltit c•oncewsion, have returned ho,
after a vtsft of a month to l'ort from
itrwntford and other points.
An enjoyable time was spent at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. William Hall,
of the itayOeid road, last week when
Mr. Arthur Tichtorr,e and 1Nr. Wins
man Johnston entertained a number of
Mr. !le•g, liuwerhy has returned home
from his holiday.
Mr. Richard 3h'Clelland, of the 4tit
concession, purrba*ed a handsom,•
team of gray Perctrc•n,ns on Monday
of tithe weak,
Mr. Charles Co*, of the eth curx•et•
sion, has tern on the sock lest.
Mies Pearl Amy, of Burford, Is 'te-
nting at Mr. (Ire. Sowerby'a,
Mies Delis (Cul ugderwent an oper-
ation for appen,1t,.j t, We all wish
her a speedy recovery.
r""1.1444%4". ‘7 ' .5 .5,1^1,7:. ,„?
. tingl
`n will
The Toronto Globe has bee
igat1ng the lvoseibilkies of
steam roads Into electric lines
staff a,rtrepondetrt has visited
Gnt odch points1 withlarere view ntotdistovering
facts «11pp'ort the scheme. In this
ernnestton Mr J.
n invest -
and a Reg. Williams
differ -
but not
M ire Dread and Geller Bread, and lietterPo.try tt.
more anniversaries.
Session of St. Andrews
terian church.
Bennett repiied toyothe above
in short well chosen sprach and told
how in early life he decided to keep
in the straight and narrow' way.
The accompanying photo was tak-
en on the day of the Diamond wed-
ding, Mrs. Bennett, owing to her
long illness, is but a shadow of what
she was one year ago, but we hope
she may soon be fully recovered.
Veep* and Cranes Sta., Toronto
strictly first-class in ail Departments
and irnetoelled in the Dominion. St tai•
enta assisted to obtain empkrymem
Enter anntr time. trite for our hand
biome catalogue.
W. 3-ELLIOTT. praecipe(,
lip in perfect eon,litioo. of the
rn:u.y mot••r accident.. whic1) •',ur daily
1:11%.f.• 1.un,her are Ike t• oitler'.
We do p,n,n,pt work in
94'19 yoltearllaoonditiun
tune avert an strident.
ono i .. Kernighnn, of
un•+ (t'u11Nrrn,• township. •r•ru The a;luta•
the following letter :
"To bre fele with .your reteth rs you
sl oltld hair your Kieftcornwpondent,
alto is writing up radials, curve over
(o I;oder( tt and interview- this and
thnr• other municipalities olio
now oa are
paying interest ou lN,trtls of a de-
faultedeles•trk• road. Thew• bondsare for thirty years, are! arncrunt too
$400.10110. with an Abet/lute certainty of
Oar munh•l(ralltlee having to trey them.
This roar was built aN Jou ndramte
to be%, Guilt fleet and investigated
after, and writ promoted and built by
an Influential n•sldrnt of Toronto•"
eek" Little. of
tle•1 1
of .Mr: ' tie,.ret.
rne•d Inoue aftr
with friends in
Twamlet cif
at the bottle
Mr. Wm-
Married At Calgary
A quiet itelltlittg ARS solemnised at Cal-
gary on saturtley, Jenuary 14, when
my Sylvester, Calgary, WWI United in mar-
riage to William Duncan, eon of the
late Thome- Duncan, of Senfortli, and
Nine. Ihmenn. of Victoria. Their lutilrfs
Pollee the treed to Knox CliurCh
High Tea February 2tith. It
Stamped Gowns
hit Embroidery
Try this Friday and
special. High grade e tell `
forty cents a posed•at-
West street.
Clearing in Men's
Strong Work Bow
25 Pairs of Men's Blucher
styk with round toes and
double soles in black or
brown, all sizes. Clearing at. --
36 p of Men's brown
and cream Elk Work Boots
made in a blucher style,
full vamp, heavy toe cap,
and heavy leather soles, all
sizes. Regular $6.00 and
$63Q. Cleating at
Hon's Geed Now, for Yeu
Lindsay, One -
"Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery Is tbe
best medicine I
have ever taken
for stomach trou-
ble. For many
Years I suffered
r with gastric atom
h trouble And
t1 VVou/d be so
bad at times that It as 110r1411111f,
for tne to be In bed two r three nays
at • time. I have docto and take,
many different medicines with lien
relief. Just recently I be n taking
Golden Medical lescove It has
ven more relief than all th other
medicines I have ever taken s
stomach does not bother me and I
have not had any Indigektion al
taking this medicine. I ran high
recomrnemt the 'Discovery' 10 othe
who stiffer with stomach trnuble."-
Mrs Geo. Wellington. 6 John St.
All drukgists. Liquid or tablets.
to Mother.
St. Catharines, Om took Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Preadeletten during
expectancy when I fat aseeotaity in
need of a tonfr and it sen.stss me
greatly. I sieve take DI.ssere to
young mothers ?seesaw,. I enow it
Tour haafth la most imporhtht to
1 l'Ort it's easily Impravod Just ask
your Dearest druggist fn• this pre.
Itenid form'
Hotel. Buffalo. N. If you want
Doe Medical advice*.
The News offluron Caunty
A Survey of World Events
And Columns of Farm News
ALL FOR $2.75
The Signal and The Family Herald and
Weekly Star at this price for one year
With The Family Herald and Weekty Star is includ-
ed, a copy of the new Canadian Coat of Arms in the
healdic colors, size I 4x17 inches. This beautiful
photo should be found in every home. A copy will
be sent free to all who accept this offer.
Call On Or Write The Signal