HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-2-9, Page 5rl
/asking and Glsptas for Breath
Relirre4 kg TRIJIT-A-TIVES"
Naw RoeatrND, P.Q.
"Is 1919, I was taken with Bron. hial
Asthma and no one knows what I
suffered with It during the winter.
I began Arita. Choking Spills -gasping
for breath and oould not speak.
I would have one of these hail ala lis
In the evening, one during the nrg}t,
and one In the morning. The ductur
said he could do nothing for me.
"In the spring of 1920, 1 staffed
taking "Fraise -ti w" and in a few
days, the choking spells stopped, and
I have had none since May -TIk
1920. I have so wanted to tell othet ,
sufferers who have the same trouble
about " Fruit -a• Lives" for I know how
they must suffer.
Some thought the Asthma would
come back on me as winter came on
but 1t bas not, thanks to "Fruit a-
tria" Mrs. J. M. PENNINGTUUN,
boo a box, 6 for [12.60, trial sire, 2Se.
At dealers or sent postpaid by
Prnit-a-Uva Limited, Ottawa.
Guests At Government House
Several Goderich Citizens Among Guests Who Were
Entertained Recently By Lieutenant Governor
A number of tioderfeh .ltizetu were
among the guests ut the luncheon re-
cently given et 'overuweut Hous',
Toroutu, 10 representative teen of the
c les of Huron, fitter, (trey autl
l'erth. This Wali uta of a series (If
..tteh luWheeus which, it Is 'outlet,
stood, are to cover all torts of the
Pmvhes% On a Prevklus eseaslon, the
tint of the nertes, the 11041ple of Brant-
ford awl Brant 1olluty I the I.ieutet.
rut-t;overllor'w home city nal (ounty)
vivre entertaluirl by Ills llotsor.
F.aeh guest ss he arrived ut the re -
caption room Wag pretetell 10 Ills
Minor. and airs. (',s•kshult ale.. ate
'wane' stuff graciously grated the ae-
seiubly. In the luls•heoou„ rutin. about
150 pe.rents erre stated, title nuwls•r
l,i 4uding wane reeldeut, of the city
who had Iseu inviter( 10 Meet their
friend. f their old home counties.
Among the Heron "old Loy." pres'ut
were 11r. J. A. Metairie'. afajor Heck,
Mr. Itobert Itolmew, Senator Proud-
fcot, Mr. F;. FlooiIy, with others.
The"luncheon" was a sllhstantlal
diuuer, and at its (o,w•luston the Hou.
I'eter Smith, 1'rovia•lal Treasurer,
.po.la• briefly, and- wax followed by Mr.
Her..., Tun.nto's city treasurer, who
gave u 1Ilo:tghtful addres, 011 aunt.
viiat1 11111111(Y. The bnrde•u of hie mes-
sage to the wlnik•ipal repose -unitive,.
Who [Wade up a considerable part of
the gathering was tlw treed ,f thrift
fad eatat$o to mnnietpsf7tsl abs" 7n
pr'r'oslal expelwllture. The e•xtrava-
gntw•e' bred of the war-tllne oust, he
declare', b. ehw'krd, 1111d a rule of
et -merely wubatltuted, before the emits.
try would Bowe hark to satlefart,ry
ev'nd 11 bits.
alnyvor Harris of Owen Sound auel
Mayor Gregory of Stratford proptwed
HI' Honor'', health. and Mr. ('oekshttt
replier) In ■ very pl.weent speech. By
the 1loldhlg of thea• luncheons it was
hoped, he said. to give all farts of the
ProvincY ail interest In -Government
!inane, stat ilea to -promote frleudly
Duple: Double Mesh
All Shades -
TSC each
Celeste Single Mesh
Hair Neta
Wkh of Without Elastie'
ioc each 3 for 25c
These. nets are large and are guaranteed to give satisfaction
Campbell's Drug Store
Phone 93 : The Square TG rich
Inter.ourse among those No gathered
together. 111 conclusion 11Is Huu( iu-
vlted his gutrts to kook about them
before leaving, and he drew latrtI tulle•
attention to the iolutinge which hung
front the walls of the Lieutenant-I;or-
erarrs of more than a country.
Thus. present from Goderich were
Prlw•Ipal Iluuw and Messrs. :flee.
Saunders, L. 1.. Knox, .1. W. ('ruigh•,
1V. 1l. Robertson and 1). 1). Mooney
A Gal Strike Pending
Mr. John 11. lhwtanl's change of ad-
vertisement Sal received too late for at-
tention 111. week. Mr. Muatael iolllls
out that a coal strike is not only a p.s-
sibility but an ultimate probability. To
avoid tbeconsequcne•es he suggests carry-
ing full coal bine.
RUGGLES was the pioneer that built
the truck that has no peer
Service stations everywhere.
"Canada's largest exclusive motor truck builders"
EItgagenwnt .Mins ed
'1r. and Moro. Jolt C. Greig, os Sell.
forth, announce the engagement er[trttt tit'their
daughter, }:eelyn Louise, to 31r. Llrlxu,
Datjd Clark, 11.Se., of Winnipeg, hent.(
Mr. and Mrs. David Clark, 40,el wall,
The marriage will take place ynhtly
February 22.
Mr. Legg is Still In Business
• . Mr. Thos. Legg ham asked The Signal
to denythe rumor that his butcher bus -
as changlrl ladle. lie stales
that he is still in the old stand and will
continue in business as heretufon'. .1
Vittoria Street (Kurth Anniversary
At the gttartetly board •weettng .d
Vktora street Methodist church on
Tuesday evening, Sunday, April 23rd,
was ret an the auulversdtry day. iter.
J. W. Hibbert, pre,.ideut of Loudon
C'ollfer n e, has leen incited to"lw the
special preacher for that exeaslon.
Hirt Kitty Serial
Mrs. Brigadier Green,. of Toronto.
will speak In the Salvation .Army Hall
On Friday, February 10th. at S p.m.
9" bit h, a1
the game hour -a ]birthday Stickel
will be held. ane) a good program will
be given. Coffee and cake wilt be
.carved. Come and bring your hirtll•
clay offering -as many cents as yt�
are old. Everybody welesuw.
"The Land of I'n,miae" is the tick. •.f n
musical comedy u. be given under the
auspices of tate Arthur Circle in the
lecture room on the evenings of Thursday
and Friday. March tech and loth. Keep
these dates open.
Testing Caws For Tuberculosis
At the • meeting of
H.wlth on Mouday 11
write the Department
informer ion regarding
cows fur tuberculosis.
Gone for selling milk
and granted.
the hoard et
wee de. 10
of Ilion!' for
the reefing of
Three applies.
were re.eit•ev1
A song is sung ;
A speech is made ;
and the face et x laved
ane faint -s from the mind:
But a Picture -that
lives forever
Iteath of Cyril I)alton
It was with general regret that the nt'w.
wag received on Alondiy of the death of
.Maurice Cyril Dalton, eklewt son of Mr,
and Airs. James Dalton, of 1;'slerieb.
Hila death followed 4 battle for- 'width
during a period of two year and while
bin devotee was not unexpected hit,Iu'n4 in
fixe spring time of life has provoked wide-
spread arrow. Burn in Wtngla+n
four years ago 1* Moved with his fauna
to I;nderich ',seven year,. later. 11e att.'rw
c 1 Seearaterelit. .Iand the Collegiate In.
stitlrte t„g Goderich and heel ir,uu°etu'd
pr•l.anng for his pharmacy d•ene. '}le
.'pelt two years to 1lnulop s drug
shire and had e•omplettrt h1e four year
term in Hamilton's drug "t.ire at
Windsor when his health I''gnii to fall.
lie r turned to his Home at Goderich
were he retrained until the time of
iia death with the es'•eptiou of a few
m°uthe that he was absent last fall
en it trip to California. It was hoped
that the nullity climate of the south
would prove twnetIeIal but it was of
un :a call. The deceased had consider-
able talent as a musician, his musket'
edit.mtloa being received under the
,rire.•tion of the Sisters„ -of St. Joseph's.
,agave nt. Ik''ides his parents he is
.•elrelverl bey a Younger brother. Hnrnll.
The funeral took !dace on W.elueeday
morning froth Mt. Peter's ehur'h to the
Cuthollc. cemetery In Coltortw. The
eere•lre•e were in change of Her. Father
f;nnm, assisted by n cousin of the ck'-
vewswl, Rev. Father Iln•sey. mull were
Attended by the gentlemen of the Holy
\lame S.xebeta. of whl.•in the d.ee,l,ed
was a member. The ptlIh'nr.•rs wore
Mesar". Wm. Drew. Eru.•st Ste arts. J.
Ala stirati Terence Kidd, Fed. Fla rr a 114
flurry lluchatlan.
In the Role of a Dutch Surgeon
The photottraph 61 AI r. Free., M. Lee
app(eard in tlieTonnttu Star of lustSat-
urelay dreswlsl in the costnnte in which he
teak part in the 1'lny. "The Man Who
Married a Dumb 11 ife'. Thin wan farm
by .thatule Frntxe, whirl, sear pla1ld:by
,w the Trinity College Dramatic. Society' in
Hart lions'• theatre nre'ntly. F:rneet:e
--- I role was that of Jean Maut'ier. a 'hitch
mlrges.n .'( medieval timt's.
We are doing bus-
iness on • strictly cash
basis, starting Febru-
ary lat. 1922.
The ColbornjSjore
Our cash system of
doing business h a s
been approved b y
many of our customers
Ladies' Winter Coats
All ladies' and children's Winter -Coats' reduced to one half price. We are
moving the Ready-to-wear downstairs and to make room we are offering all ladies'
and children's Coats at half price, as they must be cleared.
Regular 550.00 Coats, in plush and cloth - 525.00
52E.00 " In velour at 512.50
Children's Cloth Coats, regular $10.00, for $ 3.00
Be sure and see these values -
_,rte=:-�'�ra+--:r•�:cs-=-.3.z. 7. -
A big reduction in ladies' and misses Dresses,, An opportunity to buy real.
up-to-the-minute Dresses at a big saving.
Ladies' Silk Dresses up to $40.00, all reduced to 519.95
These garments are made from the finest materials and the styles are correct
Be sure and see them at $19.95.
Ladies' Silk Dresses in duchess and crepe at
A real bargain, but they must be cleared to make room for the new merchan-
dise. On sale at $9.95.
A clearing line of ladies' Cashmere Hose. in the finest qualities, ranging in price
up to 81.75, for 51.19 a pair
A Regular � dearin for a
1.00, 79c pa line of pure wool Cashmere Ribbed Stockings, in all sizes from 7 to
Two only, pieces of navy blue pure botany Serge, 50 and 53 inches wide, at
83.25. An opportunity to buy a $6.00 Serge at .53.25
Women's .Institute'
The regular meeting of the Women's
Inntittite was held at the home of Mrs.
Huwl'le on Thursday of .Inst week
-A -illi R towel attetwfanee. - Mrs. E.
Beattie pr - id.d. .1 splendid denten-
sire-thin of table setting ceras given by
Airs. i'owlh•. i)uring Mewl" Miss 11ow'•
rte and Alis' Store gate '..'le.-tioar on
pine° rust violin. Tho. Hest aneeting
Will IN. at Airs. G. Al. Elliott's home
dot Thursday. March 2.
Rex Serial at Pert Albert
A box social will he hell at t'hrlet
at :rSleiiti
evening. February 14. 1'ltwv' bring
your hits. .1 Ceod program will be
fnrnl'hed. Admission 25 cents. ladles
with boxes free.
ea■•.„•'..ear. .
meat 411 'rtw•.,l t V evwlh.g •)f nest week.
Their -Trip .arente1 The'\'nrld" prom-
'ses to be nt, -entertainment of exeep-
Ilnnal interest.
Exeelaisr Bible ('laws Officers
The Junior .flub Bible /iris of the
North street 31cthetllst detect'. time
In lsell cliche of yuu)Iig married people
of the (Wllgr.•ga 1 inll, were guiete of the
parsonage ,H Thine -day evening of hast
%% eel:. The following officers were
'•netted : Teacher, ltev. 1!..1). Moyer:
aws.s•iate use -her, Mr. Roy Stonehouse,
prt•.ideut. air. Grenville ('lurk: vle•-
pr.•side•ta. Mrs. }Amer I(beau•dotvu:
s.eretary, Mr. Feel Holland; treas.neer, Sir. Bert Price: pianist,' Mrs. J.
T. Fell: at•letaut. Mies Mary Sublet:
ehori,ter, air. Hu"ae•II Wheeler: eon.
e.•uer of membership committee. Airs.
Wnt. Altair: convener ut social eon.
minae, Mrs. C. Al. lteb'rtsun : convener
lot .1.vntb ital ennlutltle % airs. (;reu-
tilie ('lark. Thie rings whh-h has n
mentls'rshit, of thirty aril Ise ktmwn a.
..- il+ir--4'I...'. of \mel,
10 at m.. Classes Mrtia fila jtlal 311e.
1 Sion heed. The ChM bode .•\\'lift
use• J.' -t- tuade of the 411,1 T.•-ta1114.10.-
win bebiteabl er) by lief.. J. E.
Publie worship at 11 a.m. anter T p.111.
In view of Ill, :.I.tolrulal world '•ondi-i
tlolw 111141 the revuhatIona ry changes of
almost daily ,srurreflee the irtstor
i purposes gib ipg n summary review of
outstanding .5-.larren, ,ean.1 their re-
lation to the progress et Christ's Mute
dont on the earth. Thew' will he given
'tr. tehure•rt.
1 Sert•k:te in North .greet Mefh'sllsri
•cline•. ne•V $1111.111r wiI be ns 10l10w-
at the evening service of the se
Sunday of each Month. The. first will
be given twat Sunday evening ender
the theme "The 1Vorld.Tllrue,il 1111.1
the Kingdom." Tli.' luornhag thew
will la' '•O)ur. Father," the filet iu, a
,eriees-ttf-dolutlehy tee' tete.: *rnnor,a 1.4.I1
the Lord's Prayer. 1
3 p. m.. Barker Chapel, Highland)
lark, by They. Dr, J. E. 4oehran, the
Ileeearied's. pastor, nee. Dr. Cochranspoke In ehiptent.te•rn': of the iolh "t
1-latitudeMINIhonor that th.• d.e.wxwl
had followed and of his parent% and
forejstrents Who bail 1s en enema thepioneers in eburr•h work of (yutad,t.
The pallbearers' seer.• 'l' -'"r•. wee
Sutherland. Midriff 3Lirr:n. 'I'..I se.
cord, Norte/Ill MacLean. Ali•.•i-t R'ig•
gins, Iwwls Sntherhl. The floral tri-
butes were many and heautifut. ie-
skle. times. ..1 many friends to Dcu.,lt,
there wen' be'atlliful wreath. of ever.
greens raft flowers from the Ladles of
Jefferson, S. 4'.. The American iw'gion
Post No. SO, Jefferson, 8. C.; Alr. and
Mrs. W. 1'. Lillis, Greenville, S. (.'.. and
the 8ontlenstern LIfc lutrtintace Co.,
Greenville. EL 4'. the Wiwstwarl
.'.«utue_f'- K Jockey. Detroit, %1Ieb. ;
the Whensoever Class of the 1Vcod-
w:f1•d avenue Presbyterian ('hun•h
:Hui the Westminster Prcalrvterlan T.
1'. C. E. S. aux' the '4VInmore ('hides of
1ns• 1i'(wshvau•d avenue' Pretbvteriun
Air. I'ruudfout formerly was with his
luuther•ln-low, W. E. Forbes. 1u the
rl'•.trhul contracting business.
VALENTINE'S -DAV will soon
be here. The best Valentine to
sen(( to a friend is a well -taken pho-
tograph of yourself. Go to Sallows
if you want a good picture.
Thursday, Fehr ary 9, 1f22. -y
w'EF:K OF F'F:I(RI'ARY late
\l 44
outday and TuesIlay, Feb. 19,
HI'GO R:%LEI\'S , t
iiie.taeulnr i•roall. tion
"1115 HOME "i111./.1 110311;"
Wedaesby and Thur.d.lc, (''eb.
"1\.11.1.1" REA)
}tall Room (toys Comedy
F`irlay and Saturday, Feb. 17-18
l'asivervat .111 Star ('last
I'cutury 1'omed►
Matlnees Monday and Wednesday ft
4.15 p.m. Saturday at 3 Am.
Two full shotes every eight start**
at 7.30 p.m.
To Help You With Your Garden
An 8o Page Garden Annual Free -
now action a- :....kJ. Plaut that t .. 'k yarn eerlen. I..y nal
that trent be'. on pup•r.-Know exactly what y...- rc p,ine to jdunl-un.t
ttw•n -tart ri4ht I.t• pert -leasing ,
Eresjt i)omini.m Seq.. l fall :If life. it jest tt,.ls t., be plant ee.} in,y..tr -
ganletl 1., burst ittto a vige.r.-ns tittle. plant. Atter that it's up to you to few
that the plant in giv.•n all the care it noon. -but Iwrwl )uu, the plant trent
h althy, young metal is the taunt that gets along; held ural nrrjelire's leas . ague
,tituolr Seels are actually w.,1-te!'ted at lour 12 sere Trial 1; mauls,
Glen Maple Iianh'iw. That's how we km,w he.minieo smile "W.•n't stay
Pinned." They an' ioutwl h, .sante up.
• We have • 1922 Catalogue for you.
It will be sent postpaid to you free.
.4 Referent to the Life, Last illness
And Death of Former God erleh Boy
The Piedmont, of Greenville, Routh
('atsdinn, mike•s the following refer -
'epee In Its issue of January 1'T, to the
dearth of William A. Protwlfoot. son of
Mr. and )Ira. J. M. Proudfoot, of De-
trplt. formerly of rc,k'rk•h :
-Willin ua II. 1' lf.ot..tweury-fuer,
formerly oho of the 1••adltig prone,.
rin11111 11.a•key [.layers of Canada. sol-
dier of the World 11'alr, ill both the
tirade* of-tic'-i'titted •itsh•s-and Can-
ada(, died thee .tnornins at e.45 lu vii.'
Tenn of tit'_ fnnpr'tiaL 11.1.•1 following
an mita* :attnek of I'ronehinl mien -
militia whit is 'h'' tome:tenet 'only yt..
te•rday. His death ons lalstwwrh by al
.henrt aff.ethet eentractiel during his
wn r sere"[, e ; ,e atiahii.1F- MITA practic-
ally dleabled hien, but a,t•,.rlhng to
tncnt._ ba
A G°tr
for him
Sieh, On
daring t
in-law• n
E. Thum
to Green
for rate
up. until
) 'd
statement,' of 1'rlt•mI,. for eche rea sett not rei.guizerl. by the Gove•rli-
..titne' til. Live him. treatment to
hospital or to armee
comp nsation.
i'rottdfoot, ,A . natter of Godesaurin, Canada, has Ia.•ti living
he past year with his hrottwr-
ad his sister. Dr. and ala. .1.
as at Jefferson, S. c. He came
cute hist Tuesday to prepare
(fug the eery -lee of the South-
Lffe liu.mrnnee Company and
Saturday night wan actively
s sgsre _ Lt ...wily ..tact--- ration:
41117-110 wag not n) a to pave 1415
room -though he did 1101 appear. eer-
Innsly ill and eestetday when no im-
provement ryas apptr'nt * telegram
was dispttc'heel to I)r. Tholnar', who
arrit'ed in the city at 1 o'clock this
morning. Pneumonia developed during
the night, >reewHlns to beer tills
"He 1s survival by his fa thee and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Prom1-
fnot, of Detroit ; his slates, hissers
to ti
and F.Ilzatwth Prondtoot and
l[rs. Wealev Fortes, 01lktrolt, and
31re. J. E. Thome'', of J' ferson, A. O.,
and two hmtheri,' Robert I'rottdfoot, of
Detroit, and ,john Prondfoot, of
"Mr. Proudfoot entered the servfee
a perfect specimen of ma nh000l ; when
discharged from the army he was a
physieal wrnk and during the lasi
year he hall been fighting bravely tie
regain his health and while possessed
of an Indomitable grit and determina-
tion, he was not strong enough to
wRitatand the attack of pneumonia. A
friend Raid of him today : "He gave
his life for his country Just as valant-
ly as nny man who died in tie
t renehes.'r c
He was n member of the Alim efcaa
Dr. J. E. Pittman accompanied' the
remains to hla borne, 1130 Glynn Ct.
Detroit, Michigan. ,
Funeral services were held Pril�ar,
February 13th and following. Alias
(:1Aler,lr will have un display a eltuw-
ing of .onrty Mprtng st'ytrv.-Miss Cam-
eron. It
The Goder k•h Women's lustitntc
At ill hold a euchre and dance in Odd.,
fellows' Hall on St. Valentine's 1)a7,
February 14th.'.Tickets ra0c. I -t
The W. 1'. T. l'. will hold their reg-
ular meaning on Monday, February
13th, at 3 p.m., in Temperance Hall.
Visitors always welcome. --Preis Supt.
The Guild of St. George's Church
announces a salad tea with sale of
hcnne hakfne and fancy work for
Thureiny afternoon, February 23rd,
from :t to 7 ,'clock. 1n the Masonic
The s•rvicett in Knelt Church nextSun-
dal, will 1x' conducted by Rev. F.H.
Iwrkin, OD.. of $eaforth, in exchange
with Rev. Sir. McDernlid. Sabbath
school ane( Bible Cleat will meet at
:1 o'clock.
,At the Minted church se'rvlee's next
Sunday itev. C. N. Dewey will have
charge and will take for hie wsbjeets:
11 a.m., "The Man of Prayer" and 7
p.m.,"Thr Gospel Message." Bible
aL..J_--m rent u 1/... �..
meeting on Monday issuing at 8
Invited For Fourth Year
At the February meeting of the
North sIrcet Quarterly (MMtal (board
held on Monday evening, the lora)
preachers and class leaders were eon -
firmed In their oflkr. Lid was decided
to hold the ehnreh anelverusry on
Murch 12th. The pastor, Rev. H. I).
Boyer, was ae.•nrded a nnanIm nna 1tt-
vitatlon to remain in the pastorate for
a fonrth year. which wan aeeepted.
The 14pworth League of North street
Methodist ehnrrh haft completed ar-
rangements for Its unique eatertafu-
• On Fitter and 'rev
kettle Seeds I)turj,
f eirttery and Werth
Addns.s Dept F;
Dominion Seeds. Limited
11.-•.‘ std
t .1' Market
London, Canada
For First -Class Job Work Try "The Signal"
ItfhsA,af1.aM1rtkxxxflxx1/\al xX.1111/1Xaf'vanti.tAraArof'LXxx
West Street o erich
` • Xt�c
79c !' XX
- / X
'h/iera, per Ilk.-
Soap Chips, lb. . . 19c X
per Ih. lOc T Pure R, p. lam. 1 lb. tin
ll ., 77c x
25c1t irr'ff'. '1 m....IA.1e, 1 1b
Bronchitis Colds
'- C'oughs
Blown to atoms
Every trace completely removed by the
World's most powerful perpetration
Backley's Bronchitis Mixture
Fully guaranteed
to glee you relief .r money refunded.
♦On°.•.for 7ao
soul hy ani drmuti•ta or by mall ffromfromasting
W a. l, tlowet 111 Msr-,t at Views
Sold In ('ioderfeh by
J. A. CAMI'IIELL, Druggist,
Goderleh, Oa(,
Kees Fruit Salts, p. r "'"
p . ,
Aar, 18 pts_ . .
$7.i5 per rnl.
1 .u,ndry Snap. 10 barn 72c
Buy 1). s. 1. ica, ('offer.
Spires. };atraets and Raking
Powder. 'flea etre of • the -
beet quality and fife lone
Cornmeal. ti lbs.
Sc25c 1 tin
Nrtowflale "hd.rtelling, Ih..
White Dean., 1
Icing Sugar, 2 lbs.
Pot Harley, per Ih.
Rolled Oats, 6 lbs.
4 -string Brooms
3-1b. pail 47c
19c Pure learn. 2 lbs.
5c 3 -Ib. pail ..............
24c calfdDes. m. 22c
39c Seeded Raising, Ib. 24c
Snowflake Ammonia. 3 23c
Franforl Corn, 2 tins
XX flnfklflrXfrrx lrlttAofll><1nf'+rnA rtlstltxflttAotfltlflr
M. S. R. A. H. S. N. A.
These eight letters, as they appear, will probably meats
very little to von, hut, properly arranged, they spell
which means the very best a shoe store can offer in up to i
minute goods, lowest prices, courteous and efficient sen'icc.
in all its branch ••s• undertaken by a capable and efficient
The Leading Shue Store Phrnte I';R
aflaflofltflnfltl/tittfhlfrttflttflraf XXX C N " _