HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-2-9, Page 3Who Pays For Advertising? Why nobody pays for it. 11 pays for it- self. Advertising cuts down selling costs, breaks down sales resistance. It pays for itself. THE SIGNAL PRINTL\t;I CO., LIMITED, Publishers. ionat Buy Space In The Signal It is the most ecomicul astli 't Q►prop►ia- ison you can make. Your meiy,Re will be read by over 3500 people. t;t 11 blab;It'll, t1\1`-Ut1(1 I'lll;i:-I).\1 1.1';K.ItC-11tV 9, 1922 KE�'F:\'rl-F'IF`rll 1 I':AK NO. 6. BaptistCongregatioit Welcomes New Pastor ---Gordon Young Chosen President of Centre Huron Liberals, Baptist Congregation Welcomes New Pastor FARMING EXTENSIONS 7 The judicious use of credit in farming opera- tions is a valuable aid to progress. The Sterling Bank is always prepared to discuss applications for credit based on a sound proposition to in- crease production. See our Manager. Discuss your plans for next season with him. Get his advice on any financial or Investment mat- s tees you are considering. Let him show you how t h e Sterling Bank has Incorporated personal Service into Clanking transactions -with better results to all. 0 THE STERLtNGBANK OF CANADA Centre Huron Liberals ; Jiold Annual Meeting on Younif,-0474Thiwne, is Elect ed President ociation M,.M. Murdie, Who Is Named Honorary President. 'I'Ie' annual meeting of the ventre llama Liberal Ars.ot'lation was held 1n Carnegie Hall, 1(etfortb, on Friday hast. The provident: \\M --r. M. Murdie, (ting atwaent through gees, the tlrst wit.•-pr•mklent, Mr. J. Is r of Clin- ton. .scnphd the chair. rhe sleeting was held at_ his time, instead .d the nsuat time in May. In order that delegates might he tts,wen for the Provincial Liberal convention to he held et Toronto on March he alai '91sT. net rifling la entitled to four delegates, who were ebO.w'A M follow+ : Mh. I'.ler Scott, Itrttssela; Me. -r'. Geo. McIA•nuan, Clinton; High 11111, Colborne; W.' H. Robertson, Gndertth. Four alternates also sem 4.1105..11: 11r. .'d Murdie. McKillop: Mrs. Walter Maiming. Clinton; J. W. Slaw. Clinton; Mre. M. G. ('am- pron. l:oderkeh. Sir. J. M. (:ovenlock, M. P. P., and 'Yr:-1m1X.-li•\fllTdn, canditrif 1n the recent Dominion efertlon, also are en- titled to attend the .vtnventlon, whk•h Is called primarily for the purpose of ie•lecting a new Liberal leader for the Province. tethers for the coming year etre elected as follow*: Hon. president -Michel Murdie, Me- Ktlbop. Presldeat -4 ordon Young. Colborne.' 1st vk•e-prrsddent-J. L. Kerr, Clia- ron. • Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 per single cord, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMiTED. , (Foot of Anglaa St.) Phone 61. -HOUSES-HOUSE S All kinds for vilest very reason - Ale prices. Homes to rent. P. J. RYAN It. al }:.tate and Tueurawe Phone -o w1S AND BAGGAGE SERVICE Ions meets all trains. Calls nw.le for paetengers and baggage to any part of the town, Prompt .ervke guaranteed. Telephone 51 ay or Night ti. R. STOWE Residence, Cambria Road, opposite the Organ Factory Office 2n41 vise pr••.ideto James Watt.. Hullctt. 3rd vire-president -Jame. It. Hinck. L•v. Seaforth, . f Secretary J. L. •Killoran, (;.wlerich. Treasurer --JN wee Watson, tieaforth. Audhors-hoist. Mwhh and J. 1►. 1i(no hien, Neeforth. ('tutirmen of mnnieilw titles -Coe borne, Hugh Hill; Hallett, John Fing- land; M'K111up, Juts Murray; Grey. John 'McNabb.: flinton, (;aotge Me- Lennan; Meaforth, I)r. H. It. Roma; -111911.. I.10. Prier Mrott ; (iodcrk•h. (`has. A. Nairn. Mr Munlie having cxpreeed a de- sire to wfUhtraw from the presidency, which he had tilled for over ten years, Ie wait ele•1e1 honorary president, and the secretary was inetructel to place on 'retroed an expression of the Aeao- .'Iatton's appreciation of his long and faithful service._. The followltt resolutions weer adopted : Moved by Major It. M. Slays, seer,nd- ell by Hugh 11111 . Taunt the Liberals of ('entre Huron In ant,,o,l meeting asuetnbld hereby .¢pr•.. their high appreciation of the altitude of the Lib- eral members of the Ontario Opined - Hon on the door of Parliament during the past two sessions, stud we iuttner believe that the time has e.,me when they should to the (Wiese ert(eat-ef their ability and power plate before Parliament and the people_ of. the 1'rovinoe the principle. and ontlook of Willoughby's Farm Agog offers for sale alarm of 100 acres, well situated on boundary of Col- borne township. A good red brick house of eight room, :and bath, com- plete hot and cold water, artesian well and windmill. hank bare 6$x64 and 40x26 with good stabling and water in stables, si'o Mali, hen- house 10:20. hog.pen 10x20, This is good clay loans mai: and well - drained and fenced, 3.1 acres plough- ed, S acres of wood, t; utiles from station and three quartets of a toile from school. A gaol buy. For particulars apply to C. C. McNEIL Itrnce Street flocIerirli, 11111 In Five Years How much do you spend in a week on trifles you would never miss ?-About three dollars? That amoialt, deposited every week for five years, would amount to $841.02. °souWalW l tfayr Weiss lb we of Mak. "woe~es tee+ M ONION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Wootkombe, Manager Rev. C. N. Dewey Late o/ Tilsonburg, Opened His Pastorate Here Sunday. Bnutd in outlook, hopeful In tone and fall ..f inspiration the evening sermon preached by iter. C. N. Dewey, the new pastor of (;oderkh ltaptist church, last t(un.tay took the form. in a liberal way of s challenge, to the members of the congregation. The discourse as rendered by Mr. Ik•wey expreeseed the holy' that there would ise a •cooperation in the church that would be it strength In the work of God. Taking as his 'ubjeet *The Heeling of the Lame Man at the Gate ileauti- ful," the speaker after giving a brief review of the events which had or - curved Renter the death of Jesus. show- ed bow this first apostolic tirade war* a literal fulfilment of the promiv-. of Jews as. given hi the closing *hap. ter of Mt. Mark's g.siw•I. The prom- ises of our Master are shit's fulfilled and We Mhoukl ever keep iu wind his promise to tome again to cow.. it,. a' Judge of all for their many sins. The lame man, apparently setisl el In his lucrative position, never had thought of the possibility- of being saved and In this way Is something like people today, who never think of their many posslbtlltt.-s anti opportun- ities,- "We serer think: -seam• Dewey, "of the people we t'an Have if we get them on fire for God:, Many of them rleh, yet*, rich in material wealth are longing for truth and yet we paw them by because we do not thick of ttae poseiblllty of bringing these people to God. ••The younger generation must have Its ammaemeuts as must the older folks, too, but It is not 'playing the game' to emphasize the social phase of Ilfe too much. Juvt as the ■thiete is troubled with 'MhIete's heart' if be has trained to strenuously w, are we doomed to sickness in our noir-Jinni GODERI('il BAPTIST ('HUNCH 1.ilwereli..m es manifested so highly in the noble Liberal record of the Last. Moved by J. M. (;orenka'k, M. 1'. 1'.. ssonded by W. H. Robertson : That we. the Idberals of Centre Hurn in annual meeting ,i w'mhl•d, view with great aatbt>lctiurl time rsrrrn 1.. lw,wer at Ottawa nf a Liberal (;overnment, 'ender the leader.hip of the Hou. WIL Siam Lyon •Mackonzle King. We look forward nntler the new admitted -tion of able Minister. whom Mr. King has ins•ludetl in his Cabinet to a return of democratic government in Canada will} the remittent effects of n mor, contented people and a emitter degree of prosperity among the manses of the people. We espeeially regard the de- clared pulley of 11H• 4;orernment of in- eugurating a forbad of strict economy to be in the test interests of Canada at the prevent time and one calculated to hrtng hack stable sod prosperous condition+ with the Mast 'possible d.•• lil y. Mr. .1. M. Cocenla'k, M. 1'. 1'. for Ceutre Harron, gave a brief melee. of Prorlrs Lal political .onytltlons, **peek- ing particularly of the pr•Hern Gov- ernment's financial rse,rd and the Ions to tbe Province involved In its method of borrowing money. Mr. Thomas McMillan also spoke brleny. lie thought that 1,Ilw'rate never had bettor right than now to hold up their heads with pride• in vises• of the Liberal record in lath 1►„msul.n end Provincial fields. The new l're- aMr, Ilan. %htek.'nsie King. was n men of d.•ma•rit(e methods• with n real drdre to help the people. Ile Ithe sp'akerI had beer notevoiated with him a. n member of the Liberal ad- `I+ory committee for several years and lied formed n high opinion of his . harm -ter and ability-. FATRZB GNAlel NTEItYli inti t Miter of 1'arlah and er ('r/rdit • Entertellitel At Kt. Peter's Rectory ke.,r,: 1 I'MMy I;nam entertained at 1St. Peter's Veetwry on T1,nrday, Ian- , I nary NG- with:idinlH•r in honor of the musician- of the pa►Llr nod outer cnerds who vrist.si a lt11111P lame for the Christ- li men services, ('oven were laid for .' l.. born, and the theoratiunt*ltsere white and I Lid tose and were charmingly tarrirat ,mit. I After the Ptn iptoous dinner Ilk. Fate" (inane, in his usuahgrae'ful mange. get, a few brief remarks on talent anti rte fond feeling of unity wfiieh exists am people of (;,slera•h. Hs oleo espte.aarl his gntitlidc• t.. 11.,' Tonne }prove 1„r the part they had taken in malting hi. tine Christina. in ti. derieh a happy one. NI r, Jas. Young and Mies FAlra Webb replied on behalf of the music class, after which all returned home rejoiced over the plena - ant evening spent. 90061111041141111 1,011F. See Our Windows For Great Values In We are offering values in Jew- elry, Rings, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass and Silverware that you will not be able to buy at these exceptionally low prices again this year. E. C. ROBERTSON Watchmaker and .leveller Cor. Bast St. and Square Gederieh CRAIGIE'S 1NSURANC& (ale REAL MATE Now' Is The Time To Secure a Home lkon'1 ,gait for the Spring rush Call end vee our listings Bends Benthl and Sold J. W. Craigie t Itves if we stress social life too neat. It 1s time for 0s at. parents, guardians( and friends to Mound the warning note and then perhaps most would not hare void feet' on prayer meeting night or young peoples night. ' "During my stay 'here," eonh•luded the speaker, "I lutend to make a+ In)* keynote the words of Peter te the lase man. These were : "Such n+ i have be made ready. in Peter's came by the give .1 thew." 119th this he wade an t'Ixiou. The message however needs appeal to his hearers for u re -const'- usent preparation as it is ent by the eratton to Gott Iiiorder to bring about Almighty. an inspiring uplift In this work which I Her. Mr. Dewey was splendidly re - Ile gree us to do. ceived at both services anti promisesIn his morning talk Ret'. air. ik'weyf to be a valuable addition to the mural Rteak fur his faze Peters question inand religious forces of tbe community. ets l0: 2(4, I ask therefmr for what Mr. Dutton, of Mitchell, has purchased intent ye have sent for we f and the Conunerc,aI Hotel, f•raforth, from Mr. following this up gave as his reason! A. A McLennan and is baa tin g for coming to 4;.tlerkh his desire to 1 to open it about the And of March Mr. present the Gospel of ('hrist. Draw. I Dangey conducted the Collison House in hug a parallel between till own case 1 Mitchell for some years. The tea nin and that of Peter he spoke of the !of the hotel sill be a help to business in priyatratiou nceeary for the audience, [S.eaf.,rth as there has been a markod lack similar to the fasting and prayer of of atcomrnotlation for trat•ellers Mr. and Cornelius. The 'messenger must also sire. Mel . nun indmd W retrain in Seaforth. CopeIam. Flourills, Limited ttncorporateJ under the Ontart(Coutp:i iest Act) $600,00 Eight per cent. Sinking Fund Cumulative Preference Shares $225,000 of the above amount has been purchased for Cash, at $100 per share, by the Directors. and their friends. We are offering the unsold balance at Price: $.100 per Share, with a Bonus of 30% in Common Stock IrlvIdpais remind from tbae Share- fire free from uortnal federal In.ono• 1.. • 'CAPiT.tl.IZATION ' Hcy. Preference Share, Autherhred. $1,000.000 Issued ;,rad to be }sued • tear Valor glob 8600.000 Authorized:41.000.000 - lssue,l 8800.000 DIRECTOltit: _ Common Shares 41'5r {'..Lo. 51o0 ,1AMF,4 PL\YF'Allt PMB5eft sad Gen.'s, Manager, Meat Lake_ rransp.rtatlon yowl»,.. Limited: President sad (;eneeaN Manage -1% Midland Faevator ('Omeany. 1.imf1.'1 D. ti. P1tATT vies -rens snit -sad %loaner, St .1o1,u 1,ryt k J. shipbuilding 1 'omI'any, Limited: !erector, ere., 1.ak04 Tans- p,rtatlon company. IJ nIt.d. D. h. WRITE: Prealdent, 5lIdirud Shipbuilding Company, !Minified: 1'ireetor, 111411114 la.•vatut r'ow!,..•.v, Limited. A.. k3. tPF;I.A!(D ere -idem and >luaging lel re4•tor. 1'urs•lund 1.1o111. 4111. L111101.1 r.. (1 KA rT I:;. roister et Law,-1NJtedW�Vtor for all n1 the nI .,• C,.ml nam.. - Deed Zlfllee'dnil M111: Jll.11aml rocart:,. Braneh Dice: iudtnui', Ontario. Baakens: • Transfer Agent and Itegbtrer: Bank of Hamilton. J,auw..1 Trust Co., Llmiteed. Toru,'., Aadlt(awf Robertson. Robln.on, Armstrong & Co., Toronto. • Soll.ltor: 1•'. 11'. ,neat, Nldland. The Prefetence Mtotk in preferred as to, dividends and ;,mets. . will a., arnul:.te unfit the end of the first fiscal year, when a dividend will l.e declared out of eurningm; the .Iividends will thereafter he payable quarterly. Oinking Fond: Commencing with the firth 1+8•a! year of the company, that. Is, on S.y.lember 1s1. 1925,_1ksum equal to 5 of the net profits after providing for Preferred Dividends in Pieh year will be reserved as a sinking fund to used for the purpose of redeeming Preference Shares. Jebeseption: On any dividend date on and after 5 years from the date of paym,xtt of the first interim dividend two aIlment dee lared....J:tta_lreferanca.Xpaswa 1..- rid }rr whole or -Pa el' n tn'HT says' noirce, at Ito. APPLICATI 1 AOR STOCK v. The esker* am 1'... IAwii.d, Teresa.. ' The nnd.rslgaed Merrily wnh.. rll.e., ler. and ;.gree. to rake lr t 11, v.n.I,.r.• Itsnkeror Mond e'nmpaa*,.1,t Had, 40 King htreet W...4, Ttrwnte the number ..f r. NI akar;; Pn umnlative Pref. -rem, Shares. ,d tbe ('appal Stock 'of Copeland Flour 51111Limit' i. ,set app 1.111• 1h. \I }},f thr undersigned hn eto+a . or sci Ora 1... a - piano bee as may M' allotted tinder t .. , nb.. rl ellen�.r , 'old re. Aro hilt `k hone. of WI'. of the .mount o1 l'refer►me Stork .�n Common shares of the piny, And the rade nlxned server to pay for the .old akar•+ ae.•n r.11na to payment marks) aider tb.'ruttier a1 Misr,-.. • CLAN J,.s" • el!. per shate herewith. =.n per +ha r. herewith. per herr• act .1a.- afi.r allotm.nt. • per share on allotttoenl• f2d pm' shay. ou allotment &18 11,,1 than. Mt day. after allotment. Skate tlretUhwt.5 tq. DP Is.ur.t 55.11 111..1 pa3'ry ut 1. 1.:-d.. r.lvld.n.l- 0, �I rnr fnnn .I �t. ,.f .ort ifleat., • Interest• at r% - pet among to be allowed on lu<fallm.al payment, op la dal. eertIltenfe 1. I.nawl. Dated at Ne, of She. fl Slgnatlrre .l1. FUIII Plaa et Payneet t Ware.. tt.L.�NIt WRITr. Volt 'Oh In have comphir proglee hr,, 11,1e for one, and i1 aria be moiled mune d,alrly. BAN MRS pop ;0141110, Y 60 King Street West , , . Toronto r a .:5 -/ a. 1, INV S' ' IE BROKERS 4` ' Masonic Temple Building , Goderich, Ontario • x 1