The Signal, 1922-2-9, Page 2a
2 -Thursday, February 9, 1922.
$h °glossal
'1'hurs,la.y• February m. I1l46
Th,. n.411144408 Parliament will opal
Nnnh tl toe the first wedskw of ilii•
goad Premiership. to the meunlime
tike tw11.1bera of the Cabinet are in-
idlastriously saying northing butsawing
Toronto and Montreal are squ:Ib,li, .;
over the loirntlon of headquarters of
the Canadian National Hallways. The
dispute as ;teen through the column.
of the newpapers of the rival Citic
to becoming�quite Interesting. -.-
T1nr nv•eot nslerwl ehertfon .'stab -
4! i't a rs•ord in the number of c:wdb
dates who lost their d.•1•e-its. '1'•
were no fewer than ty_ 1'hlrty wo/
were• Liberal 1'nnd41Litr.,. El were ln-
depeudent.. -i7 heir 1'rgr.••", and
70 were ('
W. F. Nhk lr;,Coaseervatir.•. has been
el.etcd member of the Legislature fur
the• city of hiugeton. 4utxt,ding Lt.-
i4e1. Ross. who resigned to conteet the
scat in the recent Federal election.
Kiiar-ton ha- went ebbldervativea both
to Toronto nod to i ttaTaa for a good
Imo:wog air. !ta kle, has already
arliumentary expert a and is
- looked upon se a likely in etstor to �-
!Toward Ferguson as tile-IPotin•
, dal Conservative leader
Bodies and Cabs
at net extra cost
when required.
All other models
low prices.
Time payments arranged when desired,
same' 'poison as that In I11nmi11atlag WATCH YOUR HEALTH IN
g901..1 44,w4411Iron the exhaust pipe or FEBRUARY AND MARQH
the entoulte. It acts 4(n thu Motor
*1141 presents thesovygen 144 the air}
frau purifyi of It. and the person who Dominion Department of Health Says
ha;., inhaled wi.`h of it tlieke tie he That Frbnlart and )larch Are
wuu4 4 from sof 04%1141 or frum
Two Moet Dangerous Month
droutline. The reel mrpuwles in the The filet three etas of the year, says
blood contain a substance called the Dominion Iken{artmetit of !leak'', are
haenmglobin, which -carries to the, tie most fatal. 1'hegreatt'$t number of
tlsue, the oxygen from the air that is i deaths is in February, the tic.cxjt in March,
in the hinge and brings track in place and the thiel in January. This seeing to
114 1.4.4 the 0441 11 14409y of the Iseult/Mil- ,
'lento( tl» bracing cold of winter. One
explanation is that many people breathe•
very little of the outside air, spending
moat of their time in heated I1ouw'lq and
of It carbonic-acid gas that the lungs
furs it strung union with haemoglobin
1 hl
iCcttso t- iaues, ottfctw; tcrtrt
pyo the: man is poisoned with hie own{ den ehanFr'a from this at""-"'
waste products phere to something tit the neighborhood
exhale. t'arhon-m noxtde is able an
sial to prevent the
blood corpuscles
A small am t of the exhaust o
gas zero would be dangerous. Winter
can be inhaled without serious injury. sports, each :UI Skating, h,r:kcy and tobog-
.l Turmoil tatter is authority for pit•• 1 tatatratwl w
for Utt e Will still 1r enough red sur- sarins, are mostly fur young Ample, and,
.r .'ta ell it may be that the high 1
the statement that an estate eompoaed
of city realty has hx•reascd 'fervid In
►aloe since L'49,i. This growth in
vathas leen created, not by any
e'on tet' part of the owners, but
the growth of the community. It
parolee understanding, when Teel/deters
ere looking everywhere for things to
tax that they do not appropriate for
the community n lure.• proporthin of
*nth cumtnunityeratld values.
- rhe itntT Agbut,.-fOttti, Archbishop
of Ilitau. has been elected Pope aeon
bar: assumed the prime of Pins ST.
It 14 stated that the great 81m of lila
. Voliey will be unlyernj1 peace, in fur-
therance of whish he will pestle un
oral to all the natirms of the world.
. t?w eardinals from this tvrnttment
e on their way to to take
in the rlldla1e for the eletioa
ties „r ,,-Potdfff -hM- ,
'4r1i*Ivl In time. (ins of these w -ns
ordinal !lysin of (napier; the other
o were from the Meilen States.
Provincial rorernment 1s eon.
-.-.4.,-, -♦ The
tier ring the eicoam •tit of as "1.1ne-sky"
- -V --ht the tiefralsIu*g
people by curate! stock flotallone. It
1"• proposed that bailee of stork be
legal only after examination /11111 ape
pineal ley the Government. Medlin:
proposal is that the Attorucy4lenerall
be even drastic ter*-.'rs of dealing I p
with any streak flirtation regarding
w 111c11 mintittalnt is made. T*r 144 r
a iv ith the gas to tinlungolderpeople of sedentary habits.
carry on the vital exchanges in the_. The atilt a newt heating systems in
may- But !f the amount of carton' lack of moisture which may be supplied
monoxide is only fifteen parts in ten by water kept on the stove or in the fur -
mortality it
thousand parte of alr,-as tt will b4. sack, pial.
come !n five minutes in a small Ra r- Dr. AI1)yot, the ili;pput). \linister ut I
e'ulttl, lays wane u( Ute sinus on
age' with fhe engine running, -1t is
Anyone who is suffering with car-
bon -monoxide poisoning should be ear-
riecl Into the open air. dwlrhel with
cold water, lad, 1f he is able to swal-
low, stimulated with hot coffee or
ammonia. Artlticial respiration
mea ms et the pill tor Is nee,sary in
many cases, and
*ion of blood -la
will save life. Eve
restless tra1sfu-
only thing that
tl*at may fail
when the person_has inhaled much of
the Iolwan.
Thr Ideal Newspaper •
lily .Arthur F. Folwelly
\\'iskly )
A 4)'wsioirr 7,nlrlisherr 1i.1sl$ to
please his reader•. asked for sltaxes-
t ions.
"How eat) 1 slake -aline• the k
W$4411per 4" he lnytlinvl.
"Cnt ml1the crimees, the nnu•dere.
the eroiss)tit all dtrorrc oats.• reports,'
s'l'ut out tilt accidents. the railwa
x1)44-tet4msht' dl,asterd," said the
id•oplc who 'et tl.hl'1 lir:er" t0 read
stud. tilting/I.
"!'pt tout elm' la tics;" -4:11,1 the old
I,lnl- Wl14pr4pr _ I 41141 leder•
stuns! it, nd lit ren' ', time for {t.
"4'tlt'n+tt `tit. 1. 11 •441 of Narlutrs 1U)
all that heavy stln.T." y W11441 the flaw
pert. of boli se c. •' \-inais It a
nlout, anyway
"Cut out talc ... raTleol reap. Mite
414e careful month r.. •'rte
do tnres aren't funny and they're lot
telt lad for children."
=7'l& out tits- fro 44.1 1., t.
send rhe Mot
I! t•iwsel away :
hand the 'ppn•siinu of eight hundred.
1- years,
h }':tre•.vell t0 sorra and the searing
4, tela rat
,Anel sower will be-1.0.sten all thine
s •}'or light is fiirnkdng'on t
it diet;
which in the winter does not contain
enough green stuffs.. There is a certain
improvement in this rerpoctowing to the
growing habit of using tomatoes, lettuce
and other sulad,i in the winter. These
an soua'tinnw classed as luxuries, and
the taxation on imported ti'getables and
fruit is defended on that ground. But
the free use .4 tlityle fools is . 114 iiieive t ,
The simple r rot ,,....
by Lr. Amyot tato go been when one
hac8 cult!. 'Frying to tight the e,kl
by going crit is ducky, but ,launtero0r,
and may 111(81 death, or n longer illness.
Special Excursion ! February 14414.
Trip to Japan, China, louden, Great
Britain. Keep rho. -date open.
No. 11 ---Delivery.
'rhe purlos.' or delivery should he
to make 11 definite hupressnun with
clearly delliied ldewi, upon the minds
..f i1 ... ..........--
live delivery is '4'11. ' l entX-
preparlt'tlo11 .\s sug-
gested In the article on brief-makhig
lu than wet -ler, the material hearing
upon the subject of diw•untsI»» shuokl
1'e carefully sele•ad and logically ar-
r.lugwl. Thos, pitch 14/e11 will he neat-
ly defined and It's bearing tiro', the
1 1114111 csta)Alslu•d ht the 111i114 of the
speaker. Thin .'4'1l4.111:*(tuition of
ideas. reasons, tart.. ett•., .114 abwdut.•ly
esreItlpl to intelligible public speak-
ing. A. mass of material, indifferently
organised, results in 1) confused pr.
.c,'ota[Ion. 'Vagueness, indifferently
.organized, results In u cuufnsel pro.
,entation. Vagueness ranoot beget
'clearness. \%ith, and only with, this
thorough ',reputation. should a sneak
er appear l)efore lin 81111 11.11C1.. ft
would ire quite as absurd for 11 ho.4
u .clay tit' melioration of a meal
'wail her guests were seated at the
table, waiting to he served To prrt'-
paare and serve a lural eo11mitten tly
would ie, to say the least. confusing
It would he equally confusing to pre-
pare and serve an Attie meal at the
.nine time.
The speaker should :14)444.41' befon
hen hearers, then, with adequate pre-
paration, What is his purpose in ap-
pea ring before them 4' To <anumuoi-
rig its to them, to impress
his Mean apse their mImlee. flew reit
he impress his ideas 4)444/11 their ®untie'•
Ity vatting their attention to them,
or focusing it upon thein. Thus, he
edtablishe.s an intimate relationship
between himself 11 I/11 hos motet»-. ,4
teacher's attitude toward his rimes is
a good' Mu$tratiuu of what the atti-
tude of the speaker should be toward
his 11 1141/44114.0. The teacher has 'c,'r.
tali' facts which he wishes to impress
main the minds of the pupils. - ile
leads thein to understand ahem by
calling 'their attention to them). For
example, he m11y WI 9111 10 tenth them
that two and tare.' are five. He may
call their attention to two stleks, then
to three sticks and then to the result
--dee sticks. Thus the process and
the result are impressed upon," their
winds. !•ie. with the debater, his audl-
enee a11(1 hi, arguments.
i4l ffiN chitrpiti•ri4fp-.t
de -livery have tls'ir origin in this natu-
ral, purposeful, and. marl -any, tam-
mon-s,'nse relationship of the speaker
nest his listeners. Delivery'. 1co lwitwl
e : 4'l 4 dire•( • Hint personal. Each
member of the nn11i,n.e itdlr that the
spslk.r is. mak lnr a personal einem!
to him. is talking-to 111)14. As a result
s114)I1 a style Of sidilking ii ('2) natural'
end rouver-atio1al. 1t brings the ands
•ace Into the tn11rel:itlnnshlp
11411 the "weaker. tied I. characterim-
iv of macro -with'''. It 144:1 41441 a 1:11
remanent impression. There 44, 440
le of e,min:aniline idtyes that makes
i lasting an iwprvSsion on the adult
' 111tIN. of the listener nyertnigerat(atlon. Rasa -
The day is dawning on the Irish hill.: t
Is'w horn llgl)t the east horizon fills,
works, 11 Erin, to a brighter morn • t
art In honer now and not 1n
The jnat in soug of h'edom. how It
While light I, breaking on the Itish
hills ,
'tttc nugiaf i4tr spent, is giving 14aee t.•
The sl ear's% `„.from thine heart, are
1112444,4)1 would I"• mare• exp•n.lre; and s
it is also urge! against it that the t
I'r evf n inn Peres-,• w'uulo] glee suit t
1, 144114 v8ltte and the eters
involve! in 111e (ton- o
110.4. stock t
eiteeas of Any
Lgrasit lead appr"!
napped the man who In r ty wan
"Nobody111` headlines. "Nobody I'e rl e
"Cut out the woman's page," I. 1
fva,with. the strong wind. "It
eiurhy,, trashy, trivial; an insult
qtr sex."
"('tet opt. sports ane( theatres." wail
he Intellectual. '.Meth are had lath'
mare received alto -
41 Let ir,'land', sons title 1e.
t And from its plainest *doh!
They win who stand united in the
-' And 44.ttrlut mirage ever gains the (►(47,
LetGod tot. ---. For
- - --
ht that's breaking on. the Ir;- -
!rid' hills.
s take ,to
rn` M
Tete aggregate vote 1n the edecN••osi ,
\-.f December 0 was :4.121:4-14. dPi I •d II
b4.fellows : Liberal, 1,100.701W con- l'
r Pf4*1 " nils. 4 '
ti• 5171,•Iit ; ,h rii
,cline•tit. F444.232. P
ether ton Mitch t1
"r�rft scat-- 1111‘11 41 n
mailer, but the publisher beat them
0 tr.
"Stop all of yon," he cried- r'Ois
e•nnd thought, 1 hare deride) to cuL
nut myself-, It Is no Ilse trying to
nldlsh the 144,',)1 nettspl)s'r until 1f
m1,'.a,'ross till` ideal Mil 111`1""
avetilt. a smapler foal tote ,.,
they MOD.. fives, a Vs -b.' -
We will frameat vote, b
'1' ran-`
ically at small cost
Splendid oval Portia:
Frames in Gold or Circas-
sian Walnut, fitted with
Convex Glass, price $3.50
Smith's Art Store
Lust Street phone ?RR
tiering wide*,-)w..ligtt tap shark a
ent into the wholesale saxophone
nsineer for rest."
" Our new minister la just w•onderftil.
- brings thfhp boors to you that you
ore. '
;;ve got a lanndryn+an who
e thing."
T11y�• Rent LLICCDDY.
72 Bartlett a e.'hrrorito.
Hydro Store
The People's Store
Come in and inspect our stock
Electric prong
Elsetrie Heaters
E1ettric Washing Machines
E4ctric Grills
Coffee Percolates
Etc. Etc.
Bow your electric lam i terra
NO Smoking No Sltrartllr - Ns ease
Just Swallow a Catsale
RAZ -MAH h Guaranteed X
to restore normal breathing, stop mucus
gatherings in the bronchial tubes, siva ,•r
tong nights of quiet sleep; contains no ■•
kabit-formingg drug. 41.00 at Tour drug. •
gat's. Trial our agencies or writs R
Templetonai, 142 1 iag W., Termite 1111
'Sold by 11. ('. Dunlop.
1114• unlr,•1f/w1,41:14 i ».call ix*,'*ly
a1d yvh-l44y (444+1 y1017/1111:1
vol 111 a
C0111'94141/1 1 ),.` 1 nm aril I.1 you cannot
sal as munch alkali til• average puha(
leaking to which* run harp been 'rub-
jec•ted. If the speaker Impressers Ides
141441 4; upon the mini!, of his audience.
nod if they "it•kn44a1.'4g,• their validity
or agree with them. he 144 "lkren8t1.F
hi 141 e1uylna'iug lois listener., for by
foci's/dim their alteution upon each
Idea he tt kes them step ily sh'p to his
('OnclusloU. It they III aew4ot this
t'Oln•lllrblll *))'Ii roaches. they are eon -
v11144441. \
Public "1a'aldug. .44 .on,litlunwl. is
HIM -ere, VIKnruu,\atitj. dignillt'tl. it is
an appeal from tm 1),I 44f the speak-
er tn. the `W111ds u his hearers. It
erimanilads respect. t suggests vigor
and control. ft is a to. removed
from wild gest icnlation. limiting- enl-
ru.sluu, de1110lrug44' ell WOO gee and the
absurd artificiality of .• rut lona ry
methods. u. the North Poi is from
the south. ' -
Such u method of piddle "e king
Medea* ('ontraetor
A:.elit bur Blue 13ir,1 Washing
Machines. Choice Zine of Electric-
al Fixtures carried in stock.
Old ('olbortn• Hotel Osler
Phone ?511.•
All Ready -to -Wear
Overcoats. Were
$27.00 to $42.50.
$18.00 to $28.50
may be dwtcrttxd an an aeeentuated
tank. ur an extended euurerTatIo . M.
ceutmltel or extended. because the
SIr'uk,•r Is eolneannleathlg with many
rather than no lutlmut' few. Ile tan
rest '11.9.11 1-1441, also, that if he will me
realm! the function of public *speak-
ing and assume the personal attitude
toward 1114' 1uulknee, 1 leavesuggeted,
hi. soar, and gesturing will natural)y
adjust thounl'll-(er to meet the home.
dime demands of tiny given occiedmi,
wpontatwously and without self rom-
This la the end of the matter; the
purp/w' of delivery In public speaking
is to dad people to think with you, t„
arrive at your couelusluu, and thus
%r Id• tv,uvlticed.
Article : !tole. of I'rut•teh,r,.4
44'upyright,-d by lhiti.44 ,anti Colonial
1're,.., Limited)
H. Martin
Tailor Goderich
February Clearing Sale
Women's Coats, tailor made, of all wool material, lined
throughout, Targe self collars, navys, browna and black.
All this season's styles. Regular $25.00 and $30.00, at
Separate Skirts of sergee, poplins, etc., good styles and
materials, are of all pure -wool, formerly $8.00 to $12.00.
at each $3.00
Wilton Rugs, 27x54, on sale $ 4.75
2ez3 yards, on sale at 29.75
3 i
:4 •• 45.00
New Curtain :Vets -.a beautiful selection at prices on,: third.
less than very recently
?`acrd -wide heavy Duchess Black Satin, deepest French
lunge, will give excellent wear. Recently $3.50, at per
...... ... $2.25
68 to 70 inch bleached Table Damask, heavy fine union.
Our regular, $2.00 goaiit'', February sale per yard .$1.25
Huck Towels of warranted all pure linen, heavy old
tirnequidity, good sue. hem -stitched, Regular $1.00,,
February sale eack. 50e
Extra best quality highest grade English Sheeting, 80
inches wide, at per yard $1.25
Pure Linen, I7 -finch Roller y ' red fast border,
heavy quality, recently 35c.:_ ryard.......... 25c
.W. AC - SON & SON
■1[rrrrral,rrrrrmrlr>•• laisaRalsammalE mere••
■ IC'T' P BARGAINS 1 *1 Tart w 11
For the Price of One
Hundred Pounds of Sugar
Two Years Ago
Can Buy To -da
✓ Shop at
The second week of our First Annual Mid -Winter
Sale finds us ready with a list of offerings which will
appeal to the shrewd buyer who realizes "that it is
not only what you pay, but what you get for what you
pay" that is important It will be to your advantage to
Laying Mash
Has Certainly Been Making God-
erick Hens Lay. Have you tried it?
If you are fretting four quarts of
grain and working your horses
hard, add
and Al the enol of thirty days cut
their grain' ration in half. If this
does sop,' put then[ in better con -
'tin and keep them better bring
he empty pail and your
will be refunded.
300 lbs of Sugar
' Oaii ea
5 " Corn eal
} bus of <, estops
10 loaves of Bread
2 lbs of Butter
" Lard
1 Black Tea
4 " Cocoa
McEwen's Grocery Store
Goderich : Ontario
Nesley McLean
a House Blocklock (:nderic
snit you'll conclude that It ie the finest
kinkingrnhamar you ever saw. }`�•j� of
nut on the road and you'll find the tit
s equal to any emergency. Light as
it is, It is exceptionally *trona, because of
its fine materials and proper stitching.
Tairg a look in and son' 11 lee the harneve
you want.
Cornfield's During This Sale
Men's and Young Men's Overcoats
The halenct• of our •Men', and Young
Meiat-Winter-4)var-costs,-all-sigaaand at var- -
ious prices. Regular prices tvq}re R30 ((01too
14.1114'r -z11
ar,1C..... $ c0 $22.50
Men's and Young Men's Suits
'Some g'tod Tweeds and Worsteds. Reg
ular prices were 413.50 to 823.01To clear
em out quickly we will sell wI'at we have
left for $13.75 to $16.50
Ladies' Coats
A few broken lines in -Ladies' Coats, some
with fur collar and cuffs. Regular prices were
111.110, $24.50 and 144.00. To clear at
$13.50, $17.95, $32.50
Boys' Coiduroy.Blooniors
pair A11 large sizes. To clear at per $2.10
Goods By The Yard
500 yards of Striped Flannelette, 36 99c
inches 'wide. To clear at, per yard ... "a•
Factory Cotton. To clear 12 1-2c
200 yards of Huck Towelling 12 1-2c
Boys,. r
Shirts and Drawers, all Silts' c
To -S9r
clear at. per garn:lnt
1__----- Millinery
Latest styles in Ladies' Winter Hats. In ix
order not to have any of these left oyer, we
will sell far below cast, 45.00 Hats $1.98
for �1
410.00 Hatskr
$4 75
Ladies' Mercerized Boot Hose
10 dozen pairs Ladies Metcerized
Boot Hose, to clear at, per pair.. Lac •
Ladies' Gauntlet Gloves 111
Ladies' Chatnoisette Gauntlet ti ith
Chamoisette Gloves, at Per pair..... 98c
Ladies' Black Gloves
to clear at, per pair
T,adies' fine all -wool black Gloves. 4Ik
Other lines not mentioned here for
ule at correspondingly big reductiona
The New Store
West Side of Square