HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-2-9, Page 1Every Advertisement in The Signal Has a Seeial Mes- ages of Benefit To You. Read Them SE1 ENTY-MTH ] EAR NO. 6. f - 4 4 1 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THtJiSD.\Y, }''R131tuARY 9, 1922 The People's Column MORE MONEY FOR THE COFFERS OF THE Are you fond of rending letter ilei Fdltor . Most persona are. Slott ever write one. Perhaps thought it might not be public Try The Signal aud 1*e. The Sig Letter Box is always open and real an. requested to take advantage of it. Letters deai(ng-• with public (saves, nmmldpal, provincial or federal, sug- gestions for Improvements, etc., are lsrticularly weleome. The People's Column M for your use. The Signal will be glad to Mar from you at any time. Letter writing to the test k of mental Pxeris•. Try it and se N to 1t hi only a eamllarallvely short Dkt I b•fbre It Deeds to lie replaced o a yov mor malern utte aN IN the care wkb our present resp{tris that more than hd. nail; lent fittest our requirement.: only a tow yetim back and whilst it does e•'.tat. there is I4, suitable plaice for frh•n4si and relatives of our fellow eomru+lele to LAa,e their flower. 11041 W1.the when they so desire. 1. for one, Mr. Editor. am t'trunjl to favor of a suitable monument. exact- ed ed in a mnspk•uous plass. The beat is none too good. In tails •five her ,•otueththg Hint -Mill lie before our de- , ewetdange for *mere s. It will not its) newt retbbdelltng, placing. by a I more modern one nitro{ will see ,it and learn its , �r W. & L. COMMISSION Survey Of Town To Cheek Up Installed Load Of Commercial Houses Reaps Results Considerable curiosity is being expos- - ed as to why tis, Iasi commercial electric rwtti light bills an higher than Amy_previous one". When The'igual asked Mr. J. B. e Kelly fur doe remota he referred to the rule made a few rears ago by the Hydro Electric Power Comutiaslon to the effect that tis• electric light charges were to 116 based on the installed Toad, in other words, on th,e sum of all wattage of the various' lamps and appliances on the premises. Until a few weeka ago no survey of the town had been made for about two yearn and most plana of business, in the mean- time had installed more lamps as well as manThis new basis for electrical appliances. was, of arae, much higher than the former site and eonaequten- tly, although the rates have not rimed, last montli'" hills in many mars are about at'venty-eve per cent. above the previous ones. LOST OPPORTUNITIES iia The Editor of The Signal. Ihmr Editor, -1 am wending you a clipping from one of the piers refer- ring to apples. Now, I do not think that It is a fair propoteltlon that the t )utario fruit growers ought to let B. ('. fruit step into their market. i re. eelved a letter from a Colborne farmer and he aakl that he woukl like to eupt•ly fruit for our town. If he would take a trip out here before the fruit Is ready to pick and peek be would have a tetter idea an to how many ears he could bring. One man brought out three carloads and he didn't have enough. The farmers out here buy from eight to ten barrels of apples for the winter. The people out in the Rest put up far more fruit than iota of Ontario people do. For instance, 1 have put up over 800 quarts of fruit. Now 1f any of you go into bee-keep- ing r-keep ing there Is money in that too. Hooey out here ,'ells for forty cent.. pound ,aunt yon cent get it any cheaper. Maple syrup Is dear hut we do not get the real stuff. lint that doesn't count when you have t0 buy. If the Ontario farmer would co- operate with the Grain Growers ('u. we'coukl gine you all the trade that yon want. Pack your fruit right and keep all the scabby ones out. That Is Where the it. f . fruit is getting ahead of Ontario fruit. Mind you, we would fear sooner lave the old home fruit than that shier has no taste. So .Now, Mr. Ontario Farmer, wake up and trim and prune your trees. Spry thou, ton. sad try aril keep ahead of three other countries. We would like nisi) to %Moe bone grows rherriew and • pin m*. iit[wberrlea, reap- Ierrl.* and crabapple... I)nn't be afraid, lint take n trip te. the Wert, and then you will have au Idea as to what amount of fruit it will take for ua people. 1 remain ns ever, A UNITFI) GRAIN GROWER OF THE WEST Yea. Geo. Y. Pfrlmmer, Carman, Man. Dox 144. >�IORIAL OR THE RIGHT KIND To The Editor of The Signal. Dear Sir,- There haw been consider- able contmverey In the press, on the street, and in the council, regarding • suitable memorial in c0mmemora- ton of thews of our town who paid the supreme sacrifice In the Great War. Briefly, I would *ay that i consider 1t a small bit of business for the town or committee handling this matter to even entertain the thought of building a ball, hospital, or •ny other public Faatitutloa. Thew are things that were N eeded years before the war was even thought of, but np to the present time the town has never teen ambltiou,, enough to ratite the necessary funds ter it. Now that we hare a memorial fund. at least "0104' of our ckizen* are 'scheming to appropriate it for this pnrpo*e What would we have clone had there been no War. therefore, no memorial funs' ? We would have either financed it wane other way, or done without as wP have been doing. Now lust compare the two ougge•s- tkxn,• a n,onnmelrt, or a building of some kite). In the craw• of a building. rvt 10(7 a re even able to read the 1 rlption It bears : wberm, tf it 1 a hall they w111 paw In a1c1 out of It anef'may never knew It to be anything but a building, built for the purpose for whkh it in used. For eexampie. T asked a young lady the other day whom I knew had been In the habit of getting book. from the public library. "who was rewposedbie for betIhtlmg that library :• •' Rite didn't know, and I think It would he surprising to find bow few of them tit). Such. 1 claims would is• the cane 'with Is memorial building. Going hack to the monument, on Flower Sunday, Arntistlet• Day, or at any time. friend" and relattvea of tens• who lie In a soldier', grave in Flanders or elsewhere eau plaee their floral tributes at the foot of the mo• u- ment that mars their loved one'. names. i have mother reason for being op. posed to the building suggestion. It m too mtwti like the wife who pur- chased for her husband's birthday present a rue to lay lu front of bee own dressing table. The same mishit prevails' regarding the hall. We wish to chow our resile t. but we want to do so by erecting something for our - "wine. I. it turret, Mr. Editor. that one of our veteran ('oUIwlliors, has assert- ed that he has yet to meet the re- turned man who he in favor of a monn- irrc'nt ? If so, I would adviw• hir4 to make himself more familiar with his romrades' views on the matter before he tines to influent.• (11P public in this way: t'ouclblirT would ask the eitfaens of Gtslerfieb who appreciate the eer- vkw of these nisei went to the wary and who regrets the vaerlfk•(• made by those who failed to return to *bow that reseal in a fitting wanner and not try to obtain something by their "acrfflce that otherwise you would have failed to ateomplIsh. I would also add, that whilst theme are my aenthme•nt,, i know them to he those of many of my comrades. Thanking you, Mr. Flditor. in ad- vance, for Infringing on your valuable space, I beg to remain, Tours truly, A 1tPTf•RNgii SOLDERS. THE LATE MRS. EMMY Widow Of Former M. P. Passes Away At Brantford The death took plane at Brantford on Ratttrday, January 28, of Mr«. Henry, widow of the late RQbt,_xenry and mother or Robert L. and Stewart Henry. of Windsor, both of whom are well known In (loderieb. The deNrt"ed was the daughter of the late Anthouy Philip, a native of Htotland• and . gradate of the Uni- versity of Aberdeen. Ile came to Can- ada and settled At ,lch Rmo d, , after - moving t►at'aa..t»._.. Brantford. Her marriage to Robert Henry took place In 1879 when he was Mayor of Brant- ford. He of erward• femme member of Parliament for one of the ridings M Brant county. 111,, death took ptaeo four years ago. The family In well known In (''ode - rich as they have occupied a summer resider,,' here on the In!s, front for several men sons F orty Hours' Service (i NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS Page Reader -Knox Theurer High Tea.. 0 Bulla for wk' ---M. (Alert 10 Annual meeting -Board of Trade10 Agent Ranted-Rox 3i0.1. Montreal 10 Applications for Assistant Aaseesor- Town of Goderich 10 White Cockerels for sale -P. 0. Box DOS, Goderich 10 Dominion Heeds 5 (lard of Thanks -Mr. and Mrs. A. (challenger 10 Seed Oats for sale --Jas. Chisholm 10 Saleslady Wanted -W. Acheson k Hon 10 Reader-1'r(dham, the tailor Reader -Arthur ('ink Reader -Miss l'ameron LIKES SIGNAL'S NEW DRESS "I like the improvements In drove' and arrangement. It makes the old Signal very in- viting and interesting." This is the message recclycd by the Editor from Mr. Charles !teak. iUperintendent of one of New York's largest printing establish - !Dents and a leading official of the United Typottstae of Amer- ica. Mr. Hoak spent the firs, few year. of his aPPr'entkrsttip In the mechanical department of The Signal and "till has • deep interest in the progress of Huron's brightest newspaper. Maitland Golf Club , DAUGHTER OF FORMER Has Promising Future GODERICH MAGISTRATE DIES IN NEW TORI Announcement Is Made That Only Fifteen More Mrs. Joseph Nicholls, A Daughter Shares of Treasury Stock is To Be Sold of Late Harvey Brace, Dies At Par Value of $50. 00. On Jannarj 20 Seli4NAl PRINTLYG CO., LIMITED, PubUabeta- The ancient gaue.,f golf cvi,1.1tqy has a promDing future in (ialerirh. At lealrt,.af the interest displayed at the re- a'nt annual meeting in a safe barometer Maitland golf course will 1*• one of the mat popular rennets of the community during the conning mummer. As HI. i 1. veWnent, shares in Maitland (;oli Club have proved very popular indeed. Up to the present time eighty-tive shares have been wail and it a the, intention of the directors to slime only fifteen more to be mold at $50. 00, after which no fur- ther treamtry stock will be available at thin price. During the year 11111 which was the first year of the Club's activities a vast amount of initial expense had to b. :net A club homy was built and furnished, the grounds were (steered and levelled, greens were built and a water system installed. Considerable tools were pur- chased too, yet in spite of all this expense Use season was finis/red with, a aurplum. During the four busy 'Months from June to September the course was occup. iel each afternoon practically to capacity, the register showing from thirty-five t, forty-41re players each day during that period'.\ The lnemberrhip roll is another evidence\ of the popularity of the course. There were four season members; sixty- nine aharehplders, twenty -trite depen- dents and ai two summer viait)re. The director ,of the (club for 11rr: are: Charles Oarrow, A. J. MacKay, Roy. Lloyd, E. H. Hill, O. L Parsons, (7;-•C. Lee, H. C. Williams and 11. C. Dufllop. Mr. Chas. Garrote has been elected pn.Iiekut and Mr. A. . MacKay secret - nary tnasttrer of the club - The fees for )9?2 are as follows: For playing shareholder, 120.O(i• for one de- is'ndeut of shareholder, $1000; season 11enib ership for non-alureholders, $25.11); summer visitor, tau weeks' membership, 110.00; casual players, 11.00 per day: new shanllolden., (for 1922 only) $1,0.0o. Meters. J. W. Fraser and T. li. Mitch- ell were elected auditors for 1929. Mr. !tarry Sheppard, the pr,ftessfonal who hie been engaged bythe club to take charge of the course or the Doming season, will assume his new duties" on April 1st. RESIGNS HER POSITIGN Veneer Resident of Colborne _ quisbes Her Work At Ottawa Miss I'a*sa(lay, • native of Colborne township, and "deter of Mrs. D. Mc atllk•adely, who has been known at city missionary in Ottawa, has jos resigned her position on ac.'ount of ill health, and the Ottawa Journal elft oHolly pays ht? the following gracious compliment : "When one Inas given thirty years to untiring work for the pobi good one Is entitled to a rest. Miss Mary ('assaday has not claimed such rest for herself In resign- ing from the petition of probation outer of the Ottawa Children'• Ald }ks•lety, hut It has been claimed for her by her physis•u'� t. !ler health de- mand* That «le lea4t. her work. Hiss Cassidy has been one of the most faithful and influential workers In the cause of charity In Ottawa. The roni- munity owes her a very great debt of gratitude arod there are thousands of families and individuals who have A former resident of 'Ingham In the person of Mrs. Joseph Nicholls died in New York on January . De. tnartd was • daughter of t. late Harvey Braes, magistrate of tion rich about seventy years ;IMO. After marriage she resited in Wbngham a time and then moved to Loa10 where they rewalnel till the death of Mr. Nicholls, Mrs. Nicholl. then went to lire with, her daughter In New ten York. Surviving are five eons, and Ilan two daughter.: Alfred of {i'ingham; Lei %William. of London: ()eerie' of ('hi- lid BRIGHTER AND BETTER lyre Signal is luuking brighter rind in ler *melt week and your local advertisers have a medium on dour paper that would be find t0 Improve upon." -W: N. 1FPkinson, of The 1►akHUr ire• Rereire d a effete Ihartitute Board. d sestet •i ta- o t trd he overdraft of tile Sand promised terling from Clerk Knox aha - sago: l hurls, of Florida livery, of anion would not accept poral- Minneapolh • Mrs.tion •ik'a t duldli b adrtrr- liophia Mullin. of. tine for *indicant* Toronto; and Mee. Mary King, of New Received •letter from Provincial 'Fork.Board of Health demanding to know :What action the ceu0c•11 intended to take to improve\ the water supply. „water and light Don't plan anything for February 27. Jack Koddes Returns T. Termite Last Thurwday afternoon. Mr. Jack Redden lett fur his home in Toronto, having completed his c..ntnct as Poach Passed letter on ebmmbeoen, Iteee•ived report fro Reeve (know and lk'ti,ty Iteeve M r relative too their :.-I,i.•v.•n.ents at the unty coun- cU, 1.e:n"m.st ,t ith pleasure tut 110,000 of the Goderich Hockey y (club. Ihtrite�tg ji •V ass MOW at Iil,p o.,11 of to for lm- hia abort tern of resident... here *1r Rod - den . den son for himself a beast of friends. TOWN LEAGUE SCHEDULE !Not o did he prove [dowel( a gentle. man of first rank but his love for, Received report fru m ane co- mittee to the eR.'et that a (ower ter. est rate than six per cent. t not be obtained. Paws bylaw to -authorise borrow) of $40.000 for curreut expenditure. clean apo as demonstrated! in ,is handlI Organization ('ompleted With Ste ling of the affairs of the hockey club am. Teams In Contest For Trolphy. rn con,endable indeed. {Withd out a oom I O. H. A. ex in lsrxlerich by persuna� A meeting of the 1 ICI ud a I great ea 10 to ,ularirr !lucky five was held last Friday evert through tlx igfln. * ami fn the ng rotig othe gamer as While Purpose of eumloktiug plans ported by himself 'The Signal. While a for Ili' formation of a town league. The Signal regrets ' removal it h0 t $I* teens entered in the co1 M ophy and the following Ache- . rah as a permanent rt drawn up. SCHEDULE - for a dule was Feb. 8-D. C. ?eh. 10 -Rank mpetltlon t, have r. Itodden k again in Ise enc. Est-. .trent. learned to regard her as a real angel 1 itf mercy. The Journal would like to suggest that if there In legal provision, the corporation should rceogb(ze her services in some tangible manner." TI. Witmer and son. David, re- turned to !h•trott last Thursday after • vbilt of a month with Mrs. Witmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Stoddart, It. vs. PurityPuritylty Floour. G 4'. . Shall Goderich Get et Drink- ipg Water From. Wells! vs. Juniors. M. C. Feb. 13-Drewmacl( vs. Banker,. Purity Flot(r vs. Juniors. Feh. 17-4'. P. It. vs., .tankers. Dummies; , vs.. Juniors+. Feb. " -Z. -C. C. vs. I'yrlty b'lour. Juniors vs. ('. p, g; - • ,,Feb. 24-I'iirity Flour rN. 22rewmatka. M. ('. ('. rm. )tank. .Per. 27-Drew-ma/r rn. l'. P. M. C. C. rs. Junior.• \\ Mar. .,-►tanker,, vs. 1'urlty. Ilevr. i4 In i -Antal,. 7liis Is The Queston Which Is Now Being Considered by the Water and Light Wiyslli,,ion Marty Other Towns Report Plar'\l' Successful. otllceTherw tnofllmv rhe)ng tem )zb ee cera ppotltf l Sons tinware) the water and light III- ; Clinton h) two wells of :, depth of mission asked Engineer Kelly for so_:,•or,- abort 350 feet\enl they are louring an - (I. Stratford has sic wells SSA feet feet tions as to how to improve the toe (I. Persons, T. It. Thomson, IL O. tersuonly. In his reply he stated that Bisset : wr rotary, L. Fount; tress- 'other,neer. J. t:. S. iwoyne+ ; executive--L.a danegen dKtppittcth,eiomr baa0 ttw)e4n0t6 feet lalsnd ah Sturdy, 8n41 Jack Wiggins. --_ the only corn rati Thr Hrst two games of the P t'c water - • schedule means of improving the preens "y.,tem ty-o- O Parliament were inlayed en Wednestay evening of would be the lowering of ale pre.'nt in Fa �• �• • merit this ,wink. the Drewmaes winning take pip... He sugge'sh,1, however, the from the M. C. C,'s by the sore of 2-1. the ton l with wells 3'111 " )wen doe b 1 treated. London has twen- 11s fromvie to 115 feet In depth w only trohk encountered u iron the water. To overcome Dusan aera- s 0114' the I. P. _R. beat the Purity Clinton,ntonStratford, (salt, Kitch.•ner,Itlaic meeting and filtration b(tain u beingre eets at Curry's Corners Flour rtd by thefloefltwt seore 3-1. Jack Wlggtnm don and several other towns will -milsbuthe lating of the commission game are Capt F:cl factory meth*. In. miry lots 1 n made towns and rout pea • sally all of a purchase of a blurt of , �� for Robinson floe second game. of these it was Base of flat too town a P potter tone u doom spatactory mfots,have been r.- to aariat new industries which Opening Session of Mock Parliament U eel • With few s hone the nI ' 1;04 a A*tspiceg Of r• riled FK � Now . chp,•litica have repo United Farmers Young Peopte of Oritiiito wrotA 4 e old Humdingers" who �~ read Voted a Splendid Success, 1 I*"t w k 0.t - • n_pinring tete wins which the c• erkh boys made bra their battle ' bt'RREY'S CORNERS, F'ei� with (1lnton at West street rink a b have no cause to wear crepe eon - opening *cordon of the Mock Paella. pressed upon the House this. nom. after reading the moults of the eon - open Meld under the the of 1' rUa. ldcy of be new, party of Progresaivq„ 1a Clinton on Monday, ile sbeuld meat nton rel }untag PPO P of �'r Hon' Wm• Long, as Mtn iter of In- b steered when he hears that Otgr 5 (Prior, wplendldly followed his lender, was played "to s stsncl"till," a dtth•t cCeps. n Corner( was it 'r *icndicf e.e- ..-- a reinter King, In his representation of the Anal swore of 3-2 In favor of God(• CMA, Hr. Fel. Sennett. repre*enNnt the the Liberal platform anti strongly ten- rich booate d the "tanding of the team Governor . Senne ate S gored the Opposition critk•I4m of the from Ilaron'* (holden (sate to scant! Deakt•r of too retied, of elle Wilfrid in the district. the session to order with boa Homme called flood old Laurier.uLaurier.Pd Mr. R ilfrFarrier as Sergeant -At.; r Arms, it red whkh The budget apeirh fm GOD/MICR MARKETS R the Clerk rat m the Govern 4' House was then read the House called the roll after which nett side of th the members t by the spc.tk4'r. wprch from the thrutm { The ellmax of the session was ra4'h• {{'Pd th e.w. The wax bl ell whenneed•♦ Feb 8 a y .rad by the Hpeaker and Mrs. the honorable member of Rlchanl McWhinney, in her capable �aih"pontiM to theMmotionr. lthatter ithet House manner as mover of the xp,Pe.•h from pec the /address Norman I Motion of ad O'Loughlin, 111 his youthful efforts. adjournment 0f the y the seconded the motion. :until Febnary' 17, wee moved by the t St. Peter's Church Mr. Donald Melee n, r''Pn„rating Hon. Minister of Juatkr, Mr. Jas, • the Iron. Arthur Meighen lender of Minister and ibor der) ht . Hon. e party. energhtcallp Minister of Labor, Mr, {roam. Clare. interesting . from Haydn. � And intelligent the entertained flop gave s very fro net by him by a selection (Written For The Signa Commp,.orstive of the forty hours through whl•h the 'meted body of Christ lay in the tomb the. Catholic dourer hes established a universal devotion emllel the Fbrty I{o,trie Ador- ation to the Bless .,t Sserament. Tb. public ceremony opened on Snnday morning. .innuary 90, nod r•Ire.et on the follow) - - Gentlemen of the, Holy Name of Jesus 5tw'h•ty ac1e1 as sentinels from 5.10 a. m. to 12 14111t. whller tete'-Efltl-T wets a lnponr of faithful adorers no that tht•rt was sc•nneely n ,lefsulter out M the large' membership of Ht. I•Pter', ehnn•h. Silently and reverently each the.C nsprvatly M a ear which a Abort program was carried olnt. Miss Mn4' Menary delighted the and)- . atdl the 01.. nub Potatoes, per huwh...... $1.00 t of th0 1'. 1'. {v. O. ably ..ands_.. an Cattle, butcher's choice, t West old fni•0rlte. :{ , ole'fend(d the interests of his pert y ThP vwspon wa then closed aft 1 11y Rev. Father Gnnn,t 1 Ive chandelier. In the morning and utilised Py.•uing series, the clergy, nix) In rich golden verttnent" and attended by Da twenty sane•tusry boy, gowtsrl. In 11 *nutans and hind surplice"' lnspir..l i, "tided 11.•yotlou 14414411 11 the .haze of smoke arising from sweet scents! In- I, cense smouldering in the god! and "diner censers- Sermons, not only tit- a tine hot very eloquent. were delivers! r, by )tet-. Father Goetz, of Seat Mr. Jon. O'Loughlin In representing Ir. Crerar, the lewder of the Progress - wive party. in a few fitting remarks tinsel the sepirntions of the new rty, and advocated the abolishing f the old two-party system land mit- rest the n"pfninpss of group govern - tone with a mile Wheat, per bush - • Oats. *1.05 to 11.10 45 per bush. ...........� to Otic Barley, per bush. .. .,55c to ese Pen's. per hush. . 51.40 to *1.60 ItIIekwheat. per bush. 65c to 70c Flour. famllp, {adres. ... per cwt. to 18.75 Flour, patent, per cwt..•1400 to t1.KA.•K wRtTr rr.�t�t.r Bran, per ton *4.10 Shnr[s, io r qua *311 h Th}ou aieh fe have n romylete pretyrrhn, arils )lay' per fon .. • •. 51500•t1e lute' far err, mJ it will br malted imatrdiatdy. Htniw, loose, ler Mn..j10.00.5, without treat- T grs to a at Our iri to Fiera rani i Co , for t4 horsepower should ht.' I See\By�-- The Signal { •• .,e, L.u, easioo •`h (CNN num .t of l'referrn.•.- ..an, a eervlingl 1 . rs •' t"see ':'i day- after int tetrea. ,.w *bar,. tilt .fay . after suati.Mt, IV ' �Y14.nd. t . 1, � roe rem, .4 .re .d ev nness% q�n4111 40 , erU,,. Nie 14 144n...1. •IKII"tug ,n. fon, Ihtlry Rutter, per lb. . Creamery Butter, per 1 Eggs, fresh, per dos. DAN IM RS DQN D COMPANY LI i T6 D w le tl0n nn the long- peer cwt. Ore by Mr. John Scott w enloyel Cattle, butcher'* medlu ' i5.f10 to lir all. Mr. John K4' manner, reusk•rel n f his „ nary. in b, Rentnl T1 per cwt. . W ilr. John Farrlsh, as Premier )Ise- R" and MM, live weight, .*4.00 to *`r . nst4' King. VIVI, a brilliant amount responded f0 It h..urfy enxorr r " itefreahm,nt, were served W. 0. and a plerassnt ms -Irl "pent before the gatlerin 4' oust records of the liberal poet) rad of the bright proapeetx for the Wm* promising the entire witho..aI • e�rtbara nr ii lta 1t.• '. Far r O'NPn, of l'a rk h nl. Rev. Father lineeey, of Kinkora. led In the solemn Litany chanted by the priests. Rev Feathers lean, (baffrey, •od Me( rile hod the very early ser- vk.r, while Rev-. Father Onam. the pastor. officiated a. master In the meat 'interim eer4'monies. Only the Most ardent filth ea n' prompt a people to .1,•h -senile". and denial of comfort at are called for In the ohservanee of the "Iagninrly retlgbaa •xc pw(ae and In Hilt the eon- gregtetbn of At. Peter's woe not found wanting. the m .tl.. „n prayer IN prepense of y a cement to whkh all (latholles on Amsted knees offer ahpenie adoration. Fright prltste }retail the seminary and the !tepee* sive ceremonial of the .•hntrh was fittingly earrltd 0wt. The altar o? Expowftine perpetually illuminated was han8M with • ir,o- ftubn of floWNV s and helmet w Itb meet!` ' . ' • 11.00 to by C. F.,; 1F1de., per i1.. ...... *...t hear was t1 LLRanI� b. a agmer*P I term -o1, o0h[o. . . - v lTl` 37i3iitPr iarlwgppsrldpt�lt CURREY'S (Y,rt�1$R•S NEM WIDOW' \Ir. }'rank Johnston, aw n4mlttt (.1141 Mondag tile* FM'' 7- . from ire.; York. In nn effect!.,. and semblel aF fM• , a Jolly crowd as hetnorems .Is'erh, defended his lender. Mr M.lgh.•n erHklteei the platform of the 1,Llwer.I party, and credited the springing -up of the Prngrefenve piety to the depres*Ion that follorf„d the late world weir Yrs.. Ge, Lane. r prascntlag Mises tgnes McPhail from Stfattbsftert (trey, eongratulatel the Liberal leader on his s[ilerudkl following, and' the loader of the 4,pptsitbn on ha v followers at :.11 Judging from pest records. She emphatk'ally- c for the opening of Feb. 15 -_Mock Parliament the Meek Parllamerit , whlrh ha Geld. (-rented much Interest a A olti le0pN4' mong the yowl(an }ofd k ass fillo.l) oto of the able men, Minute, Maven. ae or our those leaders of the honey were : J. 1) torrFer- rish, acting a" W. Lyen J. et tulle King ; P. McLean. Meet/etude , u Hon. Mr. lfalglt(cN, and Mr. .1fsa. isaagbUs for the Progremtive Steep. atter know*e*iton the be is a gt Feb. 143 --Board of Tri(' Ing. leek 14 -Women's and nary#, PA. 14-NorIth wtvnnwl the P rob. l9. -Anne Rmtigh ('hap tri to. T5•-.41Int Until a week from hest $d *nM Army. 4rtry, -Ppb .ywr to sfOrlb or communicate witk • •• Toronto I: &C�.HIL INVESTMENT BROKERS Y""^' '.sonic Temple Building • -;) , Goderich, Ontaiio