HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-1-19, Page 8.wmiqg 1,7„r7, ,••• r• • 2'.4.8al7; 3an ey In. 19.2.4mt..........piimftwOa OMIO SERVICES •T AUBURN • GREAT SUCCESS giffitiff Church .1.einliersary Syr% leo. .1.1• . lismiled Ily I.arge l'ougregatioas ..i Anti Are ‘crj Surett.oful 1..,•-• atinialtrit. Jan. IN lieV. lir. 4.'strap- ibell. of iningtotioti, iireached nottiver- Nary ourlee. ilk Knox chi.' t•eli sill 141111. ge..1 congregotion heord Ids illICAtislie Is Illcit created 11 good ill1Pres- okni The tea meeting tot MondnY W ight drew a fulL house. Proeeethi we rs • *MOO. . Mr. Robert Sisal 1111. 10/11.• 01 Ilk slaughter. Mro. M. .lewell.lito he under Her care in Ili, dollies, III. many friefuls o 1.1t for hi. ..p.r.b eveovery. Mr. Neloni Hill is 'smiling. caulks' by the arrival of is young mitt tool heir,. ' Jilt. .1. 4. Clark has beets cotillised ' th lilt Iasi for *lie past two avoctsa. .11.- tiotr, 11(Il 11111/1'10 0 11, 1.Ifricod. voint1.1 • o ish. l'amerms Preyed,' LI Fasserd Tire ..t. 4, bidin an tongesoion 41 1114 b114 site tor it iltr% Inara• pital It. bill' completed :owl the taillearl• :is 101hotte. 7 for the Came property : .17 tiw tomtit Inft4.1 I *my. anti kin favor of wiling properties nod chtasitig a two sob Mr. W. M. Knight's many mods o il fa. g!all to leani thisi he has overtal the use of his leg tar tie t•o he a o to walk aboot Ow boost,. The Sig I joins with nein in hoping for his plete recovery -at ail early dote. Nevv Itandnusster Appointed The 7.:Irtl Itegiti11.111 lin11.1 sill re - slim, twat-tieriI Alunilaty evening next, if' S I1.111.. uuder the direction of the 111.1% ba lid master. Mr. INtrkinson, of 'l'ontontio. who tuts recently COthe ell14 fr01111 I 'id umbla . The new tiireciorj, n graduate of Knellar 114mteclo4S. laflation, England, the musical college of the British army. and come. to Gimierielt highly recom- mend...1 as on eMcient instructor. Ali utenubers of the hand an. requeated to tort] /MI 1111 Monday night, as well as any young men olio are deairous of learning to. play any instruments. BORN auct-int.grki,. 11. atS r. sod . Jobs Loos.. daughter. Eileen CaIRLY=At Massadra hospital. Gooiest -h. ito Tharolar„pecarda jay. an. i Sirs. Rota. earn . •son. liELL-Iso cleanly*. on Thursday. Bec 22, to Mr. and lite. boo. bell. *daughter. Mr M11.1. tife--At Auburn. on January I. to Mr. and Mrs Wm. McMillan. • rent. Colin ti illiam. coderieh. on Standar. January IS. to Mr awl Mr.. F Fres r. • ItARRIED ssamin't. }HALF -on Wednesday. January • It's . 11 P. Mober. Mlse M NM Gladys Blake, eldest daughter r1 MA% MrsH. J. Blake. of Buzumituon, to Mr. Bon P. Comfort. ekte-t soli of Mr. •nri Mrs. Ales. Comfort. of 4*4 4 atharines itt tbe 01.1 Moor Chtireh. 1.1111fil. youngest disughter of Rev. DID.cribil. avis., eland. on ...stonier. January If, 41. 1,,,.,.. to Mr Laurent, Porten. of Philadel phlat nun' y lay yjaaltry;sTrayi-- At the home- of tire . parent.. Ash tiekt. on Nolnewlay. Joan airy it. toy Beer. De. Campbell. Daisy. rianiyhter _ d nu and Nara. Urn. Johnolon, to Robert John. see of Mr. and Mrs. John Sowerhy. of , • Ureter -kb townshiP. EVANS HIPTCTIINSON-In coslerieh. o TUN - day. January IT, by It J. P. Itescraft, Miss Lillian ilute•hinsoo illr. William It Evans. loth 4rf roolerieh. DIED MILL.% N Al Auburn. 011 Thursday. January ".( lAilhoon. Infant Non ot Mr. mui on, mown.. vvai.oins-Ii, tfooterieto. on sundav. ran. 0. James U5he1...11, hts /sigh seer 14.414,4.11-44 423 L. Ellsworth avenge, Denver. 1 °Laredo on Nov IN. 1431 Margaret X. Outer. betoveal .1l',,( John A M alter. forinerly of ,od,n4 N.Nrane•Meetweuebebertetato Walls Need Pictures Appropriately Framed Bring in those nice Photos and Calendars you received at Christmas; and have them framed before they become damaged. We will frame them artist- ically at small cost to you. Splendid oval Portrait Frames in Gold or Circas- sian Walnut, fitted with Convex Glass, price $3.50 Nor 0111711011 MOTO • ('Histort Minh& Strong Strasiiip• to sto) Clinton eel -toed notch ?RN SIGNAL - $1 101411 111 lie- third 4*ell1111 111111 ill the first the rained oil401 fitter ../11111.11 111 1:11,1•111i't \4110•.1 I 4.1)10100111 Mill/N- I 11Wu . to trvitna, h.q.' all ilk 'flit' Ittralericia 1.1.1s At I al horynir the his%) wa and in a 111,1 olevapobitc effort lend • -SIdepes" Nlidnoiald 1 he,' 1101%. III 11111e after 1111" MI 1letioswii, lout he • 111111eIltelple litl bayed 441 team trout th•feat. With Maoist sieveti min- utes to go Itodden soured on it Waist• high WWI, the ots.n. :1-1. for 4 tinfoil. liter.. mar no further snoring /11111 When ille It11411 Nunn rang the Gode- rich tram were rowdy to t•heer their coutpwront as they were a few 11411- nwilt. beton. to •tlefent them. It AVII4 ▪ clean fast 11111114., W1111 guest apot•ts- matiship nu ,Itoth side... Anti 41111.1111(11 (lotleriela woof down kodefeat they an. not •Ilains)C4, are out to awn*, their boo tiwy play the ncloru Rev. H. 1). Moyer. isioitor N.irth i1(4411 Merl 1.11111Vil will Apra). at 11 a.in, 111A r • on 'V I row I it ho tlirlstlait /Me hO 111 tet 1.11111g .1i111 /4111.1eel tv III he -The MitWho Cass rho' 4 Cros.s." ho• clasessi. Mission Habil .111111 Meier Solidity ChM, will nor, at 10 a.m. Tim doh tonne : Moue ?" will Slieppanl. evil at 3 o'elock. oalatice of o•vealy 4141J1111* 1,111 She Ii1111• M.O. spent •11••ii vvf the literary fill.. trent i. it• atort• fertition for next 1.111.4141Y 31i.. Mottle) will fate 1111 "l'Iiikl IVelfare." The loth- rdially . . T1 Ibis Friday a tal Hatunla v II. Iligh grade C1111001:11eIl et I IC/I We 1" 4.11"t'm 1 ty emits a pound at lilackstione's• Broonlee Effettive 'est otreet. I • • -Whist !, fay duty' to. he 114111111.11,e1I 11,' Mr gaudily school will ous an at at Noorili street evenitog 111Hr * WAVE lile 111 fee. /Or Ille 11/1 night Whe siddreris IJ' are NORSE!! SOLD Peter Voting Bop. A 51l44lelwd Trani From William Jennings Goderich Township. Jan. limn Jennings, of the Id evoiciession, scold a matched team of four-year-old horses tt• Mr. Peter Young, of the 7th Nineesaion, one day last week. 51r. and Mrs. William Hall, of tia• Hayfield road, entertained s number of friends to a euchre and dance on Wed- nesday evening of last week and all re- ported a good time. Mr. Fraucis Chialuolon and Mies My- rtle and May. and Mr. Edoard Sowerby !Tem last bionday el•ening at the home., Mr. and Mro. Chris. Johnoton, Hayfield road. blr. Leo. Chisholm olio has been viKi- ting at the old !mutt -mead, returned to Detroit on Satunlay of last week. Clinton Victors (Continued from page 11 Ioulged the twine on a perfect from Boddeu. It was a nice play and the Clinton boys were given great ovation by their supporter,. Goderieh not dialwartened came back stronger than ever in several great indit 'dual effortA but were unfortunate Iti their /devoting. The home tesinis coushina- tiom was conapicuous by its 11944141441 1114 P41414 schooling was linnentably Tovrartir the end of Um period Mae 4:11hot. the big right wing of the (lin- ton team fell brevity iuto the boards awl disloentisi his shoulder, aud Is likely to be out Ast• the seeson. On the resumption of play 'loin of the Ooderich team ons (Implied to odfsett the Isms of the Clinton plitybr . The score 11 tiw end of the find period was 10 in favor of Clinton. Play Fast and Furious 44)i the resumption of ploy Goderieh came back Wrongdetermined to wipe out that one goal lead, but failure to follow in after rebounds 81111 their hick of cotubinalion mollified their great efforts. About the middle sof the period (711ntou Utllk..I agnin, and shortly before the period ended Brownlee, the star right wing of tbe Goderich team, registered the home team'a first goal. The period tuded 2-1 in favor of Clinton. The Clinton boys eeemed to be tiring and ie Wa- nt as If be Itle.ha.seas would win out yet. • i p it nomenom right wing. covered lIvivenkoek like a ' teat. and the :toot effective mitri 4441: the Clinton team o its Ulla'akt• to show very 1004'11 Ttlle, lie meored the first goal for his team but 'apart from that lie ons checked too a atauciatill. In - chit -Molly this 1,1111111. Mr. Govenlock Is one of the last left winaw in the I I.H.A aud oillo proper (swelling will develop iuto ir star. 44raliatu. who subbed Gov - Ma. Munvey Goes Off For The Last Time eidock, was lamentaloly weak. Of the (kolerich player/I none stood out particularly. They all turned in a good game latilvidually, but they lacked cohesionludIvidually they icicrktsi like a dollars. As far its team play NUR vonerrnwl theY look- ed like the proverbial tivt-ss•nt piece. Their lack of combination war sery point id to %%11114.4., 14011 many goal). %%011111 11241e been scored if selfislinetts did not predominate Prisilnun tornsisi in a good game de- fensively and his hook and poke eheeks were very much in evidence. but of- fensively he spoiliv1 himself by MY circling and hi. failure to polothe puck to his comrades. He will be a star of the float magnitude when lie correct.; there two habits. -SkIppes" McDonald might just as well have been out In Ls ke Huron itl The first period as he 4114 not mean to get his bearings at all. In the %Frond and third periods he played a whale of a Rome, sod he should coutlnue to im- prove from this o11. ruill did not get much of an oppor- ••••••".- OODERION, OT. ttillitY 10 • Ma wares but while ite was 011 e1.. well- Ito...Ater turned in s fair game. Tile two llor 11104 seemed 1.1 rather him et first 1.111 lie skott twitted away. %% Ithforllibritta On ..alretand . 140411*14414.1 11141 12 IC "21 1".!.s1UCTADN sAt.t: FAHM STOCK, unroll ;matoglow.' off olle a 146 dign n iMPIATTMENTH. '11TO player,' skates that war the 1111.100 111' lhe goai. .11 u rite): to ri sl in a nodal game but it• usual I*4*i r 4 Ids work ito the litud period lov miniceasary butt -envie. As I111011 ads boy learns to hold labs te41141.•1' he vo i!I be a good htlekey platy tr r Sturtei play. .1 a much better game than in N1itcht•11 Mill If Oro would keep cool Owl contorted around tbe oppommex net- be sko would register 1111111.1 ,g11:11. 101' 11114 4)11111. Little Pal Niorphy, not very big. but on,' iota 4,1 real grit, wooled riSht luto them all and oloyed i. good game. Ile ow. plait& disgorged pt his fail- ure to -core 1111 A1114.001, the Clinton roadie SO 111 iltowiair he made a tollant attempt to ;wore on- his owu goalbut like the most of the Code - rill! sharp 'Mooting it wit.; wild and It mis.sri the 1.4.leri.•11 net by at Waal Learn to play lbe itauw VI.1 Well thin you may play your part In the big game of life hater ou, aud play it de- cently by the rules4. ! tl*lrt3 14e Ztt A*irI from s pee from grave Put owned in 11 good game and lo• ahonkl 1..• heard from later. Of the Clla,I. rrniu AleGeoch, their goal tender. NIA UO11111'11 140011 Ohl. Ili4ie114.1/ had • oohs evening CallinV it all t1irou ti ott no time vliol he 118 Ve to handle .iily real "sizzlers." itodcleti's at k hit tailing anti hit oillingnesa to only o,tmloination stood out and he wa- the roar of the Clin- (on Irani. - Manning was fair on the do -tense while Elliot. his_pattner• turned .in it goo() Of eourse,'Clovenksek Was checked to a standatill and .vor not me effet•tive as usual. ..111er players on tlw team were fair. Toni Munro sa, the official referee and go... astkals,1 The line-mv-i:oderkir Goal. lisech- ler ; r. Valli . 1 41.. Murnes eentre. l'ridlraut: r. ItrowIllYe; I. W.. Snazel; nth^ licikontid, Murphy. Ciluton--40011. MeGeoeit ; 1. 41.. Shin- ning; r. 41., centre, !Sodden: 1. llovenlork: w.. M Elliot: 0.1111N. /Inlet, lora per. Here's To Januar> ! JObn Purvis 'has received lin etructionw trout the underoigned to roil Ivy' public auction OH him madam, Int 17, Lake Hauge. Ashik.1.1. on WEI/NE/41)AV, riat t Ali V lat. 11.22, commenciug ot ,1 o'clock, the folhoving valuable property : I/rought Mitre 44 Teen. old: I Draught Horne, rlsiffigG years old: 1 Draught Mart.. rioing 4 year* old; 1 Draught Gelding. Haim 2' year" lid; 1 l'ow, Bre noes old. due to ealre Aprli 15; 1 l'ow, rititg 5 years 444. due to calve March 14; 1 Cow, d rears old; 2 Steen., rising 2 point old: 2 Heifers rising 2 yestro old.; 2 t'alves. rising 1 year old; II Pima, averaging about 115 pounds; le young Hens: 1 McCormick Binder, T -ft. cut; 1 McCor- mick Mower. 5-44. eut ; I Met'ortnick Rake; 1 Massey4Harrio Cultivator, LT toothnearly new; I Massey -Harris Drill, 11 hoe: 1 net of Iron Harrows.; j I Walking Plow. Tudhope Anderitun. nearly tww ; 1 Wonting Plow. rlellrY• No. 21; 1 Chatham Wagon; 1 Ilay- r**t'k, new; I ittilAwr-tired McLaugh- lin llitggy, nersrly new; 1 Cotter; 1 set of Sleighs; 1 set of liNtuning 11111 Sk•vers; 1 set of Heavy ituruess. nearly new ; 1 met of Single Harness; 1 etring of Bells; I Robe; a number of 1124111; NeekrOked, WhIfilelree., Forks, Shovels, anti other artkies too nuiner- ous to mention. At tbe mine time there solt1 the following which are tbe property 01 Janwo Sennett : 1 pun4wed : 1 purebred Heifer. , I year old; 2 l'ows. 7 years old; I Cow, with calf at foot ; 1 Cutter; 1 net of Tenni !farness; 1 !loose, 4 years old; I ,Mare. 3 years old. There oill tee (offered for sale also lone double frame barn :143 .16. the property of James Wallace, Itnit eon- VeSAI011, Aghlle141. TERMS. - Alt stint.. Of $10 and mi- ner, 4 -ash: over ttnit amount nine u ttttt ths' ctredit will he giveu to perties fornishltig appnw441 joint notes. A tlioeteaut of 5 twr cent. off for carat. E.•erythluts will be oold as proprietor Is giving up fartulag. IULARENCE JOT. 3. PUIIVIS. Proprietor. Halifax ninon. le :-Jantotry ia the peak month of there bnicing tonploy• melds od the V1/0100U.1 f11141 virile ones that form the asset of our pnisperity for tomorrow. Play the game. theu.• in.fa ! in other* the inixotp 414 mixiest ' Doilgi and drive and dribble, hot get the peek bone ! Never mind your rhino or your grartP. get the puck between tbe prods &My mid squarely. Doet slug ! He a *port Ira January. the Hake nt be- ginning, and you ,it in your January. • Goderich Industrial and Agricultural Society The Amu& Ntatuiery lbsetbsg of the Gederich Indintrial asd Agricultural Noddy will be kid is the l'ewa Hall. Oodseith. at I pa., ses .figturdiar, tleassary 1,12. rseeivist Maar dal Magenta* Eieeties et O4. leers mid Gesseal linsiesse. Dr. W. F. Clark, Seer -Treasurer. •:*.111 • 1-2 1 This new candy -coated gum delights young and old. It "melts in your mouth" and the gum in the center remains to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe mouth and throat. There are the other WRIGLEY friends to choose from, too: "Alter Every Meal" ,Mootinget Huron County Council The Council of tbe Corpor- ation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Cham- ber, Godericb, at 3 o'clock in tbe afternoon of Tuesday, the ,24tb-- day �fJauuary, 1922. All accounts against the Coun- ty must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of the Council: GE°. W. Hot:aux, County Clerk Goderich, January Ath, 1921 dwwwwww•wwwwwww•Nowee CIS -NEW DOM IN ION-CABI LIJCIINOW Monday, Jan. 16 Meld McDonald is home from fiask- a hewan and will spend the winter with his parents. Mr. and Mr... Lawrence Reid and son have returned from Algoma where they had be visiting. Mrs. Williams, of Buffalo, has crone to takt• care of her mother, Mrs. F. Anderson who is seriously ill. WANTED RDoom AND BoA I, WANTED By vomit nonagacl eighteen. Tenni must he moderate. Rend particulars to lettevoo aux 48, este of Tag Sigarat. INEII AN WANTED --SEALED TEN - 1.3 1)141(5 witty* rival ved by the undegaidool for the position of Hibernian for en. year. for tie Munleipal Telephone/44.m. Township of code. rich. Tend.m will be received up to Saturday. P'ebruary ith. Ian Tbe lowest or any tender not necessarily amoeba'. ADAM CANTELON. Pree..tressurer. (Tinton. R. R No $ CARD OF THANKS URS. JAS. WALTERS AND FAMILY Ill wish to thank their nun Mends and aeiglahnes for their Ignlaathl and MINNIE their west bereavement AOCTIONIERINO. -r M. STALKER, AUCTIONEER for osi tbery ot ti;utd oaffect.. farm stock. etc for A dri ore all tommuniestions J.M. STALKER Auburn P 0 4641 MUSIC PIANOS TUNED. -APPLY TO C. Y. HENRY, Music Studio, earth side of Square. tf PUBLIC NOTICE. NtYTICE-AI.I. API'LICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OP CLERK. Treasurer, Assessor and Collector for the Township of Ash. field, must be in the bands est the u ot War than Wed:bedew. the Ong riare,'M n . . e P Sh-posiont, Clerk Township Ashfleld. Datallanusry I. 1512. It. R. No. T. Lorksow. _ FOR SALE OR RENT. Gifl,DEN GATE R.B.P., No. 1034. Meets find Thursday a each month. Forerters' VisittitE Bit Knights welcome. J. McNEVIN, R. II. MEW, Registrar. W.P. UMAL POR SA LE --01 / 51 Fl 111ITA 8-ItOOK 111 G. CAMERON, • 0„, BARRI& l'aC:OT31U. Ap1y TirtitAtilit Also P01111111011 'equate pluton' TBR, Bolicitor. apiary subtle. t0 Mrs' Luuli asign11621sd. Office Hamilton street. Oodmich, third door from Square. Trust funds be 11* SALE. -MODERN SEVEN-I11n at toweat rata& Room. Drew.] 1,4, 1) house for sale. Pzeeted thingutee""S'anIk' 'runt siZioire!" AlleOtruci7.1Fiedr.v4,11Z7. DROUDFOCYT, Market street KILLORAN & TIVISTLMEMR81 BAR . HOLICITORS. NO- TARTES PUBLIC ETC Smith's Art Store 1;a4*1 Street Phooe 1448 stOro R PANDORANO WITHOUT PORTFOLIO isoreWONWOOsorbeweereseoeteneroserstegarawarserese• THE - Hydro Store 40100 41460 The People's Store(' t, . Colnin ann Inspect our stock Electric Irons Electric Heaters Meets* Washing Machines Electric Grills Toasters Coffee Percolaters Ek. . V.ar4a0I NYl.OTutA...poL, iOr .Wpotto,.,,1,,/4i1,1Fe'%17r4„.$.01mt41..i,i,ropt ers t,cAai.S ', •- , iAr fmg ( s rtA.1o`• I • s0rum.ww c.awetov ,assrroy , 4 11 5 • .1. 1 RUILDING LOT FOR SALE. -ON LP Brock street. Mutt be mold within the met fee weeks. Make otter to MRS. 1 HOMAS Mc- KENZIE. Victoria Street. Goderich. or to W. A. WHITELEY. 112111 Oak Street, New Orleans, La. Wit VARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25. CON - i• CESSION 3, Goderich township, consisting 0( 42 scree of choice clay leans, with spring creek and sprang well. Barn 40140, with cement stables; hay barn, 14527: drive-hous,. tern; small heti- house candortable concrete cottage. and two acres of occfuird. It is situated one mile from designated Provtocial county road. seven miles from Godersch, and is cerivenient 44 school sod church. Apply to B ft LINDSAY. R. R. Mo. 2, Gnomish. Phone 602 r 4 tf PUBLIC NOTICE. (lENTRE IIIRON LIBERAL ASSOCI- A.) ATION. A 10144TI14C of the Menge 01 Centre Huron will be held at Carnegie Wal1. fleaforth. on Priday. Petwuary 11172. at 11.00 o'clock p.m . for the following porposes 111 To appoint delenallal to the Provincial Convention. to he heti in Toronto, for tam selertion of a Provincial lousier , 01 cement business% of the Centre Huron 'Liberal A noriatIon A large attendaneelll mitigated. MICHAEL MURDIE. JAMES I.. K1LLORAN. Pooktentseentary Offiee on tbe Square, second door from Hamilton Street, Ooderlch. Privsto funds to loan at lowest ra tea. W. Proudfoot, K. C., J. L. KIlloraa. Dudley E. Holism. rlIARLES GARROW, It Batt - u RTSTER, attorney, solicitor, etc, Goderieh. Money loaned at lowest rates. r BRACER. BARRISTER. SOL- ICITOR, notary public and con- veyancer. Office -Court House. Oode rich. 00-12m 17411111AN- al. WAN & ILT0.-4111 licEILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IMBUE. 11 ASCII CO. -Farm and Isolated town property Insured. Officere--Jaa Connolly, Pres-. Gods- . .; Jas. Evans, Trice -Pres., rich P 0 ANNUAL MEETING -THE ANNUAL Beeehwood P. a; Tholass Z. Hark MELTING or Ma ormnroa of tbe Me- flec.-Treas., &stork P0,. Mutual Aye larannaaaQ*- ss414 besheldrthlathrtilW.--tC. -11; mettrirw own Hall, Meaforth. on February S. 111111.11111' 2 to Nock p m. The business will bit (OrOnfilre Chi fleaforth: John 0. Orisre, Pre. Annual Statement and Auditors Rennet. mailmen. 4, Walton; William Rhin. R. R. No. 2„ log of three rtirectors and two auditor, and robot saarortb: inhn nonnewies. Brod. business which !night he considered of oss to tywy Company The retiring directors art J1111111.1 MIME: (40 Meeertner. NO. Evans, John fr (oboe and John flonnew Ora who Sea forth Robert Irearria IT I Maleolm Melewen, Clinton; Jansay !Deana, Beerbwood; Jamas Connolla GodorIch. Agents J. W. Teo, floderti; Aley. Leith. R. R. No. I. (Moon • William Chesney. Sestforth; Raw& and Aural Hospital ristestant at revena's • Len House Sargeoe Neve York pyhtlasalanit ley, neafortiv Polley -holders ear MI eitatTlailli*14;;:inntallneeillandietSd..(4.:tiGnadrsdeterin°75nrdh.,u/saTrorniellbmwilenallrerinei sdWilla7V• "IlatflitillinnieuPt"74.t7071taintnIttttaneeekn4:71.iogligutieeRmntrub. Cettle41.117.111:reila(irria:14111.1111.' rammary tato. at p. en. to Thursday. January Reid.; General Store, HOWM. v 11111b, at I o. on. ' JAMKTOONNoLLY, 11108 F. HAYS. Of TII1/ President anniary. But your electric limp, here oATEll AN LINT 811i1MISSION ellanue DR.P. 1. R. FORSTER. EYE, EAR. NOSE. THROAT