HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-1-19, Page 5a • • T-11-Wrr";=11E*00--- ti ti Tun maim • GODE1:TC$ OET. It You're Missing It If you fail to set or get in on the household furniture that you can get at Harold Blackstone's Furniture Exchange Nest Street on The Broadway.of Goderich RADA4.R S FOR EVERYBODY This Is Your Store It pays to advertise In 'Itis SigsaL GODERICH BAPTISTS EXTEND A CALL TO TILSONBURG PASTOR MISSION RAND CONCERT when writ renew her rubw•rlp- preseidation of a palest! nude1ueiy laden thin to The nal +Styr : "1 cannot with monetary (ruitii , a tot en of the do without the (Ietderle•b taews. t claw's gratitude to Der. J E. Fool, look forward to the arrival of The tlwir teacher. The oddity., it Inch smoke Signal every week. appreeutively of the intellectual %Igor Rev. 0. N. Dewey Receives An Unanimous Invitation To Ooderich .; By at unanimous vote on Sunday, Goderich Baptist congregation extended a call to Rev. C. N. Dewey, of Tils,n- burg, to Iuruna• its pastor. It is be- lieved that the call will be ooneidend favorably. Rev. Mr. Ilgwey has occupied the pulpit hero on revert! Sundays ys recently on which occasions he created a very favorable impression. Looks For It Et•4jry Week Mrs.. TMs. A. Postlethwalte, of Brantford. a former Gtslerkh resident, A JANUARY e r� IS TI -IE DANGER MONTH for all who are subject to coughs w weak Bronchial tubes or weak lungs stand very little chance in keen january weather. People who are subject to' coughs and colds should 'be well prepared with the best cough and cold rem- edies they can purchase, that immediate doses may be taken when a cough or cold makes its appearance. In tris way they'll head off distress and avoid real danger. Sometimes, however, all the medicines in the world can't atop the trouble -that's when the medicine is taken too late. We sell all standardized cold rem- edies. Order your preference. r, Campbell's Drug Store "Try Our Drug Ston•'Fitet Phone go „44 .. The Square , ,Goderich North Street Methodist Ortanlsatlen Give A I'lne ('eneer•t The Mission Band of North stat wt Mtthodiat church gave a line concert on Saturday afternoon. There was a good turnout and every item of the program WSW thoroughly enjoyed. A missionary play and chants, e'va• a Story to Tell to tie Nations" as an opening number was splendidly rendered as were alio the Mother (hoose psntomines and the plaJ- k•t-"Wlut would our 11ii- ion Item he like, if all of kg members' were, just like me?" hstru,ne atal numiwrw by Mlasu•r Hayden Weston and Mips Alnaa Ilowell were also pleasing features of the pro. gram. After the concert, tea was served by the Band in the church parlor, for which practically the whole andlen•e remained. The protonic) were over Lrn.00. ldlss Elsie Bradford 1411(1 Mlus Fioren•e Mooney are the espalole superintendents of :this iiiilce organ- ization and their fine work is appro.- elated by the congregation. GOLDEN LINKS ' Y BiM CLASS ry ANNUAL DINNER Class of North Street Methodist Church Sunday School Meet For Yearly Event The annual dinner and. election of officers of the 4;olden Links itible ('I:ua of Soeth street Methodist church was held in the Sunday School ns.m on Mon- day night. TIw table dorarutions were dainty and artistic and the ternpting., viands all that an epicure could desire, for which tlw,w.cial coin rsittee under the leadership of Mrs. .1. 11. • Robertson, w- aived the congratulations of all pnsent.' The pastor, Rev. H. I). Moyer, pre- sided awl after P hearty Ping -song *pile p ru was introduced. Megan. Ern- est i'ritehand aid Roy tkonehowa• ga:e readings, Mn. Henderson and Miss Snider, and Meows. R. Wbceler and Moyer contritwtad duets anal Mrs. Mair, a solo. Short. stirring. addresses were given by Niemen. W. S. Bowden, 11. H. Lona and 1'. M. Robertson, atperinten- dent of the school, exprtwting their ap- preciation of the excelk nt work being done by the class and its flne influence on the school. l A special feature of the meeting was a stimulus as well as upiritual yew of Itis teaching was read by Mrs. J. H. Robertson and the promatation made by Miss Annie Davidson. In reply, Mr. Ford woke highly of the intense the claw has shown in Rhhja study and look- ed forward to another year of pk•awu't and.profitable work. M -ors. Chas. (Jirvu, yresidt•ut, and J. J. Dnataw, viae-pn'aatent, expressed :tpl,mciati..n dile. Fool's work .and 1,ndtcted c..11- tinttl4gaat ' s for the claw. TireIollowing officers w.•t.• eleeted: Teacher. Rev. J. E. F,•ol; assistant, "Now or never" chat the politicians of both parties�y not seise the his golden sopor( having yotrf • p . visit to s studio i 1 photograph taken by SALLOW'. Yon can never regret I i i r. W. R. Bowden; preikou, Mr. Chao. (Arvin; vice-president, 31r. P. ('antelon; (Snleenerol aue'ul eouumhtee, Mn. Wm. Munwy; comvelter of lookout c iter, Mr. Wm. Arnudroiig; nuven ter of devo- tional committee Mtn Howell; ant-trees- urer, Mims Annie Davidson; assistant. Miss Allen. L O. O. F. Installation eJ The officer., of I lnron Lodge. No. W. 1. u. 4). 1' , have Irru installed by 1).• L. (1. M. Pinder. They are as follows: 1. 1'. 4;.. J. A. Straltni; N. G., Creek NI unlit; ; Y. 41., J. 4'. ('n rrie ; R. B. C. .t. Reid; F. S.. W. F. 4'latrk; treasurer, Wm. 1'. .tls•11 ; 4'811. .Io.. Mulch; war- den, 4'has. Thoma-; 1t. S. N. (l., Fred ('rulgle • 1 S. N. 4;., Ken. Stow.. ('11544114111. 4'111,. 141111111.6 It. S. Y. 41., F I'ridlutiu; 1.. S. V. 11., Percy Soltu- .u.u: It. S. S. 4t. Miller: L. S. 14.. ?i. Sproul; I. 4;.. 11. oases• ; 4►. (1., J. W. Xewwnnl,e. 4 . His excellent week is a pleasing memento for years to comb. WHIM......... One Of The Regulars. tine or the r.•gnlars on The Signal .tahscriptlou II -t is Mrs. T. 4.'.....I*•un, of Weingal -. Floritbt, who never fails at the Isytiuuiug of each succeeding year to send her remittance. We have had received lir renewal for 19:13, with pie:I-out word. of good wishes MODEL THEATRE for The Signal. Th.tgh. it Is maty years einca the Mclean family heft oloslerkti, they are not forgotteu here, and It' Is vt•ry evident that they do not forget t lsalerich: .1r'. 311514 44 write.. : '.Though there - are few 118111P i now ramllhu• u. 4111- NI,•1A1111 fstmily. they all like to take 'rhe old home weekly; I ' and wish it and it: owners continued morn-' and a happy, pn,.per►us New Year." WEEK OF JANUAR% 23 TO 26 Monday and Thesis,. Januar, 23-24 NE$SVp HAMA Kot, W A ti "WHERE LIGH1O .TRE IAW- Episole 13 of The icon e.1 Tartan "Double flossed" Wednesday and Tisrnda), Jan. 23-26 CORRENNE GRIFFITH 1s "THE (..LITER GIRL" HAROLD LLOYD in his latest c. m.rly "I DO" Friday and Saturday. January 27.26. EUGENE OMHRIEN la "GILDED LIES" - Chester Comedy "READ] TO SERVE" Matinees Monday and Wednesday -st 4.13 p.a. Scdurday at 3 p.. Two folf shows every night starting et 7.30 p.m. 000.0000.0.00 nertlon tt'llfl•tbe choles et a successor to tin late Pralessor liullautyne. Mies Oral Stoddart returned last. weep faun a visit of three w't'eke with her mother, Mrs. Davit! Stoddart, in Detroit. --Mrs. J. A. Cameron and daughter, Jean, returned to Tomato/410k week after speeding New Year holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bradford. I IMrs. 1). Stoddart, Fust street, under- went an operation last week for the re- moval of ler lett eye. 1'he Signal is glad to report that she is progres ing as favor ' ably as can be expected. Mrs. tineyd leaves on Saturday for Toronto where she will ,peril the bal- ance of the winter with her daughter, Mn. Joe. Beetle. Mr. H. H. Allen, mechanical twper- interdlent of taw Merchants' Printing ('ongatny, Kitchener, formerly of The Signal, vt-ittd friends in Goderich over Sunday. Mr.. M. Kearney and little daugh- ter. Dorothy. and seen. Barry, are vis- iting her I fighter'. Mrs. borne Bar- lett and Mr.. t'. J. Merino. of Toronto. We hoop• that heron. returning Mn. Kearney , a Ill rind her health much dnipraved. She experts, toss, to spend x few t4...its with -Jeer brother, Mr. Harry E. l'itrr. of 1)etroht, iefore com- ing Mack to (lode'rkh. onler your n••xt lee cream at Black - stone's. Tun will .appreciate the qual- ity and .en * Thursday, Jsnttary 1e 1522 A. L. COLE Ryaofght,Speeialist tha.a,etri.t An honor graduate .of the Canadian Ophthalmic Co::ege;