HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1922-1-19, Page 3- • , "11 • TP • • • • sle ' 'I'llE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. CIODFTUCH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11). 1922 1 lat(a.1 areralry TATIrtZ1 PERSONAL BANKING SERVICE Sterling Bank Service is first, last and always a personal one. Discussing applications for credit, furnishing advice and information, obtaining- if possible - additional information the customer requires - these and every other transaction receive a per- sonal attention which brings more satisfactory results. Our Manager will be glad to meet you -to dis- cuss your plans for 1921 -at any time. lift STERLING BANK OF CANADA SEVENTY-FIFTH YEAR NO. S. I0) or t hem. Thi. nu Iii oppielttou to School Inspector 36 Years ir,:::,v,tty-Lith:..z.,7,;T:;;;!;:;„Tt ET4r.. zwiftcapor 71.1" Thls should not 1141 .r any eommunity Record hoon at from providing a ...Ousel which will be to all the ehildren inthe con. Is Mr. J. E. Tom's .m411011.1, 1:11.11 IRMO that have Ho children attenallint school should he in tater of lielphig to get u con- Goderich Resident Has Proud Distincti. of Having theirs neighistrs' boys and girls. Thl• toolldiitell ....11.4)1 established to benefit Served Huron County For Over Third of A Ce To teach 'whop' saetwessitully for half a century 441141 during that perked le hold the Important position of piddle •stliool ii slot for thirtyedz years, is the proud distinction of Mr. John Elgin TOW, 1)f tioderich, and It Is doubtful if Stiell R record has ever been tetanus! in the annals of the 1.141114.11- 1 101111 1 history of Ontario. ' On Tuesday, January 3rd, the fiftieth anniversary of his first stilvabietteecher. tt as reported previously 1 ._ Sigiuil. Mr. Tom VI am prtsseuted with • bou- quet of r0144.14 bearing the message : "l'etegratulations to Inspector Tom on haviug rounded out his fiftieth year In 4.11 OCR 1 10 nal work - Central School Staff." I lemeetor Tom appreciates highly the generous greetings of the Centred *squad statT, whose fragrant • ressembranee carries him irack to ' January 3. 1$72. when he began to • teaching in Caulfield wilted, ibildimand county. Mr. Tom got his public school edu- cation at it S. No. 5, Ushorne town- ehip, Huron county. end after attend- ing the Normal school ha Toronto. took his find position as teacher in 1872. when hw wee teacher of the public *ciao! at Canfield. Ilahlimaind eounty. This natation he held for four years, when he WOR a few months afterward,. appointed principal of Georgetown .. public sehool. In January, 14477. he was appoipted (science =meter at St. Mary's Collegiate, and in 14(745 took the same position In Strathroy Col- legiate. lie was only there a short while when he accepted the position offered him by Huron county C011061, that of public school inspeetor of Wee Huron, which position Mr. Tom etIll hold*. SCHOOt OF COMMERCE CLINT N - ONTARIO Re -opens for Winter Turis, Tanailisl, January 3. 1922. with Ft. trembles glair- 8preial Claw foe Sisdhata sambas tr.= Gesierith by train daily 2.50.-4,40 Rooms may be 'secured In town -4125. $1.50 per vteek. Board $4.00 to saw per week or Certificates will be Waned to thaw who wish to take advantage of Students R. R. Rates. Write for Catalogs'•, Courses and Rates. Mine 1011 B. F. WARD, B. A- M. A. STONE, Coss- Specialist. Principal Vice Principal 4- r!".-------;tt The Way to Save Iftret611611.,1111101161,110a It is the sysliannic regularity with which you make small dosits. rather than the banking o4 a considerable amount, that":= ep builds up a substantial financial backing. Got this habit of (*nit* dapnatiolg. dollorcievaid nosy wok with interest composmded semeunnaelly, in five years amount to $841.02. true patriot will help to educate till ' the eldivinet or all the people and thus ntury elevate 11..- standee! of l'anddian lir wheol tenchers mid four high e1li74'n(41111)." school teachers In *me of fourteen public *school sod two coutinuittlini PROTEST OF SOUTH q teaehers in 1915. Three) auto-busmes alit seven I emus w5Old cern the islidlo to mud from whoal at a cove Of $720 pei mouth for'2..st! public school and elghty. seven high school stvelents, of whom about aeventy-tive walk to school. making about $.450 Per month per pupil for trantspogtation. "The people of the GnuRapida con- solidated ;section," Mr. Toni says, "are more thin itwthilied with their school anti the remits. The Pupils are con- veyed to anti from activet every day in comfortable vans. They are regular in attendence even in the worst of weath- er. Several of. the teachers hoard in the country and ride in the vane ulthl thi• puplbi. The pupil. are at hotue every night with their istrents. Tlwy get an edueation fitting them to cider a normal school or a university with- out leaving their parents' homes. The cost of conveying the pupile is not more then $30 a pupil iar yeur. This Is the total cost of conveying the pepils to and from tho consolidated school at Mallorytown. in the (snotty of Leeds, Ontario. Are Much Cheaper., "This la eertainly cheaper and more satisfactory than mending the children away from home to board with strang- er.. who have no Interest or control 41. An Exceptional Record During hits time 11 4 ins-pector Mr. ha' had well qpy over a thousand 1 t .rs passed frotn his eharee, speaks with She highest prake of all of them. Ile k a 'strong believer in the cen- Wolidated /schools, and tielievs•i that they will play a prominent part in the eduvational life of tbe yoinie folks. litests1 particularly to thaae In the outlying rind district*, and even in the villages. Mr. Tom made a tour down through Ohio in Devember. Investigatlug the ..r HAre,ispial% eptstarfzirit portant part In the forming of a con- solidated school «section at Itarunflier. where it proposed to start ereetion of a DOW school in the near future. Although in his sixty-nitith year, Mr. Tom belieree that he Is still good for • goodly number of years. Resides his important ask. he is an ardent worker in Knox Preabyterian churele and stem takes a strong' interest in affairs leading to the welfare of the town. When Mr. Tom became inspector of schools for Went Huron in 1486 there were in that year 12.S teachers. of whom seventy were men and fifty-five women. Of these, five held first -clams certificates', forty-eight second -claws. anti seventy-two (hint -claw. The •v- erage salary paid in 1e480 was $355. There are now 134 teachers engaged at an average salary of $1,191, of whom seventeen are men and 117 are women. Their certificates •re hint &stelae... 124 second-class end one kindergarten primary. Mr. Tom points out that R consoli- dated arbool section was termed in Colborne township In 1939. When the sichord is built and the wheel grows into a Continuation school, ea It should in two years, the whole cost to tbe section is tIk$XIQbe lege time It watt with three sections. Cesselidated &bed at Grad Rapids On December 13 and 14, 1921, In- vestor Tom slatted the ennoolidated who& at Grand Rapids, That election waq formed In 1915. Including the village. of Grand Rapids (having three public school teeehere and two continuation sebool teachers) and the eight one -teacher echoole of the town- ehip. A fine' uehool house was erected In 19141, having every convenienee 41(41'- 441 ti nest of $53,0011 when ready for onlipation. In 1919 two seetions from another township Joined the Azon- ponlittntioti. and In 1921 one section from another townehip milted with. them. At present there are seven _ •_._ Ma UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. Woollcombe, Manager V Do you want next Christmas? Ifs° Join Our MP, IJR.ISTMAS CLUB NOW with $1i Spending money le &beet the eeisieet thing yew do. If you economise and deposit your mosey REGULARLY in our atristmas Club you will soon hare motley. Why not start? The following tables explain the different Clubs I 05, INCREASING CLUB PLAN Put In le, 2e, Sc er 10o the first week. INCREASE your deposit I te, tc, 5c or 10c each week. In 50 weeks: Ic Club pays 012.78 50 Club pays S 13.75 IRMEMWd$Rigemr 2c Club pays 025•50 100 Club pays S127.80 DECREASING CLUB PLAN Start with the largest sum and Decrease your deposits each week. This is a very popular plan. EVEN AMOUNT CLUB PLAN' 4 - 2SeP8iltubiriptahri: SAME512.50 AMOUNT each week. In 50 weeks! !tr 55.00 Club pays $250.00 50e Club pays $25.00 $1.00 Club pays lls0.00 $2.00 Club pays 5100.00 ii00 Club pays 1500.00 .00 Club pays $1,000.00 orOor-1,-, (X) Club pays $2.500.00 You won't foul it any hardship to deposit a DOLLAR each weft and • neat December that 350.00 will come in Ismail,. Join to -day. Bring in all the FAMILY We will welcome you. We pa) 3 per rent. intereat on Club dewed'*. BANK OF HAMILTON W,4041R ••• ',111(• . A" 4.2' 4,/' , ,41 . A Dainty Necklace Our Lavalliere always appeals to the feminine heart. No worn - an can resist the temptation to enhance the graceful beauty of her neck with simple pearls or pendant of unique and artistic design. OODERICH MARKETS Wrdnesetey, Jan. 18 Wheat, per buoh. , $1.06 to $1.10 sl)atik pee bush. ... "tr, ..40e to 44' atria. Per bush. ..-......... .00e to iffic Pew'. per hush. 51.40 to $1.54 Buckwheat, per booth. (10e to 5fie Flour, tomtit. per cwt.. .53,60 to 13.73 21•014.paisest,par.owt....44.10 to $4.25 Eton. pet .ton -......... $38.00 to $110.00 Shorts. per ton , 140.00 to 141.00 limy, per toe $15.00 to $10.00 Straw. loner. per ton ..$8,00 to $10.00 Dairy Butter, per Rt. 30e to Me Creamery Rutter. per Ib. 40e to 411e Num, fresh, per dos. 40e to 4t4e Potatoes. per bush 11.00 le SIAM (attle, butt -teem choice, per. ow, 15.10 to 116.00 Cato,, hutcheem meditn, per ewt. 4100 to 55.50 Roark live sretom. per cwt. w 510,25 ro $10.50 i moo, per lb. ee to 4c Sheep* I too 40e lo roe 4'1 E. C.ROBERTSON • • au.= ('or. East St. and Square Goan& ••••••••••••• HURON ELECTION ---- TO BE CONSIDERED Final Decision Left In Hands Of • Committee Of Biz Members RinsOne'n~.^^1044.1.0.10W•sesiPeRisabetensiois• Regardingethe question of protesting thee lion of W. Black, 17. F. O. mem- bersaiect for South litinm, Reform Asso- ciation. at ita ann*1 meeting Tuesday of last week at lierrsall, decided to leave this 'natter in the halals of a committee of six. They will give decision later. There walla good at Ware* to hear speech,. by Thomas Mc 'Ban and James Watson and Mayor Gould! of Seliforth. The following officers re elected: President, for Dominion is Dr. Shaw first vice- resident, Owen r: secre- tary. J. inlayten, Tuckersnat • presi- dent for local house, J. Morgan, Usborne; vice-president, Charles Fritzianrich; ROC- retary. T. Shillinglaw, Tuckersmith; treasurer for both houses, John Prepeer. Willoughby's Farm Agency . offers for sale £farm of 100 acres, well situated on 2od -Concession 01 Colborne Township. A good brick house of nine rooms, bank barn, 551(70, with good stabling, driving house, 40x22, and hog pen, 28x14; good silo. This farm is in a good state of cultivation and close to school -and churchreight miles from Coderich and four miles to station. For particulars apply to C. C. McNEIL Brice Street • • Gederich, Ont ----- seseetetelativiesetastesess~elswasteWseer Service For The Thrifty Thrift is a habit that should be cultivated not merely to make provision for the fu- ture, but because of a desire for advance- ment and full achievement, and for the sturdy independence, the happiness and the contentment that it beings. The Bank of Montreal co-operates with the thrifty by means of a Savings Depart. tient in every one of its Branches through- out Canada. In this Department a Sav- ings Account may b. started with any sum from One Dollar upwards. Interest at highest current rates is paid on all savings deposits. Vital Statistics Figures 414499114-4 Ivy Town Clerk Knox Elbow that in Gesierieli during the year 1021 there were : births, 72; marriages. 37; deaths, 62. '5 l'estage Rates Doubled l'onimencing e-ith the New Year the poetege niter on %veldy newspapers wen. (10111.1411 by 1. iiii incn-ase of. from three-quarters of a cent a pound to me and one-half cents a pound. For the present nt levee the sttbscription price of The Signal will not 1* increased. Good Cheer From Old Subscriber • I lin VP been a .Signel svibscriher for long years," writes Mr. A. H. 'Wilson, of Fort Willuen. "I am an old Huron county resident and 'five Shoed hali been like a letter from home every 7tfilialt itgaititiimpro regularity of delivery. Wish ng yen a prosperous New Year." Notable Increase In Business Mr. J. Howard McNee, of the Resell drug store, attended the convention of Retail drug clerks in Toronto last week and while there was announced u the lucky winner of two prizee-one as first pnw for representing the store showing the largest increase in chocolate business in 1921 over the previous year. and third prise for general increase in the sale of United Drug products, Mr. Mee Resigns Mr. James Dixon, who has been deputy nwistrar of deeds for Bruce county for the past few years,has reeigned his poni- bon here, and left on Thursday last for his home in Goderich. Mr. Dixon was a quiet, unaaraiming sociable chap, and was • skilled office man, and in his de- parture Bruce county loses a capable of- ficial and the town a splendid citizen. - Bruce ifereld Huron Eneampment Revived A meeting of Huron Encampment, 1.0.0.F., will he held on ,Wednewlay. January 25. At the Ligt nieetIng 011 Wednesday of last week the subiret under discussion wan the apparent lack of enthusiasm In the organization. Plans were made for reviving the In- terest of the members and at the next meeting It is expeeted that. the com- mit -tees will report progrees. (*a BANK OF MONTREAL BSTAILISHOD MORE THAN 100 YEARS GODERICH BRANCH E. V. LESSL1E PRESENTATION TO HOLICESIULLE FAMILY , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morahan and SOS of Huron road, Receive Gifts - Prior Te Their Removal ttastion of a hap v 'tethering at the home Thursday evening, January 5, wan the oo I iron (.4 . • • church, Holmeaville, and a windier nf' other (ricotta paid them a surprise visit. After a pleasant evening spent in genes and 111444140 4141 address; of farewell was read for the congregation by Rev. C. Mame% in which he recalled the faithful work of the family in the church, and expressed a great thud of regret at their departure from the pariah. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall were then presented with a handsome 04 rocking chair and Willie Marshall with a shaving set, after which Willie replied, thanking the congregation Refreshinents followed and some more 111118ie ended the evening's entertaininent. Mr. and Mn. Marshall intend removing to the Babylon .1) Death of Mrs. Walters Catharine Hiney, widow of the late Richard Walters plowed away at her home on Regentsitreet, Goleriel on 'Tues- day, January 10, after a lingering intim. Mr. Walters., whore father was in the British Army, was born at Caltlatta, eixty-e.ven years ago. At seven years of age she sent to England and lived there and in Ireland until she came to Canada. Soon after her arrival in esseviewevesesteseveNfsPooseNnooveNtesesswthis country she was married to Richard Walters and for RoMe tin* tbs.( lived near C kA Ilenmiller. Twenty year*. aao t wy came to riderich where she hail lived ever since. INSURANCE asd REAL ESTATE O BONDS Dominion Provincial Municipal Industrial SOLD AT MARKET PRICE. No over-riding commission charged. Call and get quotation. J. W. CRAIGIE Mee enrvived by ten daughters, Mrs. Chan. Young and Mrs, Redfern, ot town, anti by four atep-chikhen: • Jr,. Ben Allen, of teen; Mn'. F. Fisher, of De- troit : Reuben, of Leamington, and Charles, of Windsor. The funeral per- . vine, held nn Friday from her late mai- 1 wilrni be; ittorov. illvas..rtler.ciFT:11 cryT, its;repacutiou..til nne. mt - were flair nephews of the deceased:I Charles" Walters, Thos."‘Valit.rs, Clarence ' Welters and Charles Walters. Manager. Hensel' Lady !freaks Arm 14 r. William Henry, of Ilennell, n- cently slipped on the icy sidewalk and broke her arm near t he Oboe Mn Hen- ry 11111 11111 realize for sevien1 home that she had sustained an severe an injury. Former Winch= Agent Ake The recent death of Louis !tarok'. ittligignaltitst.-Stersiestalptill•-tr. Ith tigent ar Winghem, came as a surprlap to his friends in Huron county. elle lam survived by a wife and two sons. loessEtwasetas I Annual Meeting The Goderich Industrial and Agri- , cultural Stwiety will hold its annual meeting Saturday at 1 p.m. at the tout' hall. 4lod,rich. inehtun's Vital Statistics The tirei statisties of Kingham for I last year show forty-eight births, line. 'twenty-two marriages. and forty deaths. Do not fail to see Setreue Ilayakaws "The Jap," also Harold Lloyd in hts latest comedy, "I Do" at the M Theatre during week of January 234.4.i "The Jap" la not often obtainable end "Where Lights Are 1,ow' 51001111 PielaNt. our patrons. Like A Letter From Home Writing from Welland to r1•114.1.1 1111 P11110Crillt1011, Mr. George II Smith says : "I look for Tlw Signal every vveek. Pala like a letter from borne-. , • BUS AND B GGAGE SERVICE 1 HOUSES -HOUSES -A11 kinds for sale at very reason- ' able prices Houses to rent. P. J. RYAN Real tease sad lasersace Phu.. to Unlimited Quantity of Goot) MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at $.3 per tangle cord, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED. (Foot of Anglesey St.) Phone 61. Notwithatending the much talked of dopression in trade the MA Is.‘DA Tea company had an inerenme In 1021 of two million end one thief, making their total carat over eleven mink's". • fire hundred filet ninety-eix thousand poem's. If these packets were all pleeed In line, end toeching end, they would toreneh for two thousand, one 1 essesesoseessew,"""^ssesesesowe hundred and ninety -sit miles. Bus meets all trains. Calls isitde for passengers and baggage to any the toe n. Pronipt service 511.1 Telephome 51 Day or Night - 0- H. R. ,TOW Residence, Cambria Roatl, opposite the Organ Factory Office We own and offer $50,000.00 *aka well selected Dominion and Provincial Gov- ernment Bonds We also offer 8 Convertible Debentures MOUNT ROYAL HOTEL CO, LTD. BY, Cumulative Preferred Shams ENGLISH ELECTRIC CC)MPANY OF CANADA Ask us for full information and quotations E. H. HILL & CO. Masonic Temple Building Goderich, Ontario 4i0e, IV., c:seetutL. 410 wow we.