HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-12-1, Page 10T 1".."'"'""w 7 jyl s .111_,T1 limmomir an, 10 --Thursday, December 1, 1921. . TEE COITAL - People are particular about the Christmas Gifts they give OUR STOCK i, choseu with tl1i. point iu view. Only the Highest Grade Articles are :ought and they lost be Perfect. Hear thi, in mind -Perfect Katis(actieltrGuarauteett A very wide range of English China tad French Ivory. Books for Children and Grown LNs. Leaber Goods. Christmas Stationery Christmas C eting Cards Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen Eversha., Lead Pencils Marc you ordered your copy cif Boy's Own,-Cgums, Chatterbox or Girl's Owo. tittl'1 :y is Limit, d. PORTER' aoecs aha the feet of your childrerr,,- LET US FIT YOUR HILDREN with the,kind of Shoes that will ensure f comfort for the rest of their lives. We sell • Pussy Foot." "Classic,'and "Hurlbut Welts." all designed and made give the maximum of comfort, com- bined with wear and style. We shall be pleased to show them. WR16. SHAR 'THE LEADING SHOE STORE PHONE -158 CODERICH , O i • DODO$ ole. canto to thin country lu early life and weir ivarried at Tor'oltto In the year 1s55. Sixty years ago they mover), into A.hfiald, nod out of the forest of those teary dap:, 1lrwerl n home for themselves auert4Yullly. They het ti three •.fur *awl four daughter+, of w host the follow Iwo survive : 11.. of Exeter: Albert. of West Wawa - 'sista Ith•1u 1.. ou the howestead; Mrs. harry White, of Stratford; and Mrs. W. P. Iteid. of I.ucknow. with whom tla• another spent the last years of het• We. Monday, Nor. _Act. Mr. MacKay. of Kincardine. has re-' uu'tn.1 to last• home after spentliug two weeks alt the home of .Mint 'telecom )lattl regor. Mie Isabel alaelbtwld lett for 1 iant.hnl hast week, where she will take top it 'pi,sltiou. miss Mary Maelvor entertained a ut,lr of her young friends out t•veu- iog Ia. t week..\ sn prise party was held at the home of Mr. Wm. linekinglutiu, when 4.Agage Humber of frlentla gathered at his home our evening Mot Werk. .\II report It .identlld time. Mr. W. II. Fraser held a (olltkrtl meeting in MacDonald Hall ou Sat- urday evening noel quite a number turned mit W hoar the p.ditiral tine's- 11ons of the day discussetl. The monthly wrt•ttux of the Wowe•n's Institute will la, hell at the home of \Ir.. 1t. Bullet! tin Thursday, December 1•t. e winter Term opens January 3rd. ELLIOTT Tense awl e+h$rle. Streets. T t,rtreglwait Canada for t••anrs alis *lion. •.raduates n win rmVlo) wept. Write fur handeon omits Enter *h!r um4.W. - r Smith's Art Store is now ready for -the Chri man Gift Seekers and invites you all to come and see all their attractive lines, ASH1lPIEI.D Saturday. Nov. Death of Mrs. H. Johnston.-Ity Ih, death s.f Mrs. Henry ,lohustotl ou No- vember lt:th the town -hip of .\slitield loses one of lis' early sealer-. The der -A.:44 had reached the ripe age of ninety-one years. and her death took ptaeae--oxscitr; twenty -Mae . Tears_ after AUBURN Wednwlay. Nov. 311, The Mary I'illgland class in Knox church are having a Iaasaar in the Kurth ou Saturday- atfternonl. De(ent- Iw•r 10. wben Christmas presents and ,atones will be on sale. The Knox Sunday Silos,' will 11014 heir t'hrLrtmas entertainment in Foresters' Hall on the evening of incomber 2s. A n'•e Slug ttt the interest of Mr. 'Oen. Spotton was he1.I in the C.U.1' Hull on Monday night awl was 1141.• dressed by the omudidalts. ' Mr. Martin Dyer hat• not lawn as well as usual the past week. His many frlendn hope fur his speedy recovery. Mr. Nelson Hill and G. F. Tnnglolut arrived bons from their hunting trip. each bringing home a deer. The anniversary se•rviees of the Bap- tist chorvh, here was highly favored by good weather. On St uday. both afternoons and evening. the church was tvw'ele' to capacity to hear Rev. Wm_ Butthby....1. B.Th. He gave the ()triple two atllresses of great inspira- tion alai hetp. The choir eery ably The vee-opeulug of the town hall win take o'a't 00 Thursday evening of this week. .\ home talent concert will be given and a good time in expected. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Hillock, o(•.Stratfortl, hate I,.'en '.dating at the homer of kir. James Wilson told Mr. Wm Blair. Mr. Wilson and )1r•. Blair tine sisters of Mr.' Hillock. Mrs. Webster, Newgate street, leave* on Friday for an extended visit to hu Beautiful -KW P"tctnfes, Photo Frames, English China, English. Brass Candle Sticks Toasting Fork, Bells, Dinner , Polychrome 4111 '•' Dainty Japanese I.ight Shades, Card Cases, etc. Beautiful Embroidered Cushions. Other lines too numerous to mention. 9Pl Cards and ifooklet C` diruh V Taw Calendars. two -in-law, Mr. 1). Johnston, at Owen Sound. The friends of Mr. John ('halter )rave been much concerned over his serious Mums, but are gratified to learn of hlr Improvement thlr week. Hr wIll not likely be able to cast 111e ballot next Tuesday, but will be welt• lux tonndently for the news of a great Liberal vktury at the polls. Mr. Root, King, formerly well know•' as an hotelkeeper iu Goderteh, 1s in the riding *misting in the can - vase for his brother. Mr. J. W. Klug, the IT. F.O. candidate in North Ilan,'. "Hob" 1a now keeping hotel at (cook. -I vilte. Toronto titer : Mrs. E. 1'. ()arrow ))'alwrr toad. turned a few of the debutante*, including Mims I'hvllh Oakr, Mtaa Avery, of Ottawa, then Mimeo Edgar. Miss M. Walsh, the Mimeo Kerr anti Miss M. irldlaw-, to tea to Inept her 'lire, Miro Mary (narrow, of Goelerleh. Mra. K. Mc- Dougall presided over the flower - decked tea table ht the drawing room.' rendered the mttsk'. On Monday even- ing an overflow crowd amembie.l to enjoy the fowl .upper and trrx•ert by the Stratford Company. The local )Outten grave very appropriate dresses ae..ompslnied by plenty of humor. Throe hundred dollar.. were 'realiz,rl from Sunday an) Monday event/1g, besides a real spiritual feast. BRUSSELS Mr. R. It. I'aui. rod. of 1-neknow, gave an Interesting *whirrs. on Tues- day evening in the lecture mom of Melville church. under the auspl•e. of the Yonng l'ergde's Society. Mr. l'ameroli a tople was 'Arrows Canada that .,f her husband. Mr. awl Mn. Mrs. Sworn'. of 3louttvltl, la visiting4 .Ivhu.tou were natives of Ireland. They her daughter. Mr., 4 . it. Weller.' ASTHMA RAZ MAN USE N Smelt* No !Wallis-- Ili Sant$ ,Inst Swallow a Capssle RAZ -MAS'{ Is Guaranteed M restore gormal breathing, stop minus atherinpin the bronchial tubes, goo l.@g sights of gatet sleep; contain% sw laablt-forming drug. $1. W at your dntg- t -.-,h ut w rite gist's. Trial res at our *g Templstaas, 1d King W•, Toronto. Sold by IL C. Dunlop." THE RUSH IS ON COLBORNE STORE HUMS LIKE A BEEHIVE Delighted customers by the hundred swarm our counters as this ad. is written. It's the busiest place in Goderich and 75 per c•:nt. of the remarkable features which the crowds have greeted with enthusiasm are on sale every day. To ave Is To Buy Your Winter and Christmas Presents Now. "No Close Out Sale" But a Legitimate Stock Reduction Sale. "Bargains Like These, Like Time and Tide, Wait For No Man" The Man in Charge. C. G. LEMBKE, Sales Conductor HOUR SALE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 from2to3p.m. 32 inch CANADIAN PRINTS dark and light Regular 30 cent seller One hour at 15c 10 yard limit to each customer BROOM SALE • MONDAY, DECEMBER 5 The first 50 people who buy $5.00 or mole, Monday, December 5, get a 5 -strand $1.00 broom for One Cent THINK OF IT l GET ONE! One broom to each customer SILK HOSE Women's pure thread Silk Hose, lisle gar- ter tops, 6 inches deep, reinforced silk and lisle heel and toes, in black and brown, sizes 9,9 1-2, 10, 10 1-2. BENIF1 T SALLT PRICE %- 79c 1 WINTER COATS Newry Polo wool velour and serge Winter Coats, semi and full lined, belted, with Targe self storm collars in navy, brown, taupe, grey, button trimmed. BENEFIT SALE PRICE $9.95 kODERICH J. H. COLBORNE & CO. ONTARIO $750,000 BEING POTlO50F0AISSUE Capital Stock Limited DURANT MOTORS OF CANADA, (Incorporated under Ontario Companies Art) .. These shares will be convertible on and after -\ngn•t 1,r. 1934. and prior to August let, 1926. at the option of the thereof, into the pital edo(khk ofthDurantpremium on It York led. • aware Corporatiou (the parent (ompsny in the 1'niterl States 1. the conyeraiun to be based upon the price of $30 pere or Durant Motors Inoa time. U Guy ► Hagxb)e !n st%w•k of tate-Durant Motor, of l' *nada, Limited. at the subscription price thereof. t satisfactory agreement. dated the 17th -day of NotPmhe r, 1621, has been entered into between Durant Motors, incorporated, and Durant Motors of Canada, Limited, covering the manage- name. provl.ltslg ewper•ially for the aunt*/ and purchase of raw materials, motors and other parte, together with the um of patents, invention&. name. et s\ trep.y of this agreement any 1* wen at the Brad (151.404 the Company 1 -HEAD OFFICE : LEASIDE, ONT. show you. %,"ti lu,• s 1, Per 611.1' .,,.s Model Theatre Week of Dec. 5 to Dec.io Monde) and Tuesday, December 5-6 Gouverneur lilorrht' great %tor) "A TAUT--OF--TWO- WORLDS': _ an) the eighth episode of The :ton of Ta rze n "TIE KiSS 01' THE RE.%4T" Wednesday awl Thursday, Ore. 7-8 FAIKBANas Eight ,eel• of adventurous laeti••I, "ONE OF TAF. mem" Tile Ilall Room I: , fin, comely •- """ A ('t.(►Vlt B@.%% F." , Miley and 4:turday, Deeefnhwr 9-10 "11RF:1Z1•" EA!N►N In "THE HL(: Ai►VENTiR1" Century' Ct,med)- "THF.111)'4 PAI." Matinees on Morula) and 1lydtxsday al 4.15 p.m., Saturday at 3 p.m. T'w•o foil shows CPI II ia; I+I-I II I'f Ill;; at 730 tit - -os_ik«dor_ t-wIri a C):-i'Itt:51DENT : 11,\LY, CAPITALIZATION A,bed , r. ^ - t • • • (No .71- los or_Assisni_AtaikAstaiosen or wa.lie lsoMd) • l21111IDID4T IN, ,, .\ IiEt'it ETRY-TItEASt'ItElt : t ''ARK/ ►Li. I n 1N'NES pf'ent'43. DURANT Formerly Assistant Vice -President, The Philadelphia National Bank !'rPstrt I lloorponied President Warner Corporation, Muncie, Ind. EXECUTIVE OFFICES : TORONTO, ONT. f. Formerly \ l'resid' ,t New York Central Railroad C. 11 !NIGER 1.r. -1.1•!t• .\ntto-lite nipttny o4 Toledo, Ohio W. C. DURANT homer .11tiomodlik Hui , r, and one of .tnwrica's Industr1I Leaders. MR. W. ('. DI'MANT in the gliding genius who developed the great Buick Automobile business, later Requirhe ing • and deteloping lite ('adilller, 0 land. Old.mohile and Che•vrelet companies. Mr. Duran) brought all Rime well-known Ontario, nien together ainttohas beeo ntretGen.rYl eMo r% opo creator which ichlh organized in Ilrlolwr, 19(10. He in 30 originator of the plan under which the Mclaughlin Motor (•air ('ompany of Oshawa. General Motors of Canada, Limit ' with its many divisions w hie* today play such a prominent part In the industrial life of the Dominion. Mr. Durant in the I'renident of tis, recently - organized Durant Moron, Inc. (1.4 , with plants at Long Inland (city, N.Y.; Laming, Michigan: Oakland, ('alifornia, and Muncie, Indiana; and rreaident and General Manager of the Durant Motor. of Canada. Limited. • The followtn. Is a nuumary of a Tette by For, taw p orp uttP- td dPvrlrrptrrie fmnttltes.e t %onto),, Ideally 1.s hied and admirably Adapted to. ?Mende, *ith slight alterttlgns. a minimum The plan primarily is to bull) n motor car wh1ch The Initial ,prd;st Is -s refined, noir-eylinder par. knowledge of oar experience In 1110 manufacture of motor W. C. 1)i"R.tN T to- the under•writere : PLAS • shout tis Puminion, a property rnnml.ting of 10 Acres of land and a group of malern building++ ham ieen ptnrehawrl at !.Peptide fa suburb of To- r need.. Th I. main hnilding, 135 feet by 062 feet, originally 41.wigu.rl for nitlnitlons manufacture but never utilizer' for that pnlrpm,,o, makes ., 1 f). motor cars the first year. __PRolwc'r -_ he proslueed in volume. serviced properly and economically. 01,41 suited 1n %nae and price tribe rnlltirementr of the Canndlan trade. Ipppsed with valve -In -head motor emlwalying features not 'renally found in engines of the colebustion type. It represents tis cnmulative POLiCIES - rm. 'It w111 ls• ti,e )eher of ISlrant atnfnof (' ns1a, I.Imlted. to extend the basin*w as far ss possible 0111 of RI earnings. lint should the dinning' for Caudian meek goods in foreign field* - justify • twphl .'x)MfMlltn Ial,4l ('nnadll at ther.4' ptrs•nr Ilma am r' to ho1l the key to the export sltmation so far an the motor trade in concerned4 a further offering or its ,,carnes will lie ,''proved. All of rhe-10,.,'rih,s1 capita! trill go dlreetly into the ba*ta*ss. No rese'rvalbm+ of stock for Ixonnalw, eomml.ses ions or other purpos*111 Ise made, nasi no ps•edal . yr J11hr.,4 other than the. organisation sled nndt!t112111ng fees_ will toe allowuti. _ T _ ._ • It Is Pstinr.•,rl that t1w. ot estle dement) *ill nhsorb from 12.000 to 1',,000 earn lwrrityPlrOSp, whkplcTAfi, with a minimum *Tef,l •' profit of et -pit leer ant•- •lwotld retllr not 1.'- than 40 per et•nt. upon the prea'Itt '..roti cnpirnl. dif Ir,nlltioils jnafify the development of the export business, this prl*1 d'tlon ern he in'reened in n 0111a1 year, to ort less than 40 ears with a proportionate Increase in. earnings. '. nn ryueritial factor in eye clam e f • The minor 'ran twos rP.r.g,41* l n -- -- -Tl'1s _ .k still In its infancy )\'e believe In the perna,nen. and -tnhIllty of the, tndtnttr'y. rum- - oIii', business d,gs•nds own' the ee Pxpwrienand toisgrlty of dmn es ommigent. natant Motors of Canada, Limited, l.ertnkes to -rt SALIENT FE T1 K):4 OF Tills 1.41):: het* (1) Th, )Lanagrment of the 1 n1pan% . aRafr. will lir order tlae, anp„rri%ion 0r Nr. W. ('. Durant, outstanding Rutnmohil, builder, and one ,y laia*trW Leviers. (2) The (ompam will begin oprrof" with ample working anpNiL I which will be derived by the Company. (3) The tare- apawl Canapoweof orsthe 1irati lotnpnany Is ox pdtiveoan advantage staff of Durant Motor% ineorpsrnfel of the united Staten. (4) ('o-op•r,Uing 141(11 IIx Canadian tlr:a11izarion 14111 Ix the eaMNivr and pwgitw..ing embodying all the pates( of (. 1 ni% known l0 (5) Thim (•nmpan) will pr4NI11M R high -grad, Mltntnohik 04 the 1a4. 4 d,slgn. at a 7derste We.' (5) T4*., .nerves Orr rontel{hlr into shar.. of tux I'ar.nt l'ompsrl)' after aitgiId. I1r!1- (7) No bonus or promotion slowest have been or w111 be marled. wearr,Irtlon. 07,0,000 .,f tin. (smite ha. I.e*n •ubw•rilssl lir \Ir. N. 1', thlrant lin,1 hi. a•so.'late•++, and the We *111 11.rrpt rot lofts for .1,1e, of the *Novo 1%stte 119 to sod itnlndlng Dee'Pmlw'r alto• PRICE : $10.00 PER SHARE Payable as follow, : 25 per tont. on Applieatlon, 75 por cent. on Delivery. remainder k non oriel -psi for subscription. fifth E. H. L & CO. GST. ICH,