HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-12-1, Page 9Y
Thursday. December I. 1921 -fe
s,* °* * * Itni ctil ivini° ` is icific oi°°444, **i r 719,fe TO THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH HURON
• County News Summary 41
A reliable, energetic, salesagent fer
Goo•r,ch anal County to ssil our well
IVE territory and fres equipment.
60 Acres of Nursery Stock
Our agency is vakabis for we grow
the trees we sell, and deliver only high.
grads stock. Wats now for terms.
Pelkaa Nursery Co. Toronto, Oat.
600 Acres of Nursery. F. 1 4 .ears
Wtni Ilse ►eon relwited Ile death of REV. DR• SEAGER
William Ilnuty, of Milton, North
Dakota, fonoerly 1 Last Wawanorh.
IA taast4l is a brotbrr-in-law of Mrs. lieu.
Quinn, of that township.
Centennial church, London, was the
ween: of a pretty wedding on Wednesday,
November Ill, when Elisabeth Mary,
daughter of the Tate Robert and !Ilea.
Thompson, b1•catne the bride of Norman
E. Cook, son of Mrs. Cook, of Hensall.
1 highly mingles' resident of Fast
R's\c tsrsh passel away on Saturday, No-
vember le, in the {erw,n-of MN. '*Villiaut
llighmoum. • 114•/111111 •Iter husband a e
leaves six children: J. R. Wightman of
near Te.awater, Norman at utast rd
Normal. and 'Misys Belle, Beattie, I• ace
and lot -he, st harm.
Miss 11'enkk hits returned front rend -
A. J. LAITH WA1TX lag settle months in the wear.
Dalley, who silent weel weeks
Electrical Contractor with friends in town, hat' refurtei to
Agent for Blue Bird Waihitt.: M'rs. White and family, of �IcKillu[p11,
'Machines.\ Choice line of hate moved Into the andel tn• recep ly
pan howl from W. ve•ott. r. Mud Mira.
1.Iectrical Fixtures • rk•utl intetaFnuo•i,g to Lem 111.
carried in -
The marriage took place t the parental
home"( (lle}nr,m. orJ Fri ay, November
IM, of thine!' O. Muir, or Seaforth, to
Ekon Jane I'urhes, of benleru, Scott
Old Colborne Hotel Corner land, Hey. 111 Larkin t Jiciatiag.
Phone 251 The eliding ttoek /tinter at Prince
i«s. .&C., of Cora. elanghtrr of Mr.
and Mrs.Tk•ntwtt, of that city, awl Ken-
- _- a•tli Meteny,seol of lir and Mn. Adam
McKay, ofSe•afortiy '
Won! has leen glen ice•t! of the ,death of
a fernier noitlrnV in the perwm of Mks. e a wt law , r to n urn, The lliunie, d,aught•r. 1 This. Hawley. Away \\ irh sled' cnnwntf:l_e• : J ale not iwliere this, anal ...ti bellied, of
She ass drivingiaeruas the bridge al 1'.srt t a'''ilor sk,•trhel briefly -the ontstau(Ihlg
Hume. and nutieinF 111 brielte• w'tw atamomplfshmwus of the trust four fro-
these holiest uaudel men nod women I resent any such In-aunnti.un. I believe
epnl, •l l not stop. 111 the ox'culn,tus of I•osts, starting with the first.. Rev. Geo.'
Ile fartw•r. of 4 anadu nue fhr fa niters nod tdifretN of this I'rovinw
tln•lwrwere dn,siii4, - 1•h(ttakrr, who oceeliel tied utlkw 1Prerally have had $n15.•4.'0 exprrienee of duplicity In tlolltkes. and tley'
Ih•alhn•rnutel an a ld and onomine•nt for $t) years. luny. Dr. Iksldy. the have leu often leen Mwidvelnk'4 anal 1.41 a.tnly by the' owsM that le, that
resident of Sene.rth when Jol111 Turner at l'rocost, relmahtrl with Trinity they are nmy ready. If they vain .4r Ih1. straight way. to g., the, straight
paws.l meaty after a brief illd•se. Ili, for 13 years; Iter. Dr. Welch for six rray•
anti cop•`thr straight WAY..rmg:udlmss of last tanllHeal leering.
rid"... formerly Miss )1ari..0 McMichael, years, nod Rev. Dr. Mackk'm for 21 ! 11. -Tia• -second nrs)11. that. pn.Ianlillg Ilpanl the 110444111111 WO of an 111
aril aoedietel a'r, Jean, survive. years. •I informelrel•.4orlte, we JIM told tier.• Is' little ellff.•rnaa tw1wer•tt Ilia/ rw•or4114
CLINTON The nMntloo of - Its. Mecklem's • of the two .141 p..111lant parties. anal that the Ensiled Party he4 never dour
[attar_ was received with ehers, and Its duty by IA1. (•au11dh111 people. %Vbat al•e the facts ? 11'4 du nlet Itwd
' � the brief . rrii,.w nT hes' tu)(vnotate, to sow-latelt-further than the he-ei [lou of the Laurier urinal/inn-ration 0
its feast Hodes+wills., --_ :urs
efforts on' behalf of Trinity for el-: the falsity -of -sorb au an•tl.rliou.
The Double Track Route -
bo I,1,'1 11
Unexcelled dining car service. ,
Sterptng carr on night trains, sad
parlor ears en principal day trains.
Fall information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. 1'. Horn-
tae. District l'a'uenger Agcut, To-
ronto. -
(l.R. Lauder, Station Agent.
F. F, 1.1WRF:Nft: & SONS
Town Agents Phone 8
The Hydro. Store
Let the men do the home
washing for a while then
see oulAtmlay_ and
get prices 011
1M -Hydro Store.
With a natlonel debt of :1.2,:11,01Ib,IM10.I11 hanging over 4'nuaehl, with
44inset,admlulxtrotton of the oitttonal itnallW+ es trnalutv'l it altitait of over
4 $100,0t$),1MM).110 during the 'wet year, .with every Lxlk•atiou that there will
It• even u greater deficit during this present year, with au annual Intermit
"•rt chargee) upon the national debt of $140,IM11I,IMM),IMI,
1'rusfeyls to soldiers $ 31.S17,(1'24J:1'-
So14110rri 1ptt1 14441 10111011t
1•kddlmr� Idyll n'-estabh„hmeut
It•uiobllatIon '
.1 capital expenditure of
Aad 41114 year's tvuttrullable expeuat•s
K,11•x (,gmlai M)
'140,3441.1 24.411
Total estiwna,41 exta•allture for 1921-22 =IMMt,:11r:,tWU.04
And with 11 4 ovurilmmot 111 power, 11e41 hand mud f.4,t lo Alit. Mg interests.
_- aN witness. the serious chargees of Mr. James MLlr.ba•k Agit 111)4t mrnIts'rs of
Former Goderich BoySucoeeds the Cabinet, which have demanded IIve4atigatlou for .a twelve month, and
still Igiar•NI.
To Important Post in Toronto 11'hat is Ilia` first eletty of the i':Ie•torate ? is it uet to hurl from power
College thu pre -'ant I:overumekt. W1dc11 has so abuse'l the trust which eras played
ill its hala;r ? - •
1'ruw•u Attoriu•y Seager and. )Les. If. us I' believe. this is the first duty, then what party should Iw- called
Seager were at 'roruup, two wees eft., slam to nuke lis time ?
to 1a• pn,Mant at the ceremony when 'there are 111 the political field 111 this hiding of South Initis 1, Mr. Black
(a1 4. son, iter. hr. Steiger, was install -
the Farmers I.'1*rty. moiler the leadership of NIr. T. A. 1'r•rar.
eel as 1'ruyas+t of Trinity College. The
the r.gaweutallve of the Literal Party under 31r. Mackenzie King.
I:Inde erlrtaltel the following account Many members of the Electorate Mt VI' 1md the pricilegl• of hearing Mr.
It( the event I ('rerar. and all have the opportunity of reading and etittI i.; Ills 8.1411rNfa•s
Convawtlou Hall was crowded.
dellc1.n41 throughout the semidry.
with graduates mud friends of Trinity, I Hat,• you bean) one mint tram his lips wldrh wottkl head you to believe
.wino watched with luetatts the erre- that he is presenting u1p-thing but Llls•ral d,wtrInc , Not 41111. wont.
'mow and heard with pride the aa`•
Has he offered the slightest crlticbm of Liberal rented or Liberal pulley
coinpllshme•uts of the past and the fore- Not one weal.
/7amits of a brighter future. Deserved
The , If, as I have said, the finis duly of the Electorate is to .1.4+40 the
trllrut• Wats b lleiglten Administration- In order' that the Government of Canada Is. fres•
sir paid to the ntlriu' l'm- fmm the shackles' of "Big intermits," why 1hie division 1441%• ast the
s•ost. Rev. T. ('. 5. Jl eek new, aunt lit-
F,+nren+' Party unit else Llla•nll Party
ting rer,gnition made of the yuml+tles ' .
which Rev. i)r. • i(1�er' twinge to his Standing. as they do. upon praetirslly similar e•oiotulc' platform.. why
new hlglt ogler..
should tits fnetters' !wildest party - slow -wok to so dlvldiw-tit• forces of
The ('haneelhrr of the University of Lllernlism, as to re•rlouslc endanger Ilse objet they 1...th have 111 view. ? ,
Trinity College, J. A. 'tS arrell, pre,- Two main neseons lire alta wed :
sid.d. 1144 real!. u letter from the 1. That while further Cotes -native farmers will tote to endorse anal
Primate of all ('ana.le. Archbishop adxane Liberal principles tanker atwtfler name than that of Liberalism. yet.
Dlnthrwnl, expressing gratltiaatiou that they will WoI support Literal prluciples tf adc.smtwl ander the Banner of
Dr. Seeger had suer44le1 to the high Liberalism. As intelligent citizens, 1 all:.yousto seriously evnhher what is
stifle,. The Clunk eller alms red lest- implied in each an argument ? - -
the burden of laratkm ou the shouhlers of those lest abbe to hear it. A
polio- which will make fur 'educing the •cost el the -implements of produc-
tion to all who arr eugagtsl in the development. of our natural relaunee ;
14tat a policy w'h1.•h w111 cultivate a 4plrlt of unity real harmony anti (VW'
enmity of Interest lienteeu ell c1:1sees, and thus head together all diverse
elmmeuts Di the upbulldlag of this !wintry.
Yours truly,
A Few Timely Suggestions for
tern [roto other, mxpri•ssulg egret alt Iwa•s 1t not wean. situply. that 1 Iasly Of honest 4ltlzet1M nice Mite/sal- 1;f
1 11 attend 1'1 ('1 being willing to mark their ballots only miller a screen ? -
Mr,'anal lirs..lrthur Gs,k have gone,-
to Hamilton for the winter• ahkh was ample e\idrmr of ti re' ( History records the iwrlk lag fact, tint when In Peel the Liberal413••••('..1. Wallis lets retnrneil hone after, ganl altl affe5ltou with w11ieh 11r 1s ernunent lIssumel the reigns of power. it found 111winess de retired, the
thee ml,lnths.in the West. 1 IoW by Trinity and Its people. The anauntry• almost In s 4-00(1141. .n of deiapuhltion. Our ew'n 1an,ple had been
,4 ora ph I1'..b r ha. rehiring fmm his ; ('lwsellor • referred also to the quali• flowing away fmm n1. In tMwsamds. I mai. nue mill lou 11:141•,• barn ('ala Nuns
i•-4 111'11k1C.,nutry. ; gcatioed of lire. I)r. Seager and law wen; to Ie f 1 acmes tete lines. Thr roufidene. of business meta h1aiaitl
IS•r, 1. 1iilltt•y. rector ,.f Hol Trinity dieted he would gamey on ably with greatly slu+k1.a by the action Auld t11aet1a11 of 1110 previous trove nitwit!.
• !ouch :Brandon', has accepted the call the task sad maintain tlw Trinity There was ma progress 'or ek•c.•lopmeet then twins: made. Trn41e aM at a
I . 1i/0• lmri.h •.f St. Paul'. church and traditions of 70 year. 1 standstill. aur rmv.•oni•s were etatinma ry: yet, under these /'.nil Inas. 1110
wtiLJrka: up. his wit lhlties st the tirut'1 Tiw tle•Iarnt-al Ott- 14 1.e_ Ices then' precious Government 11,141 largely increased our ptddk- expend ureas and
, tis• peer. The Slew actor its leaving tiM taken, and- the Provost presented by tI up n11 Adel .i
ills Ml tt1141NN1,IMM1.IM1 of debt titinw•Tiet N N'orwe-
'same• rhuirh that 14,'. ling Meke•gney their IA,ldahlps the Bishops of To-' infinitely wane -the domestle• peaty of the e,untry had to •n seriously
ons in;ch'rrtn•of tb•fon cnming4,1.Iinton. e\
lli,w« (imrtir 1{s.lr. rtwou :old Fatith . roma ami Ottawa. (Laren'oleo •I.y an ill -ndtlsel unkeen of coercion 111 rwp4•t o nam of our
ISam Neon, e,rn 11 ace coat .l1.ad 41111 Iter. Dr. Seager paid a tribute to- rester Provinces: and on top ..f all this It was fonisl flirt treachery at,d
i 1 1 111 predecessor. stating that it - was 1 anonymals letter writing had become the employment .of miuist,•rs of
rmm�•e *lb' i rio .l of Conaurre'', have during Dr. Maeklem's time that
k•ft for Toronto where 41,11 11ace 4aCuIe. the Verily.
1poshtionus Trinity -had federated .with the Cnl-I Verily. these were dark days for Canada. To .,114•11 a,sa Tree was this the
ease. that you could scarcely pick up a public journal' Wi lout reading some -
students. Thr tune puniest polnkd thing wide"' shield bring the blush of shame to the fee 411 every trim Cau-
1 I{cid-.Itlen par. ttrtldlt�te41 cut that he was the fleet gradlsaie of adtan. Not only was this aur condition at home. tett found -('an ada Ms-
s with honors after taking n specialist de- Trinity who had .become its Proceed. honored and degraded abroad.
[env at the Chiropractic Colle•g4', Tomato. Rev. 1)r. Macklem bait leen the fins If you picket up some of the leading ('onservnt a Journal. of England.
�511» ,t loo.. Cie ilistinctien ,4heing the Canadian Provost. Trinity. for years, we might n41.1 that In ('amnia "Rascalsout of o •1.•e 1114111'1/1Ihr D11141' in
1 nags[ g ',Watt' in Ile h�tnry of the Iw maid. had ldowel at furrow in uttergtNNl clfl'kr'•: and Itnsrttls in office
Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes
C loves Hosiery
Suspenders in Fancy Boxes
Neckwear in Fancy Boxes
Hats and Caps Underwear
Sweaters and Sweater Coats
Space will not permit us -t publish a complete list,
but if it is new it is here and if it is here it is new
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
41esdatiou. Na.',phowever, In federa-
l', W. Fox, ..t Herr S•otnd, who sue- non, Trinity had much to offer to the
reds .1. Strachan as customs ofiirer, has I'uive•rslty of Toronto.
1arricerl in town nal siwnnled-his -tow ••I1 Trinity originally went her way
`knew ireeepfnise-amt heeritlg good swot-
.1.1. Ilawkins haP left for Carleton tomes Moa again with Joy bringln •-,.•..•.W
i'inee, where he has secured a good priori= t7N slu•nve s." wild Dr. Seagt'r. He allaye4L and nn honorable settlement of internal difference was effete
tial. TUI[; Customs Tariff war. revimd, and the ditties on "lathing. he Behold
stated that al college without religion goods and nthrr n44'Psar3' articles we r,dmr41 that it can be she it. re -
Robins,n, wile has been on n w11N shuggllug vainly to reach the suited, during the 1.anri,•r regime, in a direct redaction to the iodine
trip W tlw Northwest, has arrived hone• mouataiit hop. He slake. of tl1e
lir. and lln..l, T. Lorean'. aril lliw mhtl"tr'.' needing a new understand. maple of R,,,1100,i1110 to 100,MMllt't dollars, It Is a well known fart that
Celina have morel inb,.11'ingheni• tat x1111 n 114 tntimncy with society. for our 'bleier In "intone- duties which goes into the 4) that
tri .slrry, three
Mr. and Mrs. It trry Walton and little of 5.114, 1) the ('hunch Was a or four dollars gees into the manufacturers"' packets, w, that t P saving in
\'art' this' way over rite standard of duties previmisly existing wo reach tip -
There hglt _11•it f• r �:Irnix. where he has a There had l,ten a profoutll ('1MI*e _1n_ ��_ .-st voviag to the people of $300,000.000 (luring tie I, rat term.
peittmr. isefety. a tratyrfnrmatlon of the litre
,.f rho. wilder. world. in matter of general ndminlstriitksn, it is -most gratify tg to Irak back
EXETER - '�amt tart(' whiPl►-w'ww everywhere. a t1+a e••yrsut
His Lrrdshtp Bishop William" o[
( inrush of a desirable class of immigration. the mtllln•N of wealth they
The little doughty of ell. nod Mr.. prise brought good wMbes from 414
John Payne was badly scalded when shm lilshops of Ontario, and referred to brought with tllaem: the rotting of mlr ngricnitural, In In; the further dP.
artier 'evelr
epee a kettle of hot water on herself. unity as one of the chief lanes of t•elesput•mt of our ngrieri tiro afN1 minernl remlrltre see the ft I}
l - -r --- pawed i- p went of Indust ry•;( the Inerear..d earnings of our 11ways ; the !netnews!
rtiere pne,sed away at his home, ire P/tllt'AiT/Itl for the ministry. TIP mid -
Nmelav of Tart week. a highly that n period of unification ens being vnblmm in this business of our lrenking Liiltliiif6r P." the Rmat arklltlonat
1).t/./S111.11 nslhntm theler4n, of tad tt t It tl tl t weinw. of aur smote, end th.• rapidly expanding rnde of the' entintry.
entered :1 ta War. me that.
onler to keepon terms with the rascal,' in
prostitute themselves. 'eternise• their Ianor and f weak,. their trust ll order
to keep on gooal term's with the Rascals out of uftkw,•'Cn41er such coniitions awl at the- instance nod de•maWl of an lama'('anadtaa Ele'ctoratc, legardless of past polltk•nl leaning the• J,atirier 1,il/ ul
ent a«mmi' the reins of power.Tkoit-stir 4iia4'N 11 were at atut
Electric S forage Batteries charged
at the Waterworks Plant
and Light Commission
Town of Goderich
When It's a
Question o
'The Old Relab e"A full stock of Tight Fix-
ures, Electrical -Household
tenails, etc., alwaps on hand.
Estimates given and con•tracts taken' for Electric
Wiring and Pitting.
These are all feature-. in that iteral r •.eft whkh should strongly
.. . - - storm- and pride -
And in fact, the brightest page In the/ whole fifteen year'.' T.lberal
ty„s.Det is the 11/12P which meanie the tae-[• that that administration wile ask -
e41 by the Canadian people to etep down 1 ort bemuse our great Lender
Iple (the effecting of a favourable
and without even the hreath of
Heart4o91'N llK is surcivel bs x wt,w inetesad of two competing institutions
nn/1011P, ,l tjlnr/1011P,Stan 1P, 1 r.ge ser in T.�rnnto there should be one -n
"Woe fn tier
and John. 1,f 1 h erne and two
Ir yet..•, ek•t • \Ir '-rant renege sat which Collodi. would
1; Te proud. '"Trinity ran raise the In-
.1,.11eM a11d ileus, Juhu \1'.srl, ..i town, arc itlatire without loss 40 14w•If, i do
butler and sinter of the d1 txeand. not look for all the eolle•gea In On-
'fhecormwmtity-w'ar,+shocked to lover of h1rlo to he nue, but I do look for
the death in Montreal of 1Veelry `)rel{ more unity."
Mn. Snell had been in England with Sir Hbhert Faleorwr, President of
cattle and on the way hack wan taken ill the University of Toronto, said he
with bk ,o-loisnung. He died in Mont- rejoiced in the federation of Trinity
real a fee'4lays after landing. To Mr. /1 1/41 the lnliveraity of Toronto. Ile
Snell is due the credit of the co-oawratice referred to i'revost Maeklem as "the
exporting of cnnkein Britain. I e k'ave'P crn/er•er of the rights of Trinity
hits wMnw, formerly Grmre Howe- Five and the expender of its privileges"
heathens and a sleet also survive, Sidney,
Dr Mnckleern heal Iain nn athNand-
William and Prank, 01 Exeter, .Iain
1.•s ing figure in the (4nlnrils of the 1'ni-
and Warren, of Toronto, and Mrs. Al. \rr/Ity. n/ he would hr In ahy anon
Ihwet, of Brantford.
The marriage took place nt Toronto, on ell. in federntkm, sand Sir Rotwrt•
Saturday, November in, of Margaret, there were grl•n11.r prirfleglr+. Ile
daughter of George 1•;. ('ase', formerly of
hoped that it was feasible to mnin-
tle coli a tri . and sibly
tain t
1•:ceter, to Robert 11: Kell}', cot Toronto. college 1 '�"'
Mire Rnth 1 ant{N,rt, daughter of Wee.develop DOW Colleges, so that the col
Inrnwart; ni town. -mist with a win(nl leges could use preserved, as they were
acx•i(lent recently, when she was �tirned Inas ldstnri(' centres' hlgh.•r ehrcn-
ahnnt the face and neck by igniting coal Won.
oil. Rev, I)r. W. E. McNeill, Registrar
,s of Qneen'c-Unit-pretty, brought a 'nee -
VIRTU!! ' sage of gaol -will from thnt education -
The firm known an the Wlliefiet8rrl4. 11 tnetllntkm, as did Rev. Dr. 1i. H.
FL nr Mills. hate disel\e1 partnership, Redford -.tones, 1'rinefpal of the Uni-
Lester 11'illistns loving taken over the- varsity of 111shope' College.
*tensile of It. W. 11'illinn The latter
air left for Toronto
uer pa pincaun
• , b nerly of Windsor, •
La" M 1141414.11 to Zurich nna fa` rx•eupying
the ho owuld by Irvin Eckstein.
Miss r Siebert, who bag been for
este. time , roit, has returned to her
Wits! Si. Next Postoffice
!Imam Stare 82, Res 193
Dr. Chas s ointment w111
and rs, n IYana hrneat
AealPrq nr� alseunn 0i • j
pps941r. a aaAM.°.'tamD
Do not
another d
ins, 1.r
ung Piles. o
%retest oper-
tion required.
yen a voce
�. • tr1e ' as
rophey Bros
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders rerefnlly attended to
et all hours, night or day.
Gil DER iC11
'disked 1tr life upon n question of high pr
trade agreement with the tidiest
rratnlal 11A4 1112: toren attached to for
1 :1l.k you :1s nn intelligent el
which 1 a stand ?
t's4• your renown and contras
ment. for which the Liberal Pa
to the definite charges openly
of the Cabinet. the sworn seer,
the working of ife own
own friends. "the Rig T
of our people.
These ehnrgee hit
over a twelvemonth
Investigation t)Tit far line Torn refnsed, the only reply of the Government
being to in•rlease/the erosional indemnity of nosmlere fmm 8.21810 to *4000
141 session. and In order to. fortify Itself n nlnst the
g`oa1 nRd
disfavor of
its urn f0in urs on the fl„nr of Parliament.
Lttsera1 rt'plyd/-nf the past and elaiming the freedom ane the right, if elected,
to exere11P my •oplhton with the advice, nt my ronstit11ente upon all mnttals
eoming'before the Parliament of Canada, f resteetfnlly solicit your suffrage
I yon see fit to honor me with your eonflrt'nce to the else -tial, it• will
gay earnest endeavor. under the able leadership of Mr. Mackenzie King :
/ 1. -To 'drive to reestablish the eonfklenee of the people in the Govern-
ment of the cmtntry
2.-1)o lull justice to our returned. and more particularly our malnasl
ruddier terve.
3. -Make every honorable Pffort to obtain for the remotion people the
benefit* of the farorabde trade agreement, lentil ttpte the Atm•rientn Stetuf'
4. -Place the Government Railways tinder the gnidan.r of a lady of
able men who will ensure mien managetrl•nt, that there will he no owl] Inter-
locking of dlreeforntes as will allow Its members tn give large mhtrlcta to
eompnnlee in whirls they have any ('alnectlon.
5.- Garry into effect a policy of lregtnlation and admtnisrtratlon In the
pld,lic interred, And not In the Interest of the epeclal few. A policy of wise
retrenchment and economy In fin ace with efficiency In the (Mbit(' service ;
a pnik•y whlrh will rate.' men to rely upon thPmselvea and llpan the in -
gentility of their awn rer.anree. rather than on Government favors for encte111';
A policy of Tariff adjustment which, while doing no inJnetice to any eon-
genial line of Industrial effort. w•111 tent to hrnk down monnpnly and hnniah
from the corridors ,of Parliament thnt diabolical eyetem of lobbying now
an exteensively carried nn, greatly reduce the high asst of tiring, and place
orate, ta not this n noble record upon
it with the neral of the present Govern-
y 1s in no wise responsible and culminating
side---thnt Ministers of the ('men, member"'
ant of the people --heel trial to and slid destroy
rd of (7ommPMP. hu order to ennble same of ire
erects," to continue to prey upon the vast Moly
i been openly made and Investigation demanded for
Electors of ,South Huron : Stending ns r do npnn The elean and noble
- need. tile w•reiese of op ex pert. We
thio Itrst111tI the mechanism h1 tlifferetit
make/ aunt veru gter ca refill. prouipt at-
tcutiun to every ja,b.
trust your work 1., an antateltr'
t'..ttt+here where you are. snrc411 Isttiafttc-
reott IR -
- RF.F,tIR tlfi6R 4 ifirr-t-t T8cREG. WILLIAMS
East Street Garage GODERICH
imams ■■111r1[Iom■1urr >t�l
! Now Is The Time For Christmas Baking
r Whave a
good stock of
IN A new supply of Mince Meat for the Pies K
House, 281, PHONES
i*Iaisaia1,1 ells■•*$$$$■■■ 111
Store, 46 :
" SHOD --EARLY a lel 1 les ■
1 1
aChristmas Gifts
1 K
For. EverybodyT_-
■ For
X Pipes •
1 A large new assortment at
ntolleratc prices
■ Cigars
1 Regular stock in Christmas
1 Packages
Thermos Bottles and
always apprtchtted
1 _ Travelling Sets •
1 Brush, Comb, Mirror, etc., a
$ popular gift at a popular price
1 Military Brushes and
1 Cloth Brushes
In ebony and ivory
1 Safety Razors
1 Auto '1' And Gillette, use-
1 ful 36:; day oT evetyy year
$ Sill Folds, Card Case*
1 in real leather
For Her: 1
French Ivory Goods
in I,t-toilful 1.,. or separate
��iiEbony Goods
Serviceahle .and always
11igh-grade papers to meet
every taste
i.iggett's "with the wonder -
Ell centres." Merritt's, "the 1
candy of merit," and Patter- 1•
son's, "a matter of- good •
taste. '
Hard Bags and Purses •
A 1.i.,44' aseaortn•nt of latest styles
in real leather
rianicure Rolls 1
Usef .1 and always appreciated 1
Per lures, Toilet r
- Waters, etc. X
in individual tattles and cotnhin-
atioo seta
Fine Assortment of ChrillaMa CrsaHss Carts
Redford Block
Th.• It•ank I)nlg Stairs. -
Thor, No. 1
. 1
Galerteb •
ass a a SHOP EAFtLY" I1 slit