HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-12-1, Page 691--rrhu nal a y lIecoottilicr 1. 11.2 1 CENTRAL SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT IS A HAPPY EVENT Large Number of Parents and Friends Of Central School Pu pils Witness Presentation.; That the parents Id Oksieric are dek Ir concerned 1114 to the linkgress their efiil. dnkti at telmol wit, shown y the large and interested crowd whicl gathen,1 at Central school coniMencen mt last F riday evening. The nit /St interelifing , tinibcr ,11 the Proirrani war, the presen allot) of the ...skid medal to Edwina . son of Dr..J. 31. Field, Il iopector pu lie selaskis for East Huron. !1111. T.4111 in presenting the medal made some"' !Ay r4-11 Lark:. .011 Illt. 411111(4C11f 4111141 s in seeing that their (+damn an• ply cally in.!! and n•ahilar in attend:knee i that their,•limerwork rye...lived proper nem ion. Mr. Toni Sofd Af. !she i..11 "I these medals. by •Victorl4iiirjm r einoryof his father, Itolairt Park. hi I...king 'over his list. he had lomat 1.,,t istr.!„ the year ;hitt "ictor 1.01. 'd (Willie Park 1 passed the 'taro IValterNaftel lltId obtained the highest ...irks in 134.141'301. Mr. Tom then read fil4 4.1. i1'.. peilody 14140 had obilliall'41 Ole 1114911119 • froll1 t‘17 t. 441. 1.111,0 1111' o19•11111)f Vikleria school. in only one medal had leen 410. The list Is as tollows: 11417-d iral St. Ada rt. PiikS- Walter 44-7Flontick. Smith. 11110-.1gnes 31cDonall. 1911- Muriel tialt. I al Itiiiiinithe. 1913-.6race Pinder and Eia Jones. . . . 1111 4 -Ale%. 11 111114' AO' Jean tort . Nlairshall and . Fannie , Pannkt. I 19116---.1,4111 'Pinder and My FI Nle,Nev 11417--ittataid Wilisai and Dorothy 1111s-31tital 1 hov ell and Isabel 1.1111.- , 4011. • • 1019-.1nnie Panzer anal Edith Ilein : hart. lic20--Jeatt Chapman nn,1 tiarniw. 11121 -Edward Field an ik tieorge Fil- 1 siniter. 3Viten on to present est diplomas i to th.... alio had passed the Etat:ince, Principal Ilitnic,. lot Institute. gm*. 34 brief *ketch of eoltwa- lion in 4 fintink, front the tin e a ..amoun- t ity !dn.(' k kwa teacher an.. „ s•kin 1. r0.111d • " to the.ikresent.i13‘, alien even a Collegiate 491414:3 1'11 is 11.• said that since Oat pulilic 1114. 4..I 1' the education of it the &icy of the ',parent; to that ti.cy git that xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ecember- We will be pressed for time delivering gar - me Is lo those who want to- appear at their best dur- ing he holiday's and accompanying social events. I -low about your Evening Clothes, Overccat or -Suit? Give us time to make perfect garments. X Theie is no time to lose. x THE SIGNAL ODERICH. ONT. cii. . receiving dipkomas aainet entitled "Juanita," by O'Laughlin -II ebb. o•tinatikk •%o ne kolounl Field, honors; Esther the Nlissee Aitken WO Moyer. inithreverill St. l'eter's church, fioderlell, wag ei Arrow, liont.rs; Evelyn 4,:li4rk, Plonors; chont-es bil‘ the Fourth claw: ' Oh Can-chet of 014 mon. Helen Niel vor, lemon:, Helen. Moyer, ' ads," • • ia Alien', to y," kkv k'esPee day 111411'11111g lit hist week when ai.claisik honors; John NIc Dermal, NI *P. • 11erinikl ter,' ably acted itsiebrarman. vitt sander...it, Fla., kol Robinson, Fred 1' 31ureli, Dorothea Felker and Laura Stich. gro‘ S• S. Hardy pn•senteol the prize* for proficiency to: Esther fiarrow,..geti- end proficient! •• Sr. IV.; Edward 1. add, magudra..-Frsaee. first In geograi sr. . ; Helen 31,,yer, • . nkses. After the 41' reaulo Mr. anil tirst in aritlinwtie. Sr. IV. ; Wallace PribWof (111"01 Wedding W" a rs. 4 left for Tormito, for 'writing, 'Atm yh,yer and Evelyn 4111 Alitlirklay, Nov...miler 19. .% .a,re 1 they vent to WeeC, after which Clarke, gonion Ford, Sr. III. Nlay God- i‘Voll(1•4•110,14 114111049; George Panzer, iiec- I Hymn." and medley. IL C. Mc7 jr,"“,,r Eugenie iVel.h. daughter of NIMM. Ellen Webb, of tioerielt. dud John tel.augle lin. of New Ontario. The lirhle was attired in a navy blue suit 4 o f serge, w It li ha t 111 teh, and wore a etirsage bouquet .if Phik LOCAL TOPICS dard, Sr. I I.; Saunders, 'Jr. 11. • Retort, prepenting priaea, Rev. NIr. Handy iraVe 14 all kr' talk oli the subject 111 " W1114:11 strikingly Illus. tnited by the "sawritiee hit" tit baseball. "Suppose, mid Nit. Hardy, -that w hen llev. 11. 4'. rut 3111Irs, IFI:itinguitinm, la' grttoskinkr... tio11111,:k.s1,110.e. :1111(4:3? „1111111k111144111k":11. 111::.h.TIIII:ulti.1.1‘. where rh'h. 4(1111 Lalleldle-Moore. ton. The talkie Wore a grey fur- trinnued suit anti '1.111o. feather hat. The 1,"n",' of 11 1. IA11'1 MN. J. W• ma4,1 , th., Nloore, Victoria street, was the acetic ot a lire_41 bid tile hitt Of tile 11111111, srf.c.m. I.,:.ktokstu*141,, we.rring a 444aiitalt!iint(iieoltm0.4•44..n. .11.1r11:.vik•Itil...iwititer4,41411 bat 40 match., lir. 44 II mirri;•14, acted a• .1 I f tl ti • it grkskin.intin, Mr. and 3frs. Maguire wry happy Lnt quiet 04ent it high iiks.0 044 IVedneikilay, oveniter 2:1, When their only daughter, Nlyra, was Whited in nuirriage to Mr. (Wow Wallace Lott- . ridge, .4 Vetniit. It4-4. 11. D. Moyer per- aiailii like to knock tluit hall into thy . win r. --ii.. In 4.'lltitirsori . ' formed the ceremony in the prwl•ucc of • outfield! But you must mentice--get out ,,,„.„„,...„,,,,,,,,,,,„,„„, few Matto'# and friends. The b. ale en- 7,,unieli Pi let 1 Ilt• 1111111 011 third honk.. 1 4 i tenil the rokati on the arm of her tattier III Ulla WitV throligh panic,' anti all life, j to Ow strain., Oi Menikl$1411111*$ wedding and your cliaructer is measured by y..ou• 'handl, played by her consist, Nli.. Etta ability tO 'riacriti...e.' " Nit:Brien, of Toronto. After the ceremony TI Prizes f. for anew lance and punctual- the guests repaired to the thitingrosiiii, itv %ere presented by Itev. H. D. 'Moyer. i which airs beautifully deconned 111 pink 11.- made a tea briet but telling remarks anti green, 111114.1 44 411'114'114W wedding about the • value of putictinaity. about break test *ad servosi. The bride received doing tIw right thing at the right Una% a number of Lak•autiful. gifts. 3Ir. and Ile Warned the ;children lutanist letting Mrs. Lottriage left on tlw L.'-'t1p. to.ttaite themselVes ilevolile die 1111i.ailleco whirl4 1.4 Tortoni i and New 1:ork, anti ou their 414411e 114•011k. invariably are. ..kfl :Ili return will mottle in Detroit. illustration, he spoke Of Nt'l.off. n I. ) 411111Wir 4.1441i44S4444 I 6444•44 I- • Mrs. Rolsertaalea Reerpthoe. attritsiteti his sneer*. to the fact that In On Thursolay. Novelnio.r 17111. 0114.• of %lat.:away"' fifteen minutes early. the' dullest of No, embers duli oily, Rev. J. F. Reyrrailit wa, called on 1'' a chtery spot via. Aktinal at the likinik ',repent the prizes for deportment and • of Mrs. Howarol Robertson, a iwn lielliller0. Tilkell in liie lliirrpw .011se ot received for the first time 441lbtl. 4). •., 111,- " "rd. ill: K1141. *Mil' boy. hanky conk marriage. The rooms lookeol bright other hand, ratelesstiess grovts front that MayThe Christmas Bells ali41 11341114.1114.4., tlecor.0441 With ,'44141,N4 ile Worried for Itio-k of neatness. I hi the Witt White elarsmutilteutuuu..__ .1.u_ La • I of if ' ' 1 1 , 't care.' and 1*1414.44444441 nut only anti carriage but in the rind un,rals. Ut'Wits-dengliti•.1-1134141M-,tirst prfic-Au•iif 110.1r; .3Iatvin Sondem ri. prise -winners were Edna Fell, Sr. 111. ; Charlotte Lennington, sr. I. and Nlay lioddard, Sr. Ank.ther ver'. intert.sting 44: given by 'lir. NI. Fieitt. .1Ie 9ita„ -i*laIt.1 411044.4 --d .1 on its sneers. in Ent nince work, and speakin tki • pt.,hert.l'ark %IP 1•4. ttertip.ry-thr F. H. 'MARTIN, Tailor • __400000C %cm. olliggeOtc41 that on te Ituriiiiplaced in the se .4.1. •InWpersie4 With thew, fen iven• -event' 114,, main- xxxxpcxxxx){xx xxxxmc ess. *Lich included a• pia tio 144 by Jack - rius out for you good Aicluigs of Mrs. oral recriVral with .114.1 1111c Mr.. John Itoloortvoll contentment and joy, • We want-to-add-to-Four:Leoutkiek itrreided. dining _room, lu in the pleasurei of ljfe -not only de P1141114. Me' dud tiohert.on - Christm. s, but throughout the glad ("4 i" """"Y New Ve. r, s)tt to o invite ole: Us I J. Ulla Rev. J. E. -4444*! Mrs. Ford. anti help yoti make j our home beauti- ltohertsute, walk. mr.. comfortible anal attrictive,- by pottroll " tett in the (lining. room A inattilker of tlw young friend, tir expert tVtri k in •ti- !wok. ass1.4141 in the dining UPHOLSTERY rooin and ointwingroom. much tbe cheerfulness and gaiety. In the CLIFF ANDERS014 aft ertieriti-lffiliay frietsts 111111/84. *1% !cloning !lick go4k1 %.‘4.14,. to Mr - West Street, Opposite Braphey Bros. ertson C S REIS 10' For Constipated Bowels - Bilious Liver The Wiest eattiartle-lasatIve In the wand to physic your liver and bowels when y•on have [Hazy Headache, Colds, liallgeatIon, or Claret, Aeloi Stomach Is ea noly-like "casicarets,•• One or two tonight will empty your bowels, eompletely by morning, mud you w111 feel sphktiolid. '"Pliey work while you sleep." Carteareta never stir you up or gripe like Salts: Onlomel.„ lIr oll and llicy 44144 only tett yenta fidAtiren love Camo•arets too. Look Here • •Our Stock of Fresh Fruits Peels and Nuts Are All Here And we can fill your Xmas wants at the very best pi ices. CALI,LIMIVSEE - WATCH OUR WINDOWS Choice Dairy Butter and Fresh Eggs in Stock at Best Market Prices. ROBERTSON BROS. GODERICH PHONE 164 HERE WEi ARE AGAI • CL 111 BEGINS 1J TURDAY, DECEMBER rd, 1921 UST ththingyou h ve been waiting for. Those who were fortunate enough to have been present at our last year's know -just what to pect. We intend to outdo -all -our previous efforts in values. Owing -to -the mild, backward weather duringanzt overnte the public have not been buying and Robins' Store is clogged with Thousands of Dollars worth of Merchandise which must be sold. BELOW ARE JUST A FEW OF THE ITEMS ON SALE 311,Vs ON 1.114 41 1 is sl:C 1 .31 SItortor lc.. -4 nil 11 oti. wits 111. :111' oly10.3 wo .f. lI 44V iroltr, '1414)1 A 4941,1;•9. .141; 1119 r•I \ 490 f11044 11 1 Cling 341 113.01111g 111 1 62150 MEN' l'1NT44 with - I.1 i 114f $15.00 1 (K IT ON SHIRTS „THIS LEARINI. SALE 4411:114411-.3 1.143- 7'1,411 Material. 4(1111'11 are goksi crepe, :11441 NliikInis All are *'oel stole a an &italic ,oft en 4. 'ail 4 r .1, e par AfT.F.k. 1 11.1 sis.so ; 142 .%rrow Shirt. efearing „st450 Arrow 'nisi W. t;. tt It deo ring at it1.35 UNDERWEAR r,•titno 11%, 1.114,.. lin...1 Shirt. Derrieet.. (+siring no • l'enniatt's Heavy 1444,1,44 Sitiri‘ 4•14.)1rilqf 44 IN 1101111144 11199.4. 4I.33111444131113411.. lug nt Tiger HUI ltd.Xtfirnme44, 011 1•11.11r1 tIg 1-4 I1R.1.CES. NIen's., Flue Braces. (Jearing at....25k l'oltee or 4 'rOsIslitick4. clewing 1i1..354. Moe. Itrack... iiIl kin, d . 69r 4)14 111 %IT': 1\ I 1111111NATHINS ni1.1 %%hit.. with '.4,'s. -eirkaring ......... Plain Dine Drill 1144., eat fnlI mai ',wilily and cm ofortable. ch•artp•z. , r4'.t'. 71 i 117.7t1r1 1.11 711 1.. ...1..ni.11 T444,031 ME WISH% PANTS' • Alt 114.14, Mutt Sprgt. .304, .44.114*1144 at $4,2:17 Clearing. :to on i rs regular MEN'S DRESS PINTS 'Ilsst 41- row at MEN'g' BLACK HEAVY MACKINAVPS All wool. Worth 812.00 an 810.00, Clearing at $7.75 and $8.50 • /111.1 1434' only 11.25 $1.69 $1.65 MEN'S SUIT SEC 10 20 Men's Suits, all styles, English and Canadian Tweed or Worsteds, all sizes. Clearing at 58 43. Men's Blue Serge Suits -All -wool, guaranteed Blue Serge, heavy weight, tailored in styles for men of all types. Clearing at 525 50. Men's Worsted and Tweed Suits In rich attractive Grey or Brown Tweed in single breasted two or three button styles. Clearing at 516.73. - mum Ilen". sweater C0ats, Jumbo stitch, clearing at 82.89 Men's sw.wtermmade or cotton anti wool, brown and 1.• at ...81 111.69' 4111.1 )111401 Sw.1*14'r I 'on t 4 -tear- ing wIlW 11.95 and $5.65 1,RESS GIAVES 11141144 0, .414.414. I•111`11 ring nt .$1.63 4 ;0•1111 OH. 1,118•11:1 lilted, Hearing at 81.83 SOX Men''t a vy NVokkl Work Sox. tclear- 111111 11119e sten'. All 14VO4,1 S..N. clearing it ...75e 'Ivory Only Skov, clearing at lSe Silk rind 14Vool 4%1-Ihere Sow. clearing 95e RAINCOATS In double rierviee Or Cast kre or 'Tweed effects, worth $10.041, 9121140, $1 5.4)(1 And sis.on. (-tear- ing at PUS, 11/1.23, $9.75 and $11.25 !toysMoonier Pants. roonty. (1111 lined. in brown t wets!. clearing at . $1.29 and $1.4.$ lloys' Heavy Fleece I-Ined Shirts. clearing nt fl9c DONS' OVERA1.1.41 Stark nod tulip striTa•. -itor at 'toy,' lien% Itlaek ii1F-P1re- rico Ore Of 14 $8.75 combinations. Mlle WM Mlle Stripe. (tent Ina at ... $2.93 ing at 11.90 '9 110itb sIIIRTS WOKE SHIRTS 1, of Shirts, ae ll sizs, black WW1 ‘N hitt., flea Hill at age .110.11Xy 1241444,1, TW+4111 WI,rk Shirt,. lenring tit $1.19 10 Dozen llintlk sateen Wtkrk Shirt., :'tearing 11.. It. Si...:011. in 141u,' or Polk31. sil..3 11111:: tito-1, all sizes, clearing at ...81.49 MITTS AND fiLOVES1 5/11.4s..ti Men's lesithef Lii1(41 Come Early While The Pickings Are At The Best. REMEMBER THE PLACE • ,-I..arina at 9le IMIloter, !slide of tui., rime- ing at 39e Mott'* fforkkettirte (1Ing rlearing at 2 pallg for 25e SPEC1.11, l'ORI)CROV P.%Nr1114 27. ,rtirs tof at Heavytrb Com two., make. (leaving at,. Fifteen slow" 4,14w44 cont., warty,- -,o-•r‘1,141.10. worth *WOO. andclea I int; al....89.50, 1119.3$ sad 111.79 -1FI.ANDRERCIIIP:10.41- %lithe IAtwn, with lient.titelte41 border. 1.1nen. Fl4sa ring itt ....3 for 30r -114.1-44m1 ItItte Ilankikerehief 4. clearing ... 1 for 2:or MEN'S CAPE ANIS HATS Itlen's Felt 'lats, elertriii.;• at ....$1.35 Slott'. Winter Cols.- el*':',11 , 97,c SUSIE AM) R111111E71 SECTION Men'. itleck bog KI44.---ansabor tin(4, all 4110., ekiiriug at $1.35 MOW. 111,1W11 ea 11alniorata, m,,tiora sole (iomlyear Welt. recede toe, r. Ing at . .95.45 Men** StAtillierr, clearing et- ,....11.39 Men'. )14.1147 Ten Ito •kle Rubber.. clearing At 1165 BOYS' SU TS SP ITT A I, -Fi f teen Boys' Suits. all sizes. Clearing at 1 this sale for At These Prices Bargains Will Be Picked Up Fast ROBINS 44 SI 7; EVFNINGS ,44