HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-12-1, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS
1The 1101/411
thly meeting of the C1111d-
reu's Aid 'arty will take place uext
TIIevil Illy. lk'oemlwr 6th, at 4.15 p.m.,
lu the folks Magistrate's room at (he
court house.
t'lllf Anderson is Blida Manager.
At it met',ing of the llotlerk•h Curl-
ing OM1 Skutlig A.wwIatiou uu Tues-,
clay evening it was decided to cow -
1.144P arrangeme•uts with Mr. Cliff
Auderw.u, whereby he will swunle the
(lotto* of mauuger of \Vest street riuk
for the coning winter.
The Next War.
Next Monday evening it lecture will
1* given lu Victoria street Meth,Mliet
church by J. It. Hanley, L,L.1)., the
noted cv',ulgl•UMt. on '"Phe Next War.,.
1)r. Manley will be aelolupsule1l by
1'rofeemor Fred F ieher, a former rung
•;7wdrr for hilly Sunday.
Vassar A Suttees.
1...zaer fii•Id by the Ladles' Aid
of North street Methodist church last
14attlrlay afternoon and eveulug wits
ei splendid sleeves. The generous pat -
'linage .if the IoUgregwtk)n and the
r.ti/sets generally wag very gratifying
wool 11 sppre•h•bMl by the t1•M•iety.
7'11r pneseels were $330.
A Narrow Escape.
While driving out to his farm i11
tleslvi.h town -hip recently 11r. Joie(
Young. Lichtlu,ilm• street. narrowly
eyagaped are ,aerosols a,, lIl,'ut. The
hose 'Whirls '-;]i,r. Yoaiug..wax ztrtt•tng
became unmanageable n ageable tltol when he
lost control *of it ltc was thrown fermi
'the Muggy. Ferruuttely he angered
"nothing etre than a severe shaking
tsp. The animal was 'stopped some
diorane dowe the reed and Mr. Tieing
Avow -able tucontinue Ma jnurtley.
Anedveraary Smokes.
1.*rge congret.satiou. n1t•id4o1 the
anulversary .ervie•s in Knox church
last Sunday. Revs It R. /',•hraue. M.
.A.. ,of lbllege street l'reel yteriau
sunned•. Toronto, was the speaker nt
loth 'seri-ha-it 'and his .1.xpent a1M1
fon writ! eon -mons were heard with it
apprecinldon. A 1tled1l offering of
7.14441 wt,. asked for and Ielpaiderable
firer tens( wan rw•rh•wf. with prombeei
of fort ler conerlbnlIona. Sleeted
__altusi • w■•. ffrfbg111d by the 1•iaoir at
loth the, adorning tel evening *err
?era Unfortunate Aeeltkda.
A.tnlrst nnfortemate alekleut Wear.
roti en Thurainy of last week wtWA
]Ir. Noll M,Keuzi.. Golertl h sr utd
r'akleut. Almost tarsi fell. breaking his
hb1, Mr. McKenzie's. mail friend%
will Iso,g1.1.1 to know that be is resting
fortubly at Alexandra hmpl'al
where he will celebrate his hundredth
birthday en Friday of this week.
lin the same day, Mrs. Thus, Hall,
a u/•ighlslr of Mr. McKenzie, who is
pilo advaned 1u ;'wars, fell mud broke
her lett taut.
'fait .lippl•ry condition 01 the sides
walks 111141 roadwaye wag responsible
for I,olh alvkeuts and also eau,wd
elhstderable l)t tiveuleuc•e to delivery
riga during the (lay.
What Causes Large Barteriai Counts?
t;oderirla Jtoard of health have ad -
vim,' the Iou1 (hit ry'men concerning
Inquiries which have been made at the
lalo,ratories of the Institute of health
converting the bacterial count in milk
.ampler. The causes of excess of bac-
teria luvsatlrlbuted to Milking in dirty
gt,lbhert 111141 111 dirty 1w1114, using dirty
milking Machina, improperly sterilised
milk ►Malls, COMM and bottles, unclean
huuds of milkers, milking eowa with
dirty ulhlere, improper eroding of milk
after milking, and the storage Of intik
at too high a temperature. The bae-
tertnl croon in all satuples'o( milk
from Goderich which erre tested re-
cently. le below t111• Mate figure and le
such lower thou In the samples tested
In the Kummer. A. a result of these
observations, 11 Is believed that large
la.terial roma,' May be due to Ire- the funeral of their mother. the late
proper (exiling.31r.. Sii.:ul Cattle ell
Harbor Note*.
The steamer Matthews arrived at
the Dig '11111 Elevator yesterday with
2011M01 bushels of wheat.
ThC steamer McKee Arrive.* at the i
4;..lerb•h elevator oh -4ttaturolay with'
125 IMM* bushels or wheat add .rat. and
Mr and lir.. S. Mel'. 1.1oyd leave
today fur Crystal Belch, Florida.
Mr. Will Ilebinson, of Cameron Falls,
is visiting hie parents, Capt. and Sirs.
11r. A. W. 141ikkhuul, of Toronto, Shoppers
formerly manager of the local branch
.,r the Bank .,r Mhwr•ul. i.• h1 1.,w„ Near To Grand Opening on
for a few days Ibis week. Wednesday Morning
Thursday, rle4v ul.cr 1, 1921 -5
Drawn From Far and
Miss Stewart, of Detroit, and Mr.
1.ittere.o14. of Forlwk•h, were guest*
of lir. find airs. Jas. 1411 ldwou over,
the '',vkwial.
Mrs. J. 11. IIIIIIgas and hiss May
.\reher. of Buffalo, are In town 'thio
week attending the funeral of their
brother, the late 1Villiam Atelier.
Mr. J. W. Fraser received word
yesterday morning ,of the death of his
father in Toronto. Mr. and Mew.
Fraser and Miss Pearl lett immediately
for the (111een City.
Mrs. George 11411ey, of Toronto.
formerly 3lis.. Mary Caldwell. of 4:ode-
rieli. it 141 Mro. Iola Fra',•r, of Sammie
Lake. N. 1'.. are guest. of ill.. Veneer..
Britannia road. They came to attend
deartat tight too• *aur meaning- to re-
load for (u.dcrh•h.
The steamer Sonora waived at the l
G.Mderi.11 elevator ,.it Vitd.l" w'1t11
D.. -p.111111 11Msh1•Is ofd corn nisi cleared on
Sunday for Fort W(((hine.
The steamer J. Fritter Taylor at-
ravel on Tuesday with _'(M),IMM) bushels
of shoat lull oats for the (1rwh'rleh
elevator. I1 I» delayed for space and
shipphlg hlstru•tlous.
The steamer Sarniau arrived at the
Gah•rieh elevator ou Tuesday with
11011M) bushels of wheat. Tule strainer
is loading a ergo of wint.tr storage
oats. It I$,expe•teol that a 004 many
boats will winter Su Goderleh harbor
this year.
Death of Chariest (.'ollett.
_\u old and high)" esteemed resident.
Marled away on Sunday at the home
The store of J. ' ...Colborne te Co.
was the Mecca "exist $day tuorningl
for a big crow, o[ enthusiastic and
thrifty buyer* who Cane for miles
around to get first chance at the re-�
nlarkabte ba
has offered In the big
valu +1 hi merchandise :it menet' cum
bay. ,
'1'11• mete:t •ams. M•Usorne'a store
ie 1'+•r1.11111,'. slag lie of 1( _'highl-
powered" sale, el 1•u'41.1n„u'lrut5.n1,
of the prune hones awl uhlllty of
the 111auage eat..
Free gu+idiile and railroad Aare are
inducements °fferet to untuf.tcrw'11
customer-. The wale close. 1)areluiwr
Blaek.tiihe'. have Jost r.veiv,sl an -
otter shipment of high grade clumsy.
late., ass. rte* fiarunl. chat they are
selling at a special prier of 45 veleta
a pound. Try n pound next tune you
are ttei,sh_awp. Everylirly'. (hang it.
Tuesday, Wet. 20.
Mr. J. W. Doyle was iii Goderka-on
T1dM sal 1: the first great price re -I
(Iletthtl a etlt which hae been, present•
el to th pe,ple of f:oll,rleh 4'11.1 vied.
city at a aline when all are truing to
make heir dollars reach the farthest
prior to Christmas shopping.
C. (:. Lembke, one of the u 1.1411
kt wen sales managers hl the. North-
st. hag been rmployel for the oe-
Iisbn, and lie hag islt forth every
effort to wit,: the nubile the greatest
MJr. Masini Me-\Ilister vhit.•11 flue
River Mende over the week -end.
Mr. sad Mrs. Geo. ltloplly moved to
Goderich +111 Saturday. They Intend
living there for the whiter.
Mr. Win. Fraser had a meeting In
' the hall fit St. .\uguetlne on Monday
Mrg.-Tlsauaa iith•kstep Left on lion-
' day for St.' Lout., Mo.
Bond Prices Have Gone Up
and a new twsl. lull 1)1•(1) reached. 'Rand. are !NON at a level that
U IeyoMI elm -teething of Ituaucler: Ind are still siting in Canada
iwlow New Turk privet,.
• luvesture have IMru strongly advI,el for many months to buy
lloawls (tow. or exclinuge their short term simrlrlcss for the longer
terms offered. This 1111'lee I* now Justified.
Buy now. Nieto.). Is cooler. Interest rates are declining.
('edsult us for the issues that are now available.
Our piety *re never greater and often lower than Toronto.
\\'e own the majority of the ]kinds we offer tor salt.. \\'e are
not agents. We can supply you with any !Moils that are offered
on the market.
We Own And Offer
Dominion of Calutdda Victory
Bonds. due Nov. 1st, 1934.
We Offer
:Manitoba Power Bonds bear -
:ng 7 per cent. lutere*t at the
British Exchange Hotel Block Coderich, Ontario
,f liam win. ev-W.0f. In the
perfomM11 grf CIurrlee,ItIII e'f.i lle'tt Mr ' Col -
eft ens born in Englund sod in --tarts
Julnel the 1Sr11Ish army with which
he saw servile in..ludia and the West
1114111". 1'oming 1., ('alwd* lo' eett1e1
1n laaNl°n. During the. Fenian Raids
of 1'(r_ and 11414 he wag attain In hie
•vrt1ttrfe -*retie.. Later IS, moved to
Stneforl awl about twenty-six year.
ago came to' (h.l•ri'h where he had
lix.ed ever_>,lncr. 11e writ, a member
of the Anglican church and of the
Ancient order -of Forester.. ili. wife
pr4dwea..t 1 delve • - eleaen rears and
their only daughter. Mr- .lame" Stew-
art., diel 'sixteen )rar. 1110. Two
araweMhi¢Iren. .k'hn anal l'eustau'•e
Stewart. if Gol•rirh, survive, The
fnnr*l balk plsre I,n Tll'ei*y after.
u,wm to Maltlauol h,m(eter�•. (Ser. 14.
S. !lardy eNNlin•te1 11u• Mervieee and
the pail -bearers were : William Wei-
bel,. .11a 1110$ Stews rt. John Stewart
null 1'. G. Weir. .
Death of Mn. l'aktwpII.
former reeill'nt of (:olerich palmed
away lass 1Vehn-elav in 111e write!,
of Mr'. S1asall l'ftblWell. w11(i1w• of -the
niur11 year. II1.rnwel. wh, +e maiden
Ilam, writs Susan Lindsay. w -a• horn
do (:,Mlc•rII•h township and greet her
curl ler rears then•. She married
Jame, C,uldvcrll and about twenty -live
years ago they came 4•1 Goletteh where
they lived until 11w death of lir. Cald-
well in 1913. Since then Mr.. C*Id-
le•n llvin- Iii • Ti runt° with
her danght,•r. Mrs. /:e.,rge
The Spirit of the Great Holiday is in the Air
• -� ----Everyone is ThinkingA-nxiously About "What to Buy"
We Are
Instantly Opens Every Air
Passage -0\ ears Throat
1( your nmtrils aid ciogge'I and your
bead is s(ufIe4 becau I,t 1116.4 catarrh
or a cold, apply a littl purr. antiseptic
cream into your nostril- It p•letrate.
through every air passagesoothing and
healing swollen, inflamed mem -
and you get instant relief \
Try this. Get a small hr•ttle,of Fly's
Cream Balm at any •drug stare, four
clogged nostrils open right up: your
head is clear; nn more hawking Or
snuffling. Count fifty. All the stuffi-
ness, dryness. struggling fur breath is
gone. You feel fine
- - THE
British Exchange
ow in charge of
Every . fort will be
made to m. e it a first-
class eating house.
- We Have' Provided a Large Stock of Very High Grade Goods Th ' ' &vie the Purpose for
Would You Pass a
Dollar By If You
Saw One on the
Street ?
Von eau r(ttT' p 'And save
a bunch of (dollars by getting
your Household Effects at
Harold Blackstone's
Furniture Exchange
(On The Broadway of G,.lrrirh)
Something new every clay
Every 4Sy is bargain day here
fit the lletholist rhumb. She " stir'
riye1 by two dnnghtere. Mrs.,. ida
Frs-'r. of Saranac lake. N. Y.. and
Mr'. Geo. ilatey, of Toronto: also two
1r:uiehlatighti•rs. 11Isses porion and
I.;lien •Fraser, of New York. MN.
I ird .\vhlson, of GohertrIl. 1• a sis-
re ot,'. conlnctel tly Her. Mr. (',inn AT,
Itaefi,rth avenue Mietho.il•t ehnr.h.
, el .iin,• mere ltron(tlit to '1 ,aerh^1
au l iliterurvnt took plifee ii 51 itlrlud
cemetery. The servlet at the ceaneb•ley
war he .4terttu. of Bev. iL 11. aloyer
the iMlllbearera were 'li.
tier( Lindsay. Ben Lindsay naldAlex.
Sterling, nephews of the deeen'ed. and
Mr. Fred Ford.
You Cannot Find Better Goods Nor Fairer Prices-
Beautiful Toilet and Manicure
Sets... • ... 811.50 to 123.75
Brushes..... 13.25 to A7.75
Combs 40e to $1.75
Jewel Boxes 11.35 to 84.50
Trays ........ 35c to 14.50
V1,101 1:1_11 nee Sunday sehnot tnteml
ho►dins th,•Ir 4't,iistuaes vnl�Ffifhlment
onI.e ' pti t ehderh licy ir(will}111014 Tete
,vier" 1hi. 141110117 a. listed at 11 e.ni
end 7 p tn. (tilde sritnol will 1* held
at :t pot, and 11.x.1'.1'. meeting on
Motelny evening. ,
Rev. J. 1. Rey.raft will ,nn act the
.erelcee in Victoria (street church next
S11nclay taking for his subjects : 11
a.m.. "f'nexpeted lfe.eengere;" 7 p.m.,
"Tree t'td/lir Dry Donee." '
Novlh,.tre1 Meth,wlist servh'es; for'
IuDday. Itir•einl.•r 1. will be- 'ti' •1
Men's l'Inh and llissinn Band at 10,
a.m.. the club t.'ph• tieing "Whet ere
the dnngera :1414 ndrantngee of the
movies 7" Intn.lnteel by Mr. J. W.
Moore, _ The past„r'.. morning theme
will lit• "The Church facing k�Thett ;"
evening. "A 'Moles'
The Wrv''i'r••+ in }OMIT church next
%Moth will be (`�li i rmMtteted by M The
ian�ter. Rev. tt.
94seament of the Lord'" Supper will
1w .erved itv the morning.
ere the sublect will he ' "The
Vers of Great Character." Sal,.
bath • 1 and Rlhle .lav'e's meet et
3 ri rho'
Treat the Family to
a Phonograph
Also all the latest hits in Amber-
ola Records and Starr Gennett
Fountains Pen,.? .,l)lu?:,•IIII
Ev'ersharp Pencils...,
.81.50 to 85.25
Military Brtishes ... ...• • • •
12.75 to 111.00
Kodak Albums
:.:. .......01.00 to 16,0)
'iillirfRBs i,tinett Kits
,,,......84.00 to $7.00
'Thermos Bottles
83,:10 to $6.50
Cuticle Knives,...35c to $1.00
Button oo s , oc
Bonnet Brushes ..$175 to $2.50
Many Other Novelties
in plain find sterling silver and
geld mnuunt.
Swan and Waterman
Lowne3'S and Neilson's
Fancy Christmas
Boxes of Chocolates
$1.00 to $4.50
__Chtisttnas Booklets In Choice
Snapshot Albums, Preserve
the Pictures... ... 90c to 16.00
The t
hrong,' then
fare, of th
borne township.
blithe Fern, .\coney
al repreeentetiye'• Mr.
hold the lot acre
ether McNeil, Ord.
Dow* elution.
' "Y --,.,S including- - +..40=7,77.11;
Mary Garden (harden Court D1er Kiss Armand
('olgatee Mavis Fivers Pompeian
Roger & Collet Pussy Willow
Kodaks and Brownies
Brownie NQ. 2 $ 2.50
Brownie No. 2a 1,50
Brownie No. 3. ..... r,., 4.50
Brownie No. 2c ...... •••• -5.00
Folding Brownie No. 2a, R R Lens.• 12.00
Vest Pocket Kodak, R R Lens • .. 10.50
la Kodak Junior 16.00
la Kodak -Jr., -R R.bias......:: - 18.00
2c Kodak Jr., R'R Lens 25.00
:la Kodak Jr., R R Lens.. 22.00
Safety Razors, New Gillette,
-ug-25c-to $2 i5
Shaving Mugs, Lotions,
Creams, etc.
Fancy Boxes of Beau-
tiful Papetries
Spec:al!y Priced at
35c to $225 each
Snapshot Calendars, each:.15C
_Flashlights that mak a the
night lire day from.. ,
$X10 to $2.45
The Square Phone 90 Goderich
fi__ •