The Signal, 1921-12-1, Page 44--T1Lnrsday, December 1, 1921. THE SIGNAL - GODERIOH, ONT. 40%**4rW4,0,,t,to„ �1bd,,60„1i,,:ghat,,,,t4,,,,,w,,,,,. Mi„imii4►ww ,,pilin, i, .1 fewsq 53ud from 1 ' Adjoining ommiinit ies 1 • % %► t i t 1 1( \ ! !'f!TTTT!h�m�!f�f'll!1!!1 h. !M^f!"f•�i'^� h h p h. h. h. h. h. h. n..f h. q m^I. !1�R�MR. h ' end vlth friends In (JOderkh. The director* of West Wawanosh DUNGANNON Fire Insurance Co. met on Tuesday 11'm. McClure received a carload of of LtNt week. R'e(inestlay, Nov 30. oats and corn. Charles Elliott returned home Ylast THE LOCAL AGENCY FOR THE, Mr. W. 11. Fraser, tlx• Liberal can- week from the North country, brlug- 1 Signal is at N. F. Wbyanl'• Store, ditlate, was in the village en eaturday. (tlg ick u fine deer. where orders will •be received for rub- Miss Walden is vlsitiug her brother, Mrs.1t• J, Crawford r181tld In (lode seriptions, advertising and Job work Rev. A. V. Walden. rich over Sunday. and receipts will be given for amounts The Methodist church held a, very Mr. Jam+ M eallough receivedword paid for the same. atln•eastul social last Friday evening. front his sn.It1-law. Alex. Durnin, of Mr. H. Anderson is opening up a Mr. Alex. Mowbray le 1111d up with the West, that he had been burnt out shop (n the Allen block. Mr. Ander- an attack of quinsy. ' and had lost Lis entire crop, imple- son Is buying for Silverwoods, Loudon- Mr. Alf. Errington visited in Lemke menus and nine horses. ills insurance had Just run our ten days before. B. J. Crawford spent the week- and Sarnia last week. There will be a mtteionary meeting --- and tea in the Methodist (gaunt next 'lliairsiay night. , `■ r • / ■ * $ R $11 ■ 1K ■ ■ 1/ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ IIIThe Ladies Ail of the Presbyterian 111,11 clausal' intend holding a hasear and ■tea in the basement of the church on i . Weiuewlay, !Wernher 14th, commetw•- ia, ,t a'o'cbu•k. ,Come end buy guar i Great Values �n Men s ■ (.lfr mss presents. In the evening al ■ 111o1y delaare uud entertainment trill a t•., user* In the auditorium of thel iSuits and Overcoats i■ \i;.. .1. }t. ]la•Nabb rewivet w•oN i:arr__week_ot-the death of Mrs. Robert 11 St.Nldar . formerly Mrs. Gordon An - Sats and ■ de'eiou. ' Mrs. Stoddard had not been li /�� to we' ool lewtlth for Nomtime. She ■ _Overcoats l 1 4 io 11*'t r home In Fenton. Mich. ■ Mr.. and. Mrs. Wnl. Begley, of Port x, ■ Hover. .al • visiting friends here. Ther.• afro a muubcr of •vauplaints -• / fr.,.many .luomsevrlve'R of tunnel � 'ateh our wtnclow display for greata fruit k eling. a large nnmtNar fer- ■' mehtill¢.-'-tracing taken nn a dw ided ■ bargains in..1Ien's Suits and' O�'ercoats. ■ nip and lots of pep. Why caused p Born. -To Mr. and Mrs. Dennis. of ■ ▪ There will be various prices in the lot and everyone ▪ .the 4th eon.•ecslon. twlrs. , School Report. The following is the ■ a big bargain -don't miss this -fust to come will rt of the junior worn of Dungan - ...an public echoed for. the month of have the best choice. ember �Ir Zit= .mor. -Marl Am sum 61:e. Evelyn Culbert tee2, Lily ■ : .r Yax++-flan lentlatnl SpA. Any Suit or - Overcoat in, lindow, $25.00. -$--- ae� t_Im Ray Ditff 542, Veen -• exle v 3'211, ran ■ j_ Savage 3f1, Raymond Walden 491. IN. Itlanehe tnldwell. 490. Mary Parks ■ lea 477. itelo pas* --Ronson Mel,. 44 t. •Pridham ■ Sr. 11.-Hmtb!'s-3argsret R} -an rwt, Erma' Roach M2. Dorothy Allen 49+. 1 Merle Scan tirePass - Ronal11 1'ent- OOderich ■ bolo 441. Rielly Velure :Coil. Below I pass -Billie haldw '1 355. Geo. ]swine 3011. Calvin Whitler*. 317. St- ley i-Orser 210. Pt. 11--Pa+x-Na •y Klef 246.. Arthur Brow* 243. Everett, ' Erriugtoit 219. Urban ('itrtln 3011. Iia low pass --Benson Caldwell 173. 1 1111 ■ Phone 57. ■ ■■1•ti1111111111■■1111■■■■■■>tt■■■■■■ Walter C. THOMAS McMILLAN Liberal Candidate For�South Huron. the tests presented by Mr. McMfillan and others that the freight rate ma• amute• of December 13, 102u, wa,tentirrly n•un.vel. • Mr. McMillan was invited last year by Hon. M. 144.herty, I'roviticial Minister of Agriculture, to act on a comml•wion to investigaate anal report on tla• problem of providing at spasms of rural credits suit- ahM to the productive nods ad the fann- ers of l lntario. This inion co[wiateel of Prof. Jackman, of the i•niversityol Toronto, yr McMillan anal Mr. \I. II. t-'`d,.a \lihen thrIr report- 1164 11 in, Mir. Weir, manager of the ramie its syatenI of Manitoba, said: "With my Ipennnal kuuwkrige of Ontario conditions and after four years' experience adminis- tering the Mlataled)* *system, this report is repk•te with every neon lendauon 1 (r•uld Amiably wtgpest." Tare are only some of many as -ea -ions upon which Mr. McMillan has employed his recognized abilities in behalf •,f the cause of agriculture. •Th•.ma. McMillan is one of the out- standing (amens •of Ontario. For years she Was engaged in Fanner:' Institute . work, and ,whenever an occasion arises, calling for s,.nu•une with ability to plead the came of the fanner. Mr. McMillan is sells of the tint to be thoti&ht of. • .(,bout a veal: ago. when Mr. J..1 Mor- rison, hese( of the I'. F. 0. on2anial-that, t, wanted sense capable non to {►recant the fanners' care b•f•,re the Tariff Commission sitting at Inn- on, iea tr -Mif. McMillan. T- p� - Mr. McMillan went before the Commis- sion and made es, splendid a Allowing that he was complimented by Mr. Mur- risnn and by the pteas• Again, when theliveattxk industry was found to be heavily handicapped by in- cn•aysel freight rates, Mr. \1c`lillan was one "(those appointed to go before the 1l4161i0n Railway Commission to present the case for reduction, and sr*a ably were £mall Kippered Herrings per tin 10c Pulled Figs ., - per lb 30c Rice 3 lbs. 25c New Dates per lb. 20c Kippered Herrings ....large tin 18c Greek Currants . - r.. per lb. 19c Recleaned Currants, very fine, --7----- ---22c New English Peel, mixed .-, , -,-•-- • • 50c Large Bar Castile Soap • • •• • • 20c Pink Salmon .. .lease tin 15c Primary ('}ass --Alien Art Dnff. Verdun Mowbray. ('a ,'Walden. - Eldon (Silbert. Benson Park.. Riney F-rrtngton. Grace Young. Harvey Mole. Kenneth Mewbrey, Wilfred Pentland, Roy Errington. '0. M. T1CHBORNE. teacher. i in thts;dap--ot ,gweIaliets. ane per wm is trained in a certain Moltke-. or profession until he becomes 111.ve proficient in it than :any layman could possibly be. For this reason when Tallying rigs and atindries you shunb rely upon the judgment of nn ester' engird pharmacist. When 5014 'rem nn- ad. In . }nor favorite magazine it renally 'Rays : '•}latxlled by reliable druggists.'' No (kmbt you have'formel a habit of- buying soaps. toilet prepar- ations. and similar goods at n drng- store beelines you associate the i,lea of quality and purity w ith drugs. This Idea should be broadened '••• as gid. - We know tape are a--Yyer.•f n1 that met nt cronventit•.• advantages w'lal•h rhe druggists of this community eff.•r you When You need such goods as they ritrry. L It. W14LF.. druggist. GaNbe- Make It a Real OIft Shop as much as you will, you carrot give family or friends a more aer•ptable remembrance than a real Photo Portrait 1m one of our charming new mountings. Just now there are a lot of mothers who are bringing the kiddies to the Studio for Christmas Photographs --and Incidentally they are basing their own portrait made et the same time. Studio appointments can bo arranged to Moet your convenience. J. T. FELL IPIIr Now is the time to renew your subscription -SI PORT ALBERT Wednesday, Nov. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Long, of Brantford. and Mr. t ury Smith. of Monktun. cl.itstil 'with heir relatives, Mrs. Gere RN }latfletian a Jib' • A.-Greeu, of I'.'rt Albert. lhai t forse•t t b• r(a�r December for the elitet'(atnment at the hall at Port Albert. Miss W. Cunningham. our tea1•her h e, is giv- ing a great deal of ler time to the preparation of a apdeettd progitem for that evening 141111 a gaol time Is looked forward to. The admission will be re;a sus ble. The people of this place learned with deep•.t •regret of the sol se,ct- dent that befell Leonard MacManue last Saturday night, when he was struck by an auto while crossing the street. Ile was rushed to the h,a,pital where lie received every mealiest aid 11114 diel a few hour. later. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved anew. somas Wiles: et Odalattice is not improving AR quickly 6a her many friends would thee to saw her. The eongregatk,n of Bt. Andrews' church 1., {faring their entertainment on December 1601, to be held in the church. Further particulars will be Veen to this eolurma later. The proee(ls of the social evening in the Augu4an chinch herr amounted to 9-19.60 after all the 3.'Sr1 of i IOFNSURANCE EVERY KIND nsuran - , That 'Protects ' Every property owner and business man recog- tilss-e&Uva- due of good insurance. He sees that his property is -fully cove -6a and his policies kept in force. Reliable Insurance is easy for you bo�-ge hma is y- specialized in trustworthy insurance ever since it went into business. Make good insurance the motive power of your bus- iness. Painstaking service will go with it. Let's talk it over. Hill t? Co. citish Exchange Hotel Building r Goderich Ontario Kingston St. Phone 116 DOMINION STORES, LIMITED West Street - --- Goderich SATURDAY ONLY Seedless Raisins Per lb. 25c Oatmeal 6 lbs. for 23c Icing Sugar, per 1b pd jeetneat, per Ill. Sneed flacon, per Ib 10c 19c 33c Small Whitt Sans, 2 Ibe. 15c 1). S. i.. Coffee, per lb 39c Speefal Blend Tea, per Ib. 35c (bw Choice towhees Raisins, PIER. Sugar, 10 lbs Beek Bacon, per Ib �4estltt*, 3 Ib. pail Peers lard. 2 lbs.' 32c 83c 42c 50c 35c Dried Peaebee, per ib ('ookin* Figs, 2 lbs. Fresh Peels, per Ib 1 23c 35c 37c Snowflake Ammonia, 3 pkg. 23c 1.yle's Syrup, 2 Ib. tin... 30c Seeded Raisin)), pkg. 24c Fite Roses Four, rwt.:54.25 torn :yl nrp, 5 Ib. tin 49c Raspberry Jam, pail Cottage Rolla, per Ib. 77c 22c Dates. 2 lbs. ..r.------ 25c I MAITLAND CONCESSION 'Tuewlny. Nov. 244 • Ml r. Ja fines }'arrant is visiting with his heather. Mr. 11 Farraut. this week. sI \t, - n 1.. 4.1 a,w anz -vent . RHEUMATISM ? it;a f ;,vasals in e rodit Heel Tide week .1 • 1 •.!r t, •ti.-tit-r*"lr+•++L-.itt�a- It you are a Sufferer, i -t war•{, .-*ting with his brother. 44 "The Scotch Store" fat STORE iROYR$ t b A. M. TO b P. M. t SATVRUAYS Ip P.M Useful witmosimiw Chrstmas Suggestions HE ,Time is now approaching and it is none too early to start your Christmas shopping._ In fact, Parcels•fo_r the expenses . Old Cou,y-Land other distant places should he sent without . \l,'. E. M. I'nrvt, near ('amp Borden. We ince, pleased to ante that Mr. ('hats. Fisher i. Improving spmew u,t, ohou1gh n..4 a1el0 to get ontwl.le. The tarn, r- :arc taking a.Ir:tntage of the •'l-'-}ai.at ally fine' weather to , finish np th•'ir f,11 ploeller:'-(•tr: LUCKNOW 1 Mfr-. 11 glitz helu ;uud 11,in;liter, Ilanmth, .ere same from Ba•heyter. Minn.. where tie farmer sies•essfully �upderwt•nt.-uhrher aapestion. 3D. and Mrs. WiltonGilit hare re- turned to Pane Rivet. Mir. .1. 11 A. kcal has sold his Inter- mit In Ackert h Rnthwell's loot and shop- story to Mr. Allan Turner of Remlfonl, the change to -take effect loft £ tsrldgeEr Qat., for trial lest Fehrnery, pkg. of any of Ill. Pierce's remedies lir. Lawrence Taylor. tv . embitters I and write for free confidential med- ical advice. ' •Colltnwood. Ont. -•'It is with pleas- 1st•e that I write ls uot* endat com- mendation. msuf- fered with muscle lar rheumatism for three years and kave been completely cured of same by tak- ing a few pack- ages of D r . Pierre's Anuric Tablets and Dr. sea.• .`'s (� Pierce's Golden ert - Medical Dlscov- y after doctors' medicines failed to do any good. I am now tree from all signs of rheumatism for 'which I moat heartily thank Dr. Pierre and his wonderful medicines." Mrs. Kerwood Cook, Box 444. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Labora- h the grocer' and rl'•tautant In i(. Mc - Clare's huil.}ing. has sold Its hnsiterrs to ilr. E. A. Palmer, of Klactoline. h1NGSBR1DGE, _.- Tucwla}, Naas. '20. We are pleaeal to welcome hock Mir. and 'Mrs..1. Myers. who have leen lly- ing In Go4ertch. .The loeal dramatic Y•tnh is tansy rehearaing r play. which le to lw' pro- duced later. Watch for later an- nonn('ement s Late b'ridnv a sere successful card party and (18114-4- alas helot In the hal. The *Inner. in (cords were • FM' ete•hre, MLN( Kath M.do,irthy and Mr. Eldon MacNamara; for five hnndrM : Mrs. M. Dwyer and Mr. Thome. tier - ray. Alter the car(( playing .lnnclna crtnnaenced and cnatlnueli for Recital hours. /e HAVE YOU A COUGH? This is of Vital Interest to Yoe Woodstock, Ont., -"My husband always speaks a good word for Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and we both feel that be ewes his present good health to this splendid medicine. Bronchial pneumonia, as • child, loft hem with chronic bron- chial trouble and It just kept getting worms every year even though he doctored and tried every remedy recommended to him. Home nights he would cough en hard I used to 1M afraid he might die before mornlag. }.amt fall his mother advised him to try eke 'Golden Medical Discovery' and from the first few doses he im- proved. It 1s just a yekr now and he II`seems to he entirely cored of all brone (tel ailments" Mrs. 6. M. Greer, 27 4 Benham St. Get the Discovery today at al medicine dealers, tablets or ltqu delay. Biorrrim Surely a beautiful of Linens would be much appreciated in vely qualities, all pure Linen in sets of Clot and one dozen Napkins. Priced at per set from $10 to $36 THE BABIES ARE NOT FORGOTTEN The cutest and daintiest little dresses for the little tots are just charming in em- broidered and lace effects, in all sizes from 6 months to 6 years. From $1.25 each. SITS LUNCH SETS ARE DAINTY A pure Irish Linen Lunch Set, so use- ful for afternoon teas, ete. I Lunch Cloth and half-dozen Napkins. The Set from... $10.00 NEW RIBBONS FOR FANCY WORK So many 'different gifts can be made of Ribbons, such as camisoles, halm, sashes, ete., in Dresden and Floral and Plaid pat- terns in all widths. From 25c per yard. NEW KAD)<ERA LINENS NEW TRAY CLOTHS Three INFANTS' PADDED SILK SETS Just the verb thing for the child's cot or carriage is a set consisting of Kimono and Quilt in the dainty Baby shades of Blue and Pink at $7.00 Set. HANDBAGS HANDBAGS A solid Leather Handbag is a most ac- ceptable gift and one that's mnch appre- ciated throughout the year. in all the new- est shapes and newest shades to suit all tastes, from $1.96 to $7.50. NEW TEA CLOTHS - HEW INDIAN OROCHET Leading Lines at the Sep elf' --Stere: Hosiery, Gloves and Underwear. The Store that is always at your service. Pr M illar's Scotch Storesmre leArprin lc The ole reu'a Aid 'ilio ala y, 111 the leu court hot ('uQ .1a1 At a n hag soul day even plate ar AU(le•rwdl *hitless of for the The Next Next al be Riven (hunch b Wilted Mai Dr. Ilan 1'rofenw, r •,)seder fu The I's of North Saturday It Nplen,li M 40114444" .4 e'.t1%IN ► w,A1 nue , The p1.s A NiteroiN'h11, 4 'slerlch Young. escaped sofas Ott 1Nr`ame tout er,at the hugs tad h insup. T1, (Ilst.1 a.+• yeas able Annlve Large anutver..1 Met Sues • A.. of cs hore. both ser forceful appreciat 1150n wag .over IH1M ' of tart bath the, A, sins 21r. Ned tlalis'ad 1 will 1..• ,f,.. CRI head, or a crean thrcn hca6i and Tr Crea clog( head snull nes' gone