HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-12-1, Page 3TIM SIGNAL UODEBICH, ONT. /11)11110 REV. DR. DANIEL gatherings with the speaker. Further in 1 _ 11is discourse he 'referred to the liquor P HENRY,traffic and stated that never again sill it !ANUS TIINEI).-APPLY TO 0. V. 1 t Hustle Studio, COMPLETES FIFTY sae m the Kurth American continent. I I. M I Ile said that it has been mated that the y,, t theol+gty of the past Iutut 1e: revived, that __� the old g"spel has 4' 444 its poser, but that is nut tole. ''It is the spirit of service worth k1. o Square. tf YEARS IN MINISTRY • - PU$LIC NOTICE. C)LDEN 1,.vrE 1t.11.P., No. 1034. Meets first Titt4rsduy of each month, fu Foresters' 1tali. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. J. MeN E5' l li, Ile 11. MEW. Iteg's, r.ir. W.V. LEGAL U. CAMERON, -K. O.. BAliald• TER, Solicitor, notary publlt Ogler Haw4tou street. (4derti h, third door trues Square., Trust funds to loan at lowest rates. PLt01'DF)x)T, K4LLOHAN a lt.\ItitIST'EIt4, SOLICITORS, NO - TAMES PUBLIC, ETC. (Mice ou the Square, second door from Hamilton Iltr•et. Uoderieb. Privatefunds to Ilan it lowest that must be revised, If 44e an• to 1111 1L. odd workl up in choler communion with Chatham Congregation of F(4"I' I"'.,ei'I' 1IT Former \ Amain to ll 41 t Krt+•llll its and letters Nies. Hendershot, Nina. .1. Turner, Nina. Jacques, Mrs. Jordin, Mrs. Dunkley sad )lis. Albert White. The table was ex- ceptionally grotty, t orsb•- n' 1 N Ne a streamers, candle shades ing done in gulden colors. A largt• wlvl- ding cake whit fifty c44rollea burning eel - A few out of town people ople were 1tev. Mr. nisi Mrs.Osterhuut, Rev. 4lible•rt, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Jo11er,Hev.Mr. ('104.44, and Ur. and Mrs. Thornton. Goderich Minister Fittingly i co. emulations to the church and love for 111 pastor fr.»+yTnru11to L.,udo14 EAST WAWANOBH Marks the Occasion •-arnia, (yll'1l leu 1 and different places where Dr.•,Daniel las --labored. Ile Tuewla), Nur. ..12. d.•u. repairing oulrerl and gravelling.1.'ai read a ►av+tltifnll) nonled address ex- T lwhip l'wlnrU llluutea/iL)+Inn- + ,u4e.siuus •' and ;t Sts.05:.1. Carter. + 51r Tarp Bewly, tai., purchased the l'atdwell, tlwptrtrng gravelling con- tract. concessions 2 and 3, $15 ; Feed Tull. ;tile and work ou loll drain, + repairing ria open Fred Toll, K $•35.79;1 ■tle • ' . 0 .411 • Earl Bentley, ducal, lr 11 dlvi N , bat la two. t•ontray t t'leaullig tint T0II dralu, $15.70; Frank Marshall, catch basin on the loll drain, 513; Alex. Mot;o444411. catch basin on the 1lc- Ilinva11 11111 Ill. $13; J.a• JPhuntun, draw- ing 411e aid digging drain, t•111a'essloiIN 2 and 3, $14.:+11; John Johnston. relsuir- 111, 411her4'. 441 41)1ing ami graave:Hog. coup, puns 2 and 3, $70.1)0; 5C►u. Wad. Ed. Walsh. putting in culvert, conces- sion 44, $2; Fred Hayden, raking atoms+. $3.75: J. Stonehouse, work on grader, $S; Carl Bennett. team on '1))k xuting lu der ,tt,u41)vl l 1 ra i, K lwlyrrt, •14: Hylaw Nu. ll. itr31, x1. pointing plats. of nomination. place of election, 1). It. (-►. 444'14 lade clerks was duly read and pus ed. l' •il ad• jounad to tu/et lignin 4444 Ikvewlcr 115144 tit 111 4)1.1+)•14. .\ 1Y HtTI:S• Thursday. December 1. 1031.--i 1unv1 while at work at the llilborn 441144, at able to be about again. Mrs. H,+NanI W. Adams hall returned to her hong' at Detroit after s short visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. Adams., � s not • \1 1 k,n+th . IcT KK Little its y la a re- cently n•lrbrated her 4)1111 birthday y by delightful 4)44)4y 11t which ..111• entertaindl about thirty -live t.f 4t'r young friends. 51 r. Chas. Boehm/ intents r g an open-air skating rink t11is,Nynter. - Mr. (limey 1.luetzer luta been confined to the house owing to 4411 injury received I'I F.I.D. 1 lel k• alai le at Mork 4144 dwell. 1'. 41, 44 r., A. II. Ti,vn•+t{ Altar n•tunttd from .ala Visit alit' her 'iu1 filer, 5lrs. Joseph Molloy, Nov. 2!:. t .Snistcih. of Toronto. . „ -- --.- ----- '1'hat party will 4'4' a i'gtt'e4s If you order your ice cream .from Black - 1 stoups. Phone 240. BLYTH The Chatham Daily :dew's t,1 Nuvtvuber Pn•s.i14g tl,e end other (Tient 13 eonlailled the 4011(444111)4 account of the the chs pa•, prole) kelp's/anion shish narked the fiftieth an- plans front r \t'�, tuversary of R&'v. Ur. Daniel'N entry into the ministry, and also, the goklei jubilee of Park street Methodist church, Chat - 1111111 : - Itev. Dr. Daniel, who celebrated the to 411 klend. 111 (1t41 to t'e pastor, and snit vel hila with a set of Kinsey, adding that they anal ``he looney t ay b,`ehrwltowards 1)r. 1►anie'1 future hot e. In vary lilting words )r. Daniel ex- jammevl his heartfelt 14144 s tu, the con- gregation and friends. ' H ' stated tilt( the cort.cr,shate of the rho was 45(44 June l.t, Is I, and the Sunda oft t seek he i" ''htd his Hest sent, , s114" poke 111• sus 111 his eighteenth year. H } t,1 the .1111111ons d44)44 Ill which the p pie arc now living, and that, if et er, :it is III the present that preachers of dw gtsa alt' "owlish the presentation. l 1 t 1 tl TIN• 4 1144111)4 of OW doxology and "1;'d Save the ling" bnwghtthe• program to 1.t•, a e• 4ch a social time was sjs•nt fiftieth unuiversury of his entry' into the nlinistr • on imlduy, in connection N 4th ministry 5 4•! 110- ths golden jubilee of Park stets•t .1 dist church, sus pnw•11ttd with u chi'p11• for $4,:12'(4 trout th1• chord' at an enter- tainment held to mark the unique e•t, 111. Charles Austin had the bowie of making ►• Tlse church was + N•t,ra e+ N i 1 golden W. Proudf(wt, K. C., J. L. Killoran imams, ferns, liana and bunting. in lee,. ,- a d f1 r w'h Dudley E. Holmes. Mg with the occasion. while a 1' 41 1m•ut in the S. S. hall. Refreshments sere da'uratiuh Nom the ii•ones -1.,:i- : tap awned by die Maio,. and coffee w:u CHARLES l:.\1'4(11\ 1.1:. 14., ItAU- , MI." As the members, adherents. fid poured b1' Mrs. \lasso . Mrs. ylorlet. Oalerich. Honey loaned at lowest the choir, 446)4.11 rendered such b.,) )) l titre. - ubilrr, auric on 4"u11da1, f,tund aith a Hallelujah chorus Mrs. 41. h. hulduiugs1 CSI:M1I:It, lt.\lilt 1ST Elt, SDI, 1 .n•sided at the organ. The chairman sass 1CIT3)R, notary pub►Ie and eon- ' Wm. F.. McKe..ogl+, NI.', aft.�r a fr% iu- veyetwer. Ofikw-1.'uurt Hot1+e, (halo . tnsluctory remark, called upuii Iter. 511. rich. ,, UD -11th.' ' Kerr, 4811 '.141 4.Ilege• el of Dr. Damsel, Ito lead 411 prayer. INSI•R.1N/'K. LOANS. ETC.Fitty years ago Turk street ,h•tb+.dist YcK1LLUt' It k'l/tF 1NsClt 1t•pntn•h Neu. d.dN•tutvl to lLe w..raLip .dI Ml G.al, uud tLr c6rinnxn n•trrnvl to thri rel lsulated ., +111 ttN• first (hay 141sT'}:I4. alUlruey', s1)te{fur, etc.' frirtalp of the collard sere ussentbin.g, ANt g Cit. Fars* ■ laying of,the ev,nit•r st to town. property-in+nr'd. . :little, 415:1, by Rev'. Ur. .5l•x+unk:r! 41144, ers--Jas. 1'u11utilly, L'rl•4,. Come i Inu4ctord. iie aka 11,41.44. n•ter,'la'e 1t, rlcla l'. 4 ). 1 Jas. Evans, \'lee -lyres.. I. lite \ oltnjt i'e+.p,Ic's 44pire 'l{uildiug Beet'hwotaI 11. 0.; Thi)mss E. Heys. I ciety, and tine til their first excursions on' ills•. -'trials., S+'afor'.h 1'. 1). I (he ok1 r"lk»uitl4,u." Mr. McKrougli Dirt+'tars-I). F. Mr';rl'gor, It. it. i spoke of the isltlic 4of 1'atek.arM•t chun'h No. R. lyaforth; John O. 7rleva, No as piuw'ers ill chun•h tea-111vtlug», aiiid , 15'.14141 N'i4liaw It inn. 11 It. No. 2 the into u. 4.i.11eers IIkt1ie tl•ttii.•1'44114'0 (forth; J,.ltc Itetl+l••wle.. Itrod 4'4111.•. "I11 the audit')%c," I.e stated, - ha u; id .13 M.')'arinoy. It. LI. Nu { "1114.10 are a it•w slit, sem 1 .1x-111 tilt y Seat tf : Itt,bcrt Ferris, 11arint'k. ean.ago. x)441'44441110111 Lehi_ Sirs.'5'.T• salsa MeI' .ye11. Clinton : Jatw's I Jack.tas .4 .l. l athntwes, tr lc, ratite f' r grans. t1.0.'00.0,641; .1.rhea ('onliully dem i.I les., 1 al''ust 44 p,1144, - 4)4es� into p' .rich. taw_" ua•u,b•n1 04 wh1011 t,rgan1esti'.0 uta:�� 1. •N. o fi; ir■etd e11uug11 (meds for the buikling•1't Wr• f'het R. R. foo. 1. Clinton;CutofNwe .4r': r. 11,51-14"'t• wbo M ia-,)0 41a•'.11- NUIf '�' (�es�t'P ry-bete 1:.' n11n•h' "At- a eltdxv '•4 the congregation; Mr-. ley,' 1 1'1 g' holder. e7r1r-pay._ 551Itor )lying mud gr-. J. D14n11ey." .. - ,11 par •' Is x11+4 L (...their cards re al r. 5fi Ktomgh slattd ('lea lir. Italia -1i ()elided ea /L J. 'Murrh+lt's 1'lutldng .44,44-,iy4._}Ijr . n,Lnt t__ytar us"' ark Store. (Tint+ : It. -IT. nitro r .wery. 1 chnn•6, ailed nTrn,l to 11111 i -lo Kingston Itr1 •t, c;raierleli. or J. I1 e0 r...1 Ide hue full t,1 h,•t•fnlnvw, •4184 i4'Id's 1',eh"r,l Ston1 P,Nylield. In, u::'-terfui sd11•"lu N11.011 4,aye bra - 14,401.111.•11 1411'1 a•-144ms 1:' 1L,m.41lale '•t i 1s•.'Ide Ile also pawl triLule to Mrs.l +'. l: ,l'lllmlIl111i1 . 1/Wit'' k t1 -14. r - - `.t- - - .5 ren 'fitting se•ketiun entitled ''4':/rk gine) 1 lnrell� silt. Pgsk•nvl by-.tIit•c11a1e yuarle(te, \'•••rs. ('mnuuUlfts. ('It,;•i'le. t i:airie alai, ('.wirer. the wop4. is•illg c"111- _4.•:•l,l 1.v Mi-. )1. 1:, Ts -11,0.i. 1814') sol,_ ' ' 1.' 1011'' ' I " 1 I.,• 1 n.; +'44,41, tan -t, ,. I E. I: 11. i. , r 4 A .r1 I r • ., Rheumatic Stiffness ' :1ncW ail Pain ow - _ ell uuv[ipg lndil ou Nuceudrr JI •t. gr.) e• ;4)14)4 +til r+m.,,.:.o,s a and 4, (•rithttoten prl,l»•rty, has 111.'vtv1 iu from mew))•r'. 1111 pieseut. 51111441.•'1 of las; 444141.:.,: H. Ituch,ul.t14, iuc!av'ting same. }use \lawqu.w'. nlee • , who N as ill. following aivvouts were laid 11. sad 011%4.11111g 011 eotxesalon 19, $ .75; ) 1111)4 were revel gull tvmrlfrwrvl. 1'111 I R1 :•.1111 1Nacou, 00011111g 011414ltch Sir. I) D l ntten,lru Taylor, widening road.coucexsious h ❑4141. 4'uulh•s• gravelling 011 C0014 41010101 and 7, $42.41): D. I'ook. w ldeuh+1 toad In uud 11, $8.75; ('has. Johnston., lotxv'ssdous it and 7. $444.544. work 4114 completing Statute ixls)r tax. E.`l;i grader, $9; 1t. Jackson. gravel. $all.).: I: -tate Sinton Mitchell, tile, $12.75; K. Wight man,. gravel. S27.I1: J. Gib -,-- son, grovel. $5.55; l'. King, gravel.. - *(4.75: 1.. H. Busman. Itte and drawing' y+vme, 54'44.044; Jenkins & Itrudn.a'k. repairing Toll drain, $2117.70: Jeukiu• h itrulu41ek; Ia1Luu'r t•o111ruer Sturdy dnt.in $9441; 41eo. sturdy. lusiertlng' '01144,441 o11 441111'.13' drain, $24) 1 Geo. Everybody knows that Caa4Aa there are more ►pi eton's Rheuma\tic Capsules F it's coli or a chill, dis- sofve one or two Peps in your mouth. i►rhate.dtrect into the 1)1..-:,;i the pcvt'er- ful braking and germicidal medicines given .off us -a r.pourlike %unit. These breatheable Pecs medicines .soothe the tender air pas - ages. they qu-ckty allay sore- ,ness or inflammation, and stop the most troublesome cough. . At he same time PEPS. STR4I•IHEN_.THE_ Thi.OAT AND CHfiST and 'prevent the onset of coughs eel. ♦rod chalk rime, son the -1. 1, o... .; and o' her (Fest Thetis no mare mew.lne ItLn 1 tpe u 11's +a.c.; Free Erin') up _Mt) _ar{ petfsct;Y.aia for chaldren.” • fry .,.'f ,rnt,era fir 3 hr 1'e' -s +:a, 7 w•.Nto. , b_._ a • l.: 1 z . e', .. 1 Sold than all other Rheumatic Remedies combined for Rheu- matism, Neuritis, Neuralgia. Sciatica. Lumbago, etc. Many doctors prescribe theny most druggists sell them. wrote for free trial to Templeton, -Toronto. Sold b3 11. C. Dunlop. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT.'- ?'lc leading cuprll10Ri:l; school of V'estern Ontar,o. a school where you got thorough ,cfturst74 under competent instructor+ ntercild, 1L'urtLSral and Telec• 4 (epartmenh. Students get and i instruction aril nilly register It ❑h\ time. Graduates are assisted to r. Rion.. Get our free catalogue. . n: A: M•-1..34HLAN-PriluipsL Not Vanity, It's your Duty We still have time to finish your Photograph for Christ- mas. Poll can give your friends nothing else that �►ill please them as well. • Do it R. R. SALLOWS If You Want To Buy Hay, Straw or Stock Foods Telephone 3'O A Car f Corn Just Received The Greatest Coat Sale For Women Now in Progress at Select Ladies' Ready to Wear Co. Offers six assorted groups of I sigh Class Coats at prices which in many cases represent the cost of making only. Group No. 1 at $10.50 Group No 4 at $27.50 Group No. 2 at 18.50 Group No, 5 at 33.50 Group No. 3 at 22.50 Group No ;6 at 45.00 In latest styles, newest materials, and in much of the favored fur -trim miog. We also received a range of samples of new Fall and Winter Coats in English Burberry Styles weight cloth, in all the latest mixtures: gray, b� own+ eather, green and navy. This garment is" the m?lsf ser iceable and comfortable Winter Coat on the rices ranging f roe , $24.00 to $26.50. hipmeet" gf-l=leax-s 1' '111 r r1 I"Iose _111_411 heat he%shacfes. suitable fur winter wear. 15'esl1•`11 11 i'.-1: Opera House • h k God ric h SELECT LADIES' READY -TM --WEAR CO. CODE RICH, d1VT.' He lquarteri & Factory: 418 Queen W, Toronto • N OW OP -J-01 N e An Old Reliable Remedy lean. S. Filo 0,, Ham.Iem �, r ..I, 111+1.. writ.+.-?linard'. Lu, ,n.,111, k. ' + •,let r4at•k r.n'oA 1 al -,..s. ►"p . , ,n 4441. hog" 31.•1 4)44'0 re.ka,.wn.!•,1 -5 t, quire a emn444.4"mv hw•..t great rebel. In 111'..1 ca..". It wu u- a) .11 a • um ter It. 1444• •••p'mll .l.•1 J:+11r11 WOaRl• ,,•11 1 i,-.:uri 111,•. 4,Ur •rt ire in the 111 trod, .tui -that _tis•--M,ttoetie+t-,nl. I. 111 c'1u ty, l'rot mee' of uutari++, 4111.1 ;1"1''6li'.11 1. (':+hada, rejoices in the Diet. 11uu Dr. 111111 1 bas 1.4.411 grinue,l .1444' .1 long 1'+•riellot •rvuk-4, \ielLe+li.m. )51'1'1 I•.va- Wile,. 44... ,-itnr*,2l.rA,-YrOrr- lay," Nae 14 ho at 'njt,yabk• 444th ber :unl N He als.. vomited. ' .,,. l,n'sntelit of 4 I via+ a-41. Itr9. .5. 1'. 1'44 ll'i11ity church. e 4441.•«111." +old ri•tern 411(1014 a1'plIlllM'. •.. 51 I)4j4.•l'n11 .ass• •• ler, n+'i"r "4 Iloly In' r"ugrrsaiion \to the honor twang t11H4e 4411 '1111'11 +1 11111' n"sly of people, a 01,144lo and gifted { at'Ia'r, alto hasnlwtly.'4it-irsymp»athetic, .td, noble and true. lie also txu•ntk'd a "g"otl.- will" of (lee Churd1 of England, in the i rnllt,ly 4.4 Kota- l►r, 1'l niton, 1Aan of 1114' Isenlall Facility of 511'1;411 4llivenilc, Montreal, a nvi44f1•nt of this city for nearly twelve -1.114-461141114'.ul-th -foible class for testis- time, was well mmiced. Ile n• - to several of tea• gnat workers in tln' cllnrtIa. among Buell) the" tete Warren Martin. ills °la'uing r4warks web's con- t1m,l to amusing i11$11111.1'1 he has extit e14e.,1, 44(111 1111 jocular say in relating 111en1 recalled' nosily former et4joyable 6ST►► ►, Upset Stomach, Gas, Indigestion START NOW Chr1= ;mas Club. rage Thrift JOIN OUR Christmas Club AEC st- y ou n in OUR, "Pape's Diapepsin" gives • Relief in Five Minutes "Papa's Diap.epsin" is the quickest, surest relief for indigestion, Gases, Fla tnlenee, Heartburn, sourness, Fermenta tion or `itolnaeh Distress caused by aeid ity. A few tablets give almost imme diate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so you can eat fa - vorite foods without fear. Large ease costs only few cent. at drug store. X141' lions helped annually, You can start with lc, Sr -,..10c, 25c, 50c,_$1. $2, $5, $10, $20 or more. I. This is the easy way ``- to have money next - _ Christmas. .i • lout X.A.vas ya:i 44';11 hove iff Ain F.RTI MEMENT JOIN TODAY. Regularly 4 •positing a specified sum. f money each week is th way to II'AyE MONEY. - Every man and w ma :n ea. y spare s:,'1 m l ey - their e 1 gas each• k and he sit i , ou ave it.\ O hristm C 1 u b - off ' `t e hodieal 'o t ;)o icing your money rej}u Y. \ JOIN ' O AY ' Will Morning Never Come DOES this illustration pic- ture your experience? What is !sore distressing than being unable to sleep? Sleeplessness is one of the II Mt and most certain symp- toms of exhausted nerves. This le tube - arntr'>; that you need the Nselstanea of 1)r. ('141Ne's Nerve Food to restore vigor 141 the n••rve cells and therehY avoid the .4c5ulop- ment of serious nervism trouble. By improving the (Monty of the bloeflf and building up ter nervou■ system that well-known t' Itorauve brings new energy and strikertb is the whole body. M mats' a box, a for $2.76, ell deal as sseon. traces & Co., Ltd., Tor e Vote for J. W. Kin and Progressive Legislation on December Sixth WHAT THE DIFFERENT CLUBS AMOUNT TO IN 50 WEEKS Increasing Club Plan Even Amount Club Plan Even Amount Club Plan le CLUB I►elxwlt 1st 3),ek, $12.75 12.50 $5 CLUB I,rpxlsil a.. e.ull week- $ 250 _nl week. It erase Ir 25c CLUB I)epo.it ' )e each suck- Q each seek -in 54) seeks. in 50 weeks +P in .10 seek. 2c CLUB 14 4)14514 I.t seek. le 25.50 21841 week. Increase 2e 50cCLUB Deposit 50c each week - each week -in :ill seeks. in 30 weeks -. Sc CLUB Deposit 3e Is( week, 441e 63.75 ' nl weak. increase 5c each week -in 311 weeps. 10c CLUB Deposes 10e pal week, _rel week. .Increase Ifs each week -In 50 necks. 127.50 $1 CLUB I)eixoat x4 melt secl. - in 50 week, $2 cLUB I)epnnil R"_ ear4l tte4'I, in 341 3)1)014+ You can begin with the largest amount HOW TO JOIN It is Easy Look at the tables above and select the club you wish to join, then bring in your first deposit. We will make you a member of the club and give you a pass book showing the club you have joined. 25.00 50.00 100.00 $10 CLUB Deposit $10 each Nlelik- in :411 seek. $20 CLUB Ih'po.ii 1;':11 earl, work_ in all weeks $100 CLUB D1"u-i1 Leek 1:100 eeach-In :141 week: and Oecrea each week 500 1,000 5,000 PLAN OF THE CLUB - . It is Simp':e Our Christmas Club is a plan Sor__.depositing money weekly. This method enables those of small means, those of moderate means, and also the big business man to lay aside money by sys- \.tematic deposits. We pay » ter cent..iltil'4- on ?Allis hn144 Chili Accounts' . 2222_ _ _- BANK OF HAMILTON, Goderich •