HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-12-1, Page 24.07
Thar%lay, December 1, 1921.
The Real Flavour
±410EMBER 0TH -
of the genuine "GREEN" Tea is in every
packet of
The electors go to the polls twat Tues-
day, December eth, to dtside who shall
611 the plansi of power at (kiss* for die
next Parlianientary term.' .
What are the considt•rationa that alionki
guide us in clotting our ballots? flow may
we hest protnote our country's a elfate
Which,party and which candidate should-,
we support?
We believe a vast majority of tlw
people of Canada want a change at
tawa. The i.resent 4.i.,vernment's ex-.
travagance. its maven ienee to the Itiiz
Interests, Its autocratic methods, and its
Superior to the best Japans, Gunpowder or
Young Hyson. Sample Free-Salada, Toronto.
which they haveia great intereaLand a
do bushiest *hit the Nation:threads, thi
Liberals wank! substitute a commosion
of tried railroaa expo:tires repre.o•ti-
Labor and the outuntinitj
• • well
elass agoi nst. c1 ase re t1 tere shouI I
, friendship and co-eperation. It is a good
, sign that many broadinInded fanners,
hile supporting the nuclei and business;
phasis of the United Farmers' move-'
ileelitbe to follow it into piilitics,
failure to cope teitli the great poiblenis 4
confronting the eouutry in any way which a!,.I hat .4 t.. pelt ...it their ittten”.t
pr.snises o•lief (non the powent serious
conditioes. have tunted the pis pie against
It. arid Canada it demanding a new deal ,
and a fresh *tart.
What leqs• have we (rem a change in
tenina•nt For tone thing, we may
pret below drastic action to check pn.1- I Vete t r Fraser met Prosiwrity.
it.. -ring. We may expkt to have les: •
government by order -in -Council. and
le busines.-es.
It is time for.a
MISRULE IN CANADA Toronto Woman Says She
Feels Like a Different Person
Since Her Troubles Were
Woman Speaker Denounces At-
tempts to Set Race Against
Race in Canada.
"The men of Canada wbo died to
elt•au the world of Prussia:Atm didn't
die to perpetuate autocracy or 'nu-
tocraey in Canada," timid Mrs. Mae-
ILougall of Montreal in an eloquent
address on behalf of Gent•ral itennie.
111e•ra1 candidate in Sort& Toronto.
••'Pliese men didn't tlie to ..et rut*
against race. class against elass anal
creed against (reed. tt'het•rs.) We
feel very sorely atamt this unitte•r in
Quebec: eveu we heoteh Presbyteriana
to4•1 it very keenly. 1 Itmievved
. believing that claw. distinetiona shoukl rheers.) The Froneh Ln hart.
have. nei place in political affairs.
tree! woman, I know that during the
185.11 Witch mistitell•rstood. As a
• wa r t hose Freneli-IL 'a nacho tiwomen
' Women votere should remember the ,it, work -.-so joint. stomp „f 1.„.„1
1 advent placed upen them in 191; when hadn't iuni•li to give. hut int- they
great numbers of them were not consids ilid knit ! .111.1 remember this Thi•re
ileal more than wool
' en..1 patriotic t•nough to be allotted to, r wztA
knitted into these stockings for ur
qv. Mr. t'reriar. the l'rogreesivt• leader.
was a partner %%h 51
it r. Nteight•ti in ti at aild
instil( to Canatlian aottianhood. Ilt will 1
Mrs. Mael)ougall (lectured that the
he it salutary It•seiiii to the politicians if 1
i women <of Canada wi•re not going to
the women vote overwhelmingly for the ,1. stairipstled now at maw of them
- Liberal party, wilit•lo t.j.ptawd itit- I had Iswit ovine...tied before. They
.14•1114.critt i(, ti Britisli method of Carrying I were 114).1 going 'b. l. UllAtml by [lie
._att eketi.)1). • . ' r loyalty cry. 3Iott of them. the
Ite-r- rliwrn
.Katt, wire shears!
i..ore control liy Parliantent Id the coml. .1, vote for J. W. King is a vote) . elect
• •
try's affairyl. We may extect • ',WA • pottori. your e .
Cabinie formed of mw en ya
largeexperienco. in tht• handling of publk
strafes, and wiel-witt-itetiletefeen, ito.1
- proplelo tie:. teak of Ctutatla tont
ef the hole .1 debt and deficits..1 111
..trttst and disunion. We may expect to
isee the tariff revised, n.a inthe interests i
of any claw. but in the iitterestr .1 the i
whi le people. 1Ve may expect tame the
__public expeetlittires it.Aeced after :the
- orgy id extniva,gatict• which we have
been itnetreing at infawii: We may.,.
short, expect ti. see. fire'oointry reunited,
n•vived. renewed. ae it We@ 111!! advent
of a Liberal Government in ISee.
Sihne readers may not realio• what tbe
tangier regime noeant 'anst.111. Tlw
If you want a new Government
Viiiterflie fired -Mime in the
ni the Ilir.el..urem- 4711r.
. i . ,riff I )ne thing that farmeoi looking for aml others how . souse Canadian's had
a .i r jolt) s .. ne ,na
II the interests of the people - not in the
'arrests • d oolibines and merger-. .
.. The I% F.'0. 'A anil the 1.11._CA_Itre
class parties. The Liberals Mend
for the interests id tlw pe.
tinetiion .,f chest.
.The 1.ibemls brought Protperity to
Canada 1S9/1 and will do so again if
_itapower on Derember St.l. Vote
for Fraser and prosperity.
following Amine shoeing the I...Iodation
of Cattail* as at each deceurnal M1.114
eilwe l'onfedenorion._ are sithmitted as
tangible evideneto the developteetit of
Canada in "the goblett era" id Libooral
Tear. P..joillailon. Increase
lier cent.
IS71 ••-.n.flo9.?");
1,0,1 •
1..0tt reflirin oliouid bear in mind is that ..nrlehed themselves by the. war. and
is -fore tariff taxation can be greatly M.- 11IeY 11 ere going to Goer polls tO • de -1
ihwed there niust be a radical retliWtion 1110" inrio1"altti" Itt. "f r l,,Ir hand'
in clovernnient expenditure. It will be t,ititt",:ia::(iirmt 1174:lint
one of the first duties of the incoming purity. stability. • and told-fashioued
ti.overtintent to cut thr11111 the blIelgeti;i honesty. (.1i,ph,14,..4
I very materially, otlockwiee high customs ••Women learned a good deal Our-
! taxation will add be required. The ev- I Ing the w•a r- and we don't forget."
perienee this Prtivitioelias had witiia1 aahl Mrs. Maelh.tigtdl. "The, appeal
Farmer 4 iovernment does anot leaj. me' ti. our loyalty ito Mr. Melglicii.d Mani -
look Lery hopef,i;ly to siniilar Govern-
frAto itrue Tory hulks. which will
pi unheeded by. f'anadian women."
ns.nt gt 1 wawa iti mend,' The.
riture. At roomy. the budgets have been ' to supportwho wax not an
inereased rattwr than reduced. We mtett"Ifolioriiry CO-Ionel or it eatfir4 knight.
Toronto Star: This it the quietest 1.".1: lo a Liberal t;lovernment hi reduce i
tire expetalitures and thus pave the way .
"dim ging t,. bappm. Capt. for a lightening of the burden of tariff NOMINATION MEETING
Nleighen's vessel is goi » over the falls. taxaTion.
Rig Turnout at Wineham When Three
9i1-1.fien. t•verise- et! who coubli,':
VETERANS SILENCE t'andidates .tre Nominated.
4,14•11 ern' ' -wont Inen--1-8041, 'THAT MAN O'CONNOR' %Violeta m. °November 2i-Nomina-
dont for North Ifuron were. hehl here
ng ohich period the Liberal@ HIS Promite to Betide Overseas
fi1.1 tiering at returning „Meer. Three
Wilfrid Laum
rier coluned the
ment. The return of the 1.iberalo
%Ler next week is the surest cure for
pn•sent bard times.
1401 .... 5.371,113 11
10 1 . .7.20to1911. d
.e4:1 ' :14 L°
(The eereins firer,. for the decade 1911- under S.
PEA are not -I VHilable. They 80
lieVed to be diglIppoilltittir. I ' v.
Thi• latirier 1...tertinient came into
' power in 199.1,,after a long period 0
Censervative rule, anti ita poliey and
ministration did not-hremne folly
ti‘ e until nearly the clomp of the
'7'he ten years 1901-1911, an •
t•ntino period the 1.11).rd
was in miter, Pt w1
ppulation than the p
Canada hail ik4
Liberal iovertini
lieleerharlc to
anildwr 1,ihe
of Ihweiel
Mr. '1
tie• I
g which
"1 had heard osi much about Tanta.. I
expected gnat things from it, anti I was
not dilappointed. for it does just shat
they gay it will," said Mn. Wm. Robin -
sone 331 1 lladstene avenue, Toronto. 4 Mt.
simply feel like a dithwent person
since taking this grand medicine. For
two year. 1 els in wnielied health. and
then, po cap the (I 1082, I hail tlw '11u,'
which kit me in a worse condition than 1
had been before. What I needed War
something, to build int' up. and this io
exactly ohm Tanlac litts thine.
"I have a splendid appetite now,
nothing 1 .,at Ott* me any bad after.
effects, and I sleep like a ellik1 all night
long. I feel sio well and happy in tht•
morning that it is just like living nay
girilt .. .laya over again. Taiihic bawl
certainly been a wonderful bleteing to
Totality is sold by leading druggist
eLery when..
I: log a t Midland 00 Sa t May
. Meigheu referred to the subjes•t ,
of emperaoive and said the legislation
during the war wee au *ni-
dence. the attitude of t lw (lovern-
ment ti rd this etre:ghat. Iburing
the war .1 tk• prioliihitkou regoillotione
111111 bts•n e» orals!. At Afresent all
station to e et awl tolferee
hIbItory laws. Soule people iroW felt
that it wa a t lair- g hat the 1 Nonillion •
;‘) vern wen t enforeed votint ry:wi. Le
j.nollibit ion.
' • -Till( AY: Mr. I nas. 3feitionagn of -Xs-bo l'
. ti *ram ' teem Peter Otilt I ea ndidottes were named. as folkvws :
held here this evenintt in tlw interest of
Port Flop,. Ndv. 25. -The to...sting. 41.;.4;,;,..rg:;. $1,tikir.t.tra01:: 4;4114)1ra, :TV2iltv174•K:.ingw: 111..
F., W. ILowen, the. Conservative canili.. 1'. 0. ' .
date, tit %Inch W. F. 4)10,11114 N';14 tile.
111.11.4r W. Se.gt, of Etst Wawanosh.
- chief apeaker, proved to be qtlinewliat of president of the North !fermi National
- The Far'ners.---C'Feritaient at lr"- t'911°111-131-r.-t?"4.1T'onti,-,r anneuncell' an the T.,f7-1-11441"1114-4""''''''''''''"" Al""" ''''t1"",
has disapjointe.1 the people -.4 Ontario i onto pr.ti. this morning that it, would W.*",.n.nardlneth'IY. 1.1)41-",./1 11. elm Inman
who expected that it would intnsluee defy 'al'r. Prenton. the Libend eandidatee•-•"1 i'll r"'"etinc•
eecnoiev. lf" you want an economica: to point out any irregularities in the over- ' The him, jv.1.1t1hiaalt1 Lis:lans..tpas irpeicedr,c:nodt.
adminittration. that will not waste the seas vete. Mr. l'reeten was unable te be it ix safe to •
ote. thirty years. 111"liPle's ti""leY• '4' fur the Libcral can- is'peak at Einto:!zern'ton;1141 V:torTiorr.toti3 "f
theN.nalidietwe were agrieulturists.
111111ier0118 irregulaes, and .Mr. ()ton- reply. Mr. spottoor opo•ned. lie wax
t of 1‘96-1911._ Let
er inerenw in - - I resent. havin Li ' 1
times under the it*t''' • Mr. O'Cunnor in very plain t;rnos .4 itreehtlrsst tk.:.rhlwv3es fritifvt,e:nliftlityinItiiit.i..iiiitrio.;
nor had no reply.
, --Four soldier catalidates are running i followed '1.y Mr. King. who spoke
oil- t u -Wes • by oft-tiffing di ... ' g " "Vote fe,r 1 mon Government or go Ilp , ..„ .
.4.-4eoy. and handed his ease over
Toronto -serge Walter itayfleld, V. C.: the line." were the instructions to the
I tioverninent on the Ath
General Rennie, col. Bunter aterMajor men, according to Serge -Major Taylor,
for • him. Foresee wax t
Harold Currie f,Strittliroy to
who defied Mr. 0.10.2nnor to deny the
. II. FriOer is the candidate of '
*ttreight. TI. Conservative party id op -
speaker. ate he placed the
ing all few el them and the Liberal accusation. '
wral party in North 1111roll. By Pc". , , ,
pa II y ill glitIlll Irting all fourof them. dining his speech, and 111.• biajnrity of stand 'again., the F.O. political
Mr. 0 Connor wax contineally heckled ly before his lienri•no. 4 pinining his
ing him this rklingeill weitrern. it -
f the oath -fool ii,to of haVing a represen- • . the meeting was in sviltpatliv a ith the no, vement and dra it distinct line
Mr. 'Meiglian ad.fremes a somiimental
tatire in -Parham. nt supporting the in- ("min Growers of
- - Hon. NIickenzie Kim!.
- morning -Liberal- AsIministraticno ft( -the *1'48l 10 the :`In'T "°1 Canada who ore United Farmers of
now exercising the Federal franchise, hitt
veterans, who gait, die sts•aker a very •twoo:li the Ctil
rough passagii.
the West and.
What 4Et'onnor Said in 191S. Mr. S
n s he
ton km A.1%,•rt,wr
g heeds ay. la r
he fails.. ;says Tire Tomnto :star, to telt
them that the Pros inched Gowen:nem,.
THE NATIONAL RAILWAYS pi,,nt.,.Thmt in Ili% ing them „wig were m., O'Connor b. not mak.
Liberal 1:ovt•rnments. 1 Ills tire speech odd his s
MM. then lie lia. I
It is 'tin -serrerthat- some influential - •
I D',nnett ratted Arthil
n wht.t It. It
tioetrits-rs the -Conservative part, .an' in The dying Nfeighn e4:,iverioneliS is pleom. ree,4,n1.- , •
__favor ol 'turning ilw anardIng commein end' totaling ileattilstd.- '''u'e'r
ilbilhewys 01.'1.1'1 It IiriValct'"nll'aitY• Ir- ' ams,iittim•iits it) atiticiipation ,4 it's final lief. on d•'jsttgq» .4 Illiiisani.
or three (pi. -lav Litienots *iso shoottlitig ..ff neat wer-k. These II.• pet/ ti,,• 11 3
• pri•epei tia•ir ot•ts•Pition t ent•li'' ""m"- immtoig(141 entltr,iet. Allotil,1 I.. reti.e.11. t.»-1 1 id,'n
t rit ,,f no- -Ito, Incoming tiox et f1TrWrrr arid • .0,c.41nt- \ t'
ton closed the meeting. and
'se to reply It was evident a
ingly sympli thetic.
pereentage of the audience were
Two questions were Asked the
('atelldatos : ' First, Would they in -
nor tio reduce the aessienal ho-
lm"' - steamily from $4,000 to $2,i1two ? The-
-71..F.1). candidate was naked first to
mit, whim 1,,, reply, hut refrained. Mr. Spotton's
answer woos Ova he wou1.1 olo his ;at- X
:Awn. 00.1111410,i new 10 PAM 1114 .4Iary. Mr. King
. • ' • . ° t ic.1. • t ,i ted -be would he one. • tf t he
Clifford Fittest is engaged iii iiii'liitrigni. wherever they eontliet with the plibla, , -my o.a„„n 1. leo I have failed to majority SA14 00, V) redoee die allow- ,
- -with the Pregnesive party in order to get imornit. Venire frmn y nail 'melon in the ad- nine. ND. Frasier stated that his tlinel
hold cO'f the ..I.1 Canadian orthern Rail-' rano!1 tie, defim
es comittsrl to W115 WI,rth more on the farm than the I
N . int.» to whieli -iippert I haye conceived ' . II ovn el' I f
way syst..m. Siften'i Pre"'W''' '"' M. r' Senatine Calder says the Grove unent myself entitled» and sithoot whirl) I
to . nit 1 six weeks n t Tilt
Crerar's.platforni at Toronto a fen nights
will n in 'many seats in the West' This 1.4 cannot is.ssiblL carry wit, nith effect, iii ottwaorth $2.300, the
ego Xeetro, to lend color to this xtery,..
thr, sawn- Calth,r who was afraid to .....k soi‘h duties. ' ww w•s surely worth
I x4010. The emend question Wax asked
acheine will nork in cemieetion with any
It iP not likely, however, yillit' the
et; against 'ilk, fi.., i ttioti.s: it ex -
re -election f„1 his Wester 'Mat and hied : ri '111'." l'..1"'r ‘‘r.',111.' ".TIt' 511e" IIP "m ' l'I. " 1"4 : "'mad the e"dhlut el
. speaking for the Liberals, has nat.,' re- he twtli 1,,,,t en rnher people to ..1,,,,, This„.nerfonnoultw, now in ersaling ins,. alive.
....,- on Ow slim') awl trymg to .I.. a ..sord- 1 _
peatedly in the 08 ?it e"'"Paign that any sox+ in his predieti,,ns. swallowing act is iwillier II 1111, nor
• their policy is, to n•tain the railways angler 4 iiiirro.rni vo.
_ Pn - ' - • •
bile inviwrship bUt_to abolish the s .. . . . 4 11 (.441.4..., -,. 10%.6.1. t+4 /491 to •IIII vet
condition; 11.114er which the Government Cionservativto tell 114 Canada should creonnor ;is the warrior of 1111* • ,••,, r
Tailwayp are controlled by lousiness men put up its duties against the States he. 17. " .V.,.r 1,icaly-m.,ntisq ,lipol,,i,t of
who are connected also with mantifactur- canoe ..the Staten have increased their
Ing and other enneents to which they can dnries against Canada'. In 1911 they told
divert large contnicts for railway isippNee. us Canndn should keep up ita duties
Mr. Meighen else deelares that he in- against the Stater. es -en shoold our neigh.
tends to stand by the principle /11 public /sirs agree to mince theirs. They simply
ownership and Mr, c rerar takes the same echo the cry of protect4r1 interests, who
stand. want to be taken care of no matter what
The eery of an alliance between Sir hitivens.
_ •
tomer Gonin and other prominent men • .
, of the different p:IrtleA to hand oves, The
MIT. Philip Kiely, who was nominated
•-i-enilwaya to prirate hands was put up to 'tittle Liberal candidate in Fest Tornntn,
Sir Lomer in a message pent to liim by has retired in fnvor of Sergt. W. 4 . Ray -
the secretary of the 0. W. V. A. The
field, V. C., the soldier eandidete in that
reply Wan: " There is no troth or found -
riding, And is giving him her amity Pup-
ation whateoeti,r in story mentionort •by
port in the campaign. Mr-. Ririe, is the
you, the ahole ef which 1111001 emphst- .wife of a well-known Goderieir "eid
teeny det.y. . signed' Lorner Gomm"
She ham liven an ac'tive worker in the
The Globe's Ottawa correnpeedent i,iberal party fnr mute years.
state. that the Liberals, far fmm having
tbe job of making the National Railways 111••••••..=
any desire or intention to turn hack from
adicient, and eventuelly profitable under
Government ownership, plan to hasten
tbs prooras. Instead .4 the present m-
ean of a directorate of business! then, who
are directors of other corporations in
loutlo's l'ompasolon Donor Calen-
dar for 1922
Tiw publishers of The Youth's Cont.
panion are sending L.) every subscriber
%Lilo*. subscription ($2.60) is 'mild for
1921 a ...Mender for tiw nevi year. The
tablets are prinks' itt red and dark blue,
anti betides, giving
rent th in buki
calender of the p
months in woodier
The Li011ipanion 11
publt.ht.iI it
&la i everyslien
oonvenitlice and
the days of the cur -
legible type, gives the
receding and stmot3edifig
type in the margisi.
itiw Calewler ham been
..I form for many year*
in quest because .1 ita
SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, Clinton, Ontario
Being uttab'e at present to open a Godench Branch have arranged a time table
, that bttuteitts from Goderich may attend all classes, coaling down in the afternoon
and returning on eve ong train. Classes held 2:50 to 0:40 You will be cum
plying with the -Adolescent Act by attending the School of 1. mouetce For courses
rood terms, Phone 198 or write.
B. F. WARD B.A., M.Accts., Principal
"Me l'rerull,r expressed grave doubt
ail to whether it Worl1141 be possible to
aeeomplish this. The Government
mood prepared k. ,'t.l.h ali Provineee
of the Ihmainion 1,, nehieve their own
desires along this line fully, Any.;
thing which o
wuld assist in ilds the
Wrim realtli to do. hat he
doubted the wisdom or possibility of
enforcing prokajitIon by rcidcratismyr
In those Provinees will.% now hall it
Pot, _
Advertiodng In The Simi pays.
Stylish Hats
to wear now. Remark-
able values in new syles,
at greatly redubed prices.
Hats for winter at four
different prices.
$3.75 $4.50 $5.50
and $6.75
These values are better
than we thought possible
to offer and we advise im-
mediate attention.
Miss M. R. Mac Vicar
-KitigSlOtt street, 'Crxlerich
of th.• parties. Mr. Niackenzle King, Iiiiies11 to a safe 'dace *The 'ten II '
ate. e n.551,1 11.4 0%11 I. drst-1
Rad! ruind ex per{0114`... '44tipport temperance reform ? All
three ea militates replied la the affirm -
evidently does 1:0•1ii.ve himself,
Why should not the (Armen and towns-
people siork together for the Rood of their
commonleomitry ? The division created
by the rnitod Tampon' politieal move -
meet, shorittl ft hr rontieeed for any
length of thne, VI be disastrous, letting
There are rtill. a few pennett Re-
cord. left nt nie wile price of 115 eents.
Get your. today at Jilaekstene's, West
If you are tr. mtiled with rheumatism,
neuritis, sciatica or lertilego, 08., 'T. R.
C. '01. If asthma, rise Both
0.0 ,A)loonoloti 441441‘t 1441."Dionlop.
Prompt Attention to all
Repairs and Alterations
-All Gametes Cleaved Guaranteed
South Side of Square
item .to•sariteds 11:change
A handsome Cen-
trepiece given to
the person guessing
the nearest correct
number of beans
in jar.
Prices for Friday and Saturday
B. C. Salmon, large
. ic
4, ,s small »IOC
Concentrated Tomato Soup zoc
24 Bars Good Soap Si•oo
Fresh For Christmas Baking
Sweet Cider, Prunes, Nuts, Peels, Fruits, Jams
and Spices
East Street and Square Phone 110 Code•ich, Ontario
NIr. Motorist, When You La\ t
Your Car This Fall
What Are You Going To Do
WithYour Battery:1.
Experience has shown us Jot a battery that
starvls all winter in a run down co,Klition de.)reci-
ates more than in the eight or nine rr inths of
summer use. and you know what a season means -
to you. -
Why not have it taken care 1 f a gara2P,
properly heated for the purpose and where
Experii nee has taught us how
to take ears of hallerits•
Come around and see our winter storage
quarters or just give us a call and we will ,it) tLe rest.
All kinds of batteries taken care of or repaired.
East Street Garage
Phone 243
CLEARING RUGS,_ -A choice of high-class and. handsome
rugs in various .Sizes.
Axminster Reduced for Special Sale To Less
Than Mill Prices.
Axminster and Wilton Rugs
Size 27x 54 in., formerly *7.75, each $4.95
Size 36 x 63 in., formerly *14.00, each $8.75
Size 6 ft. 9 in. x 9, formerly *45, each $32.00
Size 9 x 10 ft. 6 in., formerly *60, each 04.50
Size 9 x 12 ft., formerly $75 00, each $56.00
Tapestry Rugs, 20 only, clearing at half
Congoleum Rugs
New de.iatis. improved qua thy
2'4x3 yards $11.011
--..441.114, ye rstos$11,86
'3 x 4 yards ..
Men's fine, either t'otiollinatIons or two-pieee,
in Stanfield's medium weight wool. SIZe4 34 to
35. Formerly 55.00, at per suit ft.95
Boys' Combinations. nee 7 to 14 years. Sten -
field's, At per suit 52.45
Silk Hose
Extra weight, pure all silk. Jersey top, double
mole, heel and toes. "Venus" quality, warranted.
Black, tans, grey, while, navy, special 581.». 5175
Cashmere Hose
Firetst all pure 'Wool. 1 And 1 rib, for "Iris,
women or good boyn. shoes 7 to 10. Regular
5125, at per pair see
Silk Dresses
Special 14 new ...mines Introit mrstels and of
aplencild quality, beautifully trtrIlMed And made.
various colors and no two at all tolIke Hatt
price fif0.75
Wool Tie Backs
Rrnart, cosy and .to'xb, of Ono- yarn. mashem
that crone the front and tie •1 the heck. nixes 32
to 42. Moe *Peck,
Miss S. Noble
South Side Square Goderich