HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-12-1, Page 1• ntributions by
to its personal
Let us know
s of your visit
Also other new
always welcome
sae is No. 35.
t•K'rll 1 F:. tit NO. 48.
run the risk of keeping unneccash
t the house—in constant danger or theft
hubs he problem by opening a Savings account
gl, the nearest branch of the Sterling Bank.
Illls may be paid by cheque --doing away with
be need of keeping large sums of money
be house --and at the same time, your money
1111 be earning interest at current rates.
It you are not in a position to come to town fe-
larly, write ourlocalan Manager
ccount regarding
MTantages of opening
• stork. etc.. for All kinds for sale at very reasonable priers.
bold effeils. Vero To K,r'T --The upstart Hat et- Judge. R.
o/ Hump. Dotb•'s heal". on �0. %'i.,, • nt street. 1'osarss
�1 rounmuphwtnals In J.M. fr.�«• 1R tEr toe (net of hent cissa drv, .*iI
Are l'ou Reading
• . If bj Eleanor 11. Porter
Non running in
Who Will Win in North Hu
There. is mtych speculation as to what will be the '•reanit in the
three -cornered f ght now being waged in North Huron. All kinds
of guesses are being made, but the, real truth is that nobody knows.
Was Run Down By Automobile On the figures t4 the only election we have had in which the t'.F•O.
Spared—the Provincial election of 1919—it looks as if the fight
Driven By His Brother were between *e Liberals and the ConserNatives. The kitties in
Wilmer McManus f course not the same ; but it is. interesting to
this contest are o
examine the tigitres of 1919 as a basis -for estimating the relative
MADELINE McKAY HURT strength f the tt a parties
Hit At The Same Time And Is candidates being Fraser (Literal), Joynt (Conserlah\t
Igt o to , teethe
The vote its the 1919 Provincial contest WSW as hillons, and
Badly Shaken Up And
Scarcely ever is it necessary to record a
more tragic accident than that which
happened on the Square on Saturday 1
` evening, when Leonard McManus 'was
nun down and fatally injured by an auto -
nubile drien by his brother, Wihner
cNI antis.
Thean•itlent occurred about 8.15, when
ti•o ant. accompanied by Miss Madeline
Mcg , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anglia
!tit Ka Victoria street were croa-
the wet windshield made it extte
eeta all trains. Calls made for
and baggage to any part
Prompt service guaranteed.
Sl Day sr MKi_-
jSorembr mob, . Apple to Y. J: AYAN.
110 fpr auk(
" Reil Yp a •LV1 1 mur•u w- Yh ,ne ra,.
Proctor (U.F.O.)
Ashfield •
West Wawanoai
East WOawanoslit
OF BREAD IS NOT k Yna are tm'1ter1 t,.., semi e,rntriblt
1 TUE PRi('4 1U RKE.tD.
_ - T . The Editor of The Signal: price
Mr. J. W. Smith Compares Costs A miller add un today that t
of Today With Time of Five Wasof Muir
bread t,* .t the Icvi when it
Cent Bread loaf.
with rice overheads.
Toronto baker-, it vests ds.
and lals,r costs away , nay
A intimated in The Signal last I cents lar coal u(oi' u1 in 11014 to handle
week Mr. J. W. Smith of the East the n,duct. '
tent bread in t.oderich,
Street Bakery, pekes a a Knight
to the I 11 Iy, then, u nod ih Toronto at eight
argument by Councillor Knight tar a • with the (ret.
lower price of bread. At the last cents 7 I'aovtorti H' FImR.
council meting l'ouuelllnr Knight)
stated that dour was as cheap today
as when breadmks.s live vends ir:wailed Mr. Smith
\\viten this p 1
declares that dour could he brought for
84.45 to $5.50 per barrel. The, private
price is $7.00 per barrel.
\V4i teS for bakers was get to per
week and about $75 per year for de-
IIvL•ry trays. T,alny, bukerS•(<t t $ 1 to ( youngster, and, before It Reuse up, dloa
$30 per week and dellclerS costs are•
over g4 12•r day. I adopt 3 die
C town ICiorld 'Suppose
ruse of the fans In town
Cvgld be Shoal with four new nu, names to The Signal limit. this
shoes in the olden F
Fraser Joytit _ Prut•tor
232 445 438
248 400 215
226 227 'rclti
434 , 287 295
243 179 422
491 580 :163
455 556 4:3
162 175 • 18
96 67 30
It horse b dxjs with
the Editor of The rigual :
Before 1t to t(5) late.. for nett swam&
use. let no suggeet that the caecal
North \1'ellingu •n ltas•ball 1 a•alttic ehuuld
adopt a nen Italia. that would mom accur-
ately demerits• thin territory coverttl.
Tile 1A•aiZla• 1,as beeou)r quite alatdtlttyy
protan Itrol OLP Alt
2916:-.1T2-0. _ j ttouute (rata for repair• in WIlgoas. . •
t rhe of rhen9leg a ---
sing t FquarP roadway town)* (bit RK
Model Thiwte. It held been reining and - while with r new Antes is %t•4U MISS ` � n
It Will be seen from )hese figures that Mr. Joyitt •teas while the a v
to nod seeond, and the i'.F•O. candidate `was .1 to• re with wagon repairs higher tzar.
condi It to w•A one diet that
ahead. This Mr. FTascr was a R
triana we, and the faint that the macs. The old prier for a w [ of lna`rntt•s GETS APPOINTMENT
thaq I(N) votes behind Ir. Fratter. . at. to x: present prices prions were 11 tit til tinder an umbrella. di The Federal riding of North iiurun.ineludes, in addition to''the a., '11 while
prevented all three from realizing the*'
from I`'":7 to 8:t:r•
Colborne and range fps' per tuna
danger until too latrttoavokl it. d etmanl � tnnnicipalitiea mentioned above, the townships of it,I,J, nasi toi la• llllt�t to 1
d h and the tillage of iTrll he'1. These M
Willoughby Farm Agency
offers for sale a far of 127 acres.
Well situated on 12 concession,
Colborne township. ood frame
R. S T 0 W E I house, and bank barn, ith good
a Cambria Road. opposite the stabling. This is a good y loam,
Organ Pactory Office I well watered and fenced, }mile
from school and i mile to County
road: 30 acres seeded and all
nlimited Quantity of
IP f 13 per singleD �d, delivered.D FOR AL13
of Anglesea St.) Phone 61.
50.00 a year ago 'would
buy only 1000 feet
Oak Flooring. -
For ;350.00 To -day
We Will Furnish
- 1600 ft. Oak Flooring
1000 ft. Bill Stuff
1000 ft Sheathing
1000 ft. Bevel Siding;
1000 ft. Undressed,Lumber
1000 XXX Shingles
000 Lath
Outside Door Frames
arid Doors
5 Window Frames and
Sash complete
All First-class Material
Build With Wood
and Save Money
ploughing done. This farm is in
good state of cultivation.
.e-. and at 'rite; !'rew•Ilt or ,v' . • .)•
Straw used to tw #4 tier
11IT011 were 11 w•i{w for %10..
n r
Mist , e
, t C
1 Ile of
oan lw' Iv w (' tit town Sou- Today
s•mrre jnla'rit++ about the heal, and m' ill! last Prnv►ueul El!candidatest)xls an• sixty tents per hnttwt to- Joint Committee Favors Ooderich
examination at Alexandra hospital, ur� (lovenlock (Liberal), Livingston I1'.1 (1) and L'n)udfont (nide the YoungLady Who Is Well
1 t 11 stTlCtlt' party vote, as its', u• cunlDmre(1 with old
II1lnsl riee i .
as thrown into w�itat 7
The was thrown tovrnnls the sidewalk. ,
The unfortunate young man nteitr,l'I municipalities are in Centre etinn theHuron
w l ° I
hick place he was removed, it wan (Dunt besides iwvutty (fu twety- Qualified For Work.
at his skull hal been fractnrrd. He pendent). The vale in Go enc t was r. PToadfrlat.
there was no A foo of e,u11 formerly was )sough)
ill the (ullow:ng morning without re- Conservative candidate and
tor %5.75, now it is 818.%A0• gaining conat•y WAN rt. being a resident of Goderich, was a former Liberal and got many air• Smith nail a, bur w«21 at 8-''rl.
slier McKay wan badly shaken up and
, dividing It equally between the Liberals („#:{_ 12•r• eonlan� 1:,,4 feet. t�W�t, Tlw•lurBmauurs.• appointed
a �MM•iutryltum
atta0t theme -bid her injuries were Liberal votes• Adding the Goderich vote for Mr. (;ovenloc and
eat mIIgAed
such that she was able to m) direct to her
that for Mr. Prnudfaot and eft R t #lo.nll for ` _ uunnimunsl j that alt.. Rett lark, of
home,ll and she In nous' man's to be a1-In•12'. long. tntlark.
most inning itsely ►rlut•Prtvl. end the Conservatives iFo we are at any rate not dealing unfalrlwwlth i pays ' -ht at dg teOM` Monir•ill• 1a• lait$1 the atm
Shortening tray Sittig
Fellbio the young mane death on the U.F.O. vote. For the remaining Centre Huron munici litres ettttr lir. tr 4. pa
Sunday panelled, Coroner Hunter had a w•p put Dir. prondfoot's vote in the Conservative a resident ntf (; and it i 1g Tarr• tShe
1'1•rk Is the only daughter of
my at pimpled, and atter viewing the to be noted also that as Mr. Livingston wast t f •Hine cents a quart. l Intal To -
Il I y'n undertaking t council an that township was abnormally favorable to the
to eight ht. cent., per pmol. S mai Nes. )'perk, of (astern -h.
prier Is ted to to sixire en a tatn;ht school here for four years
Milk user u nM•fore e•ute•rl,lg 1: race Los
Te27ay It is twelve cents nurse-iu-training. , SII
Eggs were twelve to sixteen rents rooter, as
per dozen. At present they are Rift'' Rrutttiat,rl from that institution with
hl! leer , 'honorsbite healt1111015 tiinrs`er ingteMlrurlog(rse
halter was worth twelve cPata to in near she has beau employed at
chambem itt wear made to
tl R rl this ship, the.. vote to a ' g t0
body I'
h1 bas f Wednesday }J F l'#. Here are the results addingthe Centre Huron fi urea_
i o Lib. Con• 1T.F.O.
2587 2916 2120
852 Su 120
129 198 359
486 205 560
254 176 41
r or
tit for N rtlh Huron given above : •
adjourned 5 ..her toThnrwlay, December
week, leu alter meeting last night it war 08C
Particulars of this and other list-
.. i 8. witiuwt any evidence being taken.
ings to be had from C. C. McNe, I The deepened was the thiel son ofj
time. I)(r. and airs. .lames a1r•alnnas, of ('o1-- Goderich
their representative, at any \
ts,nlr U)wu.hlp, Its was only eighttv''t Colborne rear• of ngr 0021 Lean deservedly i
Goderich Planing Mills, L
Phone 47 P. O. Box 18
C- 901111kilEII.
Bruce Street ri . OdRricb, Ont
General &oagb Chapter, l•O.D.E.
will hold a
Euchre and Dance
Masonic Temple
on. •
Monday Evg., Nov. 28th
At 8 o'clock sharp
lank By Pirilion Orr
Admission 75c.
popular. his genial manner winning for ('Trey
him a host of friends in town a111 13o
The funeral took piece on 'Nearby
afternoon from the parentnl home to y
t'nllarrne cemetery and was one of
4.307 •4:347
The question is, Where is Mr. King going to
to defeat the 'Conservative candidate
the largest funerals ever seen in tl►e tions) 'Olen
district. The services were conducted I look a, if the only way to defeat Mr. Spotton Is
( r
1 Hey. R C and the and Iter. 1 F er the Liberal candidate T
Jae Hamilton and the p0 to for the
Liberal 'y ras
e nbarer' candidate put your
were : Harold Walters, Pat. afnrphy.l To ',lite iTamld Fulton!, Aubrey Walters.) first name on the ballot.
George McEwen and Robert Bisset.
The shrieking tragedy has east a
1 deep gloom over the enmmnnity told
the deepest sympathy is felt for the!
bereaved formic fo their irre,rn•:able
Two-story white brick. fully
modern, eight -roomed house, hot
water heating. Situated on the
eolith side of Lighthouse street. '
Price PARR.
Two-story red brick, fully
modern. eight -roomed Nous , full
lot, double garage•
the corner of Elgin avenue and
Stanley street I'rke $3,500.
Two-story frame, seven -roomed
base, eleetrle light and hath,
garage, In first class condition,
east side of Victoria atreet.
Prier. 82.200.
Roods Kought and Sok1.
The Way to Save
Roadster with sport tardy. Thi,. L a may.
imlalte st THE rSIGNAL.
pottage on (NMeona atnw llnppThe follow asse-
t D:16 McLaughlin rar in moil
ing household `ods sill be offered at Ori sett.
1extension table. e
Iron bed and mattress. 1 lawn mower. 1 diem
makers adjustable m,,lrl. Iah'a fur rv.l(. error►
CUL paw. print jar.. linoleum, pictures. hahr'a
sleigh. go-cart. haa,lnctG•..1-. AnYnnP wlshlna'
t0 ser the sans'• may .10 KO any afternoon from
Monday, Det•ember :•. to December 10. IOC J
(:EO. HEILE AWN. corner Nelson and tit. And.
row's street.
and Tense. Inr•trrding niers, both Food
•e new: also 0115 three -burner cool oil store.
ANA). at TilCMOS ALtIFVt('Eat once.as 1! owner
Is leering town.
(111 SALE.-M(11)ERN SE
Erected Rra)M. peas^,1 brick hour for sale
this proton: bust rad)- to be ot, iiptr'1. Two
minutes walk from /ignore- Apply 11.1.4:111'1.1).
Market street. - ta=tf
'WARM FOR 5ALF,rtmerw on 1eaassteern di-
t towuo ip.mi lot
vision: two miles from llenmlller. (:rmtalnp tial
semi a acres is now under cultivation. rra21
.tory-and-a-hall white Trick hair: Rend frank
harp. :0 feet by S.', feet: driving shed. 22 fret by N)
fret. Well fenced and mod well water. PAI'1.
MAEDEL. R. R. No, 4, Uoderieh. Telephone 13,
r.s .
II Brock street. Must be sold within the nett
new weeks. Make oger to MRS. THOMAS Mc-
KENZIE. Victoria Street. Goderieh• or to W. A.
WHITELEY. 5216 Oak Street, New Orleans, La.
it is the systic l regularity with whch you
banking dramount,hat steadily
builds up a substantial financial backing.
Get the habit of egftnitely depositing.
dollars saved every' k, with interest at 3Z
compounded semi ' ilye in five years will
amount to $841.02. Iss
Goderich Branch, F.
combe, Manager
get 1147 addi-
1. Doesn't it
to tote for Mr.'
X opposite . the
Seventy-seven acre farm, well lasted. son-
tontt to tioderich. ries
Moue wall under It. and story house.
well -
finished .table.. Large bearing OMMhha
rysr' aures r,nciiller(Llnlzwf timber bah; fine I To insert, paylt
ncver•lalling .pro. r..k. ►arm w,-1 It.ta•rd e•, runt'. agail bat t
au.1 in alt round p,.s1 ,v,nAltltm, would is• 51'
fruit or fowl fans. on account of naturally dry. 1
wenn toll. Excellent water (0 f. ars) run• must be renderer,
renteut to market and db
et. 1TLer for muck signed.
sale, tz0n _ 1.. 1.. KNOX,
A One lm acre lana. All •e*taryy-t2rllAlnO Town clerk.
mad. near „ windmill. Thhis
well fenced : artesian •
IRs ft In tine all to close
condition Prier,. MAT.
M p,•11 at roll.,• ,
tw•tmtT per pouted. \ow It rltt4 P -
front forty to fifty cents. t. .rnmi•biu ttonl,. 3deullartl, "'hers_
rural mast it be tactile* Is forty work ve cents one ttooter1lthe•t•directionteof Ithewelfare
tperw4 pound„ T01M7 the 1 byterhn, N•omen's %llnrionary hard.
to() cents.estieriencea
The old peke of twineniI ad. At Orr (')nark `t1 Mese
•iiuiI1Mr1 for
•' eighteenittf +Pot• per Da
eat it 1s fifty -tire rants per Dbuad, new Burh••, which eine will take up he
Paper used to be three tents to first of 11,• new year
three and n half cent.. Niw It IsThe iAn leer iglgxnioinal ngItntu'utea Mina Iirk
t•Ight eegts a Donna. Itiou.
Paper bags were formerly for y -(lye 'sorts tit Is•
/rots to yb.(1) per Utnu.11„ll. 'r,wlas 1 WAS IT A MISTAH'E ?
they are - bought at $1.315 to $11.Un ser' —
t hoa.a lid.
Everything else. Mr. Smith say`
which is reluinvl In the nlanniact111' •)Dint \treeing tnr2n at Pest
of brola and rake.. eo.t. more In the Ub•rt ifler Fralter Advertlises
1111)• pron.'Il(,ii as the item+ encu Kinfaii M rig
Il,mvl. - - Ihiriiig-t9Li• part week .Ir. N'.II.Fnser,
Referent, to the eases of Ile the Liberal candidate in North Huron,
ts'Idro and dairymen Is unntolslal,'y has belt'Aaeriesof n,.•tings in this ices
livid over until next week. owing to of the riding -sit 1'a ow, F4•muilhr, m-
laek of ap.tee. tail, St.:tugn.tine m21 St. I[plena. Hee
\lu of vlwLAr�I1P heriugt',n. ion on the �llr(olti 1{.
INO OAyaspro ALLOWED. . . Roilw•rtwrn And 1r, 11 tgh Ilillrtuuit has
it PaasIs Bi- it all them bugs Olt ,yq y
hoderkh Towel lP Cou (set. rover t,
anyone present to present
bW To Pretreat Qbatrwfion llf hw,�wt' �w t t1 4t, in favor
fir. lChatltto
- -- -- Stewart, f tinkly l{t'i'le of t11e• lown4fiip,
-i1lgMrnt' - !'tt Fanin�n`'a• 17r,larn-
bd' Meeting of 1 „ale 0(11
. , nt , particularly a 0th n f
trranrhil, comw•d a. bylaw Sas pawed en”'
, its large Px whdlt 1n
pnrhibiting comping ,•r the obstructing of and • r failum to )Dili)) its ekrtion prom•
1 _ f -aa bete tin•- tmanle'11talUa- _ Tile _�.
the tattler •a ubtllL,Wng tlovern-
s'ivmlt fitieiret le. r•r
At the oc ser ti i "'lit,"
oro ' •1 • ,.n muds
any til• 1 i M• i.vem-
11111111111nti tenuity in fixed at alit awl the 111 II Ir„r,^- •`• ”"
``.maximum at $Ilnl Neighlx,riilg tun ll- `r ,I NII2e Ilan 'La'• mode all .interesting
iahilw lwye e tl ti. i hylntc for 5 none Wnwt,. tonelnnt ul+,n softie print, that
her of yeors. .\Mb,n Was taken i the hod not been dealt Neth irg iht`'tt'R -
result of many C plaints from resident. alw•nke•ra ..1 the cur•lone.
n1 the prrNllshlp. Either w,lu,•1s.1y s mi.take ora piece of
slim practice on the part of the Cons•rv-
bible for wcouliarat kill_
tilt) W lit\I IT \I.\Y CONCERN
email attendanceat \I r. Fraser Kintail
1• ur- meeting. air. I r. -,•r h:1 nom untd.g
1 gl 1011 b i) w usibl - for soh _11.,.."_ t 1 7 a
crated In 11-i nom.. linters MIoefl meeting at Kilrt.nl for ►:attttslw} -night.. _.
wYlltnu wrier. +•posters hail leeen
Istpw•ll DAvih+ tort. and ager his 1
• _II.h.No. ,.Uaalrn. Ipflnterl And diclrthuuvl Its. ('all.
Wed Wawaimh. ll,•n,Mr L:. PM
1__ I s.rvatiner got ' 'nl • a hill niltlonnr••
—sir,' ung that a rebid needing Sas to I•i• held at
Port' that
n j the seine clrui5 t, to�1n(t1n-
dressel by \l c. Fraott ami r.. Stadion.
L THROAT. Tlirs(• hills bents:
sent oat a Boy or two
EYE, EAR, NOSF, after Mr. Frae rs hill saw the people in
Lot Heise Surgeon N t York M.orrOphthaem is
End �Yral HrxpltwLo a Mire thr,xeheld•s tthat Itie'ti1 1p•''1' been oression eaneellid tt anitta
Eye 1london ran t.d Moire i'hrrrat Hen Wil tta.L'.+tar
Vital, London. F.n{. h°nr ;a;. tpimla•r stay,') at home and miters who
S I�n,l infSl11 l t'' go to Kin;ail N,•nt to
A Dot.I lied ..S ntt.t,d. Tell i lbs r•
At Ibn.i , it G.«',n5 h.tn' I y. January Y tit to e er, lit r'
JwnYLrl I tit at p. m, wTt'•,nr wL.f. jarWarY µerr-mttt aktotitttatl' I't ,iwri'°at
ltah, at 1 V m - el r. 1raser'a meeting. _-----
Mrs. It Millar awl Me. Louie Icft ye --
slit thin year. all n-
its Town of t;rrderich
at once tel the under-.
WARM FOR SALE. -WT 25. CON Ir ngamr..n TED
r CESSION 3, Goderich townehiR conesnn` 1 t peen NPII•wiw �7 TENDERS WAN tenlny to spend the tvnt.•r m Flnnda.
of /4 acres of choice cls loam, with string creek ---
and nixing well. Barn clay
with cement stables: a chr+r• Ppt•• pages 7r and I.
bay (ru, 1ax21; drive hrntse, esti:: smell hero )'ern ten ea•. STRAYED _
,1 floe horn .:• an •I jrrt nuUhp• eorpo►M ion of �,.n•1. . t. r I•x•ct nx �•,.1 I w r R IND pias.. Aekllt {lira) I,,ealw on hoose; • comtotubt con r 1r vacate. and t NM t w ip.,l ,nsleP1
ger, r M orchard. It is Minstrel n r milt horn 1 rent, -r, h. it •• tow mhtp leo., •n I town nAs- n..rn• we stn , «oleo) I••�11 l wtH L+r sSr,dt r,1
Ar ng aped Prnv.nr' 1 500011 r a•1. •erre miles mar.: a ddc4atk all lb.. %V NY Imo trash. h. They " rhe r'hrl+ores+ I .� i;taT 1
In m G,xlen. b. and ns cotresi. rt tot Khrrd : riff stnrss•rtr Include.' itwos l a,t sof lull. 1 11 . SI it.\YKII IjX TII MY •PRI••••••.17 , dame. nd•r•igw•,1 op a• '. SQs6p
chin ah. Apply to B.M LIh UJAV. N. N. No • t• I Mary house. electric lighted; • flu,• pma11 barn 07 owlet can Moe
hntl', IrF.ashNHY. H' •nl. I•al._ ` - yocend:••f
Goderkl. Phone 072 r 1 rad stn Mr. drive home. fowl hoture. etc. Plenty`
water. A Kt ' holier. shout •nabout the4;t of October. a red conn I by n.tl McrxN1� —1n r:,aM•rfrb. . I rt Ur.
arisen Ary' Yard. gar .1 property and owner%es ose•., herb^r Iwrluvlar• �Mhl1 " � to }lt. and Mr• tlnrns ,Mrrlinu. a son
lona• at Ire price then ort of d ton erne ,ot ri'SD ItwOrhHn w'1111,, n, Ih�tt,• r.
1'11 I t•
Also 1 number of other tarns and pour. good nosh. moss. LA 'LS, r0ure•r,lon 1. est awa oL 1'om ndttee. 011 ]tn;slaf •: \or.•m•
- rite, n��en of -. boob tlanxR••rrif• rrHl\sOY —.0 T•nndn, w,
e t r, r
twos pereyues. A. few tarns to exchange
Id their meeting on TUFA. AMrvr I senor p Fair 1 1 t 1 ,� I IIiHF`iT PRI(,F � I Alb FOR (.
ss�rr•Is A t K.oto e'.
town prory•rtY. I
NOTICE iIF ESTIerHillCIIURT For anparil.olM.ARlit0 -5',Hn '�►vLa nn
r �0 F., iStnArtlal rLrtlrr nt J N. AKM tTlu)\e.. r�"'r'�—Ti -- -' oft $
wl t'1nF FkAsrl' In 'I^toric , nn Sell,
yo'.r In 1�•,
-- -_--- n/ (coin a Improvement. swmarnT Dro of V 5 N\
(.ODt,HI MR w, 1... Pr i.
!cameo, will An• t r m ••
!my-FCt:NI\4+. DECEMBER .Mit, at s P. m.. Dine« da>* .•,atunay: any da, by sts.in' end Ihirk 5,•ather*.
I 1 ► H
for the nomination of nlll -,•ass for tM yes r . a1,µ by mal .
All Brothers are welcome.
BARRER. ave.
The Council of the Corporation of the ('menti
of Ilnnrn w14 omeetrek In 1M *ftrt " the souf Wed-
,,..d ,. ( at
nvMr• the 7th day of ITTrt+•nnMr. 1?!1.' All se-
�'1'irkst nM�ate? than,ion Monday D ireadtIn the hands
l t
the 1015411 of Connell. GEO, w, llol.lfay.
County cleft.
t;Ya.,tcbsIlet. 161a,193t.
Trappers' tier In tooth with me sl
TIM bun and get tin highest priers Ml, _f, o.ter+
1 , *mows. Ilion. 270. 1•. 0 Bdx
JOB COMPOSITOR ' ""' rintlerich.
wanted, n.
1 ll r2md man 48 !mum $36 C1) o sV N',tSTEM —(dist) !+M tI T
„t ( tsar wants., to leans the tinniest en',
emplopnlc»t (ttunuL one
or aim At oar expense. - —
ANTE1-t -FAM .Y 'AciIIV(:
THE MONETARY TIMES PRINTING • `V door. satidarl,nl lataHtred. Naha. and
(llw•n SIM., nn discrimination.-
tW y ' Hshing lalpt1/ra.. prim.°+ nl Is• tlo':1
teas)• 'Phone writ! with high a flol'd ,•dural .LMrlt at Tn►;
COMPANY. address at
62 Church fttrect, Toronto.
Int • It"'"'"
. 1 sew ,hear laughter, a )(Ael --
I era 1Mew�•11 Wbl an•1 ,Irp.i° Jsnklns.1 daf. `.t0'frinla•r is. 1, .1:
,f4 4►.
M MLe klnnd,. Fras �r.
.d Mr awl rMlin T. e
Mr•. Ir. tl
da re ` lb,gh ilagin'' , of l'li,.1''
Nrre called .rnl.le•n1y, r,w IR'RIn1eT .n,l, 1 - o., 1
• „ 11.5 ,1.1) DIAD
1 ,(.• can n •
❑R Ye•r•aer•• salt f 1 11110,•
'0.,551 I tt
Y, �r w ill t,wrn rite •' droNs )scale,
Thotath 4.14 ...pimp 1s-1 hanged to new.
I ' Tlint tearMar .11 em to west
M ro N 1100
eerie thew• who knew seal lovr,l them
ran ter pain of taming know.
'Art h•Inrni "1 M scents. sisters, htoth,•rt
Ind Lena t .tatabtor. An. Na11.11 >tllker, d :(ea
I t;ufk•
c(uriv. -ln nr*tSrt W 'iii "II.iu'1ay.'t'�"
4S. ,-h•rk•s I , Ilett
\ 1'M.—In ren l.•rirh. on suaby, <nt-rnr'her
M• 17.
47, 1.«nnn t Hamilton McManus. yet of Mr.
an•1 Nes ,lar.•• Ir. Mrtlano•, fn hi.Y1i it'll?.
(((les -At Fort itis IA. Ar .soninMats
' Cuvaman 7M1, twlN. •
41 Mr. and Mn, A. E. Cbry'sul, 01 ,.o•terkh.