HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-24, Page 9gig 4,01994,12,* 44 40 44449+ cic *41994111415,44 nty News Summary APPFNING3 IN TOWN AND TOWNSHIP DIOLOT 0 4546 44646 46 54e 464;45+4I646 WANTLD A reliable, molten._ salesmen' for Goortrich and Counts to sell our well known FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL TREES etc. GOOD ray, EXCLUS- IVE tetraory •nd free equ,prnent. 60 resere1 of Nursers Sto..1. Ou miency ,t valuable for we grow the trees vsc selland del,eg oldv h.gh- grade nods. Wrae now for terms. Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto, Ont. 600 ACrgs ol fsi.rscry. F It'd 40 yglir. - --- A. J. LAITIIWAITE Electrical Contractor Agent For Blue Bird Waslring Machines, Choice line of Electrical Fixtures crirried iti !stock., III • 4i-, 46 *46++ 45,t+ 5tkok636 4645 4t. 41+ )t6114 ,f-4* .Tlie dee emitrroa oil Sunday of last a..k .4 &Van Mel regor lif Tuckersinit h. Ile tlita been 11 Ving with 111.ylatighter. ND,. Work Man. Marriage was solemnized on Tuesday. NOVI/11110er of Miss 1111 141. flr. Ilny tOWINalip Una .tifeet .11e:.ling,er of .441. Joseph. .t sail rvent -oreurre41 al Fligibtirill last- Stioday Unwilling when F:.11jit. onitg.-st daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Strong. pit .0.40 awaY• • l'Is• marriage •-was ut tali:rave 1111 Wednesday, November 2. or Miss Isabel. tiauglat.r-of Ille late .1.11111 Ferguson...and Nliirray olinson of tiorris township. A pri•tty at. bins.: took pla ill St. eltureli gni TIleglinlY, ovens- -her s. wheli Agnes,' daughter M awl Mrs. iia1449.11 111:1119. .1,••4•1011 It, Kale.. "A quiet w.sltling was P.1.•tunia...1 1 ; 1'011/1 Itella. lin 'Wednesday, .NOv.•1111 ;/. A In% Ntil. I.ydia Deur. i.f itirteh. v unittsi iii 'marling.. 1.. Emery s:.•!.1,t.., or ,stetatott towtoaap. wa aU10- ..•.nIon• thy in the liont.• of gr. awl -. W41. Met:n via Whell Io•ir large fa ttilly..1.4getisa- 41 11 ..1114•1' friends. at At -Tsai In In-1•4•ral.• dia- Inowl t 11.415111 of the oi • -.pi • ill Litek- v 111 Wedii,..lay. Mb, 4.1400~40..„^"..........sisssesssasersowseasses M iss l' lora 4 'Alitle•II WO Mr l'eter flunking 4.f Mullett' ttrwitshi non. 111111.41 ill 111.1.11-i11;:e. ; 1341%1 111/111. et the 4'll'.1py4e311811, rain 110/110111111/11 the eercitiony.- Affer dainty wedding dinner. served -tit house of Mr. 11 sal ND-, Conrad In 9.• loopy: 1.4.111.le 14.11 ..1o.n1 a 1 111.11.11 1.11..TOtO1.1.. riiii,e4gr " CLINTON " - Old Colborne Hotel Comer Phase 2.51 IBILZTER • • \- 1Vord has lawn reeelved that Wes; ley Snell Is seritaisly ill hi a hospital - at Montreal. suffering f rota Wood - poisoning. Mrs. Snell anal Mr. %VIII.. Snell have gout. to that y 4 1 eel. lain. TI11/1 1.1111 11'1/111101% reeently '411- (1400 140 ,I•Noter 11 igit Selloor 11 1844 114,W 4,1 Ila. W011 II S4lillantl,11111 natiell entitle. !ter ao a yeia*., tuition in 4 4115er-11y Slasileal School. A. !basting. lle5elii/i1 111114 111.4 Week. of Ihe death, lit 4 tbelph. of his slater - w,' Mrs. Alt•x. Hastings. • ' Byron Hicks left 11 44 ninety bead of 'little for the British market. Tli.• nr•w organ for James strts•t Methodist Church has arrIvetl. aud 444 tiow0fl1 11111114.11. . 441111,11 7 Pfaff, rets•litly 11ppoint4•411 Ilostunist r. has 8111811*' '114111 Ili. anthill. RAILWAY SYSTE The Double Track Route het we,•n MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIf awl • CHICAGO c l'nscelled ilining'car service. plaVars on night trains. and parlor estivon principal day trains. Full inforniation from any Grand Truuk Ticket Agruit, or C. E. Morn- ing. •Distriet Pcmenger Urns. T.. u rota°. ' % ELM. Lauder, Station Agent, phalli( le. F. I-1WKENCE II SONS Tomn .tgenta Mew 8 The Hydro. Store , Canadian l'aritle "Vancouver Express" 'inniptg-Cidgary-‘aiwouver • ngers for Western Canada at I he ' Vancouver Express," leavin.! nto 10 p. m. daily. Ararat convsniett stopping at and connecting for all pal points. :quipment consists r:f aches. up-to-date Standard and Tourist , leepers. Compartmt•tit , Observati n, dining and coloni-t cars. The most. twoutifut scenery in Canada is along thrline'nf the- Canadian For tickets, reservatiqns and iull in- formation apply any Canadian Pacific agrvt, or Canadian Pacitic town i corner West street and Square. &stench. 37. t f 11, .1. F. l'ciiree- and hat hoy ar- sett led o lised town In.rt Saturday MA an. their nets 1...i1...i..1.11.11Z•71 sp. ipat by jyr, felt f. Mr an,1 \Ira. 1;,...rge Ti* the • ass aa their h:tle boy, sho died last 114. lay. \Ir. and '61,'-.W. T. I' Pia have left r 4. fo SIGNAL OODZI11,11, Tloar-aLay Novenals,r 24, 191:1 9 Warned "Wily hare I Lover married " I 11., old hatehelor Nati Itt reply to 11 lend I 1111e.thill. "Well. 011rie 1111011 a thin., II II crowd, I trod on 44 lady's 4. turned furiously. begin - Ins, 'You clumsy brute ! Then she Med .Wee V. 44 1444 Sahl. '1 49. I beg Mon ! I tl tight you were my Moe land NO; it ally doesn't matter tl the lenet.' AHI When 1 came to 9 over. I d +led t 11111 III11)i44e 1.4 Jue-t a wt.11 let marriage *dour." Stock Spetulation. Switch 'render : "And W11/11 4411 the terribh• tight about down tit tIn• freight yard- this morning '?" Track Walker : "Sure now, Israts all ..Cer 44 young elephant what a, )01, 1114411 WHIltell 40 Ship tO Sad 1.00/i. Murphy said it was nursery stork, O'Brien claimed lt should ge tit trunk 11 1411 1)ugati swore they should hill It us a baby grand : Responsibility T4 a- A rm. 44r sit i.1 reapoit • eon1.1 mit ht. forced on anyone -- he 11111Pa RI/Milli le. it himself. There is a bit of truth in this statement. A, sitectsta- fill ..xecittivt•tioce not wait for isanebisly l'Onll• :army arid force itiin to accept tie. mists oisihilitv of Ida pte-ation-lio ,es.trintst LIFE WAS A MISERY TO HER it. A foreman eh° init. into th.• habit, of ssajting for sonteette •Itigher up" to point ' 1„ akat an anal shill Ina to do. %till he It tailtara•. .1 man 4114'' is afraid to go ahead and lisp Las 14444 Judgment will never make is leader. • The OM Cluistaise Wt. Can you remember that Christmas when poi 44 rt reeeived The Youth's Companion your Christmas ? OM perhaps recall the titlea of r.01111. of the serial stories itt those ..arly• minders, mid y..41 ean remember laws every. /nt• ID the family s anted read your paper. T' iaiy rhe cm.44.4uu.,11 ihe ideal Christina,. present. No family, estecial!y oae ith grossing boyii and girls, shonkt bk. without the triisl and true Youth's Onntanion-thi• friend anil .entertainer insita of people. -Id and youhg. The Companion t, true' to the best ideals of A merit -an" lite, giving every week gtooproils s4l4'4l 4 tls• best storhs., sor- t ',rents, continents on the %odd's , .4 ith 1611:es for boys, for nd for the tinnily. isetsee Ile: sill be crowdt' 51111 serial stopres, short stories, editoriala, sal ry. tact.' antliwy. Slab - scribe nova 1111 receive: 1, The Y. tilt'. Coltpanioti-lifty -tarsi IMIllen III 192'2. 2. All ti -e rei auiiistg issues of 192 1. 3. i,,n Mime l'alendur for 11.22. All for 4. OrInclude MeCa Magazine. the 18 iontIily auth..rity ashions. 1J1I4 4. publications, Only $3. TUE YOUTH'S COM %\114N. Comiimimeunt, Mgt S1.1 1/0:4011, 311.24.. New subscript Signal ,.Bice. Says this Woman Until Re- ! lieved by Lydia E. Pinkham's - Vegetable Compound. Owen Sound, Ont. -"I suffered for ten ears with female organic trouble, neuralgia and indi- ges tion, an‘l wart weak and had such bad pains I could hardly walk or stand up at times. When 1 would sweep I would have to goand lie down. 1 could not sleep at night, and would wander around the house half the time. 1 tried everything but noth- ing did me any good, and the last doc- tor I had told me he never expected me to be on my feet again or able to do a day's work. One day one of yr6ut little books was left at my door and my husband, said I should try bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's, Vegetable Com- pound. ithank(liriil did, for it relieved me, and 1 am now well and strong. I think there is no remedy like the Vege- table Compound for anyone who has my troubles, and have recommended it to my neighbors. You can publish my letter for the benefit of those I can't reach." -Mrs. HENRY A. MITCHELL, 1767 7th Ave., East, Owen Sound, Ont. ' If you have any symptom about which yOU would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine CoLynn, Masc. L1JCIENOW 11.1011/111y. NOVenlliet 20. MP, 11.481)' .101111.4 011 W110 bre: been living with her daughter, W. 1'. Kehl. south of 4414' village. paseeil away. 4141 Wednesday morning of last week in her nitiety-second year. After being eluVen years in 19.' 4.4+14144-ariug; business ja_i_aleknow. Mr. It. .1. Elittt.n has Wall to Ste Welling- ton .6111.11,81. The trans- . ttwy ft•r tak.• plats. at the ella Ir f Ibe lei/WI be inter. , month. Mr. Button wilt now -devote I The Chur of the y Saviiiiir, 'Tbs.. vs:1.th scene of • pretty Toesdity. N -entire S. when Kathleen IsAltel..latighte of r. and .11r- .6. If. Meltride, I reet. became the 1.1440.4 William 11 vey :Middleton, son of the late Inn.ro? 'Mrs. Nlicilleorn, of Clinton. 11... iv ww• terfonited by Rev. C. W. 11 and Mr. and rand ---Mrs. A•rt - Let the me, do the home washing for a while then see our display and get prices on 111 4' 1111014, attendants: NI ; ill-VP.rlig• tillt were the . Middleton e was -solemn 11 on hlo- %ei.1-r 7, .4 . essie Ma lighter of : Mrs. Katht Nicl'herson Itussell f11,4sig Cr/n.01 Mr. and, '61 r' t.ms1.1 11.-caig • 11r. and M Cana lia,v taken tip thei? ri.sidet in ik ! son of Electric Washing M achines all We time to his farm. . lir. Nart.1.1 Freeman Is b n&»after 1191110111i. Ilie On Ile real Lakes .t otseurr.s1 •ently when Mr Nlakeolin. ..f 1.1-toa . 111111 .11r. W. lilay.itf Asliffb1.1. •re meeting on CamplwIl street. T1 road narrow nod the drivers di tor1 1111W eliirragh room for missing itli the resti:t that both cars Were II Ilia itell II I 1 110111:11 tile lle..111/11111 wer unhurt. ate 011111 Ig111. liell ill. Ile tive-year-fild of Mr. and Mr". David I leinmell. ribs! in Stra ford on uniay. NOV011111/1' 12, follotv lig an ieration for mispentlit tis. Mr. and Mrs. tlarden Intve left Toronto. where they ail reside. 1.. Keyes with Ills ditughtt•r gratidelithi returned from the last Thursday. Mr. Keyes w$4,1 visao ). sme time ago liy tlie death of his *4,11-11 law. The Sea fort it 4 'lifting Chit iield its annual meeting last week a 41- marked entluisiasin was •thown for he COM ItIg A little seeidt•ntl Main on Ise was /Wei h severe shaking up. T engagement is announced of Miss Mi me Fes...ant...1 Windmill, to EtIntmal . Brad -win, M. A., TI formerly Windmill, the marriage to take place month. •ery inipressive mervice was held hall' n the evening of Armistice emory of those who fell in tile GELILIt 111 of 11 a rvaiy l'endlebm wall knocked over by an auto On gi.00lltig-, With -111e result that adly briiiii;s1 about the hea.1 and A the to Day in war. • HENSALL at the Hydro Store/ - - RHEUMATIC P HAVE DIS PPEARED Dr. A. Nfol appointed to meta for tune*. In St. Joseph's h George Ingram the West -where he pid athree 811)11(41".a iiit Mrs. Dons 19.11441111, 111111081484' the their elder daughter. HeWm. Sheehan. Of Chestnut. adelphin. of the village. has been ye the radium trt-at- a tid °tiler growths. pital. London. s returned from beam for the Urquhart, of larriage of r, to Dr 111, Phil - -0 - Electric Storage Batteries chordal at the Waterworks Plant As a Result Trouble Thr ugh the Blooci. Wes. Caldwell teo, received t Treating the_ ermuent appointment as patrol of gatue and fislit•ries In the tIon of tleey. Wt•IlIngton and Perth. Water and Light Commission Town of Goderich When It's a Question o Electrical Goods The cli.ef pain. 1 he 11 4414, 5114' tha I heni-heit 14 people putf. by ImilIlt 'tootisto i Cannot built al Nir. stifle up his entire nYeteIn that he is iw free from rlsetonstistn. 1(11 r. 114411 ye: "I sty, taken down with rheu- matism, mid nt time, was tinder the treat- ment of sever:it of the ling doctor' in Cape Breton, but they held mit no hope fur my recovery front the trouble. I was confined to bed for three years and at helpless crier le from th.• trouble. I could not move, and had to be turned in 'Meet& My ;este and finger" wem drawn out of shape, and worm devel..ped niy body se the result 1,4 11Iy 101Ig ellniinement u. bed. I was 4.4 .merious condition when 44 friend advised the, time of lir. 1Villiams' l'ink Pills and 1 began taking them. The first trenetit I felt from the pills was 1111 improved appetite, anti 111(11 1 began to feel atronger, and was tinaIly abit• to get "lit of 1$41 and go abont on crutches. I eenunned taking the pills for the, slowly hut purely getting new strength, and finally I wait able to lay the crutches aside. I will alwaym he lame, so the result 1,1 my long stay in bed my left 1_4n has shortened pomewhat, but other - 1 am feeling tine and able to do my &fiery ovenwer. I may add '."„sat when rbetunatiam came on I weighed '4" %ands, and when I began going shout rat, crutches I only weighed misty- sevPbetals, and now I am at normal en wort- *there re many here who know alv can "%eh for the truth of thole atatements... Yon can deah.r in ni at 50 cense a from tie. t)r. Brockville, (Mt. call on ROBERT TAIT 'The OW Reliable' A full stock of Light P. tures, Electrical Household Uteuxils, etc., always on hand. Estimates given and con- tracts taken for blectric Wiring and Fitting. ROBT. TAIT West St. Next Postoffice Pleses: Stere 92, Ito 193 100111g "4 rheumatism is sit successful treatment is omit quickly relieves aml pain. ‚61 any rheumatic mine that could be avoidi ap the 1110011; when rlien- saes iittt. 1 with thin bl,sid it corrected lintil the 91...-4 4. FI. IItfI, Main -rt -Dieu, N. S., froni rheumatism for years. hitt non. fortutiatt. than many victims of • • • f.a. he found a remedy that Gov - Meer ties 41 expects his Ismthmarters to be toWel. Mr. Meek, maisiger of the Sterling flank. has, moved hb. family to Ileu- m:IL.; for helpful edvice 0ii -en 1.r -,e of charge. _ Imprevements at Sedimentation Rusin. The installation of nu eleetrie light in the sedimentation basin anti the porch:me of a arne.n for the basin were two mattera decided upon at tlit• last regular meeting of the water and light cotninission. It she) wan decided to keep a nronl ..f tht• duties tierformed by the etnployeea The changing front steam potter to tramline power as the means of operating the atm - diary pumping system for the town water supply watt conaidered and the superin- tendent was instructed to report ne (0 the estimated cost. these pills through any , or by mail. retp/Ild. Of sit boxes ler ms Medicine CAI., Special Optical Offer. Iligh grade gold-filled itneettlelen 1)4144 eye-glames, with best fiat spherical letraria for only $.3.110. We have all other lines at lowest prlees. Exam- ination free by MrlInghtion, with twenty-five years' practical experience and formerly optical expert for Kent's fewelery store. Toronto. 'I'heee days only--Tlinraday, Friday and Satiirday, November 2411i, 25th and 28t1i Come early. 14111111'. Art Som., Goderich. CARLOW Monday. Nos. ;11. NEN 1/.1 V10,-N1,11'llilliCSIJr?bike. A A. 11.. have elected ripe fol ming etticers for th.• 111 g y4'ar 1. T.711.11.. lows • W., Er... MaitJand I. .1 W., 14*'.,.Ralph 1 0. Munn.; W. M Ile.. W. Sal- Bro. 'Chas. A. Itoberismi; secretary, Itto. It. NI. Young ; tie:usurer, Er... A. :C. Jaekson; dolphin.. Itc.. Rev, E. Mill - son ; tyler, lir,.. Ernest Mitehell. Thitt party will be a success it you order your See cream from Sleek. stone's. Phone 240. a The WINGHAM • PLANS 10 McLEAN'S SPECIALS IN SWEATER COATS in pure wool, brown with green trimming and tnar- oon with smoke trim Special For One Week Only $4.75 Also pure wool Pullover Sweater in white and green, brown and green, and black. Each $3.95. McLEAN BROS. Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers THE SQUARE GODERICH ENTER N. W. LIAGII1 AN AUTO OUT OF REPAIR ittoftey--osetessa..er=„4-6.4 t.. pay for 'ItsCIf in Measure or bust - heist sliou1.1 be Ow If your auo tlit:s ntl it Is•re tat 41,144' 1144 111 oi4r,. do the ..I'k .ontia ly and reastmably. ; • REG. Wilt IAMS East Street Garage GODERICH With Too Teams iProtipeeii WIWII - tor (*inning Season the amnia!' meeting of the W4ng- 11;1141 Markey Club plans were matte for the t'..11114,l41 season. The tints in- tend.entering senior .81141 junior teams In the Northern League and prospects are bright for a .tiveessful season. t The folhAving °Meer,. were elected : • I os•ra ry isrv.ident. .1. 1 1. Nit. Ka y : prenidellt.' Herb. Mph011 : pPesitlent, W. A. Miller ; seeonal rive - president.. 41.- -C. MeLean; manager seniors. 41. Do ; coach senior. Dr. II. II. •II•Dwutoli : 11111111Iger and conch juniors. Alf larckerislatc: i tory-tit...surer. II. c. 19'ay. Depend on the Condition of Your Henry Wm., laying IS th, ging err/Arable. Te sour pullets and burls lama Areueb ensue owl WODEHOUSE POULTRY INVIGORATOR NOW. In e•tinne. tin -reseed egg peareitine it gar gra; onlenagl Warr ar4 mak. u8u41v.1,*1.1;y Manufactured by WOOF -HOUSE INVIGORATOR LIMITED. HAMILTON. ONT. S.1‘1 &DJ guarantecd by .1. .1. MOSER, tioomticri, ONT. 11 5r,‘ Try it next Monday RINSO-not a cake soap, not a chip soap, not a "washing powder", but fine granules that soak the dirt out of your clothes. - .• i the dirt s soaked out, not rubbed out by main force! Children's rompers, grimy from the playground - kitchen aprons, curtains, towels -things you dread washing because they need so much rubbing -pile them into a tub of the rich bubbly RINSO suds. RINSO harms nothing that pure water may touch. Let them soak over night. Then -just rinse them, either in warm water or cold. Your clothes are gleaming white and CLEAN. RINSO has done all the work. For anything particularly dirty it will be necessary to rub, such as soiled cuff edges, etc. It has saved the weary hours at the washboard wearing out your \clothes and yourself too. Do not wash the old way any longer. Get a package of RINSO, and do your washing the new easy way. At night -soak the clothes with RINSO. Morning -rinse them out. _ That's all. "Volt wnnt more money ? Why, my boy, I %mited three years for 511 n month right in this eatablislianent and now I am the owner of it." "Well, you am what happened to yotir boom. No man Alio treat!! bis help that way can hang on to RI Weiner..." TIM MO 11011 •I pa Moist - g whoa Tom sae to. Ceriefon Oint- ment y 'feta& AM Sala Irrita- tions. !I tottered' at «we and mew Platt_ Ere ruin a *11 sump vow systierstQor Fairmont+. Ra It , 111 you have a washing machine54mi the Motley lllll ight le the e asel Ely. way. The steamil*.* elide basaa• every bit of dirt. 1.the more - leg aparata the asesehles for 5few solutes •sil the alethas •r• sairfestly • -•••• the alost 'coiled spots. LEVER BROTH. RE LIMITED, TORONTO inso Si .•••.