HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-24, Page 66 -Thursday. November 24, 1:r24. HEALTH SUPERVISION AS ACCOMPLISHED Gott was made by aritlug, that unly Ilea to ttfteen per cent. of ,ogre t1our .followed the nrommeullatiun made for treatment of defects. Hence, the teed was telt for someone who iv qutlllti,d to eislt the beim. feud explain to the norent the couditluu t'ollnd. awl 10 ew- phpsixe the adva»tugv to the child if the defect was eorreetel. not only .in it. physical development but al•o its progress iu s legal a+ well. • In r1-itiug the home. the nurse la often able to give advice and -help to core. t the eii Irontuout which is •1101 t factor its the health of the growing child. BY SCHOOL NURSE'' Often In Visiting Homes She Is Able To Give Advice And To Help Correct Environment lit urging the adoption of any form of "School Heerlth Bulw•rrlsluu;' the lamarrtante of the tort to be played by the Schaal Nurse, cannot be too gr•ally emphasized • Before she enters into the work of ea•hooi medical fuspectlun, wl,k*t new Ln Iu dtw the tdtjsleal examination of all pehool children. as wear as lnalteee- tiem for all communicable dltteases. slave needs to have the most etfleiept trailing. Thu. the tl-lt of the nurse; to the home, w her.• she explains the condition fontsl. swabs •.• Minh wore to the penult 'than luny-. note, no 55811.-1 bow carefully written. possibly could. t It ate found in centre, where notitits-I The work of the wheal ultra rs'Kau in I,ecuduU, England, in 119s. in a sees' ,.mall way. but at the yearn have gone try, larger duties have been assigned her; until now it has Igen felt by tummy that she i.: capable -of ct%rryiug ou alone. a reasonably efficient furI1 of School Health Eiulervistou. Rhe -attacks the qutttUnu of p:••aeu- 11401 tit the spread of eondaglau by a sy-teratie and regular iu.tsrtiou of all children alfucliva; .,•bes,l, by a close inspection of teturuhtg abscuteee. atsl fullo; lug up all tri. - . ;away for Illness. arid iwppteissibg ou Poachers and ltaneuts a better UIMI r.tanding of 1 CREAM FLOUR ST YOU can also make beautiful light cakes and bread of wonderful whiteness and flavor withCream of the West Flour. • Maple Leaf Milling Co.. Limited Toran•o, w•rnn,pcg. tir.ndon, Hsltfas tllapasds of line early symptoms of the iufeetiuus diseases. Thu- It 1. (loped to Mate•riatlly lessers flee• unu14er of death. from diphtheria. grader fever: Measles and wh.sapleg eomgh. the total of tw•hich in 1930 raa•h..l over Are In Ontario. 1'ritWein of the pilau whereby 11re detection of pdsy'slcal debet' is left to the school uurta•. has been offered 1•y some. If we ieer !n mild, however, that pl'sotic•aliy all the tvuditions which this service, in our preseut day conceptlett„uf the work. can navel. pre - mart fairly characteristic- st w ow s this eritu isw Is not wurrautel. For eeatuple, take the much eli*ellssttl (megrim' of di.ewseel tonsils. While it 1s grunter that ro'iuree, however Well trained; could with auy degree of certainty say that a child had distilled among, it utast be reweuulwrel that this is not uteessitry. All that is w;tlutteel, 1s to get the child who is evi. heard%+ `below liar. into the accepted channels for treatment. Now it a hill Of ,this type, with enlarged or .angee`tttb tonsils. enlarged cervical glued•. a hi -tory of persistent absence flow school. and repeated attack's of score threat, roti-illtis or ootid, presents into er herself for examination. surely a nurse would be justified in referring him or her to the fatuity physician, saying that the child was apparently suffering froom abnormal tonsils. The sale with vision, hearing defective. easel breathing. malnutrition. anaewk apnicarau t' and dental defects. The all-Iwlsertant thing that the school uurwe must bear in mind is that herr training. whklt it reasonably efficient. should qualify- her to fay with a fair degree of certainty, tlult " a child Is sufflvie•utly below par physkally to narrant reference to the family phy- sician. it does not permit Ler to say definitely at' any time that any' child is suffering from a spx-iflc, condition or what the treatment for that coneli- T ' E SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONT. I Emglartd. Ste was accompanied by � Phillips. who will make her home with 1 her brother. Mr. Win. Phillip.. • JIrt, Alex. Ekler-left for Timintesville, w here she will spend the winter months atilt her daughter. Mts. (Rev.) W. Mc- Lean. A quiet wedding was solemnized ou Tburaday. November 10. when ltev. Mr. *'t4torl Whited in Marvitt ge airs. Menniret Deere ('rawford. of )llyth. and Steve Thlbidewu, of llrtts tela. Mr. and Mrs. ThlbWewu will reside In Brussels. With the third objective always be- fore la•r, the school MIN. can be a tbo.1 valuable auxllhury to the teacher `in his ur her teaching o1 hygiene. by daily demonstrating the noel and vtlhte. ..f good health lhabits, and I ientmtlutt that any staked Mtrse grasnr. 1 even a fair "hare .of the tats, iteliltte•s pf her work. it is no exaggeration• when. we sky that she is the most vain- dies Unit tri• age, systt•w•of sehool. how ith - suter•islou. u BLYT�unlalay: Noe. Ii?• • Earl '1till- and Cecil Lydian have re- ntnnvt ftiomthe West_ _• Dr..l. E. Rlackall and, Mita, hathken iGe .• left aur their new inane Rev. Father .McLanghlin. at retirnel Missionary, bas been boiling lariat n er- vier•s in St.•.Michael's*ail rclt. Wrsdc.s•k has n•ttrmd f (roma tao months' visit with relative, in 1)u Saturday, lkerwiter 3r I. buy your t•akt•s, picas, bread 'mud buns front 8t. George's l;irly Guild. You will tint' these homemade "goodies" at l.atnler's 1)rug Stole. There are still a hew Gennett Re- cords left •t the sole price of tki cents. (het yours today at lllackstoueis, Nest street. - All Men and Women When in Need of a To*aic noels* Start on the Road to W.Uvtlla by Following This Ashrice Peterboro. Ont. -"I can speak in the highest praise of Itr. Pierce's medicines. I suf- fered for a bong time a rthfeminine weaknesa,througb which 1 became all rundowd, weak and nee Vous. I also had severe backaches, pains In my side and bearing Wins. I learned of Dr. Pierce's merit - eines and began at once to take them. 1 took two bottles each of the 'Favorite Prescription' and the 'Golden Medical Diaeovery' and they completely cured me of all my weak- ness and restored me to good health. "At oue'tlme my husband became afflicted with a chronic cough which caused him to become all rundown. He got so thin he was almost a skeleton. He tried many- medicines but did not get any better until he took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery By taking this medicine he was completely restored to good health.' 1 shall always epeilk a good word for Ur. Pierce's medicines." - Mrs. Martha Sholer.3;3 Bethune Sttr' 1f you need a bulld!ng up tonic for ch and blood obtain Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery from your nearest drugg!dt or send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Laboratory in ' Bridgeburg, Ont.. for trial pkg. tablets and w•ri•e for tree confidential medical advice. DIAMOND JUBILEE Eel. Geo. E. Roes' Congregation In Montreal Closes Sixtieth Tear. A recent number of the 1'rl•eby- terlan Witness eotrlraliet the following secounfriitf the diem ou(l jubilee servlcrw of St. Matthew's congregation, Mon- treal, whotti' pastor. Rev. l;tet. E. 'toss, was formerly of Knox chum)). Gude- rich : St. Matthew's church, Montreal, cele - brined its Diamaonwl Jubilee in right royal fashion from Sunday, October y3, to Monday, (tctuber31. The minister, Rev. (Amor' E. liaise, inspirer his people to make the event worthy 111 dare history of their church. Throughout the whole series of mercies' and nteetiups a tine spirit existed, and everyone eo-operatd in making the cek•bration a nuccee+. Greetings wen' nreiced from all pasta of the Dominion, the United Statue% India. etc., among which were "best .wisher"' from .tinarns alcCrimmon, Crown Attorney of St. Thomas, who taught day wheal in old St. Matthew's nearly sixty yearn ago; and trout Rev. T.J..lndenom, in Central Ittliia, one of the Iornter buys of St. 1iattbew'r. The Sundayservice., October 33 and :10, were conducted by conte of Montreal's ablest preachers•-Drnl George Hanson, W. 1). Reid, W. j. Clark and lierrge Duncan, while lir. W. R. Cruickshank, a former minister, smutted in the seervidw. The Sunday school seseione were •ddreesed by former superintendents of the school. Monday was young people's celebration, and a large aswtrtblage addressed by Rev. I)r. Cruickshank and Itev. James Steven. Tuesday was fret apart for a semi con- cert, which proved a 'meccas in every way. on Wednesday night Rev. Canon Slatfurd, U.D., rector of the Church of Pt. Janine the Apostle, gave, his instruc- tive and inspiring address; on, "The t'nity of the Church.' It was interesting to note that at this tan ice representatives of all the denomination, had accepted in- vitations, and it was • great occasio�nu to are twelve nuinisters on the platform rep- resenting all the Christian churches, Thunelay night was missionary night, when lb -v. A. W. L tclwatd, o1 Hunan. China, addrteswrl a magnificent and in- tt rented audience. Friday night was set for ar congregational social and re- n, acrd pas an unqualified Ricer's in every way. Furber merulx'rs o1 St. Mattftew's were ale gireeta of the occasion and were given a very want, reception. TheLadiees' Aid Society did the honors. There were I nearly lea persona penitent. Dr. E. Scott. Moderator •.1 Pnesllytery, conveyed the greetings of the Pn'abyter•y, remarking that be coosidend t -i. 1 attbew's the moat important congregation in Montreal from theatarwl;r,iut of its wealth of young life, and from the activity of its many or- ganizatiotr. There are at 'prevent 1,260 metmberts. -10 familia and 1,153 enrolled in 11e Sunday school. Among three Neatest weir Mrs. itarina and Mrs. Hol- linsworth, daughters of the tint minister, Rev. 11r. Darrach, and 31rs. Miller, Niru. -Melton, Mrs: Tymonds and Mow Tarlton, charter member, of the first Sunday reload in 1857. Tire Hallowe'en concert on Monday, uetuber $1, was Nle climax to the great celebration. The best musical and lienar talent hod been secured, and it was inter- esting to note that quite • few of these who took part were fernier members of some department in St. Matthew's. The concert was arranged by the board of Management. The sixtieth anniversary will serve to prepare the congregation for a strung forward nueeulent'alung every line of church life and action during the autumn and winter mason, and will greatly ntiiulatt• the spiritual social and financial'plu es of the churctl's import- ' ant work. The history of St. ahttthew's church interesting. 10 Ik • rem g•bee 1857 7 t be Sala;bath school was first organized in the Grand Trunk Railway ticket office with an enrollment of three teacher', and seventeen scholars under the direction of ', the Sabbath Ser, al Alleviation of Mont- i real in connection with the Church of 1 Scotland. The drat church was erected and formally opened as a mitasitn tit 51. I Andrew's and St. Pala churches on April 8, 1515). St. llattliew's war organiacal and con- stituted as a congrlegsti n un t retorter 23, 115511, Rev. William Snodgrass, minister of St. Paul's, being moderator. I The corner atone of the prevent church was laitj August 11, 1888, during the urin-- istry of Rev. W. R. Cruikshank. The ministers who have Nerved St. Mat• thew'r are at f 11 s • William Darrach, 18111-1S55. Josh,_ Fraser, 1855-1872; Chas. A. Doudiet, 1872-1875: 5. Sinner- ; ville Stobbs, 1877-1878; W. H. Craik - shank, D.D., 1879.1899; E. A. Mac- Kenzie, D.D., 1900-1905; K, J. MacDon- ald, \LA„"B.D., 1905-1911; L B. Gib - own, Ili. 11, 1911-1918; lira R. ltoas. B.A., B. U., 191d--- DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out: Thickens, Beautifies. 35 -rents buys a bottle of "Daalerins" at any drug store. After one applica- tion you "'can not find a particle of dandruff or • falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, bright- ens", more' color and abyndaasef. ass■1i)<R�)<1R1iN�lIltll•1•�IK1•/!rl♦ltY� x ■ McEwen, s GrocerySpecials 11I Special Brogan Mods Tea '3 lbs. for $1.00 X Mincemeat • 20e 'a Ib. a Bulk ces01.r-__ � .-- ' Corn Flakes, 11e a 11 a Salmon. small tin ii Baking Powder, Mr.:west's . Jam - 2 lbs. for 23c pkgs. ter $1.00 lee 1 -Ib. tin 25e 4 -Ib. tin fife Talcum Powder. to clear lee MI ▪ Men's all wool 9ee•ee-limed t nderssar U 111( haat year. T treat Inst utas . Serge, all wool. In net) and marl.. at 111.2.5 a iraNL: !flies IA good odor, • DRY GOODS • • • 1� i J.`J. McEWEN • House, 291, PHONES Store, 46 ■ S11013! READ THIS AND PUT MANY DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET We have pared prices to the bone Five day ably low special in LadiesCoats, Dresses, Skirts and Hose at such remark - ices that will set all goderich and _surrounding Country talking. The Values Are Unbe- lievable and Can't be Duplicated SLE COMMENCES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26th -•R ' On thiefive day spec) arc )b.0 «ill get slip -to -elate coat_in_all- 1 velour lined throughout Aiith brocaded -lining, fancy stitching in back; also in pockets, liar on y t .50. If you would think for moment how impossible it would be to buy the cloth and pay the tailor to make a coat for $i 8.5 o `you will realize what an extraordinary opportunity this is. ALL WOOL VELOUR COATS Here is another bargain. all Wool Velour Coats ib shawl beaverine fur collar and cuffs, nicely trimmed in bac , lined throughout with brocaded lining in five different shades, for ()illy $2250, if anyone iii in need of a Coat fifty miles is not too far to come to this great special sale. There are many other beautiful high-grade Coats greatly reduced. Prices ranging from $33.50 to $55.00. EVERY SUiT IN STOCK NOT FUR TRIMMED -ON SALE VALUES $30.00 TO $48.00 AT $22.50 to $37,50. Modish, ups -to -.tale, eleveiopted in eieellent quality Velour, Serge and Tricotine Mostly silk -lined and warmly interlined. Reduced i to 1 price for speedy disposal. bargains are the outstanding features of this sale you will find jus what you have been waiting for in ow dress section. For street, fu business or for informal wear we have Crepe -de -Chine in lissome " raped lines, Charmeuse Satin smartly beaded or em- broidered in otttresting tones, a new shipment of R1 Tricotine Dresses, frosi he latest New York and Paris idem Novelty stitched and button trimmed, others fancy bead trimmed styles. Sae Pl ice $I1 .00. $30.00. CLEARING OF SMART SKIRTS $5.95 AT FRACTION OF THEIR VALUE TIteare made in plain and novelty poets and belts, othel'll skirting. \ Smart new\over-blouse styles, box -pleated styles. Some have 'made in fancy plaid and stripe pe -de -Chine, Georgette Crepe and Trieolette ('odors ire Inlutg black. navy, rose, bisque, jade, white and flesh, $2.95 and $3.95. WOMEN'S STOCKINGS iN HEATHER, 85c AND $ 1.00 PR. PURE WOOL AT THAT These Stockings combine all that women are looking for in Stockings for winter warmth and serviee ability in the Heather shades of Brown, Blue, and Green Lovat. Made in seamless fashion of soft pure wool, We also earry many other lines in black, brown and navy silk, specially priced 69c. CHILDREN'S DRESSES AND COATS AT OUR SPECIAL PRICES DRESSES AT $4.50 AND COATS AT $8.150 UP GooESELECT LADIES: READY-TO-WEAR CO. , ONTARIO HEADQUARTERS AND FACTORY : 448 Queen St. Nest, Toronto