HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-24, Page 5THE SIGNAL
TAwrsdly, Nove111111 r 21. 11.21' -:11
Rally of liberal Workers.
A gleet*crap rully of Liberal workers
e. i11 b " held at the 1.iIwrdl e)ulmitte'
rooms. Ilamlltou street, on Monday
evening iwxt, e2SIh 114.1. All Interested
are Inv lied to attend.
.% Mullet wedding %%:i. ,1.l.'IIIIIIX.(I at
the Methodist parsonage, Berrie, op
4 elut•,tby, November 21, when Iter.
S 1t. J4h1444411 1utitee1 in marriage Miss
(1 1111 and Mr. .lame•, John-
ston, of (kwlerlch. After a phort
lioueymo.n Mr 11 1141 IL•s. Johustou will The steamer
sister of Mrs. 'rhos. Bandy, Victoria I
•1 • ,. n Friday with 'coo° the (iranlimahers will provide the
to Goderk•h nnilleis '. as he made a Idetillwl at \\'t,lne.el.ly night', nurthg
very favorable Iuipression (('ben he to eag.egt• the .t•rvices of an expert
le•turel here during 4'luuutuuquu ;Week coach, to endeavor t4') some.. 411(1 um. of
two years ago. the Collegiate' g 111maim11 fur basket -ball
Callon "t't,lttral" Later. Practice until (he ice a•asuu olau4, to
ca11rassthe IalailaW, liken for subsrr4 tieus
1414 Wxx1111It of alters nes being made to meet initial expenses, to ene(mruge the
at 114.41erlejl central Office it wait ha.' formation of a tuwn,l me, god to rot1-
p4wslble h) ubw•rre '"1'ehq,hor,' \1'4'.41•' uhunicate with the Nor( l ieru L•agut• rel -
111.1 %%ell: 114 was dune 414 the majority alive t+l "'Gering a (tan' in that league ad
1101 v4' 4'11114414'1 el their work, The MIgtull women's, Ilaitilute No4.*.
Is triturated that nu opportunity will At tl' hist ,regular Meeting of the
be given the jithl.c to cull of "Celt• Goderlch N'ousel-s Institute %.hell
trill" and gel a Ito Intlwatr was hell at the house of Mrs. A.
knowledge of the work 4► the swIteh• Stewart, %lee -president Mrs. SW11n1M111
IN Med operators. . presided- The Ihretulwr meeting will
lw ut the house of Mrs. J. S. I4slfoni.
:letilyon arrivexl at the This will be t:rluulwuthens Day when
of ernlre'.. 1, err, when the carpenters well as in the 1). 14..1.
Harbor Nodes.
reside In 11otlerlt•b. The bride is a
lTlw Mtcanwr )lartian arrived at the Cuuveut lou at Donlon will t,4' rend
l. rlrrch �Irr14 r (*totter ' th
.a me l e l v a 4r u r y
lam les of wheat. � 41r..grani std the report of the Animal
Eleetion of M*i.wde 011eera.
The trreMbers 44 hunts Chapter, No.
3), R. A. M., 101(4' elected the following
officers for the coating year. First 1'eiu-
cipal. Ex-( I.. . its). SoWerhr ; see4 4141
Principal, Potts Hooch 11111; third I'rit-
cipal, ('uuy,. 1!. T. Tichtx41lrne; Prin-
cipal Sojourner, (Comp., lits., Jluw�'ictir,.
Scribe F:., ('414.44p. J.I1. McKay; Scribe N.,
Cutup. Alex. Clhry4tal; Tre1rsllrer, Conti'.
ii. C. Dunlop. Other nutters for 1'l
are to he appointed later.
Ker! This I/ate ((pen.
1141• .1, 01111 In the ,riches .of Clnatl-
tampon cotsert.a under the ihtispkws of
Ilunot Lodge. No t1.', 1. O. (4. F.. wilt
be given in Vletorla street .Me41141d1wt
church next Wednesday rccuiug.
Arthur \V ilwy' K4an4. the 'noted
"'S- The Institute h"it a shower for the
'4 Ir 011 Saturdaywith ;.-
Whett and oats. ,'Children's !tome on o 2 at
4anhian arrived on `Mon. Mrs. Wm. ('ox's bona'. The following
•bushel.'of wheat Ind 'donations were I''teivel : 11 qts. fruit,
day 1 1 ten premum tail honey. 1 five pound
arrived y, spound
of coo for the hail hu Ile'' 1 boy's sweater, 5 ptirs
1'1,ouo bushel,. for pillow cases, S wash cloths. 5� dozen
1 e(414kle4•, 1 V1Wt, 1 pair 4lureM`
, pair
►see arrived at ,'hiidreds 441144.., 1 111)uuet, 2 bats am!
2 palls. r lath towel, :t books, 4 towels.
2 baby dresses. 12 napkins, 1 shirt,
ton' pair drawers. 2 underskirts, 1 night
Thr Mrs
lay with 170;1
The ate:. 'r Coon
with 178,(U) bulla.
4 1. deet'li elevator an
the Big Mill.
The steamer .1. A. Mc
the 1 ilslerich elevator tolay:
Reception to Mr. and Mrs.
.\ very •enjoyable evening viys held dross, 1 child's drew:, 4 seurfd, 1 pair
in the bxw•luent of North street chnrep 'gloves, twenty'tive ,vents, 5 halnike•r-
int Tuesday t•reuiyg when the Young chiefs, 1 basket of carrots, 2 cablage.
irulie4 -!fission ('in•le and the Ep• Thew articles were taken to the
worth League gathered to .'rend a l'hlldreu's Home atnl the following
social evening in honor of Mr. and answer was received 'hy Maw, 4aIIke4d:
Mr.. Chester Johnston. inuring the "Will yon please e,4nyey to the 1111'w -
evening Mr. :1441 IIP. Johnston were her, of the \Vuwhu's Institute our
grateful thanks 4..r their very kind
rh•rnemblunce of the inmates of the
4'1l1dreni s Howe -
"We appreciate Iisli4,M1 your generous
.k,natkoi to the ehildt•t•n here. Every-
thing swineil to 411• Just what We were
twisting for oar large flintily anal your
kind th),tgtttfuhness 1hayJlelloed to
Ilehlen 4•11r bttvlwu .emodderably. in
Welsh, orator and humored; Is fit stepp,alomb*, with a silver tea service by
ply the p`oKr.uu. Ile is not a stranger Mhos Nettle(7r9141r114' oil behalf M'. the
'two ,,w•ietie4. 114-4 "Floren.r 414aney
read an address telling of the appro.
eiallun of the work Mrs- Johnston has
done In the shun• i. tep1114•Ially in
y-ntll•tt people's act(vities, arae espreess-
big g,onel fie"cur their future happi-
ne44. Short addresses were given by
itev. 11. D. Moyer. Mr. J. Howard Ride I,roviding fo them.
ertsi1 and' Miss Mary Howell. The We thank y is most 4lneerety, With
r,•.t of Ile" evening was slant in pro- hest wishes fo your organization.,.
gree-ive ,n,killole at wish 41 Miss' Misr- Voir very truly. . ,
jurle Aitken won the prize. the con- Sura 1443111 I)4,
isolation .p.rite being awarded t., Mr. Matron of t e Children's plume.
1:vurgr liorrley. The program was
concluded with light refreshments.
Hockey Notes. "
.4 goodly number of hoeltt'g pIsyera
are tnrninit talc nightly at %Vrat erect'
rink for training oral are trying to get the
kinks out of their hones, 04n n� and
other i*nnts hart indulged ulg y.
Thr players say, 1101 wK'n as tla' we•athee
own le ready they are.
At a mooting of the executive and
pla er'. of chi: (hslerich Hockey Club list
night Captain F.d. itobin,enn wits un-
animously chosen los manager nl the
to>am,. E.4. Ihns had valuable experience
i in handling hockey teams. For two or,
thaw wincing he managed and tittanced a
local te'attl_ i(1 town, winning the Town'
4engin. cllan1pionship; and the r,' lilt was'
that 4441144• good material for '0. 11. A.
hockey WW1 produced. if there is any-
thing to Captain like's tetter than
Would You Pass a
Dollar By If You
Saw One on the
Street ? -
You can pick up -and save
a bunch of dollars by getting
your Household Effects at
Harold Blackstone's
Furniture Exchange
(()n The Broad* aj of (10.lerichn
Something new every das'
I','..ere (Loy i, loci -gain Ilav 114 :,
t a
4 sr hes•k.y, it is more hockey. It apse, was
'I•ruhp ertla•e IIa1I Filled on 'I•uraday
Melting '1'o Hear Issues Discussed.
\ 44444altended meeting was held
In the Tewperuli,e Hall 14n Tuesday
night hl the interests of Mr. .1. W.
Flog. 1'. F'. O. candidate in North
Huron. The chair was et11p4d by
Mrs. E. I'. Lawson of Dunlop, vit'e-
pne41de111 of (b11s41'ne Pohticnl ,4.-/�
cid loll, and 11w speakers. hesbles 11r.
King himself, were Mrs. R. Mi\Vhhwey
of Ashtield. Miss Helen Stewart of
!4•uw1114'r, \1ns. Law. of Cayuga, mid
Mr. Harold Currie of Strathruy.
Mr. King spoke briefly. stating that
lie would have nue et• two more went•
lags 111 G,slerirh before polling day.
The tariff Was the i'hief object of
attack during the evening, the htrwel"4'
side of the trade question being, pre -
armed In various forms.
Mrs. Laws gave an Inter
original address. She 81444 11
If the farmers orytauizevl a '
siva' party they would 111„4
strong partisans in relation 4,
party as they ever were as Or
Tortes. Iter Metz laemet to Ile
enc. Farmer candidate elected slot
-go down to (Metall as -a foe lar
without being taunt to any party 0
ytanizlltloa. How this would W irk
out when they got to Ottawa she did
not attempt to explain...
-ting and
•4141 that
'mares -
N• as
s or
Serci1es 411 Wlctorin %t'ee( ehurrh
144'x4 Sunday will be eludlitlel by the
pastor. Rev. .1. F'. Reyeraft. who will
take for h1- ,ubjeet 11 Iu.m., "Davids
Iln'liest ra this 7 4),m. "The 1.0st
The Itap Baptist church will hold arr-
usual next Sunday at 11 a.m.
a1441 7 p.in, with Bible x•1111111 at :1 p.m.
The I4.17.1'.1'. w111 meet 4114 Mousley
evening and the prayer -.emirs. will lie
held 011 Wednesday evening.
Services twill be Held as usual at 11
a.m. 114 *1 7 p.m. in 4l ' 4401 lvattou Army
hall next Sutnlay, the evening subject
being "Swellings of Jordan." Sunday
school is at :g pan. Cottage prayer
meting this vw('k will he held un
Tuesday er4'uing nt the home of Mr.
If. Bates. Huron road. Everyone is
invited to attend.
World's Bible Sunday will be ob-
s'rvel in North stn•t•t Methodist
church next Sn11day.. The pastor's
morning s1111j/d'l will be : '''I'lie (tipple•
-its Mee and Power." In the even-
ing the theme will lie : "A flea fur
Better 1411.14' Study and More of 1t.'
'1'Ii' class"-. Metas Club 111141 M1411011
Itaud wilt 's'e't 4t 111 o(•ia•k. The
Ipj" fur 11 1.1'114:A.11 1n the ('11111 .'111
"Ilow 4.1411 w;4'• O'(t1,41m• our
mental defects '' "
{ si11,ial 1114'01 ling of the Quarterly
The hGH Ilrltlerlwglotl flftk•fol hoard of North ,..t reef Meth.
ElIL11't.'t11 Scott, 7,'Iovts1 wife of 4111141 church will Is' held next Mon-
.11.se•p11 lI,•tht'riugton. w'iii. departed day •veiling to e'nlphie unfinished
into Wave un Friday, Nnvtmis'r 11th,
was born hi Magill parish. Alston,
4'udo•rlaud 4nuuty, England. on Feb-
ruary 24th. 1s:to, 'Whim tew•nty year"
of age. neeio114anb'1I by her tuulher,
sister 'amp brother. she made the
p erilou. aeon voyage to America tak- ,
1n)[ seven weary weeks to wake the.
trip. After living iwa-WilltLp-fur
four years site married' and (none with
her !disband to Colborne to a farm
near Nile *1141 WS 44 the devoted metier
of eleven children. 144erm of whom Will
live While four died in early ehlld-
1,4Ma1.'' The daughters are : Mrs, Ja-
('arter, Auburn: Mrs, .Ins! Cassidy.
-Ityron: Mrs. Ge.. Cassidy. Alberta ;
airs. 1t. MelIwain, Nile; Iles. lieu. 1[e-
'4'hoe. Edmonton: airs. F. • Hawkins.,
Seagrave. The sow, is. alnJor 1i Heth-
erington. M. 4'., iif NHe•.
Through all the' Privation.. hard-
ships and timeliness of pioneer life this
at141" freull4 land}' rll•talnet .mei
only a lannt14111 Character but also a
lea 11t tflul Opp eis ranee. Th• poet's
wools 4f4e11 grille to the w'riter's mind
when visiting her since retiring front
the active duties of family life
"Grandma sits la der .e.aros arm, hair_
?ever woo lady an swi'et and fair'
fuer grey -lairs ripple Ilte silver shell.,
And her placid brow it, su ore tell,
Of a gentle Life and a I••aefill event.
A true -tin God and a hope in Heaven. -
These 11114.e of •- upprei•iution ore
reverently :unl 444.ipgly- submitted I.y
110. win ne44r heard her +sy 4114•uu-
41 nil word or ever saw her do all 4111 -
kind act.
Id' her it may truly- be said :
T ' 44" her was to ael,ntre• her.
'1'o know her was bi love her.
1 To be associated with her us,. to le, Messed with
*11 inspiration to be like her. Balm ehe'erful
and trustful. •
(411 Wedue"'elay, Novemisi• loth, iter
Iteeming were carrit'tl to rest in Col-
bornie t•emetery, followed by the respect
iand lore of many friends.
A complete 4)44 4 nil carry grocery
store OIh w .'eh., law h one 4.f 4114.44• in
your territory: Me ng With $4'011.11•
tbonal sweets wht'ru'e inaugurated.
Two hmalred and (aft, .dollars net
weekly income. Easy 't ms. Prin•
r 1p1e1 payment of store tel,
lie made In monthly install 'arts fnnh
profits derived from bust etas. No
competition. no store expel Exclu-
sive territorlea being 1111utel pMly•
[f you wish to enter a most p efltablc
business and 'to insure ex11ne1Ve to
in your territory' communicate with
the undersigned immediately. Elven
xquisite French Ivory
This is where the inventiv.e genius of man beats nature. For
ce uries the only source. of Ivory was the elephant. Man
s, recently inventea an ivory that is clearer than the
ele0ants, more even in texture, more beautiful and for most
-mechanical_purposes, more dUrable. ,This beautitul Ivory is
extensively used for toilet goods aild makes the most sanitary
\ and tasty dresser appearance of any:
Build Up a Complete Toilet
While this French Ivory is not expensive, yet it may to some seem beyond the reach
of their Christmas purse. We suggest a plan, namely, to buy a few articles now of a
standard pattern and later add to them as you feel able.
There is a Large Choice Open to you -- Always a Pleasure
to Show Goods
If You Want To Buy
Stock Foods
Telephone 35o
A Car of Corn Jud Received
New Flour and Feed Store
, 'Wesley M. McLean
Opera *ass Ilse& Code rich
lonsities. Apt to receive the report on
A life Meuilleroi . Was given 111
the M)11411 1.4 41111 4.? No It street elinrcli
1:11 /I 40111 Of the or u the
Slenthorsliip" idea Lo tisk, W.31.s.
coiisorne were first among the
IllO111111.01 of North street. 31r.s.
1101111. 111.0118111y 110111111g flIO poi Irre rtir
Mahe! Itallho. %vb.) lute liven -.1 'ret-
ire. and effhient misetionary
4..iksially in inspiring anti direednir
Ow 701111g 1101411e in 11lihsioliarr Ker.
4111'. )/KUs 101101N* bY A11‘11111
with r1 eertitleate of life 11101111w1,41dp.
Mrs. Nfary Stokes. one of the oldest
members and most active workers 4.4
reei 1111•11IN N11 waste most
1111PPY and feeliwr replies. Mrs. II. D.
31 oYer made the Ile-
fri-diment. were afterwards series')
and a delightful hour $111•111 iti 11
wit y togs•I her. rd.., Auxiliary how ha.
thirty -nits. life-ineirdwrs on Its mil.,
Not Vanity,
It's your Duty
We still have time to finish
your Photograph for Christ-
mas. You can give. your
friends -nothing else that will
please them as -well. 11.o it
V mute awl Chart., Streets. ?worth.,
io 11441444 throughout Canada for
huolness education. 1 1111411A11.1 "11-
111111 employment. Write for hasidassw cata-
logue Liter any time.
W , ELLIOTT. Prose/pal.
It pays to itd% erti•ie in The Signal.
Ili The Intetests of
Temperance Hall, Goderick
Liebe addreou:ed by Hon. Manning
Doherty, J. NV. King and others.
11 is to disetr.1 your used, worn
auto tires. We van vtilettnize this
11)1114 and baitl )41•411•1 awl return
your tire- to )on pruetlwally as.
good as new- good for 11'01;101(11a
of tulles more. It payo to Pate oft
tile way.
ntso carry pew' limes, tubes
idIDP:ltil HI
This will be your last opportunity this year to
IIEWSON.-At Newmarket ont.. on Tuesday.
November to Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Ilewson.
a son.
O'LAPGIII.IN-WEBB -In et. Peter's ehurch
Goviertch, on Monday, November 21, by Rev.
rather 1111sett. Eailb.111... daughter of Mrs F.Ilen
Weld,. of tiodPrIeh, vo Mr. John 0 Laughlin.
of Timmins.
LOTTRIDGE-MOORE.-At the home of the
bride's storms. on WednePlay. November g3.
b% Rev. 11. D. Moyer. Merle Myra. dairghter
Mr. Oeorge Wallace Lottritse. of Detroit.
day. NOVerober 23, by Rev. 14. K. Johnot.ii.
WIN Cirdet 'Rabe. of Hereto. to Mr. James
Johnston, of lioderleh.
HAYDEN-POTTRR.-At the home of the bride's
mother. on Wednesday. November by Rev
.1 Ross. Miss unr auth. daughter of Mrs,
8. Potter. of Carlow. to William Hayden. son
of Mr and Mrs. James Heyde's. of asidtrit
rIglIER.-In loving memory of ClIffordditi
James Fisher. whn died three yeen ago
. We loved them. yes. no tongue can tell,
Plow deep. how dearly and how 1..11
ehrOlt loved them. too. and thought It hest
To take them home with him to rest.
-Father, Mother. Ritter and Brother.
share in this big
Sale. A first-class Suit of Clothes or Overcoat
Model Theatre
Week of Nov 28 to Dec. 3
Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 28-29
Reginald Barker's production
soventli episode of Son of Taman
•11ie Quest of tbe
Wed. and Thurs., Nov. 30 -Dec. I
44 -.von reel spectacular racing
Rnd n two reel Mermaid Comedy
"Holy Smoke"
Friday and Saturday, Deeember 2-3
with a t we, reel ehrhale Comedy
"Stan vv. Woosse
marineer on Monday and Wednesday
Two full shows erery night at 7:10
pm snit it pm
Clothes $3 50 to $5.50
All t.he neweat styles and
All Coarse, Coarse and Fine,
Baby Combs..25e to $1 75
Complete Sets
Cases in different designs.
Also in Roll -ups and Case
Sets from $2 50 lip
including Picture Frames,
Talcum Holders, Clocks,
Jewel Boxes, Stamp Boxes,
Pin Holders, Watch Hold
er, Pin Trays, Soap Boxes,
Perfume Bottles, Glove
Stretchers, VRReft, flair
Receivers and Powder
Made to Your Measure
by the makers of Clothes of Quality and an
extra pair of Pants ---
Absolutely Free _An exceptionally wide range of goods to choose from.
all the latest fall and winter materials. You not only
get the finest high-grade clothing, made to your individual measuremetit, but AN
EXTRA .PAIR OF TROUSERS FREE with every garment ordered.
Campbell' s Drug Store
The Square , Phone 90 Goderich, Ont.
in the
Special Prices $25.00 Up
Sale Days Tuesday and Wednesday,
NOVEMBER 29th and 30th
when a representative of the CLOTHES OF QUALITY CO., Toronto, will be
here to give expert -..t.!ntion to custrirners' requirements.
F. J. 13111DHANI
Aroun .1t. Corner North Street