HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-24, Page 44 ♦-Thurstay, Novemler 24, 1921. %OfWWit11,110ibw0.iV1b4001[11110/tbdb►IJr 1llbtdJ0040,0011010101 dbIIivttL 9fewqitidgets from Adjoining 3'emmunities I,ft%n1If1 ft%iftn1 ft%ft%'I% r1 ft%/VI%if%illiil f!g//t1.11!+11�1741111., f.111% if!f.f ST. AUGUSTINE TI"'"1,0.• Nov. =al. ' Mis" I:;l .114•ttt .\\'il •,.11 returned front hnalun on Saturday. Miss Mitrllur Ferguson is si.*(1ii Mfrs U. Thompson this week. Mrs. Thos. It.ddll' ou is visiting al Mr..Jtw Thompson's at present. t 1'irn.- 4t* N.%eula•r "21st. .11r. and Mrs. Jos. 'I'Iwtnp•.01. -a daughter.. Mr. Mason M,hlll-ter i, ow the sick list all present. 'KIN GSBILUME ro.-..10, Nov. 2_ !firs. .101111 1'. Sullivan hu- dlep rted for Albion. 1►ntari.o. \I r. and Mrs James Foley have left \- .ti••11 to reside in Gal.:ri.1i The onaily friends of Mr. and .Mr-. Foley regret their departure. bat .one 101111 1,4 It gain for r;.alvei..h• )t r. • Walter Haltom 1..1: ,r• ;,bard 1107111'. 1n Kinprsbridge purl.h hall nut Fri• ---- - - .fay, Nowrniber _:.the a card partyalio! l la t• will lie held. Prizes jot la•.t players of euchre Mud five, honked Mr. Tho-. e;ulgley Is spending' hi. %ovation a1 .11.. Mame 6f 11114 rental 1 He Knows 1AIil doctors .know what • wosderlul protector to the e in ther t is in the healing a hang oils anJ disinfect-_\ est uperties of LIFEBUOY HEALTHGAP wad Mow •a..ri.e. washout bunko.. b. earta4Ys Out touch the The e•rerll' .4.wu Le/•b•• ,•..trot.'. road• tun rawAr•e r•t.eb after •av Ibu,•i. "u gas a u,d aII �I R i i sps•hdl meeting on Monday even ng wh0u they enjoyed a visit from the Yonne People's Guild of WhItet•hurth. 'rh.• %kiting young people had charge of ale devotional part of the program 31441 .Mowed that they are alive to the real meaning of the topic with which they dealt. 'via : "Wi11uiug all the. young la4'ple of our community to ('loci -t.. After the devotional part of tet' program a i((a•la1 hour was spent. :1 pl.•as.ult tient profitable t•veniug was enjoyed anti many received a fresh glimpse of the joy and meaning of s(•r- .110. The meeting ails closed by sing- ing : -Blest he the tie that binds," :611.1 prityt'r 1.7.11er. Mr. Stobie. It,. Jolt know the delicious flavor of English hard ladled t'andie., Su . following flavors : IA•mun. Acid. tottrawlwrrrl line Fruit. Horehund. Itnt•ers.•.•tch. Mists' MINI t'r'am Toffee. IAA: poor Ib. Cam(dells Drug Store. ASH? `GELD I The WW1:l144 1'ipo Band Ljlc'1oi..._ 'a fit. Andrew's dame on • t ho evening of N11vet11110' 21 411. 1 14101 1111101. 10.41 mutsie. town hull. l.al'kuoa : Miss label Mat 1Sonia 1.1. w ho ha- r0nlpletel 'ii business e4.41 I., iu wing- i tato. bus returorol to her home art Kintigh. _Ashth•hl Mr. Robert Ililotn'n, who hes lural: on the farm of John )l1O,houuhl for :3s Just flvr J ear• Irl!' moved to .1 farm tear Kint:ill. (':ring bis shay ,Ji_ the comnulm.ity which he NI- ht.' !eft t'la ural the esteem* Nutt t4Nt;t*Irian• ..f all hl: u, -i l.("'rs by bio 1114111.1 1.100: an.I )h,ll•''t Habit ' The hest wishes 'of hl. idents :l.0m14iO4 11ttu To ht.' new knife. Mr.: n11T`3 rs. John N. MLu'Ktnzb' ,.f Laurier..Inat'e. n'turad home from 'Nova S.4111 111. W11114, they tare tarn visiting their ..'n. A very '1140 sfn1 1'. F. r►. nut:•tinI; was held -in-Moteih [tall Hall. Iiintail. 4111 ThtarwllIY-evening. T1.e meeting was, a4Mr•swtl by Mr. .1. W. King. who is's.. spike :At Port Albert anti at 1aa•le ulsh flue same week. Quite a unwirer of sprach•• were given by several .;f 1lase 1r.'-.•111 front the snrronu.Iiltg community. Resides throe ,tone very able speakers were heard from Ripley. Port Albert and other points. • .. joint meeting of the Wootutti s ln- i stitnte and the 1'. F. W. (1. will 1.• held in the Laurier chub Morse 0n Tues- day: November 22. to d1s•us• the (nes tion of lint Ima'h in the schools. l'PH01 ,4'rERIXG a. vie 110 it w ill add an air of luwry as well as comfort and attractiveness to the piste. sou entrust to us. (Jur wurkman•hip is so r\rcllent in Pt CP) reopen that often nur patrons tell 14• piere.:ue more luuelslme after we have re -finished therm than when (.he us a trial. CLIFF ANDERSON West Street, Opposite Brophey Bros OUR ANNUAL CONTEST 1S NOW ON A hand3ome Cen- trepiece given to the person guessing the nearest correct number of in jar. beans - • Miss S. Noble South Side Square Goderich MILLINERY Special sale of smart street and dress hats of,the sea- son's newest, smartest and most favored stylels• $8.00 to $10.00 Hats For $6.75 EDISON AMBEROE RECORDS THE SIGNAL - GOD1RIMI, Oil. DUNGANNON INtdnr'.lay, Nov. 23. Mr. J. W. King. the Progressive re- presentative. held a padiiiest meeting in Agricultural hall on 11'eluentlay evening of this week. A large crowd turned bort to hear the questions of the day discussed. l'owe to the social in lite Methodist ohur•h on Fetch)' evening. Nov. 25111. S u'ehl(•k, under the au.spitrs of N. .S. (haat prograut. 1.1111111 served. Eve 4aady welcome. The big drain In West 1.Vawauosh Was t piled on Monday of this week. J. it. 'abb Isar ,11 -haul at 111'e1 - cut u quaut of first class Western oats. 41110 a all 111041 411 excellent corn. A. Mowbray s his chopping will going in hill styli • now. Hr had an ex(elleut dam built t (vruskierable ex- po1s• last summed' 111 is now pre- pared to accommodate le puddle (1.K. Miss J. 1'awblyu t4•tu 1 home to !Anatol" after spending couple of weeks the guest of Mrs. It. . Craw - font. The Anglican chunk held successful liazanr in the Ilbrar_ Wesitteslay of this week. A Couple of carloads •t,.ok In t play ,tt Lneknow last Friday evening. The Ladies' Aid •.f the t'resbyterian chard' intend holding 14 homer. let and ' entertainment 1111 WP1111-..lay• 1hsemlaor 14th. mere tblx date 111 nlhal ' I• Misses )lav and Katie Fowler Ito returned to Toronto after spending Paiute time will& their another, 311111. Ed. Fowler. MM. (Ites.) ['olive returt?rQt 10 Iont- dou on Friday of last week. very on 1- A1LOW I • • s. c I Twwrtaship t'oua►eil-aluuiei(sa1 e,uu• waterstot trout the ('- lo. cil'uf the towashlp of l'ullarrtlr art is Carlow of which the hr. the Tuwu.11lp IixN uta %I.4 tUlwr �tM• noemlwr. The erefIt* was Me•uila•rs all present. peeve Young in 'mode rttt1 dR11el11g an,l amblst the chair. Inmates of lila meeting ,.f good wi%lws the bride a11.1 read and adopter. 1111 111.otb.n of Rol'- left for their home In Ashflt•Id. ert.011 anti Graham. Iihstrict Itepre• gravel. 37.N11; J. mote, digging ditch on Saltforl 11111, $165_; N. Slwwonls, digging ditch on :taltford Mill. $10.50; J. 5lo(raw, digging ditch on SMlttord Mill. gal; Ales. Melw.al. shovelling gravel and repairing fence, 3144.50; Jos. Fisher. drawing gravel, 112; J. Studio nan, draw lug gravel and 58 yards gravel. $3s.7u: A. Mugford. team on grader. $8.10: 1). Pitbludo, team on grader, 1.4.14* ; A. /haat. road superin- tendent, $27. drawing grader. $1.'25, repairs to grader, $1.:l1, oil for grader, 3c-434); (:. Fowler, repairs to scraper, $1.75: A. l'atlstone. the and work on Longs (Melt. 3111.42; J. Graham, one sheep killed by dogs. 31(1: Mew. A. Johnstone, caretaking, $15; Wm. Hardy, work 1111 road north of Youngs S. 11.. $2:3; N. Met'larty, drawing crushed rack on B. S.. ltd.. $21. Total mild out at meeting, 30118.42. Total laid to date, $8451.[18. Meeting ndjountd. to Ilhr't 1ltremlwr 15th at 10 a.m.. as,pa•r statute. 1. IIF:T1IElt- 1X4TON, ('l.•rk. Hayden- Potter.- A very- nappy event (ant pour at the home of Mrs. K, 1'1 tlel' at 41 o'clock on Xovemlwr 9(11 when her second daughter. I.Illy Ruth. %vas unite) lu the holy lands of matrimony to William Stanley 11ny den. w,11 of Mr. and Mrs. James May- en. of .\shield, Rev. It. J. Moss °M- e ted. The bride entered the palrlor lea 11g 4111 the arm 'of her brother Lew. she car prettily gowned in royal blue silk w t cut steel trimmings unil she :11s.. wo • the emom'+ Rift. 11 11441 1- (111 white 0111 lour On net with pearly anti nmeth• t. After emgr*tulutlona the imunelial relatirtr. sol friends of the bride nod Isom to the number of twenty -flue alt 11'141 10 the diuing- ra,ar Where n .111 nous repast was port,aken ..f. Mr. , 1 Mrs. Hayden were the eur•Iplent. o • _*7 beautiful and sfly rift intim] a i-iirtilass i► eIn..s of was • 1pa•nt in ., motive, S. 11. Shatters. waited 4111 the council to discuss the r• -forestation for DECEMBER The very latest dance and vocal hits can be obtained on :\titherol Records, - also thebest classical and operatic music. Look over the list below and come in and let us play sonde selections for you. scheme.. The clerk w as iust ruetel to write the lhepartment of iausnts. For- ests and Mines. t.. ascertain What • roes would be snittble And ether In- formation with a clew to planting that Nara t.f the Colborne orn• ...•artery grounds that in unsuitable for burying parr- poss. Mr. S4tothrr• al.,. brought lir. fore the (nunrll the mutter of a pro- posed winter course in agrlt•utture to he held at Wiugham inviting them to 114 .4.p•rute by hooting their Influents -I and by offering a loriz.. for (',,lh ortte .tridents in atten'I:us.•. The follow- 1 hag r•rli.lirtion was Iat-•..l : "Resolved that this 41,1111011 regard1 with approval the three mouths' course to be !whit at 14'inghant during 1114 winter months 1.5-• the °marl.) U'pnrtment of Agri - cotton, . \4.e would also express Our 11111101. -as to make a .lolathIII ill pr►- l..rtiou to the another of atudeuts at - '.suint[ from taw lowu+'ip." Ttw cease 439a Tenderly -rat Trot , tery e410'11104e• w1,11 tel annou(ee that ( tun deVingtOreheetra :,t wane time in the_ near future Ito 4399 1, Mr T'poy eaooe-Medier waits he deflnitel' strtel later they w11) 1:,00 extend a11 111Mtationi to till who are Green Oros. Novelty end interested in the ('ultarue ..onetery to 4400 tU Little Sister Mary Lewis Jammu juin in beautifying it by •l.•1uliug *M1 101 The rem w,eo. said .h1•ariiug- it of ' I(.•umnlulel under- 4Pesrkw Oreboot/a brush, Or. The following arrOnnta 4402 Christmas Carole were taint : .i. Alton:ivied sup•rin- The Bell or Old Trinity • New Tait h:Orient, B:• t1 J. N; --Alton, with ST. HELENS 4383 Rainhoor '' Nedtrr-+Iotr•: •'tot• team. *22.'40: R. Frltzly. with team. I 140•Like") WaikikiHawallanOrcli (1(tw1; 11. M.4'renth. wort. *+1.40: .1 Tuesday. Nov. 22.1I. F'irrri-h. arming grader. plowing Mr. anal )Ir+. W. Iell. front apse 1381 ain't Te•A _ing Oet, Melinda Berl and and Invest Ilan x1411 grading. ti1.7.41: 4l. lit►rtonl, !Dor- �i were Visitors with Mr. lan Capers -Foe Trot 1118 erwibT mini grinding. 37.20: H. 1"ul- ..1, Kenzie Lindutother friends ole Mon; ' 131x5 f ■dtWHarry Radensan's Jus Orchestra ford. work" oh road. *12: Wo. Thom. I tiny. Developed in Velvet, Duv- etyne, Plush and Velours, in Black and colors. Con- spicuous for their'admil'- able style and very appcial pricing. WM. R. MacVicar Klagaihn flied'. (:oalerich 43A1i The Sou w«nI Blues Al Bernard work on read. tat: ileo. Million. team, )(r. vial Mrs. W. ituthrrford spent $111.611; .1. atranghau, with team. :In I''; Held Fut In A Baby's Hands the weektonal At sturdy, of _ 4187 Oeorae wdtoo:aaltard Fort"- elriv4ek 31:.; E. Rtraughan. with Mr*. ilolwrt Stur(ly. _uf . hlfutlaam. team. $9: 11. Cantwell, work on road. is a hM.ltor with her broiler. Mr. W. , 43A8 Persia-ro*Trot Orlando's(0rehestra lib; J. Fowler, work on road. 12 yards J. Hnmphr'y. j Rev. l'. l'umming atn'ttlel'the Preee- loytt•ry m,'ether--ttrl Ytnghatu--nn-fi e . uewlay. Mr. S. Coulter who has (aeh under the d,a1or's car(• for a 14nlpb• of Weeks is not improving eery fssr Mr.. .1,1meo Taylor. sr. who lin-. I been .o,Itim,ed to -heti Tor 4114•.•4' :I 10.01111 1a nut 1(jfmprocing,...44, iI}'fit us. her. friend}. t'iwild like. Home II Destroyed By Fire.- The dwelling Iwi w of Mr. Win. \\',sal: w'a4 totally destroyed by If nn Tues- day last. The (•Arts' of the tire Ra. from A (lefts -five chimney. Refute Inde neighbors got there it we. impossible to save the building -hut managed to get all the furniture out on the ground flow. 1t was Impossible. however. to sate the Content,. of the upstairs and the cellar. Mr. Woods suffers (mitt• a loss. but fortnnately he had A 1 o 43A0 'Ma'-M.4*I. no Trot Intro'"1'11 011 his farm at St. Helens where they 1...• To grime Why I Feu In toot hare aettlel down for the: winter. some, w'11` vmo" In. harry Raderlaads Jazz Orchestra Tile Yams People'. Bible class hail a 1 w alter t an(an 4389 ,.I Sweet and Los tot /faker- gravel. ll:ilr0; F.. MiteIwl1. work on Saxophone Son Cnest•r Oartord rind, *841: L. Baxter. yrork on road. 4390 tn. Portobello tEoie c*.i w -'11541: 1'. Nibs. w(1rk'0u road. $•3(1: 4'. itoI.•rts.n. work on road. $12_: 11. 4391 ansa at The Old Surnaming Hole •V :alter., work on roRd. $.'ill; 11. sill, Jones and Kramer[ FI■ra Matthews, work on road. $(1: H. l'ent- 4391 t wonder where Mr Sweet Sweet land flllitgt Itolesd on WPP[ 1�'Rwataosla DaddrsOone--rot not LaWLeatier'. 4e..r,jrotttxrheetra Boundary. $1.'50.;_t Hetherington. 111 4393 tlayaaraaen (Irish ares[ 42 ft. tile[ '*40. 7 (9 in. mei $ds.75, • naNesle•slaa tri 111. $22, r-3til.2`i; Wm. Hill, 4394 ter Sunny Trnn•s.er -t s TrM �drawing 111e. Ss; 1. Fk(her, (ironing Amadeu.), Dance Orchestra 4395 r,.ld Not to remntsnon Melropohtss Quartet 4396 if Yam Only Knew Allan Rivers 4397 Gee w Makes. -Rabe Song Byron (:. Milan 4378 Handy 'N' Yrrot Trot Club dr Vmitt Orrhestra ' 4379 In Th. out To.. Hall nilly Jon.. and Mixed Maces Insurance was carried. ".-•-. _...... ._...... Specht Meeting of Young Pesp►e.•- 4381 1 wander If you Stilt rare ror Me 4382 Catano.-Fm Trnt Broad... lance Orchestra CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE Women of Canada - Goderich For the first time we are to exrwise the franchise in the Federal e4etion. Many of us feel deeply the need for spee(al light and gttidanee at this time. God IR still the refuge of Ills people. We believe In prayer; therefore, et ms ask Hlm in whom Igo all wisdom for that light end guidance for ourselves' and that the best men, as God sees them, may he siett,d. "The Lord 111111 wrought great things for us, whereof .v ere glad." let us pray, study and VN! SS MONS that fear ills. W. C. 1'. I1. Head Stuffed By Catarrh or Cold Use Healing Cream If your nostrils are clogged. your throat distressed, or your head is atnifed by nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a little purl, antiseptic, germ destroying cream into your nostrils. it penetrates through every air passage, soothing in• flamed, swollen membranes and you get instant relief. How good it feels. Your nostrils are open. Your head is clear. No mere hawking, snuffling, dryness or strug- gling for breath. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Rada from any druggiat Colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed up. Relief is sure. Watch This Space Next Week For Big Clearing Sale M. ROBINS 1 as -, ■111./11■///■ ■1■ 1/1//151X/)•111: ii. Men's Overcoats 10 Am N • / Don't be satisfied with a lot of the so-called cheap IIS III Overcoats you see around --Costa that will be shabby be- 1 fore the season is over -we are giving good advice when ■ r we say"(live a little more and get a great deal more." You N 11 will fitid our Overcoats reliable in quality, neweet designs rINi and moderate in price. MI■ Prices --$20.00 and up to $45.00. 1 1 BPECIAL--SEE OUR ALL WOOL MELTONS AT $32.50. 1 1 •■ ■ ■ • Boys' Overcoats IN 111 A clearing line formerly sold at x.50, clearing $11.96. ■ all III Regular lines greatly reduced. Prices --811.00, 813.00, 11 11 ■ ■ $15.00, $16.50.II ■ • IN 1Walter C. Prtdham $Goderich ■ Phone 57. • • ■ ■ltd//ln II•ti/ 1111//////11/111■ SCHOOL OF COMMFRCE, Clinton, Ontario Beset; unabe at pour? to even aGndefirh l3tar(h tave,arrsr ed a tittle%able that stu.14nts from Goxlrrl.h m (y attend all,elasees, comma down in the astern'. nl land returning on eve mg tract. '134-0.11held 2:50 to 8.40 p'n• Y,w will be coral- plying w•th the Adtiewent Act by attending the Seho(w of Cxnm•rce F.w Courses . rnd,term-, ['none 198 or ante, towers ' a►mi B. F. WARD B.A., M A-cts , frim ipal JP M . LAR Et SON ►� � ;: �i - 56 "The Sc o ch Store" STORE I:lOVRS• & A. M. TO 6 P M.: SATURDAYS 10 P Practical Christmas Season We are one and all looking forward to the Christ- mas Season which is drawing very near. Practical gifts will predominate this season and it is with this ilrmind we have selected together the large t and best stock of suitable and practical gifts. BLOUSES, THE POPULAR GIFT Never have we shown such an exclusive assortment of the newest and moat charm- ing Blouses in Tricolette, 'Georgette and Crepe de Chine. Black and White are easy leaders, also novelty colors, many showing the new Tie Backs. bloke a point of seeing the new Waists, priced from $3.75 up. XIMONAS, A SENSIBLE GIFT Kimonos as gifts are much appreeiated. We are showing all that is new in Velours, Silk and Crepes in plain colors and novelty designs, all marked at about half last sea- son's prices, from $2.95 each. GLOVES, not =CH APPRECIATED GIFT No person ever made a mistake giving Gloves. No matter how many pairs a per- son may receive they are always appre- eiated. Perrin's Guaranteed Eglantine Kid Gloves in Black, Tan, Grey and White, $2.96 pair. Perrin's (:ape Gauntlet Gloves, correct for street wear, in Mastic Brown and Grey. Special $3i0 pair. PARASOLS MAKE A USEFUL GIFT 1•'.,r Lady or Gentleman what could he nicer than a good Parasol. The new handles are extremely smart ii some new designs that make them: most appropriate for gifts. Priced ti'l*1111.11i1p HANDKERCHIEFS LITERALLY IN HUNDREDS Handkerchiefs are one of the moat pop- ular gifts, so easy to send to friends at a distance and always appreciated. We have them in every style from the plain Hem- stitched to the real Handmade Lace, separate or done up in fancy boxes. Priced from loo to $1.95 each. A FEW SUGGESTIONS THAT MAY HELP 013? Camisoles, Hosiery, Sweaters, Shawls, Scarfs, Mitts, Gauntlets, Linens, ifand Bags, Colars, Blankets, Rngs, Linoleum*, Oilcloths, Comforters. In Justice to Yoursdf Do Your Christmas Shopping Early °ss`Mi/lay's Scotch S to re"�