HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-24, Page 2it
2 -Thursday, Novetnlwr 24. lust.
Thursday, November 21, twat.
It is tune for a change.
"Shot is the feminine of i'newk•rt•.
tasks The Ntaforth News. That'•
Key. Una Mackenzie King, of clutter.
Why . is the Fan..rr' party thriller
with-irt'litrenl •i(tun. who uwrawllrd
the Big lutermetx againat
1 in-nsm "-hotelikrxt
1911 " \Ir. J. J.
1,741, 77,11
Tea -to be good -must be fresh
is alma s fresh and s�Sethat unique flavour
of 'goodness' that has justly made it famous.
_��� the Tory n, itIiatitng convections op the
airs ch.N'sr their (aroltin•+. an.{ Sir 'leery
'Noose pimple who hare• horn's •d int- i wiry still ort in the 1•.d ie Thena leery
' ie that a ve
wool made to Tarleton, witii4 u-& I t•1 he
pow should .explain why , ,til:-
- alackeming in iugp.rtanou halt ily" •• a safe saneand teas once a hart) •r sot
With hart! time... 1'atts itt's: iu+lmoru till+; Tory, .«
refuFr for Sir Robert B liken.. .lent the
year Mn; only half ther• of last year; yet (:irh ton take rob Ik.l againat ucoe pti"¢
unemployment i+ rile. n aoutsider. and ittstl•u.i of providing a
.'''''-4-1 plata for the lr•ripatetii• \lini.ter.if .Fie.
Int thenI •p°,iattJhrn1 of elee•ti'o1,,tticial. ane• th••y sleds,• ns their u•auinele \C. F.
the C••r.s•rtativr*' tn.ssfm,l, .*•ural a'"N1 (; l:1nf• or. SirHenry, J,ei rtl,tfarttno do,nl Iler •al -.t
eitt.na•. i•' favor n i tons .... 1.Lit n Jt 'tiff. 1
is :. l` . h •p.• 1 they will at7least ,..lea In the Ii1.•antinuea fend ha3 •u:t'Ggt.l in
'(he' nmtrued. int! 1.1' • IN•ip "1"ills 1 West y oak 1> •tw.r n t w,, f t t i;.ti , in th.'
,o lime •1a)'. :�;(+ina,rv:itne pirty n-hielt 114r .ttt •t1 t!
T•tuntinC� •'o'Co'"a.•
1 result -in loin_ the soul t• rho j.ib •r 11
\(r. ; Io *Vert this disaster mil at lit•' si tt •
..p.itr•n l., is o. ` g •.tr.•• mays
h)• occident tall! 1e,. a:•^nave • late the rims -t er o:
MciChr'l. It nuts t • 1'0 1'.t " Finale's, the rival ran Ind tt agreed t •
that all the iot a: uo to t' ,nse•re.atites. \'1' f _ tt1,1r cl•u,ns m favor f sir il..•an
dont Dlant lie. io ..,,,,> + _mit'. -�' "•
at14Tuni i iPl.h• iii=t-i'tmr-Ti.64,ii n
making hay' while.,th,..,t,, -hie tie ne•utie tet„pis- he neeire l the itnrt,t•
lite •:th of It.•tvmb•r the t'•,ii. f three
. •intm.•ut-. ti•'n to ran in l •t4 Cork. Even at 'tit it
Hill ma h• nlakiltg the aha
h e .reseal ul asks ter fr'ne ml:tili,u at..
. t ` r tn,;-tiftlia of floe a A in the t•nnven-
h i• ju-t taru.y-litTtt,ir, lase (.il.,r.tl
[ion- fisnt_. r,p t) tt iI to hi. .•uMIkLtcy_ The
policy. afros a I'nt_+'porr,Nl •'f liarr l tins•-, , \lini.n•r .'i Fiu:also is. n••xt tp ill. I•re-
broui-ht pntaierlty to Cawa•la. At the slier. the moot lily octant non -in the
e rkrse.. the tttteclt ttsleeerie 1'tf Liberal Calot at, end Sir Henry Dr yun►'s,ex-
- -rule, int 1411..t.le• cettalf .Oar'
to ••{ieri tori •n x• shows the struita to .vrht it the
Aug thpt•tit.1'tu..rrv:ativi stn• 4 in ejtp/si- I „nee w•etlrlieciplined C. n. rt.ttttto(arty, to
t' to Write N•ity 1 were: 1. •:ter well i bow (alien. 'Altera wood b' a marry "Iia,
party, which wits tins levidr': party
stauollug for the rights of troth turn
attunes aril ptvtluce•rs and r filch, It
returned, would give Canada au era
��j (�{(� [��
of homed and stralghtforw'arl Govern--
1N SASKATCHEWAN 'tient and whose nelson and personae'
Hon. W. L. MacKenzie King Com-
pletes Successful Tour of
Western Provinces
Gives His Reasons For Turning
Away From the Progressive
t)t!lava. Novt•tuIer hath, 1921. -The
!Altera' hw'Mder,lHdo.-W 1.. Maeke�tzle
m:•y b.so1.. There are t«lue things in Rim: ateoNling to reports which have
the -tory of hie life whieh are worth ti.ir!ltrl (Rtuwa, is now evmpiethtg a
noting by even thus. who have net er urea suosveashd tour of the \Crstern
114an1 et 1 IIP weal Ixont un a farm P1.'1'011'1'4.At the heed of the later dt•ud hi trite. 1917. and 1i,1e. was
and slant hw early b•vhtNsl thew and no as well as du the Prairie Provinces Tt
a village'rotton faru•ry, w•ht•re he worked � net•erthrh•s allowed by the Govern.
as u ' d'obbin boy" infra the+ ukr ..f ten 1 hrtuselyesi the i.11rtral ehletlala him- ment to give promissory totes for +Its
te, thirteen. At the age of lifteeti he writ ; been,given a splendid reception and as b,,,,h ws profits attd other taxation
left nn orphan and without means, yet Ie' ;t result of his frank expttltton of the and now that It Iws naehed a stage
stork's.' his way through college. alliin -l' 1.1ia•ral polio -lea mei prhw1ples there ,te tirhiai bankrtr{to;r, the Govern -
law. No. Called to the bar and Anally ire- rm,ts hien a decided swiltg toweed the /telt H -int the pension of having
canoe a di,tin{tuibeset jhurnalist anti Literal eaudid:aes. Thr people'' have promisst,ry tnttr. and no 1ik-iiltaal of
author. Parent* who argue that'there is fupud out for thawx•lcts that the Gar- icing able to collect thein. And from
no nat. in giving an eelucatirn p. ti child eruweut`e cry of a different -"tariff tow hien-nettion which has already
who loots "u ezlretntb it of ntak44 4 a lit- 'whey 1e111g preached by the Liberal , woe,' gm11w•rtd, the ltiorthtn company
lite by his 'duration shutkd slake a note I,,,t(dl•r de•e0miiug lei the halite'', hf
of thio yaw_ It did mot hook as if tja•n• is only • of w•cenal wealthy .m•rps•rt
was Mach of a future for the little Loeffler 'his see elie•e, is all PoPPreece. 'and bole w•hleln has Igen Allowed to ew•ap•
Fitt Who had b•Ih"ea"blobiatiay"in a they tiro preparing to hake revenge oto itaeatlhi, whit,• the tr.s 11tH+N•utial
eotio I ttiictory- .fort who can tell what is the `t;oternmeut tt hi• h lois been xtl laciness man has 111411 Nllra11'110rl wial
'alit•:14l wally bey in this work( of °roper- itdustrions in .trying to mislead the ;dire punlniunent and als.l with Meati
tunny -. Every Inky shoukl have the ail- o.niltry lie this and a' wore of other] nails it he dared to mak., an error in
tentage of at bast ns 111114'11.t,IN11ding a• nays. the computation of his tax. Mr Icing
Nill enable trim to kttow tie 'waning Ia. Sa.katcht'aue there is a eltelded!hit the nail on the 'wool in to -fen -ilea
and value of idicatti.n and leiter Ilius swing tow•art 1.ileralian. \l.e'ly tatre-', to thts matter .wht-u MA prntestt l
+ 1Y+i'f Y'r' t •8"'p't1iagatrtrt the-;ptae tat_iie_mmgetus
the N ,rk'nt Amnion aifa•r las•talar "eaudldatt.s as the farmer. themselves 1
1 TIN•rr wax nothing In the law. said
lava are over. And thdsapplie s to gins as I tied that they will lose either than
ttr�l ns bt s. 1 I Me King, whir+ gave tate Minister of
y niu by splitting the opposition' against. ) ituanr. or anyone else .11w•retitem ry
Tiro Fall Fair styli► i hte pre4ettt -Tory I;wvtrnruett and I'pnwer+ with Meant i-tt ter the nrmr'ptnut
I. .\drertlstatr. ors, in many rams, letting a Tory
Fief notes tor -taxation. And if the 1;.,.
Writing to The t.odertrh. ttlittmt it
gain a seat In at eunstiturtn,' Nhere Iernuuent wax going hr tit this for en•
the tae majority of the people are hix i,Nlu•tri:il Imx�x.t'ttlott,t awns meas,
•-.sert.ellromient tGriugt up several very' I
good reasons why there is not alit' ...Na "x1 to els, tioveruwout "keit hat two reason why the poor man, timed,.'
1 past. 1 i 1 Poll
f t r at
u power . the a
t /r f r
1 on t -� .I
III , / .
11 tt N 1 1
1 1 f 1
{e I VI 1 Other h\ 1
l t . ',vivant. r ( r /
t. sly hI 11
support 'for the fall fair. Th/ clue' mlmtli+.
{,. a farmer, vibe for years has toete not be entitled to ;lye tile C.ttvrnmeh.
lust It in Antra• ...nit. Oils siting will �a pfomieaslry note for thein.
it exhibitor at the enolate full fairs./
bring into the Liberal fold It I. haul the dietrict. Inc points out :
WAN the only alis to he ttustt'l 'with
government at this critical time.
The Liberal tweeter ainl Dr. Clarke
were itith werudy r'iwived aril worse
ehte•ril as they ttllitlw.i their speeches.
Another speaker on the NVeeteru tour
is ('ol. Andrew Thompson of (,ttaWa
who, speaking as a returned ...Miler.
is nide to give the returned man's
viewpoint MINI who tret•iy gives his
reasons for getthyt beh11N1 the Liberal
ement fur the betterment of 'Can-
ada as a whole.
The a;over • it appears to have
driven the dual nail iffe'Its cattle, If
there ea, room for another lase. by
its notion in the raw• of the INeirlu11
taxes, This evrp/rttti.u, while wealthy
old deelariag n itt per lett. cash dtvi-
enough alone. Yon ,inn t it, ur itt.,l'T'' • Ila" orlon--av c tryst na'il's'. }irk
atylnii rind now. it.i tint{• fora return eke•tnrs sheitkt eonlpkGt the rttiry by
to Liberal • 1 ;•nont•nt :uuf pro.peritc.! 'etre tin: tine 1.ilierS ealiiti;tatlr'omr the
i tete-It-travedkd• \turners►- " %
Tle tan • idles u' t '
Colwervativa tatritf f•r the m"Inla'•- \Viten- are all the farnse yetiths in
d pt( -I of
1It1* ye p l' - te More Interest, lit/fairs.
tios airy le at/mined up m the Nay. Torr. Create Kniest -Ii I,,.t.
tithes. .Tile United Fanners Mor 1'r.•-' Huron county as it relliteit' to live stock
gressiver)-ti tariff fess the iarwi•r..• The Matting at this iitrke fairs/7 At tie \fest.
l.ihrrals-s tariff for the pass oke. Am, in ern Fair then• were w•yt•ntt•t•tt-entrie•t in
1 the 11orat class. 1( K 1 f
• ss twe ty-el Int in we
the long run a tariff for the whole tootle ,..tale. ir•tentren in dfitry cattle, eleven in
-..ie the oull one that will stand the t.•`•t. -hep ank six in . woe -eighty jet • e11.
Theme was only t.t prize-winner in Perth
Hon. 11. . Min- he
' a gt,111 Mlitii to a"rr4'irt lucw(ttle. Judging
Ise -or of Justice. nit : Na. firelight l:tt the comity 'strict f:1i11-fairs and grunt glabor and expense whits the other
down nom ft tttal)' to spw•11Litio]Iem' girls ow in ntltt and ithis
1 w'ny Kite t eel an acquaintancentacquaintancewitt h the feline crape the leneftt:'
(hrtarlu. ha+ returned :u :\picots with-'dantr's that might lend to the toreador The points made by title correspond-
out having matte ally ;;rear iwpres,tion I field. What we want to we ie the peace est are eo real that there to tae
' a : o ligation. tin ties from them. Any ler
"Otte reason la the Lick of ill- to esti"atP, but then 1...every reason Th•• i.1 era! leader marts this nes •
I to. believe that the voting on Itereenewr Iw.wk on MA limit eras of tante-ran one
tera'xt on the part of the visiting
tali will return a greater number of
'while. 1u 'hones. cattle, sleep atilt will Anivh the enmiaign with a two',
swl11e, eG. Ithr'ladklate of our
Literals from that Province than had week.' tour of titles which he has 1
r�soumwi. We tit ate; and at it tree" antklpeush tip, to the time the this far been nimble to vldt. I
Li ',hailer Rett O(taws.
great deal of pistol -labor to ball -
roan anti lNeisotai- hib(ts which get -
The Brute.
but a pis.lug glatw-' front's few. i -TIN' Liberal I.-tt.lre
laud the paltry pdttanee of a prize the I'ntRressivc•s w
- that would not pity for the fed the first of hie ee
they eat while at the fair, while intro at Melville
some old I ringer hf tt rate her- - j ui;tht Mr.
gets the pile. anal the attention ht that their
the pnlew in this fast age. Th. -t' • ;u •a tirrir 1 rty 1." th.• rook. ut diasru-
. fs more :thee mosey value in :1 ; chin, 13 he'Pruett-seat .w t1t•sirwl to
prize at a sly l•olallr•tition, but i• h,• trill pl'.tgrt•.-4',- then .1lit•Ir ',bier
should 1101" la extoe teed that pro- ,'W the stark. of the Liberal party
dueers Trill go to no much time. • a:hi 1 had fought their battles ill the
t and had ;pew dlfwu to defeat in
,.•'effort ht friss ree(tHvsity for the
farm: rs . in 1911. 'Fhe I'rogreesive entente, %ill knock Dept the w -'ret attack.
• in.ivr•en•nt: wee; likely to 1e reepatsible, air ie it asthma -then Raz -Nish is the ;
u )1 r. King :01 te1. for rile return of • sire relief. Sold by H. 1'. (btnhtp.
rend a Irs+,n too He batt txarried a wkbow and all
en he addn•ssrti 1 went well for a week when they had'
•s of I'rnlrle meet- !TM•Ir tint ynarr -I. The next day he
Sank:. la.t Saturday tratni down to bn•ekfsst with a mount-
ing told, his t/ndierw•e itta ha n4 ou his nom.
went enure meautt 114;111- '4111. I'm .r, worry." staid his
")Chat' le it fur!"
"For your tiro 11n•sh•nol:" he re-
plied. "1'm sorry he died " \
there (ip►N•sitknt Journals. twrl•teps I tM I ll a F _ T
who 4 -os attended a
What t Makes A Good Farmer. picture the thing for blmsr4(.
Lits. along ora side of rte gnu
It ie abiggi•r tltingt to axe a gt.Nl farmer hln•e the livestock exhibits As the - i.,ttnttitnt•tiele. where "th- I.tleral watt
than some of us think. Tien• are those. •orzespoutlent viaims th , are the stttc ••( ti, tory in :t straight two-
whoseemto think that if we draw. nn backbone of the wh e husitwss.-1 candidate fight, would let Many Tories+ l
a pair of overalls. follow the pieta' all. day There they are. penned off. in the must 'slip b, . k into the Hous+•.
Thtere was talk of Iminittion atter the
I were they- pit - elee•Non. said )Ir. King, but he wantwl
, would And plenty, the 1'rogrt•..ire. that if Meat wanted
to hack their opinion to 's-t•k unity with the Literal piety
ars. And yet. what which undoubtedly wonQd he the party
r Hue animals get'! It int the text" House with a mnjority
t guilty people who visit suttbinnt to form a (;oyernment,
snake , you_ a ie. -titer. ' then thwy .IN_mid seek that unity 1"e -
once in ;while. lteittdf nu -and the to an intett(gennt•-npinion rs t'dtng- ter..and net after the election-. The
rept of un -jute tot_gend,.. T ,their w Iwo_
rnaR for the. most
hwik.i tmlutry was *kit. _of. e-oalitlons, the
Iso pelmet( n these fair ps t ou t,
Liberal chief !toweled. and it w1♦ ti"-
'Iba.toet(i.g The : ' trait-heart.d way at the stock,-, I.- t. ...14 or i.iborala and armors
ret• rat harm«.seatt•tard - i thetwdrift off to .Lake their pya,m•-,..,I.-a1n.., ,.flet. tee„rkrttom if M the
Thi- demi for a loon• adequate prohw illi the rest 4 the rall•binls at the meantime the Partneri were going to
tion agnitltt fraudulent stock -welling edge of the half -mile' track, where. as' do their lest to 'elect ('wonw'rvative
schemes is being brought home to 41 : the correspondent truly says. "ibme menrlers by spurting the 1rm. Pro -
Public in 'liana ways, alai there a old ringer of a race horse getir the ert•sslve rote. -
uot•ement nn foot ailing Phan, +of pile. 'FOP I'rogtr«pfvtw had gone Into this
Cetnouereearil1).tarnlsof Trails, •e im intilo la Llte_rs Ir ht sots the herd. of n eines 'tromp.
1t l•.•kt like alined ti-Itlter. lthrtimatiomt,
nettrslgia. neuritis and Inml11,t'e, will that
Comer a t;viiht. Tetnpk•a•u's Rheumatlt'
ntade him rather ut14•tnufurtabli• by
requesting him to report the state-
ment, made by him in the House of
t'oneetns In 1:111, that �Ir. Meiglien
wee tor4 "grautophotle of Maekeuzk'
rind Mann."
NIT.. Janes Murdock, thefornter lioanl
if Counlire Member, adtlr•esesl tneeet-
inita at St•afortli'and (lintat last Friday,
and gave his heater an ineigbt into
what was going on rxthitxd 11x• scenes in
11119 and 192_0, ilei the 1.lovernutent wax
pretending to make an of ert to check
jrnofitoprieg Two measunst were enacted
- which xavh the p•o'plt• hole: for relief
(room the outralgw,u.ly high prima then
prevailing; but .Nir. Mlltnittck, in the
light of his enbe,p oo•nt experience, b•-
lieves that the tioternment never in-
-- tended that these laws should be applied.
They Wen. •inly a purr of eamoMHagr. he=
hind which the frig Interests should toe
• towed still tet carry 011 their game of
ing the Canadian people. As Mr.'
k pea it, alt the Iboanl of Cunt. city and diwtrict has -bion n ere er leap a out on the traek and starts to limber to adult toward the !Atwood party.
expected to do watt/ G• uutke a Promoter's paradise, lint n/htithatantling Up n hit. it beentues the eetltre of at- the ;c tsndd ha roily expect the l.lterel
lite loan►iretivte lvlieh_.1 bet n gilt tt lu_►ritt tluu _. Ny. dVltlyf-lube s_SY1gtr .W?l K ; forty atter it w ns n turtawl to paters
'ver the Boren! got ton St, (;atharines in thia t t/•r, e -e have a utld steer•: that Rt•t ser little nntd'x' to mall tint w4kltrg to 4ti to tee ter
tion enuldbe taken againat t"spici.tn that sleet• rom,t•rs are to to Wt -tet• hitt-lied to 11 race' cert. and Farmer.. •Mr. King et apr.•e•h had a
me influencte'•lx•hinol the 1 1ahittston, where inthis l'mcinct'• started off for a half -mile jaunt. they Itelling ••Rett on his alldl.nt•c• and wet
"•-•-l'oe would get their full stare of e•otnmeht
the intelligent farmers thhtking.
a c tau rewn.:nt of Tura istu to the nutlet.. for
JI"re the I'rogn•s.h-t-s, by plowing their coin -
nob' xe .lidat••-t In tie' field t., split the vote in
and worry a whole hot about the weather unattractive war, n
and things, tln•refnn• we are line faneerx. rods of dollars, a
Land sakes. a stovepipe hat and n book intro the 1lamme
under your ani don't snake you a of bidders scalp
preacher: The thought yin pmt into your
w,.nk, the smiles you get from the earth with their do
when you tickle it-ia the rills; the. n••rl it,itiee 'do th
peal you dot=tb.•,e are the things that tufty he th
.,tutu nature .s _
.tet a the
.l in trier 1 . {flauitttuit tet this sitttetkin: Were -The TIi,-v were determined that their party'
let amended in oiler t.. ice a nmtu•r odd
ringer of a race Morse tied to 0
security to the ;ample. ,Lodging f nu stout C sols to holes "two truck nor loath' with
filename which Ila« Iron vire bating in fe"ee ill tie caner uu one would pay' 1-itht•r of the old pr:arties. 1f that was
St. Catharine,' it wunld elan tlaaf this much atteutlon ttL_it. 1►nes• 1t gets the attitude wlleh the farmene were
point wise
high prices,
tlomne" pet all 1. efforts at mimed. Sev-
eral of the Cabin Ministers, whom Mr.
Murdock names, teeny intimated to
membere of the Boa i that big bnsi ere
was not to be interfe ,. with. finally
Mr. Alnr11ek reigned 1 Ahigtatt, and
went back to hip work it it bor nHiciah
Ile is now letting light into me of the
dark place"' poo that the people y sty
jltet haw• they were h.NNlwinke and
T1w 1•iherais are the only party to
whom the people can reasonably look for
econotny in public expenditure. Under
tete Conservatives the budgets at Ottawa
have Mounted to amassing heights, partly,
of courts, because of she wear,
but partly soler because of leek
of reasonable car` of the people's
money. For instance, thletIoans of e25,-
000,009 each h •$onnfanta and !,room,
which provided for large expenditures
with friends of the Government. Neither
can the C. F. 0. Government at Tomtits)
point to • record of economy. The lib-
eral t;overtlment of Ontario timid to get
along with an expenditere of four or five
millions a year. The torment Government
spends more than that in one month.
Wha1"Oiie Bey INd. ',mat observation. The orpeetators like,
Woodwork rMntteat-Ite,le%. the tact horseln melon, for In It they!
The death i• ananunc l of Amo.. K. find the elements of chart.-•.• action
Flake, formerly an editorial writer on nil excitement. ••
The -New York Times and the mother of Seo, la•rhnp' in addition to raising
splendid cattle. rho• earners of this l
Jistrk•t ought to go one letter if they i
wish their sleek to, get more notices
aril appreciation at the fell fairs.'
HAS((BAYER CROSS" Long-INornirl cues, ought to he taught
Otte ht the diveramna of the campaign
ham been the hunt of Sir Henry Drayton,
1[r. Meighen'w MiniMter of Finance. for •
Mat. Sir Henry sat in the haat Parlia-
ment for Kingston, bit Kingston did not I
want him any Matter. it wait thought
that erne of the Toronto ridings might sc-
,pmatodate hem, but one after another
to aet like. .bey did in the days of ,
Buffalo 11111: rams ahouid charge at
eatery peeraon entering the grounds ;
Tablet! without "Bayer Cross" 1'Ivd.estlale horses Nhtntd 111• taught to
are not Aspirin at all tie• the whiskers on their feet a' a
broom to wipe the dust frot0 the Sina-
dry clothe. of the •direetors; bdeou.
gimped pig' should be trained Trow to
plea through a knot -pole. atoll the
faithful «beep dog should be along
• with suds running from Iola ,month,
doing a real mad•elog act. It it's only
exelttneut that le needed to keep:the
fall fair alive. them let's have tie ex.
-eite•merr : --
Got'nine "Bayer Tablets of Aiplria" _.
l■ • "Barer"arer" package, plainly market' CONSTIPATED CHILDREN,
with the safety Barer Cross."
The "Bayer Cross' is your only way
of knowing that you are getting genuine
Aspirin, prescribed by pkysieiaaa for
nineteen years and proved safe by mil -
hogs for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds,
Rbwmatwm, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
Pain generally. Made in Canada.
Handy tin bones of 12 tablets --also
larger oiled "Bayer" packages.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada)" of Bayer Maaufactare of
Monose•eticacideater of Salicylieacld.
While It is well known that Aspirin
aneaml Bayer arenaf•etere, rte •aalet this
public against imitations, the Tablets of
Bayer Compel", Ltd., wilt km stamped
with their gaeral triads mark, the
'Baer Cross.'
Many of them afterwards expressed
the thought that in the haek of their
MM. there had been something of the
some nature w-niting for a meters of
expree. iuu.
Dr Michael Clarke. formerly of the
1•rngn'ssives mud repnsentativiw of lied
Deer for the part el•ren years, was
alwl a speaker at the Melville meeting.
!►r. Clarke gave hie audtenee a fur -
their e•xplaeation of Ma reasnnt for
turning awey from the Progrwpive
movement when hend that ineteed
of being Prrgre•esfv�Mi•a he had thought
and hooped it wouM prove to be. It
wait really • reactionary claw' group
seeking to attain power for Its own
endo rather then for the Ilene -fit of the
country at large. The country was
saddled with Immense detbts rind na-
tional huMrna. 1)r. Clarke wild, and
the only hope of solution would Ile in
Nie ekrthrn to power 01 oho Liberal
rlotltera, if your little ones are constip-
ated.; if their little stomachs and bowels
are hilt of oiler; it they cry a great des
and ane erne and peevish, give then a
dons of fishy'. lawn Tablets -the ideal
medicine for little ones. The Tablets an•
• gentle het thorough laxative anal never
fall to right the minor dil«,nlcr11pf chikl-
hond. Concerning uteri Mn,.. Noble A.
Pyr, Ee lm Soren, N. S., writs,: "My
baby was terribly constipated, bet Ihthy s
Own Tablets .o%•n relieved ler and 1 now
think .limn a splendid medicine for hitt,
on. -e." The TablaNaaM' aro ld by medicine
Amara Of tiJ ,wail at 2'1 eenta a box from
the Dr.'Williama Medicine Co., Brnek-
vilhe, (Mt. ,
The leading commercial school
of Western Ontario, a school
where: you get thorough courses
antler cotnpeteon instructors in Corn-
merciel. Shorthand and Telegraphy
!apartments. Students get individual
instruction and may register at any
time. Graduates •rc wasted to pas-
kies•, (let noir free eyalala glie.
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal
11r le•1 to nruNouncr to the people of ('tskrirh and klnil )
that we luau .old our real biednee. to Moser.. John 1t. Mti.tanl
:a1N1 1 emporia, and in thine 4u or wish to eidetic" to our customers
io this tooN and surrounding tooesmidps, our grateful appreciation
of their patronage during the mato) )ears in whieb ne luno done
hu.inrs. herr.
While thanking our good people for their LIMIT... and coa-
st -aeration a1 all limos its Ihr pawl, we would ask Own' to marry, to
the new firm the .tante• loyalty and torbeararre dual lure been ghee
to us so geuwrotlsl) at all timee.
Our inrressore will continue to art ss Ihetstok .\gents in tis
district for the genuine 1). 1. & W. Scranton Coal -the Standard
.tote hraritr.
If prompt. careful, and %hewer senior 11111 win and retain
our busineae, we feel sure that Mes.rx. Mtostard and Company will
Irate nothing undone to merit )our rentleknce. Before placing
further orders, or shall rnnakke it a personal tarot it the new
propriet rn be giver an opportunity to talk the question eter with
With otir further assurance of our deep gratitude for many
past tater% in our aswriatlons in busirwee with the addle gsttlt a1),
believe tea to h.
Sincerely" )our*,
1'er 11. J. A. Mea l:W.r1N
I'er W. G. MeeEW:IN
(;oderhJJ• ()ember 10. 10' 1.
White Quilts Special
Largest double bed size Quilts made of finest 4 -ply
crochet Cotton. Handsome Marsailles patterns.
Price has been $5.00i ---On special sale, each
Every Coat in our better class garments
is original and different entirely from any
other coat, fur trimmed, silk lined er fancy
brocade lined and the material of each gar-
ment call wool velours or in a dozen of the
diferent\new soft cloths: colors -browns,
heavers, blues, ete. Prices ranging
$18, $22, $27.50, $35, $39, $4250
l'enman's "99" Combinations for men
and woolen, at per garment, special
Penman's "99" Combinations for boys,
at per garment
Stanffeld's extra heavy rib ui
wove, 36 to 42, men's shirts and
at per garment
Cashmere Hose, newly priced. WO-
men'a fine full twthioned, 81/2 to 10, at per
75c AND $1.00
Skinner's guaranteed for two ae811011t11
Rutin 'Using, 40 in. Wide, in black, browns,
fawns, grey, for coat linings=mtimist-ALffir
yard, mpeeial
Yard wide in extra heavy Silk Char-
meuse, deepest lustre. Regular 43.00, at
per yard
Heavy circular, best
inch, all at per yard
quality, 40-42-44
40 inch, best quality, purest stock, very
heavy, for pillow slips, aheets or general
household wear. Sold a year aso at 60e,
at per yard
British Wilton Rngs at new prieea,
new patterns, new Mock.
21/4 x 3 yards, at each special $32.50
3 x 4 yards, at each special $66.00
The most popular Comet in the world
probably today for careful dressers. They
lade in front and never lose their shape till
wont out Priee
W. Acheson & Son
West Street - - Goderich
Special Blend Tea
3 lbs. for $1.00
Seedless Raisins
Per lb 27c
Brand Milk 23c ',
RP(ttdece Coffee . , 17c
Nonesuch Slott* Polish15_
Heins Pork S Beane, lin
Heinz Spaghetti, tin .......23c
Grape fruit, 3 for 22c
le nn Palk)Plums, tin. - 19c
Comfort Soap, 10 for 69c
We have a large supply
C`eco rtes 25c Creams
Lemont Crisp Bltcutta, lb. ' 18c
Honey 11 11 , lb 25c
Shredded Cocoanut, Ib 25c
P. G. Cake icing. eke
Dried .lpricola, Ib 90.
Cooking lige, 2 lbs. for35c
(tack Mama, lb _ 45c
.Peanut Butter, Ib. 20c
of Candies on hand
25c Peppermints 35c
rend a Irs+,n too He batt txarried a wkbow and all
en he addn•ssrti 1 went well for a week when they had'
•s of I'rnlrle meet- !TM•Ir tint ynarr -I. The next day he
Sank:. la.t Saturday tratni down to bn•ekfsst with a mount-
ing told, his t/ndierw•e itta ha n4 ou his nom.
went enure meautt 114;111- '4111. I'm .r, worry." staid his
")Chat' le it fur!"
"For your tiro 11n•sh•nol:" he re-
plied. "1'm sorry he died " \
there (ip►N•sitknt Journals. twrl•teps I tM I ll a F _ T
who 4 -os attended a
What t Makes A Good Farmer. picture the thing for blmsr4(.
Lits. along ora side of rte gnu
It ie abiggi•r tltingt to axe a gt.Nl farmer hln•e the livestock exhibits As the - i.,ttnttitnt•tiele. where "th- I.tleral watt
than some of us think. Tien• are those. •orzespoutlent viaims th , are the stttc ••( ti, tory in :t straight two-
whoseemto think that if we draw. nn backbone of the wh e husitwss.-1 candidate fight, would let Many Tories+ l
a pair of overalls. follow the pieta' all. day There they are. penned off. in the must 'slip b, . k into the Hous+•.
Thtere was talk of Iminittion atter the
I were they- pit - elee•Non. said )Ir. King, but he wantwl
, would And plenty, the 1'rogrt•..ire. that if Meat wanted
to hack their opinion to 's-t•k unity with the Literal piety
ars. And yet. what which undoubtedly wonQd he the party
r Hue animals get'! It int the text" House with a mnjority
t guilty people who visit suttbinnt to form a (;oyernment,
snake , you_ a ie. -titer. ' then thwy .IN_mid seek that unity 1"e -
once in ;while. lteittdf nu -and the to an intett(gennt•-npinion rs t'dtng- ter..and net after the election-. The
rept of un -jute tot_gend,.. T ,their w Iwo_
rnaR for the. most
hwik.i tmlutry was *kit. _of. e-oalitlons, the
Iso pelmet( n these fair ps t ou t,
Liberal chief !toweled. and it w1♦ ti"-
'Iba.toet(i.g The : ' trait-heart.d way at the stock,-, I.- t. ...14 or i.iborala and armors
ret• rat harm«.seatt•tard - i thetwdrift off to .Lake their pya,m•-,..,I.-a1n.., ,.flet. tee„rkrttom if M the
Thi- demi for a loon• adequate prohw illi the rest 4 the rall•binls at the meantime the Partneri were going to
tion agnitltt fraudulent stock -welling edge of the half -mile' track, where. as' do their lest to 'elect ('wonw'rvative
schemes is being brought home to 41 : the correspondent truly says. "ibme menrlers by spurting the 1rm. Pro -
Public in 'liana ways, alai there a old ringer of a race horse getir the ert•sslve rote. -
uot•ement nn foot ailing Phan, +of pile. 'FOP I'rogtr«pfvtw had gone Into this
Cetnouereearil1).tarnlsof Trails, •e im intilo la Llte_rs Ir ht sots the herd. of n eines 'tromp.
1t l•.•kt like alined ti-Itlter. lthrtimatiomt,
nettrslgia. neuritis and Inml11,t'e, will that
Comer a t;viiht. Tetnpk•a•u's Rheumatlt'
ntade him rather ut14•tnufurtabli• by
requesting him to report the state-
ment, made by him in the House of
t'oneetns In 1:111, that �Ir. Meiglien
wee tor4 "grautophotle of Maekeuzk'
rind Mann."
NIT.. Janes Murdock, thefornter lioanl
if Counlire Member, adtlr•esesl tneeet-
inita at St•afortli'and (lintat last Friday,
and gave his heater an ineigbt into
what was going on rxthitxd 11x• scenes in
11119 and 192_0, ilei the 1.lovernutent wax
pretending to make an of ert to check
jrnofitoprieg Two measunst were enacted
- which xavh the p•o'plt• hole: for relief
(room the outralgw,u.ly high prima then
prevailing; but .Nir. Mlltnittck, in the
light of his enbe,p oo•nt experience, b•-
lieves that the tioternment never in-
-- tended that these laws should be applied.
They Wen. •inly a purr of eamoMHagr. he=
hind which the frig Interests should toe
• towed still tet carry 011 their game of
ing the Canadian people. As Mr.'
k pea it, alt the Iboanl of Cunt. city and diwtrict has -bion n ere er leap a out on the traek and starts to limber to adult toward the !Atwood party.
expected to do watt/ G• uutke a Promoter's paradise, lint n/htithatantling Up n hit. it beentues the eetltre of at- the ;c tsndd ha roily expect the l.lterel
lite loan►iretivte lvlieh_.1 bet n gilt tt lu_►ritt tluu _. Ny. dVltlyf-lube s_SY1gtr .W?l K ; forty atter it w ns n turtawl to paters
'ver the Boren! got ton St, (;atharines in thia t t/•r, e -e have a utld steer•: that Rt•t ser little nntd'x' to mall tint w4kltrg to 4ti to tee ter
tion enuldbe taken againat t"spici.tn that sleet• rom,t•rs are to to Wt -tet• hitt-lied to 11 race' cert. and Farmer.. •Mr. King et apr.•e•h had a
me influencte'•lx•hinol the 1 1ahittston, where inthis l'mcinct'• started off for a half -mile jaunt. they Itelling ••Rett on his alldl.nt•c• and wet
"•-•-l'oe would get their full stare of e•otnmeht
the intelligent farmers thhtking.
a c tau rewn.:nt of Tura istu to the nutlet.. for
JI"re the I'rogn•s.h-t-s, by plowing their coin -
nob' xe .lidat••-t In tie' field t., split the vote in
and worry a whole hot about the weather unattractive war, n
and things, tln•refnn• we are line faneerx. rods of dollars, a
Land sakes. a stovepipe hat and n book intro the 1lamme
under your ani don't snake you a of bidders scalp
preacher: The thought yin pmt into your
w,.nk, the smiles you get from the earth with their do
when you tickle it-ia the rills; the. n••rl it,itiee 'do th
peal you dot=tb.•,e are the things that tufty he th
.,tutu nature .s _
.tet a the
.l in trier 1 . {flauitttuit tet this sitttetkin: Were -The TIi,-v were determined that their party'
let amended in oiler t.. ice a nmtu•r odd
ringer of a race Morse tied to 0
security to the ;ample. ,Lodging f nu stout C sols to holes "two truck nor loath' with
filename which Ila« Iron vire bating in fe"ee ill tie caner uu one would pay' 1-itht•r of the old pr:arties. 1f that was
St. Catharine,' it wunld elan tlaaf this much atteutlon ttL_it. 1►nes• 1t gets the attitude wlleh the farmene were
point wise
high prices,
tlomne" pet all 1. efforts at mimed. Sev-
eral of the Cabin Ministers, whom Mr.
Murdock names, teeny intimated to
membere of the Boa i that big bnsi ere
was not to be interfe ,. with. finally
Mr. Alnr11ek reigned 1 Ahigtatt, and
went back to hip work it it bor nHiciah
Ile is now letting light into me of the
dark place"' poo that the people y sty
jltet haw• they were h.NNlwinke and
T1w 1•iherais are the only party to
whom the people can reasonably look for
econotny in public expenditure. Under
tete Conservatives the budgets at Ottawa
have Mounted to amassing heights, partly,
of courts, because of she wear,
but partly soler because of leek
of reasonable car` of the people's
money. For instance, thletIoans of e25,-
000,009 each h •$onnfanta and !,room,
which provided for large expenditures
with friends of the Government. Neither
can the C. F. 0. Government at Tomtits)
point to • record of economy. The lib-
eral t;overtlment of Ontario timid to get
along with an expenditere of four or five
millions a year. The torment Government
spends more than that in one month.
Wha1"Oiie Bey INd. ',mat observation. The orpeetators like,
Woodwork rMntteat-Ite,le%. the tact horseln melon, for In It they!
The death i• ananunc l of Amo.. K. find the elements of chart.-•.• action
Flake, formerly an editorial writer on nil excitement. ••
The -New York Times and the mother of Seo, la•rhnp' in addition to raising
splendid cattle. rho• earners of this l
Jistrk•t ought to go one letter if they i
wish their sleek to, get more notices
aril appreciation at the fell fairs.'
HAS((BAYER CROSS" Long-INornirl cues, ought to he taught
Otte ht the diveramna of the campaign
ham been the hunt of Sir Henry Drayton,
1[r. Meighen'w MiniMter of Finance. for •
Mat. Sir Henry sat in the haat Parlia-
ment for Kingston, bit Kingston did not I
want him any Matter. it wait thought
that erne of the Toronto ridings might sc-
,pmatodate hem, but one after another
to aet like. .bey did in the days of ,
Buffalo 11111: rams ahouid charge at
eatery peeraon entering the grounds ;
Tablet! without "Bayer Cross" 1'Ivd.estlale horses Nhtntd 111• taught to
are not Aspirin at all tie• the whiskers on their feet a' a
broom to wipe the dust frot0 the Sina-
dry clothe. of the •direetors; bdeou.
gimped pig' should be trained Trow to
plea through a knot -pole. atoll the
faithful «beep dog should be along
• with suds running from Iola ,month,
doing a real mad•elog act. It it's only
exelttneut that le needed to keep:the
fall fair alive. them let's have tie ex.
-eite•merr : --
Got'nine "Bayer Tablets of Aiplria" _.
l■ • "Barer"arer" package, plainly market' CONSTIPATED CHILDREN,
with the safety Barer Cross."
The "Bayer Cross' is your only way
of knowing that you are getting genuine
Aspirin, prescribed by pkysieiaaa for
nineteen years and proved safe by mil -
hogs for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds,
Rbwmatwm, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
Pain generally. Made in Canada.
Handy tin bones of 12 tablets --also
larger oiled "Bayer" packages.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada)" of Bayer Maaufactare of
Monose•eticacideater of Salicylieacld.
While It is well known that Aspirin
aneaml Bayer arenaf•etere, rte •aalet this
public against imitations, the Tablets of
Bayer Compel", Ltd., wilt km stamped
with their gaeral triads mark, the
'Baer Cross.'
Many of them afterwards expressed
the thought that in the haek of their
MM. there had been something of the
some nature w-niting for a meters of
expree. iuu.
Dr Michael Clarke. formerly of the
1•rngn'ssives mud repnsentativiw of lied
Deer for the part el•ren years, was
alwl a speaker at the Melville meeting.
!►r. Clarke gave hie audtenee a fur -
their e•xplaeation of Ma reasnnt for
turning awey from the Progrwpive
movement when hend that ineteed
of being Prrgre•esfv�Mi•a he had thought
and hooped it wouM prove to be. It
wait really • reactionary claw' group
seeking to attain power for Its own
endo rather then for the Ilene -fit of the
country at large. The country was
saddled with Immense detbts rind na-
tional huMrna. 1)r. Clarke wild, and
the only hope of solution would Ile in
Nie ekrthrn to power 01 oho Liberal
rlotltera, if your little ones are constip-
ated.; if their little stomachs and bowels
are hilt of oiler; it they cry a great des
and ane erne and peevish, give then a
dons of fishy'. lawn Tablets -the ideal
medicine for little ones. The Tablets an•
• gentle het thorough laxative anal never
fall to right the minor dil«,nlcr11pf chikl-
hond. Concerning uteri Mn,.. Noble A.
Pyr, Ee lm Soren, N. S., writs,: "My
baby was terribly constipated, bet Ihthy s
Own Tablets .o%•n relieved ler and 1 now
think .limn a splendid medicine for hitt,
on. -e." The TablaNaaM' aro ld by medicine
Amara Of tiJ ,wail at 2'1 eenta a box from
the Dr.'Williama Medicine Co., Brnek-
vilhe, (Mt. ,
The leading commercial school
of Western Ontario, a school
where: you get thorough courses
antler cotnpeteon instructors in Corn-
merciel. Shorthand and Telegraphy
!apartments. Students get individual
instruction and may register at any
time. Graduates •rc wasted to pas-
kies•, (let noir free eyalala glie.
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal
11r le•1 to nruNouncr to the people of ('tskrirh and klnil )
that we luau .old our real biednee. to Moser.. John 1t. Mti.tanl
:a1N1 1 emporia, and in thine 4u or wish to eidetic" to our customers
io this tooN and surrounding tooesmidps, our grateful appreciation
of their patronage during the mato) )ears in whieb ne luno done
hu.inrs. herr.
While thanking our good people for their LIMIT... and coa-
st -aeration a1 all limos its Ihr pawl, we would ask Own' to marry, to
the new firm the .tante• loyalty and torbeararre dual lure been ghee
to us so geuwrotlsl) at all timee.
Our inrressore will continue to art ss Ihetstok .\gents in tis
district for the genuine 1). 1. & W. Scranton Coal -the Standard
.tote hraritr.
If prompt. careful, and %hewer senior 11111 win and retain
our busineae, we feel sure that Mes.rx. Mtostard and Company will
Irate nothing undone to merit )our rentleknce. Before placing
further orders, or shall rnnakke it a personal tarot it the new
propriet rn be giver an opportunity to talk the question eter with
With otir further assurance of our deep gratitude for many
past tater% in our aswriatlons in busirwee with the addle gsttlt a1),
believe tea to h.
Sincerely" )our*,
1'er 11. J. A. Mea l:W.r1N
I'er W. G. MeeEW:IN
(;oderhJJ• ()ember 10. 10' 1.
White Quilts Special
Largest double bed size Quilts made of finest 4 -ply
crochet Cotton. Handsome Marsailles patterns.
Price has been $5.00i ---On special sale, each
Every Coat in our better class garments
is original and different entirely from any
other coat, fur trimmed, silk lined er fancy
brocade lined and the material of each gar-
ment call wool velours or in a dozen of the
diferent\new soft cloths: colors -browns,
heavers, blues, ete. Prices ranging
$18, $22, $27.50, $35, $39, $4250
l'enman's "99" Combinations for men
and woolen, at per garment, special
Penman's "99" Combinations for boys,
at per garment
Stanffeld's extra heavy rib ui
wove, 36 to 42, men's shirts and
at per garment
Cashmere Hose, newly priced. WO-
men'a fine full twthioned, 81/2 to 10, at per
75c AND $1.00
Skinner's guaranteed for two ae811011t11
Rutin 'Using, 40 in. Wide, in black, browns,
fawns, grey, for coat linings=mtimist-ALffir
yard, mpeeial
Yard wide in extra heavy Silk Char-
meuse, deepest lustre. Regular 43.00, at
per yard
Heavy circular, best
inch, all at per yard
quality, 40-42-44
40 inch, best quality, purest stock, very
heavy, for pillow slips, aheets or general
household wear. Sold a year aso at 60e,
at per yard
British Wilton Rngs at new prieea,
new patterns, new Mock.
21/4 x 3 yards, at each special $32.50
3 x 4 yards, at each special $66.00
The most popular Comet in the world
probably today for careful dressers. They
lade in front and never lose their shape till
wont out Priee
W. Acheson & Son