HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-24, Page 1Slgnat vices contributions by • ers to its personal lumns. Let us know the names of your visit ors. Also other new items always welcome Oer tolepioae is No. 35. eb r Ix "SISTER SUE" e Are You Reading b) Eleanor 11. Porter Sow r tins in ' I S THE SIGNAL FOURTH MAR NO. 47. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1921 CHF: :OIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Publishers. FARMERS There is no quicker, safer, or more convenient method of remitting money than by a Sterling Bank Money Order. A receipt is given at the time of purchase, and when the money order is cashed it constitutes a permanent receipt for the money. Should the Money Order be lost, a new one can be obtained. The OrOer is payable at par at any Chartered Bank in Canada, except in the Yukon district. Our local Branch will quickly liwe Money Orden for yeses at any time. IIIIISTERLINGBAN 9rc,+NnnA hby Farm Agency for sale a farm of 1:4t) gyres. situated ou Concession 7, e township, 134 rides Auburn. Good frame house, barn with good stalling, pen and driving house. Well red and fenced, 2 acres of , 30 acres of good hush. d is a good clay loam and nod state of cultivation. to school and ehureh and ty Highway. Particulars and other listings to be e m (', I'. their re- tative, who would be to show buyers any time: C. C. McNEIL stmt -. Codericb, - It UILD N •I 1 l WHY NOT'? 00 a year o would buyonly 1 1 feet • Oak oring. or $350.00 To -day iU Furnish 1000 ft. Oak Flooring 1000 ft. Bill Stuff 1000.ft Sheathing f -t. Tieve1 Siding L,----1000 ft. Undressed Linsber 1000 XXX Shingles 1000 Lath 2 Outside Door Frames and Doors 5 Window Frames and Sash complete All First lass Material Build With Wood and Save Money SEE US Goderich Planing Mills, Ltd. Phone t; 1'. U. ito, IR AUCTIONtERINO. i M. STALKER. AL'(TIONEER tJfor housebole1effees. (farm Stork. e• for thew. Comely of Hoehn. Address all ronpeeudeauwa•to J.M. aTALE45 Auburn P. O. 4441 Innori Chapter,l.O.D.E. sill hold a Euchre and Dance In , Masonic Temple : Monday Evg., Nov. 28th At 8 o'clock sharp Russ r By Pavillon Orrheatra Admission . 75c. CRAIGIE'S INSURANCE ami REAL ESTATE FOR ALC Two-story white brick, fully modern. eight -roomed house. hot water heating. Situated on the south side of Lighthouee street. Price $3.50e. Two-story r(.1 brick, fully modern, light -roomed house. full double garage, Situate' on the corner of Elgin avenue and Stanley street. Prfee $3.510. Two-story frame, seven -roomed house, electric light and bath, garage. In first elan condition, east Mlle of Victoria street. Prue $2.21111. Benda Bought and Sold. , CRAIGIE METHODISTS IN GODERICH OBSERVE MISSIONARY WEEK Councillor Knight Wants Cost of Living Reduced Stirring Addresses By Leading Declared al Meeting Last Friday Evening That Council Should Authorities On This All- Use All Its Powers to Regulate Prices of Foodstuffs. Important Question The spirit pf Christian fellowship was abroad last Friday evening and it took a firm hold on the men's gathering in North street Methodist (church. To int -reuse the Interest in missionary work was the purpose of the meeting and 1f one can Judge from the enthusiasm shown in different ways missionary work received) a de- rided boost on that occasion. The bounteous repast w•r-cd by the ladle•a of North st w n t W.M.tt started the evening's program with grant gusto. This important Item Is•Ing concluded the gathering, under the lenderwhlp of Rev. 11. 1). Moyer, joined in singing rs--few.ef-the old revival songs after which Itev, 1t. C. McI)ermid led in prayer. The mills of chairmanship were then handed to Rev. J. F'. Iteyeraft, who, after a short Introduttury speech called upon a male quartette for a selection. The quartette. Consisting Continued on Page M. AZAA R in the School -room of North St- Methodist Church by the Ladies' Aid Saturday, Niov.26th at 2.30 p. m. orae -made Cooking Fancy Work Aprons Candy, Etc. (;et your Christmas supplies Tea served m Too Small We cordially invite small deposits and will gladly extend every service in crediting such sums to your account. We welcome de- posits of even $1.00 a week, which, with interest at 3% conioounded semi-annually, totals $280.26 in fieri years• cm" ofbrochur a Result of Mak- W.ewuy baps Ipso en regret tag ION BANK CANADA Goderich Branch, F. W be, Manager PUBLIC NOTICE. SAVE, Y(IURSKLF THE DRUDGERY of the family stashing. Get my name end address at THE $I OVAL (1E71(1• It 11111MEETING OF HI•Rt1N COUNTY COUNCIL. The Council of ole Corporation "I the (bunt, of Huron w111 nowt In the Council Chamber. Orden, h. at .t o clock b the attento w, of Wed - overlay, the 7th day of December. 1921. 111 se- roanla against the ('onntr mut be in the h.r4i of the clerk not later than M 4y preceei.Ing the meeting of 1oun,l 1. .EO. W. HOI.M.1N. Colinty Clerk. I'odench. Nor 1.th. 1921. • ANNt.ALMEETiNG.-THEANNI--tL meeting of the Colborne Farmers" Club will be held on Thurwls! ey••niva. Dreamier 14. lea Temperance. 11.11. Ilea mIll-r. The delegate. to the annual Convention of the C. F. 0.11 'Toronto win 4.' appointed. ale, the carers for the ensuing year. Everyone welcolue. J.S. KERNI.HAN. Hot teary TOWN OF GODERICH NOTICE. To insure payment this year, a11 ac- counts against the Town of Goderich nowt be rendered at once t1 the under- signed. L. 1.. KNOX, Town ('leek. 47-21 The regular meeting of the town mooed last Friday evening lacked in interest Until near the end of the 'a41 - stun weed Councillor Knight struck a blow for the laboring man by appeal- ing to the couI)eII to use all its lower, If It had any, to lower the cost of liv- ing In Goderle'1jt. "Just now," said, .'when we are talklug of hen ng the unemployed, wousthir•g should re done to stop over- charging. If tow ever was. a cline that this (oun•11 n /old do soalethtig ro help the laboring an that tiule• Is now. 1f we hare a power let us use It." To support his claim t t pekes were higher In Goiderlch that they sbouliri be he pointed to the fa( that bread was selling in Torouto at ren and eight cents, while the lode •h bakers charged ten (cents. Milk wa quotedI at 1u cents In Toronto "(rho local dairymen charged twelve Cents. I.Ive rattle sold at three and four lent "on foot" while local butchers rte twenty -ave cents to thirty ewuta or nwat. Farmers sold dressed hogs t twelve cents a pound while the swim meat retailed in the butcher i(hops ut twenty-five cent anal 1hirti tents. The councillor declared that prices were such that one man In tI,e butcher business "put away" *0000 hist year. He also declared that flour ons as cheap hslay ar when bread was *11- Ilig at flee (rata a loaf. 1 ('ours•illor Knight .complained fur - tber regarding the weight 'wing given by coal dealers. He cited an instance where ooe man had port sir tons in els eellar and when it was ne essary to mote it. It was fount, ti. be !)f•) pounds short. He wanted n11 coal weighed on the market wales but the round' declared this was not pra(•tlral. T° WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. 1 sill not be resp(mslbk• for any goods malted In In my mint, unler a.compan0.1 b, a w ntlen under. I Signed I DAVID s1'RM't.. R. It.No. 3. Auburn. West Wswanosh, October 1::, 1.01. 41 -tri All kinds for tale ■t very res-rmable porn.. Tn REST -The up,talr flat of Judge R. 1„ iloyle'. house, nn Sl. *overt strict. Po.sn.aiun November tat. IMO feet of ars-'•lar drop -aiding A nfor quirk Mk. Apply to P.1 RYAN. ARaNa11 YateMand insurance..- Phone: 4. in asking for your trade we wish to submit some reasons as to why we are entitled to It. Our stock is made up ;of nationally adrertlstsf goods, the very things which you see displayed in your favorite magazine and tapers. We are a home merchant. we are in a position to rewle•r you fetter se'rviie than distant dealers. Then, too. we pay taxes'aint help to keep the coup - try rads in good lr udltkrn and aid In malmuli • g the 5111wils, churches and other public enterprise.. which enhance the value of your lanai and make for the education and pleasures of your DR. F. J.. R. FORSTER. L EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospitalassistant at Moorefield•s Eye Hoopoe and Golden Square Throat Hos- pital London, En`. ba lgalerloo St. S., Stratford. Telephone 257. At {noel Bedford. Goderich, from Wednesday, January Itth, at s p, m, to Thursday, January 19th, at 1 p m. BUS AND BAGGAGE SERVICE Bus meets all trains. Calls made for passengers and baggage to any part of the town, Prompt service guaranteed. Telopbone 51 ,Day or Night - N. -R. STOWE Residence, Cambria Road, opposite the Organ Factory Office Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MiXED WOOD FOR SALE at $3 per single cord, delivered; THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LiMiTED. (Foot of Anglesea St.) Phone 61. WANTED TENDERS WANTED Tenders for painting and decorating two elms - Morro at the Central Public .vrhoot, Gewierieh, during the t'hristu as I,olidsyt. will M. received AY the ..tnb•roxued , uD to SATURDAY. DECEMBER 7rd, 1921, -'- rix further particulars appy to _ - .. _ -- - THOMAM ra-ADRT.' -' Chairman of School Management Cataag/asg, Ooderleh, trot-. 47-tt BRING 1'S YOUR GEESE AND DUCK Feathers kw bees, sot - "111,1111170.-• TENDERS WANTED. I11ENDERS WILL RE RECEIVRD 1 op to THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16th, 1921 IrhuiMing .rhoolhoene at Permitter. Ten- ders tote si ren utehxinr the Md budding; also le new roomette...11 chi outlined Tenders to be for complete concrete lnunda•,nn, building (plumb- inst. closet aykyml. heating I water gyrated); also separately. if des red. School Board m at y cement, grave). Mick on ggrounds. A ed esteem, fop 111 per cent. of .rnoua1 o1 tender will be required to accompany same The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plane for new building ran be ren at Renmdler, at J. W. Gled- hill's, ow et Woollen Mill. Building to he fully completed by 4ept'mher Ire, 107) J. W. GI-IU4411 In Secretive. tlenmiller Consohdeted School Board 57 -St FOR SALE OR RENT. 4'htcf Pesilethwalte•. however, w111 be hest meted to weigh an oecaslonal load. This diwussieall 0144.11.1 np the ques- tion of 111e enfor(emeut of the Weights and Measurer. Act , t'uuneillor Moser. who Is in the 'sour a1s1 feel business, wanted all retail sales in this line weighed on the market wales. y11 am fu the business myself," he saki. "and 1 want to gives -honest weight." }ie was therefore very mishit.- to amend tine motion which had been made by 1'• l• o s 4 nw Iib 1 Knight and uU to lutve 4out1 w'eIKllell t(/ IlclUde the -e• taco items but neither mover awn• seconder would agree to this as it was pointed out by Councillor (wit tbaV ds motion covered x stie'cinc instance of which complaint had hewn 111ad.% mid he 4111 .not think that elne* lst,unrs justitiel any alteration. Elbe motion •srried. as also lad a motion by 4'•uiiwlllors Knight and \loser to enforce Hs. Weights and Mensur - Act. The clerk is to inake Inquiries as to the )slw•er of e trluna•ll w•Ith rreferenceto regulation thof prkea, Speaking lo The Siga.el regarding ('outs•111or Knight's views as to the rice of bread Mr. J. W. Smith of 11)4' et Street bakery. thought that the co ticlllor should Ise better, Informer) lief • e making such "outlatslish" state ruts. -Wilco he lkwsu't know bimse he ought to gt.( his Informa- tion fn , scute e.ampeteut authority." he sold. Signal so bit kers' cos hest week. ill dalrynwi Knight has 'a they have git4u formation on the Ise published next WOR RALE OR RENT. -A MODER- r ATE dud frahw honed, with alt modern eonvenlenres, near the Square. AIAo VA 0 IIpstalr MOM suitable for light housekeeping. Apply to E: C, l4W'11EK, warner Britannia road and Brock etreet. FOR SALE. -MODERN SEVEN - premed Arlrk Mum for sale. 1reeted this season; Just ready to be oecupfed. Two minute walk from Smart.- Apply (i, P. COULD, Ysrket street: - 41111 WARM FOR 1AI.E.-IN COLBORNE i' bwn.bip, lot M,ritd enneerelon, modern df vision: two miles from aenmlller. C•mtamts Ion arms: R, sere. Ie naw under cultivation (food dory-snd-a-hall white trirk house: good hank barn, 70 feet by K, feet; driving shed. 22 feet by 4(11 feet. Well fenced and good well water. PAUL MAEDEL. R- R. No, 4, lio.kHrh. Telephone 12, 1. S. 39-11 -- U1LDiNG LOT FOR SALE. -ON Brock street. Must be sold within the next ew weeks. Make offer to MRS,'1'HOM AS MC. KENZIE. Victnrla Street, Godeneb, or to W. A. WHITELEY. PSIS Oen Saeed, New Orleans,Ls. s PERSONAL MENTION11E PEOPLE'S COLUMN Week -end rialtos,wwith Mr. and Mr's. You are invited to fiend r.,utriba• G. J. S. 1oyues were the formers par- ,, Mr. and Mrs. S. Livers, of Nayanee, and Mie Muriel l'halmers, of F.drnout„11_ • A QUESTION FOR MR. SI'OTTON. Mrs. Frank Saunders has returned The Editor of The Signal. - Dion a visit iu Isrodun and 7bnauW. Is it not strange that as Mr. Spotton Silos lb -light Hilliard, of Waterloo spent the week -end with her sister.' ` and the Government profess to show Mb*. 'lt.ow 111111nrl. so lunch Interest In sob returned so Hier that they did not appoint tw Mr't. Wiggins left hist week for an o re. extended visit iu Detroit.turned men to positions as registrars Mrs. A. J. M Kay ills returned from In the meat rr•viskou with the uttend- n civic in Toronto.ant feeof Elms) per day There Mr. W. N. Fergusson. C•,mmissi r are dozens of returned) men 1n town of inland Revenue for China. Misswho multi have, as efficiently fillet the Evelyn Fergusson. Mr. dh•tcey T. position and Incidentally drawn the Moyer, and Mr. R. Harris1( L11ek• IW1� now. were guests at North stmt case- Yours truly. soilage on Sunday. A IteturnWl Soldier. Rev, Jas- Aa'ersou, superintendent of the Fargo district of the •M. 11 AI)MINISTRA.TION OF JUSTICE church, of North Dakota. M visited at sister, , liable?! • a s i. ter Mrs. 1L11 • nowt (f his clic 1 ) I Park. over the week -end. Ile assisted To the Editor of The Signal: in tow devotional services at North I Dass ala, -Is nut *lout at street Metlodt*t iJu.,wanle.m• ons voicingit a time' prottpt withthn� morning. it'k last Sunda• want to the manner in which . various While In town neer the tvl.•k-end lows are enfor.rl in this licinity' • Rev., J. H. Armin.. AssociateSecretary' Then• have lawn also. c.tnplainta in the past •,f over-mi,l,1 sneeel on the part of Methodist Mission hoard, was the of certain e.nicials to make convictions for guest of flet. alai Mrs..l. F. Rryeraft• minor infractions of lion• Or leas tech- 1.ondou Advertiser :` M1ss ,11111:1 Meal laws, but two of the most recent i ewt4 of (inelerteh is the guest of Miss Orin_ locally are uniting forth much Madeline t: ret•11, Ciro -velar street.... criticism. Mrs. It. A. Itayly was the hostess of During the summer the Godlrleh a bridge of two tables on satnr(iy. A ' •meat Company were heavily coed given in honor of Miss Julia 1,ewfs of T11o1r11a1 n"th•,eH(e'oncnepwthny 4 11w11as(10 pn•oty4. YO.rttewhbat ever to 11417 ,N11141 they were doing, for the saute of Mice had 110.11 committed (1111.• after 11100 5itleant anything having been dote preric mty. The latest attempt t.• fnrce "justice" • i4.. however, a 1)1.144 strikirnmg rxalgile of just how esplitalaly our laws are enforced. COLBORNE -A young man -and a non-resident at 1114.1, ea(wlsrtir the latintla'r ulonCls- A Wednesday. N.it•, _'3. 4.11M sunimonch by the ('Town Attorney for apparently not filing his income tax E. T. I (rtindre r . unloaded' a car of i sWieonnt for tla• year 11111(. There was bran and shorts thin U1244. In•, claim that the conn 111011 s tax - J. 11. Treble Shipped a car of tall wheat R w'a this weekable. became• he was not. and , although dot. Smith has given The r interesting figures a. to which will be publi$ls•d Neither the lonelier. nor feel 11)111 t • ours•itlor 'thing •sl them" and Cin• !Cignal '11111• bn- subjer•t whlrli will ve•k. fatally. 1.et its sitz store• needs. E. 1t. Goilerich- WARM FOR SALE. -LOT 25, CON CESSION 3,Goderich township, consisting of 42 acres of choice day loam, with spring creek and spring well. Barn 40s40, with cement stable.; hay (tern, 1,4x27: drive -house, 11127; smell hen- house; comfortable concrete cottage, and two acres 01 orchard- It is situated one mile from de.ignaled Pmvincial county road. seven miles from Goderich, end is convenient M school and church, Apply to B.H LINDSAY. R. R. No, 2, Goderich, Phone Mar 1 14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. teenage/ta es Atax ANntt Met; RIGOR. 1. A T a 'jlanatlr OF Awttti/LI, 1N rug Colwrtr OF Miaow, ganglia, DICSAsan. Norte, is hereby given, pwwant to R.S. 0., cap. 1t1, sec. M, that all persons havmg` (Indite simnel the estate of the mid Alesan4er Mc- Greea, deceased, who died on the I1th day of August, 1921. are required to send M deliver to the undersigned, Soiicite for the Executors of the nod estate, on re before the 26th dayof November, 1921, full particulars of their clms, that after such dee the said esecutnn will distribute the assets of the deceased •morn[ the parties entitled, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have r.,erved notice, and that they will not be Bata, to any person of whoa claim notice shell not have been received at the lam, of such distribution. Dated the Mh M, of November, A D 1921. CHARLES GARROW, Solicitor, for Roderick McKenstaand Charlet Stewart, Executors. 46 -St t 'ly your dnig \ gle. druggist, . wiatn to 1 There Iv a eepet awing lis Minds that eine MgcKotliie Mfg t I. , of Lucknow sold vanilla to a ori l ' to help make loose. . ! This surely Is trot s 11e.I1atile region for one neighbor to start on another neighbor and t)4en have irresponsible people add Just a.little fl and pass it on. Thera. retort don't bort ns Very much as our twelve year: r. -s unl speaks for Itself' and knocks generally act ns boosts. Rut we are going to protect our customers, so from this date on. there will lie no Iefliewwy sls/wn-to anyone eirenhltIng false- hoods. Customers wilt please report their_ease to me nn(I 1, w 11 ;ivy_ rintnP my immediate atte'ItHu. giving the the las flax-prarided for such low prineip11r1 citizens. Ad- drmor'"yBDr (.ftllmuIltied Mills to W. 1.. Ma1•KENZiE, coo The MIUKellyle Mfg. ('o., 1.Ixeknow. lin Ton rt'memji:•r, e•-a4q r,1 it r!st- ing speaker on the ('hantiuqun pro- gram of 1911?? Hear Artlmr -VM Evans at \'ictor!n street Methodist church next Wednesday. PI'BLIC MEETINGS • 4.(441.rhh. Mrs. .1. S. Phuitt is h1 ihtroit oh a visit with her rl.tit liter, 'Airs. iI. 1'. Mr. R. J. Acheson is in Chicago this Week. Mrs. Benson ('ox is visiting her brother, Rev. John Million, at Sheldon, lint. - Quite a few o1 the }'hung caecal' frown the wait' of Colborne took in the big supper at Althorn. Mrs. Will.Fcagau and little w.n, Jack, have returned to their home at Stratford after •ps•Isling at Couple of w•twka with Colborne frien.ls. Mr. tits.. ('lark and his tan sons. ora rgsen.line the winter in l'alifonlla \Ir. ItnaeIl King of Milano, is I•s.kii c after Clark returns in the bis fans-4fatil spring. • • 4.4111 nittttr•s-tIug 7D a egrrr: YpTt will tae MA that you lave beard) Arthur 44'. Ia•nus al Viet church next Weilliesday. Anniversary Services Nrx1 Barony 1114 elgllr\-first d• ter. ary of 1'r.-sl.yte•rianisnt in (el -'r will be •elel.rate••) 111' I:h .\ (•!hire alien 11.'1. 1t. 1t, 4 ,a•Iil' u1.•, NI .4.. ei t'ull,gl• stt••'e•t fresh,; •rias eh111'e•It. Toronto, will preach at b.Jt11 setit-v:, Ht -v. Mr. 4'.r-!trtoe is .ear of the out Jiarouria- vouuz miulster_s ur Lb, rte.= _ -\eau -makeyou 'mirth -or.cry.. byterlan ehnn•it Iu Catia.l Malay 41oa1 his Will. It will Is•'worth your wh '4,4r 1441dw l should he Mawr iw4iapltp, t- h•wr`Arthur E'alw si Vlelor�lt congregations. _ _--- _--, street eh9re•h next \\'eilue+eln}. a r,rwt he produced 1 copy of what he cIAimed to have mailed ed to Ottawa, lie was lined MO and e' 014 or thirty days in jail. 11e prote•nter1 w' t igor dos y trim the Coot!' .4tterlev secured his committal ilii con- stable Whiteside.. went b. Toronto la _ unf.• I - hack b. -nerve his s•ntcnee. At last rn.nlent, of course. he paid thirty-dayiKsi .tine ami thus esca srl the penalty nt 4'nak•.liriflnl. The striking cling in that he has been the only (1114 111 Huron ('. ty to 1w aunt - named. and, so Gtr 114 can he bornet no ane in Western Ontario has been handed mit any such treatment tinder the sane ria'11nlnniri rs,. Th••n• Recital to Is• nil attitude here of working ttiitsor things, and in order to e dance Ills• reputation of (ertilill ituliyid- mals ektreme penalties are imposed hist in 44114r d1-1 richt an. tn•dtdi according fir the spirit of the lent. \ ee -i \ �ut 1 nark iia• : 7 h'1'! act• sal -Firm t'Fi 1Tii• his corporation. ' There win. 1111 indication that the ('row 11 was wilding to accept nodes for the amount of the line, Why the (1iw•rineinstion' Why Mall,"lis ? Wit) the tine? - . Coaktvs Cmzaa, ialerielt. t bat.: November 23. 1021. HIs (1rntur)' 14 n1t IZIgl1-flown• 111144 ptrwy 4 e \Geaings AA the Itrterest oL._she. !Als•r(I 4'nndlldate for North Huron will two 1141(1 as follows : CARLOW. TOWNSHIP HALL Thursday, November 24 BENMiLLER, TEMPERANCE HALL Friday, November 25 KLNTAIL, McDONALIYS IiALL Saturday, November 26 ST. AI'GI STINE Monday, November 28 ST. iIELENS Tuesday. November 29 All nI k o'clock pan Tbs'se meetings will lie titblresseal by the Candidate, Mr W. 11. Fraser, and others. Ladles l'slwrltllt• Int Dell AUCTION SALES CILEARING AUCTION SALE (IF FARM RT(N'K, IMPLY.MENTS, HAY, GRAIN AND STRAW. MR. W. T. JOHNSTON, will sell by public aurtton, at IM 22, concision 6, West Wawanosh, on 4QNDAY. NOVEMR)R 26th, commenting at l o'clock, sharp: Hosaservane horn.. ', veers old 2 mare., Il yeses Nat I wait, t y.se►wl4 d 4 core).'.' villi rATtl.a.-010o'row. a years old, to freshen to May; 1 cow, :' yfan. fr•.h,•n•el recently : 1 row. Sae In December 1 mw. 1 venni old: 2 seen.: Man old; 2 Steen, 2 years old : 2 h.tf.r; 1 stwrs, 1 year old past; 4 heifers, 1 year old: 1 calf. e month old. Plus Adn lb. C -Two "broo.l row.. 12 ,lucks, about 40 young hens and millets. Oasts, E7r-••-Two hundred Mohets of eats. 211. Mabee of mixed grain. 12 inns of hay. 1 lame mow of scram herr-in nes -Milder. mower, rake, dr111. hartaw ond harrow, mw Dw.wagon. sower, Writer. fanning m111, req 1b scales. Mir f sleighs, 1 set double - harness cream separator, teats? rhurn, and other utricles. Tr sex.. --,ill 11181e ut 524 and under. nun. o„ that smeamt, 10 months credit on approved Joint n.4.. P.Atr per rent. • oonlit .11oued for rash on credit Amounts. Everything to he .old without reserve. a. pro- erietM has rented 4Is farm. A.a1r.y6HNaTnN. T.Gt'NfiRr. -- Propefeior A uctlotte•-r . Private Wires and Banking By means of private wires between cen- tral points. the Bank yf Montreal is able, at all of its Branches, to give its customers the benefits arising from prompt and authoritative information. Private wire service main- tained between Montreal, Quebec,Toronto, Winnipeg, __ .Vancouver, New York, Chi- cago and San Francisco. f r111, T=om BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED MOR 100 YEARS GODERiCH BRANCH E. V. LESSLIE - Manager. • e.►illilt.4