HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-17, Page 17THE ATONAL - GODERIOE, ONT. Thursday. NoVegabsr 11, 11112L-1 II IIIIII'101i. • r 4. J li 11,340 SORE 1IANDS in Winter? NEAL THEM WITN. ZAM•NUN. r M }`OR ch::'pped hands, chil- blains, cold-soresn a d Ernst -bite, there is no treat- ment so henelicial as dress lugs with Zatn-Buk. When the roughness, irritation and Caines& of the skin Is followed ► bg cracking and bleeding, dirt MIN disease germs may find their way into the raw places and cause intlarnforattoti, beuo!- frulsou or tetaler r, r. ,,,.r Zam-Buk stops this peril entirely. Simply smear ■ little herbal tam•lltlk on the were parts and wrap, u;' ,.r •idly Letting the Zane -Mak soak into the tissues, clothes away smarting itching pain. and, assures rapid healing Wish h.'alshy owe skin. TI...striking success of Zara Belk is doe to its rare her- . bal origin. It contains none of the mineral silts or aeimal hoar, that 4orrn ,the---srs ol common select se." ointm-•eta. Prepared carrlrr'.1 Yeti' Ire 111 r,.:4, herbal kitten Zam=Bu: at-a,onceitrated -balm of the highest runty and of nn•r:,ryieg nealuir. soothing, and anbvpaic efficiency. U'1'• Zsm-Buk also for the speedy Seabee( of cuts, burns and seal.tt, aril for eczema, ab ulcera. ringworm or other skin or scalp d.se..,e Soc. bog, 3 for SI 2S all aruv;l-as and dealer. Alcohol for Auto Radiators SISTER SUE by Eleanor H. Porter (('opyriglittel and Issued Ivy Arrallgeu14'mt With Tttoluaa Allen.)• "%Vi''r,• no ,1 t forgetting ,t •• thin e e flue l'we ,,he I44,u11 keep *ileum. 1.0 the K k 1 11. .\l1�V eh 144r" ret i (' • 1 u Donlon. '•11'1''1'1' not 114uhJtr•t. TIMy w•e•re very thankful 4'. rg.'I 11 Hg " lie stopped .4hurt. an i that Memory, however Nally NIM had 114111 1110k waning 111 his Lae. "11'hy, I serve) hlua, had at least donne kill this where does Kew 401111• to 1 thought 1 nue KO011 tura. you Iwo were goLug to be In1Ir4ed '!"" I Nut Dun there were wally wise talk• "We were; but we aren't uuw• till eI with him or who saw laic. Th.. Inter. Ib''. going to Irl ole g1. 011 dater. of metra•, came. but only twice With toy mimic and and be a 44.14vrt It week now. Mr.' Luring had 411111e pianist instead. 114. kei.w• 1Ww 1 0181'.'; but, though )Ir. Gilmore (1111141 44'11111111 to. 141. said that ill• felt that him by 11111111', 111141 soaked politely for II wife very wrung and seltleh for 1111U his 114.114111, yet 111,4 1114.4eaw seemed 1.4 le try to keep me from It. Mo, he Iry fill the Invalid with a vague unrest. 11.. ..R roam ley plums.(• to marry him e't'Ident441 IH' 111141111'. .11:1 n•11111g gIa Dee., 111 July.- into the visitor's fade. 411141 a n•rratis e 1 s 4)f tapping of the fingers r 1 u the row "flue ,4 Ill K K 1 bnot r 4 nail, hr 1111 1.'t r 1 1 It yeti ..R uu141 after -tile happened," the 0IiuIr. Ser Mr. Luring did out observe) 4iurdun. 011111e ug.1lu. ,\geie. if then• was u m eeet 111244nlla.- - Martin Kent had eallel owe: but thou ill We y'elt11',. ward, end elate hr. t/N,, 111141 11111 ennui. again. though tier. 114, 111- seemed to 44otkw R. J4/1144 Gilmore had gre•t.el hint 4or- "'rhere w'aell't the 444441. before, that dial4y. uud had ,4.111e1 (44 ruj4Y• *11114•- 1 •11111111 earn m,11My; ` SMtre aur re- 11144 Aim 1114. -w• plrturee he hnd Men inhaled him. will. soothe dignity. • (444448 nut. 11 "Hut there's all that beautiful rale- Burdon find :1,1i4y never 4111114. 11110 la,w 11141(11ng,' leeulamd )hay. •'116, the roto now. Urged by Sister Nue' -iter, 4,4,44 can you give 14 all up ••••• they had (-4444)4' a few times 1.t first, "(Ni..Mii 'think of whet 1'44 gel- fur a rrry few• luon1.•ul.. Rol alai*' lyng ' " oriel Mieh•r .Sue, her (nee, 44111 at once they had Ned. ell4klerillg, with .e.,.•r end alight. "1'11 go 1111 with my their hands to their ears 111141.34 horror - work. sa1-4*44. flue mal." *hr broke stricken "U4,, Sister Site. Sister Site. .,R as Katy appeared at the door, how 4'1411 you M•,t• Ill see hint like 4eeerell letter. lin IMr lintel, the greater thnl '''• .1liF, .it which x M,1umur deter were Ev4.0 Mar,) did We 40411' 111141 the placed Nt the elder daughter's plate. room now lo wake the 1.e1 and "tidy' While Donlon sop rending hie single nit- Ater the third burst of tear*' letter. (tel May here, Sleter Sae plcked nal (lie third shriek en her pert li,' Ont npile-bloc rrcclup• from the pile atswer to her ula*ter�Lgurry_�ta__tu-.; 11114 Iso+tiny opened if. whether or not *Me Itked to cM Ont A..41.0 reed, an the 4Igut and edger• the I)r'I4y pictures, Sister Sue excused mese faded fr her (:,.,'. le,.vhnt it her from further dntiee n the nom. 'uddeuh. ,Imrhed uud dw44- r,llo,k411i. rhene•fert11 taking idem herself the 1 tack ..f k.epiug the le • cham•r 11. order, Willi !male that shoe.k n little. she (0141141 the hence, pet It beck In its Vxeept for the wv4•kly' cleaning 44lleu 141441 rakes' 11.1' bead. The )nary cause ill, 341111 .1.1111 (iidmure walk- envelope14dd gni4'nlaw of her vu4(l• e, 4111' 114'- ell through We bathe.om t.. hie "dell" gnu to speak sun the 11nin41t atter- beyond a roam in whirl' 114' had never fiat .4t 1141111 her u111itui.. enrol to stat and which he 114444 se•ur 11.4111'."1.4111 Well not worry tiny More uM.ut ml to dislike 1111/11. than 11.4111'. ,.1111111 Milo*. S6r',4 duet written m4' The nitrite at dna engaged had been It' n letter She 'mewl. her love and sync +Ifo* hsrgel. .Ho did not 111141 a nurse.pithy in tilt. time of our gnat trial. the 'lector *aid. and her preeenee MINI poly., she mrul4144'l think id burden- e'smed to fret and 4164ress 111111. It ing us with 144.1' pew Ior of at viol,' had simmenel down then b. the doctor like (ids. S., -4.e'* tot .'..riling: awl !Bever Fate 1.44 b•itg hie 4)uly via - 1'h1 text uduutr Mu,) and G11nl.otn snore. clay 111 and dap out. As yet lie font44l tlu•ulw•Ices 1111/11e. Slstrr elle had 3104 Appe4n'l to ear.' to go ,Mw•n- had plrkwl up her letter* and left 111• stairs. nor had his daughter tried to nsnu.• have him go. Ills meals sl.• brought 11'hy. what begets )lay, with 11n benwlf. on the tray left by Maryp)0zrlwt-.•c,a three *linty. 'a day holt outside hi. ".quitter. quitter ' -.termed Gordon. do,r. %Vt. are lus•al ,H'l rihtturl_ _ He Sot let your radhltors (rivet.- tryo. H',' have Ile-- Alli -f r.''z.• rend)• to it*. or. the I1euv0l ,tl.•-,hol to whb'h - you can ndd water. 1'01v of. deal-•rs or dined fn.ul /seer Mfg. Co. limited It wits a. If the surge „f „„„„1„„ „f Truth to tell. 41* matters were. Sis- 1he 13 .4 f.•w uti81ute. too round a wet. ter Mlle was quite ...intent to have her v.•ulr outlet. -1.11414-. just f144• kind of father stay 'where 11.1 was. 1t'v,.ini N N'auUlll 1 ti se 4'..114114 seas!" the fart of 1.1'. deplorable condition. „why. tionkrn, aren`t you glad y i she 41141 not worry Owen him then. fur' thought you 1111111'1 44-11111 4'imein Abby 4111' knew where he wens. Mnrerver, t0 ....me !" rrlel May. if he were duwnetain., It womld be lin- "1CIot if 1 .1,111'? ret.rrt.d Gordon. pueelide to keep some of the confll.lou with the lofty wloru of an unneenetom- 11114 horror from pemetrnting even his el clank of 1'i�h4w.ns Malaita lion. la'f'nIi'"I brnin. As 11 woe. Igw1(4rs "'l'Icet do.n't hludrr my .4y111g *4,,»s he wile ''"1111.11: and 411 n WHY Irl.+ a quitter, tees 4t 7 Aust In'r always r14o14 111/1111. 14 sort .4t refuge t,) fly to when er1N111111(1N downstairs becalm. pertlenlnrly nnlrareldr. sad It nil heart -braking though it wits. Hr sow hint lit that co114114kin. yet 1n hie pla(Yt1 presence his sorely tried daughter (mild And at Irate a few minute. re*pito'from prol.l.n►s that threateW41 10 be 4.41 great for her to solve. Reset endheelegeI x1141 importuner' need -tom.refuge. She rel 11 '1 sides, mwonderI`s.me- tim.s if she were going 40 have *UM, rl.•nt skrelrgth to g,, through 11. If it had not been for her piano. she thought she .11141 4104, indeed. have endured 4t. itnt she ('1)01.1 still And melt day In her beloved keyboard the M011 11A 40 vent her weariness, worry. and otter dejewtIon. And never yet time far had there fulled to creep Into the mimic, before .IM rte from the piano. n tri-, umphfut strain that told that the' player hn.l found wlm,n. horn a new 'hope HIM a new 1.l11nItle to ke n the next try'. burdens. ' }� Sometimes for a fete minute. due the try. ant nl1rly ahvny. In evening, Sister Sue found tune to snatch these few' precious nurulents at the piano. The member. of her 1 se. hold and Martin Kent• knowing her w1' well. were not surprised at Alis swm. Ing waste of time when sri tunny Im. portent matters smelted her attention. But Daniel l...ring. ending her at the piano, ant 110114ing pert lode rly the North Waterloo Street 1111sittg to (lime when we had plenty of money. HMI la.khig uud now just w'M•n we vo111 her ! " I MOTHER! CLEAN CHILD'S BOWELS WITH 1CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP . ),IAM a sick child 'lows the "fumy" lade of -Californias Fig Syrup." 1f the little tongue is coated. or if your child is 1,ath•As, caw*. 10411'101, full of eok1, or has evl4r, g.,4 to, teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bustle. n • few hours you can ere for toured( how thoroughly it works all the conetipj1 tion !mown. sour bile and waste out of the Iso,t,•14. an'I you hate • well, plav1fl child again. Millions 111 mothers keep "California :Vig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful today saves • sick .child to- , morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine 'California Fig Svrap" which has three, tions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imi- tation lig syrup. "ihlt we dole* wane her." demurred May. with M frown: •'rhgt ,hasn't nntke any dlRereher r .h.• doe -aft kiwis 11 She'+ n quitteer. pet the aline: and all be•a use we're 41144.1' now•, must she can't , ride 111 the 111nonsi1M, moil order the maids a 1. and eat a dash, generally. Y.n krtl',w *hat 'IM wee (lint time Sish•r Mile w•11.• +4,•k! She'. n quitter. I MI you," de•r.r'l 41orlon, st411 wearing that 1111- lietirhmlel cloak 4)f righteous scorn as le.• rose tries the table. IISS ANUAKE SE.TS FOR KIDNEYS Take a glass of Salta before braakBtd U your Back harts or Bladder bothers you. ('il:tl'TpII iV. "LAST 'rtiiNGS" They were not tansy -41101• ally,. that foll....44: they were 1101 enemy for ally of the Gilmore family. least of all for Sister Sue. 1114• Answerer of every mem- thin. the buffer fur every r p1AinL 'the Annl arbiter of every dinette.Theyy were the en444et. la'rhaps. for the sndifelif 'b(own•ol.1 man In the master's chamber upstairs. John DIV More was up 111111 dressed. amt. Shoot his noon uuw. The to•tor said he WA. murk hotter: that he would probably continue 4o stein mail Ile sons phy.l- 1:111y nide 4,1 Ili most of the thing• that any tidily heelthv amu sixty -tire year. .1141 4.4e1141 41u. 'there w'a+ tea. thing to le• lou.•. fhrrcfer.•. but to keep hire In. the I4•4t health 444)ss1.ble -1111111 the ine1'1111h14' final bn•akdowll 411 1111', perhaps 411 411)41 year. es -Thane In two year-+. p rlwps not (1.r lire. ,,r 41'011 1.'11 year,. 111• lord t11w menUllllr fit present of a 4111111. That alight inv. poem, _and it 'flight wit. Ile should Ie• kM)l happy' and .ontenta-T 1k1 1t would lake very little to 410 that, usually. Tbongli there might 1o' times - TIM doctor 41141 tot flnlsh 1114 own - 1451/4•: and Sister Sne, to w•110m he Q'67 An4prtean 304111 1011 women m a had Jaen spe1tking. 41141 Mit press fir ward eenstanUy against Kid v� tr)4 b4S matter, niter n glance at Ids fns•. and becautte b anise to alter .101111 ro'ognIze41 his child - is rich. we eat too much •n our at her father's. rich. Ute blood be tilled with uric (11mon' acid which the kidneys ren. 114 (let where hr wee, anti tinder - out, they the from overwork. n1e .Leal than he had been sick and watt sluggish: tba elirtinetIve tissue .° and the result 1& kidney trouble, bladder 4'414,,: bell.•r. Y4 etre knew that he weakness and a general decline in health. WWI going to his old bonne in Gilmore - When your kidneys feel like lumps of rill.' before long: stet 114. was s'ntle'- teed; your bsek hurts or the urine le pitting the trip very much, he 4114. eloudy, full of sediment or lou II" lie Mei) Gl11noi'evitle, NMI 0 would obliged to seek relief two or titres times IN, rod to sow the old home ue l again during the night; if you suffer with sick ile 4►�tkel his dapghter headache or dizzy, nervous spells, add neither, war Moltke to hie' there. And stomach, a1' you have rheumatism wises I his flan ter, with only n little enteli the weal e1' s ad alta h t teAd rt from your Alto: „r flu• b tip to IletMf the TAO. flint m•cist about four minces ofJ lase o[ she knew h mother Mut been dead bnpion biful in a twrnty.Air ren*t44, told him quietly no, she wmdd not till, there. There tune IItt11 111114 John Gilmore ('ruin do to o44•r4py �th time. He could read, but rending weenie' to the Mas. Ile liked better to mit out the adver• tlslttg picture« from the papers: and Ids danghtt•r Mite. Being this. hmught In tomo children's brlght'eolord 11,14.ttlre 'hooka One day, which pietism] him gre•lUy. 'He tweet spoke of bumf - neve. Nm 'serer m,otlinel the firm of mates before breakfast for • eve day, and your kidney, will than act Si.. This famous alts 1s mete front the said b combined of grapes and lemon j ie Mille, and hu been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralise the acids in the urine so it no longer is • source of irritation, thirst lending bladder disorders. .lad Malts is inexpensive; eannot fa ere, makes • delightful .ff.rY.4l1ss tibia -water beverage, a soret7hmbecause nobot m7_ make • mistake try �iafpOl dash0(Milton' Gltc.AU/1 t11090 who watt.., talked with him were only too glad tripplug weludiee and amore),* (lords, lof course all Idea of going om with and not recognizing thew ae the eel. denier of a hard -wog victory, wonder- ed within his sometimes : "How to the dickens can elle 1b 41''" DA 1111'1 1s11111g 4111111• nearly every 1111y 114144'. Ile 117141 1114.11 apls,llited 1.1110 s•rrator of the estate by the 4'rebat4 Court. 'there was et 111 be d •• there were nu*uy matters to Ile .e4t1e . It had been tell we•►* *111.1' 1Ile f a11- 1114• nod the 1101044' was 341or$41y sold. Many of the .'xja•Irsly. furnishings 11a1 gone also at private salla. There was Iter wuslc must he abandoned now, as it 44.1114 out 01 1 h question for her to leave her father at premed. He 1111.1 s1Mptthizlrl very n•aI1•rly with her At the• t 1111e, 11114 111111 IM•I11oi Incl the cruel Late 11Ut lien her bright spirit to wlydad 110'1111.4 of everyday 11.114 Ile had wild, toe.,441* thank- ful he sons that at least he hail been uuw eaulgh al the Iasi 11. urge her to develop her dlriue gift, and that alultever I appe•uwl, he wut11.1 have 111e blissful vol.s•lol,$n'.s of 14114tri1144 1 11.1 1 to 1e• an unction Inter for the flew' It wee* ►l1.: •,lhru�agh his w•Illshue+*'than things reulaltiug. Even the master of she was b •11hg kept from realizing her the house upstairs was selling out his awbluell+. 1111 .4•,'„,• b"u:ltlrn.ly or piques 011 a solid 1u1111ugauy table her noble s•If-sal•rltie... .1111 11ssl,rl4' which terse a11•e11.ly the property of his Ler that Hea veil'. rlrheel rvw'11r41' neighlHrr down the Avenue, she,,. would M• her.. generous consideration for his old Not until eller, he had gone .111111 friend 4411' le:lt•Ing It where it was . 1•ve11l11K. 114/w•ev,•r, .11.1 It •,*'.•1.t 4o Wel melt .urh time as its d,rurer 1,1Vuer fiancee that 11.. 111141 we said anything should take 111* s'ieeore and picture about her renewing her pledge ` to books to 4{111uur•1'file. Vermont. marry 111141 111 Jhly. now Ili.,* the pos. 1'1111 lenntirul II11dnl'11M 1111d the *41.1111,' of 11 ''111'11.1' or her oven t I1: ISI/111.11. ' Idgh-pow,•r roaring car had been among hi' n a a the first of (heir peowe'lull to go, .Uuut•. 1.1 toe 111114:, slue 41ie:lli4) though May freely exprr.xel hese te1(1,), as she thought or 44 opinion of the,h,rlafghte4Aens 4)f lad "Of a'1anrw•, I could many his. 1 suppose.' - she a41lulll.'l to herself. "He w'a. e' 1.144.1 • to live Nit I. 11.. allrw'ay. , Ihu - well. pr116.lbly IN• 4111111'1 44',411 to 4r.nl.tt• 111,• 114,\\ will, talking about 41. Ole Iheilghl I had enough to tbiek ,.f, as it 4s." Bile las R inured herself with a •r•wduleuees theft aKt hlul.vl 1.1 the iimee.eitgeg ttktc:lthlg'u }' little hurt something t*t311 .u.s,i Honednwithin her. - 4,. the day• µ.sed. Marlin Kyt still apparently thungld 1111,1 not; "farther" hi. 11,1 44r,' w'I111 p1ea414ug au early marriage. ,4.t till even said nothing about her former to marry him ill July. though yet very devoted and IoverAi 41'ont1ume1 011 loge K , THMA RAZ-USEMAH NA Salmkiee Na Spraying -Ns Saeff lenviug Ihme• 1411 1111' hest when She 111441 Sister Site particularly leveled them for all their good-bye call* and Inrlles. I'I'u have leen strictly we -ur- ine. May .Iwuld have $p4ken nor her. 'self alone: Sister Sue 44:44 wit mak- 111g1 g1N1414.yo cells 1.r ntleuding good, bye p.lrties. But )fay wen. 11,11 always strictly se•WLnr 111 tier n -seri flus.• TIM chauffeur. 4.f retire•, had gone, .11141 ')l:ry was 10 go when the 111.,1, 111 was 4)111. Katy was still there and would go with them to 4444uureville. Martha Kent called .4'•nsinnally. Toward his enu,4w he was 4111 syul- Leahy, all love, 1111 tenderness. Ile sn1114dhr,l her IW Ir x11.1 enresslel her hands, nal wII whist a wre14 4441 shame It was'that his dear little ewe'1- heart .11011141 have to g.. Ihrinigh this awful thing ! ile went her flower', NMI (111(11: 11111 w•IMm she Ia'ggel him to 1140411 her as 111 what prim. 44. .I,•1 on the library furniture. a id ae to (110 advlsibslllp of certain ales re.um Jost Swallow a Capsule mended by Mr. L•11,g. 1 ' threw his hotels -l1. the air and $hook' his 110,,11' RAZ -MAH la Guaranteedrel..•uleelly. 1111.1A Hill( (lint he had N he restore normal breathing, stop mucus Miserable head for In kiliess nal that gatherings in the brouchial tubes, give he hadn't the faintest 141.44 what to Iso` sights of (plat sleep; contains ae 14.11 her l,. .lo. 44.o IM was at Much I &bit-formisf dreg $I. W at your drug- She to her 11. that way. gist's. Trial reeatour ageaciaarwrite She bad told 114111 fit the very first, 2st's. ria, 1411 Yiug W., Toronts, after l'enein .\lrby'4 letter testes that $� Ily- Q. ('. Dunlop. the Ml INERY Special sale of smart street and dress hats of the sea- son's newest, smartest and most favored styles. $8.00 to $10.00 Hats For $6.75 Developed in Velvet, Duv- etyne, Plush and Velours, in Black and colors. Con- spicuous for their admir- able style and very special pricing. \ ` Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston street, Goderich Foods which supply most health and strength per unit are made from Canada's famous wheat. 'UI1, 01 fL0 Y •411,41• 'ttRtW FrOUP a HIGH PATENT QUALITY PURITY FLOUR More Bread and Better Bre(,ci to l f.,1' , "Uli.e U' W11, I' in hi.I oU enew Your Subscription to The Signal --NOW Christmas Will Be Here In Five Weeks! Our Stock Is Complete In IVORY EBONY LEATHERSQQDS PERFUMERY PIPES, Etc. STATIONERY P , Call -ill and inspect these lines and any selections will be reserved for you. , H. C. DUNLOP, PHM. B. • The IG -sell 11rntt sl.,...... Hedfunl Itlock 1'1 No. l (3ederieh an Make the -Skin Soft, Smooth and Velvety by using DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT r IT is always interesting to make a discovery. Women, as well as men, find joy in discovering something which they can tell others about. Many thousands of women have quite accidentally discovered in Dr. Chase's Ointment, a akin beautifier of rare value. Because Dr. Chase's Ointment is so universally used as a treatment for eczema and the skin troubles of baby- hood, its effectiveness as a beautifier of the skin is sometimes lost sight of, until using it for these ailments of Tender Skin Men/ men auger from skin irritations of an oesemle nature 4111 a result of ehavlhg. to ha more aggravated form this In known 1141 "Harber't itch " If your Akin Is tender you will find It good to apply hr. Chase's Olntmer& after shaving. W'."h thoroughly with hot water, dry the akin carefully with- out rubbing, And Apply the olnlm.nt. Thler heale the Irritated skin, keeps It soft and • pliable., and by Its entlaeptle Influence pre- vents the spread of akin trouble the skin its benefit to the skin itself . is once more discovered. With the modern ase of powders and cosmetics the skin becomes dry and harsh, irritations are set up, pim- ples and blackheads afe formed. The use of Dr. Chase's Ointment makes the skin soft and pliable, and restores the healthful action of the pores of the skin which have been clogged by the use of powders. The woman who is admired for the exquisitely fine texture and velvety softness of her skin is the one who regularly uses Dr. Chase's Ointment. You can discover this for yourself by giving this delightfully soothing, healing ointment a few weeks' trial. s'any Wes There are scores el ways in which Pr. Chases Ointment Is Woeful in the 'mete 1t In the standard ointment, and is used with great aatlefection for eczema and Balt Rheum Shingles, getter And ltlnsworm Scald Dead and Rahy Eczema t'Implee and Rlnckhendu Chafing and Skin irritation Sore Peet, and Thee ingrowing Toe Nall.. itnugh. Red Skin, 'erysipelas Chilblain/4 and Front RIte44 Poisoned Skin; T'olaon ivy itch, Rarb.r'41 itch, Prairie itch Rives and in11,ct Rites Scalds end Aurae Sore and Cracked Nlpple4 Chapped lien&A and Fare Pore and inflamed Eyelid* Old Mare. end )led Sores ITFmorrhoi4A or PIMA Sample hos free If you mention this paper. 1:dniansoil, Rates & co,tLtd.. Toriintn. Eczema Miss Heade Stewart, Lanark, Vint , writes: "1 Art took eczema on my head, and bad to have my hair cut. Then the eczema brake out on the Angers of my right hand. It wen so itchy i couldn't keep from tecratching. it, and it began to spread. In reading an old Almana.• that mother had, I noticed that Dr C'hase's Ointment was rec- ommended for eczema, so I sent for a sam- ple box. i used the ointment every night, fi t -HOMY saw a difference. 1 got a fell - 1.1::.•d hoe at the druggist's, and later an- other one, 1.ut I never needed the second, hecnuse after the use of the first lox the eczema disappeared front both my head ,e -and fingers." Baby's Skin Mrs, r.Ver.tt Roberts, 44 an4leott 1lalltsy, N.S. writes: "1 used Dr. Chase's Ointment for my baby. who had rIngworro all over his face. I tried almost everything I knew of without ',uremia until 1 need lir. Chasm's Ointment. Thin completely freed him of (hie Annoying skin trouble In ■ short time. 1 would not be without fids ointment In the house, and trust this may 111411114' others to give It a trial and be convinced of its merits."