The Signal, 1921-11-17, Page 16R Tour,l.lc. \melt ..r In. 1'e_'1 TELEPHONE --350 . when you want Anything in Flour and Feed, Meals. Chop. Grain, Shorts. Bran', etc. . All kinds of grain 1,,111,;14! at current prices. All orders delivered !1roel New Flour and Feed Store Opera House Block God:rich Now Is The Time To Make - •- UP YOUR ti Christmas Fancywork We have beautiful staonped Citiljiogs, Runners, Centres. etc. Everything in Einbroitl- ery Silks and all the latest col. ors in Bugle and Nail Head Beads (� Tkadiug-bTonses a d . - d res.:es., We also Take orders. and do )aur-gowq for you at a reason, able police. --111••• Smith's Art Store East Street Thee U8 eweeetWeefeePteteWieeieeteeneW OF INTEREST TO WOMEN This is a Short Letter, But It Proves the Reliability of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege- table Compound. • Ibusetl. Ont. --•""1 waa weak and run down, had no appetite and was ner- vous. The nurse who tookare of me told d me to try Lydia E. Pink hams Vege- table Compound, and now I amR et- tingstrong. I recom- mend your medicine to myfriends and you may use my teatimonal. -Intra. W. J. Brady R. R.2. Bothwell, Ont. The reason why ydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- pound is so successful in overcoming woman's ills is because it contains the i�iinnic, strengthening properties of good did -fashioned roots and herbs, which on the female organism. Women m all parts of the country are con - beneficial testifying to ita strengthening, beneficial influence, and as it contains *0 nereotica or harmful drug, it is a iImedicine for women. you want• special advice writ* is E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (con- ntial), Lynn, Mass. Your letter be opened, read and answered by Women only. STRENGH AND HEALTH Red Blood, Vim, Vigor, Vitality Foie• low This Advice Niagara Falls, Ont. -"As my per - eats kave used Dr. Pierce', remedies wT16 i .j won- aerful and quick results 1 take great pleasure In send- ing a good' word to boost the cause of •Freedom from illness.' f have used the Golden Medical i)tacover.i at times for the past three years. Am a pressman tby occupation and the Tabor Is quite fatiguing and Injurious to the system. But today business has no drawback for me. Three cheers for Dr. Pierce's Discovery!" -- William H. Dempsey, t Jr., 32 Bridge St. As soon as you begin to take this "Discovery" you begin to feel its bracing. appetizing effect Buy of your neighborbood drug store In tab- lets and liquid, or send lee to Dr. Pierce's Laboratory In Bridgeburg, Ont • for trial pkg. tablets and write • for free medical advice. , AFTER GRiP Colds, Fevers or a Rundown Condition, Take This Advice Pleasantville, N. 8. -"Four years ago i was a very sick woman, l'he doctor said It was aeumenia. 1t kept me In bed for fee weeks and Heft me so weak that 1 could hardly tet about.' A dear friend advised me to try Dr. Plerce'n 'remedies and I did so. After taking a bottle of the' Golden Medical Discovery and one of the Favorite Prescription i found I was getting so much stronger that I contf.ued using them, together with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Penton, until 1 fully recovered my strength,•' .-Nr.. AgaM Brunel!. • - That party will pie a sweats if yen 00' peer ice cream from Black• /pope's, Flame 240. HOW "OLD BILL" DOPES OUT THE THE SIGNAL • sertip•r • worker • witlu 11 eawtlwalle li.tlunier h, rivet tithe:. together. 'At that. lie chucked' hot rivet ,aigtu a Winch .•t nbJt11111'e, fan' Hee Name Arthur lul-'1•n.hrI' of courage. 11 ELECTION RESULTS 1. au orator. huh het•is ,t dryer talker.. If 1 N•el•e a hulk robl•.•i•. awl he had .rtes 4..i -e for the crow u. 1{1111 1 ecla- .I<k• •1 to µ114u1. 1 would Nay : A "Clear" Grit From Old Huron"4;ulhy. Inde•': 1 barrel a chane lu the world with that gee Seidner nice,, Writing From Toronto Gives,,-; a .1Yl sUla a a ..myeer with "Bill'. .. King 117 Seats • 1„1. 1.den l iH 1{' clever rl',4n high* had tariff * 4l„eG1u. ebee•tor 2lne1al+:•fou•k- .•r that.-ybm.t*111111 -,c 'rumt'humT-'. Te,•.el..� � 1�1... �� , . „teak ' CANADIAN NATIONAL .. .\:4.1. 1',,,., ! .l .• •dort2i:, .. ,.iia1 ae ti't 1111 h:uuilt''1, 11,•1'!. It: pro- 11110•.4tNC a• •,� ... ..i • ,, I'.l 4luW•w1 021.1 1 4 , 1.11.., ,y-1211' t \..i: . ' ul A!.1.1.1 1.441 •.1,• to u I ger. Sete. t'4.: Citi . U.i .• i:cr' IUug -4,y. 1htr.• ,till b. tips` !.. 4:11111 I'r.pe. and I0l ttv;: ,•lul.t:.• .i . :: •4 .101111 J.,ememl,2.. 841 old 114„1 • :'-i. 1•••; . now Th.t the ('au chat Nation:1I Bell- 1T1.*-pre•.ident .t' the •..•i:• ..-,wire Wee:.beet' w•tPthiigt .'f real 4 1111. 10 I;iu41 a big wait iu.the ,t•••t.':44 c..ulitty, ..ell Ike public el :tee Wily of-errite -itv- that Smelt. • t'r,t•ur %tel. hare 1)a, thoroughly demonstrated 1111 the ('Hough farriers lu Gia paetury'`•.t t0 a•Irrion of the visit of tea- exhihitiom home «ertaje Teri... dee, grit. to train. to Gtak'rk'h on Friday. Nevem- ',reek 4eiwu this -line- '(ewe a1.( tet ler i. 4, here the -bruw.im: is .g0'4. \•.w The Pgnilrment eonelet d of sleep - what 'to ttwke ..tit -•t< tleee a...ele u. Ing ear. ,lining our. 'lay each- touriet - H- py•.Llrw .4.f .11!4 „erten null rout• cur. • eoloui.t ear and exprees car. eplleiltiun-lrrlillII addition. The Each car 1)',15 the eut..1imeilt•l.f the certain vest t• (l.'I'.*• , fG ,rat •. It lathed and 111,-r 112• -(11 -dare idea. 41te- would. 4.,a .tint..= --u.4.- a 2,U ,,. slimed to, ;r. ore for the traveller the would.' Lile•r.,l .4.81. trete that 1'1..4iu.••.; maxfmnm of .•..:ufort a,,41-afety. rser,-. I'.a,j.iue:nl 1414.1. Lauri• i •je•:ak i;t.el': equiIkueut 1)a. rmpl•,Y.d in te every instance -and the approximate 1•o*t of the trHii wit. 3:17n.terl. Four- teen such trains .Ire in .-,.mtut-stntl 4 r the trans -Canaan route. • - ' The train which' vi.hwl fdlerlch 1):t• in .hargr of Mr. 1.. e. Howard. reni'. 4 Touri-t .trent. 'NI. W. t'. r.NY-. lining. un.1 .l.r•pieg ear eon- .ln.4..r, Mr R. E. 1tichwen.1. travelling µ1(((2w agent. ant Mr. W. ('. Me. ,Gal"Rol, representative ..f 'the ('.44,- A:11att rational Expnet, .I.psrtlaPnt. Throng:: a •:•.r 1tep1•tuu of the fadlll'ie. .,a:rilald.• 4,444 thew train- It , 1- hots .11 ' • • promote a deeper and nem., i defin{e•• iieer..et fie .411.• 4:uvernnient- nweeel .1-trni-R tran'psirrati.me and at the -ame tint,' to create. the desire 044 the t el the to go the-Pan,1 �' Duldlc' n.linn- \n local" way wiwn .Io11g die- r.inf.('4.::4‘11itttt l- being done. 1 11'1111. the weather 1111 Friday baa+ 1 rery'nnfarnntble a 4*,11*id.ralde 1111111. f ier- Araileil thrm...Ive., of this cggor- •nolty t., inspect the train end Jncit• leg by tle..'athn.hl.tl' cerement over. heart 1•e The teiirrat repro-.•ntutiv.' a li,c:nly Tien ....me frog a railroad great malty t;.111rr2•h people are "sold•' tows teal Rill faxen aster,. wrikgtinglou the Canadian \athlnt rout,. SELLS SERVICE TO PEOPLE OF GODERICH Goderich Citizens Deeply Inter- ested In "Standard Train of Quality" r•. 111• •.Um111./11• tif' '1.1,4.e.. 1'h, I'r.g' 14114.) til- t'o1.,1\e'.\e- n.a0 .21411144 the ober 44,.• see cell -^71t• h1 Nova Statin: . t ,4.::i• I're. Wier Murray fly- tl.. I.il•. reel• will 'arty • twelve. ' 4.1e4 . 1I ...1 ru- th14.las4ic Say u 'r:.uu .a1.q. ' The Itlneuo-.• dike- 14,' 1s•: -'i.. a- e•t•1'I- oli-ly u. h.• take. id• 2.4144. .Idekrti alai Ili * lw.rt't•lr.e .i 444' t't;i i .. .1 new a -.moi.:: .,1)'a•- •.4I,...{ . ,1:.1 •d-t4avGi 'u' 114.111111101. t- r'1•• 1. ,1~.111- '1'11.. .:it -eta- t�>Lvi a-- - ries J--witwl •4.0 ti•' ••h•- 4.t r" .. 11 I -71.1 New Etat-N a'2. t. i. l + 1. riF4--+W►(1 1 think. i 17..\ :••1 ..quewle•re Clue \\'illi..ui .Pug -1. , 4..1 ,1 r--iglu+l the ti.-.t.n1111 1' .,ei T or -n II neeepttlt a" 1.11.µ.a1-u+asl"-111. i. aL.1'ai .lul7rr• eaI /hat this .-s-21 1i -.e4. of 1'111.11.' Work. Is -u•i envie, pditie-. .Tom 4'rbtlwr- owe '' 1.11..1 hint "Slippery Bill* .Sen.,+ 7T. Y2..+r • of the 11.1,1-i•. wlaf.h ws1. tu7154.1uuueutlary. .And. if IIILI end •re.pio.al el 4.7, Joni and -Said ••Gr..,..; Tool" it wont.' hat.. tltte.l. - GODERICH, ONT. there will .,will Iw•a happy re -union 0th' few' t:.Nlai.-II .24iiell. Ni141 Iavr 1 of the family. lawn arcwN•hl(412 whh 4'h111n•rn'N Akl There are ut present thirteen .-h11,1- work. 1n 4 .derioh for upwards of it r,1t in the Shelter. eight girls and lite yunrier of a century. He x0221 walu- loy., and foster holo.. un• dre1ra1 for rain.. enthusiasm rue the work or 141.wa of thew. .1 4'hNdren's Shelter which years ago he et,ts the wain 2. u„rel sae a 4.•mporary 'same for iu..pinttiun. .111%101:11.11 ehibir.'ll while they ars lie- ••I (.el N-lu•nut4Y1," he .ui.i ill his Ing I.rrluu'.YI for leder homer or Ie- toreeeug Iewarke, "fn .vugrgtuhltiug hof .1w(Iged frau! one 1111114.• to ,Muth('' the wrluh,'rs of 2he Ma•Irty uu the A 11utulwr of our Narll. Ih1. ,rear lwv' rinthoa'll .q.•te.1 N•hleh mark,. our !k.•u 1111(111 111 f.Ntrl' home. Without effort,.: but at the cause time we cam- l.riloflug then! to the !Mellor. !hosing 1,111 but 2e• „Stook with the Ihu11ght this year we hu 2e-Teltered thirty- tint It owns 011 is. a work whh•h apt - 044e, ,•ewe of thew only fur a .bort IIa1'.'lltiy 1tw,N•>, 111 e4a,, b11t 1. ratlaor 04 1414141'.,.. \A'hll. lu Ila• Shelter the wa1l',l Itc•r,,,.2ng fu the .11111* wllloh ariw• fur giver them „11441 ,tt,•1,tio11 thus u the rescue of Teeple.. children teen (limner 1s -...,u uot2re,tb1.', loth iu HP't•rt.441y neglectful alai 1•cen erhuing! µ•Bron..• and a •11.42. We :ire (o44- surro11ndiug., that they may have that *tautly, 'mile. 1,•.•k-•.ne for greet Tortee fair uppernudty for a right „tort hl for tfw t hildnvl. ;uul ,hn Taff tTr ,..ear life' tt'hieh 1+ the birthright 11f every 1114'. Ilacwl 4a• 4'•••4113.'.'41 4hirtyr•ight. 4•h11.1 horn h! till. la 11,1 which we 110 ehtldrrh are' .J4'I'Ht1y el''422wl Iwe- proudly c:Itl "unr fair iA.Wldun." 104..: 4ht•y ara'm:•pr oto.' Thr reports which w'111 (44'.rml to you 1'e have .tuade 1151 visit. to want• will, -how the truth of thlr „futrw0•ut. in fl.ster� lcrmr. and lu tkrlug this Ae our si,ehl? •Ml etymotllir coralitluis Iwcr tFav,41w1 apgrroxhuutrly :(.•4.4: at present exert, there swine to he wile.. 'ln uuu�c of. the homes It 1)'n. little hopethat we shall ...en rle•T a Irr'1t Jur 011 t 1-l4. and see 1i. *' ha1q.y u time when thio rescue• work ono ler 81141 well 'srirl fur the children Wert'. Ielaaal. but rmtber is it_true that each in only two c1*S'. 411.1 we find it nee+- year'. review elbows au luerttalug Nary to t4emore children Ise'atnw' they T(((eeny for t- wen• lot g.•ttiug a fair (haute., \1'., Igurilts Awl organized rff.w. 4.f We are k• �p ;1: ,Yin+t:nit toneh w'Ith mut;- of from the +k►w•trwarl was au.1 shirt 1, 4410-.• yn1111g 224.1•. the /'Llldr•u with letter+ and ee re. them 4444 the towel to honorable and ceive many interrstllg letter. Prow useful eitialenehi4t. If all the work clllureu. llauy If {her.• .how' meat .1..nt' by our tka•iety ruuld Ir tabulapd our rffnn+ uu their Iw71a{f Am 11µ('r and epituwlied in its teeth-. It 1)41112,1 ('141ttme S.ilur' of the.. leitte're wwlld make a record for which tar might be intere+ting hod we three tip read well 4.a+ te.e„eey thankful that wt. thew. 4.ptuffer au extract from one or have had a *Imes to at." own. It5,. ..1r. Elliott ---I th,.ught 1 would Inspector Tolell'a Spcesh. write to you a.nlght for I Have some The tllit.Ide -I.•aker for thea •NY•asion nisei new-- to tell you. 1 got the silver Wail Lwlw.'tur Tovell. ..f 4;11r1µ11. tial--.i►lgisiR 401-+t1)- y *gent of N't•tlington t'hlldreI'. other night. What .1.. you think of Aid Society. 31r. Tovell Ninth his flint ? 1 have Ju -r. finished my hoar- remark* by eungratalatiug the Htlrnn murk for *'h.iei1 tonl.rr.sr;--- 1 am bran1•li me the work of Ilse i erleary: getting along pretty well at solioti1 but on the slllewlkl home and the ehlklr.n. elle work is quire different sine. 1 11e Wuu111 tut, IW 1.1/14. 11WelI 1111 111* ea. -ed the Filtrate.... 1 am trying to own stork a. it w•ar largely the .Ata.• 110 1 pond boy new and .Io ani 1 rift as 3I r. Elli.o4'w 111 -pea ktug o1 the for tallier and tuuthrr. I wive. Iw"•1 value of _child life be petted David thinking over the past told now realize $torr Jonlau : -There i. welting in how mach r.rwl pun did ter me when' all the world -.. IIIµ ertlu't• a- children. you delivered 'NIP from where 1 445. tietlinte •.. 2itere•aiig. If yen NA 111 getting a poor elm's.•. Well, i ha1rt to pie of any tell value lu the w,ort,l, et.•ry chutta• glow and will • try .t0,.1., elmethhng our ehlldrua:' make the beet 1l'.42f them and +tk•k _Ur. Tn2e11 p.iluaYl ant that It I. 4.h.• to the right Owl make wnnethhlg 911 quality. lot the tunicae+ of the rhe wood 40111 tri t4,._rt'1'e father Sidi- µ11µ'u' rrbnther and you; •tsticm, that matte in s t*Iw r i* h'lir initialer of .111111(11 iu the war (.Shred }►err lJr. Feiner -4 am alright err Intl.• Ile 2.111 welt with their dirt I ( IWinr� anti all the .r.t are tale 15-.• water all ;owl nc,ralr. Mei, 111 0'„11„11„ we wast OH to ';odrrie•h a day title 'mtunlrr try- to Iula.nl4e the quality of the. tae-nidI {GIT 1n1AT to arae. T cl1W the future eitjz.•ne Tlw ..•b'N.l., ,l•hun•hee k.ke sad sae all over tea• leg grunt ;and home.' lutes• their palet in thin Hint. I (tit Witt .haat mirk you 4.411 , work5a1d It iA In tea• hoiw.- (hat tlw WWII 1111 the door now. 1 am four' rhil.ln•u-' .22.1 S.e•irty dwelt. ;mire cwt, right inch., high. We hod a bene ri2.2ti the p.sitk.0 and opjor• w•luol fafr•auul I t.s.k down a pair of'. tunith•- ,r y, „g µ„2q2. In this age. .-hick.•,,. au.1 -•.t nr-t prize. and took eir. Tovell ''14ininl that many young keen a wap of un4ario and g••t a prize 1 people. uuu12fe-tell a lack- 111 1*.11tr..2 1 fur it 1 nal In the Sr. 111. eines at I Thi, vis µonly du.•, he said. to 411.61 .claws:. i 445+ our to eet.•brate Ila' l�s„Tloartly 1,ll,.1•111422( .141.r lin 11, 12th of July •ele1 Was,.d the Ln 1111rr_ bikt.4+ J. i -►our Mr. Elliott. -1 re.-eI*'.Y1 your weleumr letter a f••1)• tiny. *5, with 14•h lieep 'not. Ten teeter:Il -.est. Hypes New itnu7.w ick :1)d four..t• tin .ix tCitalgr la Algonquin Park Prince E.1Nard 1.1aw1 ....it-. That Th.Yttrsetiotu offend in .11g•' 1'1111 e. : e uuaJ.. .i A,tul ..f � u4. ea -t of 4.h • Park G•r winter yarations are runny 51)d 4 wawa riv.-r fur lion. i)111 King. I, varied. The, 1'ark i- situattr1 (etch feet -tit touree: i)ml,ir:+o Gu* a 1,ulc-1, of above sea level atul lass an area 'd =.77.1 -.et. t0 ('014siller. '1-14.• 2.1.44414.•1. ale ' !.(maria 44,42.+ w**.1.d with 2,4(14 and bal- np with tie,: upnglaeee wT.H 4.h.} ,-ate, aold starred will 1 litiiidneds of lake„ itntl• Ibis Peelle.... and stn•u1,/. it- 1'. 14 0(441''12 wile"' one- tR F•B T,n° can really be away• fn1111 tile -.needle and i'rernr. Iate_of ll:•le-woeth. '1: hold 1144 411 gi-(tions of 'the city. ale! 1.• meat to tlir.•rhfug hers hi hfty•twu terse rid- ,g r 1114- --owl •Entre 2'rn'5 :and •ober' 4...r beaof nature. the winter clirnatic cenditiulU are meet 2*'. 44' .rain5 and I,rondeient :ierlellhl1 j',. think the health/tie and 11w m'reee„n* include nnl-of-Ili.• lamcldle' will is• :..mc er'rp. the whole rune•' of Canaliau winter So do is o'er tit. 1...y. 1......1.4.4 twee te l ep!. rte.. there being ideal facilities for the Ilue• fence at t,rr...velver- „1112 ekatine, t.nlx.gganiile. oki-ing aiw1 sn.w•- '111 the ritirroac•1- ,ate! .ow*•'.i.i .•krnm- shoeing. TileHighlawl Innn . omni aid that" th.•s 11.12'1-,,5.444 ' it here Ill.e' 1'I4eratrd by the 1iran.1-Triiiik Railway Thankegivfng, geet•ler, t 4.h•• :*4.•._ ila,l Sy1tenl, will ties year hie eIe•n for level.' they do not µ1'o4.,.,• ti t .t ,wire, tfun of gteets feat' Decen,l,-r 1.1T next *m the ,.i6. µla ' t,t, t w il: a,4- Tar _metal htreli 1:(021. 1142". anti -pato -me will -nrpi-I-- F•,H :iFr .rrer:r 'ms 41t(n'tatc. find at tbii delightful ne ert 4411 the c..ln- ..•At' 1h. In..rnul. aft••r tin' 61 11 "1 !ke."mefi ti awn "r,.,'el with tint -claret bate) '*.naL••r, a ,� ._ metric... Foe illa+trat0,1 Ix.,kl.•t and Tali" 1114.:_ 11": -141 t Tee fuel inrirnlati.'n may he had'en are rent., city I. ; 1144' :u *114,1 at 1.41-1 plicati.m to env -timed Tennk tickit two .:rot- to uta4441, le•rhlaµ+ lion•. agent er C. E llorning. U. P. A., Tor - For yon knew that I ;uw.lial- "w•1 unto, Ont. that .Ito. atilt the 1 i-terite. en' it 1i 42ith-111.'-.aaxiaun'•. of 1224• lire I.riga,b•, ; Tone 4'hur-h and the •.tl'•1•t-w,1ge•r•e 1 WrggesNte Reading (or half--*--+elltl,ry- Now to t'mt. .-\'.-»{,will bear it raid that elicit and .thin_ are 4,1ki11g ,, hold'..{' •1..„emh,, sodh,a magazine µ11n1•-nggestit•. storil'll, mi.] ars letting the 1 1 to rt'.- go 4.o it. i.A•anlnsthat (lel present e'.rreptilg ideasl to t eere,e-eyyeej (1'- i elwri "mai n4.• he areidieweeirreeteseet. 'feet therm is a 'me - to by a .hurt' nett... 1 leellpt•, hill gePtive11.M+ 4.'f nig• a ditli•reit .. rt -the abl.•kenzie King will «Ante nearer 4,4. I altgg.stiven.' t 14,31 ynickens the readrr'n neneeof •hn' , 117 ...Os, which ls'Aalf thea H•n1w• of !• Wi otan. ambition, Rices ('onlnnnls. than Tom Sander• d •r,.,•ly coil rage t•. lace adversity, fortifies against n1.! .l.tr1,4 - rtTiiir -S Ig14.m will 2.e Stier ki1el et *4•'n*phrti'm. It in 'thht toil lw•ttpr kind *•( snggesti\en•xs that you yelling, ''1141.1 on. feller..- 1111 1 catch wiil-tind on alnail't every page of tlw ape" Tit., reader Ave) •alrtnise•. 11134 Youtli'mel'etni.anh.n• \%'Lich of thaw• !',.well'. a /:tit. Right yen are, 111111 two kind of .mgge4tiv.'n.'ew would yen n , clear. Grit at that, which• md•;ul+ wish u, exert an t,lllmener in your family "jinn, +a 4141 1).1 111 dins" to ,pilose life" SRont•,ft eeta)alul'F -M}aeleeteeele MMIee--of'-1992. "winch( he same 1 aiii I.1iwrn1 enough ill crowded with eerie' se wife, short Wiriest, Sub - glory in thea uprising ..f the ifirmer• .tutorials, ixeetry. facts and fun. rub - at the wrong- he:•p11 en Seri' ulhtr. °crit(' n,.1) Std rceiv,•: • AYtrn lxrwrrr•. then. 1. Tltr�.rlseket4r1n1tltntrnr-11Rjef*Ci' • 'The ant+t,fuli15 event. of the lnlsl Ixelles in 18'22. week :use the w,r11111Atl,rn+ of Janie.' 2 All ole remaining lames of Urn. 3. The C"4n µanion iron* Calendar Sittrd'..•h. late of the ('nmm,m.• ilnArvl. G.4. 1922. • I4 as 1.ile•r,1 emendate for South To. ; All for 12.•'4'. rout.. .flm LA+ the g'wsl.. Ile tin -4 4. Or iichne Met'all's elagazine, the mercifully w*.n.•1 the e:m'ernment for monthly authi.rity on (ambiens. 'Btrt!1 permitting certain Int.{. to stent from publieati'.nx, enter. , tea• defeneelese prrtµle oj 4'Ana,1a. 115 THE YOUTH'S (%1MPANION, Mr. Mnnlrreh get. to 1 i Hon -..e he Co.mmonw•ealth Ave. and St. Paul's St., will 1we one of it. most n+eful mem•I 4ln!ttnfl' :Mese. Iwr•.. for be1. n nillr,a'.'r from A- 1 Nese subscriptionfr• received n4. T1 while at great deal of harm 1+ dot.• b}- lawe. "irreg.' ,1a4uainrArw*.. Thr young wept.. are we important that they ',hied.' be Y 11•'1 w 1 t end n1e are 1 luetln - 1 1 none are metered:hut lhir work, all its concrntul,ati•n,. for •Ila.shig the 7114,•1• who nod .•.µtial help an. the Entries, and wt..• advice for my underprivileged .lee., and anionic there f;tl r.•. of 1 I hope � 4e+. 1 4.0 snake A to wee.. k 1.'51 N 4.'I hlh 1 Iiwu .AI 1 Society sty 1)u ' - it , an 4.k of lay fife No tier what PIMP.. i 4114. ' will do 4.h•• very be+4 1 eon, and that , $in.', tint work began In /metre, i- 1111 any car 1•an c 0. , 2.45450 children hate been made want+ R. ' ` of the 44.114,4', while there are at In our •1,rr•ep'sntlien a .w.• -.111 put >repent 144(M5) words. Sixty organ - 1 ala µlee(- of nail awl rwrlrwl :007 teatime. are undertaking the wore; rtlsl lettt.•r.. fifty-three perecnls arm..vlgashel hi' it. Twit, of our little girl ward'. • diel Mr. Tovell c'c.tichalrcl hie m -mark+ dueled the year. WO attended the with gotml wishes and erle11tlrngem.•ut fntierul of 'our o1 them where, the for the Meal work awl -n1g.+t.rl a .tiw,b• ,c,wmnlity turned oto to show Shelter filly o(1.e a year nn which the ;heir n -+islet for the little girl who Society +li0nkt make an appeal to the was_-.knrly loved by her foster par- peewee 1 It - 4 Ni Motion i.ln of. Rev. J. E. Ford anal The S..-1,•25". work 1+ nmier Goy Mr. W. F: Neftel a hearty rote ,of enlm.ot .11Is'rei.inn nett a monthly thank. was tendered the .porker." 5-4'1 r4. eifait eii mnttrnent*. riser'. HI-, After 4 01(2(.•1, the. •1411 Itrn now Tri w1tTRAtZou+. care-. i■ *'tit to the ,,fila' the Shelter earn.- in and sang two •of tee' 1'roelnclnl Superintendent. numbers very sweetly. Everyone wit. Fi1,1re- c..n,-.' very little Idea of charmted with them, e-4sriaily with the 1).,2.1: beteg 1f0mplishtel aqd yon little "Jimmy." woril.l perhaps like to hear wnm.'thing Messrs. {Willis and Greer were pre.. of the many c•a.re the Society have ran! from What/liana and both ex- iled to deal with. But the longer we pressed their interest In the ('hiklteti r are in the w.irk 111) less-a'e want to .\k1 Society work. ..ay -ideate 'it. There i. a whir Niki ----f=ires reseed 4.y Mee. 4" rrte and for 4.h. op•ritiun of the Societe end Mrs. Aitken that the former °Meer.. 1)v' realize how r*emparativ.ly little he rr•e•le4el : preedi1.•nt- Mr. .times W. can aeemilplleh. - ]1litchrll: sedretnry'trl•asur•r. >,lr. A. deillte2' +clptrinten(icnt of thea work 1 x, Robertson• This ,was tarriwl. r fin teepee/ex my notavelatton of A dleII bus lunch was weryw' by the'lytnpathetk' support which Is given Ml.s iteutl.y after wt.tch n !Mort b be ninhi.•ip.liti.+, Women inatlt,ltes, rice.,( mooting was had. L.Idh.: Aide, 4tlla2A5 eehnd eleeec. Mr. Fallc.tt gave A verbal report of and otlw'r organizations. as well a. fart of the month's work : Some private citizen. In different parts of children Nene' brought to the Shelter t e-ceutnty,-1/oar Wire also duel -142 end nor making gats! preen."... .\ girl the year mace contributions to the wart had lend an op'rn4l.n for Shelter whkei greatly reduce the nett nppentlk•It+ 11112 1)-n+ tmprnvtng. A of the upkeep. boy had had an (operation ali41 1s in a Ti'• all •lntertesta) We {tire a liberty hospital in Toronto. A fatuity of invitation to enae to elan the Sheller children were being provided for anti and we for themw11ves what we are aeeomplishing. and to all who have in, Any way n1) {sited in making the S.s'44-t''. work a .ucePAs we return our most -i n.ere dank(. We ars greatly helebt,rl to the pare ter•mellont the county. es many gond betties- have been eecRecti for ehlltlren hceansr' of item+ appearing in the ,*•linty µ;7111•r. to L. Tte.1 Mike Clarke ha+ hopped Signal office- • le The President's Address. buck ..aro-' the fi•n.', and taken tins' Taverne uoplimltion for Muekenzle, Musk. When It comp- to bopping is prairie grn.+hotgwer h,4.s nothing on Sink.. And i doe -rely holw he 1+ de f liter ►--.-,1`dingn.n.fu1 and w1)- (('out lnsnit to honored white ha Ir. of Mir 10yµ+ the eh{Id e e .he can't between. Wilfrid one night In the 101111(( rankles think of vertlnR with her anti "says. in the brew.!. iter --there is always • "M'hpre there 6.* will there M a way," the hnt in eieefi.M+. Ther,' are 214 •A I1)"'• 11514 "ft"'". who 1)'7l+ rental ...Hr. in' the Ilouse. "Pelt" turned the Rnllty of n crlm•' w„' uµ for +cotta e. truck In 1911. I' knew Mir %%lurid I and inolder 4.t lace him from rhe was pipe., Reformatory the 140etety Iwcalln• re. defeated thhty days before Ion. I AiiY wllfrlllrig for the 'but aponelble for him and he wa' placwl of 11121. lin n farm home and see far 1. doing -1 hail never 'heard Hon. .Arthur, will. A brother nhd 'inter, „gal fi2'• M.•I5Imn in fiction. .A Raaf friend and six, whose mother was deserted Rare m4' a 21'•2.4-1 to .51,15.µy lull.To-' and romp' her'elt suable to m44µ11.4 rent., but 2111.2n(++ preventret an 4 her '141141481,,N241Rla.1ly rnn+,ntld M have• envy start.... 1 listened to the Prime'tlwm pineal In foster homes. }'{,,. Minieter speak from 4h. Shntpr M. children were made ward+ In order hsl(0,15 to 4.h, motley throng helerw. I that rho Mss levy might net ex their ife hop;MYl over fk,• hahletrw,l, and guardian. their father Teeing fiend 1111.1 Watktd mane iter' narrr *- spare n, the ntntlw•r not setter the pert 0f a level-headed Ari If he were a sky. time mother We are hoping that COUNTY SECRETARY Mr. Jame. Mitchell. president of (i0xIerk•h society. pre•t.le,l at the nn- nnel meeting. ter Mitchell is one of orningrnxents were (wing made to re- store them to their mother. A family of fire had leen made wants o1 the Society mince the lest meeting. It was decided that the regular meeting cif the t rstiety he changed from the 'w1•ond to the first Tuesday to each month. A move 2s ceni.mplate41 to make brendwlnw•r. In }all work, the mnuey to 41) 11x.11 to support their families. This w -n+ referral to A committee to draft a r,"-nlntinn In approbation of the proposal. J RETS 101 For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver The nke•,t eathnrtle-laxative In the workl to physic 50411 liver oral 2„wµ25 when yen hate 1)1iay Hendachc, ('n141s, I/Illousness, iadigestton, or 1 -poet. Aced Ittmmarh to eande-1104 "roses ret1," one or two tonight will empty your bowels. e(unpletely by morning, and yon will feel splendid. "Tiwy work While you sleep." (`nsparetn never stir you np or gripe like Salts, 44111x. ('ulomel.e 0r Oil find they en*t mil, ten rent* A vox. Children love (7awcarets ton. You will always enjoy the tars flavor ofr -{sad for food value their only rival is brad. MSCORM IC ' KS JERSEY CREAr•'SCUITS SODA NEW SHIPMENT OF Fur=trimmed Velour and Silvertone Coats Some Splendid Values at $24.50 to $37.50 They come in several attractive styles with beautiful shawl collars and cuffs of French beaver and oppossum collars. All the newest shades in the lot. FALL SUITS Matfett- Fall Suits we hate left are worth leering. Prices made ri-ht to silt ton, OLA TWO OF SERGE AND TRICOTINE FROCKS at a fraction of 'their real calor u4. *1.24.1. er.w•k' are secured Specially µr1..11=unusual Artistically trimmer. clever placing. •'f I.ead., tuition.. and .iii. -4L• Ting- ;rive each an additlone1 value tier price fn.m $11.50 up. LADIES' SHIRTS t\'.• alw'ry+ .•arry ime range of I,.a.Iii•.' Skirts. Mizee and dyke to suit yea 114.95 up. POPULARLY PRICED WAISTS WP hare 1101.1 able to secure alw.tla•r 14.1 of those remarkable 1147111ar!; pri.al.t. in trieele14e and georgette. at !! id 1\' 82.93 and 831. HOSIERY ---fMr-Hrwier, t+ markfet at eve µria•. That 1• why they aa•II so well. .lu-t think, 25 tents to' 11.19. All the lar. -t in rush: merit *Uk anal heather. ▪ CHILDREN'S COATS AND DRESSES tlnr ('hiklren's ('.1st„ and 1 'r. -. s ore c.•ry 1'1.711.7r Why '• 1:.. ,•.• war prier. and ,+tura suit unr ci .toiner. Just Mak t ' Ihresses, 11.50 .illi. 14.93. Costs for the 1'suager Mitten., 15,50. Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co: Goderich Headquarters and Factory: 448 Queen St., West, Toronto 1111111.1.1ai111.ta 1.111 /1/1. ■ McEwen's €rocery Specials ■ Or Special Bkad Blatta Tk. 3 lbs. for 11.00 1 Minegomeat 200 s Ib. 1 Bulk ('twos • 2 lbs. for 23e 1 ('ort Flakes, Ik - 11 pkgs. for 81.00 1 Salmon, small lin 10e 1 Raking Powder. Mtl:wen'a 1.1h. tin Vie 1 Jam, , 4 -Ib. tin 69e ■ dew Talcum Powder, to clear ...,, lee 1 lei DRY GOODS al Mrn'e all wool Breve -lined I neer*Par 25 per rent. Inas than ]� last jeer. $ Serer, all wool, in navy and black, at $1.2.1 a yard. Extra good Italie. IN 1 11 111 1 1 1R 1 11 J. J. McEWEN , IIHouse, 281, PHONES Store, 46 1K ■I[i■11IM1<r1 1111111Kam •Mlinlit.l�/i CN%isT(. Fl.o 1 uR uR The family eats more bread since Mother started us- ing Cream of the West Flour. It • makes loaves of ex- traordinary white- ness and flavor. Maple Leaf Milling Co,. Limited Toronto, Winnipeg araa•oa. Halifax