HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-17, Page 10•
, iloeessber 1T, 111r'J,
Books Worth
THEVOTERS' LISTS last week trout Toronto. whirr iw Itaett
been ei,ga;gevl the pest stuntmen
Reading airs 1. McKinney. et lelttevalt.
anal al r. Eldon Vrhhuiry, of Galt.
Capt. 11 1•. Mctarthy returned house
Helen of the Oki House i
by 1Litold 11,11 Wright
Pent1) [lain
by ti. 1ruual,.
The Golden Shur
by Justin alc.Arth)
Blue Water
by Frederick Wm. Wallace
The Iab.tiek Trail
by Douglas 1)urkir.
The Mysterious Rider
by Zane Grey
Thi -t is only a Isi tial lis;
the good bilk, of the day
Lista Prepared by Rural Registrar
Are Not Revised by Judge
As In Places of Over 2500
' thciu¢ to the eulall.ioa that bas
arisen, iter the Election' low as it
atrpih" to the voters list- In.Iint/trio, t
It' is necessary that 911 partit•- shondd
iu+ist ht the prelrrneti,ele ul te 1i t•.
Thegeneral role is that e'i'1 perouit+.
in Canada, Wale or 'temale. is quill- '111.• signal regrets to report the rvetry
tits! to vote and should be included w,riou- initis. of Mr. John tn,
' in the list of voters for for ttollittg I u•r ,oars We Mope a change for for
o in which he or she resides.
.twat the wtek.enal at the Mawr of
Mrs. S. E .Hick.
IAHkIun Advertiser : Miss II. Lrtkle
lural been a guest at the boa* of Yrs.
t'. T. Leckie for rite past few weeks,
en noire from Texas to Goderich,
wht'rt' she will wake her home for the
Mr. and airs. 11. R. Watts, of I.on-
btu. are spending s eouple of wicks
with air. Watt', sister, Mrs. J. H.
• Mr. Frank Thompson. of Toronto,
swat a few days in town this week.
latter will Soon ensue,
if he or the air. I►tunglas Mooney has returned
la t is a Itriiish . v i.ot, and
from a hunting and fishing trip near
Watch Show Windows for (hi is tN•euty•onc years of age. and ('ollhtgwtt.xt.
p t4. rite tutnasliatrl) pr Arthur i(er•vers and Mrs. Geo.
the is -4.u• of the I ton.
' ids has ordinarily reside/Lin .in the • Nrs. S. A. Webster has: returned
• electoral district for ,the two months
immediately yr.+dittg that 'late. Ural
let it not exerva•I) denied the
right to vote.
In cities. Walls and t Wages of over
2.101 population personal registration have mored into town from their farm
takes place. anti the ll'ts are also fur. twar Benmtllrr Hud stave taken up
titer revirwwl before the ('unity their re ,idetaw on Britannia road.
`e Judge.. but the system of preparation
:, is different in other munhripalPies and \Lary Pftkforl, Wally Reid. ClairF-
wsorgauize+l districts. Adams, Hoot Gibson and the Hall
4.0 rurtl muu[citirlitie and an- Roxotu Boys. a galaxy of star. seldom
organized districts. as well as in if ever before. appearing he a single
'� town.: and villages of .2.3141.' lib' i week's program. all iodate is the at-
tion seal Ie.-. t1tt' lists are., prepared 1 trri•ttons showing. at ' the. Wodel
Note Paper and Wall Paper tel has+ ordinarily resldeyl in Cats acre.
dela jos it Johnston were delegates to the Rap
lalling tNte.la•r a, 1'1.1 110• ,late of
writ ts: e.r'toa, Holt ria misslowry convention in Hamll•
B -A
Ili ihr'cchooi-room-Of
North St. Methodist Church
by the Ladies.' aid
Saturday, Nov. 26th
_ _ at !,lit -p: -tri:-
Hose-inade Cooking
Faacy Work
Candi, Etc.
' I sty arehrisme:v.mpptie't--
Tea revved
home after an extended visit with her
daughter. Mrs. It. Il. Johnston. of
Owen Sound.
Mr. and airs. George ale\all, sr..
G. C. L Literary Society. Mf 1BSIONARY WEEK
Last Friday evruiug the G. C. 1.
"1Jt.•' was hind as usual, the following M.Uwthats Yold tluye*t llydday,
program being ,loose gal u. ,r . ante 1etYlegt 8(stsii - , .
,�,,eu audience. An ,tt. followed
�lveu by Maude Howell was tolluwad This ie )fiiglron►ry \Pe!!` tt'ftlte"f11.
Ut.t N. -In Montreal. or PrMty. Hoveataer 1111
t•- Nr. as Mrs. taew Dean. lwia WILL
l' ^„ ;.-
8. I
. -8.t LI .I: r:\ -I t '�o'Icitca oa *aa*wtar Mo.
„mtlw r l.. arrra A. et ej. ase'
:TlKKINti1Yt> --In a olborue township. oq
November 11. . wile
hnep Hetherington. in •r eta year
a' >J 9ti.k 1 21
I,y a recitation by Julia Btwvere. M..thodirt drool,'. of Goderich. On
Genevieve Spahr anti Helen Howrie Friday night, November ltith, there will 4
gave a y10:1a Hurt as tlw whole or- ba a Union Laytuan'r Bangiiet held in e1► Hint �rtuw oa
chest Was unable to be yrvsrut. North stilet ebureh at which at least 9(IS
Miss Hodge read au extract from Hien from the two churchev are ex-
"Daddv luuglagy,' violet Thompson(0t.atitobearrtted..lddreaan.wtllbegtven
sang a alio and Eric Wilson and Jeans "�'• A. T. 11 dilution, 11, A., of Japan,
t'itrptuau gate a duet. Mabel Ed- and Mr. tiro, Medd, of Exeler, a utero- •
yards read The Juururl, which, as ber of the (General Board of Missions of iaparDtY. Nur urs
T the Methodist church. On Sunday the Atter an exciting tussle al r. John mitral, per .stela. g .ma W s t.00
usual, contained news, interesting oak►•, pulpits will be manned by Ret. 'Jesse ort. D.rbu.► . An w AO
to those who atteml the school. The An►up, B. A., of Toronto, Assistant Sec- Little. of Lasses. eapturd a large ea narlq. perbueh ate
m+thl trltnt* of the et -ruing was a rets of INiraiottr for the forstgt1 tteid, oa hl farm otw night rwwntly. The Pea.. >s' Du»h .. •... ,,,o„ Lea to Leo
r�g 4.i. y., hint a tine large syt'clwrn, wewsur- Fburwf utt p.r hoe:: ate re coo
dilate between Form ill. A and Ill. and Rev. W. N. Fergltson. F. R.
11. The subject was, -Resolved that of Yunan, Chit*. In the ruing air. ins seven feet from tip to tip of the p1.ar, paatt, tree pat aM M es
lreiaud bas produced greater wen than F train will preach in Victoria street winds. The body is of a brown rad brat., pertert a 34.00
r. Arno Jin North street. In the grey eolur while the head is of a ,sate' psi lou t'- woo
I:IgtlrlKl" and the devlylou was In favor ll Bar. per lea .,.. 1e,N N taco
of the negative side. The meetings of 'Ming the Disler will be reversed. Theme lighter grey. it proved to be very straw, mare, par ten.. ttaa is 10,00
kour nen are .rrrtul miretionr prop- ♦klour atxl put up• plucky fight Ix- D.irs 0.ell Bo, pert► ,aa it z
the Society this )ear hair been Hart Ip 7 p. l} Croswell Botta:, perb .e1te .4
successful, the only weakness being in Itanfields. The Sunday schoolswillmeet as I that thisn fore blasg t tW th oltrrwl klstestipt•rl Its"
' °�' p" , ptio lamb
hewn. prase
the gradually decreasing number ofGlu.. buea. -a rr oAela. e.eswt e.a a s.eo
boyo who tike dart in the program. .
usual. The Men's Club of North street i from the Steamer House Ntttlth while Oaui., Mui ot,.rr weals, p.r slat 4004 eaa
will meet at 10 o'clock. The topic- 4.0 l:exlerick harbor two weeks ago. 9 "• tor. wtitllYt,ver cwt a>t to neo
Dotty licxl Care T" will be iutrodueed' I M« sus ..1e w .n
Minot Glary tk'rimgetur has returned t
'paring for an "at home" to De given from teverrl month visit with her
on Friday, November 'LZth. GODEIitICH TOWNSHIP auat Iu Woodstock. , Try our
Want CteiAtu get[ lwrwlla.
John Little, of Lanes, Thinks He
Caught Bird Which Got Away
From Captors in Goderich
The Menest•tung Canoe Club 1. pre- by Mr. C. M. Robertson.
(t't.lurrlay. Nov. 4.u,
Mrs. R. J. \lcL atighiiu and Mn,. R.obt-
Thonipson are visiting friends at Tor -
Mite Elaine Dennison was visiting
friends at Stratford.
R. J. McLaughlin and Mlalcohn Wood-
ley are buying poultry on Manitoulin
Nine Ruth Sinclair is visiting her sister,
Nin. Clark, at Hamilton.
Mr. James Fox iia,. gone to Toronto to
hook after his drug store there.
Mr. R. Thompson shipped a car$0S4 of
poultry to New York title week: - -
it taro
y n rural iteri.trar. 1n t o Tht•ntre during this week. commencing
listsof the Provincial gentle' November 21st. Read our program ad.
Ions. of 11119 or the .mtt0i,Ipal ,.1,rwhe•ro In this paper.
f if 1I) or 19'21 or tvowhindtiou
- are used a: n basis of pre
e /smiling as agreed annuli
1 ponies, Names of new
»• addc,t .to these Bats.
Usable. . however, to
yr ttwlare In lath
r sore for cork
-trod leaves
it Is advis-
able to carefully as.i•t h and see
- that !te is ffrifitlie.1 WT ' 11'ts oT
names front the thus rine writs are
t•4Rpet1wto-eighttrn days heft/re elec-
tion day. Thew•, during. three days or
up to the fifteenth day before polling.
lie putt on his list without quetion
«r inquiry. but any additions of
•-liavgt•a after that up to the uiath day
that Is not liter than the truth/ be-
refors• the election.. are made upon ap-
plication and upon strict inquiry
The Rural Registrar must post up the
4.0 two Int,•• ou the fifteenth da
,i»•fore p.:11 -Ing and al'.o put up nuticet
in the-.• pbters, stating clearly a place
the e divisluu .where, be may be ,
fond int to tine end of 11'• truth they --
b•f'.i' 1»'liln
There is no appeal to a Judge in
the case of a Kur,►I Registrar, but
if the Registrar leatr. sm
the rie% of
person, off his lists they ma) vote on
ring • dnecessary
a) upon taking the cessar
oaths ami other lotus whore names
are on a list and who are resident .
in the same disisbtn taking oath of •
%reification, thus soothing for the ap-
plicants. 1f the nano-. of all opposi-
tion toter. are left off there will tee
no erre 10 trul`h and so wow of them
can vote, .\ person oho has been part
on the lire on election da) and toted
may also vouch for others. It would
be had fora candidate to hate things
left in this way to the da) of polling,
so the motto should he : "Get on the
list an 1.04)1 as lou tan,"
It skill 1»• readily seen that the
Ions aright b• so crowded tt'1ed onelection
1,y that Gibe nadir be Wastedt
at tnhg 1 ro rise,• sJit
0- that an 'gild
t vote. it ail
Lai -sport -
lint. 4.w, snore -t. therefor. t s. tthat the D,.
on till` lint a optedas a bawls are
_imed r3' the 1f. iatrar_ anal that to
•these are ndde"l the new names. The
heplatter should • handed Into the
Registrar right front the start, and
after the Tuna Heglbtrwr - hoe made,
up hls lists in s own" way, names
may ds• rtrnck oil or added before
him. ,t• person who conies of age
OH or before election day may vote
if otherwise qualified. ' It will be
noted that the rural Registrar les all-
powerful. lie can leave off he add
any names just as be wishes. Ile\ can
plebe himself.
to ration.
rhe inue
voters must
It is very a
esp eeislly- ,nitre
fultemet. -••
'J'Ito itural Runs,l °111 tg flirt:kMt pint
,off wlatett•r he• pleases.
Try a W
aM Ad. In The Signal.
Wednday, Not. 1st.
'Mrs. Benson 11. Willing., of Toronto,
it visitingat the home of her mother,
Mrs. R. A. Thompson, Huron road.
Mins Mamie Thurkow and Mime Reta
Young, of Leebuin, are spending a week
with their friend[, the Misses Thompson.
of Goderich township. Goderich oderich Tow nahip Fanners' Club
will hold a re -.organization meeting next
Wednesday night, in the Orange Hall.
Saclike Sale.
On account of a change being made in
the boys' clothing department of his
buainesa, Mr. W. C. Praiham
cehas an-
nounced a sacrifice aide of all the boytf
Mita he has in stock. Road his adver-
tisement on page four of this issue.
Make It a Real OIft
Shop as much am you will, you cannot give faintly or friendsaemce
a more aavytable renbraothan a real Photo Portrait in one
of our charming new mouutinde. Just now there are a lot of
mothers wbo am hrlugtng the kiddies to the Studio for Christmas
Photograph,--ala! incidentally they are !wring their own portrait
made at the tame time.
Studio appointmcuts can be arranged to meet your convenience.
GropingIn The
Dark Is Bad
OU don't need toga on
guessing when you get
protection frcm men who
know the insurance business.
It Costs No More
to buy insurance that gives ade-
quate coverage than to buy poli-
es iujunknown, untried cont
By having your insurance fully
xptained you can know- swat it
really means to you, You will
not -be groping in the dark if you
call for service on this agency of
the Hartford Fire Insurance
E. H. HILL & CO.
British Exchange Hotel Building
You will not miss the opportunity to inspect our stock of Fall
Goods, which is now complete, and comprises the newest and
test in Footwear of all kinds, Farm Boots, Work Boots and
Eine Shoes for peen, a splendid assor!ment of High Shoes,
Oxfords, and the popular One and Two Straps, in black and
a variety of shades of brown, for Ladies, and good serviceable
Shoes for the Young Folks, all at prices based on the lowest
present-day manufacturer's prices.
Be Prepared
for the slushy Fall weather by purchasing a pair of our
Whether it is the heavy Rubber Boot you need or the tiny
white Over -rubber for Baby, we have them all, every size and
shape, to suit all kinds of shoe's.
are more popular than ever. Don't buy till you see our linea.
Yon are sure to like them'
XICsX:CIsMCsXeCIcsnaCscXa 5C0c2C•oc MOcaOCs MC5cMoaasXXDaen001
xWW Ready -to- - _ft r ale. A great many of the bargains
ii x
have been to en • ut there is still a very large range to
0 choose from. The entire stock is to be cleared and this
is an oppo-ity to buy your winter garments at a great -
;l red ede. All the bargains cannot be listed and
it will be to 'your advantage to see them all before buying. .1-
XrrytX MO Irldslrr ZOO=
A very special line of Ladies' Winter Data at $16.50. The styles are
good and the va ea wonderful at the price offered. If you want a low
priced Coat you 11 be sure to be suited. Only $16.50 each.
Every Wi er Coat for ladies is reduced in price. They are all marked
down to cleatquickly.
Children's Coats all reduced in price. They come frntn infanta' to 14
year size,/ They are all great bargains.
/Blouses in georgette and habutai silk in all sizes, at $4.10.
Blouses in raw Rilk with short sleeves and embroidered front, at $4.10.
You will he wonderfully surprised with these values.
While they last $4.10.
Another range of Georgette Blouses at $6.49.. These waists ranged in
prise up to $12.00 and are now all reduced to $6.49. They are very prettily
trimmed, being embroidered with wool or beads in a very fine quality of
georghtte.e, To he had in short nr long sleeves, at $8.49.
A large range o4Wool Middies in navy blue with braid trimming in
contrasting color. They come in t e halkan or regulation style. They have
sold up to WR.0O. Now on Rale at 98.
Potton Middies in every wanted c nr or style with short nr long sleeves,
and with light or navy blue collar on white or with self collar. They are
now nn Rale at $1.49. - - i
A real opportunity to hny Middies at a great reduction, $1.40.
Very npeeial serge an4 J airy Dresses at -$14.e0.
These Dresses have been marked leery low to make quick selling. Pe
sure and see them at only $14.50.
A very special line of Serge in black, gree, brown and taupe, 36 in. wide,
at $1.00 a yard.
Six only Suits in navy blue and black. They sold up to $60.00 but must
be cleared. On sale at $24.50.
A very large range of Sweater Coats and Pullovers in every wanted
color and size.
Pullovers for children and ladies to be cleared at $2.96. These gar -
menta ranged in price up to $6.50 each. On sale at $2.95.
Sweater Coats in all Rises in light blue, rose, green, sand and navy.
They must be cleared quickly and will be on sale at $3.95 each. Regular asp
to $8.00 for $3.96.
Why knit Sweaters when you can buy them at this price t
Ladies' and Children's Plush
up to $6.50, on sale at $3.10.
This is a price that will clear
vantage to see them early.
Hats in black, sand and grey. Regular
theft quickly and it will he to your ad -
. w-
1' r