HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-17, Page 8iS-Ttnuraday, November 17, 1921.
maks your
a gravies
M a few
i -
Rich -
Tasty -
12 c. and 30c
C r 5
Write for Booklet to -
,200 Given Away ! 0X0 Ltd. 232 LanoincSt. Montreal.
•I min, John Uilulnrr, greatly1m'r,yel ut'wt'u vigor and strength; that 11
SISTER SUE 11e he•:/ltii. lull wad la ilco. ms getting %%mild be a "pl-t,e" a 'lir-rhue"
toll,.•,. lu Itis waken hat resit -hits!
• • h'hntior. If the girl It.ii.elf noticed
Itis. she gate no slim. {ler alt
:11111in'nlly, was rlttirtlty l:lken mit wkiljl
41flii•r 11131 1.01.,:.
:lull Ileitn•u know 111t•1'r' Wert. ph•nty
oL ditch '
' Sister. Sic hail hoped. ill the ars!.
to. kis to hoe piniti Mut it w'a: 0 lice
Lt, triitnetil and lu t•%.e•Ihud riludltitnt:
colli she knew 11,81 it 'Must lilt. Pion
44•faro Mr. L.t•i11g'atpurtrvd u1e I .•
alit a pwrhitu•r iiJn, ,Rpn'l a prier
',mite Inst 1:1 rgc h. reals%-: Like Ihr
i fel riii•tttl•e• Ill the Ili:ItIW''s betlro:Nlt.
I In.,,•i.•r. Ilio pini, Mas to :lay until
the family Iheuts,Ive. were ready 1,
Si.ter Site 'Was :till e3tabl.+I
1,: ....Maori anti Ilurltrat kin.
r,,, , , critic the• big fat bout' with
Nn. diamond, stick -pito It his tic hid
drawn the cheek that made the Iu+tnt-
iueitt t?Is, .e•11511Ire ears Might true dr•
i.et,.i in the fatted 111.31 toll from Mister
• Sue's ting rt.
/1 Haigh. 1111.14.1141110 of low:-
4slg and n•ut,o•hltiou hi t.•ivn Ili.• !mot
tiuuiphiint of the chords and 11uJtwlles,
-.t. pili iki.o ii mud ally t'uile. They
wale -t.' i.i early lit June iht'ne.11tltf'}y
sol the closing of the ...whisiie• Ki-
va schools which IL•ty and Motto,
cite deet. lh,witstairs 1111• house wail
atreat .nt'arly empty. alury hail gone.
awl only 1)sty, red-.ytt1 mud gloodfy,
lull of 144goh.•ie. of o. it, remained in
•,.e kitchen. Cordon.',wilding trend
ir." utintit.• out ..l .- hoot mfr with "Iht
h,...wien'adysitl.elly •tl-yIng to gal in
:ill the plea -inn* he call. I.efort% he
• buried himself For lir..' may. almost.
habitually tales In tears eveept when
:iiia\ lion home. wad. si0illg her fare-
ueils in one grew! Whirl 41f gatyery
u illiugly chaperoned hi, Mrs_ }fender.
SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, Clinton, Ontario
11 ing unab e i t pr. tient lc opts a Cc clench 13, at c h have atrat ltd a titre ta'' I
that students from Goderich may attend all Clasen. •coming down m- Ihr ltl}erf!s.It
and returning on evening train. Claws held 2:5O to t1:411 p.m. You will b. con:-
plying with the -Adolescent Act by attending the School of Commerce. FIN Course,
rnd terms, Phone 19$ or write. ,
8. F. WARD B.A., M Accts.,-Pl.rincipal
1 yWW1-term, alai wall. importuning his
odauighler SW` as to *hecto he e11111d go
duwishtirs. Ili' lull her he had been
sick unite as long vas hr 1%41 11104i 10 be:
'0Nil he declared that he should never
'gt•I hl: sltr'tigth hack -unlit he gut oto1
of doors,
Slater Sla', nearly ell+traelavl with
theta all. WAN eh,htg '•114...1 11111110" too.
Poo her taut name. did not euuslst of
uproarious fndic: off lith the boys,
for of levrful, ii..!.1-scented kt:set at
pink teas. They cuust.aevl of hurried
directto,.s as to packing certain trunks
aid 10%e44 fkr 011111110111 141 Iilhutle-
i tilt, a 114 of riult-u11y e•tltu last hooks
at household lreasun's being Iwrelw
014/W11'1 ill' %tocol.+ oto the shoulders of
stalwart mot to the great thus which
*olid take tltelp to the iltlla'i tIt those
• Who would, III days to oouu', hetet
reAse to boast of Nle Ittrgaitts they
44 "alien I Illelori• 'and 1ikott' faihrh
don't you know. -
True, Slater SUP did wake one fore -
wen au11. '1'w., day. before they star -
•et ter 1:11utore,ilie, he wettt to sew
Signior 114•Ioui. She -thanked hint for
- sell -Ise -1.444-throe- for her., *tot
kind encouragement he hod given tor,
itl,ltit meant •at her. oh. win n1114•h More
11101 she roolid eter..'mpre'+s in words.
Then. with "Very rest cheeks awl iery
bright ♦,re's, sea• toll hint that she had
Ise•11 ohiigtd, of etialree. to giye up ail
'ilea of trainingroof -for ans
iti:uti-I tar lin• pr sent ; but that she
tdill_had hopes .111:k1 ' •day.-
S:bi' did tot finiali her netocu, : amts
Shrum 1t:lrioul, reading itii:ht the
filth choke that, hrnke ,the sentence
Idor .tori. muse !List,. to :t -•tire her
11 that yes, ye:, he 0.1. trey sure she
would gat hack to her music with re -
slut lo.
Ntstcr Sue went home tla'u. Iter
' cheeks were still red and her eyes
a tar ..lilt bright until she laid lhairdesl
the cl•nwdttl volley ear a1 the wormer
of the ainvl. '{'here, clinging Io the
ht ray, coal t:waylug II 11 who 01 1.111
of the ear, she n'Ia4evl s11,kke'uly, al.
If *toes here had snapped a taut tvtnl.
The red fled from her chewks and 1111.
Spat rkle front her e;v.•l., tiler With
While -faced and shaklttg w ken she
r..0 tel hoot•, 111111 her Rimula mud feet
%veto eo141 .111.1 intuit,.
In Iwr man motto. hit Minutes Inter,
she was puffing away in her trunk a
photograph and ite•e.rat clipphags cut
fr ut,tgaziut•s and 1:•wspala•rs. The
phittugntplt ens the likeness of Anser-
lea•s gnenh•sl woutau phtltist :I hdug.
w'lutM Sister Nue 'WI slway,. wor-
shiped las at se shrine., ever since
M'uriuK bre stay Iwo ycury Is•fur•.
The c1ippiug• were tiery %•rap and
lilt of httorma1ipu that she !sad been
Mlle to milker a rruiug the objer'I
of her adoration. The pi.3ure IMd
occupied an hytc►nrl grtwhbu mote
her dm•..Mg-table and flu. clippings
;leen ewitdti*--wwgr- repo r- of her
Intitd for frequent, verso/AL She (sit
them ail now lu the• very bottom ui
ler trunk.
Martin tech . called
Chi a .trunk and u Imttkii
oat evening.
-box Ilwy
Nit beton' lite tire in [he IWtIary'. An
filial they were - alone.
"adore (area ells, I supprtse• -ylyr
sister and llortktn smiled the auto,
asking 'an r gesture if he utlghf
"'t.' Mrs. Hentler.mn e•nlhtd for
'Ably lit the env. II's a theater and
soppy} to -night, I 11014.10." Sister
She• hocked a little .oln•r "Mrs. lie*
Oct poGt'
(, FRANt( t, PACPP'C'
tlersett ham beim wry kiwi.. and It's
wonderful that May bans bad • this
0111 Ill*. (if eonrw• 1 hate leen good
lir nothing as a t•Iwy1'rou for weeks
latut. The only truldtie ls, I'm afruhl
it's ging to ite el tow hwnM-r--when
the end eutue•u."
"Yeti 1111%11 (111Mtrei111e 1,"
'rhe 1111411 blow a smoke -ring. then
clasped Id: knee with idol arias.
"You've tit•i told duo. S'hot's It
like t:lltatorotHlc :' ' he asked then
'1(h, ye,. 1 twit., lhm'1 you re-
member ? 1 told you it would he at
lovely lta,e• N. lot tory :taunt Is "
Mite 'lupptd abruisly, a bright vector
Hauling tit the salts of • her hair ns
she threw a swift sideways glalpv In-
to tier oat's fnev'.
lint Martin hent did tool soots to
In. wincing.
"It's just to little country titan.
thea," he •tttntne•uter1 ht.1iRcn•ultr, id.
eyes 1111 another smoke -ring.
'That will io' hard for 'people nit.,
like the gay white any 1111,{ pink teas
nk It and v ole
1 y ur sister r clay, for in
stoner, And - how histol ye111, liar ?
fie turned now. and looked Into iter
"1St. 1 shall -.only... 1 fancy " Ile•r
eyes were ruefltlly :u.•rtrd. ' 1 shell
lir busy' -- Ia•r vole• was not finite
%featly - "and then-. nothing like work
to Like up otn••s mind. you know:"
•'Ity (:%Arte, {t's a beastly ..bnno' '
sIRrmt'.1 the Inn II vehemently. "7t,
burry you like that In a mealy 'little
1491111 ay loivu ' flow big H the place.
Cw:ly s"
I, three or tour thuuuanal, 1 sip
"Yeti r hewn there before. you wild
I Ind hove.'
"Iola: yea.Mkirr tooted *especial Ili
when ae were ihlidrt•n. We rat b.r
liked ii then, for a little while In the
suulne•r V. We harem'( htr'u *o often ..f
lute y.'.,nt. nor stsywl so. him:. Hilt
i'iitlo'r :%betty' ti►e1 it. I'm glad 41f
Iha1. 11.•11 Ite Whore e,oitelttrl Ih.*r,'
1 lop•. I1t't getting terribly resit..,.
here 11111. tlartht, you tltuit know
how dre'rtI it to-uorn,a. Inking hint
.lgwa primal. the hall.. Yon .t.•• h.'+
juwt1a't•n in his little stilt, np.t.ei1'.
ti tut' he d.%•.u't kth.% a Ilona ,.f iIuu :
14e1e11 4.41W. 413 0414.- 111
...What dux the doctor say 1"
'•N'hr, _jil.yli. ,ee ie -ggdoptSalm_ -
hlm. slid. any"'sy. Is. thinks bell be
nil right Mot 'he aunt Mr !airing an.
goinZ to be In th, library cutin sail.
w. le 1 at 1.1 to.+I thew. lent fih►'S
think it'% ie111•r 1., k'.p ou1 of alght
and all
1 intmsnt
h..• give&
e..la. tion
for Alines
It quo Sly .slitses suns
throat la,u.chitis, mow
Ann, . ialiea at.ei as
kind ul pain
An Old Reliable Remedy
kir.. ti. Imama t• Hamilton St., Coltiarenot ,'
0411 , .r..tt-hl ina.d's t....eaewt sorely h an
old nl,.tbk remedy. 1 always keep • bottle
n the house and hase recommended ot to
genie • number of my friends. to • hoot It gats
steal retttt In aunt lases ,e •at 11,44 as e
.u,! Iso rbemnaua..
Yarmoutti Nova Scotia.
A Grand Opportunity to
get the Biggsst Bargains
ever offered in Goderich
Household Effects
Drop in and see for
ourself. You are missing
Every day, ... its Bargain
Day here.
Furniure Exchange
,,ule'ss 1 ilit._ The tk.•tor vets i'nrher 'efhe aroadway of ltueferich"
may question a little. cud Itt,k nor MAttV
ri.r1 and ee,tofner.l: bmf oh. Martin,
ylarlht. ...•Itis it. If 1 I just eonl,u't
have it i'.etlr0r rather Ilk,• !hal'
Ilei Luke ehuk,rl Into a sod, and oh•'
loo 1t/Ah haloid to her eves
• "i►srllnR. don't : ' \'.'i!h , jerk 115•
Iillh t,,.wvt ht. elate luta the tire NMI
RUw1Iw1 htnls•If on to tin• peeking -
MOP at her .i,ic. Th, u, with all hi.'
4111 and longi, of words, h• xothal
ft 1141 ee'mfor4rl her unrll he• had her
laughing through her t.mrs Theo. as.
If to divert In•r mtnl frietn her father.
In. went buck to hi+ .?ne.1!1M+ ,ton ern-
Int I:um..r.•%i11,'. �4
"Ilnw Montt the house ? In Mat
"Yes. oh- yes. In :t way. Of mums
It'+ Just it gr,mt big old-fsd,ional
%%eroded house ait11 ,.I tee•. and fire -
"It's till furnished'"
"I ►h. se's, after a fashion. We're
rot laking any furniture from here.
11.11 didn't really nevi to Ito+idest,
Mr. Loring said ae',! better not.
Everything here had to lie wild-tip
help ant. yon k top "
"Evert the piano : That gas the
tongh0.t thing of all deer fat %bent's
ono tip 'tool.; of 14/11 1'.46. Volt aonitht'f
11:1 t• left yourself without anything"
She gave n %hint
s%R JON.. Wil-l.l$W
0.0.310 E L -T OO
fffffflll�I11111 Ill
of ui .9
+1311i .,1 11t11� 111t.
...•_... III II IIi!�I I 1 I , I H "R' A• M O O D
• ` 141 I Aa J""" � t -' }
! A• MARD'it LYD1A'Pf' N01/
•v Ili, yea. there'% nen! there," she ad -
witted. -lifter it fashion. Tike the reel
of the things. It'a nn old equine. one
pith .octagon lege. It simnel.' a 10011
atilt like a tinkling cymbal, it you
ilt* whit* that ts. 1 don't. Thur H
..,unit ns If It wiutnlevl like -that
51111, it'N I0• ietter than nothing, 1
"Is the hon*' open ? N'III then' i*'
any Mo• there tete-to meet yon'1"
"Oh, yet, the Prestomt They're the
people who have liven there n11 three'
,re'ars' also kelt it in good order. They
hate three rooms for their own, and
we'll 1e'1 them 1.111)', I Imagine. They
had their rent for looking niter the
piney n little. Of course, when we
were there, lir when they elk{ extra
(lilting for ng, mother pail) (hens for It.
IMO,* can't pay them anylhltt5'$4iW.
of .nurse. It'll use Jost what tittle told
Jobs they roti for their rent."
"NM jenl? 114011 tbeth th('I'e *'
"Mercy, yes' Why. they've alwncs
lawn there. Martin. i ehonld nti worm
think of frying to more one of the MR
trees in the Iswn," smiled 1110 girl
"Itl.et.i,,i. I don't wnit to.; Mrs. Tren-
ton Is n (lea". We children always
ndnrsl lu•r. She's quite n character,
trot. V4111 may gait-" 'For WIMP 1ln-
npgmrent reason the girl stopped abort,
s andden .odor flooding her trace. Then
al ()nee site hurried on with a !mete
that was nlrn,.t precipitate. "Yon
mai t r' i i•t .me etit n hat
she Is when ;int iteli yvtnn Idtount1 4!l.Uutc
I'regton Is (mite a p'rWrnage In 1:16•
moretillc. She knows everything that
'To lee Continued)
Try nor Want Column far Regatta
IT arty evidence were regttred of the growing Int.r.tlt to
Canad{oe lilenture, one 11..•.1 only point Io tA. n mark.hle Dee►
g r.oe d lain C.anadl.n AolMrs' At.oeiatMn, which *!r..4, mom.
ken over seven hundred memttrn, ■Ithm,ah It won ortranieed
oat eight month. .gt. ('.nods ranks ovrrptionallr high la
the world of poetry, wroth names each a. 1111,. Carmen to her
credit. In the world of fiction Arthur Mtring.r, Ralph Connor,
1.. N. Mnntgom.ry, 11.411 ging, .1ertrand Rineletr, Mahet Eerie.
stn.. Modise. Madge M..Mth. and Frank I. Packard. al.. 11111
• few of an army of ;venter novelette. 1 Ife on She prairM,,ha
Koss .dmir.ldy Mrdsk M-'lilg1'Janly (anurk arta. twat
Morphyl, NenM McClung, Robert Stead, and (fervent Ralp
Kendall with his 'trifle, of the North-West Mtn,nt.d foh.t•
The thief °Meet of lM Canadian Authors' A toelstin, 1. to
,nab a wider Interest among Canadians theuu,lvee in their
own tlbr.iure.
It hu an dfkMl orttlln rolled the '•Csnadlan nook...,.` 10
Me helped to era•aieo (.mediae Sodom: were for Ow ,tai•#
weak la November, 111 whit). Ilhnrl.a end ho-.Mtnres .111 aMke
speehl e11.)♦lay. 411 Canadian hook,. and It hu rnndiMN
falai.p l for the Impreeen.et of Ceprrigitt watts
• 1,
The Leading -
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all boors, night or day.
Men's/lackmaw Coats
at the Lowest Market Puce
,Men's Heavy Mackinaw,
made with Targe shawl
collar, belt and two pock-
ets. Colors red mixed,
green mixed, grey mixed
and brown mixed. Sizes
38 to 42. Special at
Men's Heavy Sweater Coat,
Jumbo stitch, large shawl
collar, plain brown only.
Sizes 36 to 42. Special at
You'll always find our
prices the last to go up and
the first to come down.
She mix Sulphur with it to
Restore Color, Gloss,
common garden snort► brewed Into a
heavy tea with sulphur added, will
turn gray, streaked and faded hair
beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just
a few applications will prove is revela-
tion It your hair in fading, streaked or
gray. Mlxing the Sage Tea and Sul-
phur recipe at home, though, la trots-
, An easier way is to get a
I bottle of Wyeth's Rage and Sulphur
Compound at any drug store all ready
for a»e. Thin in the old-time recipe
fmprt,ved by the addition of other In•
M'htle wispy, gray, faded hair to not
tarifa!, we all desire to retain our
youthful appearance and attractive-
netre. Ry darkening your halr with
Wyeth'a Rags and Sulphur Compound,
no one ran tell, because It does It so
naturally, no evenly. Tem just dampen
a sponge or soft brush with it and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand ata time; "rifler
y morning
all gray hairs have dlsappaated.
after another application or two, 33''�'mar
hair tweeomes heautifufly dark, glo y.
soft and luxuriant.
This preparation to a delightful toilet
-equl5tw and Is not intended for the
,',Ire, mitigation or prevention of Moo.au,