HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-17, Page 7Y�
in Winter?
OR h:. i
ed h
an s c
blains cold-
sut� and
host -bite, there is no treat-
ment so beneficial as'dress-
ings with Zatn-Buk. When
the roughness, Irritation and,.
redness of the skin is Iullowed
by cracking and bleeding, dirt 1
and disease germs may find
their wry into the raw places
and cause .ndarnierrawe, /Woo 1,
1.11.1 u' Irl tiler 1'♦ 1.'104
m-Huk stops this peril entirely.
Sainply smear a little herbal
=ani -Ilei µr1 the 114,11 parts and
wrap tip car•t,llly Letting the
Zuni -Hut soak into the tissues,
s.wthes away smutting Itching
Nin, and assures rapid healing
till!! h-a!thy new skin.
Th± striking success of
Zara Bak as due to its rare,ber-
bal origin. It contains none of
Cie mineral salt. or animal fats
OM form the basis 01 common
satvas and onion -Tits. Prepared
;� 're � Iron rich h
ons, Z,-n-Hu'1 is a concentrated
balm 01 the highest purity and of
unvarying nealu.g. so.,thing, and
antiseptic efficiency
Us! Za,n-Huk also for the
speedy healing of cuts; burns and
scalds, and for eczema, abscesses,
fists, ringworm or other skin or
Mate .disease. SOT. box. 3 for
1 t.i i all druggists and dealers.
tripping wellallee and sonorous chords, lot tour'W all Idea of going on with.
and not recognizing them as the ev1. her music must 1e• abandoned 11.1w.
dews. of a lulr,l-wuu victory, motiles.- its it was out tit the question for her!
ed within llui sometimes : "How In to leave her failed- alt present. 114.1
the dk•keus eau She 1111 `It '!" 111111 (1)'11111411liixel ter). tenderly %Illi
by Eleanor H. Porter Daniel landing cattle nearly every her at the lime, 1414.1 (nail la•tlnl:tl4,vl
da)' now. tie had been upp,daltivl eon- the cruel '(ale that tied her bright'
(Copyrighted and issued It)' Arrangement With Tlnrluae Alien.) s'rvl141 u( 1he estate by the 1'n.iwt, splrtl to sordid affairs or ever).110
living, Ile had said, 1111', how thank
Court. 'there wits 11111.11 to Ire done:
there wen• tunny matters to 114• settled.
"11'e•le nut forgetting Cousin .\tubs•' 111x1 lie ,Could keep silents• on t11• It hail INWII ten weeks SI 1111' the fail -
either," cut in Gordon. "We're rat I sthje•t. 'They- were very thankful tire and the house sus already sold.
fergelllug ale/414.//1141 Whorl, nal That )leluliry, however 114111y She fwd Many of the est/1.1811v' furnishings had
laid I.s,k ertuat.g w his (ace. "\\'hy. 1 serve) hint, had at least dune hien this gone 11411 alt private 414th,. There 4'114 blissful c1.. w iousur.. of 14114.11 rug 111.41
n here 110441 K1411 come lit ? I thought I
sur good tuns. to 111• 1111 unction later for the few it mss 1141' through his selfishness 111.11
Not that there were IIII4IIY who talk- things remaining. ):vel the master of she wits b• rug kept from realizing her
,. 1 1 t' 01•
' a .. 111
• sr •k,• 1'.1t.t 11
out his
ambitions. u
el with law 1'r 410 sow Ids. 11114 the kuuw• upstairs was surtinK
dolor, of course, oxime, but only twlee Phi /Ire., 011 a 401111 uu/hoglauy 1411114 her noble self-Sacralire, and' as11r.d
tchlidrh 4.14,4 1r 11V the property of Ins her that Ilea 4111 • r6•lest reward
neighbor down the Avenue, whose would Is' hers.
geueroo$ emsiderati.r„ for his, 41111 Nal 1111111 titter he' h:ill gnu.' Ihal'.
fries! 4'114 h':ring 11 where 11 w'1114-. eve • , 1114vvlwer, did' 11 "'CH' 1i. Nisi
until styli time es i1s former o41I I' fillyW m' that he 111141 1101 .nit) :111)111114g,
should take his .sissies and pietur14lade Ttit her renewing ler pledge 1,1
books to 1:ihuon•'ille, Y1•ru14,ltt. 11111 ri% law 1 1 .1111). uuw 1611 the 11 pns-
ii sl
u I 1 11 car
• 111 ler . u must Ability '1'1114• beautifullauumsll. wed th/ 1 .
high-power louring ear 114111 IN1I, among be 1111.uuduu141.
the first of their possession to go.I Al I 1114. /lark. she flushed
though 31uty fr.r1)' e\pressial her', 114.11), us she Ih,ughl of 11
Manion of 161• .Iurt+.aghteliwes of 111d I -fir t111rs. , 1 cold 111111'0 141111, 1
heating these till the last 4'he, she 1 suptlls•." she a.lui11e.1 to herself.
1n,41 Sister Nilo 1Ntrtaeul11ly ue•de1 1114 was 141111,1111,' how. 10 tai.• " 11 11 u'.•
them for all heir g,1,4l-111'4' culls 11111 i:111)w•11)'• I111t wr11. 111'116361) he
turtles ITU have been .11ri.tly incur-: dadu'1 w:utt 1.. 11'111161.• t1'• uuw catch
ale. May should ha Si 'ken (1'r herd 11111, lug :1110111 111- 11e th..1ught 1 rend
self a14111•: Sister Sue was not mak- I enough 111 11111114 ,f, 11. 11 t-." .1114 a"Renew
lug g,4,1 -by, (.alas 1'r aneudiug g,NNI- sure) lieeself with a res.ctutettess that
1 ti lint \( v was not i,lw4vs hinted 111 the ue..sat) .4'f PI -waling a
t6wrd lc it hi❑ her
fol lie w'us Ihn1 at 11'11'.1 11. 11:ld 614.1
111/1 11 enough al the bast 111 urge he'
it, devolup her akin.' gltl. 111111 that
whatever I app Itl41, Ice would hut.• the
vol we. wen. ie '•
, t mil eine 111 Ia• merrier' .
"\\'. were: but 4e aren't now 1111
litter. lie's going to let 1111' gll 4)u
milli m) music and and 1N• a etowert
111.1111.1 11141 Pad. 11,' k111'w' 11,14' 1
1111111141 111. Ile still 1 1111 1 he felt Hutt
it 4111 very wrong 1111,1 selfish for hint
to try' Itt keep ill. frust 11. S,, Iii. let
1111• olT from lay trunk• to marry him
111 .11114'.--
"11111111/11 : 1 u41111'e he 11111 11.1 let
you 1111' until after Islas ImplN•11..I.-
"boar% el 1 :11r4111a1.
.\gait. of there w11. 14 Calvert insinua-
tion 111 Ilio youth's 4.11,1'. 111141 mau-
uer. 1111 41111• .,4•luel 111 11111 la 11.
'.')'here 1111-11'1 Ile 1,4.141. 11•(41x•, 1 hat
Ishoot.' .men money," SISter Site re-
mh11.d halt, 41111 s1 • 11ig11lIV.
"114 there's :111 that 11(4111tiful rain
14.14 W141111 111:,- 114411101 Deli May. "oh,
Sul'. 11,4 1'1111 y1111 KI%e 11 all (11/''"
.'1[11. tut hank of whet I'm get-
ting' ' erns! Sister Site, her face, sail
eager end alight. "To Kt• 1111 4'1111 11114
4*rk. 4(1141 Oh. rhe 1111111." She bn.kle
off as Katy almostred at the door,
•e4,•ral letter. i11 114'r 101 1111, the Krell ter
.111111• of 461.1t n moment late- were
plal•.41 ill the elder daughter's plate.
\Chile ❑01'114111 411- rl•udauK has single
letter, 11141 %Lay hers, Sister Sue Milos'
out a INtlr-614r ei.'rlota' fruit' the pale
and ren -illy moons' it.
.\ • Ale read. all the ligut and eager -
11•••S faded (rout her fete•. leaving it
sullenly' pinchel cud ,1ra4t1.6s,klttK.
\t'ath his that shook It little. she
felled 1614 letter. put at tu14•k In 11'
eu'e1.11• awl rais41 her heed. \Tile
,,,ld gnfeti4l44 11f Iu•r cols as SIIP 11•-
guu 10 %1e4ak 41,11 the h,stad ntttetl
trot. of 114111. 1„•r auditors
. 1'on 111441 not worry Ines '. nI11 int
Cousin ,41.1•y. Sae's just it ritt.•n 111•
a letter. Sh.• sends her love and syul-
pithc in this time 111 Our great trial.
411,41 SII) 1. sh. 14,11111111 think of t,nrd.u-
itig 11s with her presence ill a time'
1114. 1141". S., •61•'11 111/1 e,n,111g " .,-,.
The 11,•vt minute ,Iiic awl 4:oniut
(.1111141 themselves alone. Sistul Sue
had pick,' 1111 leer letters and 1.f1 the
"\1'11)'. 4h:11 Iwgno \Lay, with
puzzled 1•)'144
",juilter. gfNter ' stormed Gordon.
It 411. 14s if the surge of emotion of
the hist feel tuinul,•4 lad found a wet -
.,•u1. 11111 144 "'1'1,.,t's jnsl 111. 1411141 0f
11 4uluau I Ihunglit colt -in .\Lhy was
! -
"Why. 1..nh*i. aren't you glad '! 1
thought you dldn'1 4411,1 1'00.1n Abby
to ,11111• ' " serol Mnv.
"111'la1 of I don't '. ' retorted Gordon.
4 ail the lofty' whin' of nu 41111.-• 041
rya 141 .'oak of raghl,41W. indlgntt1011.
Niger Mfg. Co. 1iinited ..I'h.0 doesn't hfi,,•r nay _her she's
;, quilts. ,1•s•. it 7 .\t,41 her always
North Waterloo Street Iea'iug 14. .11111. 46.11 we lord plruly-
o( motley. and backing .011 Iota Mot
41,4.11 w'. 41)111 lie's. -.
thee w'4' dnu't w'allt tier." dennlrreil
4L,y'. with 11 fr11wo
"'That tIt 'Au't mak. any difference
she ,1.1•.11 t know at.- She's a quitter
just the sn11.•: and all Ia4;nls• we're
poor now, 141441 she .:al't ride In the
limousine. and order the lilt 1414 arotud.
and cut a 413 AI generally. Volt kiwi%
what sale wits that time SI.t"r Site
4144 sick! She's 11 quitter. I tell can.'.
decreed Cor1I11n. still wearing that un-
avenstot11e1 cloak of right4,n. worn
a1 lie ruse from the tattle.
('II.\I'TE:R IV,
They were not .nay '1 1111114' 1111.14 tint
f1111ow.11: they 4.11• not .nay for afo-
of 111.• Gilmore family. hoist of all for
141.4,1 S,4'-, the answerer of every qn'v-
tauu. the buffer for every - plaint.
the lital 11rbiter of every dl'.pate.
They were the easiest, perhaps, for
the 4udd.ul3'-groan-0111 nut 11 In the
nester's ehnoilier upstairs. ,Cohn Gil-
more was ftp and dresw4l..nnd n114.nt
has 111,111 DOW./ The d1N•tor 411111 11. was
much better,: 11e would probably
volition.. hi gni!' until he was phcsl-
11111y able to 414. most of the things
_ that 1114'. fairly healthy mal sixty -It,.'
yea s.4 11141 14.11111 1111. There 4'114 nit -
thing t.0 1N• 41one, 1herefure, tut 141 keel,
111111 l t the 1.'-t hr`alth IN'+4ilule -until
1111 iiwvitaill• fluid b14elkdotvu cum..
pr.rh3p4 in ono year. ierhals Iti two
years, perhaps not for five. or ,'yen
1.11 years- 11. ball the u,rnt31111c at
present of n 1.1111111. That might im-
prove, and it (flight not. 11. 46011141
'rake a clam of Salta before breakfLR ' 114• ke1,l happy' and ...wolfed._ and 11
If your Back hurts or Bladder tinted take very tattle to 410 Hint,
bothers you ti-11ntty. Though them might lee time.
- Th. 1bw•tor 411141 not finish 1114 own -
teller and Sister Sue, to whom he
it Aaleeleaa mem sad women most tutor 1144.11 ste`nt:M11g. ,lid 1111t press the
��mmard constantly against R1dne trouble, 1'limiter. after a glance at his free`, 4M1
because we eat too much and all our food its her father's.
1. rich. Our blood ismfll�re to oriel
John GflmOre recognized his elt ld-
sea which the kidney rl•u, rrullf..,1 where 1114 was. and under-
cut, they weaken from overwork, become st.wwi that h. rend M.1' sick unci 444
sluggish: the eliminative tisote.' clog sad Ilia, 1Nt lie
Y..yru kcete rli11 es
the result 1s kidney trnuhle, bladder getting
Weakaesa and a general decline in heath. 0alle going
gilto his 111ai,41 eine iti Gilmore -
Mien. nolcl-
your kidneys feel like lumps
lead: your back hurts or the seine Is p:utng the trip very nitwit, lie said.
• cloudy, full of 'sedimenit or you ars Ile Iikr"l 1:iImore vill.•. and 11 would
obliged to seek relief two or three times , to giant to 414' flue 0111 home` again.
during the night: if you suffer with Oak lb. asked Ili. slaughter t1'. If his
tis a Ila, ads
headache or diens, nerve, 1/s mot her wit. K•,ille 10 he then. Anil
Stomach, sf you have rheumatism when his ilanghuer, w1111 only a Iltthe cutch
this weather s bed, get from our pier- of Ire,• breatl, to Nano' the fact that
Ioscist about four ounces of Jed Pasts: 411. knew lila mother rend been died
asks a tore breaktnl 1 • IW of
VOW. before txeakfsllt for • �aw days tw.nty-flye year. told him quietly no,
and your kidneys will than set fins. 411y w01l111 pet (14• th.re.
famous Salta 1. made from the said There was little that John Gilmore
ThL a„te1� eavmbiped with .timid Ito to oeenpy lie time. He you'd
read, but reading ',•moil In tire him.
11. llkel I1ettPr to. cut *111 1lw aela'r-
titling piettlre* from 111. 141
614 da*ghter Atte, seeing this. brought
In some Children'. bright -entered
picture book.' otle day. wliell 111
him greatly. HP tlPver spike of hn.l-
nee.. lie never mentioned the tarn of
for Auto Radiators
We are 1•a'ul distributors, 114, pat
let your radiator.'. freeze op.
We have the Anti -iv -7e •D• ready to
ME or 111e Itenyol ,\1.•,1101 to w ni h
yea run add water. 1:1'e of deal os
Oft 4Ire•t from
a week now. Mr. luring hull come
but, though Mr. Gilmore called
him by. 11/1 101'. 11114 asked tactilely for
his health. yet his presence scineil to
fill the Invalid with a vague 11un•41,
evidene'l by uveas)'. searching glar14s.s
the visitor's Noe, and u uery011a
nippling of the fingers on the arms of
the chair t4, '.1r. luring 11111 nut
4.11111' 11 K•11II.
Matin Kett hail called elle.: hilt
he. two Ind not 44,1111' ugaiu. 11 gli
John liitueure Iuid Ki'e•Ie1 Idu1 cor-
dially, 111141 11441 wrw44l 111 enjoy' Show-
ing hits the Is•4' pictures he hall
c11tllug out.
liur.11t 111111 'lis never VII 1111• 111111
1110 r onI naw. Urged by `lister Nue
they had e1111l1• 11 (ewe tames al first,
for 11 very few ueltu,'I,i . Inst almost
al once they Ind 11141. Shulklering, with
their h11nds to their ,'irs 1111.1,1) 11urlor-
'.triekeu "1111, Sister Sue, Sister Site.
how' run 141111 11.111• I i see him like
Even Mary did not 4411114• tuhl Ihr
realm now to make the 11d 111111 "1111)
up." After the third burst 41( (ears
end the third shriek 011 her twirl 111
answer to her master's query. as to
w Iwther ,.r not 111,4' Ilked to rut 1.111
the pretty piruln'A, Sister Site evcusd
her from further duties a the rtt,m1.
theue•furtll ,:,14iug 11 111111 hersaf the
task of keeping the chamber iii order,
except for the 4111414 cleaning when
Mary .11 111.. ill. Alia John 1:itu10re Walk-
ed through Ids 1,Ilthnuuw 111 his "deli'
beyond- -a 11N1tu1 in which 1w' had never
nares to stay uud 411x11 he 111.4' 414.111-
141 l.i IIIs11kr 1114 1',' ha 11 e•'1•r.
The unrsl' ill first engaged had been
dim lulrgesl. Hr .11.1 not less' n nurse.
the doctor Kidd, uud her preseiwe
seson d to fret and di.il re's-, Illus. It
had .iwn1•md 1111401 then 14. the I1N•t41r
and Sister Sue ss toeing his only vie -
loos, any ill and day 11111_ AS yet he
hall 1101 /1 1/11111 1441 141 4-itre 111 go ,11,wi1-
.tnirs. nor rend his daughter trte1 to
have hen, g•• 11i. nu•als she brought
in len4elf on the tray left by Mary-
ttwee tImes a day J114t out41411 has
Truth l'' tell. as matters were. Sis-
ter Sue was quite content 1.. lien. her
(ether stay' whirr hr 4114. lteyomd
the feet of ht. 41/gd*nlde .otdiliou.
411• did lag worry mimed hitt then. for
she knew when. he was. Moreover,
of he were ,ownsMlrt. It would he Im-
possible to keep . ' of 1he confusion
aid h41rrnr from pew'trntlug ecru 11 i
her. 04141 brain. As It wit.. upstairs
M. wits evident: and ili a way 1,1s
room made a wort 11( refuge to fly 1..
when 141114111 1411111 41111111.111 11". 1111111-11 1111'
1.1 rtleulnrly' mile*reblr. Sad cud
heart bricking though It was to les•
hint au that a Idlfun. yet iii Isis 011 1111
presence his sorely tried daughter
email find at Last a f,ws• Minute
respite front problems that Hire:0.'nel
I* IN' 1,141 great (,,r her l,, solve.
Reset and besiege) and inipe•t11114.11
on 411 sides. Sister Sur 411.1 surely ue41
•11.ne• refuge. Sale wondered some-
times If she were going to have suffi-
cient sIreugt11 to go through it. If it
turd not 1114 for her pints,. she 111tnlght
she 44,111.1 1101. indeed. have endured It.
lint she .011111 -1111 111141 filch .la)' in
her 1.•1oce1 kl'vIsm rd the 111411114 10
rent her weariness. worry, x11/1 utter
dejection. And never yet thus Lar had
there failed to crisp Into 1114' must.,
114.fore she raw' (rant the Ono.). a tr1-
umphallt strain that told that the
player Ind found w •44114 tr n n4'w-
61q.'• .41111 II Iles 111,Irlde to take` 11p
11..' text day's burdens.
Sonwtime for 11 few minute's during
the day. e1141 nearly always 111 the
evening, Sister Sur 1.011 1111 111111' to
snatch these few' preelows m11tll.nts at
the piano. The uteritis of her holey,
hold and Slar?lu Kent, knowing her NO
we'll, were not sn rprisel mt 11114 seen)`
Ing west.. of time when so 1111111)• Inl-
portnut mutters nw•altel her 'intuition.
Hit i41,niel luring. finding her n1 the
piano, mill noticing Iw,rtirulnrly the
t.4.4••,lie child loves the "fruity'
taste of "California Fig Syrup." If the
--little"toapuc is eoated, rjf your child u
''liat'huie, truss, feverish, full of c*M, or has
-cone, gar a te•as'Nunful to cleanse 11111
tier and bowels. 1 n a few ho,lra y'on esti
for yourelf how thoroughly it works
11 the ronstiprtirnl poison, sour bile and
w'a.te out of aIle 144,14 els, and you base a
w 11, play fin child again.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Fig Syrup" bandy. They know a tr•a-
spoonflll today, saves • sick child to-
morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine
"California pig Syrup" which has direc-
tions for babies and children of all ages
printed on bottle. Mother' You must
May "California" or you may get an imi-
tation tug syrup.
Foods which
supply most
health and
strength per
unit are
made from
Thurttlsy. November 17. 1,921.-7
'Natty Fut"'
More Bread and Better Br�.`ci
1y. parties. t a- , s
'.1e•unite 111 her a•w`rliou..t 111111• hurl w1111,4haug that .lilt qn.:--
,'nr. of 14111rs•• lupi 140111'.
'AO to go when the mutt? it \s tie dud's passed. Martin K1.111aty ens .4111 there and 1 dill aplNlreutlr thought WW1 hot to
"11111 her- his Hunch. 1(1111 pleadings foe
1111 ,early tulu'rllce .\1 all events, he
said nothing als'ut ler former primase
u• her vet 41.1'
paflly, all love, all tenderness. H,• 111 marry lout 111 .Illy. 11 gli be 4t:'-
-111001 11441 her lunar end carvssel 4' detolel null Inver -like to 1. -
htel,d4, 111111 Said 41st 11 wrrtr1u41 11'01t1111.sI n1 page s.1
Alum,. 11 was that has deur little sweet-
heart .hoard hate to gut through tills
a4 flit thing' Ilesent her dowers
ad eH114114: 6hen
111 w 4111 begged 111111
10 1111.1044. her u. 1.4 (14111 price to wet
The .pati
111,41 Mary
N'4. out.
would gi, with them to 1:Iltuur•vilt".
Mt re in Kent cu11..1 111111 4. .111y.
Toward his linnets. 4',Is kill lI .)'l1'-
on the library furniture. and as to the sa soak* Ms graying -Ns 11111
mended bllby of ee,rtit Ksale whin left =Mallow a Caps& s
handi in the sir �Gelslnis,kthrew
iwa'l RAZ -MAN Is Guaranteed!
411h,•111.•utly, d,e•Iaring 1lie 1 he 11.1.1 II to restore normal breathing, stop mumu "
miserable head for business 11141 1li:it gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give
he hadn't ate (11ial-4 t. 141141, 4lw1 16 fang tights of quiet sleep; contains aS
14.11 her to do. So he 4'144 nal 11111.-6 ' habit-forming drug. $1.(11) at your drug-
nwistnne it, leer ill 16111 nay. gist's Trial freest our agencies or writs
israplstons, led King W., Toronto
She Intold hath at the very tar -I.
lifter Cousin Abby's letter came, 111:11 I Sold by 11. C. (Dunlop.
11.1 V1414
of repos and lems+n generations
Ilthia, and las been sused f�� kidneys:
to Ousb sad stun
to neutralise the acidsla the twins so
no longer is a mauve of irritation,
ending bladder disorders.
Jed Notts is ire steel satinet etela
jars, maks s a dal below is
weary home, bows* as w ' Gilmore apt (i14w1e. And Moue nth^
a g mistake bvV: • talked with him were Only too glad
saty thus, 1." .
Special sale of smart street
and dress hats of the sea-
son's newest, smartest and
most favored styles.
$8.00 to $10.00 Hats
For $6.75
Developed in Velvet, Duv-
etyne, Plutilh and Velours,
in Black and colors. Con-
spicuous for their admir-
able style and very special
Miss M. R. MacYicar
Kingston street, Goderich
Subscription to The Sinal ---NOW
Your Su �
Christmas Will Be Here In Five Weeks!
Our Stock Is Complete In
Call in and inspect these lines :Intl any selection. will be
reserved for you.
"Thr t(,•'aII Deng Stone'
Redford Mork 1'114.11' No. 1
4 o4ter'tch
You Can Make the Skin
Soft, Smooth
and Veive1
by using
IT is always interesting to make a
Women, as well as men, fired joy
in discovering something wtiich they
can tell others about.
Many thousands of women have
quite accidentally discovered in Dr.
Chase's Ointment, a skin beautifier of
rare value.
Because Dr. Chase's Ointment is
so universally used as a treatment for
eczema and the skin troubles of baby-
hood. its effectiveness as a beautifier
of the skin is sometimes lost sight of,
until using it for these ailments of
the skin its benefit to the skin itself\
is once more discovered.
With the modern use of pow-
and cosmetics the skin becomes dry
and harsh, irritations are set up, pim-
ples and blackheads are formed.
The use of Dr. Chase's Ointment
makes the akin soft and pliable, and
restores the healthful action of the
pores of the skin which have
dogged by the use of powders
The woman who is admired for the
exquisitely fine texture and velvety
softness of her skin is the one who
regularly uses Dr. Chase's Ointment. '-
You can discover this for yourself
by giving this delightfully soothing.
healing ointment a few weeks' trial.
Mies Bessie Stewart, Lanark, tent , writes
„I fired took ecsemma on my head, and had
to have nay hair rut. Then the eczema
fisike out on the fingers of my right band.
It was so itchy 1 couldn't keep from
cera •hing 1t, and 11 begun to spread. In
remit an old Alrnanae that mother had. I
noticed hat Dr Chase's Ointment was rec-
,4,inntend for eczema, so I sent for Nam -
pie box. wool the ointment every night,
and soon s: w a difference. 1 got a full-.
sized -box at he druggist's, and later an-
other one, hut 1 never needed the second,
berna*e after 1 use of the first hox the
. ezen.a disappea d `from both my head
111111 fingers."
Many Uses
There are scores of ways In which Dr.
Chap.'s Ointment fa 11.'141411 In the mune.
It is the standard ointment, and Is used with
great aatisfactton for
Eczema end Snit Rheum
Shingle*, Tetter and Ringworm
Scald Head and flatly Eezen,:l
Pimple* and Blackheads
Chilling anti Skin Irritation
Sore Feet and Toes
ingrowing Toe Naits
(tough, Red Skip': FerY1lpeln1
Chllhlnlns and I 'rest Rlte.
Poisoned Skint Polson Tvy
itch, Berber's 117h, Prairie Itch
Myers and inaeet Rites
Scalds and Miens
Sore and Cracked Nipples
Chapped Hands and Fac.
Sore and inflamed Eyelids
Md Sore* and Red Sore*
Hemorrhoid* or Pits
Rumple box free If you mention thle paper.
F•d111111 , 114.11 1.11 & Co., Ltd . Toronto.
Tender Skin
Many men Furter from sktn lrrttntIona of
an eczrmle nature as a reault of shaving.
in Ne more eggraveted farm this IF known
as "Rat -bees l!Crow
ymi will find it goodt1
rpply 1)1 Chase's
Ointment after *having. Wash thoroughly
with hot water, dry the akin carefully with-
out rubbing. and apply the nlntment. Thi.'
bogie the Irritated .1414, keep.' it mat and
pliable, and by It.' enti*eptie influence pre-
vents the spread of .'kin trouble.
Baby's Skin
Mrs Everett Roberts, 44 Rndlcott Ave.,
Halifax. N.S.. writes: "i used 1)s. Chase's
Ointment for my baby, who had r)ngworma
all :Wet his fere. 1 tried Eln.nst everything
t knew of without succees until 1 used lir.
I'hnse'S ointment. Thea completely freed
him of this annoying skin trouble In a short
time I w011111 not he without tits ointment
In the house, and trust this may Induce
others to give It a trial and be convinced of
its menta."