HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-17, Page 6e• -Thursday. November 1(1, 1921.
when you want anything iu
Flour and Feed, Meals, Chop,
Grain, Shorts. Bran, etc.
Alt kinds of grain bought
at current prices.
All orders delivered proutptly.
New Floor and Feed Store
\C c•)rt \i
Opera House Block Goderich
Now Is The Time To Make
Christmas Fancywork
We have beautiful stamped
Cushions, Runners, Centres,.
etc. 1~t'erything in Embroid-
ery Silks and all the latest col-
ors in Bugle and Nail Head
Brads for beading blouses and
We also take orders and do
your gown. for you at a reason-
able price.,
Smith's . Art Store
East Street Phone 198
This is a Short Letter, But It
Proves the Reliability of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound.
Bothwell, Ont. -"I was weak and
run down, had no appetite and was ner-'
vous. The nurse who
took care of me told
me to try Lydia E.
Pinkham•s Vege-
table Compound,
and now 1 am get-
ting strong. I recom-
mend your medicine
to my friends, and
you may use my.
testimonial." -Mrs.
W. J. Brady R.R.$
Bothwell, Ont.
The reason why
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound is so successful in overcoming
woman's ills is because it contains the
to ac, strengthening properties of good
Ad -fashioned roots and herbs, which
on the female organism. Women
m all parte of the country are con-
ually testifying to its strengthening,
beneficial iutuence, and u it contains
ao nareotics or harmful drugs it is a
e medicine for women.
f yea want apeeial advice write
WIiia E. Pinkham Medicine Go. (cnn-
ntial), Lynn, Mass. Your letter
be opered, read and answered by
women only.
-crnp'r will ker with a pneuu„41Ic
".,miner to rivet 4Idug- bac.tbet. At
that. he chuck.vl hot rivets fiat. 1I
Minch tof ohjectier..• t;' .r thi. .aide
Arthur 15a> 141.nel. of 1pau'Itge. He
ELECTION. RESULTSi. not iw "taunt, but Iw\1. a ,lever
talk4r. If 1 w'•r.' a link r.ihh.'u.:u.l
he had the case for the ertlen, and
say :
w 10
the 14441.141 W11 14 that gut' against
- 1 att. a•ke41 4.1 pl.m'( 1 wool
A "Clear" Grit Frcjm Old Duron; "4i11111'. judge: I haven't * chat
Writing From Toronto Gives so t.it,wi,l him ;,• :,•lawy.•t• with It
Bill" King 117 Seats brief. Ile could ru•iciclt•'high tariff
or defend it. Clever ! 11.• had a
- ousriou. „hj.'4 fur unto s..•10u. quick-
er than yon could -at• Tow t'hur•h.''
'Y,ntaiii a ,rdit•Oal a,tl.•lr :•3
TtI.' Sett fart le-l:�lonfter 1.1.1 .teen.
farrh. wit). I.,' tie way. i- .t ',r tin n
r ei1.
' .' ei of ti
•'I . t
artist '''Iw" SELLS SERVICE TO
artist oto lhtnuth,tu-trtwt. lu Pro-
tette*,ring a. tee lae-a:14-:mein th.• urw,
l'arliamout the riFiler pot. 11 t114s
*"Toe politkwl p: 1.'41 T
filets pr'•pli1''-,. • 1'el. Isis
,-c.M.j'.. for Nortel Sluice,. -�'s- Art- Goderich Citizens Deeply Inter -
:11 •ti;15ar win bat.' 'u :' ' `'""'� ested In "Standard Train
-,1•tatirt• seat- behind. Mans to t,:tel ,1
zoveniwcnt :. Dill U:a .concis Kine of Quality"
-:.y. thele will he move l.r.•r,.is t:,:u,
Profs. 1111,1 Toric. ,.,whiffed ,Ind
Keuuedy. an old L,averteu 1••y. now That the ('aua414 uI National Rail -
vice -president of the tir:,lo 1.r.4'r. way- have wwething o1 real valor to
and a big ttlau.iu :Le-we.tcru ceitsit 3'', -ell the public in the wry of 'crvice
-ave that S,Iudy 1'r,'r,t wilt have wit- thoroughly demuu.trnt.vl on the
glr farmers in 1,1-,1x•-1ury lot to ,,-eu.ion of the visit of th•.ethihitiuu
iudu,•,• ce•1'ta,iu 'r. i.•. 141,•1 Brit- to main to ti.sb•rll•h on Friday. Sperm -
break down the- line fence and g,`Is•r 4. •
where the browsing I s*M I. Now 'rhe t.pdpnu.'11r con:attett of slam -
„hot 4,.'nutk,' out ..f 11)'"' ,I•-4 rthnl- 4141: car.,alinhtlt ear, day ciawl,. tourist
car, eolouist car and express car.
Each 'ear was the eml.allwent of the
latest and most 11p4,4-dnrt• Iden. d.'-
-:g11.'1 to secure for the traveller the
maximum of ctufort :41141-rfety.
there will soon la' a happy re-uion
of the faluily.
There are at pre.enl thirteen child-
ren in the Shelter. eight girl. and Ove
boys. 111111 foster 11o111.". 4441' desired for
Most of them. ,t t'bildren's Shrater
ti -,xi as a temporary Moue for
l(,'tI vie.I children while they are 1e• -
lug prepared for fuser salute+ or be-
ing chaugt'l-from nue Runt' 4.1 auuther,
.t uuudwr of •Illr NtI,Is this year have
been pianist iu foster hours without
bringing thein to the Shelter. Inuring
II& year we have .1'0h -red thirty-
one. .our of them Duly for a .hurt
blur. While In the Shelter 1h.• matron
gives.' them such. att.'utlshl that a
clang.. Is -.ion noti.eable, both in ills
pet 4': ac• and '.'lion... We aro- eon-
,tantly 4111 the look•olll for 5.l••,l 114.1110M
during?h. trtr
.' '.ren.aul
to the 1"111 3
hare 'flared ter r"pla'Yd thirty-eight.
PEOPLE OF GODER1CH .`11 tatiltirett are decently chitheel Ile.
a -probhem lit .mia,•nc!4•tl and luta.
4plicatou'-1erluap. addlth.u. Tile
, ••ruin slot 4. tjuelx'c 4:.1 '..41-. It
1%1111111 ter-tn•itiri..' ,toe :1 1•it to sec
tan Liberal seat from that I'i•ocM,,.'.
fort They arc ,.•tin out.
. We • have twn.k• 11141 visits to wards
n issuer loonies. anti In doing fhb
1414,44ray.'ll.Yl apriniN111141l.•l% :t.4.Stt
toile.. 111 11111113' of the. ,h.tut•. k was
t great joy to 1i -it and sec how hitpp3'
MI well ear..l for the- children weer.
u on1' tw•o vita. 411') 141 01141, It m•c'11.
-,Ire' to remove children "rattye they
were not getting 1l f:tir dance.`• We
keep in eon -dant bua1i with uta of
the children with letters and we
,.•Ice many iutereating letters fru
.children. ' Many of these ..how that
our effort off their behalf are 'Appre-
ciated. Swine of these letters 14,8)1141
be Interesting lead we tittle to read
them. Suffer ail extract. from our or
flair' Mi. Elliott.- 1 thought I would
write to you 1.i-uig4t •Ger 1 have some
rood mews to tell you. 1 fat the silver
un.Lll for. singing at the cane -t tete
other night. What lis you think of
because Palma -a11 and Laurier steak 1 Gael equipment w•a- t•mp1ut•e441 141 that ': ' 1 1st•.. jest Huishun my home.
hi Th 't`fn.rtta11 't 40,,1,.. }•LerS fixe
awl 414' al'Proy4uunt.• w,.rk for «l8,a+l--too8,Ar..w�---L._.am
cost of the train was Canoe). Four- ''-
.'tt ing along pr.ttt•.well at x'Iuatl but
"The Pins and tile• I'141.••••..%...:,.-
may dickie the Dula r tier.
1.;\teen -neL trains are In cowuti•.iou on the work is quite different' altar i
the 'trans-atada rote pt -.4d the Entrai,•
n. am m trying to
.Nu"yh-iu Nu$.•.'i8S'''''13-"1 '114,:, 1;t..r, (`
'f'- The train which ,isirwl 4.xlerlch 1.. a g'M.) I8i3• now and du' 1111 1 can
inter Jlarrat• sats elm, Liberals 41111
carry t%plt'e,-,lu,l- •''.a'• ,u.'''• en- General Tourist .tg••11t. 51r. W. 4'.
"its' in .-iiargp. of JIr. 1.. 4'. Hotsard. f,,,• tallier 1418.1 1u.,tlwr. 1 lutve ha -it 1
'hnstistic way a '.'l.•:414 -w.'';,." The
Innenov hakes his I'. '.t1,•- as seri-
ously :1.. he take. 11i- I"ri►bt .-hlekt•u
and his p111J'111gr ei m,ut nlas. .t new
p1ra4• J)l)4 lesxu ' uiiia'.T out an via
4111.•, '.t. N..tal *1.•,:'Ila .•• ' . .4.14•.
the'1►owiuiuu." - :.,.• . tF•';e'1 Thr
0141 ,8411.1.....%%11• Hsi., r
• i u : t Ni.w
Stales k'.e•s,": , N 1'a� I 1
Watauga -1i, i, a. nii ,•:cr„ F. -de -rat scuts.
1 think. 4 Haler ra•I-",o•ie'M're that
1)'flliau fugal*',• 1..•1 resigned the
1l,tetclr:tnt•z.'vrt'tt.n^-rtip. tri neeevetwl a
Liner -HI ,,ynlittti..o.-- h;•' it' remember-
ed that, the t a tln,1• •I• .'t Public
Work, 4s air n,+cess , In irirr =. Tom
4'r.81Ia'r- mice '44'41') hint "Slippery
1ti14' arrir. the floor of tlw House.
which w,1'• Intim rlinmen tarv. - And if
41111 had r,-pia11l iu kind and sail
*4 n'a-v T,.tu" it would hate fitted.
Toil came frau, a realrnail
Pott.. dimlug :111.1 Sleeping •clue con -
1' ,144 It. E. Rlt'Lmond. travelling
4 ,1.s.4:ger agent. and Mr. W. 4'.
Gut 1:a.1_ rproae a1a21r1' -of the Cate
ndlan Nntlonsl' F:times depart trean.
thinking carer the past 1,1141 tam- n'.)117,e
Loa' much Kemal you did for m4 whet.
you deli ver...1 nlr front where 1 tea-
getting a p.M►r elalae. Well. 1 ' Inner 1
eiery r1a1Me fats- e.til- .via t►:v ,te4
the few (hetet-kit citlgt'us who have
been aswx noted with 4'hlhlrru's Aid
work in 4i„tlerleh tar npw'url.4 of at
quarter of a VentI*ry. 11e '.till wa1u-
talus enthusiasm for the work of
which tears ago he ivas the Main
i n.+yf ra t Ion.
"1 feel W11m ntcl,'' he said Ii his
opening remark.. "In exaigra(41114tiug
the members of the Society on the
"eilti I pu,v''.. whh'h marks our
.•Burt.: hot at the saute flute w.' mo-
nad but he .truck with the thought
that it mew• to he a wverk which ap-
parently know• 110 ride. but is rather
lnerraang In the calls which aria, for
the Mall.. of ht•Iple.s '111141r,') from
cruelly neglectful awl even erluival
surroundings. that they way have that
fair upp,lrtulty for a right start ht
life '4111'-h is the birthright of every
eh1141 born lu this 1an.1 which we
pnoully .mil "tour, fair I►,.whdon."
The nys,rr. which Will be,reall to you
a ill -how the truth of this statement.
.tis our social awl rtv111011114. 1vn.litlon*
at pr•aent este?, there seems to lie
little- lope that ewer shall soon reach
t► time when the re%etle 'murk can be
telaxe•d. bur rather is it true that each
yea r"' review 8111)w' au hlerYlslmg
m.xrslty for cigorals a1.1 organized
effort it we are to .ave young live.
from the downward way and -.tart
thein on the rad to houonlblc and
tearful eitlzenahip. If all the work
Ikon by our Fksiety .vatld be tabulated
and epitomized in Its result'.. it await'
matte a revonl for which we might
well he devoutly Iliaukflel that we
have ha.l a share 111 ifs -
Inspector Tost I's Speech.
The outside speaker for the occasion
was Itwpeitur Tovell. of (tuella'.
county agent of Wellington Children's
Acid Society. .1r. Tllv.•B began his
reulark. by Yougrittiletlig the Huron
ltreuell ou 1114. work of than secretary.
tar 4l. 41lemlld howo and tlt a cblkln•te.
Hr would fol. he said• dwell on his
wait work as it was lair -ly the same
as Mr. Elliott's. 141 siwakiug of the
value of child 11f.• he eniatal 1)11rIll
Start• Januar : "Their a nothing in
all the world 141 important a+ t�hlldny►,
IMithing so iuterr.tlug. If ,vou\ wallt
to he of any rat value in the wulid,
eh) .nmething for children,."
mak.' the best use of them and -tk•k
Through a cio4' iu-pMx tiull of 415. to the right cud wake 'onI,'thing iu I Mr. -. o?1 pduad nut that it is the
fadlhhrs- available „n thew trail. It I the world 1tntl try-tet-f(ptay father alkl qualkt. fent the armlet' tof the p,pn>
1• hoped to „wore a ..r er aim more ! lattnn. that vomits 1n a country. The
wither 11 MI 4,n
i I mthr tt.
• { to Iw nsoldiers
defnite int.•r.'t In the Gorerum1nt-• tum r f rin the mer .'- i'l' ie
i►(transportltib,n. aid a1, JL. Elliot am alright yet I liftlr us c.agan.l with tlwfr'lls•ipliur
the VI111'' time 0. create the desire 011 4411d all the rest are too. lir were all 11x,1 1,. lie. In In l'alada a.. rants•
he pan ..f thrpnblic .h4 go the "Can. nut to Gealerich a ,1av this mutate try to Improve the quality of the
Allan National- way alien long di IDN lad not I.►ug to stay. 1 saw the form' eltlzen-. The ,id8,M,1., chumhew
tan,'?' travelling 1• being done.
White thewe-at111•r on Friday w11,
very nufacoril,1.• a con-i.ler:tble oum-
1er availed them -••h'.•- of the opiM.r.
/4111141 1.1 fust.+•t the train and judg-
ing by the euthu-histie eenone11t over-
heard 1.4- Tile Sigiw1 repre:entative 1
great many ;..l.-ri. L people are -sold"
4111 the 1',I 11a'Ii,t1 National nonce.
Lk' and was all over the bis glair
boat. 1 ('an bent DLit mark 3'Su put
rtowtl on the door now. 1 am four
flet. right iIM'Ile, high. We ha.I a
school fatr and L took 1114%11 a pair of
clllekeus and got 0r -t prize. and t.,ok
do%n a nap ..f Ontario anal 5.4 a prize
for it 1 am lu tilt Sr. 111. class at
.4-15.8.1.- 1 1411- 0114 10'veleeta:ate• tile
121" of .Inly and was one of t11e
-at►iwv i..ys. ---- -
t.'wa '.tui K144 - fr,w 1.605', 1 rlgalug
*eh-helpott -Tet* Literal seat_. Irma
New lithium -la and four of the ..Ix Winter In Algonquin Pati?
Prince -Edward 1 -Inial .eat-. That - - Tee attractions offend in Alg.ignin
male' ',t total of M. s.1lt! tact wt 1L, Park fox winter sracatione air ttntny_ainL
a 'nitwit ricer tar Hon. 141.11 tibia. l varied., T(w Park is 'situated 2.10s, feet
4 K your-,•. 1'lit..i1,, lin. a bun li of ' -above sea leve! arab has ah arra of 2.711.
-"at- e.. veil-i11'•r. Tile prophets an•, square miles ar881ed with pine old hal-
1114 with the aer'plah.- when , they;sanl. and morns' with hundreds of laktxl
,..044,4 4,.' i444,, 1.4.,o4e, For ' Tom and streams. It is a rgttien where one
(',srli r, late of Jlvlrsl art h. i• Mulding can really 2e away froth the sounds and
Ruggo,tlnna of the cit . and le. near • ..
Rest Bleed. Vis, Vigor, Vitality Fol.
low This Advice
Niagara Falls. Ont -"As my par-
ents have used Dr. Pierce's remedies
with such won-
derful and quick
'S4, reenlist take great
pleasure In send-
ing a good word
to boost the cause
of 'Freedom from
illness.' i have
used the Golden
Medical Discovery
at times for the
• past three years.
1 Am a pressman
• by occupation and the labor is quite
f fatiguing and Injurious to the system.
Rut today business has no drawback
for me. Three cheers for Dr. Pierce's
Discovery!" - William H. Dempsey,
Jr., 32 Rrldge St.
As soon as you begin to take this
"Diseovery" you begin to feel Its
bracing, appetizing effect. Buy of
your neighborhood drug store In tab-
lets and liquid. or send 1Oc to Dr.
Pleroe's Laboratory to Brtdgeburg•
Ont., ler trial pkg. tablets and write
for free medical advice.
Colds, Fevers or a Rundown
Condition, Take This Advice
Pleasantville, N. tl --"Four rears
ago 1 was a very ■Ick woman, The
doctor said It was pneumonia. 1t
kept me In bed for Ave weeks and
left me BO w4ak that I could hardly
se about. A dear friend advised me
to try Dr. Pierre's remedies and 1
did so. After taking,a bottle of Ibe
Goren Medical Discovery and one
of the Favorite Prescription 1 found
I was setting so much stronger that
I captioned using them, together
with Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Pellets,
loth I icily recovered my strength."
.•ales. MAW Brunel'.
That Da rty will lie a success 11 yon
- peer tee seems team mina-
Iore1•h(•a(kYl as 4f he were a sky'tnle mother. We are hoping that
t15r.«hing In titrt_:w., f,um old- the u• Paan of nature. he winter climatic !
pigs --11n41 Enlie' !Drury. ale{ other cetslitione are. I11'8tt 111rig"ratillg 111441
pronduent lgrl'Tyltpri-ts tlliuk 111,' h•althh1, anti the recreations itieltlde
ran -.f-1 he Ina,•hilw .till 144• -om,• '-top. the 14.14011 rang'• of Canadian winter
So ,1.i 1. For the -145y-, w'1M. meet at.rte. there being ideal facilities for
the Bute fester at forme:. ctrl.+ au.{ skating, tolx,ggnning.ski-ing and SIP -S-
OH 'Illr si'k'r.u11• :tint ,nt.Y•-.1.411. {,{uiw shoeing. Tin. Highland Ina. ownisi and 111
that 'they 141%re g..t if when' the .'1'erat'd by the Brunt Trunk Railway
1'Iwnksgiriug 11'''61.•!• got tilt ;,fie„ -its! `3ate11. 44411 tithe year be ojen for rarp-
hey do n.n profs,.,• 10 4,,'.1 it 455.k.,, tion of gflste'frou: 17,x.l1,)..I ioM next
n the .,4111' 1011 le Instil \Larch 1..t1i, 192'2. and 441111 04 will
find at this deligldfil r�s'•rt all the c„til-
41rjiriw.l if Mr. e'rc::1r ha- 4e.ehtarf" f"ria ase.'iate1 will, first-.'la.s hotel
..cats ala• mortilim att.:. 1Iie nth of la. 'erne,•. Free. ilIletrattd Ise,klet anti
tvu) r. __Take u t
1,1111 141.. fiat. -1,.,c fniF inf0rnrtHil,n niay b' had' as -1tit_
!saliva .ity is gnu_ send at Bust, laicatiun to 44th• (ira11,1 Trunk ticket
I wo_ s;.e1s'- su- .t ttow,.r.--P.Aoite--H...v.' agent= or
For .5.141 know 114:t a ;uu,diane uta onto, ,/nt. •
1 lett _. al,d. flu, _11.tr rk.i.-_�uti It
with the 21.sf.tattce of`tlut Orr brignde,1
iloar Mr. Elliott.- - i rte elreil your
-.letter._.a -Lew -days ago with
4,11 ft ,...Ingratlilatiom. for p.si,g the
Ent rata* • an.l wise adhi'• for my
tutor.. 1 hope to make a real emcee*.
', w 'sone. f c' r. \,8 r what 111 1
411 li .ma r
w ' v•' , t'
111 to the a ry,•b'>�1' emu. an 1 tluu
-ls nit any one 1•11n de.
Tun Church and the street sweeper,.SuRRestise itra.ling
for half a century. Now the'('an• You will hear it said that mei' and
.dlaar-are.-tiakit.a--+a auchs nlaWai0l•.prints.
and are 1.11Ing the ('Istwin- go to it n,1'aningt1utthey preeentcorrupting ideas
In '114•ifast. ' To, get to alien. 1 want, to an attractive those. }int theteis 1 aur
to by n .hurt route. i believe 1:111 geatir.'u•lss of rite a different sari-4ire
JLac•k.'uzie King rc411 c ui•arrr to t miggl•.tivenl•aw t cat .l iil'kcns the reader's
sense o1 duty, *141 ,51 au- •unbiti'n, gi%'es
117 -.'lits, whir" Is Latif Hu' /Iron.- of r,itragt' to fa"e udve•n.ity, fonifies against
('oumwra, than Tota Randy ('event y1elding easily to temptation. 1t is this
and Artful Arthur aleighen will be bt'tter kind of 4mggrst'\rm','' tt.nt you
,yelling. "Hold on. fellers. till 1 1mt.'li will find '.n alnnwt evrry pnllm of 'Fie
111p.- Th.' raider will surmise (till youth's GI''Pan1044 l\ hi��ck of thew
1•uw-ell's u Grit. Tti5lut you are, and two kinin of 'igges'tivennat wnnkl you
,1 ,near Grit or that, whir" menus wish to exert an influence in year family
"4111...' .11 1141 and no din." to quote life'
Holiest .4I.'xand.•r Jt11.•kenzfe. Just The fihy-tw . "i..nes of 1922 will be
the .nue i tun 1.11a•l•nl 0n'Ingh 141 crowded with serial aori.e, .hon Mori...,
1 1 M
glory In the uprising of the farmers d t'►tlals, p '.try, fact+ and ton. �nb
at the wrongs 'owned on agriculture. .rr411' now at.l n'criye;
More i*'144r to them. 1. Thr aoitth'sContp,aniou-tiftp-awn
issue. in 114'21.
e• n
Th of fording events of the past 2. All tl.' n•mainintt iesu/xl0f 1hll.
week are the 1111111i1111411114. of James � 3. The Companion Hotter Cslrr.lar
11111)1och. III 10 of the Commerce Board, for 11172.
as Liberal eandldat.' for South To -l All for $2.fin.
rout°. .tint has the g,l.. He aa.! 4. Or include McCall's \Tngazine, the
Mercifully .4 -ore.: the Government for monthly authority on fashion.• Both
permitting certain trusts to steal -from Publications, only f3.
the .),feu, -,h ee people of Canada. If; THE YOUTH'S C IMiPANION,
Mr. Murdoch get• to the House, he Commonwealth Ave. and St. Paul's St.,
will be one of its most n.4efnl mem•I 11'Istn11, 1i8''. .
Iters. for he is n railroader from A. New subscriptions received at The
to Z. Red Mtli.• Clarke Ins hopped /Signal office.
hack across the fence and taken the
T.1leral nomination for Ma'kenzle,
Rask. When it eons... to hopping, a
prairie grn.shnpp'r 111)41 n0111Ittg Int
Mike. and i 'lu'rr.'1v hope hr is de-
feated. - •A disgracefnl .4ce11e ATM an (('onttnncl from page 1.1
insult to i1tnorell white heirs of Sir, l,8ce. the '1,41,1 s" slut 'wtl't ) 'nr.t,
Wilfrid oto' night In the Horse rankles think of Iairtin: with h,er '.nil •sats,
ih the brexa. Dot --there is slwayai' Where there is a will there 144a way,"
the hof in elections. There are 2t4' •t I"'t'• 1ge,l ffta•,, w•ho ma. fon"
.10nt in the Hotta.. '•1311t- turned the 1 guilty of a 1•rim.' 14a, up for sentence
tri'k 4n 1911. i knew Sir Wilfrid , sad In °tier 4n 484,.' him from the
tea, ,1,46.31..,1 thirty (lays lwfore ehe• , Reformatory the s city became re-
ti,8u. i am watching for the "but"! apnnsibl' for him and he was placed
of 1921. 1 111 n 1 form hnmr and so int 4- .Ming
T had octet Earl Linn: Arthur
will A brother ,end sister, ngirl five
ll.lahen In action. A geod friend and six, whoa- mother 1444, siesert.'d
gore mea 11'41.4* 40 Mas.ei lull, To. 1 and food herself enable to support
1„wow,. hut,' la,'.Ine« prevptrflA an 1 ler children Kindly consented 'to have
melt• start. ea T listened to the Prime' them plated In foster' homes. Fly.'
Minister sptvtk from the ghnter At. ehilbrt•n wer, m9Ae 14,11,1'. In "Ilk*
l'klenty to the motley throng Is•ll►w.4 that Hp, S.ef.'ty might act a'. their
Thr hop4wl ot'•r i11.• htltrfrade std iiianlhtn. th'Ir fath.'r Is•hlg dead oafrel
walked alone the narr'w• .p.l..e 7c.. the moth.',' fa'? ac4*4)1g the {Met s
141 4)114. elerre.m.nelep.Y• 144 watt out
1.4411 plc'••'•' 44 mail and received 7017
Two of our little Lirl wards tiled
during the year. We att.•ualal the
funeral .1 one of th.•w wls,'r4. tiNe
whole •onnunuity turned out hl show
their resect for the -little girl who
was .nearly loved 111 ler treater par-
The 5,.-i.•t7'. work 14 nl$let (:ov
.'rnnl.•ut :nler'i,lou and a monthly
report elf 14Tt T•ommltment4, vtatts:, in-
V1114t4ga1Gne, etc., is sent to the 4)Akr
-111(F. 'Pri►r'N• a ftoperhit.•iMknt:
Figure's cent•ey very little idea of
Tia• work-•1i-Talt neomplr.ltw{ awl pat
wunl.4- pierhapis like to hear something
of the - mart, --rases the Society have
hail to deal 'with. Rut the longer w.'
arc 1n t Ip 14nr t tea we woof to
4; -.demi it. There Is a wide t1e141
'for the oteratinll of the Society ami
we r. -,lire• .how comparatively little
we 41111 accomplish.
A•-np•rhitpnllent of this teak T
desire to express my appreciation of
the .7ml1tth.'tle support which is given
by mtunic14a111tles. Women.'' institute.'.
Ladle,' .41ds, Sunday sehnd elasws
,t,') other organizations. as Well 11.4
private citizens in different parts of
the ...unity. Many have also during
the year made contributions to the
Shelter ,•
h It r %hick greatly reduce the cost
of the upkeep.
To all iuiterested we give a hearty
invitation --to cense to visit the Shpker
and .4rm we are
N forthemselves Ila?
th m+el e
acr»mpllkhing. Aral to s11 who have
In say way nvsh'ted in making the
Sot:l.ey's work a 4Ileee.4 we return our
most sin(44're thanks.
We are greatly Italelded to the prelw
throughout the 'onnty, as 17111m• Renal
home. have been s'efretl for children
because of items app•,Iring in the
....linty papers.
The President's Address.
J1 r. Jam.'. Jllt,hpll, pre'ldent of
(i,Mleerb•li welet,. presided at the no-
mad meeting. lir. Mitchell Is one of
obi sae Pte.. IA
and homes have their tart 441 th4s
Work ata) i1 i. ii III.. hullo•. that the
Children's .lid Seei.'ry doe. 4t. part
1M•.4•ribilig the p.-itlun and upq}r-
tnnitie. of young people 111 1114. age.
Mr. Tovell ,hiimcl that many young
people wl41llf.•.t.vl 11 Mirk of cnntrol.1
This is pertly due, he saki. 10 ..lel
mor'ies. portly to. the pu111ie dance 141111.
While a great Heil of harm P. dune 1.%
k4►'e street ac)uaintat.es. The young
leapt.. are ou important that they
should he helped and various iu1tiht-
#lons -- uuderlaking ?114- work.
Those what need e.p•4•La1 114.11, are the
underprivileged via.- Mull among these
the 1'hildrena Aid $u1•irty are work-
Shur the work began In Ontario'
:Sifts► children hare tarn mats wank
of the Society. while there are at
present 1(1.111) wania. Sixty
o aro ulilrrlaklns alae work nisi I
fifty-three persons are-engige.l in It-
1Ir. Tor 'll .v11M•In.brl his remarks
1 ith g'a•*J tr i.hes and .•I.Yalrlgenetlt
for the Leal "wtsrk and suggested a
Shelter 14,13' .11141• a tear on which the
1.0,1.'ty should make an appall to the
011 motion of •Itrv. .1. E. Ford and
11r. W. F. Na fie' a heart?• vote of
thanks was tendered thespeaker.
After 4-0elock the (hildn'ti no* -in -
the Shelter catwr, in snit sang two
number, very smartly. Everyone was
ehasmod with them, especlMay with
M.•w,re. %Villla and Greer were pre.-
ent from Whlgham and Mit 15 ex•
preswal thele Interest In the Children's
-fid Society ,work.
It was mocetl by Mit. ('aerie and -
Mrs. ,taken that the former officer*
1)e re-elected : I'res(drnt, Mr. .lames
Mitchell: secretary -treasurer. Mr. .4.
M. It,Aertsint. This was enrriell.
A d0le4011.4 lunch 148.4 served by
Miss Bentley after 14"1'15 a short busi-
ness meeting was held.
Mr. Elliott Race a verbal report of
part of the month'. work : Some
ehlldren were brought to the Shelter
and an. making goal progress. A girl
warp had 11811 an otwratinn for
appendicitis 8nd wits ImprovMg. A
!toy had had an operation and Is in a
hopltal iu Toronto. A family of
children were being provided for and
arrangements were being made to re-
store them to their mother. A family
of rice had ia•ptl mall.' w-ard, of the
Snl'lety since the hast meeting.
it was decide,l that the regular
meeting of the Soelety be changed
from the second to the first Tuesday
In eaeh month.
A move Is .'ontemplsted to make
breadwinners in jail work. the frond
to be neat to support their families.
Title was referral to a committee to
draft a I -am ition In approbation of
the propose].
You will always
enjoy the rand
flavor dr
-sad for food
value their only
rival is bread.
Far -trimmed Velour and Silvertone Coats
Seme Splendid Values at $24.50 to $37.50
They come in several attractive styles with beautiful
Shawl collars and cuffs of French beaver and oppossum
collars. All the newest shades in the lot.
What few Fall Steil. ter hair left are worth seeing. Prices made
ri-h1 to snit sou.
at- .a trio -tom ,8f their meal rattle at shoe). Frocks are secun.l.
Rpe'elally pri.Y'.1--unusual value..
Artistically -4rlmml.L clever placing- ,.f Iarod... 1.uttota. and .1441
.tltchl•gs give each an additional value 11,41- price from $ll•lps up.
We always tarry a nice rut g' of Iain".' Skirt.. Sha.'4 and
style. to yule you $4.95 up.
34'e have lawn able to secure another let of those remarkable
popularly Irked Woboo in erft'olette and georgette, at
$2J93 and UAL
*Mar Hosiery is market at right prk•e4.
tell well. Just think. .S stento o
'•Q t :l.lg. All the latest -hi cash-
mere. .111 owl hW t Iter.
Our ('htI'Iren.. read* and Dr1.4w's are ,try pgs'lal 1t'hy
iceitit-.• our priest- ,1n') -131er .nit onr .'nstenuer.
Just Think ! Dresses, $11.34 up le $4.43.
('oats for the lounger Misses, $3.344.
Select Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Co.
Headquarters and Factory: 448 Queen St., West, Toronto
For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache,
Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver
The nicest ('atharttc-laxative 1t1 the
norld to physio yonr liver and bowels
when yon have Dizzy Headache. (bldg.
1Tlllonsn.•s,, Indigestion, or ('pawt, Acid
Stomach is esndy-Ilkc "Oawcareta."
One ter two tonight will empty your
bowels completely by morning, and yoi
will feel aplendkl. "They work while
you sleep." Connecta never stir you
up or gripe like Halts, Pills. (lilompl.,
or 011 and they mat only ten cents 8
bog. Cblldrea love ester bets too.
McEwen's tr
ocery -
Special Blend Binds T.s ..
Mincemeat .
Bulk Cocoa
('orn Flakes, le
Salmon, small tin
:t lbsfor $LN
2 lbs. for $
11 pkgs. for $1.14
Baking Powder. Nit -Ewer's
Talrum I'owtkr, to clear
1-11). tin 231
t -Ib. lin 61)e 111
Men's all wood fleece -lined -Underwear 25 per rent. los than
last 'ear.
Serge., all wool.
good value. -
in lacy esti black, at $1.25 • yanl. Extra
House, 281, PHONES Stora, 46 IN
■lunel[m lull■aramrIt>ilarris>•i rr>♦lta
The family eats
more bread since
Mother started us-
ing Cream of the
West Flour. It
makes loaves of ex-
traordinary white-
ness and flavor.
Maple Leaf Milling Co.,
'recants, wln.iipry
arllsaul, Halifax