HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-17, Page 5THE SIGNAL E W iliiliiliiM iliil twiiw>tit411r11rvfur iliiAit>VilrviNf Wi W iliilr µ tbN U, ltd N tlj ttj to r<b Uir1M i'totes venti Within .6;.* 7 L .Yllrrn 4 ate R Tmfp t t h! fh h TM htmq ry ^f rl h R ff h l f,'1►h h i fh'1 h ►Ikt1 Nu New library Regulation. By a new r.•gnlauou .d the Public I . \ N•1' 4 I t• Library li.wr! U 1 tui uta Nal•l y i to 1N)1'IrM two nun-licliup Isoa►. or•otw of fiction and one of tion.icti.tl. 1)u You N ant To Join? Any person %%kiting u. Iw.bme u member of 4 .,brei Horticultural u- olety way Join lie applying to Mr. F. l:. Hunt, who is now soliciting memberships. • 1 Married at Brookline. Mass - Thr marriage is 4111t1111eed of )leap ;Chily's Khlraals•th Redford, only naugh- tier of Mr. and Mrs. Jahn 14. Ikdford, of (kwlerich, to Mr, hurryGrutelt1 Allard. only .,n of Mr. 11. C. .\Iluid. of Litchfield. Malnd' The ceremony' wa.i perforate nti First Presbyterian church. Itrooklhw. Mass.. 11h 1tep tew4-'r 2:rth, t.y Rio.. Edwin Curtis. Follow- ing an et tended motor trip In the Eastern Suites Mr. and Mrs. .Ulan' will he at home in Salt Lake City after January 1st. Harbor Notes. The .reamer Winona nrritel :It the !Sig Mill oto Friday w'lth 114.4$Nt bushels' of w heat. The steamer Ttiurus from Milwaukee arire11 at tht• Iioderich 1:Iva4nr on arriv..t;pr the tk11lerk•h elevator yn The gentile!. J. K. -McKee nrri'et at the GML•rich elevator on \Wedu.•yday with 150.0mi lir-lona of wheat. The steamers tarulruu and 'Alartion •re one at the °Merit+ elevator thk For Sale or Re Curling and Skating ' ink Tender, a 111 I' d,•r•ien.,l 111' to No'.•IIiiier 2•:ii.l. 1 Ronk (..r oio• mono •nt••nt reed, s week. 1• +a 1 art it ,1 0 dredging Til eaten 1rlu i{ 1 Gud •rich has lawn used and the dredge is going into ordinary for the whiter. A larg.• fleet of boats will ).ring grain iu 4 4(Irr"•h fur whiter uulua41iug. In The Freweh Riser l'ountry. Mr• R. R. pp tlluws, I;o.1erwli's fatuous commercial t,luok,gntpher. spent last week in the French laver country taking picture, of hunting scenes in that tomoss sporting district for the ('una•lian I'acitic Railway. Mr, 'allows ways thus tin' woods were "alive" with hunters, who were cv i,lently getting their full share of wild game. 41114• !Muting party which hr was in touch with lost all their erptiip- u.ent I.v a tiro which dean. •eel their camp during their admen,•. Il:ilt• he enjoyed his trip, .Mr. Sall11w! was glad tr. get lack to hip own fireside on t`atunluy night. ell tea. '•ol.•utul ..l in .falu1r S,piar.. Ihr.bch•riau .oho h. Toronto, 4111 S iiinlac. Novena.•• :Ink, when Flora. youngest ,tanght,r f Mr. 11lNl'.1 r' .lobo Ftlugl:unl. Id4nlea- Miro, INr:itue the bride 4i 'Mr. Wm. Howard Jones. manag.•r of the t4ter- liu8 Itank at Taulw" It. The erre; 1• Rev, W. Ping• brble and pastor 4'hurch at Mimic.). any tlw happy inutile car for Kingston 111141 riot to taking up there, t Tai lir.•aind Mr-. iglutah of la,u.lesM)ro,•went til o for the event. Videan-.Smith. The marriage wax plllepulz'.l In 16•- t1..1t 41n ikatnr.lay evening. Nor••lnls•r t1_. at the lrerrete-.4-441(-hr44o',t *mit. Mrs. Wm. Sauble. of Miss Ida Smith. daughter of Mr. and., Mrs. Abraham Smith. of Goderich. Mud Mr. James \`l7ian, sou of Mr., and Mrs. Harry Videan ...1 Goderich. The 1.rbid en- tered' the prom urr the' arra .,f her :Homy was performed loupe, brother of 41 of the 1'r.•.lytt•r After the core left by toot. Ik•11.'rl 1I.•. residenee .Toho F' Torn lwuor and pianist, silver %tunny eases and the best mono +1 1114' w'ate l t a. •• clutiu. After t!4' ceremony a • w•e111 dinner Willi. served Itt the dining 4w, which was beautifully decorate. with white 'mums. Luring the 111. 1 salt+ grams of emigrtunl:llfonN wer received from Toronto 14,4.1 11:4•61P1'14' . Mr. nod V ry V1(341411 left on a t r 40 Toledo, after which they will r de it. Detroit, Gee --Patterson. The latae of Patterson. 37% furl. w'us tele butt 11111Pt Suv.wlwr ter. Sad uta rria I lunar it. and Mrs. Collo Irk avenue. ltraut• ere• 4,f a very pretty 6.1.11118 1111 Wednesday. whet. their eldest duogle 4:e. I rude. orad united in to dr. tie,. Gee. of M(tui'w, . Thr bride looked .Iia4•mlug nary hear velour suit handsomely 4' ,r blertrl In. *Ilk chenille. with Hut- u Net` tolLar. with a nary ,It to match 4rtminel with ant ostrich -pray failing daintily over the brim. T11.• bride curried a beautiful IN.nqu••• of white 4wt•.•thetu•t rose. The 1.:.1.1... - Mil 1•11. Mi+N Martha T1owma114•, iookel very pretty In a awry 1.111P :ergo dr.•.., trilliums! atil embroidered in Oriental colors. with block •noun laurel: sot in and a black hilt trim:u.r1 with !dark Iostrich sprays au! carrying pink sweetheart rise.. The gr•14111 was •111. .. w , heeds%', lob her. Alt'. iso. i It 1 I the t - Patterson. The lhouse l.Nlked 10 1., w••r of tN'xuty 11ccura1.'11, pt. 1111 111p. mid f •:us i,‘ kik. the ,liulugrvs,tu w11• :r Fru.. of mauve am! white 'mews. The er..,,m'4 gift to the .hridc 'wag. n handsome bur i,in set with p.'141.1s. The presents r,- eriv rl were Iw4h hnmerolt' anti beauti- ful. ltaaudlug Many clwrlbes. *Moving %114• high ,•.te•Mt its which tete" young outwit. are held. They left .on 'l..•ir -honer Litti._ull__1311,T.7:35 tram` R'.Nel-to'k.. Mt. Tbotnus 'and T,,,nddu,. amid shower• .11 ('011fl'tti, (it. :lt•Ir return they wit!-t+extdt' un the groom's_ Iww farm in Delhi. The lest wishes •,f their friend• will go with them to their new hone. eiv,d by the d.4.v•k Tuealay. he renting if the more year... 'Thor n a pun•etltage M re. retia+,r- of tet.• property. wMI. tle•reta ry-Tn•n -u rer. 1111.1.. Mr. Wtu. Manner. m fee• .traits of Ih,'trhllug march playel Gc Miss Irea• ('olMlun: lulu west-r•harmilsltty t,ntn..l In white :Net nisi ,:arri••'l white •spurs. Mi.* Marmi.• $wltlt. 11,.• brides sisb•r! w'as maid of honor. 111 :n ,minty fr.t•k of 1,1114' ie.,. .11141 carri,d pink nese.. Mr. l:e.rge Wtd,rlu, corrin ..f Ile granas. 4cteti a• 114.1 101111. T1s' gr'wm.'n gift t., lite !,ride w:1. 11 ketal• . •sue -triol 41f 'warts. to the It1ai•1 of as? Christmas is only little over a month away and it takes time to study your wants, make out lists and to make every XMAS preaemt. _ Our adviee 33 -to plgli-tbis work early. Some goods will be teem, some stocks will be iticomplete, but you c mkt protect yourself by early Xmas shopping. Conte sed let us show you some of the goods'on display, which we havestocked. They will help pots greatly in making out your list. Campbell's Drug Store Goderich Phone 90 The Square Cutt'sSpeciais FRIDAY and SATURDAY Lipton's mixed Tea pkg. 25c Peerless Soap 22 ban $1.00 Drudge Cleaner, Carton Pears per tin 20c Oat Meal, cotton bag i • 90 lbs. $3.25 Pimento Stuffed Olives, regular 50c 40c Corn Meal 7 Ile. for 25c fie DRY GOODS Men's Fleeced Underwear each 95c Men's Wool Underwear each $1.40 Yarn, white and colored per Ib. $1.10 J. C ALVIIN • CUTT Kingston It. Phase HS Goderich • GODZRICH, ONT. - HEALTH SUPERVI' ON lita,'Ni,,idef.•. I. wlticl1 were ►wntli- Iwpplini children of aeltool ante. n, I luau.* 'LItlij. awl no .uwpaigil tar a better appre•lu ion .,f the Colne or I1MN1 11etNil 11.IIIIt.. or personal ,jr (x,wmu11ity hygiene. 'fleet was nl.ytt this time, IM,w.'%'.r, _-_ a ..,asserted effort being made by a mint Irrly Liege groan of respomaiWe Aims and Objects of Iwo 1.•. in every community for Jtwt j .uch thing.' asfatt- ing found to IOent in Which Goderich ume1.•r tie older system. and 44 tow Citizens Are Interested • I result .1 these .•tT..rts ire have 'the IN'. AS ACCOMPLISHED BY SCHOOL NURSE It. view of e!merest recently aruu*rl. 111 1:111ferl,h :mil vicinity by the Physician and Surto•, of the School Hygiene Division of the Provincial Itrlwrttuent of Rtlu,•ation. In the 941." tion of W•1u,41 Melleal Inspection. it has been felt that ...review of the amts awl objects of toils morewrut.. might not he out of Owe. stiles tutu rightfully IN,ast of be- ing the pioneer emutry as regards 11114 movement. Ifentiou is made of the appointment of sit...dal unrllcal odb er. for this purpose a;: long ago :n'1s:to, and In 1•s63 there wast i4Ntiwl 1111 ordinance pr.s•rihhrt the ,nth., they were required to MI. Failure lap Germany ars• next in lite. the fo user it. 1%714 a1111 the latter in l'.rt:, ltru•- se14 flr.t organis,rl u system about lent. The wuretuent had gained eon - ginning .a our pre.rut plan of. M.•h,a4 Health Supervision, w'hiclu lass a three - told ufoJe•t lees namely -the prevention 1 ell 1 1 l e seas e, r spread . f numu t rte 1 sw. th { „ •.r o . "t •h rt,r1 o 1111.1 . r ti u IN the J 1n physical defect. a. an. .1.11nitely handl- cupping children and the 9.t101ulat14111 of a grrat.0 iut.•n•'t IM er.onal and Coutuuudty Hygiene. isit'' fie prattle of good Health Habits. Thl% 1!4 411, 14.441 now` being. urger) In -all uNtau uu.1 rural •enures by the f:, yfllrray Educational ont11orit1.'s. ' 1'. Reycraft M. F.dwaril• There are 44111 a f. -w I:rintpttt Re- R• Mlrpiliy tort's left at the sole yrle, of 0.1 pent,. J. Cooke I:et yours today at Rlnck4tu11P'+, \\rest E. $helaerd street. - Thursday, November 17. 1D2I.- L. Wallis :14.7 M'g't t'ampbell .7,64 iL Murray 42.4 1f. McLean 4'i3 Below pas. -ranked -H. Fowler, .1. I►. Flatter 4x.6 Iker,r■. individual reports are ie•Ing went to Furst 111. A -Arora e 60 per rent. parents for Ipvu.ul 11 ha comment. Ibanes-- J. P. I11'ME. Prinipal. 1. Brawnsl I). Woolh+ttmlat •• 79 L. Mat•Keualty..; S'to .. , 7r R. Graham , •• 741 1t. Halantau 1 '. 77 A. Iletlu•rlugton 74.4 M. I loured 74 1). Ialithw•aite 75 y. Jeffers.m T.. Antit•rson L. !trowel' J. !!anter .1. Wallace H. Balt (1. 3L•I.es1 ,., D. M.ir..hgll E. Whitely 72.4 72.4 71 71 711.1 70 til Ir.4 417.7 417 1114 141 :S 4s Farts iT,.-Average, 7L per rent. Honors - RESULTS OF TEST • R. Ki►,r1"k k F:. \Washingt,'n t44.1 4t. twitter 42.4 In The Interests of . 11. Taylor WL5 ;stet MR. J. W. KING Hockey Meeting A meeting of 'all players and officers of Godetich Hockey Club will be held in the Council Cham- ber next Wednesday evening, Nov- ember 23rd. at S o'clock, for the purpose of selecting a manager for the coming season. L. YOUNG, Secretary. PUBLIC MEETING ade.alh• headway In Sw'itzerlan . EXAMS AT G. C. • E. Wilson 11.611114ark and Norway before it was - \j, Dalton , r Pars - ,1 lul t. 1 in Great Britain. \1 hfl a The following .hul,l. it,. Mont - ' gn144 deal of work had Iden (114111 - C. ila111 locally. 1t was not until the 1N4asilag sande by the student- %'neap°sI A. Nairn or :he E11m•atlon 4.\dutiul•tratton farms In the ttep(egtla . p k•hdwr , E. Driver 1'mrishoti .\ct in "4°7 that 11 "1114tt•sfs t •R. %sadden into general a.•(rl/tnne it. England •Fortis I. i -Average 61, Per rent .1. narrow H nor.- sto -later. The utter portions of the Lau -F. ouzo,: ' pine all inter,4te.l themselves In the M' Tknnldsu11 1. Okt raid Wales, Stotlaud following a year 6.1110.41 11 G1111 4110 4111114' 11111P. 4:a1111.la. however, 111111 lawn waiting with-f.,1.kd lanae. writchiug p1,•yWLlitnetitd lit ttk' PRAM -- C. Buffett 1'nitel States• where lkr+top. 4'hi.•ago.l 11. Melt ur 111141 NOW York. iu:Mlr order Mauled. 'w had leen doing a great deal of pioneer S .4 \\'11it*,n wol'k. Itelow 1'4.;- F. ite•rerx. is2I r i F.r. TuesdayEv . Nov. 22 g, 712 ' l:rlp .\ Speed Mteu..4., 'T)'we 'rit it._ 1'ru4rr.site ( audidate 12:1 \\'.'.'. b, Ilcl.l In KQt ' • '::4.t 1 Temperauce Hall, Goderich 1'r rr 4347 e, .73.1) I. 1:rowseer ,..... . .....,. 71 4i(:.1.4:i1nr- 74411 i(t.S M. \I. Kai R, Munro - The mellow Board of .l'ta. her ('ro.•k.l E. 'tout . Athena. sews to have iN dna ;» the be1.. Garrick H. dart can to rstrMtsh a aysteat of *Moot Medi- r .-al-lu•1w,41ou- Id 4'a,::i 1:t,-e•I.•rrly 1.11 - by Halifax In ltai7. 1t was not 1 4p11 that" it hi -,tate a reality is T.•1'. etas. when the !loan( of 11.tta•athm Iw)911/t fit R W'll.'N1 a11M111':11 :Il.lpti t•. lit Ilya :i - ors_ RUS. 'rhe wle .,r.iunt hid its,lie•..pt1. 11 on W It.ts• 4 tills rr Manvers Ina the cities p el-io lsit T.. M.. Igr.oc,' • sl F. itoteru cast• a were Insp.tion for the -debt'- Gundry.nudry, H': e:'r.4hnm ch1►dn•u. tlyu of comtuuui.ahb• •ti 0:arse- uwotyt Forst I. R-.lrerage. 641.14 per rent. 1.•Int,a A Timely Warning. :Stratton Beacon. ••\\-own will the fanners of Antirio learn paltriest! wlslow'r" asks a Gude- rich 1111111 In a letter to a T411'641110tearer Ti,.' ,,.rres pmdeut. signing himself "Ililrrolitu4." says that in 14411 sir Wilfrid 1,1111I'i,r 1111.1 1114 mhn't.rr staked their p,liti.:11 144,4. on 91t. re- re- ciprocity.4I1.'' :111.1 Loa.. .'•\\•h} .1i.1 11w 111 ' ??"he asks. '•Slmpty teals tatted -1n adze .their np• porhitity. • \v-• lay.'• 1:••n' in Mims:' he .ay-. 114 n 1'.t ''li;4 rural •ountV: only aI..„immolation:a4 per tent. •.f the .lwtlatkm isi urban S.4 th.• three ridings in the 9!411 election elected 41w three an1l-r,w•iprutitr- aaudi.lat4es. Now. Ten 'years later. the tamer. are preparing t.. f...4 tI.'m.elr,•,. again.. There are only two -!Tams ridings now. and in ,'nett of thorn there are three emell- datr.-I.11•eral. Fortner ate! G,nern- ment. It does not require any gift of pnglte•y to foretell what the result will be -the eletlml of the Govern - intent eaindidate to .•aeh riding• "Similar •Ireintistaue•s," emthlnr. the e.rrr*pnlalPllt, "t'xi,t tltrough,nit olntario, with the n•4.u11 that in prole ably a *tone or more of eonstkilela•it's a minority of voters may Meet .•nn.1i- dnte4 to support a 111spre•tite,l gnrern- meut. If Mr. Morrison ant others of the F. F. O. leaders were in ,ollttslott with the Tory party they -could 10.t 11P doing' part)' a Netter ,seise thuds they adu re ping by inciting triangular eontests in ridings where otherwise an Opp,sttion ea!Niidnt4 would flat-.• goof! pe proscts of tetrapi." it mar be that nfter the ballots are 'nnntetl on Deet• ler 6 4her.• will he at large proportion of the lipoid, who will hove regretted that there hail not been mote prnctlea 1 unity among tie fore,•• nppoeed to the present Govern- ment. The chief thing to he Naught d is the defeat of the present ,minis- tratlon /41111 110 1)111 1111( into power of n genuinely progressive gov, rnmeit. fully reptes.'ntatire of. and resptnlBne tn. the people at large. Mr. King. the 1.i1.Praf leader. in his nddr.'ss ere as elsewhere, yrgel the n.'t•esaity of unity nmong these forces before it is ton late. and 4t might he advisable if more heed was taken of the warning. 14. Whitely F. N1.4%.N1.4%.rt by V. Wt•Igrore J. Farr at is ,:clock 7n • to, Ire stela rg.sed _ X1.1' ,X1%.. --t-'-- .71 Amos,' of Wocabstock. Vice•Pres idept of the 1,'. . F. N.'. 0. 4144:9 u. •\n.t iIl 1'.',.K 1:.•L.w Int.• M. ItyaM, \. \\'il-, u. 4'.4.7 Group 1t--4;enetxl Course. I ?steal are welcome. *4.2 M. Math. lent . 012 114.6 1)(:. . *stormlI,na..lk act 1 41?.1 s ,, e7at'. V. 'rhow\hurrayll:•11 1. 414 I .%. Ilia •11:1111111 • ue' tnttou.yl. and %vat. 41 fie'•t it. every 11'1"w' Iw..-r11llknt--- \ Hufl'm: 1'• \I Lriffln } .Lir% 7 i Llntiurs-' This wa3 'reanal.li•1,.1 by flat, 4.441- 4'. 4:roe(•, TI 1.t9ymtnt of j4hy.ician- ou at pert time S. Johnston 711 iws'i4.. T1ww• melt or w'ow.•11 were iarmn- 1'n,h- allottel .:1 --t w•h.s.l•. rash il.'i.. ud111g 1?. 11144.- ou ihr nnwlw•r of children it. rt. II It. Tietherington I s.•Ias.I and taw district tn•u a'hielt 11. ,,, , w• t11e'e were drawn. They 'l+ite.1 teach' Ai. Ferro,.' *lava 'every day nut! ,iawiuel all children referred to th,•nt. exclud,rl A 4trnnr 1he..• .n.pert.d ..f having' n11y one of the c4.nwnuteable dla•n.e•, 711.0E who were kl14.wt1 e,uta't.. turd k,•141 a ,np•r- tidng rye (111 those• who marea history L. Klnahan ..f isee i1.h- ra1r,•-ales• t., ..1,ye.41..n mutt J •1'Indrr whilemut•b_es(11k•nwork was _done i1- r In the wily of p.n'reutlutt of ihr ,pr,•ud of infectious .diseases. tlt•ir duties 1'4wetically 4.41414141 dere. No mermeua nth•m{lt w'+1; made to itlupre..• ihr VW 4 - en,. with the exi.tenr of the many 78.8 72.9 , 71.5 Iftti .1..Mdh rnl.l ;117.71 t;_ FU.rllutcr_._._. .- : .( i,31 M. Wagner e 67.4 67.:;. 416.5 E. King - H. • itr»w• :.e i... 811,•1' IL1,14 F.. Fiefs' ...012 SI. Cllr • •41•2 61 11.7. .e.., r'•. t n 10.5 •.../1'Lct .06 aka :•3.1 5' S ,o :s) 1 r, laidter .perlall) Invited but all inter, 1 GOO SAVE THE. KING L . The "Pav" Orchestra Imre get' floe tell room of 414. ,lla•..isic '11•mple for eters tint , ,t•1•tting ditrilgwthe c,nnitn winter '1'I.- I{r'4 -(laps. wlt, 4,' meld eta • Saturday Evening, November igth, 7921 Dancing Irian 1ao In 1! ,iclork. Gentlemen hoc - Ladies 25c 1,r. 4111 44114 1 11.111 -- R. R,.hh. sofa N. Tiger W. no ki MR. WALTER J. BUCHANAN who has been elected proaident of bene. netting ('atone Club. Walter ix now a patient at Alexandra h,wipitwl vrhrm he Grocery Specials lis ('t lfit•fl"' Keil Handle Brooms, regular 73e, M. !Sanderson for 65e C F'it:uigan Fite string Parlor liroom, regular 31, . Rrn, for 6-. 41. Groves Ito) al 1 east fakes pkg. 6e 1:. Fowler Knox I:elatilw 23c or 2 for 4ie G. Bloke Jello Powder . ..12c pkg. or 2 for 23e T. Mnreh Lion Macaroni lite or 2 for Vie F. I)Icksnn Lantern (:lasses. tall and squat ..17s D•' R.'yeraft Stafford's Jet Mark ink. regular IOe, for 84 40 -foot length Clothes Linea 25e or 2 lengths for 44e 6 lbs. Oatmeal 25e Plcnlr Hams . r . 21e Ib. Side Bacon. sliced 33e Ib. Bark liaettlti sliced 30e Ib. Cooked Ham, sliced 45e Ib. Country Pork Sausage 23e Ib. J. E. AITKEN Kingston 11t. Phone 297 Goderich Model Theatre Week of Nov. 21st to 26th Monday and Tuesday, November 21.22 ('I.AiRE ADAMS in "THE SPENDERS" :\Iso the sixth episode of "The Urn of Tartan" "The Killer's Mate" Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 23-24 MAR PI('KFORD in "REDS" and n Hnll Itoom Boys Comedy "Tough Lurk" i F,.. Roble on, 'Below pens -ranked -T.. Ashton. 1t Felker, E. Foster, R. Foster. _ Form Ill -Average 61.5 per tent. Itonors- ('. Dumber 77.7 J. ('hapnuln 1. Winter H. Garro• 71.1 pass -- 3. NeIerxl ' M. Wi1*4n J[. Fisher F.. Rlliott \1. Graham T.. MaeKeiufe R. McLeod K. Stratton M. McWhlnn'y II. McCarthy K. Stnehtir T. Freeman f1t F. Barris It. W. Anlr(-ws T.. 3nhn.tnil A. Fraser 11 McMann. \t. Campbell F. Gallrw \. )'servlet R. Orr 11. West A. ltrnwn G. Wnrrener .4.. Hays i.. Murney Friday and Saturday. Nov 25-25 "WALLY" REM to hla breesleat laugh producer "TAO MI•CH SPEED" and Hoot Gibson In a two -mel Western Comedy "Out o' Lark" -0-- Two fit,'1lh1wa every night at 7110 underwent a serimo' operation recently. p.m. snd 9 pm. Hix many friends will he glad to know ""'""•"'"' ah MewAay and wer4ltraday that he r reporteda programingfavor-at 4.15 ,eflatttriay all 3 MMpa *red tt•ltrrt,rua are bright for an -SG6_ 74.5 4 77 3 72.6 70 70 66.6 496 (16 64.6 64.4 64.2 415.6 ' (13:11 63 41.1 01.2 00.5 00.5 4102; 110.1 n49 104 l '44 52.4. 47.7 Ferns 111. B -Average 70 pss rent ifonors- R. Martin ' P4 11. 11e11 R3.7 T. ('nut >iA•fl T. Anle*n ...•.. T6 A. MtatMrl 711.1 L. (bike 751 Pa1st - G. Spurr T3 3 Tl, \Wlia(m 71 ` 1. Toting 71)!-, 11. Hew do ,. stn 1 F.. Hoak 404 M. Mclntrtsh non T.. T),hle 119 4 0. Pijnnigan • 66.7 M Tsongherty 46 W. Baker 6•\ v \i. Reyereft 65 R. Hunter i 041 T. Bern 42 1 .1. Jefferwnn Y. 1Fa3fr's J 53.:4 W. T. Pember's represent- ative, W. J. White, will be at the Bedford Hotel, Thursday. November 24, with the finest stock of Human Hair Goods for ladies and gentlemen. FOR LADIES --Wigs, Transform- ations, Pompadours, Switches? and all other hair needs. Special treat- ment for scalp and hair. FOR GENTLEMEN - The closest imitation in a natur- al Toupee or Wig at a reas- onable price and the best of satisfaction given. Phone Mr. While for ap- pointments and remember the date. DOMINION STORE , LIMITED West Street - Goderich WHITE SATIN SUGAR FLOUR 10 lbs. for 85c. 24 lbs. for 95c. 100 lbs. for $8.25 Peanut Rutter. Ib. 20c ('gram of Wheat, 4 lbs... 25c Toilet Paper, 6 for IJbby's Pork & Beams, tin. 14c Hobbies Cleanser, tin9c Comfort Soap, 10 for 69c 25c Brunswick Sardletea, 2 25c Ilea( Japan Rico, 3 Ibn..•.'30c White Beans, 3 lbs 25c Currants, Ib. .. . 19c cunmald Seeded Raisins, 25c Ogg . Rolled Rata. 5 lbs 24c I.aundry Star.'!, 2 lbs.... Castile Soap, 7 for Tern Pancake Floor, DIego- ('aseade Salmon, 2 for 19c 25c 2 25c 25c Five Roses Flour, ewt.. Brasil Nuts, N. Jas $440 23c