HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-17, Page 44-Thai+aday, November 17, 1921.
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DUNGANNON 'rich, visited A,Iiii.bl friends on sct- list chun•h next Sunday aunt will be
.la}'. +seeluctel at 2.30 p.m. mud 7.30 p.m.
A meeting of ikuigannon 1'. F.41. will I Ur, :tint Mrs. 4;, Ponder spent .the by Rev. 11'm. Ra41hby. Special musk
be hold in the (ironies Hall on Thursday. it,
w,•k.•ual :it h
t tow.. of \1r. Alex. w ill befurnished by the choir, stodgiestFovrnlloer 24, at K p. w. .411 the nu u.+ \In.•\h.liy.• i... 11r. 1'harlle Lightfoot. of Stratton.
are requestedicesrequestedell Its pees. nt. I. Itela.r1 11a1„reicor Imo return. On Monday evening there will Its. a
Wse■ens Institute. -The regular ,.1 Moue from 'forouho where ahs Ins focal -upper and tvleert. 1h. concert
ase Zing of the \Vowiais Insjitutc trill' I* a under the d,rfurtG caro.• party .vusleting of (Cant. Albert Pe -
y., a
r be held at the nate ou Thursday.,
Mr. lti.•hand 311mti,rwld, of Klntail. gummier. Mr. Charlie tightWyt. Iliss
November 24. at .3 pow. A meso pro -i hal ow i„fut•tunr not. they last w.•rk Hsrhara 4;Ibsr,e and lir. pial Mr...
Arnim is to be given by the graU I Fred !tryout.
of t1q•- institute after ••61.91 i to lose our .t his bury..,
yut. all of .Stw111 t 1. Thr
the roti 1:.11 will Iw• Iulswcrel I y ideas l Mr.• 111.. .trnistrong is visiting Mr. resident ministers also *'111 give short
1114 Mr.. Robert Millen. - addresses. Admission. 7:w• and 3.1e.
for f'hrtstwas gifts. These meetings, ' Mr. 1•il. Mole•, of Sesfordi, spent Sun -
are always inspiring and helpful s••'
Ides... wake a special effort r.. 1w• I AUBURN 4 day with his father here.
'present. .% lunch will be .,'r.,1 at 11 * R"adn•lay. Nov. 18.
rluw•,of the meeting. lli-s ,4.rma rimier, •d Kitchener,,. i., 11.1 "refnerentativi; French Ministers"
• spending' her, holidays .visiting friends are also having their ditticulti.-.s. lion.
ARH)<,IET.ii here.. A. Fautciix was so highly nyrandei in
• \1r. Thomas McMillan. ter Liberal can Montreal, it turned out, that he was 1111.
TilesdaY. Nov. 1.: ; di.Ltte. for tiwth Huron, will hooky --a able to *admits a meeting them. and the
hiss Iron• )l:1.•11 a;il 4 1.•:'t :or Ib-. meeting in Flo seer's 1111;1 inext Saturday
other new Minister++ will have. •a hand
tn.ir la-' tt .•I night. time saving their i .'jw.sits-
31r \1'tllton? John -tonic has 'returned Ire. R. J. I •+s is nun tn at 11' .1.
from the West.-hrk this week.. Homemade baking and candy at
Mr and Mr,. W. Maize._ of 1; %milkma . Services.--\nuiver.ary
Knox church November Nth. 3-t
, will I.1. 1'1411.11101.41 in rhe hall.
The Lake of the Hanging Glaciers
(By Frederick Niven%.
The name had always inveigled.
1t went info the same place as the
names' 1,1ano Estacado4 the Barren
.Lands, Land of Little Sticks. When,
'by the excellent goodness of God
'Ilan it seems to men 1 found myself.
• en a late July evening, ■&'madly -close
;enough to have Nixon, the long. lean
Jncal gyide to that wonderland. In-
, dieate, if not the range of th hang-_
ing glaciers: the dieectio' of .our
travel to it, 1 could scar y believe
n iv good fortune. I fejt as one whop
elrean.a, at any moment it- seemed.
1 might 'awaken • "'f Sind: it:. w_
tit aor:hit the igh: of the hotel
room behind ewe sat on the
cerardah di • u3s#'eg the' morning's
start) Was, OI rda.ly s:reaming out
on a pad/of paper on Nixon's knee;
that his face ,was no: • :1 a big
shadyG., save 'hr chin, under a high
• tow-purcher hat; that he was only
a"ficute in a dream, tefcre a dream
tote:; that only in a dream was he
j.saying to me: "And 'what do you
i i!ks like to drink, tea or coffee'.
Arid 'in tjle way of fruit, do you
j :lifer pcars.or apricots or peaches?"
AReflections in the Lake of the Hanging !!',, venirg 1 could hardly believe 11 'gig Glacier&
cis oing, even thosgh i !aid out ove ,anging tree lopped away asldiate warmth.
my k ki pants and • leggings and n as a wind casts it over the trail.! As for the Glaciers, the aanbuneed
a ltatk%taw- colt IsefoTe• turning in test the pilgrim need not even objective of our journey: I once
tslat mg hht. w, riding along Nixon's cry aheadlknew a lonely man who did not
-Very eatcy I -yes- wieltened.- • t -mow brtd1t"' wag - part -at -the -care to go out for a walk without a
-reflection, of lake ripples on the ce - fun. goal. Once he even addressed an
. ing above my bed, by the call o a The sleepy little halt -purring, enve:ope to' -.himself before going out
-loon. I was indubitably the-tha1f-singing voice of a frog by some so that he could say: "d am going
where the loon calls; and 1 co nted reedy -edged unmapped lakelet 'of the as far as the corner pilar -box, to
t,ver some of the causes of m hap, ''mountain recesses is also part of the post a letter." The Hanging' Gla-
- pinesa. The call of the in; the Pleasure of such a journey. Mc';
Moet tiers were our e.tivt; bjt going
- scent of sae -brush and ofbalsam; of us are all tangled up in laws and up there was as good as getting
the smell of horses in the open air; bye-laws; and Houses of Parliament there. Any objective will serve
hones whose tails are t docked; and Trade Union halls Isom over us, that take, one out to the roar of
wind -wrinkled lakes d pt Inning That's why it is hard to believe we Creeks and the sight of eagles vol_
the luxuriant Selkirks r the austere , are there when we find ourselves in planing in immensity and squirrels
Rockies; ' and lakes hat are like 1 such places -Where night is not lit• swaying ons bough's end. The'G
polished jade (to fil a simile frostreet lamps. but deepens and den are certainly a spectacle. Tire
a little sheaf of so a I came across deepens in the valleys, as if exud- hang. They do hang. They a inoa
the 'other day call d: "The Canadian ing from Amid the uncounted trees. chasms cf a league -Wide sickle of
te Ailaeiers.
where the rippf s from a canoe give sheer precipices of peaks that we see with taper tops and great utt ends
Calendar,: an still blue lakes Overhead day linger. on upon the mountain, eight separa
to the warn* the appearance of between .the topmost spires of the many feet thick. From a monster
watered silk; nd the smell of wood Douglas firs. How comfortable we one at the bottom of that sweep of
smoke. Enough said. I was it trifle can be there! In a few minutes, mountain, the front/of it nee
excited as 4e started out from In- with a few clips of an axe, we have pictures of the Great lce Barrier of
verntere an automobile along a a mattress of tr.-boughs; and then the Antarctic, chilaks bre■k off. It
wagon -r ' to the place when the trees from which they have been "calves'', in th word of those whom
Nixon and the horses were to await dipped make the tent . poles over Nixon talk glaeiere!ognts," The -
us. June bugs and yellow grass- which to vast the cinvirs sheet. calves • foo on the lake out of •
hoppers veered and crackled. Drag- The guide having smashed his which ti Thief creek flows with
on -flits darted past. Once the wind watch 1 lent him mane, so that he olungi , noon, and. foam. The irks
herd upon the wind -screen till we could have all up and forth early front "g 11, and nde.fivin
took a curve and he could flutter on the next day. 1 woke to dims 1' tees and ch_atilting. gets broken
off.- We left behind us a pennon of light and wondered what- the time (llht and the
duet, bobbing away from the hotel might be, rose and 'ooked out of m f fhansa of the light and the
where people said: "Where are they.ent, and y fflmgs and ernoothints of the
gasped. What serene an winds), eras once ch-istened Laks
goin?" and somebody replied, "To perfect beauty! it was not day.,, t May' But there are limits to ho -
the Lake of the Hanging Glaciers." was not night. It was scarcewn. man endurance. When old-timer
In a meadow beside a bend of Horse The creek rushed past, a Ion g grade Bruee saw it he said: "Hanging
Thief Creek, where were three log of grey. The trees were ittfinttely Glacier,! The Lake of the Hanginggng
cacabinsroa horsesrwaited for re us.
ro de self andsgI l okedabse That was Glaciers:" And rightness triumphed
brushing cottonwood and poplar and the impression.' i glanced up and °Ver levity. The name recieri. The
willow branches and, stopping,Lake of the Hanging Glacier.
heard saw mowing on ■ -high gold cloud.
On the Alpine meadow on the
the tinkle of a horse bell; and there All was so perfect, so tranquil. so hither side of that lake a man can
a are-
tlwere, Nixon, with 'his foot good, that 1 had a pang of sorrow sit all day, warm in the summer
g pack Mulling ` n a rope, etetr aforll n■11 ba en in tenements,
s si the and of
sun, ■nd watch the ptarmigan trot
in the act of completing the work 7 across the neves. You cannot walk
known as "throwing the diamond of the world. One planet had the there but you tread upon an Alpine
bitch." appearance of resting on a peak of flower. There are long wedges of
Going to the Hanging Glaciers is jasper and chalcedony -an illusion phy!I4ae, that looks like heath or
aas goode■s rho ting there,
its tan the h witching
Ihour, aitactuality
to lity of heather. Between these are wedges
g journey. Walking in tievably large. Rays shot from it of rock-■i1Je' like the gla-
unforgettable cien, „tuned
streets is an empty undertaking like a star drawn by a man in the on the mound
compared with riding through the Stene age. There *as no other againur-sidhd ues along. Ever and
Mountains, despite the shows in all pla t, no star, visible. And that there is ■ the
rumbleu is eat
the shop -windows and the g planet, even as i watched, i ° thunder; it is the to avail
pasai^ Ignoring Ianehe and rat -slides. Intermit
faces. Time is in Oxford Street. the cold of morning at my tent tently it punctuates the quiet of the
The urgent moment is on Wall (lap, wont adrift from the peak; day. The awe of the Glaciers is the
Street. Eternity is in the pass of it was left alone in a wash of blue, journey's end and assuredly lives
Horse Thief Creek, where are no then dwindled in size. The trenien- in the memory; but also much elms
clocks. That is the feeling: it is doua moment was over. i turned rives in the memory, drifts into the
into Eternity that we ride there. For back and crept under the blankets sub -conscious that, with the ad -
that cause, all the way i found .it to warm me -cold and happy -and vance of man, shall become the con -
bard to believe. The impression per- was wakened again by the clip et an scious-drifts into his heart to his
sisfed that 1 might awake from sleep axe, and ■ crackling noise, and making, if he have any capacity to
and an exquisite dream, that 1 might voices. Looking out i saw the be made. A thousand memories re-
awaken to hear the clatter of street- camp-fira newly tended, and Nixon main: squirrels springing their rat -
sweepers, honk of late (or very washing his hands carefully, pre- ties; mother ptarmigan clucking to
early) taxis, and that Nixon's big paratory to cooking breakfast. By her brood; little understandings on
cowpuncher hat showing ahead was aid of a mirror hanging from a the way between man and hone:
only out of a story read when a boy. twig of a tree 1 shaved and as our the knocking of a stone from the
To begin with there were bridges voices grew louder a marmot whit,- hollow of his hoof, and having him
over creeks we had to cross, eordu- tied away up on the peak that had rub his muzzle in friendly gesture
pay bridges, but when we left been u of jasper and chalcedony on one's .Boulder, as expression of
wagon -road and came to trail the and was then as of amethyst, with ,thanks. These are among the sum -
creeks were forded. Usually the amethyst trees. Night had ap- bet. From the horrific saw -edged
horses drank before fording; and of peered to exude -from the lew wood$ rooky crest, when the taper tips of
all the e►arming pictures that havi and flood up the peals.; day came the fanning glaciers have the apo
• become stereotyped without losing dropping down from that gold cloud. poaranee of being hooked on, down
charm, that of horses drinking by a it seemed. The sheer rocks sparkled. to the valley depths and the dart
riverside is one of the finest. Veins of snow shone in the crevices. of blue dragon -flies among rushes.
That is tonic one of the simple de- The high wood. were Ilt, so that with metallic clash there; from the
R���haa,�s .f going to The Hanging fir -taps were tike queer daylight roar of the rock -slides to the Jo-
GLeilrs• and long may It be before candles. A string of gr"miss flew cud east a setting in aur of a lively
as implIoveent committee throws op the valley and veer. R with a grasshopper -all i. good. Perhaps
bridges mges over these creeks for the sudden gabble of talk, from oar it is only because the life we hae•
mho of timid tourist. Then are smoke. The shadow of the post mostly, to live, has so frcqu.ntly a
other trails for thea, trail' with over as dri•cd off sideways. and quality rather like nightmare,. that
worn• Iitt. lllaida *nth bridged. than came to sur creek -aide .. *w ing to the Hanging Glacier.
OM, Mand ttlp. every a wedge of golden Nett and imago. tie quality N a
Tuesday, Nov: 1.i.
lir. John Treble .nreived a car of
tVeeteni oats last week. They sold for
tifty-hv'e omits per bushel ofd the car.
Tl11s week lie unloads a car of corn.
Mr. 1':Jdie Young has rctunied frgn
the %fest, bringing his bride with bete.
They are visiting his 1.arenta, Mr. anti
Mra. Henry Young.
Mr. \fill Clayton, of 4.V odsGKk, it re-
newing old acquaintances hem.
Mins \'iula .►11111 is visiting friends at
Scheel Negeet,-The following la the
report of S. S. No. 3. 4.'011mi-tie. for the
month of October. Those wurk,rl with
an asterisk wis"t•d one or wore tests :
V. -Erste Bogie 346. LV. -Jessie 31c-
t'*uu 2441. Menem l'hisholw '22M. Joe
Freeman 1S2, •1)Ilve Horton 151,
•Flora Ilurtou 144,5. Jr. III. --Kenneth
Morris 13s, •l:rttw Freeman 114. Joe
l'hi. x, l . rII.-Charlotte
d les 1 lit Mor-
ris 210, Fed Horton 1401. Jr.
Mary Morris 1:141. Bert Freeman 1311.
%il.ru Frernia 12'. First --Ella Hor•
tun. -t--Ituls•rt cook. Nuuiller on
roll 16.-T%ItiTILI M. KEMI'TUS.
!Wheel Report. --The fullowing 1a the
retort of S. S. No. s, l',Alronse. for
the usually. of- September anal (sootier
Sr. 11.-1•nss- IA.rothy ltuhrrt,«ui 72.1
per twat.. Lucy Hardy 714.1. Worthy4
Fowler 40).2. l u•low ,Los ---4'I if'onl
ARM. Margaret Anita. Gras 4;ilders.
Wilbert Thom. Sr. Ill. -1•.a.. -e ,liver
per ....elf Itrlow• puss .WIIIk•i
Treble. JIM' Walter. Jr. 111.-
Hazel finder. 71n per ..•Or. .. - Itelow 1
{was--Mlunlr )Wliito1. %%lluler thinly.
Mr. 11.- 1'a.s Fern Thaw 73.3 per
tent., !blight- F.•ngan 72.6. Arnokl
.411111 7446. Sr 1. 4'.t«--4'hrist tin.
Itola•rtw.n. Frank .Min. Reggie .UI111,
Jr. 1. Ma rim ret llintw11. lion Heim.
I'rluwry-.11iIdn.I Million. Roy :Clio.
t'harllr Tlww. 1'harli, Mitchell, ]lir-`
eirj Thaniy. .% it.%XTEIL. Tet,eh.•r. 1
Moielny, November 14.
The 'home of Mr and Mrs. J. W.
Joynt was the orae of a quirt wed-
ding oq Thanksgiving flay. when Her.
11. Fulton Irwin united in rrbl
Nlse Markov Adair. of \'aueouver• It.'
1 '., and- tti7- .--}•: - Ioreem. l,-1rf-"t7,k.• .
towel. h_mther . Mrs. Joynt, and Dint
stud 31r.. F. F. Freeman. of
Luckiow. lir and, lir,. Frewau lett
by motor for their our 4n Li.tnwe4
.% pretty we.1.1iug ens s.d.•ru1(17,'"4 i..
liu..katiron ill n4tunlay: lw-tulw•r 241.
•when MI+s l:wu+n Katha n.. .%&'kart.
a4leo ml'laughter of Mr. and Ir.. J. ll-.
Ackert. of Lie know, lar11w.• - bride
of C'harle. 11'. l:.rlknng. ..f \" •tuba,;
14. C. ,
Mat. I./al-nor. • of West-. Waives
fwd the 4nisfortiluo to 1ov his tat
and most of the +e-a-.n1's, crop 44 tire.
,The Matte started from a‘,/lantern,
tchleli was "%.•reined by Peanlm:ll,
111111 14 got I»�-oiwl cunt nu quickly
that only the' .6411-. , -be- *ottani
i out. .
Tuesday, Nov. 15.
Mr. John 1 Mil. and Miss Verna. who
have .wet erre Months in the West vip-
iting tlwi ,nesse at \'rllow (mese. Sask.,
retlrn, home on Thursday.
Mr W. Gibbons, oho returned from
lli.• est a couple of weeks ago very ill
h 1urmnonis, is improving nicely.
Mr. John .litchewni ie horn from the
31r.. Will Humphrey and daughiter.
Freda, am Aisiting at Witytharn with
Irv. "tnnly.
Mr.. R. 1ltrdon and children latent
last'week with her perenh, Mr. and Slrs.
Archie Anderson.
11i.s I.•,rretta Sturdy, of Wingham,
ova• a'visit..r o 4.r'the week -end with Mr.
and lirw. W.Humphrcy.
The Young Peoples Bible class will
hood their regular meeting on Monday
evening, November 21, 'when White-
church Your* People's class will visit
and give the program. ♦ social evening
M'iil tie ej,ent. - -
WomEs's [foam -rs.--The Women's In-
stitute will hold their n•gular meting at
the home :of Mm. W. R. Ferrier, on
Thnnslay, November 24, at 2.30 o'clock.
The retort of the district convention.
held at London, will be given by Mrs. K.
Phillip. Roll call, Christman receipts
end Presents, mimic, etc. Please tome
with something prepared for roll call. All
internted are invited.
Mr. Nest J. Dalton Is here visiting
lis mother, Mrs. J. Dalton, -
Mr. Jona 1'.. Sullivan is paying *
visit to Tomato.
.l pleasant social evening was .pent
lin the hall on 'Monday night lards
Wer" {wayell till 11 o'clock. I)a.Mttg
i't,mnw•n.•ed and continued till 1.30.
The winners In the card -playing were:
For cuehrc -Mrs. 31. Hogan and Mr.
hold. Moran; for fire hnndefrd-M
M. Dwyer and Mr. Chas. Campbell,
The !rival Dramatic (Into hon
reorganized. Hoene new takent/has
been secured and we arg alljjp(,klag
forward to woefhiag good n the
Homemade baking and
Knox church, November 24
"The Scotch Store"
Just eceived from the manufacturers some very sinart
w models in Women's Coats and Dresses in
tyl that are entirely new and different from
an we have shown this season. and .are
rked at very low prices for
• edy sale. From $2 2.5o up.
Monarch Yarns Beehive
What would be more acceptable
some dainty hand knit garments, such
Sweaters, Scarfs. Shawls, Mitts and Hose
Monarch Knit Floss, a two-ply Aus-
tralian wo 'l, suitable for all dainty gar-
ments, in almost every shade. 25c 2 -oz. bad;.
Mot}'arch 4 -ply Down, a much heavier
yarn fo more serviceable garments, sante
beauri ui shades as Floss. 35c a 2 -oz, ball
onarch Butterfly, the silk and wool
yamsideal for sweaters and scarfs. In all
thti{ beautiful shades, 65c per 2 -oz. ball.
Baldwin's Famous Beehive Tarns
Baldwin's Famous Old Country Yarns,
the perfect yarn for all kinds of knitting.
It comes in 3, 4 and 5 ply, in black, white,
grey and heather mixtures. Put up in 1 oz.
skeins at 30c per skein.
New]Ribboas For Making Bakdy- -
Such dainty and attractive •iota as one
can make out of Fancy Ribbons, such as -;-
Crochet Bags, Camisoles, Handkerchief and
Glove Cases and the hundred and other
things. Ribbons in Dresden Plaids and
Brocades in all widths. Priced from 25c a
rd up. _ z_
Nest, Fancy Linens and Towellings
A large new stock of Fancy Linens in
Tea Cloths, Tray Cloths and Runners in
the most attractive designs at new low
prices. Fancy Towellings by the yard. A
nice lot of fancy -figured Hack Towellings,
pure linens, in 15, 20, 22 and 27 inches
wide, from !i3c to f1.75 a yard.
Do Your Christmas Shopping Early -Remember the Rush Last Year
H Tan
to Make
hild a Dress
New Carpets New Linoleams New Congolenms
New Rugs just to hand this week in Tapestry and Wiltons in every sine and
coloring to suit all rooms. This is the largest shipment of Carpet
Squares we ever, received in many new designs, all marked
at the very lowestrices. New Linoleum Rugs.
all sizes. New Congokum Rugs, all sixes
Eaeh package of "Dlareoed Dyer" eon
sins -'direction se simple that any
nomas sea dye or tint faded, shabby
skirts, dresses, waists, coats, .waters,
stoekiafs, haaglags draperies, every-
thing like mew. Ray"Domani Dyes"
--so ether kind -thea perfect home dr-
ies is guarsuteed.. eve* H yne ban
mover dyed before.. Telt your druggist
whether the material yea wiah to dye
is wool ov silk, or whether it Is lbws,
e.ttem, err mi:.ttielsd• fllaatglld Dyes
sever streak split, Ade, et Ai..
. •
The Store With the Best Assorted Stocks
frlillar's Scotch Store ''
Great Sacrifice Sale of 't'
--BOYS SUITS ---r ,, , ,,t.,...,,
. For 8 Daysok
T3 Bos' Suits,FormerlySold UpTo 20.00, All On
Y ; Sale At One Price 1 , 4
11 I 1
I• INV mg mir$ 7 91
Our reason for this great sacrifice sale is on account of a change
we are making in our Boys' Clothing Department. Our an-
nouncement of this change will be made later. We want to clear out every
,73 suits in 8 days ; in fact they should not last more than one day. Every
ing a view to economy should surely visit this sale. If we are not giving
bargains you ever heard of, don't buy. All sizes from 26 to 35.
Come early and get the best selection
�'•' 1
one of
the biggest
PhOO��j - - - Goderich
Tuesday, Nov. 15.
Mr. John 1 Mil. and Miss Verna. who
have .wet erre Months in the West vip-
iting tlwi ,nesse at \'rllow (mese. Sask.,
retlrn, home on Thursday.
Mr W. Gibbons, oho returned from
lli.• est a couple of weeks ago very ill
h 1urmnonis, is improving nicely.
Mr. John .litchewni ie horn from the
31r.. Will Humphrey and daughiter.
Freda, am Aisiting at Witytharn with
Irv. "tnnly.
Mr.. R. 1ltrdon and children latent
last'week with her perenh, Mr. and Slrs.
Archie Anderson.
11i.s I.•,rretta Sturdy, of Wingham,
ova• a'visit..r o 4.r'the week -end with Mr.
and lirw. W.Humphrcy.
The Young Peoples Bible class will
hood their regular meeting on Monday
evening, November 21, 'when White-
church Your* People's class will visit
and give the program. ♦ social evening
M'iil tie ej,ent. - -
WomEs's [foam -rs.--The Women's In-
stitute will hold their n•gular meting at
the home :of Mm. W. R. Ferrier, on
Thnnslay, November 24, at 2.30 o'clock.
The retort of the district convention.
held at London, will be given by Mrs. K.
Phillip. Roll call, Christman receipts
end Presents, mimic, etc. Please tome
with something prepared for roll call. All
internted are invited.
Mr. Nest J. Dalton Is here visiting
lis mother, Mrs. J. Dalton, -
Mr. Jona 1'.. Sullivan is paying *
visit to Tomato.
.l pleasant social evening was .pent
lin the hall on 'Monday night lards
Wer" {wayell till 11 o'clock. I)a.Mttg
i't,mnw•n.•ed and continued till 1.30.
The winners In the card -playing were:
For cuehrc -Mrs. 31. Hogan and Mr.
hold. Moran; for fire hnndefrd-M
M. Dwyer and Mr. Chas. Campbell,
The !rival Dramatic (Into hon
reorganized. Hoene new takent/has
been secured and we arg alljjp(,klag
forward to woefhiag good n the
Homemade baking and
Knox church, November 24
"The Scotch Store"
Just eceived from the manufacturers some very sinart
w models in Women's Coats and Dresses in
tyl that are entirely new and different from
an we have shown this season. and .are
rked at very low prices for
• edy sale. From $2 2.5o up.
Monarch Yarns Beehive
What would be more acceptable
some dainty hand knit garments, such
Sweaters, Scarfs. Shawls, Mitts and Hose
Monarch Knit Floss, a two-ply Aus-
tralian wo 'l, suitable for all dainty gar-
ments, in almost every shade. 25c 2 -oz. bad;.
Mot}'arch 4 -ply Down, a much heavier
yarn fo more serviceable garments, sante
beauri ui shades as Floss. 35c a 2 -oz, ball
onarch Butterfly, the silk and wool
yamsideal for sweaters and scarfs. In all
thti{ beautiful shades, 65c per 2 -oz. ball.
Baldwin's Famous Beehive Tarns
Baldwin's Famous Old Country Yarns,
the perfect yarn for all kinds of knitting.
It comes in 3, 4 and 5 ply, in black, white,
grey and heather mixtures. Put up in 1 oz.
skeins at 30c per skein.
New]Ribboas For Making Bakdy- -
Such dainty and attractive •iota as one
can make out of Fancy Ribbons, such as -;-
Crochet Bags, Camisoles, Handkerchief and
Glove Cases and the hundred and other
things. Ribbons in Dresden Plaids and
Brocades in all widths. Priced from 25c a
rd up. _ z_
Nest, Fancy Linens and Towellings
A large new stock of Fancy Linens in
Tea Cloths, Tray Cloths and Runners in
the most attractive designs at new low
prices. Fancy Towellings by the yard. A
nice lot of fancy -figured Hack Towellings,
pure linens, in 15, 20, 22 and 27 inches
wide, from !i3c to f1.75 a yard.
Do Your Christmas Shopping Early -Remember the Rush Last Year
H Tan
to Make
hild a Dress
New Carpets New Linoleams New Congolenms
New Rugs just to hand this week in Tapestry and Wiltons in every sine and
coloring to suit all rooms. This is the largest shipment of Carpet
Squares we ever, received in many new designs, all marked
at the very lowestrices. New Linoleum Rugs.
all sizes. New Congokum Rugs, all sixes
Eaeh package of "Dlareoed Dyer" eon
sins -'direction se simple that any
nomas sea dye or tint faded, shabby
skirts, dresses, waists, coats, .waters,
stoekiafs, haaglags draperies, every-
thing like mew. Ray"Domani Dyes"
--so ether kind -thea perfect home dr-
ies is guarsuteed.. eve* H yne ban
mover dyed before.. Telt your druggist
whether the material yea wiah to dye
is wool ov silk, or whether it Is lbws,
e.ttem, err mi:.ttielsd• fllaatglld Dyes
sever streak split, Ade, et Ai..
. •
The Store With the Best Assorted Stocks
frlillar's Scotch Store ''