HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-17, Page 3OLD-TIME COLD CURE - DRINK HOT TYJ 1 (let it small package of Hamburg Breast 'l'ea at lily pharmacy. Take a taldiNpomful ut the tea, lar a cup of molting water upon It lour through ■ sieve and drink u teacup full at any Hate during the day or before retiring. It Is the most effetThe way to break • cold and elle• !flip, 11. 11 .owns the pllris of the skin. relieving congestion. Also loosens t111• boa els, thus breaking up a coil. Try It the 'text alae you suffer from a mild or the grip. It is Inexpensive and entirety vegetable. tls.r•fore safe u ss W harmless RUB HII[UMATISM FROM Silly ACHING JOINTS Rub Soreness from joints and muscles with a small trial bottle of old. IL Jacobs Oil Atop "dosing" Rheumatism. It's pain �y; not one cue in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub sooth- ing, penetrating "St, Jacobs Oil" right on the "tender sppoott, and aby the time you say Jack "tender_ comes the rheumatic pain. "St. Jazob's Oil" is • harmless rheumatism cure which n ever disappoints andidonen't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiff- ness from aching joints, muscles and boner; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia. Limber upl Get a 35 cent bottle of old-time, tessera "St. Jacobs Oil" from any drug store. and in a moment you'll be free from pains, aches and stiff- n ess. Duu't suffer! Rub rheumatica away. LOCAL TOPICS Modal Evening. The Iwlys of St. Andrew's flub held u +:IN"lul evening in the basement of Knox church on '1'u.•wlay evening of lust week. 111.• guests Ielug tile 111,411- Jt•r. of 'the young ladleii Mille class of the Nuuday Milted. The entertains wet eu N s Meta nil u , eel f wort and le games fulluwed by refreshments. air. W. Weir, president of St. Andrew's flub, 1.ettl1 as chairman. . 4'.nservall Iy Women Orgaaiu .1 meeting 1,f the l'Mmervative women of the town n:1s held in the Temper- ance Hall it fea evermore ago. when a wuiflat'1, branch 1,f Ow National Liberal iut4 (t,nsi'rvative Aaoa.riation watt formed, with the following "Merritt anti ext•entive: Honorary presuleitt. Mrs. Meitlen and Ma. Ferguenl; presi- dent, ala+. Jona'-Bateman; first \ice- 11tnsi'.l'ut, Mrs. Carrie; rt'4.14 vias.-pmsi- tient. Mrs. Nluruey ; thiol Mite-pnwi- dent, airs. Walter Nafk'l; secretory - treasurer, Mrs. Macklin; executive: Mn, H. J. A.MacF..wan, Mrs. Wurh•le, Mrs. RnNUord', airs. Slack, 311.6.14101e. Nits. R. C. Iiays, Mrs. ABM, Mrs. Ryan 11'aketk•lil, Mrs. Mair, \irs. B. I. Hor- ton; Mrs. B. J. Santis; Miss B. Allen, Mrs. Holster, Mn. J. Clark, Mrs. F.' • F:Iliott, Miw• Roberts, NIrs. McKim, Mks Sw'atti'id, Mrs. F. E.kener, Mrs. 11111, Mrs. T..Ihtca, \Ira. Ise, aunt. 11. Ed- wards, Nino. Middkt(on and Mims ( illation. Convenors of wan) coluulit tette -Merl. 11'.1.. Horten, M r', l'arrie, NIrs. Munu•y, and Nor.. W. F. Niftel. Sterling Rads Criminals. Ala•. Ii. M. l'Itellrw, ftrwerly Watutger at Ileu.nil. has Iwr'u trall,irerrnr-to 'Poroma° °Mel' it. at'•tilyda ut. Tia• Siguul regrets to learn that air. 1'. I.. Jae•ksm. 1111111 11111(1.r of 11e Aft. hoer broads. fn=mrrix.-set rich, las leen compelled tit g1%t tip tvtirk for it short Gine, uvIng to 111 health. He has liven KE.ili:..1 leave of absence told it Is IopYI that a COm- plete net will restore how to good health again. T1s 4k•toter issue of "The Telk•r." the bolter orttau of the Sterling Ilauk of Canada," contains a likeness of .1r. E. A. Hanley. seting 111inager of the lutxl branch of the Sterling Bank With the following elonm •tit : "At the outbreak of Insanities air. Haney I.mitluye(1 in the Assigned Payr Drench 'of the Department of 1t111tia and Isefenee. an! Upon his enllating ho f'4•ptenliwr. 1914. he airs sella 10 London to assist ill the l'ay- Oflkw Hera•. 51r. Hanley spent over four years M'erm'an, having the horror of winning the Military Truss while there. and returned to Canada in the fall of 11119. Ill' entered the service of this iu"tit ofiom in 1k-tolw'r. lir•Nt, aid after it briefperiod of tntiuflag at Head OIttY', 15.,1•'U1Nrtiutell Wiling assuager at the town hall alien he suddenly of our .auburn branch. at which print etsllalwYl with heart failure and tiler) l' THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN Odir Taigas with "Bayer Crass" tom! Alplfin-No others I e • 1f you don't see the "Bayer Cross" en the tablets, refuse them -they are nut Aspirin at all. Insist on genuine "Bayer Tablet• of Aspirin" plaint, stamped wall the.ifety "Bayer l'ross'-Aep.rm prescribed by physicians for nineteen years and probed safe by millions tar Headache, Tooth- ache, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Neurits, and Pain g 1.y. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets -also larger Bayer" packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin is, the trade mark (registered In Canada., of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaridester of Si;ievlicacid. While it is well known that A.pirin means Bayer manufacture. to assist the public agrin•t imitations. the Tablets of Royer Company. Ltd.. will be stamped With their general trade 'park, the 'Bayer l rose.' -. - MVSIIC DIANOS TrNED.-APPLY TO ('. V. ▪ HENRY, Music Studio, north aids of Square. tf PUBLIC NOTICE. GILiIEN (:ATE R.B.P., No. 1034. Meets first Thursdny In Foresters' Hall. Knights welcome. J. MtNEI"IN, Registrar. of each month, Visiting Sir R. 11. MEW, w.1'. LR@A4 M O. CAItRR0N, t•' C., BAR- Ili RI. q. Solicitor, 'notary Ism OMce Hamilton street, Ooderlch, third door from Square. Trust funds to loan at lowest rates. PROUD FOOT, KILLORAN + • HOLMES, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NO- TARIES PUBLIC, ETC. door Office on the Square, second from Hamilton Street, Ooderich. Private funds to loan at lowest tutee W. Proud cot,R. 0., EDolmen. ,L. Hilon% Dudley CHARLES GARRIIW. 1.1.. B., iiAR- RiSTER, attorney, solicitor, ete., Ooderich. Money loaned at lowed rates. • CIMAGER, BARRISTER, SOL C. ICiTOR. notary public •nd con- veyancer. Otlice-Court House, rich. IINSURANCEe LOANS. ITC. LLOI P MUTUAL FIRM INSUR. MR ANCE CO. -Farm and isolated town property Insured. Of1Pers-Jas. Connolly, Prem., Clods rich P. 0.; Jan. Evans, Vice -Pres., Beechwood P. 0.; Thomas E. Hays, Sec. -Treys., Seaforth P. 0. Directors -D. F. MoOregor, R. R. No. 3, Seafortb : John 0. Orieva, No. 4, Walton; William Rhin, R. R. No. 2, neeforth ; John Bennewlee, Brod. Mogen; (leo McCartney, R. R. No. & Se eforth ; Robert Ferris, e tit n Hari mos Malcolm McEwen, Sven., Begehwood ; James Connolly, Ooderich. Agenta ' J. W. Teo, iioderich ; Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. I, Clinton: William Chesney, Seaterth: 14. ftw•b- ley, Se*forth. Polley -holders can pay all payments and get their crude re. celpted at R. J. Morrith'a Clothing Store, Clinton; R. 13. Cutt's Grocery, RInguton street, Ooderich. or J. H. Reld's General Store. Bayfield. Nave salad tea et Knox clamed on No- ' U3 bee 24th. It THE SIGNAL 1 - GODERIOH, ONT. THE FIGURES TALK (London Advertiser. ) Why Is it that the Meighen party can du nothing to relieve the tax -payer 't '!'here never meas a truer phrase put into circulation than that "the cost of government has much to du with the lata of lining." Never wind whaI either side has to say regarding extravagance. Simply turn hawk to figurer. e Let its put thew down aide. by sole and see what there 1.inthe tltiva that the money spent by the Government at Ottawa is waking u direct let's ou the pocketbook of the people of the Dominion. Comparisons arc fair, If they are based on fart. 'fake, thea, the year when the Liberals had thele last chance at 4ntawa. 19111-11. .\gaiust tial put down what It is proposed to spend at. Ottnva lu 1921-22. Here are tike figures : 1)epo rt uteut Justice • r $ 1,211.2,4111 Arts. Agriculture anti girt IA19.1103 ChB, Gusermwents 4,403,094 'Fisheries a 71111,7:4 Mines 244.274 Luufigrtltiwl s 1.4)79.12.1 Itdlians., . 1,449.1161 Iwegisla t ion 1,003,415 1.igltlouse •1111 Toast Service..-1,I1711,Kt1 Miscellaneous ..c 1.129,453 Mtiutteil Polite 77S.297 ( kY•aul r1141 liver Service !(111,144 Penitent hales 527,7410 Puddle Works, Capital Account3,742.717 Ihtblit• Works, Revenue .tecwuut,514,x0.• ltaliwaly and Canal's tCi...of* Steamboat I"Aspect toil 42.sd. Customs and lulatil Revenue 2,siNl.s:13 1k.nd0fun 'elms 1.11114 .:61 PliAlltCsY• a 7,1S14,222 11H01n tkretw.tat t Labor . ..... 93.4112 Itaflwvty's and ('omnis. Re•veutW... 11,123.230 Weights and Measure's .103.S05 Naval Service '2,230.71111 4'uuiervia tiye 1.1ht•ral pruposttl Expenditure F:xyewliture iInt'se• 111N►11 1921-22 $ 2.187,1147 • (flu 5,f 1-7,1:11. - 3:10 10,9sl,71:i 1411 1.4:15,00to 8.9 141.0tal 220. 1,1114,1911 :t4 2.7145.7314 'Jul 2,337487 44 -',487,14111 23 '-i,i 157,0 11 2574 :1.52741711. 357 1.11:11;31111 123 1.3*2.4N111 114 5,400;49 45 1:3.:119.VNi _111:1 11.51x.532 1770 1t16,sN' 1541 0.7N2,19:i 139 5.142.t17tt 1.11 _9.414. 111 _•.(1 - i Li►r�.kitt 74 1.52'2.1NI t 114y.3111,7tNI leirl 487.1170 31st 3.7211.944 41 The•..• estimates were matte., having In mind the tact that an eleetluu was only it short disttutw off. It is sate to assume, thea. Hutt 1t fs the best paha Ise tis• Mefahen tiuverumtett teal gi\e. Notice.Note, also that there iw ng lu tIte above that has r'terelx•r to the administration of, ever a vont.. nudge the heading of controllable Ake we i1•ye the Npt'tla/'iP Of cltttlwa gtl,N'11U/colt that i- g..• hog to spent .$387,945.231, against .expenditure ill tilt, ht -I of the Laurier regime for similar se ler of ;179.111.747. shay is plastering tilt- ...nil. try with bill l.oard• and stickers. .'sleight Will Lead l's Through. - Tile w hole awuunt ax) expenliture. _ -- - Awl this 1s the Ottawa eruw( that recovered although he duos. had been able to work host of the time. Sat- urday morning 1N' went up 11,1'11 and was tilk{ug. to Mr. John NL0•lhinald ht' 1• -1111...tilt 1011141 Death of Philip Steele. A very sad evert occurred at Putt I',Metrne on Tuesday. Novi -miser 1. in the death of ('hili;. Stele. won of Mr. almost i li.ire•iy lkee'ass1 was horn its I. ine.'ton,. Mich., but %shim duly 11 year old calve with Ifs lair - ext.. :Mr. awl Mw. Nielsilts Morrill. to 4'ithMtrtte 'trot/ship. About tett yii1 r- :neo he Came to Gt,lerirh where anti Mrs. I'I'I1ip Steete, 1,f Uurtgauwtu. IN• had if vw1 veer Shaw. ll 1575 hr 1kY•nn".4 had IwY'n 111 for clout taco; w'ns nonrritrl to Margaret I.amg. of weeks with t)•photd ferer. lits death44,itI:uld,: who mirviv.•s bum with tine at the nuc tit 211 years 'x nNmth., ,,nu kid six daughters • alts t'larente Dermot vomit it bride look's' graceful dress o womte sat ht. trim sequin and 41t•arl Ino an exgnisite role of p the g•"isuu. anti cat'rltsl sweetheart elfin' std lily ley. Her veil of Brussels eulght with orange td..wt. -.. bride wa. given away by her b Mr. Stott McNally, of Flint. N and 31is. Meta long, of Donato', play the wedding awful. The hippo: etmple stoowl before n bank ..f palms and ferns as the ceremony was per. • 1 HAMILOV MAN IS OUT WITH FACTS. Davis Was Qften Forced to Lay Off Job- -Tells How Tanlac Restored His Health. Thursday, :%uveudri•r 17, 11,21.-3 The annual 11111ui;ofering meeting .f the M.+ailt'ary Mission ltaud of Kilwx church was held in the lecture room of the thur'h ou Werlaewlay' afternoon of last week. There writs a good atte111lan•e, x1111 at very Itilt'l'e•st- img talk kills given the children by Mrs. I Ret. a J. Ststt. "This Tau1Nc is doing me w. Mucha good that 1 should like to tell everybody about Its• wonderful way 11 has IN•litd Mist t 'Isr ae 11. It .\ts• popular machinist, .f I'Jve u tree-;L1e:u e t t avenue, . Hatoilt(om. Ont. - ''Abtut A year aK,. my kidneys ilegau giving ole sti 11111411 trouble that 1 often • had to lay off from uork+for two or three days at a, 1inoe. l4+au1 w•vsq'e, nagging wort of pains amiss the .nmol td-uty•bw•k. 1 had frequent .i40,114 4 11 t•:Ik I1, it when 1 barfly kiwis hew 1, 1.it', oil title jolt. 1 'lest nil dt•sin•jfor tote! :u..i often welt a whole day aitbout anything to eat, le- erus my .hgawuoq was ►.. upset that After u. meal 1 would Ince severe pains in • the .it :4 any stomach. 1 jnst telt tins) nal the while, anti wit. germ.: %%raker evert• day. • "I ha.it't fitisittti ivy first bottle .1 Taisho. beton. I wits satisfied that it was just the mullein' for hue. U gave -me a' fine appetite. and 1 have )lo more tr,atble with pain 1.r.ndigt4uio11. I u:. !anger base those spells of ditsitess and bane b•t•u getting stronger every day. Fite right un theob every dy t..a, au.f I' just leei gin all tie title."" Titillate. is well by lending druggist everywhere. Mr. J. 4i. Reinhart. r resident of (l.rlerieh for many year.. and now a resident of 1w11411n, 4114.. meas up for the week -end visiting relatives, friends and acqualutata-es. Get your Christmas promote at the Klux ehureh bazaar, November 24111, It Neg�ecr�,�TDofl!th:0U�t11 Persistent - coughs leiFI to chronic bronchitis, asthma and permanent chest weakness. Swallowing druggy mix- tures Into the stotnach is useless in bronchial trouble. It needs Peps the breat leable remedy which goes Direct to the rootof your cough. Al Peps tablets dissolve in the mouth, they give off powerful medicinal fumes which soothe and heal the Inflamed breathing tubes, and deuroy all disease germs. ' Peps speedily end chest sore- ness. clear the bronchitis of phlegm and mucus, stop the wheeziness and cough-• Ing. and make breathing easy. remember. .1 is far better to prevent deuroy. pr'.us ons .nd other lung do.ases arising from nig, limed cough, sed e!ds. than to core them. There- fore tate Neste se the fine sign Ma cough old or chill 50c box all d.u.gats and acres, or postpaid from The Peps Co., Dupont 5t . Toronto. SAMPLE OF PEPS FREE! 11 y".. n.l ,".I ILO t,1.64- awlea./ N .04, tr. ala out. the Pet. , u., T.,r000da w•r,ll ,i ..4 , wood y,,, .. Inca n.i le For sure throat, Lulaaitis. :noel's. "Ids, chair, 6e -w:k,0c asthma anti other throat and chest trosbles, 141• an c000.mecs. dad by h•. tloedow Stable. and cot hr• n.eal,col a.1.". • �t ceremony.w1 the ceremony. Th.' ry beautiful In her'her'crepe back' ('har- nl will Freua•h cing. She wore ts. tint• gift '•r INauyuet of - f 111.• rax!- R - net wu- •• B. ev R B Cockrane, M.A. ItsTl. r. • T 11 .,t l ,.l'ege 7str' et Pre1lo%tir „ . HEAR Torort-, is a -acelous blt1� to his young wlduw, winters, `.f IL• Iller: airs. 4'iiarle. tanned. .%fterst141 1- the gut•sts ad- C ho oras alis+ Eva Snalrw•h of Goole- „f (of 11,1:111' ll o- 11. s 31. 1 Amis. Jotlrurd to the tiling -retain. which SU Hell. as she is left to curefur flue of Gowl•rlwh; Mrs. John /'hfsholu,, of ails daintily ilt.•ul•altttl in pink and Knox Church --011 - day, Nov. 27th 0 young ehfldmu Viola. Irene. Ray- ar}nutftirl Mal Misses Jennie. Stella I wlitw shades of canmaeti ons and rues'-. -the occasion of Abe - ""'"11 111111, anal rehie. Ibr is •iso :old a stuuptnnus sliver was served. C •„i, Wallets.. •t, bowie. Hors. 151.r proposed EIGHTY-Fi surcictYJ he tfve sisters :airs. Thoma'- Alien, of Gcwlrrit•h is a si-ter. Nlr.' 1'he•'htvJth of the incite was cru utsed Smith. of Locknow • airs. Jack Me- Mrorrish ails a quiet. ufmssuming loon by It, It. /'. Sit1h•rudd to which the Knight. of Althorn% airs. Vevey Shields, but h, won the resy1rR 'and esteem tit-getssw 'a+Nl sry.ita►t--tatlws responded of Slieplw.rdtou: 31r.. Thomas 111vett. all who lama' hint at his work awl im Many vet) hantwnme gifts were re - of Dungan ion: airs. 11'tn. ,5 .,.tbro(o1, Victoria street Methodist church at velvet' by the bride•in hiding 'several of Loudon: tial four brothtrs: Tho-. %%Inch he was a faithful t3teudtut.1valuable cheques anti Victory Ioals. and Richard, of Itnu.don, Mn n.: Writ- •roe funeral took plots. on Tuesday tolnn c'vldents. of the high esteem in Ilse. of Rylanl. anti .lames, of/ gall' 51aithuNl renletery. Rev. J. F. Iles•! which she i. held by many friends. ford. Two brntin•rs..ttft'l and *red. ,.raft had (•large of the servlees and The happy couple 011 1111 the 4i. T. It were Wiest in fiction in the great wear. i the pall -ben rtrs, were four sons -In-law in the afternoon for their hoteymaml. The Maly acts brought ro GaI.•rfch of the diseased : Wt's. Siciw•nu. 4'iar-I whieh will Ie stent fu New lurk Anti and the funeral took plats. on Friday._ ow,. halters, ('harles.,lneu and John Philadelphia. the bride travelling it. n I smart salt of nary blue French V?, ctina cloth. with hat to match. They will he tit_Ironic' to their friends effer December 15th' at St. Eloi Apartments, cnrrur Sherman and Main streets, November 4. to Maitland cemetery.. ri Int ill. Rio. H. 1). Moyer had charge of the .4, - Nally. service amid the pullbear•r+ were six I)tie of the loreHest of :urtnpw wan= trut'y SI m-Iaw hf the en. l'it : clings took plats. oat 1Verinewlay, Nov. Percy Shields, Thomas Rlcett, Thos. Smith. Jack McKnight. John Snazei and William hna,el. Johnston --Griffith. The hilae of Mr: and Mrs. 4'hatiles Griffith. prettily decoratwl with flowers. was the scene of n pretty welding on Tutwlay of last week at 11 o'clock. when their daughter. Helen Slay. le - inns. the bride of ('Netter Willis John- ston. seam of Mr. and . firs. Thomas ,Inhnet;nt, of Gtalerirh. The ceremony wn' performed by Rev. H. D. Moyer In the presence of the Immtrlhate rrht• tive-i. The bride WWI attired In navy satin. trimmed with silver and WOO` a black oat with (ostrich sprays, and carried pink nears. Her bridesmaid was Mi.- I.i11ie Johnston, cousin of the gram,. wearing envy taffeta. while iittie Margaret Griffith. in fluffy white organdy. net 41 ns ring-1.e:trer. The groom %vas supported by Mr. chirence Robertson. The britt' s presents were many and is.tnthttii• the .gift of the gram being a chest of soler. Atter the (creamily the guests repaired to the dlningrioilit where a delicious Inneh wits served. Mrr, and Mrs. John- ston then left for London and Detroit. the bride wearing a suit of nary Irl- cvtine. On their return they will re- side on South street. G.wlerteh. Sudden Death of William Morrish. A much loved and respected citizen of G. -Aerie!) diel stttldeltly on RANI, any, Nov.:, in the person of Mr. Wm. Morrish. 31r. Morrish had a /serious illness in ale spring and 'never fully Everybody knows tt'.•st in Canada there ars mora Templeton'S Rheumatic Capsules Sold than all other Rheumatic Remedies combined for Rheas. matiem, Neuritis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, etc. Maay doctors prescribe them, most drwggifts sell them. Writs for free tnsl to Templeton, Toronto. $sod by H. C. Dunlop. 9th. at high noon, at the home of Mrs. 1 Hamilton. c:ueers tow out of gown E..3. McNally. Bruce street, wbei,ler who were present at the welding (laughter, Vernil Mildred. was united were: Mr. anti Mrs. T. G. Paley, of In marriage to Mr. Thomas G. Coley, \Valterfonl: Mr. Scott McNgily, of of liarutituu, son of Mr. It. P. Paley. of Waterford. OM. 11,'.' R. 4', Me - Healing Cream Stops Catarrh Clogged Air Passages Open at Once --Nose and Throat Clear. If your nostrils are clogged and your head stuffed because of catarrh or a told, get Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this pure, anti- septic, germ destroying cream Into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head and membranes. Instant relief. How good it feels. Your head is clear. Your nostrils are open. You breathe freely. No more hawking or snuffling Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed up, choked up and miserable, Relief is sora Flint, Mit h.; Mrs. it. A. Irwin. of ltipley: Mr. and Mrs-,Jtobt. Akntt, of Auburn: .bliss Aleta long. of iwondon. and -Nils. Stadia" McBride, of Owt'tt Sound.. You will be well adsisd to cheek that first colt) weather twinge of rhenitiatiam iwfure it develops. raw the standard n•mtdy, T. R. C. s. Raz -Mali, the iposi- tive asthma nriidy, also, stud by 11. C. Dunlop. Upset Stomach, Gas, Indigestion "Pape's Diapepsin" gives Relief in Five Minutes "Pape's i iapepsin" is the quickest, surest relief for Indigestion, Gases, Fla- tulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fermenta- tion or Stomach Distress coupe.' by acid- ity. A few tablets give almost imme- diate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected Ino you can eat fa- vorite fonds without fear. large ease meta only few rent• at drug store. 3i11 - lions helped annually. - Depressing. "I hear yon had a puncture this morn ing ?" "Yee, 1 ran over a hooch bottle." "Didn't you pee it in time ?" "No, the guy had it in hie hip pocket.' -Toronto Sunday World. THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT "Danderine" Costa only a5 cents a bottle. (Inv application ends all dandndf, stops itching and falling lair, and, in a few moment., you have doubled the lean .y of your hair. It will appear a masa, en soft, lustrous, and easy tO do up. Rut whet will please you moat will be after a few weeks one, when you see new hair - Ane and downy at first - yes --but really new hair growing all over the" scalp. 'Danderine" is to the hair what fresh showers of rale and sunshine are to vegetation. it goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Tide delightful, stimulating tonie helps thin, Melissa, faded hair to grow long, thick, heavy Aad hutusiaat 1 ebration of the ST ANNIVERSARY of PRESBYTERIANISM in GOUERICH Soak the clothes -the dirt rinses away Rit$O is not a cake soap, not a chip soap, not a wsis ing powder, but fine granules of wonderful cl using power that soak the dirt out of your clothes. Dir is so thoroughly dissolved that it floats away in does away water. This either warm orcold rinsipgat with the boiler and. wash board -it makes wash -day work truly easy \ani simple. If You Have a • Washing Machine Soak the clothe. overnight in the usual Hisao. way. The cleansing suds loosen every hit of dirt. 1n the morning operate the 'chine for a few minutes d the clothes arc perfect- cksn - even the most Spots. r grocer's /TRU. TORO/4TO 14 Cold .a. -. -. • 1' 4'. Weather Wearable is gone, autumn is here with its fancier dyes, now it is time to pr are for the advant of King Winter.\ WEAR CORNp1H . 'S \VRAR AND SAVE NMONEV comfort is the big thing to consider when you buy winter cloth- ing you will find it here in the\Iines which we carry. Your attention is called this wok to the following : Summer's verdant beaut Since • LADIES' WINTER COATS A new' shipment arrive.) this week. Trimmed with fur collars and etas, some with fur collars- rutty, ethers plain tailored. You will find them'a-very ehoiee line front which to make your seleetion. Prices lire low, quality considered. LADIES' SHIRTS Ladies' 14kirta, pleated and' plain, all wool, in lengths • that suggest the newest styles. None priced higher than $9.00. LADIES' DRESSES All wad serge, trieotine and silks, priced for very low margin of profit. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS A few select styles in Misses and ('hild- ren'a Coats. To appreeiatc these values you shhilttl ser them. UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN • Penman's, Zinimerkitit and Moodie's Ilygeian 1'nderwear, all wood, union and fleece -lined garments at prices 'which you will find satisfactory. LADI*S' GLOVER • Ladies' Kid Gloves, in tan anti gray allele, lined with wool, also Ladies' ('hnm- oisette (ll8ver in all shades. and •sizes. Prices are very reasonable. Ladies' Itlaek Wool Glove.. all size.. i.adies' and Children's `t'oml (ittlitltt Mitts, in red, white, grey and black. TEDDY BEAR SUiTS ('hi Urea's Knitted 'Pedal‘ (tear all wool, Rotor pieces, selling :It $3.75 and $3,95. HOSIERY A full range o Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, all wool, atiftnashmere, ialso. Ladies' Heather Hosiery and Plain Black llama Hosiery, ranging in price from 49c to $1.59. MILLINERY`• Ladits' and Children's Seleet Ready- to-w,t'ar Millinery at prices which should induce yon to hits note. MEN'S OVERCOATS Tn gray 'Melftnt, black Meltons, all - w.tol blanket cicoth, half -lined, and lineal throughout. - Our (overcoats are joist the kind for the riming *inter weather. The prices are vert' treasonable too. when you eonsider the aplendi,f gnalittea. MEN'S SUIT, .Inst arrived! Men'it and Young Men's Sails. in navy blue, brown worsteds and • tweeds, at low prices, finality considered MEN'S UNDERWEAR ' 1 11 lee range of Men's i'n(lerwear, in wool, and fleeee-lined. MEN'S SHIRTS Men'R Ni'gligee and Working Shirt.! at Cornfield's prieee. 'West Side !gore A. CORNFIELD (:nderich, Ontari.,