HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-17, Page 1nal contributions by s to its personal a. Let us know names of your visit Also other new s always welcome !des* is No. 35. S 10.11at 1 b Eleanor IL Pouter Now Hauling in Are Yes Reading "SISTER SUE" S THE SIGNAL CRTH YEAR NO. 46. NAL ANIUNG SERVICE you a recent arrival In this district? Would you Nie mutation dealing with farm problems to this part of the country -or advice retarding Anandal matters? Any Sterling Dank Manage will be glad to meet you -to balk over your Meow- to assist you in every possible way. And If you desire Information of a foramina or taancial Mature which he has net on hand, Ls w0[ make over" effort to obtain It for you. ,, Tide Service is treaty time. it is simply hemi part m our policy }[ '•Dorso t Service,'' Do not hesitate to call o0 our g\ asst at any time. M RSTERLINBANK \ o. CANADA RAIGIE'S',� RANCE sail REAL ESTATE FOR SALL Two-story white brisk. fully eight -reposed bon[ e, bot ter -beating. Situated on the loath aide of Lighthouse street. Price83,IN. Two-story rel brick, folly modern, eight -roomed house. full lot, double garage. Situated on corner of Elgin avenue and aiey street Pelee $3,5N. o -story frame, seven -roomed etetric light and bath, 1u BM class condition, side of Wkiorla street.. Bought and Sold J. W. CRAIGIE Unlimited Quantity of GODERICH, ONTARIO, THIJASDDY, NOVEMBER 17, 1921 ' - - t s _t�-- TIM S1ONAL PRINTING CO., minim Pu111Aera CLUB HOCKEY Goderich Citizen Says That Good Report On Child Y'elfare �� IS OFF TO A GOOD START Britain Is Protectionist Country County Secretary Elliott Presents GODERICH GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE et 83 per single cord. delivered, THE GODERiCH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITSD. Moot of Mertes 9t.) iPboos 61. AND BAGGAGE SERVICE inerts all trains. Calls made for rs and baggage to any part of Prompt service guaranteed. elephant 51 Day or Night -0- . R. STOWE e, Cambria Road, opposite the Organ Factory Office PUBLIC IIOTiCE. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. v. n not M reeponethle for any goods par - In my gn\aw unser, iteromptialed by a n order fslgned) DAVIDePROI•L. R. R. 1(o. 5, Auburn. leas Waw.nosb, °rioter la• ern. 41 :nn OIISI I-HOUSF.'t. 11 kinds for sale at very reasrrnahle Totes.. a RrsT-The upat.ir fiat 01 Judge B. 14 vle's hawse. on at. Vincent street rosaaadoa 'ember 1st. Apoly tier. J. RYAN. Real Instals and fesu,ince• Those 50, Fra_ Agency offers for sale a farm of forty-five acres, Heil tlitnsted on the Sth con- cession, Colborne township. 4 1-2 miles from Goderich. Good frame barn and brick house, two acres of orchard, well wstereitt fenced, and in good state of cultivation; one mile to school, two miles to church, store on corner of crossroads. This is a chance to get a good.\ farm on the main road and close to town. Full particulars of *his and off 'stings to be had frOtli C. C. Mc representative, who would be pleased to show buyers any time, - C- C. McNEIL --- Bruce Street .. Goderich, Oat Tenth Annual Report of Huron County Childreirs Aid and Humane Society Shows That 182 Children f-#ove Been C�gred For in Past Year. i One midsummer day able eleven years' aro Goderkh was favored with a visit from a Toronto gentlemku repeaenting an organization luter•ested In a type of welfare work which nos comparatively unknown In Goderich at that time. The business of cariug for neglected and destitute children as a Provlucial undertaking with an caner giving his full time to the work was e line with which Goderich citizens' •with a few exceptions wore not et all familiar, but after lkrtening to an it minting aekhress by the, viattor, Mr. J. J. Kel.o, Provincial Supertntenle of the l'hildren'e Add t4ueiety, a dozen Or more public spiritetl (citizens Idea that Goderich should be more actively engaged in this laudable work.'\ Inter, at an organization meeting in the omre of Crown Attorney Seeger the question of appointing a t'ounty agent waw discussed. The qual- ifications of different men were ernsldered but the meeting finally was unani- mous In agreeing that the man for the position was 31r. George M. F.Illutt. In the years which have elapsed since )4r. Elliott aeeetmned charge of this praiseworthy work In Huron county, the sound judg>nent of the men who chose him have been upheld time and in. Indeed, no one could doubt the wisdom of his appointment after attend a meeting In which he discuss his problems with hie asegi'ittes, or a scanning a report, of which the following Is a sample : 1 Ctesptalnts reeeived, 84. that may be brought to our no(k . Investigation. 71. *mous chtldresu anywhere in t Children involved, 182. county. Eighty-four eomplalnts have Children made wards, 26. (vane to tie during the year, involving Sent to Industrial School, 1. let_ children. These cases lave been carefully investigated and such action taken in emote aw w we combined beat under the rim] Dees, Twenty- six of tlwse (children were flintily given over as wards of the ('lilitlreu's Aid Society by the Judgts ',order. (If these 'seventeen are girds and nine are boys. They dame from differeirt parts of the county ted were deseltte4. or orphans or in some way \sadly negke.tel. Wards visited, 196. Two were takeu because their fa her Warnings given, 22. was went to prison fork term of ye These figures were part of the n'- and their mother was; 'Heade, to pr, port Tad by Mr. Elliott at the annual ride for and care for them. One lin meeting hell at the l'blldreu's Shelter.. little boy was taken from a mother Goderk•h, on Tuesday of last week. w1141 was unable to maintain hind alai They are a summary of the work ee- the warn' days was placed in a pied vomplished by Huron county society furter lime. The next case was a Miss- the last annual meeting. Below faintly of five, because a uw•less father f.. given al r. h:lllott'" report.lad deserted them anl.tlw mother was Mr. Eliott's Report. quite incapable of caking for them. i am now presenting the tenth Gomel foster limes were secured for annual report of Huron County ('hill- this family right away. ► brother retie Aid ami Humane Society. It Applications for children, 6L. !411 received, 567. Nall sent out, ars. - Wards visited, 196. Miles covered, approximately, 3456. Meetings aldrresed, 11. Odic? irttervkws, 394. ('curt attendance. 34. Wards in foster homer heard from, 12L Wards placed out, 38. Want returned. 17. Well Attended Organisation Meeting Held In Council Chambers Last Night MAY BE TWO LEAGUE TEAMS Mr. Henry P. Lashbrook Paints Dismal Picture of Conditions in Canada Under Free Trade, But Nobody Proposes Free Trade For Canada. To the Editor of The Signal. DEAR Sia, -During the present election campaign Graft Britain is frequently being held up as a great example of Intermediate 0. H. A. and Senior trey trade' and we only get the brighter side of it, not the darker. Twenty years in N. W. League and Prospects ago that great British statesman Joseph Claunberlain told the nation that they For Good Town League, Too I could no longer continue as a fur trade Country, and from tlat time down to dee beginning of the war, trade went fronn At an entJ.0 tastic nte•tiit; n the bad to worse, chiefly ou account of cheap council chamber last evening 1 ,,.1.•rich foreign competition in all British mar- kets. Fartones were clotted in every town, firms were in liquidation and those industries that were running continued with reduced staffs. hi the cities great gatherings of unem- Hockey 'Club wan re -organized And the following officer elected for tl. editing ewMon: Hon. president. M.},.r 1tlglr: president, Mr. W. Bisset; viee•pn•sak'nt, Mr. John Wiggins; secretary, 'Ir L Young; treasurer, \(r. J. 1 r. is encs; pployed mist daily, kept tn. order by large executive -Mesar. G. L. I':.r_ .h 11. t ). i bodies of police and troope with fixed Sturdy and T. Thomson.barmen.with whom conflicts were cont - It was decide) to enter al te.t., ii, the I mon, whilst at all the great ports the intermediate series of the 11 I I .1., and docks wen• crowded with foreign ship - if • proper grouping could 1e arranged,' ping unloading fomign manufactured to consider the entering of a t, Am in the' goods amounting to everything a utas senior eeriest of the Northern League. It ; needed from the (cradle to the grave alao was decided to form a town kagu.', (funeral caaketa were shipped from and say oma desirous of Metering are Sweden packed full of matches which re - requested to get in touch with the were- tailed at two rents per down small bola.), tary of the O. 1i. A. team, Mr. L. Young, and about the only chance of employ. at once. The suggestion wan considered ! anent fur the British worker was to help to have all tic 0. 11. A. players ts.,le1 I indeed thew shi' , whilst the leafiness to I d tenaively manufactured in the States. Theysere buying largely in South Wald because they got it cheap, he was told. !ie put a prohibitive tariff on it, and the population of Llanelly, S. Healer, the hub of the tin plate industry, dropped from 1'20,000 to 12,100. Possibly the majority of them emigrated to the Status, there to take up their fanner line of employment. The U. S. has hind her tanfl in fear ul (:ernany and otter European nations, more a, than in fear of Canada. Gernany, defeated on the battlefield, will win in the commercial field, if natlbns are fools enough to; let her good"; in free or at a km tariff. Her great manufacturing organization,. noW permit her to undersell her rivals, end with the rebuilding of her mercantile fleet her advantages will ever be in- creased. I have wen e,nditiunr in a free trade country, 1 have wen them in a pn,tec- tionist country (Canada), and here the worker is infinitely better off. Fres trade give' a cheaper article without the mon4y to buy. Protection may be slightlydear- er, but always the money to purchataf, My Mole object in writing this letter is te put before the worker the true facia,- . rty enters it not, for the last thing I. would do would be W vote for any party and to not allow t. s, many to line rep on thea used to emp y him were en. candidate who ativeratarl fns' trade or any one team in the league. ( wipe thele was no tariff barrier against, reduction of tariff. On D ec emlter etb It was suggested that any players a ho' ub.•s' imports. These were the conditions next every worker who votte fur free wished W try out for the (s. H. A. team ' of free' trade as 1 saw them in England' trade colds against himself and against should attend at the rink each evening at , before the war. 7 o'clock W do r,me running so as to get I The question Inlay be asked, Why did into condition for rets{ practice when the : Britain so long renaiu a free track• court - published awx.m begins. It war reported that' try ' The answer i., l'as't quantities of mblishevl in Canadian but if you same of the players already had had rev- 1 cowl and iron right at hand, ..uI ('riority I p mere., seal "workoutte." of her manufacturers, near shipping facil- I could publish it !thin It myths be of The appointment of a manager and idea, and a great mercantile flet. With i Millie rest' to that Who are in doubt at 1 liner was left for a meeting of the play- all that atm bar had to haul down her I this critical moment in Canada's history and exeutive of the club next Wed -1 fret trade 'toilers, never again, 1 hope, to and help the great canoe which Mr. lay evening, giving the executive of be rehoieted, and prosperity svill again be aleighelN and our local candidate, Mr. lob the power to make the final hers.BI,otWJt, are advocating. eco n. Now would any worker like to see the Yours( truly . Preston Strang was apppointer! same cindition as I haveelrerrilarl above IIKsttY 1'. 1.A.Ilaaer,K. 2,'e repnra•ntative at Elie meet- enacted here' Joust picture our court (u. 'rich, Nov, 8, 1121. ,' • 0. 11..1. in Te,ronto, house square din awed with hungry un- EnrmK's Kure. -lies d�rliuP to accept rown nos appointed room emnployedsorkerr, being addresed by one \Ir. I.swhbronk's dismal pietnre of h:ng- anl a slater were placed together In a steward at 1te skating rink, his duties of their fellows, militia guarding the land t e(ore the war. Chamberlain, who very fine home. Two mothetitt girls 1 heists bo lent anye'tie from entering, store our tones c or just w few was a tical adM+nturer rather than n k I theirLith except these w no have business them men war hila •m at the dock 1 lite fence-werktre Mr. Miter, this letter will encroach tot, much on your space, I am afraid, but the facts 1 have stated I have not Men 0 the ped Mr. a.. the e logs of t Mr. C. appssrs but a veru short time since .51r let wmlua1 nle•thtg held in Clio - to I reviewing the work of the year Just Pt, we tind 1t to n repetttlou of former ears. only a little more of It. First. th% Society has life work of in- vestigatin� mess of neglect or abuse, CAR OF THANKS ...- CAR OF R. FORSTER. MR.. W'M. MOR ISH AND FAMILY g! ♦ desire to thank their manyfriends and EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT. - neighbor. for the khrluere sbowu them during Late Hoare Surgeon New York Ophthalmic their recent bereavement. It and Aural Hoopoe' assistant at Mooretkld's ear' °'pet assn S" 1ARD OF THANKS. -41R. JAMES [7e Hospital and Golden Square Tfiroat Hoe- ettaal . Stratford. Telephone M. London, En` trawl., St.5- At Hotel Bedford. Goderich, from Wrdne.dar. November IM h, at s p. o. to Thursday Nov- ember 17th, al 1 p. m. AUCTIONEER1110. - - STALKER, AUCTIONEER Ue for household elxt., darn, stock. n'.,. for aha County of Huron. Address all communications to J.M. BTALKI auburn P. O. (IIFtt -COMING SOON - "A ROUGH NIGHT" and it will play for weeks to a cold, drafty house unless you order your Storm Sash and Doors Now Save money, fuel and be coml3rtable. They are.tbe only genuine fuel saver and what you save in one sea- son will pay for them. SPECIAL PRICES on all orders received until Oc- tober 31st. ▪ ORDER NOW It means dollars and comfort to you. Phone 47 and leave the rest to us. • Goderich Planing Mills Phew 47 LiMITED P. 0. Box 18 aving $1,000 Through trilling economies, you can accumulate one thousand dollars in a few years. By tly and regularly deputing $2.00 a we* with us -with interest at 3%, compounded aIF-you will have $1,211.43 to your in ten y..a.. C(I�„el V yho Result of Mak- ing w Deposita free tie request M ION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F.Woolooenbe, Manager McQLt'NKEY and son u' Ills desire to thank the ,many friends and no were taken ,w•au.e er was ' and at the ra final furrigls gu Hite .tatustluau, failed miserably in his "tariff 1)01 considered a Mtn to Imve, of every description wer.hei g unloaded. reform" YOUR NAME ON THE LISTY agitation, arai in every elector' charge of tlem. are Piave('IS IB �goodssortie efwhich were formerly made with their aunt Who 1. guying them the In lrodtnkh, and this sort f thing hest of care. A baby girl, whose l Sittings Now Bei mother had no home. and who was 11 tMaintainI r el 111 WM.. Dickson At unable o hap- pening contest in which it was an. Jame the "tar- i Held BI .lodge' all over the Dominion. iff reformer" (they were afraid to dei C6aatbers 1 Every vote for free trod /swill help bring themselves preitectiornistal were defeated. these conditions. Tariff builds up Indus-' If the workingut n of the 011 Countrf P 0 Ie • 1 1, placed in the care of faster parents. Itesidents of town are again renlink+l tries, free trade pulls them down. W twit • A family of five orphan children whose that the laid op{ortunit to have dam., the late Prtesident Mt•Kink•y woe in office were in "Itch dire straits from the policy both parents had die! within a few, names placed on the vote 'list forts.' Imasked why tin Platt -exam not more ex-) (Continued on page 2.)whosemotdha o OBITUARY children destitute were taken and im- tinge ng heki by .His nor Judge• mediately placed In foster homes with. Die sin, at his chamber in the court Wm. G. Palmer out expense. A 11tt1e girl a year oil house, the remaining days of his Werk ' p' At an early hour on Wednesday Nu - was made a ward and with the mother and on Monday next. t,•mlx•r 9, one of titnt(nnl's old pioneers, In the .1%11014 s a toter, if hi name is not on the list may tender a hal ton in Ow pennon 01 Win• 41. Palmer, passel f tech other ant et the cumin election is l'°" k by the sit- --- was kept in the Shelter for a few hex rs and the days. We stilted her father'. home members of Huron Lay('. 1, u. 2t 1' . for the andgot his consent to bring the many klnd,wsses shown them Aurinsh,, the illness a1N1 euh s•qu'ut death of son and broth*,. Warren and her hate home. And saw she A. McCluskey. (Continued on page 4.) TENDERS WANTED, TENDERS WiI.L BE RECEIVE' up to THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15th.. 1921. for building schoolhouse at Benm,lkr. Ten- der to be in +en utilizing the old building: signior new construction tin owghout. Tenders to be for complete concrete foundation. building (plumb- ing. closet system), heating Mater system). also separately. ,f desired. School Board to supply cement, gravel, brick on grounds. A marked cheque for 10 per cent. of amount of tender will be required to accompany same The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Plans for new budding on be seen at Benmiller, at J• W. Gled- hill's, or at Woollen Mill. Building to be fully completed by September 1st, 1922. J. W. GLEDHILL, Secretary. BenebTier Coneokdated School Board. 57.11 Is', There Hope for the Non -Christian Dead? For a logical, Scriptural pres- entation of the above intense- ly interesting subject hear J. B. WILLIAMS, of Edmonton Travelling Representative of the International Bible Students' Association, et the Temperance Hall, Gedorich (North Street) Thursday, November 24, 1921 at 7.90 p. ni. Seats Free No Collection All Welcome TllE FARM LAND AGENCY. 1100 acres e:cetleut clay idoat son. la Ice con Anion, large portion seeded down, sir arts. wheat -growing. All fall plowing dote: well fenced.rinclpall new woven wire; artesian wall and windmill. Oond fruit orchard. all nerraesr bubIAinga, water and phone la hollow AItoatel on ?nod gravel road. emollient neighborhood. 71i miles from Ihmpnnon, near echoed Price, 9100, 91000 will be accepted down balsa's on may terms to tuft purchaser. "o acres. said to be sterol productive Boll. large Portion clay loam Pall plowing dome. No fowl weed.. farm well leered: artesian well and wlnd- mlll. RzeelMnt hones. gond .w,tb. tMtnas, weds located fn good nelghbnrholnd near Mlle village - Phone In house. mall hos pear boor, Price. Sian Reasonable psy meat down balance. May term.. Inotee,' of 'soh payment. a (orad haw and lot In cialerbrh .111 be ai'opted 50 part pay anent. Alsos nnmh'r of other farms for sale at attests - if prlr.. .I W ARP/OTROS,. Above Parson's Palr. Ret es. (iofeeleh. AUCTION SALE REGISTER . T1 RhAY, Noy. Ie. -Auction s.N of r04dsnee property sal household furniture. ate.. property of Mr. fillip Aortic Ang.Iesm atreet,(ioderlrh. Male at 1.10 o'clock sharp, T. Grammy, Auc- tioneer. FOR SALE OR RENT. iiIVE-ROOMED FURNISHED FLAT C tor rent. with use c f piano and phone ae Poadon December 1st. Apply at THE SIGNAL OFFICE. It U'OR SALE. -MODERN SEVEN- ROOM. pre•as d brick hawse for sale. Ireted this season: lust ready to be oc'u$sl Two minutes walk from Moore- Apply (1. r GOVLD. Market street. U141 L"ARM FOR RAi.E.-IN COLBORNE township. lot •.'bed eon.•.salon. eastern dl- vision; two miles from ilenmllier. Contain. 100 acme; s', aeres is now under eulnvauos. Good story -.net -a -hall white brick boon: food bank barn. 70 feet M OA feet; driving shed. !! east bye0 fenced feet. Well feed and wend well wM.r. PAUL MAEDIL, R. R. No. t, ((ode tch. T5Mpl a. r.... PUILDING LOT FOR SALE. -ON Brock street. Must be odd within the nest weeks. Make oder to MRS. THOMAS Ma KENZIE. Victoria Street. GoOaedi, or toe,,W. A. W HITELEY. 01U Oak Street. New Or ins, La. ARM FOR SALE. -LOT 28, CON- CESSION 3, Goderich township. mttslRfy O 42 acres o1 choice clay loam, with string re e nd spring well. Barn 4140, with cement stables; hay horn, Wx27; drive -hewn, 162.27; small Ma. Amuse: comfortable concrete roofs. and tea acres of orchard- It is s)1Mted one atilt Proal designated Provincial county rood. seven mikes from Goderich, and i2 ro•,vtnitilt to school and church. Apply to B.H LINDSAY. R. R. No, 2, Goderich, Phone/102 r I tl NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. is res errant Or AtaxAabaa McGaaooa, LAT" or Tea Towrtwtr nr Aelanaln. tM rn! COVNTT or Honor& varmint. .SC$A110. polling day' but there in no such pr vie- away at lila residence, 3*) Charles street. n n tl a• list wheit wave, the Jlt Mind. 'sHuron, and at an early age came to i -Canada, Fettling ret Stratford, where le The pittings before Judge Dickson are continues as an esteemed resident until from 2 to 5 o'clock each day, with an hirldeath. Born in April, 1848, after Im- evening sitting on Monday nextfrnm 7.30 migrating to Canada, 'le bona• of his to 9 o'clock. I choice, he was joined in fly wedlock in A personal appearance before the Judge : I1182 to Rosie Yeandle, whom he leaves to i.. ta•cessmetro for the placing or i nsliiY on etre the last of s kind and faitlttnl the list. i husband. Betides •his sorrowing help - A copy est the voters list as prepared by mate he leaves W mourn the lois of a registrars gistrars may tx• seen in the clerk's' kiting father, three tent and four daugh- office at the town kali. I tent: Sidney (I., of Kitchener; Clarence, of ail Wellingtlnt street. Stratford, and Clifford, also of Stratton'. The daughters LIBERALS AT WORK are: 11 r. }knlerl,n Evans (Edith), ret Goderich; Mrs. L R. Smallwood toile/. of Toronto; Mr. Albert Moore (Effie), Organization Meeting lipid in Cons- and Ethel. both of Stratford. One mitts* Rooms on Tuesday Evening i daughter, Mrs. W. I'. Sutton, and one ism, Gordon, prdeceasrd him. He is Committee rooms have been opened also survived by two sisters, Mr. Wm. by the. Liberal tarty on Hamilton Shingle,and Mr. J. J. Rae. of Battle street. In a portion of the standform-' Creek, Mich. The funeral took place on Friday, November 11. to Avondale ceme- tery, and was in charge of Rev. ('anon Cluff, of whore runggrrgation Mr. Feltner was a lifelong member. The pallbearer were: Thnitlae Hinkley, GeorgGeorgeLitt Harry Strawbridge, John Gibb, Fret ta Hardy a' Robert Plaskett. )1r. and Mn. Emerwm Evan., ret Goderich, at- tended the funeral. ton for towniropie-the name nntstSt The deeartd was born in North fort n 4gt: Nortca M hereby elven. purwsnt to RS. O., cep. 111, sec. 00, that all guano. having claims wheel the estate of the said Alexander Mc- Gregor. Meesaaad, who died on the 11th day M August. 11121, are required to send or deliver to the undermined. Solicitor ler IM Executors M the said estate. 00 or before the 2045 day of November. 1921, full particular, d their dale.' that after such three the k.ad esecetors will datriliate the warts of the dammed amines the parties entitled. harts` regard only to aims 04 which they shalt then have received notice, and that they roil net be liable to soy person of whom claim motips Omit mat have hews teeMved at the time of earl.% edi rsted Meath My of NoremMr, AD Rte. CHARLES GA1iR 'ht SSMwet, Mk _ erly occupied by George Rlchan1son, implement agent. ani will lie open every afternoon and evening. The ('onvrrvative committee rooms ■re on North street, over the anion Rank. A rally was held In the Liberal rooms on Tuexlay night. There was a splel.Ild a(tendaDee. almost over- taxing the capacity of the rooms. and f d th the ,prlrit o earne..tnetltl an en u- Death of W. F. Hott'rll. 'Mom exhibited moved the (internam The death occurred at Weeetnn,ROut.. on Wwln•M1ny. November 2. of *Ti- the b tANairn, to the kind it hadwas fad Franklin }lowell, beloved hits. seenhest meeting of the yea Ile had bend of Mrs. Wiunifred Helen ilow•ell. teen In raier,ch . many yearn. Mr. In his thirty-sixth year. Thee funeral W. If. Fra,PT, the Liberal ctlndMnte, siert-lee was held on Satunlay. Novem- ber 5, at A. W. Mlles funeral chapel. Tmmoto, Rev. ('aitern !tartlets officiat- ing, a..st"tel fly officers of (hhlfellnw•s' irxfge. The remains Were internd in l'na.pe. t cemetery. The deceased had bRen sick for twelve year". He tan,1 born in ()notelets. latter going to Brantford. where he started htlsln e. Its a plumber and gni fitter. He leaves to mourn has loss a loving wife. Mother. Sirs. M. A. Nowell. of Gode- rich. And two brothers. Melvin W., tloxlertvh, and Harold it. Howell, of Onondaga. The de•en.0(1 wa. a falth- ful member ,of Colborne street Metho- dist church, Brentfenl n member of W. J. Verrty's mho.' sits... laid of Gore },edge. i O (► F . in the same city. I5Path of Warren Me('luakey. Three tinir. within a- many years has the Grin Reaper inea11e1 the home of Mr. .inane•, . McClierkey, St. Atxlrew's street The last .umttMns came '00 Saturday evening when Warren A., 'the esco x1 Min, sucenmlied m an a.11te attack of Bright's (Itemise. Three y,wra ago an eider brother. Harvey, frit la the .irive et um allied forcer at Amiens. T10s -Ase year was present and adelreseed the gMher- Ing and was cordially received. Brief addressee were given also by Memos. .1. 1,. Killoran, Chas. ()arrow, K.('., W. H. Roberb.on, R. H. t'trtt and A. 11'awden. A mwstage was received from the Women's !Ahern' Association of the town. and In response a resolution was pained thanking the lents for the ex- ee{lent work they are doing for the Literal cantle. Arrangements are being made for a public meeting to be held at an early date In the Internet, of the Iiberal candidate. WANTED. BRiNG VS Y0I'R GEESE AND DUCK r1athen for deal prbre$. DAVID BROWN. Mono 276. AGEIOT WANTED Full time or spare time agent wanted. Commission haow. ('an he worked in connection with peal (mate or inmratice bputsin.em. Apply to BOX No. 17R, TiIF. SIGNAL., Mr. 519' .hiskey palmed away during the nu epblendc and thus W'arren's (death 1011 Saturday tmake•+ the third denth in the family. Warren ind only reached III. twenty-first birthday and his loath 1. de"pty regretted by a large dole of friends. For some time he 111111 10C1.11 engaged in the automobile repairing hnsira•ss in (loxiertch hut he was compelled to relingnkth work on September 1st after which itis strength gnd.ally failed in spite of all that. the feet of medical ..kill could do. RPtllde, bis father. Ile is survived b of i� bOrville.nll rother rville, at home.. Tuesday took place on TueMy after- noon to Maitland cemetery. The 0M - elating clergymen were Itev. R. f'. Me - Derma({ and Rev. Jas. Hamilton. The members of Huron I.adge, No. 62, I. 0. 0. F , attended an a body and awtl.eted se In the serrice.at the horand grave- aitic. The pallbearers were : Ernie Prldham, Frank McArthur, Clarence, Robert,tn'i, and Harold Warrener. Mr. Me('Inskey and son have the heartfelt sympathy of (he commuulty In their bereavement. CHURCH NOTES At Knox church next Sunday pnblie worship will be conducted by Itev. J. A. Ferguson, B. A., of Caren church, Win- throp. Rev. Mr. SIrDernaid will cnn- dnct annivcrary services in Caven church. in the Sabbath nohow, ant 3 o'clock Missionary Sunday will be ub. e-r',d, and a very tine program has been prepares by the boys and girls. Iter. J. E. Fond will preach at loth ,envies is' the Baptlst chttreh next 8nnllly. Itible wcltnrl will meet at 3 o'clock. ' The young people's meeting will be hell on Monday evening at R o'clock sal prayer service on Welnew- day night at the Mme hour. Spxslei services In Salvation Army ball will be eondu('tel by Adjutant )Wright. of Stratford, on Sunday. November 21)th. at 11 a:nt. ami 7 p.m. On Monday, Novemlwr 21st, at K p.m., lantern services will be given by Ad- jutant Wright. Gntxi singing and music no Sunday. You are invites to attend these seri Zees. The annual the nk-off.•ring nleetiapt of the Arthur Circle will be held to the lecture room of Knox choreh on Motalay evening. November 21st. at R p.ln. Mrs. Iltev.1 J. Hamilton will give an address. The topics will he taken by Misr M. Gibbet and Miss (1. Clark. Members are.• esp.rlaiy asked to attend and hrtng their mite boxes. A envied half hour will follow the meeting. whelt retree.hment.. W111 he screed by members of grope four. The Ahmeek Chapter, 1. 0. D. R., will hell a meetit*a in the Award of Trade n.,me next Mrnxtey afternoon at 4 o'clock. ••sis - - - •+.+