HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-10, Page 9tart
• 'fiifilg t
THE SIOItAL " — OODER1CH, 011'1'.
Thursday, November 10, 1021.-- 11
sit ***v*vQQvQc**441 ` '**( '.itciicis 'i641,;Yiiiv':rioiviciota WILL GIVE SCHOLARSHIPS ANDREW HICKS M.P.!'
County News Summary
"FIWI-a-thea" Prevents
Auto -Intoxication
Ante -Intoxication meausself-poison-
Many people suffer from partial
(,sattipation or insufficient action of tau
♦owls Waste matter which should
ipais out of the body every day,
(amain and poisons the blood.
Las result, there is _Headaches,
Indigestion, disturbed Stomach, fain
la the Back, Rheumatism and Eczema
and other akin diseases.
`Fruisa-tires" evil$ alaoys relieve
/eWiabaicatioa as these tablets, made.
*em fruit juices, act -gently on the
bowsls, kidney's and akin and keep
the blood pure and rich.
IOC a box, 6 for 12.50, trial size 25e.
At dealers or sent postpaid by
hnit•a-fives Limited. Ottawa.
Inertias your earning power by
attending the
Tanis 4n,1 rheas'4 sN
twAst. ben -cow • all D,p„nrnn Tt.. o. d.
Now I.ra.r miens. now at Women las. W,.N
tar wales..., En.r.h any )..r
11%.1 ELLIOTT. Principal.
The leadif commercial school
of Western ttario, a school
get thorough S
where you g
under competent instructors in Com-
mercial, Shorthand aind Telegraphy
Departments. Students et tndtvidual
instruction and stay reg ter at ally
time. Graduates are assist d to pos.
itiooa. Get our free catalogue:
D. A. SfcLACHLAN, principal
Lest AaltAtgaaiataace M Forgot
Say Mere' Christmas this year
with your portrait. Make the ap-
Prompt Attention to all
Repairs and Alteration,
All Gamest' Chased Guaranteed
South Side of Square •
Next to British Exchange
Mrs. Alex. Mu+tau•d. of liruretldd,l s•tenty-six yeurtl Mrs. Drew' was
prtrlesa,l•.1 by her Methanol eight
tweaks on the wane day of the mouth
and ut the sawn hour. The diseased
with her husband were former resi-
dents Exeter atm' Mrs. Drewre
w was a
sister of Mrs. L. Hardy of town.
Clarence Wilson has returned trout
Thomas, the yuwlgeet spa of Reeve the. west.
McQuaid or McKiIlop, was the victim The Chinese restaurant las changed
of au n11tortuuatr aacidrut. He was hands. They former proprietor 1e re -
111 has Way t0 school and juuhINrl alt t uvhng to China to laud a wife.
the bark 44 u 'buggy'. ills fist went, Mr'. Claire A1111 111K MINI babe have
through the slake- of the wheel anti renur11t•11 to Ilawiliai t- utter speudfiug
la•f,r• the buggy elandles1111111141 the a monthw•1t' relatives hu \Whigiaw.
%heel had broke.
t his Leg alive the Mrs. Robert McGee awl am Jack.
had Iwr collar lame broken In an auto
What might hate lawn a serious
a'iIdent 11a1gN•nw1 hast week when Mr.
• / e la
D. 1:bogey, rt of lutea r
Mrs. J. 1 . }.1 1
and , ,
whit were 11 1'1 11 hors• and buggy
collided with Alex. 1\•elli. tar, throw-
ing thein out, Mrs. Elsel•y getting lath
arms broken and her fats• badly cut.
knee. t with Iter father, Mr. Mpuxaet, a ltd Miss
Etta Currie have returned from a very
pleasant trip through the l'atmdlau
A large crowd wittiest -el the Un-
veiling of the shield in the Methodist
Sunday shad. eommenarative of the
eight mrwlwra of the Sunday ,•ls'al
w•iW lost their lives itt the Greet War.
The tunny friends of Mrs. Mary Ault
Winnie. were shucked to hear of Iwr
death on Thursday. 4k'tober 27. lie -
masts' was the widow of the late Jolts
Winnie awl had lives ht Ltaktlow• 1111 -
til two years ago when she moved to
Wiugham. The sympathy 11f the com-
munity goes out to her daughters. Mrs.
Harvey Shane and Mrs. T. Agnew, of
J111111. Holmes, one of the pioneers
of '1'urnlw•ry towusldp. was found
tical iu bel on Monday morning ,f -text
week, w►wn his daughter-in-law. Mrs.
(ten Holmes.. with whom he mail• his
blame. went to call him for breakfast..
Tlw diseased had never been in robust
health since he broke hie leg, the
”slas ago, but was tet countted to led.
and his smelt n dearth was tannewlat of
a surpriee. Mr. Holnwo was siety-
elght year% of age awl had lived fu
Turulwrry, a short distance from las
pre:knit home. tut 24. totwe'lslot 2.
nearly all his life. He leaves one son.
Bert : 011e sister, Mrs. H. J. Iw'wis, of
Tunds'rry, and six brotlwrs, Alex.., of
Mimi] iwl: lira.. of ihuela
s • Wil-
liam. of \\'Ingham: Andrew. of Itine-
rate: Jane's. of Pn.+litttel'. and David.
of Turnberry: also a stepmother. Mrs.
Janet Holmes. of Turnberry. Hie
wife towns -eased him about two years
Mr. anti Mrs. Jetties Lawr'enee Smith,
(',llltlgwosot. Ont.. announce taw en-
gagement of their daughter, France
Swain. to Mr. George A. Elliott. 1t.
S. A., son of Mr. anti Mrs. William 11.
Elliott. Wfugliatu. Ont.. the marriage
to tulle place quietly In Novemlwr.
11'onl leas been received of the death
• if faints ('rowell, a former resident of
araferth, after an 11111es. of only two
days. Decease' had leen ,t Illut OMIT II
011 the lenniva Street Runway for
s,we t itestile" his widow he
heaves two daughters.
Miss Edith Suet t. of Toronto. has re-
turned !mute on account of 111 health.
Messrs. Scott x1111 .101111 Hawtbonw,
and Jc0' and John }:ek.trt•have left 011
a 1 pug o•Yped ltion in Nett lwrn
,Miss Maggie Govenle•k has left for
':rand Forks, N. Is.. where ,4, a will
.lwlel the whiter with her sisters.
Patrick \\'nisi Iwd IIs• mkfarttlle
n. fall tart a load of'fiax at tin• Huron
Flax Mi11'.. Ile retelv1d 14 bud shaking
up although no lar.•, were broken.
Tlw-reinshis of tier tete tlett rg••
Sparks, of tlaftorth, who diel sudden-
ly from heart failure while on a visit
to Ills stn In Saskatoon, were brought
here 4t t,dwr 31st for intender'. Mr.
Sparks was burn in Blenheim in l':,7
alai wits married in 1s79 to Miss Mar-
j11rie Itouglass. They resldel in Stan-
ley tuwvwhip for :17 years. aetirittg't,
Seaford' five years ago. 'rhe Qerawrl.
who was in his 04th year. laves u
widow and grown -lip fa tufty ..1 tau
sons and two daughters. Mrs. 1,. Mc.
of ''.creat. Alta.: Mrs. 11.
Kemp. or St. Mich.: Ford. of
Saskatoon, fuel Alexander. of Seaford'.
The .•uga:'nlput fs 1111101111•.41 of
i:111abeth Mary TI s.m, v.tnnlg'er
daught'r 11f the Late Robert Tl son
anti airs. Thomson. of He1sa11. to :tor -
11111 l I: rook. +on of Mrs (leak and
the lite 11e41ey 1'.s.k. of 111.11.111. the
umarrhlgt• 111 take Oat,. quietly in
.'ovetnlwr. Als/llt 11 uakak on Tuesday 'men -
'es Caldwell luta returnee (tome tot of ins, week Petr frame reahleuee
,rant Waw'ammh ('Donal Vtltea $25•114 GIVES THE PUBLIC
For Agricultural l'auraea
At the last meting of East Wawa -
nosh tuw'Itshll) council, en Oct11h•r 24,
at stitch all the members' were pres-
rut, it was (leaded to gat Nihau's- But His Statements Are Not En -
ship., to the young pubpk of tan moor- dorsed By Mr. Bowman, Min-
cipalfty who attttnied the shot courses later of Lands and Forests
iu \\ n4101w this whiter tinder the
alrspitsrt of the 1h•partweut of Agri-
culture. The 'natter was i,tnelue d Andrew lllrks, weaker tf tea' leg -
by Mr. it. it. Stotlters, district mere- islet tire for South Il(WOO /I 1111 t;ut-
s•utatice, 8.110 tvxtueatatl not only a remittent whip, is attain i1 the spot-
douatiot, but also the.to-operation of light. At an open-air piculc taut
the couwIin tusking tae course summer a
t le,dn e get into taw
autress. On uitiou of 4buucillors headlines wills the startling state-
(MIir'spie mud Coulter $113.00 was voted went that attempts hall Iar•u made
for this purptNtt', this amount to be to brill' members of t'' 111:,1S111 111V.
si't'u 111 s•loh►nthlpw to the yOung when pn•s.t i fur dctalls of the
'anile et the tuuuicipellty wimp attend- "s•awbtr. hoer, 11e gat the excuse
td the courtn'. I that ..t111`..t111`will tt:u bl11,ti111; nud the
Gt4o. Rtnly awl others petitioned reporter could not hut' ii.'tr1 hint
the council for a loan of money from , well. %Viler a star•ial investigation
the I:evernweat In aid of druilwge was 1' at ()me., • 1.8rk. Mr. (licks
matters. The petition was filled. l .was usable to bark
The following acv4Ints were paid : which were dropped.
lav/. Snell, Imitate* coutract, Ke•hnte Iteently in at speech
$3...0.s.1; It. \wilt, gravelling ! (smarty Mr. (lick. again sti
1111 t'ome's-k.us 4 and 5, $'9g',: J. T.• pulpit.. with a et altuwlit to the 'alert
4'onites, iu-aea,ting mine. $42.5(J; A. that lion. It'uia11 Itowusu1 111111 been
Patterson, dragging toad, contention 1 offered $1:,d1INN) 111 settlement 111 the
Irl. $2.40; };; Geddes, repairs to grater, I ('row•u's case against a certain 1 -
NW; J. E. Fe1M, drawing tile, $7 ; S. her (-empathy.. Mr. It.,tt 111.1 answer,
Ilallalan, work on grader, $1.20; J. he said. had been : -No. you owe the
E. Ellis. work on grader, 13; A. Pat-' Pruritic $3lllft,tatO"
tereitn. sharpening grader blades*. The minister of lands :unl • for itte
Pi; J. 11. Glllelepbe. use of wheel
s('r•aiwrx, $_; R. H. Deacon, gravel and
gravelling, $3S''1; Thongs 1'ougram,
work on time, $1.20; G. Johnston,
work on road, $3; A. Patterson. work
q11 ruad, $3; W. J. Dottie, umlerbnlwh•
Ing on etaste.slone 2 and 3, $121 Wil-
frid Reki, cleaning out ditch.
W11..in, in.pe•tiug Ke•hule drain. $12;
F Iteutley, cleaning out Toll drain,
p his charges.
In 'baron
•tl.d the
from the \l
bnrrd+t rico
Arthur 11111
land. who has 10
1t. It. No. 2. Is
1 how•• 11 Enghwl
11yri 1 11i'ks. of 4'entrr
l 1tR n shipment of live
wouldn't confirm tilt. Ilia,. state+
TiN• /9oau's raw.- stated Mr.
Bowman. "is $tithe hand- of counsel
1 IA is ulalrt to be atlju ti..tt,.1 open
by the ttnrts arol it wo111.1 be pre-
mature to slake tiny etateitie1,; ars TO
slat the Crown expects. l
h.•tw 111 to
1144.1 wuggewtio104 as 111 ''4114111'W.
bet nu specific a®.allIf tuts IN4vl
$21: It. Sett. underirntshing and re- lint'ntionet to mete ivy -the--.,,mes's'y
pairing culvert. $12; The Municipal Counsel fair the Crown ht this acttoi
Work'. supplies. $1.67; It. Jiihu+tun, I le determining the amount which the
gravelling on (o
etewiiowt and 3, frown may claim through tie. courts."
$177.500; tar). ("finite's, repairing cal -1 Mr. hicks refus4Fta be more spe4•ific
vert, $5:10. G. Johnston, wkiening road when a Tertlto press rtyrreseetative
anti . Rravellhtg (.M*01t4on 14. $44.111; te'lephouep haw. feat being 'Wormed
taw Reeve, Clerk and Atawssnra, select- , that Mr. i 4wman dkl not confirm hie
l:g Jurors, $11: r\j'orterfield. cont -I etatelueut', lie replies : "Well, just
mutation statute labo tax, $1.(10; 1►. let it goat that. (Mod -byes' and he
(;.' .\wtersrn. comm
tabor tax. its; /'alas. J
uultatk.n statute Labor tux. SS; H.
Purr$'' and R. R. ('urrie shovelling
gravel. $each. $3; J.' Rik'll, shovelling
gravel. $4: for gravel—e'. King. $4.50:
('. Campbell. $2.40: Mrs. McNeil. $4.60:
R. ('hatua.,out7. •.lii; Mrs. 13. Ikeaeon.
title: S. McIhIrney, *1S: R. Patterson,
a three months' cilli in the West.I Of Norman (taker. in Lower Wiugham.
maty frk'nds of . Thomis1'n f was 11114.,vrn•11 to be on tire. Being
will regret to fart of ills
tion . statute bong up tis receiver.
Mutton, (sal- .
After All, Comfort
Is The Big Idea
In Winter
And McLean's Overcoats have all the
necessary features to
make them
Our showing is sure to con-
sty tain styles and patterns to please you,
no matter what your age or build, and
the price, too,-4vilt mate you feel more
friendly. In our warm Ulster Overcoats.
Prices range from $20 to $50
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
Harold Jeffry, of t'sborne, and Janes
Warrel, of Messick, Win Suver ('ups
James McLean, of Richmond.. Hill,
who judged the plowing i• petit' put
610.20: Tin. Itradtioek, $10.9..'; it. on bra tie Junior Farern' Asaciatiow
Wight man. $1._0; J. McCallum. $(1:711; of
Letorne stud Howitmak towrlahip', re•
-W. Kerhnk. 111.45; It. Jackson, 52.411; porta as follows:
J. 11. Currie. $10.65. The l'obvrne competition called for tire
('oils i1 adjourned to meet again on acnes in stubble. The retie& was as fol-
.Monday-. November 21. A. PORTER_ Iowa: Hamid Jeffry, Al points, sinner
FI}iLD, l'lerk. , of silver cup; Elgin Rstwcliffe•, 67 imintm,
Milton Luther, 1+4 1-'2 point,; Erneet
QUARTER CENTURY Th11,it' }1t)'rwirk ompetition called for tive
acres jointer work on sod. Then. were
SEARCH REWARDED. ten contestants and the winner' acre at.
followe: Haloes 1%arrell, ort 1-2 paints,
winner of silver clip; Hartwell Strome, 97
points; Roy Strong, 91 1-2 taints; Jack
Mentes/lorry, s'7 }c'ola's.
out of the e•orporation Inuits and 1w.
mss+• yowl the reach of the Wingham fire
Jkngall returned hist eek department the only means of flghting
est where he went on the the file was ply a bucket brigade.
lou. which did noble service and sucee41e1
r, 111 rl.r 1.1111. Lag -
to Paving the lower story. Taw Heise
n a.oucb r nit il1.ttsn1l story was destroyed and much damage
was done Ivy water to taw furnityre.
The loss Is -'saki W be covered by In-
turuiug to his oil
.tht, week with
lin. who 1s mak.
Mr. and Mr. Peter 'hrtlock an.
mother the engagement of 1l'it (laugh.
ter, Verna Ina Rath, to J11 tllisnt..
of Springfield, Ont . the and Lige to
take plan' in November.
JC1ss mettlita J mCisttun }.svkitln
friends in Brantford nail nnwsto.
Mrs. A. 1i. Elites has returned home
A. LAITHWAITE (after %kitinng Iwr brother at Buffalo.
J. • 1
Electrical Contractor
Agent for Blue Bird Washing
Machines. Choice line of
Electrical Fixtures
carried in
The asinine property of till estate
of the late Frederick Dieters Itis been
sail to Wur. le. Braun.
Canna Turnbull. of the Snots'.. line,
hat returned from the Wier. Mr. and
Jars. Turnbull intend moving to Gra nal
!lend shortly.
''1: ::nod Mrs. Ray 41111.41 have left
for their iatne lit Detroit. stay le -
c acne quite famous as the pitcher of
the Zurich baseball tram.
OId Celberne Hotel Colder
Photle 251
When It's a
Question of
can on
"'fie 011 Raliarle"
A full stock of Light Fix-
tures, Electrical Housebold
Utensils, etc., always on band.
Estimates given and con-
tracts token for Electric
Wiring and Fitting.
West St. Neat PeeteN'ics
Meer Sten 82, La • 183
Miss Ida Pickett, 274 South Divieion1
street, Buffalo, N. 1'., nays:
"Twenty -the years IN a long time to
keep looking for /something without find-
ing it, and it's no wonder ,1 almeet bed
hope; But I tinnily hound khat 1 was
f tine—a medicine for relieve me of an
awful cage of itidi ton.
"Tanlac rewanled my long larch for re-
lief, anti 1 now enjoy better hearth than
I have in thirty years." of des ,air have
many people on verge deep
Tanlac and recovered.
Tattler in sok' by leading druggist
. Calvin Cutt's Grocery News
Not On The Card.
They wen' in n railway tnrin and were
discu'ss'ing Dirkeus, "Well," sstid one,
John putt. 'Bleak Honee' first and 'Martin
Chlnzzlewit' lac 1." "Excuse 114•, gen-
tlemen," said' a husky t (vice from the Met
behind, "1 don't know your pal, John,
but you'r bein' etlt•rtd. Thelh• ain't no
mch horses . rennin'."—Fort Worth
)1n. Alfred Tranchem.>ntagfl" St. "I'm discourattietl and tiredl of life; '
Michel (let. Saints, Quebec!, writes: declared the bead of the family.
"13aby'e Own Tablets are an excellent "Why , s, dsepondent?" anktd his
medlicim•. They saved my baby's life trientl.
and 1 can dig l r'commend them to e•Statiaics."
mothe,L" \(rya. rrunciwmontsgne's yeah lyhak's that got to do
perience it. that of thouoanio■ of other with it?"
m here who have bated -the worth of •'Yale: they ray that five home of work
Bab 'a Own Tablets. The Tablets ere a a day it enough to supply eactu member of
lase pd wife medicine for little olhen and the community with a living, revidef
never fail to mutilate tow bowels and the work be equally shared by al .
stomach ine relieving all the miler ills "Well, I'm the only one in five in ray
Errol wh' 11 eld"reloafer. They family that labors. So, if the atatittics
are slid by edicine dealer or b mail at are tow , to support tiw crowd, i've got
Zoo cents at x from the Dr. Williams! to work twenty -fist• hourw ■ day."—
Medicine Co., etekvilke, Ont.
Township Trustees' and Ratepayers'
EXETER - Association Organised At Carlow
The-Janithn of Postmaster here' At the call of the vice-prete ent of the
W111•41 111111 le4en vaennt sitar the loath Huron County Trustees and tlate;ayi'rs
of 11'lllkul Rn+sell. has lust tt11481 lay Aseociation, a fairly repretentati meet -
the no• those interestett in school arid eda-
the appaintnnml of Milton Pfaff, a re-'
formed soldier. Before enlistment he eationai mattere wait held in the Tow hip
Hall on the eveningg,of October 17. T!te
meeting was calto ander with 1
Gordon Yonne in the choir and Mr. A.1'..
Fhephanl acting as secretary. After a
thorough discussion •d the etfitcatiopal
ayt.tem, ite faults and good point.' se It
affects the rural schools, and after hearing
a report of the meeting of taw Townes
.Association, held in Toronto last Easter
it was decided that to be up-to.date and
an influence in bringing about advanced
legislation as it aft'een the rural schools,
it would be wine to organise a Township
Tnteteee and Ratepayers Aaaciation.
Phis being deeided uponthehollowing
officers wefe elected: Nand Gledhill_
president; Mrs. E. V. Lawson,vice-
president; C. A. Robertson,' secretary-
tneuttirer; Hugh Hill, Mrs. G. Bisset,
J. A. Elliott,. Win. Sallowa, Gordon
Voting and Mr. Freeman, executive
committee. Meetings will be arranged
for in the rear future, when all interested
in education are asked to attend. ' More
particulars will be announced tater.
mss a twined teacher.
The reenahw of time late Albert Wil-
lard, who diel at (;ravenhnr+t Saul -
torten' on Ik•tola'r M. were brought to
Exeter plat Tuesday. 1)eens4l .was
fifty -nim' years. He had been at
(;ravenhurst for alont three months.
His widow and at grown-up family sur
. The first plowing match in this com-
munity for thirty-five yease was hold
us the farm of E. Shapton, recently.
Nine teams took part in the exhibition
anti did some very' creditable plowing.
A very pretty wt-kllttg took place at
the home -cif the bride's aunt. at Plain-
field, N. J.. 1511 Saturday, October 1n,
when Johanna. danghter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. AmenllnS became the bride of
W Howard Taylor of Exeter. After
the ceremony Mr. anti Los. Taylor left
fora short trip to Atlantic City and
points west, Is'fore leaving for their
home in Exeter. at Snowflake.The death occurred
Man., of Martha Ann Bia.aset, relk•t 61
Ike late John Prew, at the age of
IIltston Poet.
sent for fleai'ma ase ns'
pens it relieve at dace
flee Yes masa, «aer
Mes'na IM''il night! 1ry
Au were nearer, I d'
aaYfiya me sea. mapletM,
n Ofbe
., fat the atart1e1 butcher 1sd hung up the
,. -. rr,9T9r '91
Stows Remarkable Restos.
atr'e Power of Lydia L
\ Pinkham'a Veglatabie
roasts Adele*.
"Sony. sir," telepphlfhed the butcher,
"Mit we are out of (sirloin. Why don't
your wife order you a round ?"
"What's that?" 6tploded Harker. at
the other end of the fine.
ml my, why don't your wife offer you a
rnund t
"achy don't my wife order Me around?
hat is el .he doe teen morning
Canadian Paet&e
"Vancouver Express"
Winnipeg -Calgary -Vancouver
Passengers for Western Canada will
find the ''Vancouver Express," leaving
Toronto 10 p. m. daily, a most wnvenient
train, stopping at and connecting for all
principal points.
Equipment consists of first-class
coaches, up-to-date Standard and Tourist
Sleepers, Compartment Observati..n,
dining and colonist cars. ,
The most beautiful scenery in Canada
is along the line of lie Canadian Pacific.
For tickets. reservations
n full
formation apply arty
agent, or Canadian Panic town i fixe,
corner West street and Square, God I ich,
1500 Matches
Japan Tea .,.
Pastry Flour
Spanish Onions
Icing Sugar -
20 -lb. Sack Oatmeal
Mince Meat .;mho
Sari Flush -
Ground Oatmeal
Goods are
extra charge.
a . 35c
ar,Jgt w; ... 24 lbs80c
.t'....4 lbs, 25c
...per lb10c
.per lblOc
llll...:5 lbs25c
delivered to all parte 'of tbi town without
Kingston St. Phone 116
New Regulations Require That Rood
and Drug Products Be Limited.
A trade journal has just foaled a
reminder to manufacturers of food pro-
ducts that the law regain* a label to
be attached to any food or drug article
exactly ep ecifyitig the character,
strength, quality or *entity of the
product. The regnlatlone covering'
this labelling, pat.sed lit l)ramber,
lfr10, are smumariaed aa follow% :
(1) Food aro1 drug products shall
be designated by theft common mole*
in one or both of the ottk•ial language...
(21 The ('menton name of the ar-
ticle above referred to shaft appear on
the main taint of the main label, with
the Houle and address of the t tin -
ha -curer, or that of the person rr nrm
for whom the article is maaufa'tmwl.
(3) When the article 1s soba as a
compound, mixture, Imitation, or sub-
'titute, th'l4' wards *hail appear on
the train panel of the main label til
type of the same eche ands ckdhllity as
the common ns' .
( 4) The to "blend" applies to a
rombination o ahullar out rtatwes.
Example— t'omblrtt.ion of Java,
Mocha and raalhnn (sffee t' a bletwt'
(6). A vmhhlation of coffer with
ehitvey of roasted grain le not a blend,
Mit a1,6_,txture ar eoupoutrl. The
*run 'compound" and "mixture" aro
Int, flammable.
Di the cam of compounds or
:tureii when tin nage of an in-
gredient. of such compound or mix-
ture, Is need in deedgnntieg the artle•le,
ouch ingredient neve btu prtaaent In
■me t at least 'quell to : 1 per sent
by weight of the wh.de. _.
Example -A coffer tntxtareor rose-
wood mid Ir' such 'hail contain me
}east lit per rant.. of_ actual Miles.
','Beds;, Ont.— "Before using Lydia ]l
Pinkhan • Vegetable Compound was
a total wreck. I had terrible pees I*
my sides lad wit not regular. Finally
I got so weak I could not go up stairs
without stopping to rest half way up
the stops. 1 tried two doctors but they
did me no good. I saw your medicine
adve tiled hs the newspapers sed
t I would give it a tea I took
four bottles of the Vegetable Compound
and was restored to health. I an mar-
ried, am the mother of fwd the
and do all pay housework milk sigh
and do a hired maa's work and
end the bast offhealth. I fogad
Vegetable before a great
whelp ere
my creak track 117
born. 111 meomfnmd it to all mysff e
gels rill
who are in need' of =gide.(naiof this Mite? f yes'weln• .
{Mei Hits'* JAMES11L R. No.4, Ohio.Itsome possible that there to
• woman' in this country who will ear
tines to sear without sing11.
rall ,tVegetal* the evidence that sontbltW y
Wag publlabd. proving lsyoad emirs.
diction that t I' =i
relieved wets
tbaa asy Wats lied cell 111
rltrlfe y,:
This season we are showing at_rarray of unusual
values in
Oxfords, Strap Slippers, High Shoes'
Our stuck. itt most complete in all the favorite styles
made in the best leathers. Prices are moat reasonable.
Por working 'nen our shoes are just the thing for the
fall. They are solid and reliable.
Life=Buoy Rubbers and Rubber Boots
lead in quality and-price-_.Are_noW in stock for all pur-
North side of Square GODERICH
Sweeping Reductions
in House Furnishings
The time is short in which you can take
advantage of many exceptional offerings
as Mr. Wheeler takes poseesllion on
November 15th.,t •
W e are also clearing our stock of r
Suitcases, Trunks and Club Bags
, is Furniture Store
The Square, Goderich *3-"'[ ' - ...
/ w►t ' //l1MNSIIP
f.attt (
.l".kf l •
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