HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-10, Page 6v Good News For ikONCIIITIS Sufferers Lt1OUS DOCTOR ENDORSES PEPS "P% -ss arecxa_ptionally suited fore is + t:'catmert of brunenta1 c..ments; their p. vi:isr ar:nl:o- altlan, their dir. e: influence 4,n the mansbrarca of the bronchi. and their freedom from risay narcotics. being anierat their many praiseworthy µMull." ' t Dr. ,GORDD" STABLLS. These chilly net Novemhcr da, Iheoythc Old brn..rhr.4 ,,,u,1, shows , of µturn, and the chest feels raw 1 Ieu.ler• .t I, imp .•: tant to have handy Thei treat chest trouble in • the only Mr ,r.ent. tie way lion !"..J.; Ile i'01or medicine. and it fenetr441.: ,sinee tuda:.,ry medicme•t Cauu..t, b I'. -p.. 141.10, .!,.,olse u1 the saccs, 1h.• •. 'trrer rival^, N•th every b: 4,41 h rice ;.11.1114 .' p,ne essences cyte other ,bila me.!.. ne 7-h., air. her 1'c1., meli.11('one, comfort and heal. :Ho the ,1....a . It ,o,uhes tin safe most sr tutor,. frees rte breathe.,, . ,.....11, td,lc,;m . allay% the c✓n,;l;, an.' rain'.-- the paetNul 60u fed ,: ar•n.:l.I the 'u.,;, ' 1'cp, 4,e the ,afr,tand most sal:aable - remedy ever d"1-ove,ed Lor threat and • cher \1. , !nem lou can defy cough! •n,1 cold. ;:ek and other throat and saws: ,.,.,.t.,.... 54k ' L. re. all dealers J'JNE REMEDY O.0 BREAriF EPS DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD e:et a , III paek.lg.• of !Limburg Itleti.t '1'e, it any pl,aritsa.•y. fake a 4 •t.t••.tsroc I •.f the te.i. but a cup 'of toiling ital.: it. p•nir ter tl.h a sacro :urtl t:k ,1R-teat•111r full. at any lime durir rile •Lab' or before nitrile;. It i, ter mos! cif..u.v.' way to break 1'.dd :tad• sure grip. :4 tI 0111.14, tea• p.n.s. of the .kin, relieving.•owg•'sti..u. \I.,. !...silt. the le,wel., thus driving n sold from the system. Try it the .,.•ct time you suffer from n .'011 or the grip., It is inexpensive nod entirely v.et tide, therefore safe and hitml.•.. RIIR BACKACHE ANO BACK TO WORK AFTER A VACATION IN THE MOUNTAINS Mus Wilson, Of West China, Tells Of Her Return to Tea,ching After A Holiday l'heual u. Sze. 1'hin,l. Sept, :t, itr_I. Dear 1':uutly : - ltuck 1., the ON address yon -4.'- N Int bark 1, the unt.yuil'11•. .,) 1.14:11 1 have taken 'refuge inside guy 1..t net It is bard to get used to thein ifgai11 after a time of freedom .Back, too, u the heat. though .., far it lets a la vu 'THE SIGNAL RETURNS TO FRESH WATER NO: J. A. McKee ('uminarkled Hy ('apt. Foote Returns to Great Laker, flue 1 ii.& liar 1;overunleul Jlercllsut Ila bus• .te.ttner .1. .1. )1t•liee, the baby of the ce4yefnnlelit'$ Ilhw ('4t:•IIMIYe fleet of merchant steamer.. arrived rt- .-4.'01y r.s•utly at Toronto, with a cargo of Lwkl tons of sugar from 'seaport re- tlur4t \\'hilt• the J. A. \1eKee beset slipped down the ways into the fresh water of the upper lake., she has made owes end sieves -NI ,sewn trips under'the hurgee of the t'. I:. M. M. The veaWt has a Bros. tonnage of 21110 tons, an.l b commanded by t'aptain Foote. 'Phe J. A. McKee Is not without a War red'orl. On December 6. 1917. she n■rived 11.4 -wounded :stripe" In the Il:oitta ••xploston which resulted in her helm: laid up, and. at the Game .''h4kr ledrable. time being enlarged for ocean service. attrnn11,., 1 went into ('hit. The .e.s-4 is r•itisterel in iktult tote. U Ib live W 1e - s. ell to Mr. and Jfor She was enlarge) on the New Jor.y C :1 ,. aeon Ira,c.• fee yeast for fawn trade and has made ay. 1 had. really ,nc,e.:ful trips w the British Went u. lu.l(utr11 with 4u.lir., (well ting. bringing talk a (lin chi. .nal- cargo. - W'hile the steamer is the 'ttaby" of the fleet 1t is ion sltta11 ,re'ssel. and it was only the able senwanship of her skipper and crew that got ber through the 4oeks on the route from '-salt to fresh." Difficulty was en• eauuered In the krks ()Wing to the vt•s:wl's alae, but with the exception «,int• sae 11, well :ural it was alunr,l 1,f a few weratehes on her bow -plates+ the trip wan made without aeeklent. dark as s.•4• sante through the. only sant •Peeler t. no Twilight ill this GLAD HE TRIED THE .ounh•y. The sun got. d.rw•na;tnd 111, .lark i, here 1\'.• left (tet I.., Din on Tuesday ama•0ing ill the rota.. Miss 11rXaagh- toll :111,1 1 ;limbed .1,rwll the -Devil's Stair -00e" and Jur-. 3leuser and the cilildr'u w'••I1t the longer way in chain. 11is. M.Neughton's chair was Waiting; for her at the' 1..110 mine but 1 walked all the way .t.. the temple where 1 had left • mine. • My f•ef were ,etkrue wet. T7 "Roc abort dine .t'. ks k N he.In• we reunited the temple :and we waited an hour for Mgrs.- lh•os•r. 1 put on^dry' workings and fount a hit of an old handker- chief nndker- chief to Wrap rowed lily- son. toe, We ate our .inner ,it an ins whiola Fin• 1,11,1 i111.I a1r.•:I.ly rea.•hwl with our 1.11. . it WA. then aboat one o'.•Ln•k :and we were, very .very hungry :i, br..lkfa-t 10.1 l.,d•n at Will at Itre'ke.i 11 w:t4, very pleasant tasselling. The ruin ll:ed stopped noel yet it remaiuel cloudy and pleasantly .,s,, I hung my 4h -a" on, the side .d my eh:li, i.t dry and tint on a pair of 'Ilan I.ui" or grass Ames. We Lauf; C :1 " too. F.•' It was n f Seri i.'c I Y. 11. 4'huu! king en Toe: just begun b. get Ur,. Service at (tet 1. mer. l didn't eat( any' of the cakes Mit I drank two 1.u4vs of 4o, ;old wa1k0 1 around and was. s1r iabl.. 'Ilion. were '.,me .y*.s•hos afterw,lreti Ir. S rt 1 .taw a r dir Yard. - Dr. Beech. all spoke ,'.tnewhet n t eulogy orf the Services. but ea -b one tri..( 4o he as funny a, lu, could, runt Mr. Service in Ills reply outdid them a11. There was chef.• - r.. roue ar»'• a1N1 was a frequent caller at s«n.•. 1 think wits invitee!. tl ,,.rt of (,«eat. h In pre-war day LUMBAGO RIGHT OVT tl:v' :.ral 1$.I 1,rt.e-rlk.Mt lnd l,Realfga. att th\. \usiker., leavianext rupning at .:til without breakfast. ,V.' had breakfast about right o'tauw'k. 1 held •1k,rutl Mleuon 1ky knee part of the nam -AT ing. She is a dear little ;girl, yrs• easy to keep happy. The aftrrI.Nn1 as (lot and the r.at.l4 were te•ri' thysty. My bras) - /.,,seta nod taro *•1111. of 4'htylxtil looked very wrle'owr as they loomed up ahead, Then 1 W.14 lust 410w11 a the sunt for half nn hour at. the N. h Irate waiting for my loads 4.1 1,11 a rap it was --half past fire when 1-`retcl.el the *'hoot. :Mrs. Crutcher :1114\Jli,s Itruee were both herr to meet 1114\a WI i found my room delight f*RI - stud--tr..1,. 1)r. Wilford *sin nrriv. 1 and insist. -.l ❑411111 faking ,u• over. t ' new win¢. Ile foinnl it 104.1 to at1,1t•Ivt:old my INek of cutin -43,111 ' 11J, ha. 1.04.1 overseeing Ik.• loll nal 11; andIs justly proud .If it. . The witted is, a veritable hives .1r in' 11I11 Bob Pain and Stiffness away with • *mall bottle of old honest • 64 Jacobs Oil When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has 35 you stiffened up, dune suffer! Get a rent bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs' Od" at any drug store, pour a little be your bead rad rub it right into the pain or vibe, slid by the time you roust fifty, the soreness and lameness its gone. Don't stay crippled' This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used ody once. It takes the ache sad pun right eat of your back and ends the misery It is magta4, yet absolutely harmless sad doesn't burn the skis. Nothing else stops lumbago, gristles. mod lame bask misery au promptly! • OTHER TABLETS NOT ASPIRIN AT ALL Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" i are Genuine Aspirin , If you don't sec ilia "Bayer Croce" on the tablet., yo are not {letting Aspirin -Only an odd imitation. The "Bayer limo." is your only way of knowing that you are getting genuine Aspirin, pre-..crib•,'d by physicians for over nineteen years and prnved safe hy ,' millions for Dead .ehe, Neuralgia, ('Old., Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neurit 1., and for fain ,rrncralh•. Meade in Canada: Handy tin' boxes of 11 tablets -also 'Lager sized "Mayer" packages can be b 1d at drug stores. Aspirin is the trade. mark (registered ie. C*nada(,'of Bayer Mannfnetpre of 111Onoaeetie;mirlekrr of Salieylicaerd. While it is well known that Aspirin n.::lh, Bayer mannfacierr•, to assist the rmbfc a*air:'t amications, the Tablet, of Payer (nmpnny. ltd. will be stamped • th tle.ir general trade mark, the `)layer Cross' Dyed Her Wrap, Skirt, Sweater, 41.4•••• and Dapeies se.....,.....« ••-••.•••«•••••«..•.� I.vt7ry.,r.lnnr:-id 1`;.;'" I. :.•_^ tell how to dye er tire. an., worn. 1,•1.1 gar meet or drap. ry n new rich col. r that will not streak, spot. fade or run. Per - tent home dyring jN Knaranto-.l with `Diamond Dynt / ern if .jolt hare weir td before. .lust tell your dnlggist the.retrrial you will, to dye" le wool or silk, or whether it ie linen, sodas, or mixed Boole. For fifty-one metes ss511eAr of women have been alone "DI•nuoa� new" to add years of wear i)s Meir old, shabby waist., skirts, imam, Beats, ,waste-., stock Urge, dal - /Parka, s,eei•1(klag ► dry and hulas like one. 1 e 'mrI is. attic r.slul where my trunks a 4, Mel three men en ,1•ed -in mak tit tUaltress•s of wet -gra.. --very 1, w'uhtl,Ie inittr••.w•, they :11. t.... 4411\ the next floor the wotnan was ste.l.lfty sewing on the 111achin.• seaming rap ,mattresses.- 1 11 the front verandah, Y I'1w.1e•+, N•Il,h•t.a rad, and 14.1s rare tnla Oiler( -while Nlsrve all el..' their is the sound ./f halniner and plane• amt sew' to the new wing. The smith wing is waiting for its rood while all hind. ✓ ush the class-ri.tni-wing. 1 lunve bee11 1.1).)' rat nu'lons thing.+ 181t111141 ,e,un• article. away 1nld.lak- iug nut others, re -hanging my ;4 t,lre. t the 1v111s 111141 been re-dle.•nr:lle,l l nver:••eing the re •al of the desk- trot,, the lilt', r.,o114 1 1.:1.1 t.e•o 1e11ch- ane in to the one that w•:1s Itruce's. She and 11 r,. l'.nicher an. 441 hove 1110 moos rl i""'1isuu. Its their are larger -hurt 4 ant to It r.a' 1.0 uely desk. Then 1 have onb•rwl .1 table unci picture tames. for :11 tart am to have my own stlt!I1 .n•1 the soh of <itttii roan, '111 }evert to its 'former 'uses I drink 1 hon.` mann'geI to do a)g,.•l deal considering the state of my health. i 11111,1 get 1.1 sleep. The nights are pleasAnt.for bu) I don't (will 1 to nt'.•.I :Is nnu'l, sleep as 1 .1 Id rat the mntmhtins. - TONIC TREATMENT. Through Its Use Strength and Vigor Was Restored. T•• lir tied after ,•xerti is natural, Beet .and lir sl restore the hely to normal after such fatigue. But to to tied all the time is a symptom of an anaemic con- dition that will not he corrected until tlw 4)1,11x1 is built up. Such an anaemic a.ndition is so gradual in its approach and orionemlly so lacking in acute !Wins that it is on difficult to persuade the aufterwr-to de anything for it. But it is not a condition that cor- nets itself. if the blood a not enriched the trouble will increase; The nerves will be undernourished and Iw'tiralgic pains will follow. Digestive disturbance's often remelt frri'rnt thin blood, sleep is dimturb d an.1 a general breakdown may (occur. • Mr. Wilson Johnson, Nineveh, N. S., says: "A few years ago my system was in a tautly ninduwu condition. `ly m'rSf'a ,re111ld always on edge. meat i found my- self - self .sl weak 1 could tinnily do any work. 1 sutfend front headaches and from pain. in tlw heck and under the shoulders, and wee often se sleepless at night that when fronting came I felt as tired as when 1 went to bed I wa* taking medicine all the time, but it "was doing ne no good. Thele I road the trwttrnontat rot a ratan whore condition had been ' 'lar to quint, and who strongly recommended Ill. \\'illianmi Pink Pills. 1 decided to give this medicine a fair trial, and ellen 1 hail taken six boxes I felt much latter. 1 continue.( Liking the pills until 1 had taken Nix more boxes, and 1 can only any 1 am glee I .lid en, as •1 ant now enjoying the best' of health, and 1 ;Slvira all men vt11 t1•e•t t down.Tor give these Villa a good trial.", • I)r. Williams' fink 1941.. &,t 1.,' .4)1*41144 (nun any dealer in medicine, or by mail at .a/ cents a box unix b.xem for $2.511 from the 1►r. Williams Medicine Co., lirockviile, (Mt. - ' Winter Sport.. Days 414.111 ill su,.wa...,•tr:u,g.through pritnnive ton'sta.-wlior,•.eiery leaf and .,ugh boar. its .%right of gli.twting tale in the hn•athlese flight ..f the tobog- gan o; ski, anti in the ring of ste'I tytainat the ire rr•'rritig of none Inkp, together with the evenings spent in *Will convene 111 the 0447 war'llllI. •.f an old-fashioned log lir,'-these, slip away )I1111.rtiee•I; but • th,me who have once experienced_ theta return to their ev(Mati'4 (I with !sneered energies. Will. hanlrntsl m,lp(•ks, and a gr at,'frl rat ti"•ry of .i1r 11tein Park. ' The (;rand TmnfC have decided t" keep 'ta'n chi• 4lighlnnd Int). the lannwt of the Park 11••1..1., Or the .1inter s..osonfrom December 1•ilh. 11121.. to March 131h 1!►.",'. .4 luamlwonety illestrnted 1).4.41et ll.`s 1114'11 1401 1. i, awl n Ire cup 7 may be had on al.µ lic1ti. 1, to 11ran1 Trunk agents, or to the M.II.:eer Highland inn, Aleongnin Park. 444,41on, .111t. Make your nwervatioti, early. a* ttc,•e,nttneda- lion is IimitNl. • Current Hygiene Le.' ,'. T4wcher-"What could iie w. -.r than a giraffe with a solo direst ?" Qua k Ynpil A ctl'lpedc with twat' MAKES SHIP HISTORY - WINTERING OF PULLETS If Possible Separate From All Sena and Cockerels. Propere Quarters Keely and Transfer by November - Good Light and Voatilatloe Necessary. - Winter Care of Pregnant Marc.. ((rontrI4wted ay Ontario Departmept el Arrtniture, Toronto.) Many times the failure of securing a satlsfafctory winter egg yield 1s due to neglect of the pullets early in the fall. The ordinary 'pullets begin laying at from six to seven month( Of age, and many farmers rte. a flew pullet eggs in October and November, followed by little or no productloa 4n December or early January. This trequently Is due to • change in roosting quartets or being over- crowded ate underfed In the poultry house. Placa In Whiter Quarters Early., To get the best results the pullets should be placed in winter quarters by November 1st. Before that time De thoroughly ecoid the Denhouse s eleaaed, the walla, ceiling. etc., brushed down. and all old cobweb' ete„ removed. Then give the house • good whitewashing, and if the Boor le earth or sand at least tour inches ot it should be renewed. Separate Pullets From . Young Hens. It at all possible. separate the pul- lets from the old hens and cockerels. In order to lay well, they should be fed all they will eat, particularly of ground grains and green foods. and should not be overcrowded Abou. twenty -ave to thirty -eve pullets is plenty for a pen twelve feet square; in tact to many cases twenty -ave pul- lets in the pen will lay almost as many eggs as the thirty -are. Should you be fortunate in having trio many pullets, or where you can make a se- lection: get the earliest and best matured ones into the pen first. It you have to crowd or sell some.. get rtd of the small. weak ones sod these that are slow to develop. nave the Peet Wel Lighted and Ventilated. The pen should be light and well ventilated. Have all the ventilators or openings on one side of the house and close together. Do no: have an opening in one end of the house and another In the other end. These cause drafts which are very apt to produce colds and sickness. It usually takes a pullet at least three weeks to get over a cold, and she seldom lays while she bas a cold. Keep the house dry, and use plenty of dry straw in which the birds can scratch foirJthe teed. Glee Laying Haws Plenty of Mood. Freighter W. (:rant Horten Takes _ *Int Trip Up. Buffalo --River- - The big Canadian freighter, W. (:rant Monlen, champion carrier of Great Lauda, wailed by Capt. C. E. Rubinson, of G.o rich, went u , the ituffalo River re- cent! through 11le Ohio steel bridge, .onset lit the great freighter never had done Were. She brought 4.'I1.174 bushela! ofl,craiti Nand nnloadeil 47,010 Imsh- rls beforeattempting the trip "rap the river to the electric eh•vabor with the re- lnainderef hoe cargo. ARE YOU A MOTHER? Mrs. Dalton tens of a Well-kaowa Doctor's Prescription that is soh ter Young Mothers to take as a Tonic surd Nervus* because it contains Imo harmful Ise Reediest. London, Ont. -"Dr. Plerce's Favor- ite Prescription saved my lite years ago and for that reason I am most enthusiastic isms. recommendation of It to women wbo are ailing and weak. 1 was taken with the measles when in an ex- pectant condition; then blood poison- ing set to and my family became greatly alarmed. The doctor advised them to give me Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription and i took several bottles of It and was restored to absolutely perfect health. I later took Favorite Prescription as a tante and nervine and received great bene- fit from It. As a woman's medicine It is unequalled."-Mri: Jennie Dal- ton, 767 York ft. HEALTH BRINGS BEAUTY Your Health is Vital to Yoe Barrie, Ont -"1 was suffering from IL rundown system grime time ago, was unfit to perform my daily duties, end was advised to try Dr- Pierce's Favorite Prescription. 1 tried 1t, took two hottles, and was rertoted to my natural strength. 1 cannot lraise Dr. Pierce's medicine too ushly and will bs willing to write to any one sending clamped enyei- ope."-Mrs. A. H. Bishop, R. R. No. 1. You'll soon feel better it you ob- tain this "Prescription" of lir. Pierce's et your nearest dreg store. In tablets or liquid, or send Ilk to Dr. Pierce', Laboratory In Bride. burg, Ont., for trial pkg. tablets sad write ter tree sanest advice. • Remember a laying hen needs plenty of food, grit, and shell ma- terial. Also there should be a var- iety to the food; that is green food such as clover leaves. cabbage, or sprouted oats. or If none of these can be had some roo s She also Deeds some form of meat food -sour milk is -the beet. nut beef serape - or- othe: meat offal, it untainted, will answer. Usually about one-third of the grain should be ground or even up to one -halt. The whole 'grain makes exercise in bunting for it in the straw. Always remember the pen should be clean, dry, and sweet. - R. W. Graham, O. A. College, Guelph. Winter ('are of Pregnant Maree. The preen::nt more should be Well fed and \elven regular exercise or light work. All food and water gives should be of first-class quality. She should he glt'en more grain than the non -pregnant Mare, as she has the foetu■ to support. All possible care should be observed to avoid digestive derangements; - hence, everything consumed should be of good quality, easily digested, fed in proportion to the amount of,wopk performed and At regular intervals. Id addition to hay and oats she should be given a few raw roots dally, and a feed of bran with a Cupful of linseed meal a (least twice weekly. e Work that requires excehsive mus- cular or respiratory effort should be avoided, so also should -'plunging through deep snow, slipping, etc. All nervous excitement should be &Void- ed; so also should sights which frighten her; also offensive odors; and operations. The use of drugs should not M tolerated, except upon the advice of a veterinarian. If necessary to give a Purgative, it is much safer to give raw linseed oil than aloes. Towards the end of pregnancy, still greater care should be observed; and. while dally exercise up to the very last Is advisable, it should be given more carefully and lase ot It when she 'becomes somewhat clumsy on accent of sire and weight:- While eight'While It Is better to allow her • box stall when In the stable at all times, It Is practically necessary af- ter about the tenth mouth of ps:•- tion; as ttie period of saltation Is Irregular and the to•1 may be born without any veli -marked pre orn tory symptoms, any lima atter btenn months. After the foal is born the mare should be given at least two weeks' Idleness, and if she can be allowed to run Idle until weaning time, It will 11e all the better for both herself and the foal. -J. H. Reed, v.8., 0. A. College, Ouelpb. GRADING OF HOGS TO BE COMPULSORY Federal Inspectors To Be Ap- pointed To Carry Out The Work 1'rodut'ers, packers and Government experts crlue together at Ottawa on Wednesday of fast week at the lag loafen'ate called by the Fetters' 111u - biter of Agriculture, and eommeuled a dtnrtaasion of the redone 111r ctrl partible remedies UI lonnectiou with the beltedry - A reatlotluu was pleased unantmoutt ly asking tlw Federal IJelartlgeg,t of Agrkedture to adopt a standard of gradta for bogy and to appuiltt in- spectors to tarry out the 'Work of grad - Ing -or reudeC da•kdou on the Judg- mt•ut of prdueerr or puckers -at all alatttulrs, .ituekyrr a and other plates demised necessary throughout t'asada. Aller euuslderahle discussion the conference hallowed Ala up with a motion favoring compulsory gntdilyt of lungs to -all placer mentioned In the prevtotw rte olutton• whited measure Was passel with but two dlwreuting votes. Despite some rather weartaume die- t-mission1 t war ev rat that bet for repre- sentatives of the hog industry at the contelenle fully rr erguiavd the import - ✓ ace of the export trade in bacon and the oee*swlty of breeding au animal to suit that demand. Another feature of the Prot day's w'arlvn war, the cordiality existing tnetwl'ee the two partied, who at one time were considered enemka.. tin' farmer anti the packer. This good feeling augurs well for the future let tlw bog hn eetry, genuine too -operation 'between all interested parties being alaeolutely ne eeiary if t'aaada la to gain aryl huhu • the Britlah baton market. Itt'prec•utdtives from producers' associations and I)epaletments of Agri- cultare and all the lesdlag prcktnt houses 1u tow Ibmlutl►n *Mendell the toafer•ute. (Deputy Webster of ARrltulture•, Dr. J. H. Urisdhite, acted as chairman. aaulsted by Live IStt'ek t'umm}sslcuter 11. S. Arkell. . Mr. J. N. Kerniglrn, of Cadbprne township, attended the tonfetetke, . us • rt'pnewntattve of the United Far ere of Ontario). Special Opp Offer High grade gold -Lillie spectacles and rye -glasses, with lest Pat splwrital lenses fur (only $:t.:A. We have all other lines at entreat prices. Exam- hmtkm free by Mr. Hughsun, with twenty-five yeah prat4iral experlene and formerly optkwl expert for Kent's jew•elery store: Toronto. Three day. only -Thursday. Friday and 'Saturday. Novemher 24th. nth and :Moll. Come early. Smith's Art Store, Goderieh. 2 The manufactaer's success Is due largely to his ability to buy naw ma• tend at the lowest prices, to sell the finished products through an emetent Ala rlbutlon system, and to take ad- ventsee of more edonomlo methods of production. Ho builds up a sys- tem to eliminate .►acts, Iflimeleney, :and ext ray agant.•. Every metier 'holed do the ume• Irty e! Waal Odium Reg 11/0" FOR CHILDREN An O:o Cube in a cup of hot milk creates just that nourishing body-building food so essential to children, especially if they are delicate or outgrowing their strength. Oro gets over the digestion difficulty. and also is a Power- ful aid to nutrition. Good for invalids, nursing mothers and old people. too. $IN. Given Away ! Woo fir sodas Or. O:o LLeaitod. 333 Lataoia 61. HoatrsaL The Norewlwr haws of Rod and Ginn in Canada' .will dellglit the eport.men of tlw lhtminiun with its nOplendent rover meriting showing a pkeure of a ring necked dta•k In natural 'colon. Tlw many lntereeting aortas anti art- icle* in this Moue'in'Itke • operate' dueklux story entitled "Twenty-six grain. of Iallist(te and one •ort one- eighth ou,r'o' of number .Is." A, tl�rlllil� .1l�llsl_ art _ one_ of, Captain Joseph Bernard's explorc.tnry trips lu the Anode regions alto appear. in the Alovenriwr Issue. For the (rapper and lover of the outdoor life there ie the Traplbne 41e4arttuent ably edited Ly M. I .'San's, from material obtained 011 his ower trapllne. The usual departments, appear In this biome of Canada's Na- tional NportsmPn's monthly. Rod and Gun in Canada le published monthly hy W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock. Jeee Out. He was a profereitnal ceteurer. ' Now, ladies and gentlemen," he maid. with a wase est the hand, "this is the magic cabinet. 1 invite any lady in the audi- ence to enter this cabinet. I will then elate the demo, and when it shall he opened again -the Indy will have disap- peared, leaving 00 trace." There wee an Impn-sive silence until a little undenxiaed man in the second row turned to an enor- mous woman who sat by him and breathed eagerly: "Marie, dear, won't you oblige the geetleman ?'"-Toronto Saturday Slaughter take of ill (ie'nnett Records - ten -inch at lib cents each. Cone and get first choice. Illackctone'a. t lila • A negro preacher atter a tlermnn on "Salvation) Free" prneeded to annotnncr a eolkcNrrn. A entwine brusher took him to task after the service for not practising as he preached. "Patience, brmlder, patience," paid the "R'pore yo' wax thirety'a'n' come to a ribber. To' could kneel right down and drink yo, fill, couldn't yo' 7 An' it wouldn't cent yo nothin' would it ?" "Ob cote not. Den's jet' de berry t'ing." Well, s'posin' you was to had dat water piped to yo' !muse yo'd hab to lay, woup)ddn't yon ?" "Yasmr, but" -Wall, budder, so it ia in die case. Aalvation am free. It'hr be habin' it piped ton' dal you got to pay for." -The Frdet4Mon Mail. , CREAM CLEARS A STUFFED -UP HEAD Inet•ntly Opens tvsry Alr Passage -Clears Threat Ts.. R - ft your ntugestails •testd your head is stuffed because o nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a little pure, antiseptic cream into your nostrils. It penetrates through every sir passage, soothing and healing swollen, inflamed membranes and you pt instant relief. Try this. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any dmfs store. Your � d nostrils open right rap• your hese is clear; no more haw lt ( or Is sflling. Count aft;. An the stal- 1 dryness,strugglttg for breath is hems. Yoe feel sae. Make Live Stock Pas Better O.ly Arany l7esoch pays: tat reeds, stook bores. M i.,e.. Wod.houts.'g Animal InvIgolrator OrwMtioom assess• Oaettw Woo. mod It ale rtrr�, rash* hltb . haay rattle moi greatly rec,e.., the sow at null. It 4. .M tar fetw.iaa yew outage. They ate be ready he nark.' least tem at . week. .erbo. It ie the cagy ,ash tonic is which as 1140 i. urea Ilae bislang eaeeranteet aaalrai.- Nadu and guaranteed by 1lhMMawa IaulMr'aeer• Lfssslaar. MalooleitN-, Mt Soil by J. J. 3IOKFR, GODBRICH, ONT. Very special sale in Fur Trimmed ('oats at prices you would hardly expert even much later in the season. Developed in all -wool Velour with large French beaver collate and cuffs, beautifully lined throughout. Special selling 334.50 to $36.75. FALL SUIT REDUCTIONS ,- We are offering special reductions in all our Fall Suits. There Suits are of Jersey cloth, all -wool Serge. Sil'•ertones and t'eloun. Spacial prices $9.50, 321.50, $27.50 and $45.00. !� beautifnl range of ('harmeune, Crepe and Taffeta Drew**, in. the latest and moat popular styles. Special pricer :0.60 to $35.00 See our special ;Georgette and Trieolette Waists $21.96 and $3.98 Large selection of cloth and color... ...$11.50 op. Serges and Silk. apeeial Special bargains in bilk, cashmere 'l lose and heather 49e to 31.19 ra Sweet as a Smile A smile of satisfac- tion from radiant youth and beauty - wearers of clothes washed with Sun- light because the garments cleansed with Sunlight Soap retain all the " charm of their newness" -the preservation of fabrics in their original freshness and smart appear- ance. laafaf ss /leas! Me lea n► SUNL/GHT.-- LRVRR SOOT RRa /.IMITF-D 7041:)N ro