HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-11-10, Page 5ik
- - -- 1."."- TEl SIGNAL
St* li1ii WOO11/16161611i1inininiAdOiliili11iidWili/WW11/110ki10iVWlvww►l11/16Ww
ecord of tventd Within
"Yf uron'o Bolden Sate" t
ifittmmunurnVhImmTmrWItolut rIrtultol rlvtufvrmr,lvtAmailn.01.01.010w
Excellent opening fur Competent
turn. 4K hours.
Open stop, steady employment.
114netary Times Printing ('o.,
82 Cbureb St. Toronto
Mr. /dexo !thine left on 'Puetwlay for
a short r1.lt in Toronto.
Mb: lto.e Hilliard 1gwl.t Thanks.
I giving at her home In Waterloo.
\door KIWI Wiggins spent Thankrypiv-
iug holiday :it Myth.
i Mr.. J. Brimicombe, of Detroit, is
I ome on a visit t. his parents.
Mr. Richard !'listen has returned from
a two iiioiithe' visit to Western Canada.
Mrs. Etyma, d•ught•r of Mrs. Kel-
leher, of town, is laving ••n Monday for
Whilliallinisminns Victoria, B. C.
1� :1
w 2M 1 ��
with eushlour adjndel to girt' Just
the right erre nisi rest to usury
Wier is a-n..r*sIty in every home.
Why not have pm. uutke cushion*
-for some favored chair. uphrleter the
window rot or recover that shabby
couch ?
We are expert%' at a.. ..
Wort Street, Opposite Brophey Brae.
e, )'11Wr-
Mise Ada Welton. of Kltclwrwr,
spent the Thanksgiving holiday with
her cousin, Mrs. H. 4'. Dunlop.
Mr. and Mrs. George Baechder have
returned front tlwir wadding trip.
\liver«. Jas. h..nakh«m..4. J. McKay,
W. R. Pinder, Freak Saunders, H. J.
Fii.ber, Capt. I. Hetherington, and In.
Mabee have lett on a hunting trip to
Northern Ontario. •
Mier. Adelaide Nairn ham returned from
.. month with relatives at
• lel( 1 ■ I Illi
� w
Walkerville and Detroit.
Mr. and Mr.. Gordon P. Marlatt, of
Joliette, Quebec. spent. a few days with
line. Marlatt'. father, Mr. 1k,naki
Fraser, £ata street.
Mrs. [lector 'MeFwdyen war the
guest: last week oteilloi. Gordon Me.
11011. •elf IASNluu. while attending the
(Sant run.' Thenal.
Mr. J. F. tlrtttoa has returned fr pet
Hotehihson, Kansas, to which parer Its
was called by the tenons iIIu,i of Mrs.
Button. We are glad I' repert that Mrs. Presentation M Mr. J. P. UMW.
Button G improving %atedact..rily nal At a envie iII ter ilk the basement
will continue ler journey to Califon of Kto; rhur•11. tbe adult Bible claps
after ,.behas completely nee.vend. of the eontttwgatbrn took advantage of
Mr. anal Mr.. F'rauk .t. Humber. of the uce*sIon to express their apprecia-
Detrolt. were In town for a few day*. tion of the teaching ability of their
They were here in esoine4 tion with the popular leader. Mr. J . C. Hume., Mr.
fun'rel .of Mrs. Himalier s "m•iher, , Fret} Weir. president of the class
Mee. 1tden Fulton!. spoke with a great deal of fceliug re -
ranting the ,service Which Mr. Hume
was rendering and *eked him to Il.
rept a «Ilk umbrella as a token of good-
will from the clans. Mr. Hume made
Misr Carey, Mrs. A. I. Nisbet and a fitting reply. and expressed the
MasterCarey Nisbet left on Tuesday ter pleasure he enjoyed In m.rethug with
Victoria, B. (".. where 11147 will spend the claws from week to week.
the winter. They will visit frienet* at
Winnipeg and Vancouver en route.
- The Signal is glad to report that
John Reycnft,. who was run over by
.an autenerbile yin the [(guars' at few
week% ago. is tvrvnertng splendidly
from the effects of the a/r1lent. and
no 414511111. bill won be x+ weyl as ev.lr.
Mrs. .1. 'Iowan! Rul%•rt on will tie
at home 00 Thu,wlny, oventher 17.
.is and even among children. If ' from 4 t., 4 ":'I.wk, awl/lu the eveaing palitlwl +wwtissor. *iv, to know that
y It wish von' child to be admired, Mr. and Mrs. Rolwrt's,n will be at -father" will he at the helm and the
jet us supply the
Honor Roll Completed.
Thu Goxlerich Honor Mill has been
cowpleud and is on exhibition this
week in the window of SWhbir Art
Store. It M a beautiful piece of work
and Is a credit to the artist. Mr.
Thomas Pritchard. u
Hoekey Meeting.
for n -0 ati.,
A meeting the re n1x n au i
electing ofg new officers of (G.•derich
Hockey Club will it held in tbee until
chamber on Woineolay evening of next
week at n o'clock. 4 kW of the attentions
to be cunaidartel will be the advisability
of entering an intermediate tram in the
4). H. A. All hockey players and timer -
interested in having a team in (:uderklI
this winter are invited to attend.
Harbor Noteat,
The steamer Tnhrdale arrived on
Wednesday of last week with 32.1010
bushels of corn and oats trent Milwaukee.
The steamer \tertian arrived at the
(ioderich elevator wn the sane day, with
a cargo of 210,(010 bushels of wheat.
The steamer Martian arrived at the
C.vlh elevator mt Saturday
with •
1bushels .
caro of of wlNmt
o �
The steamer J. A.' McKee Unload.
at the G.xlerirh elevator today, a
(•urge of 11:.1110 bushels of wheat.
This is the McKee's first trip down the
lak.s aim* its return to lake Nervier,
1.. ring the Canadian (lovernment
Men•hent Marine pettier where it had
leen carrying cargoes between Canada
and the Rrftish West Indies.
The «tomer Winona' IS doe on Fri-
day at the Big Mill with 110.00()
bushels Of wheat.
Mr. and M. Cannon, of Tweed,
Hate lira spending their liotvynesm at
�• •Mane of the bridle's brother. er. Mr.
Fred Masterson, of town.
The OW Order Chengeth !
A man never knows what he inn 41o.
till he tries. and certainly It was
pro'el to tam* who (hurl at North
street Methodist church on Hallowe'en.
flirt the men are .qually as adept a4
the ladies In mhdstering to the nee}"
of the Lnngry. It will surely he a
great comfort to 11e housewife. (lur-
ing ?Iwo. :erentou% times of *heeding
We make a specialty
lame from t4 to 10. int their residence
error of ldglrthllnei' and Essex greet).
parol MIs+ Hnldab Whitely, of New York,
visited her aunt'Mr. A. Snaith. Routh
street. for a few days 1111s week. $be
tall been Tjilting her brottwr at Owen
Sound.program was held in the auditorium.
- Mr: W. R. MacDonald. war flak-fwen' end the number% were greatly enJayed
acting manager of the Dominion Bank 1.7 th,.. present
for the past eight month.. during the A Munkipnl Nurse For C.•derieb!
*bodice of Mr. R. M. Joni* at Guelph. At a meeting of tiw Board of Health
left on 1\'.dnehelay t•p rpN•nl a few days at 0n W elnwlay of this week the ate
k hie home in tialerich Ieanre returning to
who're -in d a wheel nurse cams np
Toronto. Mr. \iaclk,nall was emote for dismission and the opinion Walt
efficient and popular manager.-.eaforth re+vel that a mistake was being
:x .ositor Mr. MacDonald. after a visit p
t lois parent., Mr. D. MacDonald. clerk Made in not appointing a munielpml
of County Court, and Mrs. Macl)on- nurse who would lee meter the dirr•-
ald. left last Friday to take the manage- ton' of the Meal ioard of health. in -
of the Drenusiot Bank at Peter- stead uf a. school nurse. It was con-
tended that 1■ municipalltke' 4111.1 ■a
G4xlerk•h one nurse under the direc-
tion of the Board of Health told do
the work of it school nurse ansa stiff
Ihe available lis cases of emergency.
Baby (3armits
'Sonat Side Setae -- Coder
peening meal prepared when she re-
turom'home. The men of North street
congregation were splendid hosts, and
n large number partook of the b nnti-
fnl *nipper which they provided. In
the evening a musk•al and literary
1 1 "
"Buy No Tires For
The Car Until I Have
Seen The Stock of
Which J. S. Allen is
Carrying." _coot
Equip With K & 3
Tires and Keep Free
From Tire Trouble.
Ask To See The
You'll Use No Other.
Opposite Masonic Temple
Acts Tins, Vecanisis4 and
Astoreki0e Rogan,/
Model Theatre
and all
Id inked•.
bat given
for three
It quickly relieves eon
throat, brvnchicinaw-
alria. eriatica mad any
lad of pais.
An Old Reliable Remedy,
Air. S. Faweett, H"nilton St., Coflinno.d,
Gat., write.,-Mi.ard's 1JnY.K.t ratty is art
cad reliable remedy. 1 anion keep a bottle
in the house and have recommended it to
quite a .umber or my frie.ds• to whom it rave
'rest retie. 1. tree cam. ow.. 0.0.1 as m
ogre for diermatins.
MK n''s
Yarmouth Nova Scotia.
Impressive Service At Which His
Lordship Gives An Inspir-
ing Address
Deeply lmpreeeive were the w•rvIeey
iu St. tleurge's church- on Thursday.
evening. (Mtolwr 27th. when lushes
Williams of the Hunan I)1oeese dedi-
cates' two rosined glass windows to
the memory of Mrs. Minnie Hawley
Morrison and Mr. Metter Dann Mor-
rison. two former members of tkr
liasing remarks on the text : "Now
i+ ('hrlst risen from tbe dead and be-
come the tine fruits of them that
stelatibiae) Wllllams referred at
44..15)1 length to the belief that always
has la•,•n hell by man ,that he was
immortal. -What 1s grander in his -
Jury" le asked. "than man's a4sertlon
of his immortality ': " The pyramids
of Egypt were built to protide a INraw
among own for the kings of that coun-
try after death. The doctrine of the
trwusmigratkru of rout with the
llbnslo slumps! t1Neir unevihlnlrable
conviction of taw immortality of 11w
soul. as II 1110 (1(0414 (111• belief of the
Indian anile happy limiting gee 1..
Meta all over the world held fast to
the eint•ktioi expressed lis the text
"I know that My Its eemer 1-iveth."
-Mau." the preacher declared. "1►ad
as.w'rtel again B1N1 again that he 41181
not die." Christ had enm.• to earth
and had risen from the dead. thereby
giving a Ilea' hula to taw world.
The speaker urged the Iwr'ssity of
trying to vihlalix" tlw Christ. "We
warship a lacing Lent, (41h• who is
alive today and all who have fallen
asleep In Jesus are alive." "Beeruse
11ivl ye stall also." he gaited.
Christ's risen 1N111y 44*1 so like His
body in this life that the disciples
revognlzed Him. "It was a tremend-
1)114 (act:' the Bishop said. "that
Ideutity continued after death as well
as fellowship with 4'hrist and thaw
we load loved and 1.541." . What trouble
noel snfering here can compare for a
moment with the righteous perfection
turd joy to Pottle The lteaurrrtion
of Jesus %bow. that we were meant
efor eternity an.1 the triumph of Jesup
12 the 1rinnpli of every One of ns. It
seemed on Good Friday as if Christ
had lweri'herl brut think of the triumph
,.f Ea -IPV throng in the resurrection
hope we must stake our all on loyalty
too JP II'. "Re.* assured." the Bishop
continued. "that POMP thought like this
wan in the minds of the brave men
who stood Metw.wn nu and tbe enemy."
Slowing cheerfulness end no misgir-
Ing, these men had left no a legacy in
the .xanfple of merinos -v. "What are
we doing with the lilwrty gained,' he
asked. "now that danger is removed
Are we making back into tlw Pest'
path ? Our soldiers died to make ■
Metter world and a better (Imelda.
Reform yourself after their model of
self-snrritlee. We aro free today
through their faith but don't let what
they have done. be In vain."
flip Lordship was haltered to very
attentively throughout and great
pietism* teas expt eseed ■t the further
beautifying of St. Georges church.
Tbp reetor. Iter. S. A. Hardy. was
assisted by An•h4Maer/n Jones.-Ilatemen
and lire. Canon Hill in the elevational
'wryly+. whale the ehoir rendered
*11lun Sept. 3'.n, 101(4. Buried at Bony
F'ra INe."
All 0(6.11100n tort and kale of (racy
work, huwc11n1451' inking 41 1111 .1 1441y
milli be Iw•W ill Sl. (leorge's church
parts!' 11)111 oil 'rhulvlry, . November
17th. from as to 41 o'clock, under the
15+0.055550 (if the ('hunk W'oulanl'l (111111.
come 1Ua1 enjoy it Cup et tea on
't'hutwla • next and buy your ('liri.twa'
A municipal nurse would be on duty
mitt throughout the year.
Under the &imposed arrangement .orae
of the Moana members feel that the
Week of to'Nov. 14 to 19Tarfotu interests are tai divergent to
f nnarxlal aid from the rprol
the beet results and that the
\londay and Meads November 14=18
amount o
!options Is not *indent to I.P a factor
N6 In preventing ,the engagement of a
uthor'. Pen- mutinied' nurse.
LEWIS 8. >t
In a 6 reel Eminent
Tile fifth ciao& of Tie Son
"The Pirate's Prey"
Wedfl?I day and Thursday. Nov. ly
-' in
with 0'11r14:tie Comedy •
"141167's Wife"
Friday ember 18-18
Wlturdq, My
tag (1 '
and a ('heater th,melip, p8
"Jot M Thee"
Two full dam•. every *night at 7.30
p.m. And !1 p.m.
Matinees on Monday and Wednesday.
st 4.15 pm., Watttrday at 2 p.m.
Misr Helen Smith, of Detroit.
Mr. Gordon ikown, of Toronto.
Mr. Harvey Moyer. of Lucknow.;"
Mr. R. Harris of Lucknow.
Mr. M. A. I'ridham, of (:rat.
Mr. Don. Hume) of Toronto.
Mr. H. Earl Elliott, of Petrous.
Mips 31nr}taret Strang, of Toronto. I xpwfnl mnl«fc.
Elias /;race Strang, of Orangeville. I The windows were given by Mr.. G.
�Tire Wee Stoma, of Ridgetiw•n. M Doe. of Chicago. and .he anti Mr.
11fr. Ilarry CulbOrne, of W'er.tern Bei. I Doe Doe.
here for the occasion.
ve ty, London.
Mr\Leyton Walker, of Toronto. One of the windows depict. the
MkorIHiee Allem, of Harergal Ladies' !t,'.nI'rectlos Apgel, with the vena,
College, Toronto. "i know that 'my Redeemer tfveth,"
Mks • arion Ire, from filen Mawr and bears the inserlpton. "To the
School, To nW. I glory of coal and In loving memory of
Mr. Ern ids, at Trinity-ooIlege. Minnie Rdwley Morrison. Ttnrn T)P-
Toronto. I trete, 11111441.. June 17th, 11614. died Tee.
Mr. Ted. Jo 'ton, of Toronto. 20th, lA2u."
Dlr. John ksr, of Tomnto The rather window reprerente Tim-
' tyI Othy. card in emote with the gaota-
Miro Evelyn(r thorpf, of Toronto tIvn, "i have fought a gond fight.'
Mire Jean \icFws of Toronto Cni- acrd the fnrcriptlon le ell follows : "ho
verwity. the glory of God and 1n loving memory
Mr. and Mre. Harry Worsen, of Tor• of McKee Thum Morrison, barn Wash -
onto. button. D. 4'., Dre. 12. 1844, 14111.4 in
Mr. and Mr. J. W. Wore unuolux:e
the engagement of their only daughter,
Mirk Myra M.s.n•, to Mr. tlbrye•° t1'nl-
lace iwilridge•, of Ik'troit, formerly of
Jomtr.b,w, Indiana, the marriage to take
place quietly this month.
An impotent meeting of General
ltrough Chapter. 1.0. D. F., will lw held
in the aloe of r e Mon-
e -
n1 Trade ("mom on .1 m
day, November I1t1., at 4.15 p. lis.
Ensign Ell•ry, territ..ri1l• organizer of
the bite tivanla of Canada Fust, *i11
-I.'ak in connection with thi1 subj�e•�e•t
next ?twain), night at a p. ma. in the Nal -
ration Army }lull. All ate specially in-
vited to come.
Men of Methodist ('engrrgalions la
Town Dine Together Nov. 18
The luylseu of North '•tre-t and Vic-
toria .' v
turla street up;l •gut'
are making arningcmeot, fora union
tutu'4 111144)044 uu the er«oiog of Fri-
day. November lith. '1'h.• banquet
will be held iu North -•51st Sunday
%•' e 4
school room. '1'lw t X11, r of tlw
evening w•111 be Rev. A T Wilkinson,
mimeonnry from Japan aur ou fur-
lough, and Mr.J4'. t:. M..11. of Exeter.
a member of the MI'tlwdist Mtlwlen
Bess nl. '
Weehle.day, Nov. 9.
Mrs. Wm. Stothers ie visiting friends
In Elora thin week.
Miss (1, Tamblyn,-of !minion, In the
guest of Mrs. R. J. ('rawford thin week.
!tips Georgie Allen. of Stratford
Itueineeet College, spent Thanksgiving
at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Culbert and '111
Melville visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. I)nsten Tteecnoft, of Wing -
ham, the pant week.
Mr. Jarvis Anderson, our 1wr/Ner,
ratlwr enjoyed this Thank4gdving 1)ay.
11144 wife presented him with a flue
bouncing boy on Monday of tills week.
Misses !'earl McKenzie, of Toronto.
and Amber, of Kincardine. malt
Thanksgiving at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. MoKeuzle.
Mr. J. 1t. McNabb and son Jaek, Mr.
A. E. Treleaven and Mrs. B. J. craw -
ford /Tent Sunday anal Monday In
The sportsmen of our. village spent
Thanksgiving Day hunting. It in re-
ported that hick came the way of Rev.
A. V. Walden and Mr. W. Sproul In •
capture of four racoons.
Dr. MncKeuzbe Smith and nurse of
the Department of E11111'11 11111 node a
modleai1 exandnatMi of tlw" %chew!
children t(x1ay. Some of the trustees
anti a large number of the pa►euts
were -prew•nt anti took great iilter•.t
in the Inspection.
'Meiners. Anelr,•w Kirk and ,Robert
Agar pauses' through our village last
Friday with a nue hunch of 's1(1.'
which they had pwr•lawrl north of
Belfast. They expected to get them
to their homes neer Seaforth by Sat•
urday might. These ge0tlemeu don't
seem to he Ahab] of the drop in prices
of beef cattle.
The hot supper and eonrrt trader
the auspices of St. Paul's church on
Monday was ■ Putnam. The program
war nearly all rendered by a quartette
from Lucittow. Mr. John Curtain
Nang a couple of '4010x. The rector.
Rev. Dr. Douglas. occupied the chair.
The ren•}tr(s were ;1(10.
The Wonnen', institute met at the
home of Mrs. inert Roach the pact
week. A goodly number were present.
After the business part of the meet-
ing was over Mrs. t Rev.) Campbell
gave a reading entitled "Who Killed
Cork Rrrhin," which was very 'feelingly
rendered. The dietrkt preddent,
Mrs. A. M. Kirk, of Seaforth, who war
p4rsent, Rave an acklress on the won-
derful advance made in the work of
the Women's institute throughout our
own Provtpce and also the Dominion.
She alto spoke of the great value of
optimism In +a+}� branches of work for
the betternw�lof ooclety.
Eyesight Speciaha Opto:nrtrist
An HouourGraduate of the Can.
when Ophthalmic' College of
eyes examined by the most upto-
date methods and I.puipment.
office hour•
t1--12 1-5.:10 and by appointment.
Masonic Temple Bldg., West St.
Death of Mrs. Fulford.
After being ill failing health fur
011`1' /
two iters, :1uma 1'aswore, widow
of the lute Robert Flnlfonl, )eI'wrl
away imddeudy at the ho111e of her
daughter, ML -s. Fronk `A Dumber, in
Detroit, on Thur. -day of la.t week.
Mr.. •Fulford wa% a native of England
Mit moth about tell years ago she hod
lived the grater }wart of her life in
4iexlerich. Mr. Fulford tilcl about
littera years ugh. The body was
brought to l:.Nlericlr for iotermeut ac-
tvwtwaied by Mr. and Mrs. F. .A.
.and the fum.•rnl gawk place
on Sunday afternoon front the re•si-
deneeof r. C c
M 11 Humber, East
street, to Maithlnd r,•wetely. Rev. J.
F. Reycraft officiated and the pall-
bearers wen• Me4sr'. 11 4'.
Sharman, t). F'. Carey fwd James
Mitchell. Mrs. Ilockin. a este dun h -
n K
ter, of Regina, wl1' unable 4o be pres-
ent at the funeral but had 1'i-rtteti Smith's Art Store
Mrr. Fulton] wily recently. ill Detroit
•-- * . . East Street . Phone 198
Pavilion Cloned. I
The (iodcrich Am tweinent ('eC nus t g"..".
dorsa the dancing p i 41 Ion for the
6=-1T?$ `OT aagmatox 'I1I1PJnyy
Alcohol for Auto Radiators
We are 1.N -al distributors. Ito not
let your radiators freers. up.
\\'e hove the Ant 1-1 roes. ready Io
use or fhe 1lenyol Alcohol tw *hien
you can add water. 1(411• of deat•ra
or din** fnow
Misner Mfg. Co- United
North Waterloo Street
Solid Oak Masonic Emblem
Frames for $2.50
Gilt or Circassian Walnut
Oval Frames, fitted with convex.
glass, for $3.50
Any sized picture framed to
order at reasonable price.
Splendid assortment of pic-
tureto select from.
xxxx=cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx urote
t Weeks' * mrd
ala. C
whir appreciate "flood clothes" t a�}Jml�l
i "1I
Just a few weeks until Christmas
Order your suit and overcoat now, you men
Fe H. MARTIN, Tailor
X'dlprin/1r�1of1afltadlrsf�rrfV>�aft X
in the School -room of
North St. Methodist Church
by the Ladies' Aid
Saturday, Nov. 26th
at 2.80 p. m,
11... -..de Cooking
Pasty Work
,m rte Casty, Etc.
Ott your Christmas wppliee
Tea served
t The Large, Creamy, -
1< Old -Fashioned Kind
a <s
Pound Boxes, 70c.
H. C. DUNLOP, PHM. B. it
Bedford Block
"Thr Ilexnll Drng Store"
_ . - 4:oelerieh
Children love home-made bread made
of Cream of Vest
Flour. An.4,0 . is
nothing else I. , 1 for
them that costs so little.
Maple Leaf Milling Co.,
Toronto. Winnipeg
tkandoa. Halifax
ix a
.., +!pre �t ° rEI t' ALWAYS AT; ,eF .1 H1