The Signal, 1921-11-10, Page 1Signal invites contributions by readers to its personal columns. Let us know the names of your visit ors. Also other new items always welcome Oar telltales, is No. 3S. TV -MATH YEAR NO. 15. FARMERS If you are desirous of buying livestock for feeding during the winter months, but require additional capital, the local Manager of the Sterling Bank will be glad to talk the matter over with you. And, if you wish, our Manager will do his utmost to ascertain and advise you where livestock is available. THE STERUNGBANK OR CANADA CRAIGIE'S INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE row swag Two-story white brick, fully tfaodern. eight -roomed hotter. hart water heating. Situated on the south side of Lighthouse street. Pries flash~. Two-story ed brick. funs modern, eight -roomed house,full lot. double prate. Situated on the corner of Elgin avenue and Stanley street. Ptiee 53.111. Two-story frame, seven -roomed boos', electric light and bath, garage, or Asst class condition, east side of %-ktorla atrect. Prfee 52.206. Roods Beit and Sold. J. W. CRAIGIE AND BAGGAGE SERVICE Bus meets all trains. Calla made for gers and baggage to any part of town. Preempt service guaranteed. Tslepisae 51 Day er Night li. R. STOWE Cambria Road, opposite the Organ Paetory Office 1921 TAXES Al tax rate for 1921 has been settled 1 am now prepared to ac - an* payment. Two per cent. allowed off 1f paid on or before September 80th. After december 15th two per ceat. will be added. After January 1st. 1922. Ave per cent. addend. TAM le arrears oust be paid at Nee. WM. ('AMI'BF'I.L. Tax Collector. Ai !R 1a1- tf vie Unlimited Quantity of GOOD MIXED WOOD FOR SALE at 53 per single corn, delivered, THE GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO.. LIMITED. (Foot of Angieseaa St.) Phare 61. Willoughby Farm Agcy offers for sale a farm of forty-five acres, well !situated on the 8th con- cession, Colborne township, 4 1-2 miles from Goderich, Good frame barn and brick house, two acres of orchard, well watered, fenced, and in good state of cultivation; one mile to school, two miles to church, store on corner of crossroajs. This is a chance to get a good farm on the main road and close to town, Full particul.rs of this and other listings to be had from C. C. McNeil, their representative, who would be pleased to show buyers anYttle ge. C. C. McNEIL Bruce Street ., Goderich, Out DR. F. J. R. FORSTER. EYE. EAR, NOSE. THROAT. Lacs Haan latpm New Y.at Ophthalaie Bayo' e Hospitals �ilssskrl "emSgt at ►t"..rt iloo- pvital,_Nos W y Catdea Square Throat Hoe - M waterlen 5-, Stratford. Telephone 1R7. At Hotel Bedford. Goderr4 from Wednesday. November 14th, at t p. sit to Tburaday Nov ember 17th, at I p, m- WANTED. WANTED. -REPRESENTATIVE IN nkd.rleh and skinny for along Ineur- &me company. wages ata. automobile, and windstorm Insurance. Address BOXIsy,Tomnlo. Ont, It DRiNG ITS TOCIR GEFBE AND DUCK 1.7 fieatbars toe 5rA DAVID BROWN. Phone 270. asiesesesiowseviesseseseeteseseas COMING SOON - "A ROUGH NIGHT" and it will play for weeks toa cold, drafty house unless you order your Storm Sash and Doors Now Save money, fuel and be comfortable. They are the only genuine fuel saver and what you save in one sea- son will pay for them. SPECIAL PRICES on all orders received nntil Oc- tober 31st. `InIr ORDER NOW It means dollars and comfort to you. Phone 47 and leave the rest t0 us. Goderich Planing Mills Mae 47 LIMITED P. 0. Ilex 18 One Dollar a Week By regularly deducting one dollar a week from Pur err t1s and depositing it regularly in a Sar. t�r�t�s Bank Account, you will soon accumulate a wbatanttd balance without missing the money e deposited. M five years, with interest at 3% com- - 6 d ritesyour balance wwiill bye $605.54. 80 2& age UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch, F. WooUoombe, Manager GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1921 STANDARDIZING OF TELEPHONE TOLLS BOOSTS L.D. CHARGES Goderich Pays Five Cents More On Station -to -Station Calls To Toronto On New Plan FIFTEEN OTHER CENTRES Which Will Pay Additional Fee As The Result Of Adoption Of New System As the moult of the scientific standard- ixation of lung distance telephone tolls, which have Igen fixed un a atµuewliat haphazard calculation heretofore, tioele- rich is now one of the sixteen places %bleb is paying five cents more on' atation-to-station messages to and front Toronto. The other Omer,* are Beaverton, Belleville, Brock- ville. ('ota,urg, l iattano,lue, 1 ritnsby, London, Montreal, North Bay, Port Perry, I'eterl,o.o, Picton, Itenfrete, Ridgt•y'ay and 1Yoedville. This is tlw remit' of the adoption of the 'stare or block system unit plan of toll -fixing. limier this new rate plan, all parts of Canada and tlw United States enjoying telephonic mercies" are snapped in squares of live by Ave miles, and lancer unit blocks of six of these squares. Tolls am established ori a uniform bl,ck•W-blx•k number basis, with proportional educ- tion for distance jumps over one or a series of major blocks, the central point in each small, taroundary or ,valor block being adopted for rate calculation pur- poses, and tlw r retilt being an ironing -out of all rate inequalities and the establish- ment of charge," on a scientific standard. Analysis .of old and new chargees for the les places most in connection with Tomtito and furnishing ninety per cent. of Toronto's lung distance bualner,, shows that in 1'2I care• no change is effected. In twenty-nine cases the rate is reduced fits •cents, and in two ten cents, while the sixteen points named above draw five cent increases. The following place! have had their station -to -station rates to Toronto de- creased: AIlwton, Aylmer, Caledonia, Collingword, Durham, Drayton, Forest, Hagaraville, Hanover, Ilespl•r, Kitclwn- rr, Lansdowne, Leamington, Lucian. Meatord, Midland, Orillia, i'enetatig, Rnwteau, St. Marys, Seaforth, Shelbonw, Stainer, Strathmy, Sudbury, Sunderland Trenton; I'nionville, Waterloo, Perth and Woodbridge. Sunday School Teacher -Who Was it saw the handwriting on the wall, Bobby? Bobby -The landlord. -life. LiST NOTICE, 1!rtl V01 EAS' MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWAHOSH, COUNTY OF HURON. Are 1 ou Reading "SISTER SUE" 133Thfl. n THE SIGNAL by ulama' H. Pester THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, PHNhMsrs• PROCLAMA TION Town of Goderich The Citizens of the '1'a.ntr of limier o h are hereby requealed to observe Armistice Day, Friday, November 11th, 1921 by ceasing work and business for a period of two (eleven) 11 o'eloea.m. to 11,02 a.m. minutes' silent devotion -front E. R. WIGLE, Mayor. THE SILENT TOAST. They stand with reverent faces, And their merriment given o'er, -'As they drink the toast to the unseen host Who have fought and gone before. It is only a passing moment In the midst of the feast and song. But it grips the breath as the wing of Death In a vision sweeps along. No more they see the banquet, And the brilliant lights around ; But they charge' again on the hideous plain When the shell -thirsts rip the ground. Or they ereep at night, like panthers, Through the waste of No Man's Land ; Their hearts afire with a wild desire, And death on every hand. out of the roar and tumult, - 1r the black night lond with rain, Some face cosies back ,on the fiery track And looks in their eyes again. And the love that is paasiitg woman's And the bonds that are forged fav death, -Now grifl the soul with a strange control Aed speak what no plan saith. The viiion dies oft in the stillness, Onee more the tablet; shine But the eyes of all in ttye•,panquet hall Are lit with it light djpne. -FREDERiCK (1F,(tltGF. $4' Yrs 1st Canadian Division. Vfmy Ridge. How u..e doth beryl • habit in a man ' The druggist through training and experience become,$ n careful man. He realizes the value of purity aw ap- plied to drugs and (bme•s to alwnelate the same high standard of eompari- sone to other tines of goods which bo handles. R'lgle'a I'harmaey Ie there- fore the rtsfest oho* to buy goods. If yon are a stickier for quality, eulti- tate the habit of riblug at your favorite drugstore. !gJe the lies. et the bottom of many leading magazine ado.: "For sale by leading druggtate LOST -01 POUND. WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF HOCKEY IN GODERICH? The Signal's Sporting Writer Sums Up The Situation And Offers Suggestions Nuw that the hockey season le ap- pruacliing The Signal is hearing the question asked as to whether t,talerich will have a hockey teals this winter. In looking around for hockey players one is led to lt•lieee that them is not touch material to wartnnt entering an interme- diate tectum in tlw tt. 11. A., And as ill entering a jutiior teals it is questionable if tlwn• are enough players available W make tlw attempt Monk while. - .tnother question is: WVoukf (:udericb support junior hockey after ;thins acclw- touled,tu the highergrade ut this tascivat- ilig sport '.' 1'here is another plait to follow in order to have hockey player!er)• this winter, and that loll t r.ming a ,ta.iown hstgue. Sr • years ago 141C111 11111 rguaixat4iu ex- isted, and thegatws were ell patronised anti The Signal Iwlievert ', ttiNt suets ,a league would he atteeeaaIul again. it has br•if eulpte•ttirl shppt a league ev.uld LW forlrett mini pined id.trains /turn 11'edern Canada Four MIII0, Its ti C.1,, tw 104.14/11t1)11101 the down -w%- a bushiest' huuee,.. Satisfactory arringe•u its ikely cuuld-be made with the manage of West street rink for the use of the ia•, iFnd if .a small adlni,Miotl fee were ch:trgt'd he re- a•1ptt cuult(- la• pooled. l't'rliat tun,. w,nme of tin •Iwrdtaut, would soler to the winners. tudoubkdly if something Sere ata in this manner It wuuhd prove to be practice'for likely ••dntuer" for .►awed-- ano11 games 111 1111111 scars. 11 wtukl thus be the mnrt,e of making it tameable for o i.siench. ae it did at, one tans, to take a place tit the D. H. A. with a "twine - brew" testi'. , • (Pilo will start the }tuck a -rolling! - _Since the above was written the follow- ing letter has hero received whk-h ex - Auto Is Si ruck by. Trolley 1 Web lief that plenty of material is available for am I P. ll. A. intermitting! , te:ou. The question is to be threshed Occupants , evening „Seriously s 7 inout ata meeting 111 the council chamber jured on tVednioday' ••f next week. Edit iTo the or of The Nigra N14w flat taw colt %crusel.' has ret in , our thotaghts mautraiiiy' turn W tie aiuter r. Chas. E. Lewitt, a Former Goderich toiewiHie Wier' alarrta, .sal e„1aca11y to l'uhada'a ua- aSegffa Skull FracturesWhen Their Automobile Is tonal winter pastime -hockey. The quell - !tion Before the local labs is: '•will ' Hit tBy Detroit inierurban Cr wintercbt 11Wi an U. H. A. team tial I winter "' With dee following material Godefiebddeenswill learn with deep regret of the accident which befell Mr. and)lin. Charles E. Hewitt at Introit ,.n • Friday of last week when their auto was hit with terrific tome by a westbound Orchard Lake trolley. Prianyorn*alti�on available it ie undrr- sid tl Mr. Lenin. Nall attempting tat CCISION west Waw aooah &woe neicb.r beat the interurban car which WWI travel - STRAYED. -ON LOT M. Seb `CONFlz-- atON. West Wawapush, ops sod MIYr. H. LINDSAY, R. R. Ko. 2. T OTRAYED r H.At ifT 27, 5th ()flit- 't'i R Notice c�heted elven that I have trammelled 1J ami, els African gander, mit he Maltla/d ' ling at top 'peed around the bend at Hirer. Reward. Address H. LINDSAY, Aubunl Grand River and Wynnlimg avenue' in R. X. No, 2. Detroit. After the crash the machine wow TRAYED FROM MY PROPERTY, dragged about 100 feet before being re- l.)a twnrearold fed heifer (with white not dttced to splinters. on beet1. DAN. PITRLADO. R. R. No. 4. Godo- 'dr. Lewitt 'offered a fractured skull, rich 11 t;t►DERICII, ON TUES.- or and Meek auto mule. Firers' ot person mentained an section 9 of the Ontario Voter, Lists Act the copies re Glowed by said section to be to transmuted or delivered M the list. made pursuant to sod Act• of all persons apprarroa by the last revised as- sessment roll d the said mun,c,pality to be entitled to vote m the mid municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Ammo- bly and at municipal elections: and that the said list ern first posted up at my .lice at West r Wawanoab, on the 24th day of October, int will lir te.aldeat by leaving rams m$ WALTER and remains there for impecti:a HERS'S shoe store. It dined t hereby eali all voters tonne imme- diate to have any errors or omissions corrected according totally. Dated this Mab dayo( („-t.if.ar,1721- W A. WiLSON. mensal) Clerk, 4421 THE: FARM LAND AGENCY. 100 acres excellent clay loam soil, to tine con Akron. large portion seeded down, six acres whyt-groerIup. ,.all I11 Mowing dupe: well lo•1< fenced. prlps1! new waren Nice; artesian well and windmill. Good fruit orchard. all a.eseary buildings. water and phone In hour. Snu.ted on worst gravel road,ex.ellent neighborhood. :alt miles from Dungannon, near school- Nice. 14000; $1006 .411 be accepted down. balance on easy terms to sult purchaser. 1 to arses, mi4 to be gond pro'Iuctlre soil, large portion clay loam Fall plowing done. Nn foul weeds, fano well fenced; artesian well and wind- mill. Eztelknt hour, good outbuildings. well located In viol neighborhood near Nile village - Phone 1n hour, marl box near hose. tile, e000. Reasonable payment down: )*Inc,'.aeasy tenni. Instead of rash payment. a good hour and lot 1n 11derleh will 1. accepted .s pan pay- ment. Also a number of other farms for sale at attrar- tive,prlces. W. ARMIRTRONo, 'Above Peron, Fair. Roz .j. ludic. -h. FOR SALE OR RENT. WIVE-ROOMKD FLAT FOR HINT, L with toe c t rano and phone. Ponse.don December 1st,. Apply at THE SIONAL OFFICE. 11 Ia•(tR uALE.-TUM BARRON STRAIN It White Leghom cockerels. *ten hatch. AP - ply B. S. WOOLLOOMBE, Trafalgar street, ti.de- rich. ll FOR . pseseed Mitt house for sale. OR SALE. -MODERN SEVEN - this season; lust ready to to ed. Two L11 minutes walk from Square- Apply 11, .00, Market street. ct.tf'wester FARM FOR SALE. -IN CY)I.RORgiE township, 1ot 0. 20,1 r•oni•ewdon, pastern .5. ?Wow: two entice from aenm111.e. Contains 100 acme: sM1 *cm le now under cu1tlretfon. Ooo4 rtr.yanda-h.lf white Welt hour; 'not bank barn. Si feet by 56 fret: Arf v1n dud, ?n feet by 40 feet. Well fenced and good Well water. PAUL MAZDYL. R. R. No. 4. trioderich. Telephone It, r. P. DUILDING LOT FOR SALE. -ON Brost street. Moot be spy within etre neat gm .eals. Mate oder to MISS. THOMAS 54c- KENZiE, Vittoria Street. Gode1A, or to W. A. WHITRLKY,'t11 Oak Street, New Orleam La. LTARM FOR SALE. -LUT 25, CON- CESSION t, Goaerieh toweistap o n4w/m U mess d doles c1.' loamwith span creek awd poky well. r. e0s4Q .115 qts, nt states; hay Men, 3,4x171 rive-h.ta>r IAM; shall 1Mn. Mors.; e.mfaetaWe concrete cottage, and toe acme nl orchard. It le rtuate sole 'wile front dr.4Mated Provincial county road. tern u..k. In m G.ders 4 aM s co',venieet 1n school and wch. A.,.lp to WH. LINDSAY. R. R. No. 2, kb. ass r 1 U 110TICE TO cfnnpITOt3. land hus injuries may prove fatal. Mrs. •vailablr' w'e fail to lice why ((slashh Lew i n's yaw' wait m en, her skull may be w. slime', be , arise'Ittai fry a Niening team : fractured, and site was injured interne/1y. W. Sruarrl. A. Brownlee, W. Babb, J - They were removed immediately to GraceYuill, J. Hicks, H. Muna•y, H. BaE. Bli(•dlaer, h,•- ,itaL Jas. Wiggins. F. McArthur. chkr. Mr, lees its seas a resident of I.cderich W. Satwiern.n, t ). Murphy, de )union for sive al y4' r wl:i e e w. asiociat.d of last year and several stsutgtra woo with his lather;\Mr James Lewitt, man- .a Tho chief trouble' seems t . De in getting ager ofGisirrictiKnittingCompany. it" -- ee back ago 1 if recent years• he had been engaged "n"'"11 farm torn atont twelve year' the Wahl men to flew boys. One drawlaack in the hart Isar bbeen that in time contracting usint,s., being stere- I",china is dun« unt.1 the tact of Ikoem• tart'-troasun'r of the $'albridge•Aktingt•r b r, old tate ale odoing d W be picked Co., Detroit. His twine is at 11417e L..N' µInt t1µ b/y' d.Hng rte dwork t0 t Cloverlawn avenue, Detroit in shape fora Pennon's "campaign." On speaking to several of the toys i find they am only too eager to get down to work, "i If 31411 and trey are very •nxiow, to have a m Black• meeting called to decide what is to be done. Yiura, M. B. There are 'till a few (/enrwtt Re- cord. left at the ,.ale price of t'a'n cents., (/et yours today at Blackstose's. West street. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. errOTSER OPPORTUNITY ',ITN. a.TATI or ALt1rovonn MCG vooa. LAT, a nut Towr,awee a Asst.saaq 1st Toa One More Chance To Have Your Name I;,ouwyT or Ruston.. oacaa,so. - Added To Voters' 1.Ist . _- _• About 200 tames were registered last Nonce is hereby given 1rrswnt to R.S.O., week se additions to the voters' list f..r yp. 111. sec. hs,ths 1)1 prrtow0 baving doW001 t,,, town of Godericb to be nasi in the agaiart the ,.rate r-tM said' Almondse Mc- ekctlod. of December 6th. A further Gree., deceased, who died on the 110, day of Atome , ierl, are required to send or delver to (mein/ray tor the placing of names on the the undermine.'. Solicitor for the Cumulate of list will be provide) by the sittings to l e the. said estate. on or before the 25th day of h,y before }Ju Honor Judge Dickson, al November. Ifni• run parmculars or time ciaimr ter' that stet such date the aid 'seculars will hu chambeftl in the court house, cnm- dstribute. ahs 1.84(1 o1 the 4seeagd among mencing on Tuesday, November lith the p.nie, entithey hating reg,ve easy W clam. of which they ,4.114 then have received and continuing until Monday, the 210 1 notice, and that they will not be Mable to any The sittings will be from 2 t.. 5 .'cloes prison of whose claim notice shall not have been p. m. each day, with an evening sitting received at the time of such distribution. on Monde from 7.30 to 9 o'clock. Any h 1yf November. A. D. 1421.7 Dated eke 0t • - CIIMILS1 GARROW, Perspn d uly qualified whose name m not sslkitew,. for 1404.6d.already on the list may apply in person StewartMcKenai.d Circle, before the Judge at any of throe satirisesatirise, Eneetaei, to Have his (or Iter) name added. A copy of the totters' diet as prepared by the reg' istrwrs may be seen at the town hall. Any person who wishl.te to SALE OF SHIP "MOO iA" be mere of his vote en election day shouldl7 examine this list, and if his .(or her) IV THE LXCIf1Q)-ER Ct1PRT OP CANADA name is not on it 1* (or a1e1 shank' TORONTO ADMIRALTY DISTRICT. make application at the Judge's sittin Pursuant to a commission of .(pssals.men( .OA as above noted. , lisle Iseu..1 out M the .terve Court 10 ea 'Athol of the Kona. Fish Company. the .chip -Scotia" will be 1014 1.y public salon aline 4heriff s OffI a In the Canada on ntsJn the Tow n smith 1err of worse, PUBLIC NOTICE. (e.naAa, on Ttirsrle7 the nheeatA der of feor.m- ...._. ga b.19t1....00aurnttwehen1 t)..51., pvr- To WHOM IT MAY C(N'ICEILN. .pans to tic ureal rondlUceau of rete. wh1.A will 1 ' hw rod the elm. of ole. The ship •'$eoua" Is -- . rh.om.r paring nnc dirk. the . stall., agate 1 .111 not M rrwpnuaibk for SDSg,xd 0 pur- bpul and squat sler•..es1 (1 now on the ,lw .d 1a a!/ wire• uwI.. sr+t,m�alrsl 5. a.l. bottom In sh►lto. waver N (1a41 i.l /arbor, written antra. fHer lento. 1. 2(091cet. rnglsered t,.ylth MA (al5ned) DAVIDNI'RotL. rink and depth 1^..4 1st; .•sprig oasis tonnage R.R. No. 2. Auburn. 4h to arts tens: ose pmm.ge 1st1 ton.: ,lderrw of Wed Wawaaosh, rMOtsr ti, I4tt, 41 2n 4A kms : net 1000.4. era kms. 014c -f w,,M pert al - pwrrhar ante payable at wms M 1.1, and tsar nrvwn M e RIGISrwtn era,. 111 fo urk•en A.rs If R.+Wrs.l. aucTrOar BALL BIGIBaa.a. R.0 RRYNo1.De. lt.s 'r-oNEIt01'sR, 5h std. (kwl,,h ll. Marshal. • Flatten. Robertson, Chadwick & Sedeewkk, Tomato. $o1lMtors. FIAT\ 10AV. Nue. 1s.-AurmM11 ole 0f,widen.. a-'- .. - _- lotate,o and nnkl Mne ba.orultu, etre, moven, of Mr. Mille Austin. Angelenos street. to/deficit. gate at Ila o'clock sharp. 1'. lit'wt.wv, Au,. tkwt.er. AUCTION SALES 'that party will 1e a order your kw creels t stone's. Phone 211, Foreign Exchange mous WANTED. -z TENDERS WII L BE RECEIVED NT,to THURSDAY. OE.CSMWER Mita for building schoolhouse a1 Beoefel r, T.,,. dere tot* a tea atilisinp the old bwildir,g; also for 1 M. STALK ER, A t'('TION LER Mw colsstmectioa thoughowt- Tenders 4 be lir u , for household ence3a. Mata Mork. rte , for easspkte concrete Iaundotioa. building (plsmte the (duets M Huron, Ma closet patent. beat)sglwater aytew,l: sores AAArvss all eommtalnaem. to J.M. STALKER. rpantdy. i4 0.s4d. Scbool %repro' rn s,ppppl1y Aulntre r. ll. 44.11 aqis.memtwt gravel buck •n grw,edw A lambed ewegse'aew 10 per cent. aI as.wnt el t.adet will be -. --� requited to stemmata same The {iwast to any 11 OUSili-HOUSE$. leader nes necessarily pea pled •aM ler new Al --- building can be seen el 1.141., as J. W. Gael All t1.4* for wk "'sty reasonable pricer h01'. aw at soot).• M 1 tlsrhilas to . rarer cosspWed by S.p4rsb i let, 1421 , To gear --rhesonar gat of Judge N. l.. j. M. (: ILL, Secretz Dtpkhome 's e. on st %Incest Arst•.. el. w,wlon IlermaletC.ag�•pp/Schoptagrg„ MRroh.rIre Apply 1oF.I.RYAN. 1` . eM IReal Pate* sod tnetuones Flowing. ADCTIONEBRINO. The widespread organization and ample facilities of the Bank of Montreal enable it to quote Close rates on American, Eti- esh, and all foreign exchanges. By means of its private wire connections and Focetgn Ex.. change Department, the Bank is in constant connection with central exchange markets. lr r Fa BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED MORE THAN 100 YEARS TOTA. ASSETS IN EXCESS OF 5500.000,000 Godench Branch: E. V. LFSSLIE. Manager. s- • sew 0 'e'1