The Signal, 1921-10-27, Page 10a
10-Thurelay, October 27, 1921.
Hallowe'en Cards
Crepe Paper
Hallowe'en Post Cuda Choice
lc c:+ h, and 3 for 5c
Black and Orange Crepe, 20c
per Fold
This is Depnison's Silk Lustre
Crepe and is extra strong for
tuakitig dresses. etc.
See windows for -above lines.
Hallowe'en hinlwr Hondgy Kveatalg•
Iteaurwla•r tb.• IlaII,rwe'en Dinuer
from d to 5 o'ehs•k iu North street
Mlethotllat church next Monday even-
ing. It is being provided by the. men
of the (s1ngrytatiou. A tine musical
and literary. program will be given
atenvirds. Admission :.0 tents and
>, ,cute.
Callan Sunday Selma Rally.
I Next Numbly aft.•ruanl at 3 di clock
a Polon ttuuttay- School !tally will be
held in North street Methodist church
!whish will be participated in by the
,o•liolars ant teacher' from North
street, Victoria street, Knox and Bap -
1(4 congregations. Mr. A. T. Cooper,
of Clinton, will give an illuettwtive
address of .special intense to young
anti 01,1.
Death of "Comtmedsre" Williams'.
The news of the death of Wilfrid
I.kowl Kemp (Commodore) Wil-
liams, son of 'Mr. and Mr. R. S. Wil-
liams. of Toronto, formerly of titde-
Writ. was received in Gederich with
altep regret. By his pyssimg smother
of the !wee* who suffered in the great
war for his country's cake was kaki
to reed. lie was wounded at the
Somme in November, 1916, anti after
"wending many months in the hospitals
of Flighted he was invalided lynx to
1914. doping that a change of cli-
mate would restore his gradually fell-
ing health he ani Mrs. Williams went
to 4be Itatthadoes in October, 1919, but
after spending six montlu+ then he
T i was forted to return home. no gain
In strength being made. Just a few
days prior to his death he entered
Christie street Military Hospital for
trrttnient where bis death tool place
It's not what you make ,earl last-SettuMay morning. The
'bodyWile: brought to (oderich on the
{,.,Ft ev-ening train $aturlay and on Sim-
la: what you day afternoon the Numeral took place
from $t. 4:esorge's church to Maitland
cemetery. Rev. S 14. 'tartly officiated.
`At the grittetide to tk.eased's mtli-
Otlr Iracy storks. was fittingly rot -cognised by
the wounding of the last Post and the
at I priaene of a tiring petty. in addi-
tion to lila parent. the suhje(t of tins
s th)H(e fs surrirt.l by one sister, MLss
Harold Blackstone's i:th..i Williams. of Toronto; ole,
brother, -Hayden. who is in ('hina with
Furniture! the Chinese American hank of Com -
aged five. and :t daughter aged two
WEST STREET yenta. The laxly wax ae,vmpNnl(d t0
(I(tleiIdt by Mr. It . Williams and
Miser %%linenw anti through The Sig-
nal they wish to express their appre-
ciation of the kindly arts of e11 415'
+friend; who contributed to the fitness
of the service in the last sad hour.
prior to the laying uw•ay of the body
of their loved one. •
can save
money goes far -
"The Broadway of Godericb"
Drop in and see
in day every day here
'anted a couple of Oak
Hall tacks at once
Live Poultry Wanted
We handle all kinds of
'live and dressed peiltltTy.
Special prices • • f o r
roper� llilu�lk f - • ickens.
It 1 •` , . . i•
your poultry, -as our
price will more than cover
cost of feed used. Inquire
for prices when ready to
sell. Our prices are unsur-
passed for all high grade
Poultry taken in at the Cheese
Factory, Holsesville, every Wed-
nesday morning.
Gunn Langlois & Company
""hiT.I 401,11Clinton
Dar ' IN
Mr. D. W. Green, of Riverton, Wyom-
ing, ix visiting friend's in town thea week.
Mr. lLRoMiit and Mira Bessie Redditt,
of Tomnto, were gueaNs at the home of
Mr. Janit.t MacVicar last week.
Mr. James F. Griffith, of Myron, visited
Mr. Chia. E. Griffith over the week -end.
Miss' Gene C. Connou leu on Mit-
toddy for !mutton, where else will spend
wane tine after which eilx Intends go-
ing to New York fur. tlw winter.
Mrs. Masson, of Toronto, was visiting
to town last week with Mn. H. I. Strang.'
IMow Jamie Furter has hien transferred'
W the Torouto branch of (be Blank of i
Montreal and left ycsteniay W.take over1
the sew petition.
Mr. and Mrs. Chu. E. drittith an -
1101111W the eugagesnent. of their ekier
daughter, Helen, to Mr. Chester W.
Joluta►on, 01 town, the marriage 4, take
place early in November. .
Mr. Charlet. Greer, of Duluth, Mich.,
was in town for a few days with his
brother-in-law, Mr. John Harriesin. Mr.
Greer was in TurmW in attendance at.
the convention o1 the United Typethetae
of Amenve, and called on relatives on his
ay house.
Mrs.- E. A. McNally announces tbe
ei gement of her d.ughterr, Nernst
dlliiirtd, to Mr. Thoma, 43. ('alley, of
Mani ton, ,on'ot Mr. and Mrs. D. l'.
Coley, of Waterford, the- wexkIiag to
take 1 ce early iu Novewber.
Mire. Witley Whitely, who had been
visitinmores • in • teen for' three
lhonths, 71W1WdirlI,WIRTT1WirarY3
Brooklyn, 14. Y.
Mrs. '1'. C. urphy. of t'vurthuid, and
Mr.. J. ti. Ti itipst.n,- of Sime oe, are
goer n at the ho e elf tiieir„ueice, Mrs.
I J. F. Rcycraft.'
Medical Health Officer Given An
Opportunity by The Signal
to Answer
To The F,dltor of The Signal :
Dear 9dir,--
tiave all the intelligent business. [lieu
of this town. their winds so °tempted
with the ru g of their owu affairs
that test one can give time to explain
to their fellow eittaeus the to.It-hueas
of voting thousands of dollars to be
literally thrown into the lake ?
?lard' must know the history of tlw
last sdiweutatien basin, built herr
sone years ale at the tsr.t of many
thousands: how for a tines it appeared
to improve the quality of our drink-
ing water and thea how- for years It
(the waters grew worse and worse .
how typhoid epM.•mil•s newt. and car-
ried off mumle•rs, especially children.
lu spite of doctors dosing and care:
until. one day a brilliant thought
struck our water ('owmissioner.-"lie
would investigate the [auk through
which our water supply came." which
was supposed to purify even the mix-
ture of river and sewer water which
the mime's t-nrrit.l riots' the bweh
where efts the erih tlmt it tuppe.d
INSURANCE Wed'(k.lulorr 20.
OF EVERY KIN 1U )Lir. ,Stret hIer, of N ttord, fa voit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. mutts, et Mc-
(.uw statiuq.
Mr. NMI Jlra. thiol 11. of lI.n-
miller, ap.•nt luntkiy wit )Ir. 1111(1
)les. Gen. .t. lte.ui.
T7te ladies' Aid of North , ou met
(his week at the home of Mrs. Jacob
Fisher. .'i spleudid meeting wit Iwld
and great prep, rations 1110 lacing de
for the T'hanksgivimg fowl supper
November -7(h. t'i't this date an y
t•ap, oeys '.
Mrs. A. ,tllen. who has been on the
'siek fist for the past week, let able to
be amulet again.
Mr. Iteg. Allan is not so well ale Mr
many fricpls would wish.
A reliable, energetic. sales1,gent for
Gooerich and County to sellwell
IVE temgsry and free squtpment.
60 Acres of Nursery Stock
Our agency is valuable for we grow
the trees we sell. and dcI er only hoghe
trade stock) Wrote now for terms.
Pelham Nursery CO. Toronto, Oat.
600 Acres of Nursery. En'd 40 years.
00 :'• s
Personal Service
Is Your Want
AND that is what you re-
ceive in addition to re-
liable insurance .;11en you
buy your -policy of insurance
it Costs No Afore
to get the refial,fe insurance .tnd
efficient personal service of this
agency than of an unknown
salesman of an unknown concern.
Great 6nnncial strength of a
company and a high degree of
ability of to agency usually go
toget her, the one supplementing
the other. The needs of the
policy -holder are studied in this
agency of the Hanford Fire in-
surance Company.
E. H. HILL & CO.
!,dish Eschaage Hotel Sailding •
West:Hominy, l k•tolx•r :JI.
Mr Then. 1h,rIt• lids odd his faro)
1 Ito Mr. Nosh 1•1111.17A't with stook and
implements grain ltd hay, taking Mr.
IN I'latera•r's bona» stud lot 011 1111' .teal.
They wufi - remain In their dwellings
'melt spring. Mr. Doyle gives power
'e.kon cf the farm end stnek lithe weak.
r . Mr. John Hoare. (ads bought the
north part of the Samuel Slott acetate
:nhl Mr. Arehle Robinson the south
gxbrt of the same farm.
Mrs. Storks and nhuldren, of Port
l;lgla, sport the week,r•nd with her,
father, air. John Mule.
Mr. (1teo. 141x11'. ditching machine
14:4s completed the 14tnrdydHuwatt
drtin and Iran been doing some work
for Mi. Chas. 14franghan.
Mr. en! Mr.. Mitch And family. of
Clinton, 'pent the weektetxl visiting
nee 11v,'..
Mr. A. Asquith returner( from Alvin -
sorb on Patwtday seromp►nled by Mr.
('has. ArentIth Niel family, having,
about completed the season's work
.lib the evaporator there.
Men's Mackinaw toats
at the Lowest Market Price
Men's Hea'y Mackinaw.
made with large shawl
collar, belt and two pock-
ets. Colors red mixed,
green mixed, grey mired
and brown mixed. Sizes
38 to 42. Special at
Men's Heavy Sweater Coat,
Jumbo stitch, large shawl
collar, plain brown only.
Sizes 36 to 42. Special at
You'll always Find our
prices the last to go up and
the first to come down.
A4. R
and all
NI maul's
h.. porn
It auithy relieves we
throat. broeaitoc neon
Ova..natin and any
kind ul pain.
An Old Reliable Remedy.
Mrt S. Fawcett. Hamilton St., Cdtivawood,
Ont . writes. -M nerd's Liniment surely on to
old reliable remedy. 1 drays keep • bottle
in the home and lave recommended .t to
Quote a wrnbrr ul m, 1e'me'nds. to • h.xro agave.
treat rebel. In n '.at .1a141 It •J. timed an •
nem for rkeuroau.m.
L1giti Pekb‘tet
Yarmouth Nova Soo2ta.
I.. 1101,1 .cur intake pipe. and lie fount
that the Mist that Woks intended to
support the pipe which should have
drawn the town's water from the top
was tootle while the sediment. contain -
tui; dtreaae genes nttl all other kinds
of tllth should kindly have sunk to
the bottom. and the intake pipe with
its iter well - down, woe sucking n
the water through several feet of solid
filth '
No amount of drags or gas's can
purify such stuff. and' why should we
waste our money pruvldiug it. ted tier
lives through drinking it when the
purest of good water is to he had in
endtews quantity just Iwyonl our °ut-
side breakwater. whetter it flexible in-
take pipe would lee the truly great ex-
pense, and ft would riot require tlw
constant care snit attention which rite
settling tank would require. a ear,- ret)
attention that we wonM pct highly
for, mod. Judging by pest exprienee
it would not retrive.
In view of the filet that no oppor-
tunity wouM be offerwl to answer
"Ratepayer.' letter thrnngb the preen
before roting day The Signal showed
Dr. A. C. Hunter. M. O. H.. a copy of
the above letter to which the following
is the Lkx•tors reply :
"Itatepayer's" fine contention that
the •etlimentatkon beetle has not ieen
a eut.i-ss is contrary to facts as Ito
function was only to remove nand and
wed.. Any Lair -minded perroo who
reran. the eooditlon of the water ixe-
fore the lnatnllntIon of the Main will
admit that tlwt has been ac(•ompllah,■I
to a great extent.
The present sedimentation plant will
hes of greet Nesistan r to our proposed
new system and will mean, the engin-
err says. a sariug of at fatal 115.000.
is to the tonitlone at the intake
pipe. the pipe is now and for at hart
twelve rears. (cines the hast dresdlflingl
kms leen deeply burled in wand and
saints Nevem detached. The month
of tile• intake i' in a crib to reach
which tate watts. intens thrneigh stone
anti gravel and It stands in fire or Fix
feet of water with about seven feet
of water shove It. Conditions sneh ax
des/Titled in the letter ori the authority
of the town engineer have never
exletet ant eertainly rte not exist to-
As to pevalenee 1.f typhoid in the
town. we have never as epidemic,
ihoslith in former years, pre loth to
1915. we had n few canes yearly. In
1014 ehtnrtnattrm wrr..tartes! and where
then we have had prnctkallyiso fee
Howelet. our system of ehlorinat
Is "mal" regulated and doer 'not
(lunge a.eording to the ataortcit of
water pumped. The new opwted
system is automatic anti er gallon
of water pimped recceeive« the name
(tueaq;• -
In connection with filtration d
plant (which Mont lstlngulselhr
from the sedimentation plant) 1.11 im•
ptritlte meet and will be remover).
Of mute. the ultimate goal Is to ex-
tend the iptake pipe Mit even it this in
dune the' ehlorinatlnn end filtration
system mast be carried out and title
is only the fiat step In securing the
p•rfeet water supply.
The people of Ooxderich have been
asking for years for gorxl water unl
new that the opportunity is here they
should unanimously support the by-
law and guarantee themselves and
their summer 'letters that blessing.
"Buy No Tires For
The Car Until I Have
Seen The Stock of
Which J. S. Allen is
Equip With K & S
Tires and Keep Free
From Tire Trouble.
Ask To See The
You'll Use No Other.
()permit. Masonic Temple
Aute Tires, %wattlhtiata and
AntosebiSe Repsiriag
?dr. and Mrs. Colin Patterson, of 278
Park Ate•ntie, Brantford, formerly of
fodirich, announce the engagement of
their eldest darter, Sarah Gertrude, to
Ill r. (leo. ('see, of Sinew, Ont.. the marri-
age to take place the early part of No-
V'r't libel.
Mea. Aliee Bnr*ett. of Vanrnnv,•r, R. (-'t,,
has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Fred
G. Weir, St David's street, during the
pot week. Mex. Burnett let a conn 6f
Mrs. Weir, and has been visiting in &int -
land thin minims* and is now ott her way
home to Vancouver.
Everybody knows
that is Canada there ars wore
Rheumatic Capsules
Sold than all other Rheumatic
Remedies cemnbiaed for Rhaw-
enatisni, !Neuritis, Neuralgia,
Sciatica, Lumbago, etc.
Matey doctors peened/ea thews•
roost druggists sell them. Writs
for free tr al to Templeton, Toronto.
Sold by 111. C. Sasha.
Huge Bird Pounces on Dockhand
And After Being Driven Off
Returns And Is Captured
Last Friday evening, on Lake Superior,
the steamer Hunro Smith was the acetic of
great excitement when a Targe eagle
wept sorer the deck and pounced on
one of th0 i•tuu•n as though to carry hum
away. Thine more men Cana to help
and together they drove off the Med.
He fid nut leave the ehip, however/ end
a few minutest later attacked the watch-
man. This time the second mate Came
to the rescue and, displaying theakill and
presence of )mind of a Wm. S. hart, be
threw a rope in a half-hitch. catching
the eagle round the kegs. This made the
Serve invader almost heIpleaa and the
men were able noun to capture and im-
prison hits.
The bird wax remarkably large and pow-
erful, even for an eagle, his wings meas-
uring ?hetet meveu feet Irons til, to up.
The men had t ' aboard the boat, but
while they were exhibiting him yesterday
afternoon at Goderich harbor tie oseaped
from custody.
At the Baptist church next Sunday
Rev. Alex. Thomson, of Essex, will
be tfw preacher at both ttervtees. Sun-
day school will meet at 3 o'clock.
The B. Y. P. 1'. will meet on Monday
evening at 1( o'clock attl prayer ser-
vile will be held on Wedtweday night
at the moue hour.
Public eon4tip at Knox church next
Sabbath will be conducted by the minis-
ter. His subjects will be: 11 a. in.,
"The Family and the (thumb"; 7 p. m,
"A Royal Highway," • sermon for
young people. Sabbath school and Bible
elawseett at Y p. m.
taervice• at Viictunvt strut church next
Sunday will be in charge of the pastor, Ret
J. F. Reytraft. Morning subject, "It et
not what you think, but alma von With
about that matters." lir. A. T.
of Clinton, will assist at she eveaiag est -
Yee would like to call your attention to
our program for the week commencing
October 31st, particularly J. Oliver Cur -
wood's best story of Canadian life,
' iCmen," and Harold 1Joyd's newest
three -reel comedy, "Now it Never."
Don't miss thew two super -attractions at
the Model Theatre.
OR1�11-At Part Albert Mo•da.. Or•itobrr
24.10 Mr. and )tn. John A. Green. • dmighter
marls ltabeli.
principal of George school, Detroit.
aim Beverly wwa well known to a
targe uumber In Goderk•h as she vis-
ited Lana almost every etest.derlug the
ensaw menthe.
JOi}ii WLLESPIE.-The death of
John Gillespie, at his homes in Exeter on
Monday evening of last week. rentovtd a
native of this locality. Mr. Gillespie was
horn in Colborne township eighty yearn bis the l'hlet Object of
Our Business.
A Daily Constant Service.
This 1. the only way by which
we can be of any use to the
public who require attention in
our line, and without it no bus-
iness can succeed.
We are surteedlog.
Ask any of our satisfied cus-
Eyesight Specialist Optometrist
to MST STat IT
ago. It was thele he married Mise Rachael
Barker, who ,redeetaeed him twenty
years. About forty-four years ago they
tuoced from Colborne township to Exeter,
where Oilkapie had the reeerd of
meeting tient with lib peauernger
'bus einem ever since. A'wilily of three
eons and five daughters aervivr.
Don't Let the
Thermometer Fool You
Christmas is coming sure
Be Prepared
Make your appointment
to -day
aAECBLZMCrrT -At tit -torts sheet
lye. on Saturday. October 2t. by acv. J.
Reyer.ft. Mtn ton.. daughter of Mr. sad
R. H. Cutt. W Mr. e:eaear. W. aa.rhler. son of
° Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. -shirr. an of .i41egeb.
LYES-HM:GARThI.-At tetemet, on .Lturlay.
.. October w. by Res. tw.rrultb. filsotys Dew.
youngest daughter of Mr. and n James
mmatt1 Hulot road. to lir. Sabo Hayes.
of Dowsed. Tess.
SedumarylZ-WRITELY -1■ (oder/b. on Sedum
day. Or•tober :e. by Rev '77711Rttttt C. McDerraM.
Erma A . doughty of y)4. J 1 Whiten. 6o
Mr. James nota. both rira
THOMPtt021-I■ lo ng memory of Robert A.
Thompson. nlite Mel tefotw Yo. 191*.
rather. dear. y•.tDart
..) from us.
Tfs three year. go allay dnY we felt that aw-
ful r
A» Tour epi pained away
But were.. day well meet again
Heyortt t soil and strite.
And cls eer•h others hand r nee mor.
In beg n thath.poy 111..
-Hb nuc Ina Wle ant Family.
(Moon wn.l_-Goodwill is the disposition
of the Customer to return ton* plicae where
he has been well treated If you are not
familiar with our rods and our method•,
we invite you leo give us a trial. H c are
confk1ent that the treatment you receive
will caww you to return and continne to
do so until shopping with us becomes a
flsed habit. The three Bake in the chain
of confidence which holds our customers
are quality goods, superior 'service and
fair prices. E. H. Wigle, dntggist,
Jam* Hlekley: James Mettler, Of
A.hfeld. penned away on Saturday,
October 1. He had been an invalid
for over twenty years and mince mtd-
strmmer had been grednally failing in
health. He is sury,ivest by hie aged
mother with whom he had been living.
Beverly, --31 or Ada Beverly, for
thirty-six years a teacher In Detmit
xeb ols, died suddenly at her home In
Detroit on Weelnewley of last week.
Mie:. Beverly wan a native of London.
For the text three years *be had been
You will not miss the opportunity to inspect our stock of Fall
Goods, which is now complete• and comprises the newest and
best in Footwear of all kinds, Farm Boots, Work Boots and
Fine Shoes for men, a splendid assortment of High Shoes,
Oxfords, and the popular One and Two Straps, in black and
a rariety of shades of brown, for Ladies, and good serviceable
Shoes for the Young Folks, all atprices based on the lowest
present-day manufacturer's prices.
Be Prepared
for tbe Mosby Pail Weather by purchasing ? pair of our
Whether it is the heavy Rubber Boot you need\or distiller_
white Over -rubber for Baby, we have them all, evet;lr gilts mid
shape, to suit all kinds of shoes.
are more popular than ever. Don't buy till you see our lines.
You are sure to like them.
ocery Specials ;
Special Blend Tea 3 lbs. for $1.00
Cocoa 2 lbs. for 25c
Matches 3 boxes for 35c
Syrup 15 -Ib. tin 450
Salmon, small tin lOc
Ammonia, 10c sin IP 4 picas. for 30c
1 -Ib. Tin McEwen's Baking Powder for 26c
- Good Laundry Soap - - 5 bars 25c
21 bars $1.00
Jam 4-1b. tin 69c
1-1b. Tin Talcum Powder, to clear per tin lOc
Dry Goods Specials
All wool Serge in black and navy blue, double width,
50 per cent. leas than during w
('ircular Pillow Cotton, wan 75c, at
('otton, from 121/2o per yard up
A good aortment of Flannelettes, from...20c per yard up
Men's all wool Underwear at prices worth while.
Men's fleece -lined Underwear at reduced priers.
$1.25 yard
ar time.
50c yard
House, 281,
PHONES Store, 46
Navy bine Serge in • very fine eloth with goal
weight, 414 in. with.. at $1.Z3 a yard.
Pere Wool Flannel, at 81.25 a yard.
VIye11e Tlanne•I. M white and rotlw, at
$1.35 a yard.
Go ilakwt front -laced I arge t. Mania Torten
$7.S0. In all *Mee from 22 to 311, *1...12.95 a /•
This is a front -land (onset tn pink c41101
which hats been sn)d for 111.$91, on sale •t
1$1.98 a pair.
A wonderfnl hark-Iucw•d Corset In an .Lara In
D a A make, a t 11.49 a gide.
The new 'dykes hare Just arrived In 0ort1(ee -
Ile• sure and nee the Hnee.
corded Velvets. 27 Inwide, in red, green,
nnwy, black. grey and twee blue, all reduced
,Plain Velvets In black, navy. green, yellow,
sky and purple. redutwd to Ile a yard. They are
all of tbe ansa quality and 15 inwide, on male
at Sfe a yard.
Chlldren'x (4ndnrlere Home', in brown. mirror
front a to MSL. et, 4!e'
Ladles' black Cashmere More. In all Mena.
at 90e. 11.00 and 11.23 a pair.
Heather Ho.e 1 n n 11 sine., at
90.. f 1.80, $1.25 and 11.10 a pnM.
Indies' pure silk thew In brown and black,
made of pre rhre d silk, at' lee a pair.