The Signal, 1921-10-27, Page 91 J r TEE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT.. • nonose year earning power by atlrudlu the 0 // G '/eels Y end Chale. Sins S"g:*Iy hn1 clam ent D.s.rtn.ns. Thownd. •1 our lamer modems new on b,..n.% Ids. Wr.w fez catelee••• Eno, al r, 'tow N,) LelLIOTT. Principal. A. J. LAITf1WAITE Electrical .Contractor '1 1 E Agent for Illue Bird Washing Machines. Choiceline o' Electrical Fixtures carried in ti lit' stock. 1� Old Colborne Hotel Corner Phone 251 Upholstering Shop ! FURNITURE REPAIRED and VARNISHED i,, n'1 throw away our old Furl,i- lure till you see CLIFF ANDERSON J �1 opposite Br Thy Brest. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM The Double Track Route lx•tween MONTREAL TORONTO DLTROI and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping oars on night trains. and parlor cars e1' principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. or l`. E. Horn- ing. District Passenger Agent. To- rogto• til f3.11. Lauder. Station Agent, phrase 210 F. F. LAWRENCE a SONS Town Agents Phone II • Tlntnalay. fletnler 2T. 1fl21.--10 tot 4i4 44. * 44444494p* t tits licic iclitic,:e #9149ovoirt; HURON COUNTY VISIT County News Summary ED hie to repWnate his platform .Illy more 1111111 to •$1y lie will I7111 it hits, Meet. It was node to get 1110 some port of the farulttrs of the West. Mr. tt%Ailh10041 tl page 7. King went tt'est anti almost Kul down (' ...a stressed lumber on tlw free Inst. on 111• kii es to Them. Ha dare not , 1 oak you Liberals are yynh going t° repudiate It tor hr tainnot p1Jl this rote fur him imeause uuw be would doable game with the Wsital-1'r.•nlr ' DiGEST OF HAPPENINGS INTOWN AND TOWNSHIP like you to believe by his Ontario organization, and thiel\ kir\ ('rotor y llllhu spairhrs Ihut he ►x gublg to bttak Itis would like very' much to laity with line. pdwlgr alai dlMlwlwr his lerlakhtng; and will play. If eleeteil;. uukgt,m' his that lie• Is guityt lu cwwwit n. hole ' lolh,we rM ta *404***466***'W45403e 'W 'P" 448 •V" °V"S�D k pont "cal loofa my _ys any .wumlry ever knew ? Are you going to volt to pant a premium on pditk•sl dishonestly in high places ? Write' kir. IChog u'Dd ask hint if he intends to curry out this plalftrrw or not. Ask him wlwu he tomes to Ilalerlch if Iio htalor., this town with Ills presence. 111s appeal lM : •If you Ilk.• my plat (oral. tote for It, and If y.iu dotl;t like,it lode for Ire. 11e111st. it t' lad nicety 1 will carry f1 out. Haw et/Mittens-to ittelai• lu my duplicity.' 01itel•rvisr' let . him twine out frankly and repudiate the platform alai tell US hr 4s not un if uud what lee is o11 and 1)'1• w il4 debate that." ''Mr. 4'rerar choral -4 that we are 1104 - ting guilt campaign fu1MM from big interred s•" said the Premier. at the /:oderich meeting. "Well, it Is about flute this Guvermumwt spe'ut some Money on propaganda. • Let .ler tell Mr. 4'rerar that his party ha• spent VI to every $1 scant by' the Government hi the hoot eight yeast's uu la4Iatgaoda, ami this no/ley Was tatid,tatt of to 'troths of grain tw1Meru, made Prow handling the grail of the farmers." lIuth the Mackehtzie• Kim. lull the Wood-4'rerar party were sou a in black and white o'D tariff asperse Their pdieles meant the tientnMuuu u'f'the protective system hl (nlIat(a. If tlwre- w•as a conutry the world to which protection wits vital -Mutt country watt l'a mala. The Premier said th.tt the bitter ex lierietxv- of two year. under a free trach• policy would convinc-these who were at pre'se'nt 1ueiwnvnnd that u pr.itective Polley Wee esa•ntief to Can- ada. . Arrangements with tile' 11414.01 States he wait opposed to. Reciprocity attreetneutM with that country were tftkety to -be thrnw•n to-4iw v#hsM. If the Patted States found them unsatisfac- tory. The profiler ewnn.e for 1,1111.41 wai+'to determine her tariff from year to year and get tuts, no entanglements ents with our graters competitor to the south. I'rewler :M.'ighen staid that the fiscal home wino before the people of ('awada- bMentoie It wan Important that it Ire deckled now. Mr. Crernr was now Allying that the Government was .treram- itag the tariff Innate In order to cuter nti Its slum amid iniquities*, bat Mr. ('rertr wag a member of, the .Govt•ru-.. melt for two yearn. Mr. ('renr charged the Government with being in league with lag bewdnegs," but point- ed to no ntarhfc het. The leader of 11. 1'rogressnr•es had resigned 4111 the tariff issue, which he wan tune r hag away front. • -Whitt hate they been doing In Wester) Canada ? What IM rhe 10a- wro thilt orgy nfaatlou rN Isis 11Ml111 as it dawn ! tWitkal iRprotare bp/albite! through that .weary and paid for out of the provisrls of grain .w?Mernn made nut of grain pon•haeaeel by the farmer.. (Apphln•e.l The. Governnien iia this ennirry las main•• tabled no pis rty- urgaulriitimnn. Wt' e•ould not through the wear and would ted have- hen doing our duty Jf we had. All this information about a big fntTtei- nitwar -tii tie: tmm-t-think-If• the lousiness 4wmtpuutty halve at heart the welfare of this 1k,tululou. tool If you people hale sat heart wolfing of 11141. Cooper, jr , who has been in time West on a visit to his uncle std aunt, ham returned home. g&Th•re passed away soddenly in Tucke•r- .atutth, on Friday. October 14th, after a short Mutsu,. Win. Grahami Brownout, at the age of seventy-seven year*. Mr. Bruadlf's.t am well known at Seaford' and tliniott, having retitled at both place.'. He iM sur'Ived by his widow, 011e rust and leu daughters. • The anniv. nary services of rew's choral, .Kippl•n, un Nuklay, 0010- ber Pith, were a splendid staves. Rev. , Mr. Ferguson, B. A., the otieldeir, pnaclmed tau elopwnt /111721111.144. .work: Nam emptied by the ch1.1'F. Mon- day evening the concert drew a record crowd. Tlw program, was pnrvidea by Jeawie Alexander Roberts, entertainer, and the Seaforth mule quartette. There t.a1.411 away on Muialey morning ..f last weak Mar??' Ann 4 iihaore. relict of 1 the late Arcliihakl Stirling. in her eighty- eighth year. The deceased wan born ha In•Iand slid Came to Canada with ier ptn•nte at the age of three ttmtlis. They, nettled at Inflow's, on die 4"t. Jaawrence River. where she remarried r.;hibald rtirt:ng in late ansae- tiwaw attar their marriage they moved to Ilowick, then to Stauley tuw•nehip, and in 11487 went to Baytie d. Mr. Stirling pnd.'eeasrd "his wife about twenty-six year. She is sur- vived by two sons and four daughters. linTaH A very pantywee solrlaatlrsd. in St. James church. New Dttltelei', on Wedne4slay.1ktubcr 14, we'll.Mus Flora Ht6s, daughter of Mrs. Fred Hess, sr., fnnnerly ..f Zurich, anti 4 nl.,tt''1 II* in. of Centralia, were united in the holy hoodoo( in/Orin/oil. The %%A/ling march wale played by klrs.'l'. S. Iluwald, ai•te.r of the bride, and Rev. F. L. Nowak' p•r- forni d the een•rwony. After tiwir lioney- notion the young c..uple will reside on the gra,nl's fain to Stephen township. Arthur Hennitut. catcher of Zurich ho gran tenni, left last week for his !sense lin I)etruiL The choir of Si. Ptter'e Lutheran church were recently invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mektenger• where they were teemed to a watermelon feast. It HEINSALL j Mr. anti air. Thomas Parluwr, jr.. have left for tiwir new tonne in Guelph. The anlr'picer•. arm rr'r'iceo of the Me: ho - dist church len'. on Sunday of last week were Well attended. Rev. ('Tifton d;ifonl, of lateen, 'steadied and special music w'as rendered by the choir. Nelsen Blatchford has returned front Dakota when' be went wine ten weeks ago on the larestene excursion. 41-eitintetwie a ail in the Methodist church Martaret i 1'r, of CentriR, trill place h , �p e } •ntalay ret I k the male c child that is cn>..r end Peevish. 1 11(10 nn.rnittg, I do net 'steep When It's a Question of - Electrical ct tical Goods r i; a,i call on ROBERT TAIT "The Old Reliable" • A full stock of Light Fix. tire. , Utentils,•etc., always on band. Estimates given -and con- tracts taken for Eaectrie Wiring and Fitting. ROBT. TAIT West St. Next Postoffice Pboaes: Store 8?, Res 193 ABOUT 3o Have You amDu0k Mandy ? -for yogi ewer know when you may need this wonderful healer. Timely um of Zam-liuk soothes away pain and irritation ,and kills the germs which Set - tap blood poison. ulceration, and eczema. Zam-Buk 1s a pure and highly refined herbal talar. Free from mineral drugs and anamal fats /t 1s the safest dressing (or all skin sores and ln;uries. Every- 1....11 very- L •.i1 .peaks well of Z ,• i BABY'S SORES. Mrs.W. A' Fawcett. til h ver Glade. • N.B.. writes: -"On baba, scalp tyres the usual ointments had no e1tec't whatever. Zan*-Buk, how- ever. speedily .soothed the irritation and Cleared away every trace of disease." • FATHER'S BURNS. Alr. J. Johnson, del 7:u, Isd.wtb Marie st.. Fouwa 1)a. writes - '1 was h:011y' burned by molten metal which went rigat through my boot. .1 was taken home -sad had the loot dressed Nit) Zara -link. Thos kept away all Teetering an Tinffatnmaucn and -1n tw - ere k. 14,1' wound was yell healed " MOTIIER'S ULCERS.. Mrs. - J. h. - 4)O'4. - Neikirk 4 •. Winnipeg. says .-"1 leers started m: my telt ankle anti in spat% of doctors treat- ment. they.t.pread teward. the knee. %am-Buk soothed the rain wcruier- fally, and furttter dressings of this famous balm stepped the eieabarge, leek nut 1111 poisonous matter and braTed my leg p eetectly " 60c box all chemists and dealers. TRiAL SAMPLE tnr 1 cent, •postage frons Z.*m •Itali Co . You Neve.r." Trow Whin You May NEEd 11 tun. lye their returning they will made near Lucan. CLINTON Juewph Ryder, for many years a elti- seu of Clinton, ieft ou Friday for Mon- treal and on ata-tytt'llay gulled for Eng- laud. where he has relatives and where lie b iten & to reside Ierwa'Dently. .t ple�salt soelal evening was spent on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J. D. Atkinson. when the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Talon's church gathered to say "Farewell• to one of their esteemed me'wbe s. Mrs. F. M. Holmes, who Is leaving town shortly to reside 11 St. ('atkarineil. During the 1'v 11111g Mrs. Holmes w•as presented with a hand - emir Intuit cloth by Mrs. Mance on be- half of the society. ]lacy good wishes 1)011' 4'Npre•+s[d +before the party w•pairatel. • Ernest Lirernlore.` a Clinton Col- legiate hey. Who Iiad a brilliant career am a /diadem 'here and who entered Toronto l;ujversity this fall. has just Wen awarded the it'. 11. Massey scholarship in classiest at Victoria Uni- versity. 'ul- versit y. - S. 1;11414,11. of Mullett. has porcha,nal the IL 1,Iyerm,re house 011 Bond street 1411(1 will take up his renidener• In town shortly. H. R. Sharp. manager of ,t4A Wei branch of the Molwtps (tank, received word last week of tile madden -death, at alt. ('isle, 311kh •-_ttf__his _brother. Fred Slarp. - FrreMt W Reales. it -native and for man3 yenr.'a resident Of Clinton. diad at Btautfonl on Sunday aferrms.n of last week. Ile had had a vers, severe illness over a year ago and hall never fully recovered. Ile Is survived by two brother. wtud OW sister. l'Hntdut Collelpate field day. held lee Friday afternoon Wall rely anis toes/did. The weather •was ideal wed keen Interest was shown in every' brow -II ,f the sports. to the utter- ta..ft *herr was a I.ns44a11I game iw- _-thrv.•n the C. 4'. I. and rite Seafnrth •4,vvfiegtafe boys In which the .visIt*M won by.' 13.6, 1n the girls'haskettai11 game tymf.rth -was again victorious with a n.'ore of 8.7. The ehatuplons are as follow):••Iloy's senior chawpion. F. Elliott : Junior. C. Matheson : *trio' mentor eIwmplun. J. 1V.snls; junior. .1. HEALTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL lee w by the perk. t Taking the Hint. { "lk erg 1'. dear," 'Abe ko,kett anxiously at the chock w h aria pointed IA, 12 SO. Whit ie it. lee?" "I don't wi.h to hurry you away, l.;e.orgl , but you know' that paha is o1K overly fund of yeti. and he as an e:erly riser " ' .4t this hint Ih...rge commenced to get really to take Ills deisteure.-spare Stu: 'mid* know his political proclivities 'for 20 l'a,a•.iltdph'k,turingev+inKm•xchurch years." Ireton•-nnnu. da(tlr\lay-afternoon, tkKu- Advcrtising ht The *gnat psyn, la.r 211th. -- came to his [heath from acute periton- itis. The o)*R1lot was expressed that proper noslk•al aid 6.1.1 lot summoned iu dell. ._lIr. Robert- t'. lietimo ml pre. shied at the lnque'nt and drown At- torney Siegel, of l;o.lrrk'h. locked after the interests of the Crown. Drs. A. T. Emmerson ami A. H. Taylor. of (:oderk•h. ewntltd•ted the postmortem. and Drs. W. R. Hemt,ly. R. L. $Ievrart and Alvin T. Fox of 'Vingliam dare tewtlmony. - EXETER- _� r along illndw, the death of Mr,. oft.' k Last week. trod solidity S1i.s V. Huggins has ac4ahte la position Peter Frayne, burnt+« -maker, is rtil in the new store of It. F l'oak. ing from business, haying sold his stock •n o t1', Maurice mince, who took over the business on Monday. Mr. Frayne has been in bueirwes here for forty-four years. The tuarr seas iehennia4Gl at James cagy req October Patrick aldilynnr of East \Cawaprop. i 1 haeireiglt the Ueolerick McLean pep- 19� of Annie L Elford, of .Exeter, and gray on Maple tenet. 1'1,flWni J. Veal, of Urborne. , • • The healthy child sleeps well and dur- ing its waking hours is never crows but pd 1.„0.i...1It :r only Mothers,. ifyour children o well; if they are crows and cry a glia( deal, gire'theni Bpby'e Own Tablets and they will won be well'and happy again. The Tablets are a mikd but thorough lax- ative, which regulate the bowels. sweeten the etouiach, bllniell constipation, colic and indigestion and promote healthful sleep. � are- absoantelx guaranteed free from opiates and may be given l., the newborn babe with perfect safety. '';They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2:, rents a box from the Dr. `V illiatur Medi, inc C ,., -Bre ' Fifteen car •.f sugar beet'• were shippei to Chatham last week. -aan»t Good,' second-hand Watches to he sold on Ten Day's Trial. Money back if not satisfied. $13.25 Waltham for $7.00 23.00 " . $10.00 15.00 Swiss we $7.00 2.50 Pocket Bens " $1.00 All others in about same proportion. Every watch will run and keep tone. rne. Money Back in Ten days if not satisfied News was received la* Thesday of the death in Vancouver of Sliest h.nlu i - a*et1. 1 atlg 1 1 Tif A'hb.n aladeli, •forttwrly of WingliamDemme,' in her twentieth year, and had been a pro- ; lwtioner at ala' hospital in Vancouver un- ' til Rhein six months lx•fore her death:- R. eath"R. it. Bbultickl. who had been man- ager o1 the 14Vingham branch of the , Ilominion Bank for the tart four year, • I.ashwen transferred to Toronto. slides Ruby Breen has .gone to 4iu.•Iph, when. she 11as a position as a steno- Iwr. Wingham high se Ms, e d a •w' very siie eaeful. W. tiny won the boys' armor championship and Snaith }lutbin tlle,iuninr championship. Miss Marie livt.,gston was $uceesefnl for the --armor girls, and Mitac Annie Hntnuth won the Juni. r championship. • The men of Wingham ethtdis( church gave a banquet to the Indite 14 the church „n Tuesday evening. ttctnber 1ltli. In ire of bid weather. the ba 1pnlent ;if the 'chart+ wan crowded. Following the ),.,:..Lave, which was prepared ande -I,y thenen thenieelvets, a splendid pn,gram was Rivett. Mrs. E. 3.2 Jackson and her mther. Sirs. itarteor. of T.irswater. vlsitwl in 1 erre' re'oentl3. T'lle latter Is in lwr ninetieth year and is in pews+nun of all her f•teu114,',. to a remarkable de. ■ IEr"'. The .•.,roller r jury inquiring Into the death of William, ithlt0bfors. broiel,t In the report phut the th, e.ise.1 About 170 voices book peel in the first hill reharsal of "Tate Messiah" in Janes strict church. on Monday evening, 4 kto- be. 17. I'rot..tnelere.,n holes to hate "The Messiah" rendered in James street church early in Iiecember. A quiet wedding was eoletnnized at James street Methodist ii,aronage on Sat- nnIa ,October 15, when 11 ism Lila Banner. daughter of aur. anti aur. W.D. Sanders, of Stephen township, became the bride of Wm: W. }lodging, of BNklulph. The bride wore a brown broadcloth suit and a French tangerine nether hat with a brown veil, and carried the groom's gift n hand- r the ceremony Mr. and alt. Hodgins left for London and later took a train for Handl- Halsey Park WATCHMAKER m' Elgin Ave 2nd door east from South St, Dyed HerTan Skirt to Make Child a Dress DOA'I J-.. HOUSEWORK Each package of 'Diamond Dyes" eon• womantains directions '111 dye or tientlfaded, le 11shabbt y skirts, dresses, waists, coats, sweaters, stockings, hangings, draperies, every- thing very thing like new. Buy "Diamond Dyes" no is her guaranteed, kind -then even perfect fyou a have dye- ing If you want special advice write to never dyed before. Tell 1)i druggist dye whether the Ile. 01 al yon wish to dye Lydia E. Linn. Mw•dicine Co. (confi- Your 4 tat wfll e wool or silk, g ds. Diamonder it ie lDyes been, nopened,,rad and answered by s cotton, or k, p good woman and held la strict conMdesee. never streak, spot, faded or �• Before 1 took Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound 1 could hardly get about. 6 -'".4 IT'S TIME Now For You to` Consider Your Purchases In Clothing for fall and winter wear. - -- \ ' Before buying you should seethe valuee,we have in Men's and Boys' Suits ' y \, and Over. oats All sizes carried in Stantield's Pure oo Underwear for Men aran average -of- 25 Jess than last year's prices. a: • Men's and Boys' Tweed Caps with Klingldose Band-vV. Prices ranging from $1.25 to $2.50 McLEAN BROS. Seri -Ready Tailors and &n4' Fareishets THE SQUARE --- GODERICI•I FOOTWEAR Or FALL This , season we are showing an array of unusual values in -• - - Oxfords,Straplipper;, High Shoes Otrr stockin most complete •in all the favorite styles made in the . best leathers. Prices erre most - reasonable. Por working men our shoee are just the thing, for the fall. They are solid and reliable. i 1 1 t hkers and ' Rubber Bo is lead in quality and price. Are uotY in stock for all pun- pose& 4 72,1:6166672 REPAIRING . *,1U' t. GEO. MacVICAR North side of Square - p GODERICH SWORTH The death of John J. Hurley, a re- spected n•sklent of Nae girth, occurred at his residence on (Jalk street, on Friday, 4 ictober 14. Tle deceased was born to Walpole. (int:. fifty-nine„ years ago and moved witli his parents to Kansas, where his father ',ettkel. He was educated in Washington, slew he held_ • Govern- ment position for eighteen /ears.. Ite drew warped to Brantford for}e time. Three year's ago he came to fleefnrth, where ale w'ns married to Catharine Barry. Bee.ides his widow. 1 e is survived by his antimer. who lives in Brantford. Cobourg, Ont.-" For many years I have had trouble with my nerves and have been in a general run down con- dition for some time. I could not do my work half of the time because of the trouble with my monthly sickness. I was told of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound by friends and advised to try it. It has done me good, and I strongly recommend it. Since I have taken it i have been able to do all iffy own work, and i also know friends who have found it good. You can ape these facts as a testimonial." -Mrs. ELL= FLATTRIa, Box 761, Cobourg, Ont. Why will women continue to suffer so long u more than we can understand, when they can And health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound/ For forty years this good old fash- ioned root and herb remedy which contains no narcotics or harmful drugs, hue been the standard remedyfor fe- male t thousands of anti hwomen who as restored the been troubled with such ailmentsulceration, sdiplace- Q menta, inflammation,lrr uterine*, etc. The Dominion -Shoot, Limited, biter opened a store in the Campbell block -en algin street: Premier Nleig en passed through Sea - forth, on the 11 o'clock train, on Wed - "today rooming of last week while on his way t. Clinton., He gracionely got off while the train was at ate station and sleek hardn with all present. a John Sproat has returned freta Detroit, *li.'le tie sp'nt t}M1wlrrNrlee. - - . Huron County Flax Mille made an as.ignment for the benefit of its creditors on September 30th. it was decided at the meeting id creditors to wind up the affair -of the. company as soon as pommible. After which the mills atSed(forth, Smarts and Blyth liken will be pmt haw s�ltaaneffor t and maark Te stock he liabilities T tTie company ate �ni(Rltttr[ o.er 14200,000, but the present esti'D1a 4alne• of the aer+•ts, provided the market is at all favorable, will cover the liabilities fairly well. J. M. Best, of Seaforth, is one of the in.p•etnrs. - do the' very work Mr. 4'rerar afraid -we are going to .Io. "Take Mr. l'rerur'M manatee° home aid rend D" he urged. "ns wearisome a .tory or !sententious prttrillty us you ever heard." "What IM this railway question ? 1 don't know. Where doe Mr.. Prete k1 SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, Clinton, Ontario Being unab'e at present to open a Gnderirh Branca have arranged a time table that students from Goderlch may attend all classes, coming down in the afternoon and returning on evening train. Classes held 2:'10 to 6:40 m. You will he com- plying with the AdnlewKent Act by attending the School of Commerce For courses red trema. Phone 19f1 or write, F. WARD. B.A. M,Accts., Principal Alit BETWEEN BUFFALO& CLEVELAND ¢ w d..ea. •.:n- :is, .l 'MAG dq •tai Great Ship •'SEE/tND 1' CENTSTEAMERS 3 .t red, that Is different from anon, 1 - Y'or �• _ OrBUFFALO* slow sac sZxntt7 ' Mare 1)p DAUM the lung • t' BC FALO --Daily. sv miry7a(aj- rD . t '1 tie P. M. poetics Viten tie was to tate (bv r redrrrerg rat -is -au. roll ntras..d.rrttel• IL wdutbei + We took 11e railways out I 1 us.. .,..1'e PAW P. to W1>mi i''1)" C'a•ve y- tp - M. r7ws{ars..ay..ateo slaughter sale of all Gcnnctt Reoolds- ten-inch at tl i rents each. Come sat g.•t ting rhoiee. Blackstone'.'. Healing Cream Stops Catarrh Clogged Air Passages Open at Once -Nose and Throat Clear. .1)m Crt.unt rev •' *1G Ac i'. .. Detroit i.neoed et'n Blent. - . twin DegrClonee. A.t l, -k r ,,mina Degree. Buffalo .od Cleve4od .r. e.od r.,r [rirwrb[i� .. i�.r. "Mr. /'rotor says he does not want sy',..e new 1emna.rrett t.. tkr. t.1.0 ague.. \I27lorbDtw�r..���6�aMa.uar- free trade right away. The tariff is I 1 ` ' "'�' •1Lr z 1'.n d.sern l wit, for r.r...t.xa. a.s ezt t Kr had, (onimercially and morally wrong, hot we Ione here It for a while. If 1 thought. as he did, that we 0011111 *'I along with,nt_I� 1 ou�ld abolish -pro- tection tomorrow, and 1 think any reasonable men would do the name. The fact of the matter M. that riled you pike the ditty off-th1• essentials. fmdamental industries that wr mast have In Clarinda if we ere to have any Midwifes" system' at ail. 7o have to take it off everything, or hoer could you maintain it? it' would be discrim- inatory end Impmsstb)e. Remove the duties "on foodstuffs anti Inatrnmente of protluetlon slid raw material end you deal a death blow to the indwells! system of this e'ountry that we have 11,1111 up for the` taut 441 • [iota tear . Ta .1.7 mD. f,•uta Wry colored ,••ej�I wool* greet or Taw drat 9.10 . SEP:ANDBI11" .mit en receipt o1 fir. rents. A4.o.mb for ore iiia/. 66e1'w1i1 •.d �"• eerier Tae Clay.land & edr.) ; Tra..it Compeer If your nostrils are cteigged and your head stuffed because of catarrh or a cold, get Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this pure, anti- septic, germ destroying cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head and membranes. Instant relief. How good it feels. Your head is char. Your nostrils are open You breathe free!p. No more hawking or snuffling Head colds and catarrh yield like magic Don't stay stuffed up. choked up and miserably R.Selici is sure, tion at an. Tw 1'.r... Skip -°a1AnD•a- _-er. l••a••• .ed meet e.�r ip•oremer st.•ores e. l■1.■d voters f1*..,orld. Simply; topoeiry, 1100 pressen. `FARE) s year.. " GREAT STOCK atll� terY14x • "As to Mr. Ring yon will 'Deter get DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out: Thickens, Beautifies; s :45 -rents buys a bottle of "Ilandor,ne" at any drug store. After one applies - tam von can not find • parte le of dandruff or a falling hair. lle.idra, every hair shows new life, vigor, bright - nese, more c*nor and abtrndaese. ti Reducing Sale .>ywxnnnn( , H&v-ing disposed of our Retail Furniture Business to Mr" J. YR:-Wheet 1 we are now planning to -reduce our stock in all lines before giving �. Possession on November 15 Spsze will not permit us to quote prices but bar- gains are assured as a substantial diflicount will be given on every article in the store. can...x "5p;dfiimrL,t'if�IMtablllr Walker's Furniture Store . The Square, Goderich •✓vkh iii ?. �-1.•.e.V� i.. .. 444. eiMMINF • este,:,l, o