The Signal, 1921-10-27, Page 4Rfdssesst_. •ottser ew+.aortaraase• . 4 -'Thursday. Oti., wr 27. 19'21. ito fir ti li tb 0, 06 tb a elf tb tb W tb til' ►V ib ‘140,0/ lei tai kb t h tb tL elf tllf ii i kid 11r tier elf tflf tfif ilia iii iii t 3 3 3 /'(ewJq3udgeta �rrn6 7F 1 Adjoining '(ommtunities F 6. ,„fpf fpfhht ftfpfefpfpfpf ththtt� rp fp fat I% IIIfttfelpi ielef ththtfnI%feff�htm"1l 7tR GODERICH TOWNSHIP • Tias}•ev, iSo. 25. The Guderich Township Rine Moods - Lion intend holding a shoot at tow river Lange, on Weliwot ay Nov. 'Sod at 1 o'clock. II era ,weeks 1'.ert.-.i ivawlu.rade Hallowe'en p.trty, under the anspuc.s of tete Country \\ +omen', Club. w ill lei• held at the loin! ,of Mr. and Mrs. Clarkes THE. HYDRO STORE Use an Electric Vacuum Cleaner and your house will always be clean. Does the work quickly, quietly, fliciently and economically. A - See our display of Electric Iroos,. Washing Machines, Lamps,. THE HYDRO 'STORE N Mh Side of Square. Goderich, Ont. 'Whitely. on Ilouday riming. ring. t' - ' Slst, commencing at , is ht. An ...t+ • I !sting pr...Irani Mill be iia" Sled, at •t prises given for the best ladies and sem, limey mt- aucy c..etitil . 31.o f, •r the hest tomtit Costume. }eery et'r.vn eelr..lue: .1 .IfziTII or Foaauut llk•rnr:rr.-1M•sth claimed it- former resident of 11uron on Friday of last week. in the Jerson of Mrs.' i Phipps, relict of,the lat.ttllee•II Iltipi.•, f this t.•w-nship. ale, dad t .or hone' .f her daughter. SI n+. Janies linnet. axe wot...Mon. atcliue. T+•r•.nto, int her Allay -first year. For wren. time Ills. Philos had ivade her Ilona... ia' a !oho • • •. at Whitby, but recently went on a visit to her daughter at T..mnto, p:w+ing :may after a brief illness. 1, .ti rl ,.s f•.r totally year* a reeideit .1 this loon: lir, and was particularly' weal, known in the neighborhood of ilolmeect ie, sill.% ea. held in the ve • higlast este.•n1• :and was an real•aia demi faithful- noside•r ot the 4leth.xlist church. In adtlition to her • daughter in Torr,nto. she Dace. a .laugh- 1 ter in Bott)Iancille, Mrs. Frank -wallow.. mei three *MS, a ie.•rge, until recently a weleit of this town•hi ood Jauurf *tet w Stillwell. r•-ude nts of Man i•Ti: . • katchewau, respectively. 11n learnint of her death, (mite a number of Iwv,.ukl w' re Huron friends. now in Toronto. l.tt rt ainertritmte of - ory. 1 oil Sunday !venni t a funeral -e•r- vice was held at the houseby It.•t. \Ir. -31eherrell, the remains bring taken t•• \Vhitliy,lfur'itertoent. SAVED FROM AN OPERATION "Fruit•a-tlres" Completely Me 8925 Caws `;r., \•estocvsa, D.C. "I suffered with all the symptoms of Female trouble, with chronic Coma - pa von and constant Headache& I had pails low down in the hack and sides of the body. A doctor advised me to ' have an operation. I started taking "Fruit-actives"and this medicine has coryplete!y relieved ant of all my misery ao•l suffering. 1 ant%aa of pain awl headaches. and the terrible Constipation, and what saved me is the fruit medicine,- • "Fruit-s-tives." Madam M. J. GORSE. 80e a boz, ttfor$ .50, teal Mse At dealers or -sent postpaid by Bruit -a -titres Limited. Ottawa. 8T. AVOUSTINE • Tuesday. Iletolier 25. -itr. oath Mtn, Rolwrt itch. of Port Elgin. visited at Ma.o.tt Mt . llister'a tltih week. 31r. and Mrs. Geer. Cowan and _31r. anal Mr. 11. loiter. of Myth. slant the mento and demonstrations in Mr. Allen's w.ek.•ml with friend. in thi- vicinity. !nail all this week. Mr. -awl Miss M,s'linehey . etsit.d The MeiJhodist annicers ary was a `rat their sister. )ors. Chas Robin -.•t. last I!ne(ess.-.The attendance wag very Is week. and the thank-otfwrins summated to The tax .ells for i. on �ti- rounds/ special meetinet ane being held in Methodist church this' week. The'{wdttor attain- _-- - ---lis being !heisted by neighboring clenty- • men. B ram.i.Fp._ Communion service will be halm' in the t\'d•Ines.lar, (Stoller ..1. Presbyterian church next Sunday at II asm. THE SIGNAL - GODEIRIOH, ON?. WINTER CARE OF COLTS The First Winter a Critical Time for Weanlings. Two or More l'olts Do Better To- gether--Noarlalling Feeding Moo an Important Factor - No (lain In Too Early Pasturing. (Contributed by Ontario Departaaeat os Agriculture. Toronto.) LOCAL DEALERS COMPLAIN OF SHOE SHORTAGE Dif lcultiea Experienced In Ob- taining Supplies From the Manufacturers 1•ise•uasing hu -loess conditions wItIt The nest winter Is a critical time It Signet repn•.entative a few days ago in the Ilfe of a cult. The care a heal shoe deo ler_conllhlatoed of taw difficulty he had been experiencing in attention he receives during thisand diffobtaining adequate supplies from the period determines, to a great extent, his future usefulness. If he be poorly fed, neglected. and, allowed to be- come thin and weak. It is probable he will never be as good or valuable an animal as he would have been under more favorable circumstances. Comfortable Quarters Important. He, in the first place. should be provided with warm, comfortable and w,•11 -ventilated' Quarters, and, while he should be taught to .lead. an Mend tied, It is m':ch be:ter It h have a roomy stall to stand in. Two or more colts will probably do better together than one alone. At the same time, li is often necessary to whiter one without company. He will do better by himself than with a colt a year or more older. The oast clues - tion Is: "What, and • bow much. should he be fed." Tbe Matter of Feeding. In our opinion there is little dan- ger of overfeeding at this age. While there are exceptions. 1t is us- ually safe to give a weanling all lhe DUNOANNO will eat, provided he gets rag -d Wedneaday, Oct. 26. exercise; but it must be understood Miss M.Ray. M.returned !mow to lake- I that he should not be given more field on Wednesday. She was aceotn- than be will eat. it b -a mistake to panted by hev sister. Mea. H. M. Duff. keep food before him all the time. Mrs. Lott, of \Vinghan, is visiting her He should. with apparent relish, eat sister. Mrs. G. (►. Duff. all that is Oven him. to at most an A medical tn.up4'amt giving entertain- bout and a halt, and then he will be ready for the nett meal when the time arrives. It 1s not east to gay Just how much food a colt of a given age and size should eonsume, but the attendant, if a careful and observant man, will soon be able to determine the Quantity to be given at eaeh meal, and be able to gtve sufficient, with- out waste. Hay and oats should be the food upon which to depend for growth. both muscle and bone. It erb• c•otuwnnion s•rviee oil: he i)Mr. J. R. • McNabb and/son Jack other grain than oats be given w 1141.1 iu Bethelchurch' next Sunday motored to London on ?medley to ise will take back what we have sty 'noruing.•t-onlwetd•his at 1tt:111 o'el,ttk. Mrs. McNabb. w•ho is in; the hoer{.ittl about "there being little danger There will be leo 'ottwr'service. en the there. We are glad 10 t car that Mrs. overfeeding." McNabb ie int �ne.ing lily. N seseeettesseselselosloseseeesWeestateseselenee esesesseeleseeeseesoWeeseseseNtelesetheoo t -hr nu that_ day. 1 Give Best Quality of Food. Harvest Horne -anniversary •..'rvieesa dale. and Mn. D. pickle, of Hantitton, arc visiting dnAll food should be of arstsclass will be held iu Ihtu North IHaheslist . Londa t quality • Well saved timothy makes Mrs.If.Hell tmy 7mon ( u ed y dottrel' on ice air. 'Novemier lith. °I."6"1"' a good substitute. Hay should be fed 31.a•iliuyt service at 1111 w , oondn.'f.rt the necensary QuantltiN three • DRINK ROT TEA 1 by the pastor. • Evening service at 7'. Death of H.'asses.-31r. mL i a. se r. in ehh k, Tit charge of hart: II. Moyle, `a well known and highly respected times dally, and we prefer whole tp j' citizen passd;ilway on Thnr lac ..f cut hay for such young animals. Thi d Rile. Ito the ((Showing Monylsy 1 leaf week at the aIle of el ttty•.ix manner In which oats should be fed evening. -lvccmlreC_?IJt.. n_?ltatil+gir•. nN •I'ts, fnswraf trek plate nn Sat- will admit of argument. In our opt4 Ing "upper will int •awed in the twee fon. and experience, rolled oats gives nal r trohdt tow Ixrme of his elaughtrr t the that colts relish rolled oats that hags FOR A BAD COLD .4 a sma11-trackage of Hamburg stTra.m any 1,hartn:icy. • Take a tubi. • sinful of the tem. Tutt a cup..of boiling. water upon it, l..ur the moth a sieve at drink a teacup fall at any time tour • tow day or before retiring. It Is the +oat effective• war to break a told 'an.l iter grip, ns it opens tow pores of the -f relieving 1 Al - so i.".seas tt .all from tl 'Iiy it tint text -11 -.hl or f to g p and .entirely vegetal ;.rad harmis- t meat or tow cfollow fntm 4. to tt.:10 ry' Goo Anspr m. to nime,nnon' better result' than whole. We find . elta•k, to int followed by an enter. 14metPryC Itt•v. D. Douglas. u tatntn.nt given by the Raymond Rw4;AKll CIA/reit" had cheese of the been scalded and allowed to become mond ('.li Weert t'o. This pramIIP. 10 LIF cool, and that they thrive well ee the gr.t,test and grandest event to the w'reice' annals of the -larch. - 1 such. The practice of mixing a ra- n, rr u•v tut •r•nge•st on•• tlon of rolled eats and • little wheat • bowels. thus driving Tia tvtee{aeyrrs of Colborne are ihe-1 ./ � � chaff or cut bay 1n a pail, pouring ing -.111..1 together this week to may /Machell & liro•.vn have sold their some boiling water on it, covering It w system. wlwther or toe a'distriet nurse shall bekeship in Wingham to W. E. Bath- Wand allowing It to stand for a few int.• you rr inti I t� yp{a,iu.sat to rtsit rho ee•ha,d. at,'well. n1 ('ranhrook- Mr- Ratlr•veH in., haaere.before feeding. gives uzo.0 t stiff tttexlw•us re therefore safe BUB BACKACHE AND 1UMBAQ R16111 OUT ...... tuanufaeturers. Frew the. information witit•h had 1144.11 hurulsh,rt him lie was 11.1 if/ believe that the truth! In Gode- rieb along with other centres was fac- ing it shortage of loots and shore and in the pnshlctiou of leather as well. It seem. that since tow decline In pelves eonuuettrd, buying all along the line had taper on g very small stale. The public restricted Its purchase!. to to minimum. The retailer totaling his high-prieerl stock,. dlmiui.hing et a slow rate, cut down his purchasers foam the wholesaler, while the whule- -aler and J.rtdwr and manufacturer lonrsued the name policy. The result is that at the present tint. available stocks are light. With prieoe haring 'Mown a steadier tentleowy during tint mist few months area the winter com- ing on. the tendency to hu , ie•ginning with the Individual. Is / w browning more protoutmed. and It is tuuutl that wuppiles are art adequate to Immediate requirements. Leather dealers maintain that shoe m$ uufacturera may have difficulty le ..I Itdug stocks of leather for wsuu• facture on abort notice and shoe Job- bers are fiutilug difficulty In obtaluittg suppllert front wxuuhcturr•ra. 1►urlug the time when busluess waw et lay lowest ebb It was frequently predicted that, Irving to the light detnatdt and the slackness of operations, a shortage might tiers ntten husluess improved. That nowethlttg of this sort is now Ile- curring xcurring would appear. Mauutaeturlug plants anti stags haring become tile - organized whim pr.slut•tiott was small. It take,. it little time to get back to normal etBrietx•y. Now that retailers mud wlwlerwlere appear to be dlspositd to build up tlwlr wtoeks to normal alae, orders are dowlug Iu at a lalrly rapid rate, wltk•h Junkmen a hoary drama on the• manufacturing plants. rutll nor - mat coalitions of production are re- auws-tI. it would appear that there may to a st•ar•tty of sown lino. A feature of the situation is that labor .wets are saki to have •)sown little decline. This (wing the titer. unlrws the cost of writes 4ce1 itis .A. there doer not geem t.. Int much promoter ut lotWer prkes, but rather a tendency the other way. The Male Point. It *rods nett {sowerful land t.. get that Tory crowd at tlttaen to ere the big pint in this !onust-that the ts,uutry does not want them there one Tour longer. OMB SAGE TEA II rADEo as CRAY LIAIB If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. Grandmother kept her hair beauti- fully darkened. gleamy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, a faded or streaked appearance. this atm - pie mixture was applied with wonder- ful effect By asking at any drug store for •'Wyeth'. Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bot - 11e of this old-time recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients. all ready to use. at very little oast. Thee Ample mtxture oar be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because It darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied - It's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears: after another application or two, it Is restored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful This preparation 1s a delightful toilet requledte. 11 Is not is - tended for the cure, mitigation or pre - voodoo of disease. Choke ('Lriatnas gifts at Arthur ()isle Bazaar, o IcG.►n•r 29. - -''The Scotch Store STORE HOVRS n 8 ASML TO RAE M. t SATVRDAYS interval• through the year and r.•port tends serving hot meals' in connection results. The morning's meal eau b/ Oil thw general tnndition of ho,lith of with the bakeshop. Mr. Mitchell's prepared In the evening, and the the pupils: This seems t.. he a wove home is in Brussels. . ' evening's meal in the same vessel fa in the right direction.' The deer htluters are planning a trip the mopping, the noonday meal be - north and will leave in the near..(uture. ing either dry, rolled or whole oats. I The carpenters and pointers are In adddt:ion to hay and oats. the colt KriC,SBRID(:F.. tray on the impressment et the in- "should be given a carrot or two with the soon meal, and a feed of bran. Married in Deafen. -A very pretty tertor of 'the town hall. took pins In St. Peter and It. A. 'Seidman has n•tunt.tt from ! ei her damp or dry, at feast twice Paoli ‘ 6.o, h in Deo .i,it. Mir Moan. w4"+4'-hw 1'44'40'4'4-247 This may be extra. or in lieu t oats, as Is Indicated by the appaz` hM.n eat requirements of the eolt. As re - ha gardd water, it 1s well to allow free aeeese to water at all times. Where 1 this Le not practicable the colt should ver M glen water at least three times .. -• L dally. t Let Him Get ReoasooMe Exercise. . ethnnn He should -fie turned into a yard Mot,tay morning. Idiotwr 10, at 7 for the abater. Bab Pain and Stiffness away with ,;clack. when 3114-4 Margo ret .inn snt•i 14'wsld Hemingway wlto 'had a small bottle of old honest liven. daughter of Mrs. John E: i4nl. teller In the (tank of Nova rt,rotia. St. Jacobs Oil When your back is sore and lame or lumbago, emetics. or rheumatism has you stiffened up, doo't suffer! Get • 35 cent boV.le of old, honest "St. Joss W" at any drug store, pour • little in yews hard and rub tt right Into Ilraa. of Kingsbrkig., became the' la" prowmte•I t.. St. Cathari kir of )I r. 1'.te•r Vogt. The held! Frank (')Naps 1'. his sncewssoT here. attired in a gown of move cauton'l MN. A. '.I1ttf:tire• and Mrs. R. 0 trimmest with military brahL,ttttendtrl'the Provincial W. ('. t was a combination of hone .rnrenlinn in iwnt oiiass wre y (Inviter!). the brim .emtircled - .1. T..Wou4' and Sterner of t' .. t o tj tcliTrutttier. of the ,.agP a•t're 7r* Town, last *Pkk. count fifty, the soreness end lameness of meat nail lilies of the valley. Miss old friends in town. or paddock for a few hours every the pain or ache, and by the time you "hair. . carried a shower tquepdK' Ma's. J. 'Fox. of Toronto. it vi -iron¢ ; day that Is not too rough or stormy, end the more gentle handling and is gong F)lizalwth Sellh•an who attended her' lessons In leaden[. etc., he gets the poet May criftP44l Thu x"4111 , sister ns bridesmaid, wore a gown of od needs to be used oaiy i better. His feet require attention. ST. HELEN peoetratmR brown Banton estpe with hats,, matelt1, Mr. M. Kenzie W. -1b took in the The wear 1s usuallynot sufficient to core. It tetras the ache and pun right and_ ,carnet ophetia now.•s si V. out of your beck and Buda the misery• was attended by lois !nether, -Mr. An- wP1� n h wt xext+ttxk SIM' grog them In proper eels deepp feet It is magical, yet absolutely barmless grow long and the heels and and doesn't burn the akin.drew wort, as hest ntlo�an. After a trip 1 Mr. ('lark sold rwe(tty fine evrinnies narrow, and the wall turns Inwards Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica in the East 31 r. all( Mrs. Vogt will of hes to II r. Hr1A, of ('ex,kstown.; below the Quarters. It this be not gad lame back marry so promptly!..;111 at looms to their l,n4s of ^_ta7 Mr. «.14 and Mr. Houghton come up f erected or prevented, permanent Ione•uirl urenue, Is,.troit. *Ml'1ticsn. -�-- Your Fall Suit and Overcoat Now is the time to select your Fall Suit and Overcoat. You can get a good selection here as our stock is Targe and made by the most reliable makers in Canada. It costs only a little more for good clothes, why then buy inferior goods, they will not give satisfaction. Our prices are as low as is possible to sell good clothes. $25.00 $35.00 $40.00 Walter C. Pridham Pleas 37. Oo�gIlie►. WierWeeseetWeelletfellielites 41• with n motortruck on Monday evening nod left Tneslsy on their trip home. Mr. Walla.-,•. of Barrie, Mr. Cut>' ningham• o1 Walkerton. hiss Margaret' normal size and shape a■ possible by Mliller._of- Vimy - Ithsa., \.-w a�et�e l the nae of a .hoalnlsmlth's knife :nit Mr. :,rad IIn. .Toho Itlller said and rasp. The stall should be clean - daughter. Grail.. of Toronto, we IS. ed out, at leant onee weekly. -J. 13. Iters at 31 r. \t'a1IH.r Miller';x. They Reed, V.s., O. A. CoUegs. Guelph. were attending the funeral or the late lir. Elliott Miller, of Lit.ekaow, on Fri lay. Mr Torr.ne.• Atab•r.on, who spent the s liner near ltindloss. Alberta, retnrtteo home last 'work. Mr. wilt. Mr.. Geo. W.4,1, anti Lorne motoriel 't(., Wexd stork on Friday to -take in the P'povine•tal pinngMns ma toll. They sighed In Hamllton o.er the weelio•td. Mr. and Mr. ttolw•rt M. -Gowan of ltlyth rlsit•el their friends here orer the weekend \ars. John Miller, sr.. is in this week with her son. Mr. Elliott Miller. Mrs. A. Shirt rise -iced a tol.gr►m on itaturlay from Minttewpnll., telling of, the sPMous Illness with ptwnmonia of her sun, Gregor. Word r.retved later stated that he was "bolding hie Own." Mies beth Fitapetrirk is home from ioodoo looking much improtehd is health. Hallowe'en Social. -A liatlowe'en social, ender the simple. of the Young I•Pnple s claws will be lash in the hall, sit. Helena, on the ermine of Tumi- dity, November lot. A entail f.. of 2'i eerata will be clharged at the dnor. the wore -de to go towards •testing a pmaiso feed. Mr. and , KG's. Ail, Weaken end children, of Jtnnmltler, snot Mr end Mew, W. Phiillpe, of (loderieh. spent Strada, at Mr. Jas. Purnin'a arm may result. The feet should bei carefully examined at least once monthly and dressed to as near the F 40, No Gain In Too Early -Pasturing. Farmers should not he in a hurry to turn their cattle out to pasture, The cattle will travel over the entire pasture area, and by. Butting up the Sod with their hoofs while the ground to yet soft. and grazing off tate first blades of grass theywin greatly reduce the amount of feed which the pasture will yield if they are kept off a few weeks longet so that the grass may have opportunity to make a real start. Under aeorage conditions it will by all means pay best to keep the cattle off the pas- ture until the sod has bosoms arm and the grass bas attained sueeleat start to support them fully from taiga time they ase torsed out. cattle should be turned on new grass the Brat time about the middle of tie day, after they have already had a good fill of dry feed. They should be driven bask to the teed lot seek night for three or tour nights, and• gPrea opportunity 1. eat souse dry teed scab mernlng before /slag 10 the Posture. All claae.s of steak will give Mb. ter r.tuses wbspe a variety edt toed V surpiled. ♦ estrum et Ilea. le generally better than todlag seal♦ ase kind. Advertising Ie The Medal PIM 10 P.M Fall Underwear. and Hosiery- 'i; NQW IS THE TIME to get your winter supplies of Under- wear and Hosiery. Stocks are most complete in every detail and at our, store you can buy Underwear and Hos- iery for every Member of the family. TviI.1l's Natural Wool, 12.0 per Garment Ask for No. 70 Turn - bull's natural wool women's Vest, and Drawers, special per garment •$2.00 Women s Union Combiaati.us at $1.95 Women's cotton and wool Combinations, in high neck, long sleeves, and low neck, short sleeves, ankle length, per garment... 11.95 Ttlleaiii.lrs Uoiss Vada, $110 Turnbull's Union Vests in white and natural, per garment $1.00 Drawers to match, per gar- ment 11.00 W. .'s Pis Weave Canthi.- aliens, 13.95 Turnbull's No. 484 wo- men's fine weave union Com- binations, in high neck, long sleeves, and low neck with eitber,_ghort or no sleeves. per garment $3.96 Children's - Natural Wool Vada and Drawers.-Turnbull's natural wool Vests and . Drawers, natural and white, ribbed, from per garmest $1 00 Turnbull's Wool Ribbed Vests. 61.95 sorb Turnbull s white wool ribbed Vets, nn.hrinkable, each $126 Drawers to match, ea$1.9S T.rab.8's All -Wool Combinations 17.50 Abaolutely all wool and unshrinkable are these love- ly cream pure wool women's Combinations, in high neck, long sleeves, or low neck, short or sleevelt, ankle length, per suit $7.50 Children s Natural\ Union Vests and r. Drawers. -These tire Turnbull •s make, also in wbite. Per garment from 50c Children's Combinations in cotton and wool and all -wool from $1.00 a Soit Children's Black Tights, cotton and wool, from 70c a pair ___.190MEH'HEATHER HOSE $1.50 PR. Womsa's Cashmere heather Hose in shades et navy, brown and green, excep- tionslSalmi, per pair $1.50 EMBROIDERED CASHMERE HOSE $1.95 PAIR This is indeed the very newest in Eng- lish Cashmere Ilnse with embroidered block designs, very dressy, per pair $1.95 SPECIAL VALUES IN SERGE JUMPERS Women's and misses' smart Serge Jumpers in navy and black, braid trimmed, also leather belt, each only 54.96 WOMEN'S ENGLISH HEATHER HOSE $225 PAIR Thin is a splendid English ,a11 wool ribbed Heather Hose, very popular, in all shades, special per pair 12.20 CHILDREN'S ALL WOOL CASHMERE HOSE Children's all wool Cashmere 1-1 rib, in little Daisy and A B C qualities, in cram, black and brown, from per pair 50c CIIILDRENS SWEATERS Splendid showing of Children's Sweat - and Pullovers, all sizes, in all the popn- styles, from each =1.110 era lar PHONE AND MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Miller's ScotchStore'u"' The Store 1 hat Gives The Rest Service v