The Signal, 1921-10-27, Page 22-Thnrslay. l ectin er 27. 11121.
aratilisiondi I That Brisk, Rich Flavour
Timeslay, ilk -tither 27. 1921.
Mr. Meighen in his I:toiletich address';�
deocritxd the Cr•rar election manifesto a -
"a weuris„nm spay of s•11tenti.ols prim__
tlity.•' What did hr mean " -Senten-
tious" we know', -puerility'[ way under-
stood.; but "MIMIt•nti.lis pucr1111y.rwraps,
to b• nothing bat n pur✓.1',
P.amc phrases make an. instantaneous:
"hit" [til remain iuuuorttl: for instance.
•'inu,s•uotis d.r-eetl+dr." Certain wonl-
wer• mean to he Mated, atu1, like lovers
at tins sight. hey mee't.thel'1 thee*., and
diei%wfter, can ,it 1w jai -tool. But ••se•n-
Wl111o111N ' and ' MI'rility" do 11•,4 appear
n -the . fate
no relativity, sob speak. E:ieh .w,m
has iia meaning, but wy do not coalesce
-they an• not sal uta s -they willnut
uud wuu h1$ election, though his 4aarty, wlwhru, headed* by :lir. Meighen's Ins, weal those timer** of tiny hopeful(
wu., dofeatosl. Nue his 1uethel of Minister of I"llkinee, sp•ut mouth" outlook fur tate future. As 1f the
argument is to mention 1111 'Industry, i touring rhe country seeklug evWruee .peckers were to "ay : "We know
the uunlwr of Molds• it employs uud uu uatt•nt related to the tariff, tool a you are not satisfied. Your populntlun
found in every cup of the genuine {he awut+l or it. pr.Mluet. and lou -i tariff revision was to be Wade at the la dwlmlling; many of you are out of
',dimity, that the Liberals would Just hist Me�.aluu of 1'rtll+ttueut but for
work : the cost of Hvlug 1s high. We-
cannot fro anything for you, lout you
will 1* worse oft unless you keep un
In power." Surely the situation W trot
so tad as this. If the 1lrlsheulte*
gave mr cheer for the future, we mutt
look to the party of Mr. King or that
of Mr. tient'.
ir44* 11 bout. The LIIM•ruls are out do- ,rime reason w•us luck) up. Will Mr.
Itlg that x4,4.4 of thing. Turk mane Jlelglleu may Just whist !h.' new tariff
tog. in IS1M4 dI'I'W dismal pistons ut 44.111 1M• should he I"• tt power tricot
What w•ualel happen when the Laurk'rt�ear ? HIM ('11th•e speech and Hutt of
4:m -eminent wax played In power. 1 Mr. Guthrie would lewd the hearer to
The Fielding twirl' of 1s97 gave the believe rlat they favor *'cru a higher
p11ople a large degree of relief from I tariff than that now lou effect Do the
IR Iw erste •but instead of being 1 J1rl 1 i •
tion• p I ictel t s {no{ow' to IIM rase any `
is the true flavour of the pelCtlY preserved a 'kali out the umuylfaltuthtlt Judos/ . dutlrM, and. if so, what duties ? Ila "WO
he A
pipe Bunduesa
leaf. This unique flavour has won for $stall it r. fiuurl-hayYa- •u'ccr la lure. Thertlie" trod a, reluct any Julies. and,A (Irillta Packet.
the largest sale of any tea in America. a' I�
Liberals even put some wan►ttfacturrei i It' so. what ditties ? Mr. ktrlshen til wwgam e lthat a*
illrthr of k. 4 prcoclmrtr
yti the free .list -Moder twine hint i might gi+r ...tar p►rticulara hlmMelf that still bring the Unit: good
„ream 'w•{wrntorx-tail these ere Instead of deinanliug se much from prI IM uppity'. i►uring the wear the
-tronger today 111x11 ever they were the utter I,.nle•rs. unharls of this -Metric' have been
rom*'what Ore nude' prt/tbu. JIr. huthrlr sial'*1 _ i.'tA,'e'tel he hi root shoreTariffli Issues 11
that the average duty du agrleulturrl 'Phe Premier'x r•IuarkM on our trade ase of labor, and the high price
field produce. lint with the return to
Whavrrutthulg acorn*' n t tu:acaulrrJ 111.1 ytxu wurk.'d out at 7�a-, with the l ulted States were not very
Threadbare by
Melghen ter tent. pl` 7er 1"e tent. I" enough thi glut he ' se t ext. ung is :a tion tor the inn til carrot ween, wit are other, thing, the ',resent r%ehtrn r situation
u:uulfuchut•t: allowed to •.ltrlt*r should Ia• plea.iug to / uwdfuu.. a. •
lice. thrw44•ive. behind a 'tarlR ( 33
13 the prrwfuw uu 1'. S. rurmtay aRunbr
If Jir. Jleighe•n wisest timely Ci, user
I additional
two long a , nd�" in j`txt'ai 'shim. ii The Premier and Mr. Guthrie Criticize Oppoaenta at Great Length,
. per cent. Isn't it time to do worn* protection to t'aoadlan
might Just :W aril bate sriri vuu•thiii_ 1 l- I injure' yadieu,
.rauulg on urea tariff tree ! Cab- IoreMlh rr �r. Jarishru thln`k" Ilia.
about -deleterious inconiprehet ihr:tt. But Do Not Give Much Enlightenment as to Their Out :Nouns ur'p,• to 1 ure an' buy cMr much taw the •plates•'
Intentions legit industry. but they have loot what 1' nadiau '.'.null wn4taw•
or "brjr•fi.•dlrid n'lilfrl"•Vlt Intl." ••r •• *i• -
;'ack,:iticw'tpcii1.spry," •.r"1'rnn,tap,r) _ _or tired of paying. big pries.. for !u-, 1 . S. ge""is, when confrnuterl ONO( by
de sulntnq: s:ant;nin." \\'e .4' qot know i ' teriol• goods JIl•1 to +well the profits a tariff anal a. Jls•uuut on Itis motley. ,
pearl!,wh,rt .}d law ` w .,4- n..,,..• (tut--•�,..--}it .y.tasytrtt+trit iu- t;.xtrilcll u,uti4mtj b, Mr. t:uttine the .xuetercl• :d Juilliety-+tri wamr[retnn rx. 11 tf be *I'M ilex t•irtnally compelled to.
they arr all in the dictionary tar It'4'. last .w'i'ck tcax remarkable in chi• pug Governmentt a a. „f. t he :Imr . t wV tit.' ilI.i•ral+'pr pose. to-do Is .10 ret e . so 'ter the States for certain g000
d y
: , just i,.•,kiitn u
..ttt[rt:-stat oft,* 4). 4t-iia.u' m'alrt'nery of tam political- itillo.f-f+tr c a+ stat predeets:•-,r itglr.rl, it wa. vie-, the, ttfrilt vocidti1:; •- in the.
he III(.' to For instance. anal. Ihs•s Hr. Mrlghen
•�tl,,, weil.l like 4•, n•.• any of tbem in hi• (Cat wa: offered to the elector.. `lhol,- u41111v the sumo- t,oyrrutn,•nt uwdrr a of the people and het the Ilig interest,'' intend to qct anew duty on eat' from
ealui•aicu-}a'Y•l, is quip' wcle"""' na o'•, four-fifths of the tier -given to -i:''w heart. till-- do a tittle hustling fur [brit livins•1t4* t Y -wed what shout raw
eu. Howe err. tN+Ja4J.recoil IIIWWIthein. ,isrr•1t•,•sktug Was devotes} to the dj.•
The crowd wout4}rather_heal llu' sisoker ,'u"*luu, of Ihe tariff. The tariff eel'.
"flail a lir than ionfopn,t a "p•rn'in :;aty N a •'ulJ*r•t of iW{M,rt:u r. Ialt t y
()logical inexactitude." Jtos1 folks die 1:nlrr ace oilleV 111111.�s ill the t)a,lona!
• _ _-like a t',"e r„IIM•riyit ve'rlre-ity. r -.tinct ,tn• worthy the attention of
Kut what did 31r. Mei_h,•u ineair by p",li144.81 leader. in ti'3pr :uldre•.s.v hr
"se'11tentious puerility" ` i .
the elector.. A. It ten the tariff last
1�a'' •�• Tx, ! Wednesday eight loot a g•""i' airing--
EDITORIAL .NOT ori our Ile, at list+t. Mr. $414.1 t.,n 1
mad' hi., first, up1Ielrauct• balmy n enwptete•d Jir Meigitett • I«.vcrmilre nt K 11g and Mr. 1'tenr. ItrganI1i*g the I 1-->--
1'aew.y.4iee'the head that the bent gathering spine Iiia-tnr/eiteatltrl root ansae r. 1,•. under a new a' o m�rreors up the 'Big luter*iete The l'''aser paid some attrtuloo to
entubinatiou ofl, bunk vault. There was malting umeli in hi. speo;wh and does wet ..t 1 ...If the Paton Got•-n{.4�.rt .' the Gurrnlwrut. the Pre. f national railway nwtt.•rs and coin- I
to comptaln'o1 mile.. it way his iron.. 1t'llment 1.•; National Liberal anti - tui,•r- *Iruuual•.1 fin -flier particular+. • Plainest that rritit•1.w. of the Govern
• Admiral Beatty has taken \ew 1'••r�r textr'ul Hitewld • t, revive the anti• Conserv.'ti. • P. '`' I.111nrnt. 31 r. 1:••1it• Mal reader. of Mr. t'terar's 'speed** meat's railway admint,'trwtlot were
by_atonu-_wi h Ilt tiring a r]'a. Ili 4l•+e'IMa• p.rrJtapi.•u_4a11u17 ries reply • , !Abend leader'. nice tht•post- 11tre) Will see that the pear-' tart .uf ielently .h•finite.' This' Se net to
, lighting repntuiotl and Ili --aril. did it. - �_, ral1n111.•..' 1• :... r.•1•ly at a11. tWOW t. are M+iyg ftlrule:Hob Tint be trotalere.l at when the Government
•Jir. Guthrie'. arzinn••nt in reply ttD; •-- Jtr. t're r
o ith the Jleiy;h'u t oeverl.luen• Tti.• It pd' » -' err r•dut'rvt •h• people. Til cotton. and crude ruhl*•r, and other ;
1 loom (�oterun'ete of '.-Sir ttot.rt•t Its.r- • he ;tic to 1•11y mor' 11'. Il. and more nisi- materials Imported by our men -
den WAS -torw.r1 t.. Berry alt .hlr• t (adorers. to tl►c• amount of eau
workmen will he r,s ():red to make
lir t1u• .war. It-,ittrttf 1, i. t.e--ide- sir [hent- "Ilio workmen trill benefit bath' Militant' of dollars ye•arly,'.' Does Mr.
llubrr; IiQrd.•II,.)lt t'par.11:.Jlr. A. K ways --,•heap*' lit sue au'I more regu• Melghrn propose to {lair new duties
\litileru, JIr now ,•11 :and ,ilia'• eta; lar ewployw,•1,1. against these gooll.a and thus cripple'
did out cdnrinne under the •Melao•i:
--u- I I'aoradian manufacturing " imltntrket T
te•a,lel'atl pp,. I»•Itrcptlg 11WI Ihoi r.. to-.. JIr. 31. *:loci, dedotool a great deal if he does not propose to do so, what
tt ith the 1'i*ictu' i:uv,•t•nmeltat lou 11ru of t sue• • to satiric ei tlr1•m of 31r.. does all Itis talk about k amount to $ '
- ar sh.rrtd erltteize a -Govern-refuses to let *Arlin gloat know how
Ir. 1:n' . i•• wa- formerly a 1.11aeril the• ,Ir'+ money that 1- hamlet ur, r
•.:_oniers ..
_ 1......1:-..,•,,,n.1 t1,at the taint ut wimp hMr.te had been a metuler 1
moon_ is,oluthtiy ort- of it: ',,arse. 1 „u
can't depend ittsoit anytleito or 1 0yl)M4y
•th,•.e draw
Jlr. Mackenzie King's ehargc against
the Govrruwrul.,lf Irddi11g 0144.1' with- -tit
out a 'audate Nat+ that it had 1.14•11Tnryi
.lona` before. iI • in-tamedRnse'1►:'ry'-1 •army
. succession of 1:1 ill -tone. Italfonr'x sot.. i-il"•rn1 :t
Members 'if'lliP Senate are rntprsxiud
-tt*""4uu e.f aulisbury'. trod. ill our awn -4"Mly 'Jr lit.'
uo.tayout of Political catitpalgn.; bill itl Pr vitae, Nnrdy's su,rc'*s+pun of rather than Is
)lowat as tea«•. 111 whit. Itrt this v.nirntly 1'41' t
111'K1ltnetit d,"•. not meet the r.1ae it sof national re ina
-- IW--'.nett+N
--h' of -the Ire s au •utpl"+rtett'
pi••• ,•I of Iii. ",truvarslu}a t•' for two .year•, or. about halt of Its to the railway. 'Is being expended.
Surely Mr. King IM suek'leutly ez
1s :u. pr.rty ""11-kn.wv' k -It,'
' re•rw..rrwtrl to /urjrriar the I 'roper.p'I
d ire trig: to .411)44' +1414 as a' Ihlt Jir. Crerar wmember:a. not member of however. wh'n Ire der•lares tint then
I ;o chainm
. that the great rhe J3104,1..11Se•hind Mr. Meiglie a Got .711111,111. Aol p•r-
, who are sitting on tate hoard of JIr-
al- ix
halo the '*ween la• retire! from the el•tor• of the National Railways are
Ind Mr. king. lie re•t1- former )wino Governmentrrrrnwent was thatiaorluempl
lel with .Y.anle4 whk•h ern'
mention the L11*'rr:- h"ru
r knew tot) much att it. reeiylug Cast contracts from the .rail-
--- oil who *ere ureas'
way. fur suppllei. Ill *• of these dlr•
the I'uh,u Gut._*'Hilt war-.tttaor[�tteighen-
Tim premier pda+.•r>`-JIr. •Issas 111 a
.'hind;tII" ,pre terrible dilemma. tither lie iutrnletl r'anilldatein a Nota Seigle couaitn-
1'ar11A-til carry -out 211-1;-4 e7erTat -p►licy'dud '�}e'!r, wr►m
ln"e eprtuy1t.--4*--rh"runt,
I ilestro� Canadian tralu+try. or he did last year received eontracta for eleven
tinned to, ; wllliun dollar.' worth of rallwny
n• .kMes, not intend ti carry out hi. {sdley and
.r was net a roan of hi. wont Mr. ,
n ,,ik! lir cnielty to keep Senator • it
4:.orge Fexiter gnirt.
d: *rumen' who' are nut
prlug,e.rirrritiSt . Eptrtti+tat op.o. c to
date. in North Torrid. against T.onn+y ►rllleh'.nming ort int new Ii¢I't, ami 1 of former Literals whir t
Chung'. That would be a good place to predict the result will be the sum.• 114 in meat nr+•utly .dissolved ro
nun J. J. Jlorrison. 11.1 l," mid Jlr. Spence•, I want to tel
roil that I liav ,'.'eu in the West ty)M•. of ' sippart 51r. Meight•n. ilut
�stipple not •a cre.lit to Canada. :'lake is:a art sap him many (PC these • ormer,
Mr. 'Jleigheit d,resn't went to have "uielenu•nt oat there -the worst in the •; : Maps of etturee cheerfully declines. to' affair. is not tp he lightly passed over.
I.;.eral-, after clinging to their seer-
era --PIP-
much p) say about that -wheat pas,} 4h•a `t'orl•1. They sant to kill the indnarie- to-ept the dilemma. He adrot•ates a
I of the old 't.rnn.•r I'r+,tinct 1� Iota's* t -}ural Indemnity roil,,'' than. to their The slgnSecaut feature ..f the 1 r,
which he dangled before the ,(Western I Thrr will drive y••n ort of t)1, rpti,•. and principle'[ are mow • 1M•trg .•rp4M,rtwl low• ering ..f the 'ht allff. bat he Lplleerere
farner.'n few tcr`cks ago. tell'[ it popular kilt) our iudnarie s." It can be brought about without -lo mler's speech, and of for entire meet-
4).4letion a• Liberals. Hardly•
among bis sitpp»,titers in t httari,4 7 ry to Canadian industry and with
nue of their. 'Many of them have re-
egriptueut. Surely such a state of
} . it is queer n°a-.wing that advises a tired from public lite for good -there , Moo t
Prosperity rant' undertb; f•ftxral4,ov- higher tariff a:ativa /thePostal States ••,alta•'+ good; amt other.. having l 1
eminent in 1$94 after a Weng S"'rio.t of , fitval+e of the F•.nluey tariff bill wliirh been token up byrhe Tory Jvnrtu
1 p►rtc, will
r 7rdtr0t111XV•-t01.----tip Canadian'
To give details at this
would Ie improssible. or. it
nuld be Lilly. Any manu-
o before an election, was
prote•tlug him was to
business stilgtaat:"n. 1'nia erity knows
its fri,•n•1ti and will retnru *lt•u a Liberal
. Goverun,l•nt jingoist in Mlle. at Ottawa.
alma to exclude• ',•rttin l':madian pro• 1"• rrtlrlrl'bc their constituent• at the la' 'e,
duets. Tenanting •'nt*e•lvt•it tsr•atiw our • onling,. election and repdne.rl .by true faerlirer w
neigh*M ors are nmol+• 1 *':l1't help i►x. it 1,i1»eral•. Jir.. t;ltthile knit -wit is the tol4 t)1.• tint
reuaain* to bp peen if tb' ire•plr "f the l':.ry candidate in south weist gton, 1"' lowered wi :1d use lid. money and
eyt•ry' eNua,r of M. Induct a hr defeat
al11aat ulltll"nit.} Stats will Mtand• for any awl •• tieing upu{M•44r1 be n neguilar
lar.'.• iu'os rtat Iona from 1111• 111}tel States. to am•h '*Inchon.
. /Coal is ono of the large Items in` nnr rr„tr-
tl'a.•es from theStetes. Das Mr. JI'iglren .
a grand opportunity in p aooinc up the Parliament had it not I»ren for -the better goI
,".. or resluc
propose to int slaty on cast and in'reuse
the already high pricet or is he Joecipn"city otter of 191 and that PAP 0110111.1 pllahnnn. Wartime Flow 11,11 ,tier factoring costs, in order % meet the
nekton,. any _prospect ,.f obtaining a new w hi - 44.41,01,04.„4,1el,.-.'r ioiniw(itfon, azul with the a141
artificial' tightening of f sr4 pnces T.i4 4 ratnit.Late. .\11.1 kir. Guthrie till" plrry pnr4o41
h,i -tit 4enit+)1 .,1 tt�ttw�--TJIv al. •u \free the elevation, co
3 [night sten' Gat.- said then- wr,ttttp trier fact. lie would get to
lesion _far Canada -i+r. that we miss'*1' been wore• .tralght 'Liberal• in the tart
routed with the
work to make`
his imanu-
talking' o
'7- t'} 'snort, fir pont-teat wet
Maclean's Jltagazine. give. The following
estimate of the probable _result. of Atte
King . __. Pal to Inn
_Srersr , . rti to ton
- 'Meighen 54 t, o 55
offer of freer tra.b• Hpth oar neighbor.. of :he -people. of a relurel tart" on 'game of ids raw i
material. he might very p'ai'd► fltal
The action of ill,' 4' P a r. u' 'eating That' Mr. Guthrie ha. been cow his vnitpn growing. hie builme4*4`,ex- ,
up it canc'k}ate again -t .t R. JL•Coig in Ill.'trly .wall•rw•ed OLP by hp4 present ten+ping. and additions to his plant
Kent doss. not stn•ugthen .10.'4 belief- was evident from' his re -
Kent That is what ha melted t.,
in the eincerity of the Fanner,' enove-
' marks on the tariff. 'Taking rrollt It,a11Y' nnauntucturers after the !surer
molt. If there w'n.,a1 .'i,Lrr ot-Iharlia- t"1' the 1'1Il'11yntiv,' Barry's tou"iat- e:'•r.rnlnrut reduced the tariff In 1897.
Meld whir fought -ti i 11 . " - 4t i. Idkety-loseen 444114tH.
The Great War .veterans -lave divided
to drop the agitation for an additional
Haan gratuity. But public opinion should
be with the veterans in urging their pre -I
ferment when public p"detours are pCU•
fillet. The vute'rans etond by Camila;
Canada should stand by the veterans,
. Andrew Hicks, the IC. F. G. meutber,
for South Huron, has conic into the li
light again, on account of his, h of
talking first and thinkingaffterw,(I. Tills
time he let loose some Mlle' at(iut an
alleged big timber scandal/lett the Min-
ister in charge of theCrukn lands refused
to cnnfir n his statement and Andy backed
James Malcolm,.i1M'ral candidate
in North Bnlce, ta a prominent furniture
manufacturer. C. R. Siimerville, Liberal
candidate in London, is extensively in-
terested in mannfactnring. J. M. Caine•
bell, the Liberal candidate in Kingston,
is proprietor of the Kingston Milling
C9mpany and is largely interested in
other industrial and connnerrial under-
takings. Yet we are bold the Liberal
party is bent upon destroying the manu-
facturing i ,.pnstriea of the -country.
They serge up tome queer stuff 1.. Con-
earvative gathering. in Toronto. Dere is
a sample from the Government candidate
in parkdelc:
''This is a caw of the old reciprocity
farl4ra it w,l. Mr. Jid'oig, awl to opp',..
his re -**','tion is the rankeet ingratitude.
Another radon. thine is rel"otai from:
Lincoln Convey. 01 the two rau,li,latt.
for the 1'. F. 0. nomination one declanri
himself an ungnalid,d prntei•tioni.t. The
°doer, who//.vias Chosen' a. the official `
nominee, wM "nut oso emphatic. ' holt(
"stated that he *Aa in favor of protection
for the fruit-growt'rs." ie the tariff to
bf da ed only when 3t is in .d
the °tier fellows '
444*'. nll"z,rl Irs•°n.iarne'y of the I.11,-
erils. lou• raid. ••\\'p never varied.-
Mr e:nthrie has, "cartel." in 11111
he took a stanch directly .P4"..ire to
that eh which he unw fight 'himself
with lip: T,ir'y friend.. Ile put op n
great "7 i,pii.n for�'cciptu''itrla_1fi11
Mr. I. H. hewart has resigned the teibet-
al lea,lcr.bipin the 1'rnt'inein' i.egislatnrc,
and Mr. F. \W. luny, M. d'. P. for Noah
Perth, has been chosen as acting leader
until a pM'nnan'ntcooic' has been made.
Mr. I)ewart's laderehip covered a very
difficult period. and if he was not sud-
cesseful in bringing his party into power
he has left it in a much more united can•
(Mien than he found it. True, he has
not had the support of the two
Toronto papers that are nipporied
t) be Liberal, but that, we believe,
did not worry him very greatly. Reth,•r
it was the changer[ conditions that came
with the Fanners' niovement. • Mr.
flewart iP a fighter and wanted to tight
the Drury Government, while a great
body of Liberal., white admiring >Ir.
i .ws wens willing to give Nr. ilrery a
fair ehnnee to make good. Mr. J»wart
fretted under theme conditimn, which,
c„nlbinel with more purely personal
consid'ratiome, impelled hits to retire,
and the 1•ib,'ne4a will now have to find
another leader.
JIr. Melghcn it very in,'latent upon
Mr King's giving an exact definition
t Id.
tariff policy ; Gut w111 Mr.
Jleizh'•n •tate definitely what hie tar-
iff policy will be if lie should he tee
turul-J to power ? A government .cr►m-
Finding the Trouble
with your car is where our expert
auto knowledge comes In. We don't
have to tinker and try: we know just
where the difficulty lies. Send your
machine here when anything goes
wrong. Then you cart be sure it will
be made right in the shortest pwsible
time that thoroughness permits.
East Street Garage GODERICH
more normal coudittons 1t again pays
to glue some utteutien to the ()reliant.
Dealers repeat the old aYtmplulut that
the packing la not what It should be,
1lttle attritlou being paid to grudl,g.
This le a fault that will lite to be
overrun* If the Ilrillhl district is ever
to become a rogulzel apple centre.
Prompt Attention to all
Repair, and Alteration,
All Garments Cleaned Guaranteed
South Nide of Square
Next to British Exchange
White Teeth ---
The Muth alt.( glisten of pdi.htrl white leelb-de you envy
them :' lou can have white teeth, too 1 14y using '
We gave in stock the following second-hatsdtnatbifltes
which we want to move out in the next 20 days regardless
• The While Mental ('ream- .
Tltrre 111 nu other dentritice ()lade e%aetly like Kleuzo Klrutui,
whiter, ossiovy /earn penetrate. every eret•br--searehes out old were -
1 Small Cutting Ito% - . rine e
Dom and thud particle.*, alnd de•rtrdys th.•w. /'beaux, polisher.. ,anti
whitens the tny►rurt And. 1M -14444•a all that, It trace. that drlil'IW)M,
cool clean. Klimo) feeling in your mouth.
litaatgstti►ag whiter teeth the very they. Get at tube of Menu).
'- Riding I'Iuwa 1 Pandora Kange '
Said e%dusitely in I1oderieh by
1 Karon Isar 344 is ww
-Th.. l:,•tall lime 'it,,it._ '
2 (utters, good a" OWN' Rolling ( otters
Iirdfurd Klock - Goderieh
1 2 ta - I I or.epoo rr Gray lustre I Singer seeing Machine
All Plow Points 75c each
'--Seed -
20 Day Sale of Second-hand Machines
We gave in stock the following second-hatsdtnatbifltes
which we want to move out in the next 20 days regardless
of price. •
1 No. 50 Ben Cutting Bei 1 6-11nrsepower Falrbaritk• Inn.
1 Small Cutting Ito% - . rine e
:t Narking Noes 1 Cream separator
'- Riding I'Iuwa 1 Pandora Kange '
3 Disc harrow. 1 Woodyard Sawing Machine,
1 Karon Isar 344 is ww
3 RubbertireBuggies 1 National Gang Mon, N4th
2 (utters, good a" OWN' Rolling ( otters
2 Washing Narhine. 1 Seel Brill
1 2 ta - I I or.epoo rr Gray lustre I Singer seeing Machine
All Plow Points 75c each
'--Seed -
Hay Posts -: - flim- A W oii-
Hamilton Street Goderich, Ontario
A Targe f -these --lovely coats' individual -
models and .silk lined,, many are, and with hlgcollar and
cuffs of seal, oppossum or beaver. Materials are heavy soft
velour--el-pre-war-quality-Prices - are very moderates
$25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $39.00445.00----
Just received -Military }Flannel in the
grey and Meek nlix. fine heavy union qual-
ity, at per yard special
annels, new values, 'at, .
French chamois (:loves in black, beaver,
greys, exquisite heavy quality and with two
holey donee fasteners, fortnerly sold at *2 25.
59c at per pair
.Searlet Flannels, at per yard
• \ ,
Large size cotton illankets in white or
grey, with fancy pink or blue borders, at
per pair, speeial
54 inch heavy all wool English navy
Serge for 'oats, suits, men's or hove s,iit..
formerly sold at *3.50. Send for sample if
unable to see it, at per yard
Penman fashioned e4,hmer Hose, tet._,
to lel, at per pair, ,:peeial
75c AND $1.00
56 inch Blanket Cloth Coatings. reds,
browns, rose, at per yard
For comforter, in 1 -ib. rolls, soft and
.clean, at per lb. special
W. Acheson & Son