HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-10-20, Page 44 --Thursday, October 20, 1921. e. Your --wow- Fall Suit and Overcoat Now is the time to select your Fall Suit and Overcoat. You can get a good selection here as our stock is large and made by the most reliable makers in Canada. It costs only a little more for good clothes, why then buy inferior goods, they will not give satisfaction. Our prices are as low as is possible to sell good clothes. $25.00 $35.00 $40.00 Walter C. Pridham Phone 57. Goderich w Her--WHrap, - kirt, Sweater, and Draperies F:.ery "Uiand Dyes" package tells how to dye or tint any worn. faded gar - ',lent or drape a new rich color that will not streak, repot, fade or run. Per- fect home dyeinis guaranteed with Uiamond Dyes e n if you have never dyed before. Jus tell your druggist whether the material you wish to dye is wool or silk, or Whether it is linen, years 11 mixed o For fifty-one years millions of inose have been using 'Diamond Dyes" to ad years of wear to their old, shabby ,waists, .kfrta, drones. coats. sweaters, tacking', dm pollen, hangings, everythin. i MOTHER! CLEAN CHILD'S BOWELS WIT CALIFORNIA FIG SYR Even a sick child lo taste of "California Fig Syrup." if I.ttle tongue is coated, or it your child listless, erose, feverish, full of coil, or has colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can ace for your.elf.how thoroughly it works all .the conatipption poison. sour bile and waste out of the bowels. and yoµ have a well, pplasfffl child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a te'a- apoonful today save, a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup" which hu direc- lions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother' You must say "California" or you may get an imi- tation h p. !HE SIGNAL BENMILLRR, 1 COIMORM6. o • rlw•r 19. IWedue.,lay, tit+ 1'rrarluu;; .*cree. will toe held cos Ileitwil ler . ii next Sunday as fob' Ions : Bethel. 11 a.m. ; North ?Jun.! 12.39 pan . and Itenwlller, 7 p.m. The pastor, lief 11 1'. Keuuely, will be in aha rpt-'. Her. J. W. Johnston, of Holmeesville, eonduett.1 Harvest Bowe anniversary servl•w iu Iteuwille•r chun'h last Sun- day, morning; awl ev('uiug. The ser - curs were a grand sueteya in every way - The l.adiee' AW of ..,this place pur- ;tl.e• holding a box social end sale of I.alal•nwde artt-les In the Temperance Hall .•n Hallowe'en night. tk•tober 31st. .i ;nee' program of local talent will I. • stinted it well. At their monthly meeting at the ' home of hire..titaaley Vattetone List Relnrmlay afternoou,'the Ladled' Aid derided to purchase a quantity of new '-t'.ve•pipes for the parsonage. They also reported :t quilt clout completed. GODERICH TOWNSHIP. Monday. (k•tober 17. Wedding. -A pretty wedding took place at 9.30 o'clock Mouelay evening. 44. -toter 10, at the home of Mr*. Ibnald Mackenzie. when her eldeet daughter. Jessie. became tlw bride of Shrrl.x'k Keyes. son of air. Nelson Key,". of Stanley. The ceremony wase performed by Re'. A. Macfarlane, of Iia%n,'I.l. assisted by Iter. Mr. Foster .r W,ru. The bride was attended be r. Miss Jean, and Mr. Ruskin h >•, acted as goomsuun. On Tues. day morning the happy couple started on their -winkling trip to r nto Goal • Niae.ra. after which they wi reside ' I near ar GODERICH, ONT. Municipal eonuell of the towueWp of l'ollxonw wet lu the township hall on Oe(ube'r lush. Meerubcn all present. Minutes of 'last tneetlug read and adopted on wotiou of Fisher and Coe - try. Aar. 11. Brindisi waked op the ('outsell asking them to pry for wood moll to Jim. Hutchison during the win- ter of 19111 and 1920. This requrso was refused ou motion of Currey cost Graham, the coup it eeonalek•riug tUwy wen• not responsible for private debts. The following vowwittee was appoint- ed, on motion of Currey and Fisher, to min•Itum• a stove and pipes for use at the weigh sealed at Mes:aw ; COM. Mit tet -Robert 8ou and t:rahuw. The following ail -mints were laid : J. Alcon. road sup'rinter%lent, $27.00, spike's, /11k'--$27.30; J. teach. trate on rued. 3a1.40: E. Jackman. testa on road, -$12; E. Young, tram ou rued, 312: J. -Patton. tram on road. $12; D. 1htit well. train on rouil. e1�; Thole Mcl'he'e•. drawing Centrist, plauk and gravel for bridge at Mcl'he•'. on Weal Wawrnoslt boundary, 811.-0; Johu Mi-l'hee. drawing gravel rout work on McPhee's bridge ou Wes( Muwaos>ah boundary'. $. .10; J. Juhmstoue. woven wire r•-luturing McPhee', bridge, Wan Wit watkoxh ism [Wary. 313; J. Graham.. overseer, at Mel'he-ta bridge, (West Wawa nosh Wanda l'y. 3.,: li. Young. work on bridge at Mcl'he'r. West Waw•atiosii laou,ulary. 310; 1. Hetherington, 13 /olds. cement for Me- I'he's bridge. (West Wee boun- dary, $.5:0,'2.1; S. Clarlener. drawing .eartlt, $1M; • A. Mugford, Motu on (raster, 311; 1). l itbladu.. tram on grader, $6: F. Mugford, drawing earth, 36; F. Mugford, sluts -citing earth, 3(i; Jun. Allen. team dewing earth. r 3u: JenshUrl Waken'. aunt drawing eart4 $a. shovelling earth, 39--S15; 11. Jewdl. drawing earth, 38; IWarl Alliu. shovelling earth. SU: John Treble, . drawling gni rel. 321, shovelltug gravel, $1.31J -32"-L76. John F'eagan. drawing gravel. 321. sho. egging gravel. $3-$24: Jas. Fw►gan. drawing gravel. 321; (leo. Bern. drawing gravel, I Ed Handy. drawing gravel. $0. 1 team on w'raper. 36--312 ; Tlw>.. t:il- i ek•re, team on scraper, $6: Wm. iWhitely, shovelling graves, $7.50; A. loud, rad superintendent. P9.15; John i>ur.t, 2 sheep killed. 1 lamb killed. 1 lamb injure/1 by dugs, $32; Signal Printing Co., puttee of posting up. voters' IMts. 2 Issue.. $:5.21; I. Iietlwriugton, drawing gravel, 312, 2 tile culvert,. on 'Moore's road. $2' 75. delivering the anw, *3 --.*37.75; 11. Hrinr/ey, repairing culverts on Brind- ley's sidensad; $9; Jos. Carter. grarel- ling on West Wawanoeh boundary, 391 ;Wm. Hardy, gravelling Shananes 11111. West Wawanosh boundary, 3.i5:'2t1; Fd. Jones. inepevtion ou West Wawtlneih boundary. 31; J. J. Moore. work on eetneter'y fe n e. 315.75: ('. C. Lee. supplies for ermet:•ry fear. $22; Gordon Young. selecting Jnron, 33; T. H. Wilson. se1R'ting Jur>ra. $:1; 1. He•the-tug/ton, stele -tine Jurors. 33; 1.-r. t'hristilaw, gravelling. 318; total ' -q.-nt at meeting, 1744.25; .total eget to ante. $7445.211. Council adjourned 1,. November sth .t 1.30' 'p.tn.-1- I I ETIDFI81 NY:TON. Clerk. 1)1 G.►NNON. Ira. \ Dr. A. F. Cooper. of Toronto, son of Relnes.Iay. Weiler 19. qtr. nal Mrs. Geo. A. l'.%oper of this Death of Herbert Car.ar.-Mr. Her township. has been appointed dental .l,ert Caesar who hn,J been a sufferer in -Tie -tor of one of the largest echoola for over u year. teased away on F'ri- iu the. day' Ills- Annie Cagier ix dor attrru..en, October lith. 10 -his baying to menu* her position as nurse forty-sixth por. He had tired on the 1 in her brother's omee ant ecouc o-iun of A:hfirlil nil bit llte.i Mae Jennie Lamprey returnt.t last and w:ts knuwu a. it quiet Inkoffeusivr} week from a three weeks' neighbor to Ho- man, a gesxl nrigwr and a splendid i elleeter Mo., where she was under hos. eitixe•u. 11e lea res a wife, a mother I purl treatment aril noir irrother to mourn' hid lu.ts.1\'. M. so . eliese-rgeeist..-The ser - Tee funeral tgok plate to Isungannon I rice nn sued./ afternoon in Union r.•wetery on Tuesday afternoon. the Ichurch wag conducted by Rev. (keortte vrviee being in charge of the ('.11.3'. 1.ilmore, of Ripley. He ie a clear and !Lev. .i. t', IWalden of the Methodist 1, forceful meeker awl hie sermon WAS ditto -II officio ted. I tllllfh enjoyed Apl•rLriate soles$ were Erskine Ad arerwary-- TIe anniver-' -rang by -fern. Charles Cox and Mr. E. wary eervkeu In Erskine Chun•ll "bast Ii,•Icher, of Golench. The thank -offer - Sunday were a great suceeee. Rev. ing received by ti r W. Di. S. amounted Chas. Cummings. of St. Helens. t•. 310, this being the larxeat in thc preaclrel two very forcible sermon. to 1 tory of the Society. The illttatartld Itr- la rge in lgregatbons of miter tist.ner. r. turn Purl . T.0 The choir rendered valuable service of tended, an epee in music fret the octseituk &good it Melinda* Annirerwaeh.-The Meth• Auld itt- lia di'an h anniversary hold enuirersser. ref. •.tlanl, was able to describe 'Meth - ekes tin Sunday. tkt,da'r 2trd. Her. ge(itly the scene's tie they were thrown M"r. l'lydeesl+ile. of Fordwirh, will have npon the screen and so kept tlw attention charge at 11 a.m. aa1 7 PAIL All are of the audience throughout. It was e rdbtlty invited. gratifying to these who secured the•k'c- re. Will Elliott dal daughter. of tnn•r that et many of the parents re - Ne Liskeard. are visiting with. Mrs. s[s>iided to tie invitation to bring the Elliot .mother. Mr*. J. Ryan. 1 children._ - : _ : Miss at. Ray. ,1f Likefebl, 1i the' guest of er slier, Mrs. H. 11. Duff.I AUBURN. this week. . 21f. ilieo.:Petenan. of Wlarton. le o Me brother. Walter, this week., Mr. (Walter' I'etmrrn had a very 'saw- I twain! snit last Tliiir-day. Ht' la satin to Lave the farm alai will rietlie ate iteumiller. where h.• will 1w engaged l y evening was well at - the views Were such all to give erstanding of what is enjoyed ho are priyileged to really tour vtia. Mr. Moffat being a native ABOUT 3o (',cod; lecond.haneTIVatches to be sold on TeiDjty'"d Trial..- Money back if not satisfied. $1325 Waltham for =7.10 23.00 g g 810.00 15.00 Swiss 'r $7.00 2.50 Pocket Bens " 81.00 All others in about same proportion. ve eaeai Feel, nate!) will nun and keep tins• Money Back in Ten days if not satisfied MIRAIReanielsonoRIAMAMOW Halsey Park WATCHMAKER F7gln Ave. 2n4 door mat from South .$ Wednesday. (kto ber 19. Rev. 1t. J. Ross and Mrs. Moss are heck from their holidays. looking the letter for their rest. Mee. Frank Hil.lwrt presented her I 641TH. 8wtardq, O,tober A. ,('ungretillatioor. ' huebaal with a baby boy Inst week. lierin the brick and tile\ industry. lir. 31r. S. Atothere. dletrleet represent- \I r. f. 0. (b14s ewnrth, formerly of eo. Adams ha. rented low farm form• deer, hada moving pfrture h envie in Myth. Iws purcl-hased a hardware store 'tv leased by Mr. W. l'e+twan. the 1'. - tr.. F. ball on Tue--clay nightIII s Ir. and Mrs. David .111' e "The Scotch Store" a STORE HOURS; Al A. M. TO b P. M. t SATVMDAYS 10 P.M. •\Mach Plane 56 IllelleMensassin n are en-i,(lwtng to the wet night the atterelatee nr. don airs. eeraeam, nnwee alta g"01.11 nos--iLa-arlutPr-wi(kylr. Tom r .and Mar Potter. of Stratton'. ' stets Writ As large as it would have been. ]Irl n. I Mr: Wm. IMlsie's sale of hon+ holt !were visitor+ at the home of Mr. and Fair a It reported that Ilenry Cu r 6G, .f eets on llatnrlay drew a large j Mrs (Per'. !Neter last wrest. eery w at prrse•nt. } )f n. Artnetrong, who has been 0%- I eruwel and good priers were realized. i . Mese \Ia*' liiiii t. 1(. Kit cng her .ret., �Mr. and Mrs. John - He. Tam Adams went to Alln.ten „1011, for its•Youngd It. Fi n igan atte nded Iwst rev► works• lettIda week to n+sl et Mr. A. Asquith iu Saturday fir u -r home In Sault Ste. me'tinean autolMoile tire-tvmpetu . he evaporator there in Wingh m chi+ week. ter. air. Hoyle, of Nile, occupied the Inon't fo get the big races in. Duo. P(( ma i1mbll' On It of Knot cirri on Sualay. Mrs. Alex. Parker, East Wawenah, Ma, of this weep, Wad itef. t. •1, ppreached(lute quite a unique sight in her or - Mw hill- gut learn all can l Mr 'rtt� _ennlveraa''�� f} chard. O1F•of the plum trees' is now eerie in Yt. lkoylPs ehriryter. en'ere,1 with, etiniert pram to be au important h ihl..`soma. a moat unusual -\ thing for thi< wasion of the year. THE FALLWEATHER The marriage wax aolemnlrted in To - REMARKABLE CHANGE HARD'ON LITTLE ONES. I vont° on Tuesday. September 27, of .Carrie Chellew, of Toronto, form -1 elly of itivth. to Cherie, Bell, of the Kneen (Ploy Tlw ceremony took place and bright and the next wet and cold,. 1 at the flume of the brkie's sdster. Mrs. Thee sudden changes being on colds, I A. H. legaan, Rev. W. J. Smith ofeclat• cramps and colic. and unl'ts baby's little aux. The beide wore a tailored souk , of navy serge with navy and ecru Shegeoeae ed bouquet pint pb tI. I A -must ion She carrlsl a iron net of O 11a rows aryl fern. Miss 'Muriel Egan. ' A. Meer 0f the bride. mate a pretty is found even among children, If medieme dealers or by frail at25cents a tle0wer girl. After • irotleymeron at you wish your child to he rtdmi(eed, box from the Ur. Williams Medicine Co., Arlentir (Pity anti New Tork. Mr. and let ns supply the Brockville, Ont. Mr.. (tell will moll. In North Toronto. IN THIS MAN'S FAMILY. 1 gained twelve noun twenty-six e.undc and my daughter gaining day bv'day taking Tanlac. It's the biggest surprise of out lives and all, our friends and neighbors are talking about it. This medicine has made a wonderful change in every one of us.ji Before I got Tanlac, 1 could hardly drag one foot after the other. I had.. indiges- tion perfectly awful. in fact, We were all regular dyspeptics We all sweat by Tanlac now at our house. 1t ought' b be in every home. It's the world's grn lest family medicine." The above statement was made by George George 1. Testy, a well-known and highly respected machinist, living at ft3 Downing street, Buffalo, M. Y. Tanlac is sold by leading druggist everywhere. , my wife gained COLE. Monday. (blotter 14. There wt. no service et North Zion church last Sunday owing to liromlller church holding its anniversary ger- Don't forget the fowl sipper at North Zion. The pmgram will he pro - rifled by the Raymond ilatelmond Con- cert Co. Please reserve the date. t November 7th. t Mr. and Maw. John reason ratted Itheir son Will In Stratford on Tura -lay. John Treacle and ramify motored to Canadian fall weather is extremely hard on little ones. One day it is warm Miss, C. Muri.•I ('helle'sv (laughter of x sto Tach is kept nght the result may be serious. There is nothing to equal Baby's Own Tahlets in keeping the tittle ones well. They sweeten the stolnach, regul- attethe bowels break up Ids and make Baby thrive' The Tabs e sold b Beautiful ,New Laces, Embroideries and Medallions Just to hand a shipment of the newest novelties in Net and Metallic Laces, Embroideries and Medallions in all the latest designs LACE FLOUNCINOS 0.00 YARD- l1a1d-aomr Embroidered Lace Floun.•Ingw In black len embroidered lu !Direr or gold. For evening wear, 21 la. wide 35.11 yard DRESS FRINGES $1.00, $1.60 Y AA�RD--- 1nre-w Fringe% are more popular than for many a sawn and are iu great demand In Mark. siker. I.rowu. green and navy. Pure sink. heavy quality 11.11 and 31.50 yard ALLOVER METALLIC LACES - .Ill..,. r M.-tallt, 1.a.'. In Ikea :Mover designs in black ort embroidered W gold ansa silver. IR in. whir 32.15 yard EMBROIDERED MEDALLIONS 50c EACH- F:wtrn)1.i•rel Medallions in all the leading colors makes Ideal draw trimmings, heavily em- br,idered. Special 511e ee,L BUGLE BEADS, BEAD TASSELS AND SILK TASSELS ---- Millie Beads. •11 lvlon ler per beetle Read Tassels, all colors ... .. . 50e earh Silk Tasse-is. black aul white. fr•unna 13c to 1:0e Black Military Braids for Trill Oe -piece Dresses, all widths from Sc a yard NEW EMBROIDERED SERGE SKIRTINGS $6.00 - This is a nal serial, beautifully embroidered in silk on good quality all -wool Serge. lug yard+. side. These are all ready Just to tlt on band duet her. Spestal a 35.11 each wo�s TALL x6ss--- Womeen's 4-1 rob Heather Hone. tome eludee anneal • see. 31.25 pair Women's (iwhasere Heather Mee. plain knit. in e•okns of brown, navy and green. heather mix- tures.. An ideal Hoar for atreeet wear, ..$1JI pair MIR QUALITY WORM/ SKJTRZR ROSE $9.60 -- This la an extra fine all -wool plain knit Heather Harr, Engine' make, In assorted brattier mixtures MN pair FOR THE FALL HOUSE DECORATING3 - Now is the time to make the moat of the house when everyone is at home to enjoy the new Linoleum Rees, all aisas-New Oiklotha-New CarpeM.ANew filab-New Curtains Big shipment Monarch Yarns just Meived Millar's Scotch Store The Store 7 hat Gives The Best Service • A. a eitlsen you probably appreciate 1 e.t'tera 11111 ■nd *peat Sunday with the fact Haat yon arelaying a part in shaping the destiny ofthiscommunity. There roust be a en -operative spirit be- tween town and rural residents. While the farmer pmducee the wealth. he in Pun independent npon his mama town schools. chureber', hanks, moving - shows, stores and other dimmer - social conveniences. A further should Iw practised by giving loyal 50 borne town inatitntiona, ,nclud- fdM Item. town dnlggist. ye1R Iowad dnugflat wr ask for your Radio M til leak of giving you genuine welder, toady fools. fair prices. Detain Deal minding away for any - aim is or drug.nndriea until yon ha* es iid oaabgtu prima and oars In trading at home Ars the alIwsta_s of a twenty- lye import- i s iw y.At+i, =AT needed. Missed Olive and lona Fowler are on an extended vlslt to Alliston. ' Mr. Emmet 'Mitchell is on his rends as tax reflector. Mr. J. B. Cox has pnrduared the farm property of the late Andrew A. Tonng. Yr. Oeix owns the adjolalrtg farm. Mr. Robert 'Medd bought the property 1n the village of Carlow be- longing to the same estate. an. • .F.R(•RN, you will be well advised to check that first cold weather twinge of rheumatism before it develops. Use the standard remedy T.R.C.'e. Ras-Mah. the positive asthma remedy also sold by H. C. Dunlop. Tuesday. r M•tols•r lx. Mr: 1t'erne, ha+ lett for the Rest where has been railed to the bed- side. . f iia mother young daughter eine come to stay taw home of lir.. and Mrs, Harry 'te'tua R. lllxx 31. -Heater _+•I The -wool iud.; with friends at Stretford.' Mrs. Amb. Horton has arrived home front Toronto. The two latblh• s•Iww>Is-S. 14. No. 9 and S. S. No, 5 -have been closed for a i(lnple of day, as the tr,arht'ri. Mise Sowerby and Miss Kempton, Were at- tending the'nnventtoh et Exeter. Mr. e1. IWiumlli, of Goderich. %pent 11 few days at Mr. Arch. Horton',. Mr and Mrs. Will 4,141100. of (lode. rh'h. vixtt.d friends here nn Sunday. Mr. Win. Strarb.n visited his.nier'e, Mrs. \Win. ('...k. on Sunday. Mr J. Perron railed with friends fere on 140n.1ay. Am veriary Services. -The .anirer- miry eervie•s of L shorn ehnmh last Monday were very wNl attended. Itev. (ketene Gilmore. of dtipley, was the 'speaker for the day. On Monday evening the irot anpper in the hist. meet of the ehntrh was a eneeseare In every way. The weathermen favored the eottgrewation wltb an eseeptlotrally Ain evening end" the sapper and pro- gram were enjoyed by All The con- tr1Mettons of Scottish songs by ilia 11. C. Wilson, of (lederieb, added much to tat eaJoyment of the evening Th. Illustrated lerrire oa "AIM Westin" fly Rev. lir Moffatt wine a rent trent. The einem rerrlpts were $1111 fel. A1/etahtev nolo of AN fi�a��►• p�wera _ tttl-isc at k rent aach, (�Sttrte, acts set Irmo choice. fllaok.txr's, Rheumatism? Or Mearalgia, Scheie*. Lumbago? The remedy is eiespl., ire �msu�s taws. wily talons said kanrlP . Taleppletom's Rheumatic Capsules Veer druggist will supply you. Writs ler fres trial to TempM- tea's. tie C jlisi its Rt.. Tes'eatsa gild by 8 G Dtsetlspe W. C. SNAZEL TAILOR, CLEANER and PRESSER Prompt !ltttption to all Repairs end Alteration, Al Gwgweats Gasped G.ar.at.si Cidnelses Routh. Side ofReenase Nest b British llratturige Wearing Apparel We make a specialty of Baby Garments MJSS S. NOBLE Sales Swore -- Cotlalk-t THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT "Danderise" Costs only 3i cents a bottle. Oa* application cads all dandruff, stops itching dad falling hair, and, in a few momenta, you have doubled the beau q of yoar hair. It will appear a nada, so soft, lwatrews, and easy to do up. But what wID please you most will he atter • few weeks use. When you see new hair- line dad deway at lbst- yss-but really sew baby remiss an ever the sea*. "Deadewiaes is to tis hair what fresh showers of Ma aid mashies are to vegetatloa. It goes right to the rests. tae a.4 sersoglisose the This M. .thelia tug bode • likings, faded Our ea Rae h. heavy dad ltuarfa.t t'1 1301 -The TIe S fru sow to January 1st, '23-1.50 1 20 Day Sale of Second-hand Machines We have in stock the following second-hand machines which we want to move out in the next 20 days regardless of price. 1 Ns. 3a Bar Cutting e.: 1 SENO (Vigil, Hu It Waattag Plow. 2imity Prow. I D 1 Wag Gear 3 Ranter -Mee Ruggles 2 Cutlers, good .s dew 2 Washing Maeldrrs 1 2%-lismenswer Any Regime 1 I-Heesepswer Fairbanks SF 1 Cream Se semis 1 1 =Ed Sowing 13Mdlia3► 311 -la saw National Gaeg Haws wile i MI.g Cotters •• 1 good Drill 1 Motor S(•wlrtg Iliaeilrte All Plow Points 75c each Baled Hay Posts Hardwood ROBERT WILSON Strom Gtdteids, Oslleks;,, • • r' r; 7 ,. . ed• 4 dill e White Teeth - The flag& and glisten of polished white teetb-do you eery there f You have teeth. toe ' Re can white maim KLENZO • The White Dental blas There is no other ek•ntrIn a mask' exactly like Klenso. Kleeso'x - white, snowy foam penetrates. every creviea-sean•bee out old accre- tions aaL food partieler.. and elextroya them. (leant, polksbru. and• whlteua'the enamel. And. ta,.kk-a all that. it lea ret that delicious, col. clean. Menses feeling In your 'ankh. Start getting whiter teeth this very day. (let a tube of Menu. Sold exclusively in Goderkh by H. C. DUNLOP, PHM. B. "The Heza11 Drug Store" Redfead Bleak - , - Godewteh Its. 1301 -The TIe S fru sow to January 1st, '23-1.50 1 20 Day Sale of Second-hand Machines We have in stock the following second-hand machines which we want to move out in the next 20 days regardless of price. 1 Ns. 3a Bar Cutting e.: 1 SENO (Vigil, Hu It Waattag Plow. 2imity Prow. I D 1 Wag Gear 3 Ranter -Mee Ruggles 2 Cutlers, good .s dew 2 Washing Maeldrrs 1 2%-lismenswer Any Regime 1 I-Heesepswer Fairbanks SF 1 Cream Se semis 1 1 =Ed Sowing 13Mdlia3► 311 -la saw National Gaeg Haws wile i MI.g Cotters •• 1 good Drill 1 Motor S(•wlrtg Iliaeilrte All Plow Points 75c each Baled Hay Posts Hardwood ROBERT WILSON Strom Gtdteids, Oslleks;,, • • r' r; 7 ,. . ed• 4 dill e