HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-10-20, Page 3THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ONT. '1'1111r.:rc, tir,eI..r 211 I:r21 .e• ZURICH INS Record Breaking Crowd See Zurich Defeat Welchem In ('hampi•nehip Gazer at Zurich—Hoffman'. Pittb• lag Te. Moth tar Wiwgham. (►u Saturday of haat week the chauu- piwrlattip et she K. W. B. A. was decieeel w hen Zurich dr•f.-it..1 W ingli*m in the rrc..ud routsl by h -e. The Wingham train, which sae defeated at homy by 4-3, went to Zurich uu Saturday determined to singled, but l leuning was out to the in- field. Neither team sourest in the accord. In the third Wingham added two more on Andera.ii'a second two -blurs hit, fields' bit oft' L. liofnian's glove and Johan pop-tly, which fell behind L. Bun - man. Otik•rt was lien, derricked, C. Hoffman going to the mound, IVerk•y moving from weond e, thiel, and Wurm going to second. 110111111111 retied the aide without further scoring. Hoffman wait awing a iq.cd ball and a fast curve with good effect. With two down in Zurich's hal( of the thiel they gathered in two runs on a walk to C. Hoffman and Niru it's honueruu over the right field tenor. Winghaoi looked bad in the next four innings against Hoffman's pitching. They were ) phig away from the plate on lib curves, which usually brake tons for a strike. Zurich added one in the fourth. Wee - ley war walked, stole second, and scored - on W. Huffman'a bit t.. right fl ekl. Zurich added three more in the fifth. C. llofl'illan hit a line drive over the left field fence for a hoinerun to *tart rile inning. Siebert stnick out.. 1.. Hoffman singled pert tint and scored on Henning's three -bare hit to left -centre. Henning acond on %0011's hit part third. 'i% Ingham were unable to du anything with Hoffman's pitching until tlw eighth and ninth, whcii they added one in each of there periods. Zurich made their total eight by getting two in the sitxh. Morden here tightened up. but it vow too late, as win, but the Zurich nine were too strong Zurich had too long a Iwuf. *nee. The game war calk(' for 3 o'clock, Wingham 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1— rl and about 1.4S SLortien and (hook ndy I "urwh 0 I/ 2 1 3 2 0 0 x -B fur them. A mord crowd was in attend-. Score by innings— tt�a•ggaan to warm up for 11'in�lixno Htunen n._—Siebert and C. 'Hofrivan. innings— tenet h. Two -bane hits—Anderwnl (3). Thrte- beer hits—Henning. aw.' How they lined ap— Wingham—Anderr,n c, %longer p, Houston Ib, Teller 2h, Geddes, ea, Brackenluryy 3b, Wagner rf, ('ruic•k- slunk It, Jollies cf. 8ubs, Aitchelein and Judson. Zurich --C. Hoffman p, Fiebert If, L. Hoffman et', s- , Henning c, llrown cf, We ley 3b, Worm cf, W. Hoffman Ib, Cal.d fas. rf. I lhlert p, taken out . the ruse in the thiel. "There vias No Nigger," Says Ir'. •rt weItsnuin for g Zairic.it 3 o'clock sham. 1'utpile I..•gg, of London, announced tlw bemire". as Ohk•rt and Henning for Zurich. and Norden and Atadrra,u for Wingliarn. W'inughanu went to bet first and wend two nuns. llonaton was walked, was Isacrificed to arevnd by Teller, awl wend on Atdeno e'r two -barn wallop. Ander- ' eon scored on Geakkw' bit. ( ellen l.ekr d , trey bol in tlw tint innings, Wire:ham 1 contesting quite freely with his offerings. C. lloffman. finer up for Zurich. was re- find, as was btebrrt. L. Hotfinan SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, Clinton, Ontario Being unab'e salt present to open a Goderich Branch have arranged a t une table that students from Goderich may attend all classes, coming down in the al.etroo n and renaming on evet•ing train. Classes held 2:50 to 6:40p m. You will be coin plying with the Adolescent Act by attending the School of Commerce. For courses rnd terms, Phone 198 or write. B. F. WARD. B.A., M.Accts., Principal Anybody Why- Our Values W Going Some i Beat e 1 "Wear Coe- afield- iriael l Saw- Min t . If you don't believe it come and see • our values for yourself. Get your winter outfit at our store and you -will be surprised how `»oi you save. Come early and avoid the rush LADIES' CORSETS C.-C8.rfets, in all sizes, moderately priced. LADIES' LISLE GLOVES in colored and white, all sizes. CAMISOLES A beautiful lot of ribbon Camisoles, in all sizes and shades. MILLINERY `V -rrealr- ipinellWO-i Millinery arriving daily, up -In -date styles. LADIES' COATS We are still getting in a nice lot of Ladies' Coats, in the latest styles, heat materials. • CHILDREN'S ALL -WOOL KITTS 35 cents a pair. These are pre-war prices Your will be surprised at the value. COATS' MERCER CROCHET COTTON A full range of sizes, in ecru and white. 2 for 255; GOODS BY THE YARD You will consult your own interest by buying now as materials of all sorts are advancing in price. We still have them at our own old price. Buy now and save money. FLANNEL BLANKETS e have a large assortment of Flannel- Blankets at prices. 'S AND BOYS' READY-TO-WEAR A. fell range of men's and boye' Suits and Overcoats at Cornfield's moderate prices. - SWEATERS Men's and bays' Sweaters, Sweater ('oats and i'nll- over Sweaters, all airs, various solos*. 'UNDERWEAR A complete line of men's and boys' Underwear, for immediate and winter weals, A full range of men's, y th's and boys' Overalls, hest equalities. Ken's Working Shirts, Mitts, Socks, etc. • 41► A. CORNFIELLi West Side Square, Cederkl ' — Next Walker's Futr.ilve Stare f. e«. , Gray. Mr. H. E. Only, secretary of \V(ngham Baseball Club, takes. exception to the paragraph in The Signal of October rich referring to the arrangement by which the sudden -death gatrw between Wing - ham and Palmerston was played at Wingham. The Signal scribe gave ex- pression to the curiosity of a goodly number amuiid Goderich who were not 1 convenient with the facts, and space is 1 gladly given to Mr. Guy's side of the Wingham. he etre, offend u, play , Palmerston at Tewmwater, Bru mele or 1 Listowel. Teeswater fall show prevented 1 that town being,.clsseen. Listowel and Brussels grounds were in paws shape; a.. it wan decided that the gang• should sWhe played in either Palin rn air Winghani. .S coin was towed to decide' the question and Winghamwon the toga. ' Mr. (iray says further that this plan was approved , Le by the ague officiate, tug the executive Caere. were present when the arrangement wait; made., The World's Series. Tlw world's eerie,. was thlished Ian week, an.I the New York Nationale are world's champions for 1921. It was the har deet battle in baseball history for supremacy, and both the Nationals and I Nearly 100 apsle attended tie game at the Yankees put up goad ball, 'We did Zurich from lnnderieli. not pick the right team to win, but they Wr understand it Clinton citizen was made the other fellows go tlw limit. The richer by about 1300 after Seitnrday'a r 4 . ep 540 Always handy and pro- vide your throat and chest with a powerful and effec- tive safeguard against a sudden cold or chill. Whenever you go out- doors dissolve one or two Peps in your mouth. Breathe into your throat, chest and lungs the wonderful air - like medicines which comfort and strengthen the breathing passages, • purify the air you breathf and destroy dangerous rms. Keep a box of Peps ALWAYS HANDY take them whenever you come out of the theatre, church. picture -show, factory or office, or anywhere into the sudden cold chilly atmosphere. In the crowded street -car a Peps in the mouth keeps in- fection out. 1f you've a touch of throat soreness or a night cough. suck Peps just before you go off to sleep. Take them in catarrh, grippe, 'flu, bronch- itis and all chest weakness. Free from all hew,ful drugs -oafs and Neasaat for children. Pope KEEP OUGhs & COLDS AT BAY ata am. r fa. 512.0 ;r n d..iw, .. Pyo c:.., T...... N/c.oa TMJA1. P....d. Won noeini#11 .r Ic. mlon•1. w.. IM. 1.►.► w .•..Nee../. r to compete against the profrsiotrals, since they have so little chance for success, 7 he pnz list for Goderich this year was laughable. Two or three names, altern- ated, and formed the whole list, and the same ladies captured nest of the prizes at %Ingham. Blyth and Lucknow fairs. Obvwu.ly if the fair is to accomplish its putpt.ae of encouraging local skill, these outsiders should be barred. Andther Improvement suggested is the revision of tt.e prize lists. Many of the classes might as well be dropped and new and more interesting ones added, or the prizes made higher. With Maher prizes three would be more competition and consequently a higher grade of work shown. On the other hand. so many cla-ses are not needed. For instance. the woman who does the best mending on woollen cloth will also lake the prize tor :otton. Frequently the prizes neem to be out of all proportion to the relative values of the extibits or the trouble and skill necessary for their manutactule. It alto was pointed out that the way in which the pieces of fancy work are displayed keeps many women from showing their work. 'They are freely handled by everyone who passes, and if the object is small there is considerable danger of its disappearing. Women, therefore. hesitate to expose anything valuable to this risk. The difficulty could to overa me by erecting wire screens that would protect the exhibit.. 1t was finally contended that if a majority of the people of Godench want the fair to become a midway only, as it will in a year or two under the present system. well and good. But why go to the expense of giving out prizes for an exhibition that no one looks at ? WHAT TO DO FOR STOMACH TROUBLE. Good Advice from One Who Had Suffered Much. Giants won five gams and the Yankee" 3. The receipts' weer the largest ever taken in eight gamer, in a world's aeries. users. Oongratulations, Zurich: Anderson and Hoffman j.o.lsd each other a Komi deal during the ga on 8aturtday.. In one innings Hoffman threw one over tint was called a Anderson calked to 1 ' to "put them over." The next one was "mer," and Anderson bit an easy grounder to Hof - man and was retired by that gentleman, giving Wingham's big catcher the laugh as he did •o. As we have maid before,. No. 6 group has proved itself to be the strangest 111 the N. W. league. There is some comfort for the Purity Flour team of Goderich in their miasma's work. They were the only tesla to take • game from Zurich in thin group, and tlwy also won an exhibition event from them. Woodstock was the only other team to "take one" Immo Zurich, It must Cleve ,been a sore touch for Olden to be taken out of the game - third. There were twenty-six care of handed! "fans" from London at the game at Zurich. The N. W. Leigile hal players have made tlwin all sit up abed take notice this seas.tl. A Velvet Hat That has unusually grace- ful liPnes(, is a good selection for winter wear. We are showing a number of the newest shapes, in the latest shades, several of which .1.111 prove becoming to you. Come in and see our well s'hoaen )stock of New Millinery , Miss M. R. MacVicar Kingston street, Gotfetich game was dyer. Thome old fences in the outfield of Zurich's grounds did their part to win the game. The hornet -um' made over them would not hate bee. any more than two -base hits if there had been no renew. The biieebatt seasei" 10r -14 is over. What about 19221 Sonoef the roads .tear Zurich are in a very bad condition. Ctn the main mad (rem Zurich to Beyfieid a hill has been cut down and for considerable distance there is a very dangerous piece of mad. Anyone travelling this road at night in a car might ttieet witleserious accident. Nine -tenths of all forms of indigestion or so-called stomach trouble are not due to the condition of the stomach at all, but are caused by other influences, The great contributing cause of indigestion is thin Waal. Good blood and plenty of it is required by the stomach to take care o the food. if the blood is thin, the stom- ach functions sluggish. food Ices undi- gested. gas forms and causes pains in various parts of the body. Instead o getting nourishment (rum the blood the system gets poison. Relief from this condition can be ob- tained by the tonic treatment which Mr. D. Shaw, Mt. Stewart, P. E. I . tried and now warmly recommends to other,. Mr. Shaw says : "I suffered from indigestion for ever four years, and have tried many of the well-known remedies for such troubles. but never obtained more than temporary relief. The trouble was ag- gravated by constipation setting in owing to the stomach failing to do its weak. and laxatives only gave relief to the bowels and left the stomach in worse condition. The result was my blood wait growing more and more anaemic. 1 did not sleep well at night and was growing despondent. I was in this wretched condition when a friend ed- ified me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1 got three boxes and by the time they were finished there was some change for the better. This greatly encouraged me and I continued taking the pills for about three months. by wt tch time my stomach was all right again. my blood good. nerves strong and lite was again north living, My advice to all who sutler from stomach trouble is to give Dr. Williams Pink Pills a lair trial." Dr. IVilliams' Pink Pills can be ob' I ined through any medicine dealer, or by mail at 50c a box, or six bore. for 52 50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Brock- ville, Ont. Wingham looked like winners in the first two periods, and had Zurich 4-0. Olden was benched and Clarence Hoff- -man went to the mound for Zurich. Rott- man pitched it very strong game, and Morden for Wingham weakened in dila period. Zurich, taking advantage of Clue, hit the ball tuanl, and the hopes of Wingham to tie up the aerie. aeon faded away. There ire still all kinds of ninon s.. retfleidetldflateam for1912. But on The Signal's inquiring front thaw who are ..opposed t.o -know, the aoawer in- variably was, "Nothing testy at present.' THE FALL EMIR AGAIN. Barring of "Professionals" and Re- vision Of Prize LAat Suggested. A Goderich lady who is deeply inter - Mid in the success of the local fall fair has given The Signal some of her views regarding prevailing condition& It is almost univerwilly admitted, Allk claims. "that Goderich fail fair, especially ad regards the fine arts and fancy work departments, has er.come little more than a joke. Unless something is done to revive fading interest and improve the exhibits, the money used annually is timpiy wasted." That which, perhaps, does most to hurt this department are the exhiena of "pro- fessioral.." people who go from fair to fair shoeing some srticle in every claw, often the same article for years in euccesuion. A judge at one fail fair said that he had judged the same quilt and pillows for eighteen years Local women do not care a "Cascarets" for SICK Headache, Liver, Bowels LIVING COSTS IyF.('LINE..— Many ('ommodltlea Show Forty Per ('ent. Reduction—Others At Pre - War Levees. Citizens who have nursed a perpetual grouch against the high cost of living will find some comfort in the es- tablshed fact that the peak of the cost of foodstuffs has been passed and that the decline to normalcy has begun in earnest. From conversations with Mr. I. J. Mc- Ewen, grocer, The Signal learns that in the past year twenty-one grocery com- modities have slumped an average of over forty per cent. Up to September of last year the increase for the five years pre- vious amounted to 138 e5 per cent., but within a year the decrease has total over forty per cent. The greatest price variation is shown in sugar, which, Iran 85.75 a bag in 1914. went up to 824'54 in 1920 and is now quoted at 58.75. The war tax imposed lath May has kept several commodities up to the higher prices. There is a tax of 81 I bag no sugar, ten cents a pound on te�il and a similar amount on coffee. Wi t the tax matches would now be at pi ices. Meat products have been the slowest to come down, despite very marked drops in the prices of live hogs and cattle. Live hogs have dropped to fifty cents above pre war price& The packers advance an explanation for the continued high prices of the mare choice classes of meat on the ground that everybody demands the more choice cuts and higher -priced qual- ity. while less desirable parts of the dressed animal can scarcely be sold at all. Eggs and butter s ill fluctuate In price. Eggs were ninety cents a dozen last fall. They are now selling at forty-five cents. but are liable to go up or down. according to export facilities and the supply and demand at home. Egg, cost nearly twice as much ss in 1914 and butter is still abut, fifteen cents a pound higher than it was a ven years a.o. Butter is now varying Irom forty to fifty cents a pound. Soaps are down about fiftyr cent , as compared with the peak of the war time prices. Peppers and spices are twenty - live to fifty per cent. lower Biscuits and o cakes are only reduced about ten percent.. and in spite of a marked drop in wheat, bread is still retailing at eleven cents. Rice, tapioca and sago are approxi- mately seventy-five per cent. 'beeper. Carolina riot today sells at fifteen cents a pound and China rice is worth ten cents. ' Du. ung the high price era the fires grades t twenty-five cent& The better grades Here is a remarkably low-priced phonograph that actually is far superior to ordinary "talking machines" even though it costs less. The music of Edison's New Diamond Amberola alone proves our claim that it is the "world's greatest phonograph value." It is clear and pure, without any of the harsh metallic sounds you so often hear on ordinary commercial phonographs. Then consider—the genuine Diamond Point Reproducer forever does away with buying and changing needles. Ambtrol Records are practically unbreakable and last for years. Today — come to our store ani hear the Amberola. If you wish to give it a thorough trial you can have ttG _ "Three Days of Good Music -FREE" in your home, with- out cost or obliga- tion. Come yourself, ,�..a•�' "' ifyoucan,andchoosc the Amberola model you like best and a dozen records. I• We will deliverthem to your home for a three day fret trial, `If -you can't call -- write.or phone. CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE 7 war 130. -fes- Signal from now to January 1st, 73-1.50 cos (seta 10 -cent box nowt lot taroca which now sell at fifteen cents ,,.nal wild not obtained then, Itiseallo gripieg or ineoevenisnoe follows • while the, cheaper grades, now ten to horough liver and crowd eleansiepbwith twelve Cents, wort twenlytMU a pound rets. They work wills you sleep. when prices were at their peak. Saito 'Pick- headaake, btliottasaas, gaaea, In - prices are reduced at abxwil the same per- tuoa, and all such lianas. gime by centagea. Many o het ei n.oditia ate $toning. No griping—tie-est physic ori nes a' pe,:war i.veis. earth. -`.t•. 5. ty as you like A few years ago-- before LUX came—you wouldn't dare make your dainty silk blouse a matter of everyday wear. But you can, now— and it's because we've devised a way for you to wash it again and again - giving it every time the freshness and color of newness. We mean the way of washing—the satiny wafers of purest essence of *oaf, that hargt nothing that pure water may touch • "The Care of Dainty Clothes" an illustrated Bono}kf pith recipes and /tints, Is gladly sent on request bq LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. 67 t