HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-10-20, Page 22—Thursday, t)etuber 20. 1921.
ThinKlay, Ietoler Pat, 1921.
The estimate for Hydro installation
at Kincaniiue was 440,1*K); the actual
o s[ w.1.. lttk,,OW. The old story.
Mr. King toys there is no understand-
ing between the Liler.Is and Progressive...
"Two told be better if then' sore.
Toil don't have t.. go far away from
luome • to ..e the "lenefits" of protection
Whichever you choose
it will be the BEST you ever tasted.
Rich, Satisfying
Flavour. From the
finest gardens.
under C,IiInative rule. How iu$fl
trent on your street are out of employ' -
staid '
The city clerk of Hamilton. who tom
i,.. ilea marriage IIOe•II.e., givef a eolk
book with every license. Trying t.. keep
down the datuage• as much as Ise -6100. we
pwswl Gwra tax on land values. 1r his tour the Maritime I ruyhaws.
Bei. C. F.. cat 'dim. Review (edited by Col. ,lingh The opening of the week saw' him at
Just enough green
tea to make the
blend delicious.
A Revelation is Gres
Tea. Pure. translucent
and so Flavors•
Man asowl or cared what the other
man +w'les. There sere thous:awls of
splendid men user rhen• w1*0 may hate
lawn Conservative+. lout Liberals .11,1
their duty there as well u+ oilers.
\ler will unit let torr opponents In ,this
election ware the fiat and by s., doing
take tiolitical advantage of u+."
Hon. \\. L. 11ark,nzie King finishes
Tour of 1laritinw Protimes—His
tttitutie on Tariff Reform Made
I ll[tawa, October 17th. 19.•1.—This
Di eus*ing the Pnweressive•party's pro-; week 411.. liberal .hteltatn Ls finishing
suppose. I The Kin -:1 of
• Chun•11 ,union 1+ coming. Its' lark, M. P. 1 sale:
.h•akin+. of Brantford. an Anglican' i
cler gyurul pn••lche'd iu the 1'n•sby te•rian L . e11at be reuarhbenrl that an
on.t "lair[ valise fav wool\ not tae
art.( Methodist churches at Port .►rtltnr �omtito.s :6,0110 sere' more heavily thou
last Sunda!• 121.411k) ,,cru in Norfolk county or 3lus-
lm a sample of the rink non -soak. for
„Let well enough al-, Liberal Gov.
rtecry which a public' maul can stake himself
Itit 1 after fittrel ye anr.t •l n•sp onsible, trifle is a good one. The
erne -nt. Jou d•m't bear anybody-t�a7" I ••land catustnx," x+the name implirs,,i+t
pig th now, after ten years of ('unser%-•' n thevahleof the Iait4. not un its extent.
ative ru I "Toronto'. 25.0110 acres" would be taxed
' more than the entire county of Bruce,
Mr. J.. J. 1.,rfHCa'yam (herr *ill 1)• with it nem and several. other counties
00111P Fanneridates in (tubes. Pr'- thn,wlt"fS1. The land values tux is one of
stunabty-the on reason Quebec had not;; the beat 1,r„I„,calm of the Prngreaeite
already followed ►ntario'+ example is 13,arty.
The idea is to base the tax on the
that "J. J.” d.oeem t speak F n•nrh. , "unitupro%ed value"—that is, ih the
.__,value,of the land alone, without taking
Dome 1rom ,” into account any buildings that may be
die Govern ttpon it. This wouldavoid penalizing
the industry represented hi the making
i of the "in,pr,yeulents." 11te nix would
be levied on the value which the land—
even though it to a vacant het—acquires
through 11w activities of the IxeeIpe in
general. ltesides being a just tax, it
ould be easily coHectible. Nobody. ot
,--frrvissttae-tojnIFit-oft-top-of the
alreadycolkrted, dimly or indi=
from the peril•It; it would bt' al
for some of these tsetse, and
the Progressive leader. prob.'
able to demonstrate that it
'net benefit to the marine's
"When• does then
:wit- Mr. Crerar, referring
ment campaign fund. And Crer*r
believes the res.pie base a p ty good
idea %herr it comes from.
The voters' list muddle is indicative ,f
the administrative rapacity of the Meighe
Aorwnment—or was it the deliberate
Nooses of the Government 4, create con-
fission loonier W obtain a partisan ad-
vantage in the preparation of the lists' I
"The gory party is as lead aa. Joh
Caesar in New Bnuwwick," says 1'
'Foster of that Province. The same
he maid of Nova Sootia, Quebec,
and iiskatetiewan: -t
the G.n-ernnwnt cannot hope to elect
more than a mere handful of n ... ban.
There is much interest it�the appear-
ance on the Liberal plwtt l of Mr. James
'Murdock, a prominent Libor leader and
a fomner meniber of the Dominion Board
of Commerce. .lr. Murdock, it will be
remembered, resigned from the Board 1m -
\ canine the .ttitude .,f the linvernment, he
Maimed, pre .ented its doinlg effective
win the interests of the people.
is having two of the part)' lead-
en "in "in midst" this week. Premier
Ings in Clinton and t;ale-
ric�hion ' y are being followed by
two mletiigstoliemiaowed by 1tr.Ctenr
in the inu•rovise of the United Farmer
candidates—at i'caforth tide (Thursday)
afterna,n and at \Cinghem this evening.
Al Mr. King htkt a meeting at iraforth
a few weeks ago, Harm well have been
limited by all the great party chiefs in
The ,vincialC,overnnenilisechanged
ata mi about going into the cement
business, x1 has given a definite state -
meat that i • will not set up et cement-
tiiiamfacturin plant an long am cement
pries; remain 'tenable. A new coin -
pony purposes uta ng a 14,0,000 plant
-at Owen Sound, a datement of
the Government's mta was asked for
before private capital a put into the
■ndertak ing.
Mr. Cerra
ably would
Sould be a di+
of the people.
Carleton ,Placel
tine ei[' the great(
ooullag elt.tion will 1
vote To a large exten
expected. the men's v.
simply paralleled. tout that
mtwtes be all -toe story. For
it is probable plough that wom
avail themselves more nniversall,
men of their franchise, not only
(nose 1t i+ 1t new thing bnt Axca
of the same reasons that ,l'lid the
to ehnnfi—ii sense of duty and right.
a just balance of tip ileal nod tate
practical in the femlulne miuel, a firm
respset for the ,so.-ia1 interest. a c on -
cern .In particular fur the. rising gen-
eration. if to all theseccrosideratiot.,
It were newsairy to, add another, a
cup of tea and a reception at the polls,
would airing out about a hnnlre(1 per
cent. rote of the lathe*. Piffling the
vote may be a bright itnk in the stain
of anafternoon afternen visiting round. Ito
more seriously. there are sereral mat-
ters in the political situation that will'
lutist particularly engage the attention
of ('an*dtan women.
factors in the
the *omen's
it must be
will be
111 by no,
to thing
be -
Party patronage is nowhecr pore
autIous than In the appwointuhnt of
Judicial 0t41.r•1's ; yet Hou. FA and
Bristol d.ehns: he will n -sign
the Gus -eminent unh+ts three Jud
wbtp', now vacant are given to Conser-
vative**. Mr. Bristol 11 orae of Mr.
Ileigheu's new Ministers, and his state-
ment shows what we may expect from
the present Government so long as it
,Remains in power. which. ham' illy. will
tad be bag.
The following referent, by The
Globe M a member of a family fore-
, Ode Well known In (Whole ti will he
se eapecfal lnterert :
Owners! Odium, the fighting hoed of
• the ltleyeuth Brigade during the des-
perado struggle that preceded and fol -
hewed th0 battle of Vimy, went into
q► war at the beginning and stayed
ha be the end. He rebuked sternly to*
alttealgot to raise the invitee cvo, In ■
aYeal'h •e,. tine the I.Iheral nomires-
tiee for (Moth Va$maror a tow days
eige Opneral / nm'' father to a
4'faheervative, wi1M he hlattselt before,
•among sod ranee thew war has town out-
a�aRstsb UAb*ral. ''()ne thingbe
MIK 'that has ,Abtv.d ma to the anion
b the aaareWa that the•1(toaiervat ire
i sad $s Ow salt' party of patriots
k ia wet no. Patriodge gist
der ,m. ..at.a peeper* ieetpet GI' IWO
Liberele ental (Mesmevatioras
taV abed elate WA mamma No
Ftumwel•side. I'rinee 1elwan1 Isla nil.
when. !w addressed a meeting oilWeil-
ne•.day :nal -later crossed again to the
mainland to deliver a series cif
spee,lie+ hi New Brun+wick• before re-
; turtling to Ottawa.Everywhere lila reception has been
the ..sue. The tour of Nova Setia
• ended with Hon. Mr. King feeling In
high spirits. At all points in that
Powin'e rte .has been greeted byer
thousands .af p,ple, many of his
anthem -es had been lbn,wrvativee
who realized drat the time had (rime
fur a change. ani everywhere the
brilliant young lewder left a wonder-
ful impression iw 1iital him.
Premier Meigh.0 and his pilgrims
have been doing their little het to
' stem the tide which Is sweeping over
i the Eionern Provinces. carrvtng their`
of harsh leu stage into the 1
I cities down by the seBut :Vora
ticotbt and Prince E.Iwanl island have
Riven assurance, that when the votes
are omitted on Member 6. these two
Provinces will be almost if not quite
i.o1k11T Lllwral.
' In Nova Scotia a Conservativeett-
mate of the Liberal members who will
he . returned place them at twelve.
1!Nnee idwalnl ltktwl has four mem-
ben. and 11* in.Hciitiun+ are that four
Literals will he sent to uttaw*.
though the Government force's are at-
tempting to split the vote against them
err intnwfta•Ing. Farmers in the Held
wherever \oscine.. Government sup
porters themselves talk of only oneI
Neat as a possibility' for them on tMe"
Island. and they are_ not tea, confident
of that.
Tried for Tears to Find Relief
action of du bowels, is one of the
great causes of disease. Some autho-
rities even claim that (onstipjtion
ean,not he permanently eorteeled.
This is a great mistake, because here
V the proof that constipation can he
urd and the bowels made to act
regularly and naturally.
YAarourn, «s.
"For years, i was troubled with
Constipatton, and had to take laza-
tives and purgatives all the time.
If 1 umrieetad to tate these, the
bowels would refuse 'to do their
About two years ago, a friend
s'dsissi sae way "iivris+iisss", which I
did. The first beg'lndped ms to much
that i ohtaiaed Mrth.r supplies of
therein/Ay sad eootlaus l the treat-
ment. After using about eight boxes,
my bowels were able to poker= their
wheeler fenettee without std.
Ills relief in say areae Ass Ulm lank`
es ep to data, I have aevkr had any
farther trouble. I eu rasornm.ed
"Fruit -a-toys'" b aft wafering as l
dM and -i am mans they will dart,*
*qua( benefit". a
-t W. P asirit tx.
"lrett4l•tiv'' w add by all
Malate e s Agip tar trl
, sl
alas fie.,., w seal dry nil-+•-
V*os Lisa'lesk ONawrt Ont.
['cornier Melghrn la coming forth as'
a prophet. and h1s prophecies Well
every indication of toeing borne oufliiy
returns on election day. The brat
Minister of ('ands deviates that the
party whish b spreading it eampmlgn,
of misrepreentetton In the M[iiritime I
I'rovilwes will rind itself, on election!
day. snowed under. Thar L+ what .the
people down there claim also. tett
they make It more dettnite and nnme
the t:overntnent as the party w•hh-h
'Treading the uawpnign of mi+re-
1 station. The Prime Minister is
getting a good bearing in the Prov.
ipso. but a.+ nsual. is r.lelling many
of his warers by exag:coition(' and
on. while on the other halal,
1 e eli
i f 1
K g new
friends eve
day by'his fairness in
bleating with re problems of the. car
net outlining 1 - ttettI+ i,Tf'anada in
the i,Ite
the :future.
Extraordinary October Bargains
Speci a 1 Reduction Prices commencing with this an-
nouncement. In many many lines our October Specials
indicate Reductions of Half Price and more. Our stock
is very large and select.
New Floor Rugs
Wilton and Axminster Rugs on sale.
Select patterns and heavy British quality.
21 i x 3 yards, Okobet�priee $32.50
3 x :3 yards, October price $37.50
:i x 31/:: yards, October price, 142.50
3 x 4 yards, October price $49.50
Art Sateens
36 inches wide, best quality, down -proof
sateells, reduced to 50c
Silkaline Art Draperies for comforters.
Yard wide, at per yard 25c
All pose wool with pink or blue bor.
ders. White fleecy Blankets, size 72 x 90,
weight about 81/2 lbs. Foi'aarly $14.00, on
sale per pair ....$8.60
Extra values in fox, sable and wolf
Scarfs and Stoke. Smart new styles, rang-
ing each $6, $8, $10
Dress Silks
Black, navy, brown, 36 -
eh Pailette Duchess Silk,
heavy and , beautiful lustre.
Formerly sold at $2.75, per
yard $1.75
Black Satin Duchess, yard
wide. Formerly $3.50, at
per yard =Ze25
"Stanfield's" Underwear
for mets, all sizes. Extra
heavy and warranted all
pure wool. Shirts or
Drawers, each $2.00
• Stanfields
"Stanfleld'a" medium
weight Underwear for men,
finest wool with a slight mix-
ture of cotton, all sizes.
Shirts or Drawers, each $1.50
Bath Mats
Size 27 s 54, with heavy fringe, Smyrna
reversible wash rugs, 15 only on sale.
Mostly in shades of old rose and blue.
Former price was $7.50, for this October
sale, each $3,50
Monarch Floss, Dove, or Down, in all
the new shades and colors at new prices.
Floor Oil Cloth
36 inches wide, in a range of patterns --
tile, floral and block. Perfect quality and
heavy weight. October sale price, per
yard 600
Extra heavy quality British. Linoleum,
well seasoned select patterns, 4 yards wide,
at per square yard, reduced to $1.121/s
500 yards of yard wide White Flannel-
ette, soft full and splendid quality. sold
a year ago at 60e, Lt per yard - ..25c
Women's Coats
Pattern Coats ---one of a style or color, made of finest heavy, soft French Velours
and Ouvetyns---heavily silk lined, -fur trimmed or silk stitches�\ ,,The highest class
of coats we have shown for many a day. Values aib�e*:ceptionally attrac-
tive. All sizes, 16 to 42, prices range $20, $25, $30, $35 and $45.
W. Acheson & Son it
there has Leen nothing but a ward
welcome for the Liberal leader in all
parts of the Provinces. Mr. King and
his lieutenants have been cheered for
fir frank db.eu+alone of the prob-
lems of the day std the able manner
Ia_Which thby have outlined them and
i tits remedies neeewmary to meet them.
ref r "Nee are not Free Trader." Mr.
King has declared In many of his
•wper•hes, "but we are freer traders."
We believe that the basic Indltstrles
of this country must be developed
and that in order to develop these'
.here !mist be a revhdon of the tariff:
-*Al which would make the implements and
e' ill+tnimenf+ of prdutlon hear the'
Least poo+eiibic Illtrlen ; and the ne•rs-
ries of life mist also be relieved, to
as ioossible, from eontributing.
tariff must remain t no man
am wtggost that w'! (moo awsy
With a�'•tarfl'f in ('Roads : but It whonlld
Ile rertweel. If you leave that reglsfou
In fl* hands of Mr. Moisten it will be
revlsel In the inter14 * of that small
but powerful coterie of manufacturers
who are now dk'ea ting the (ioirerm-
mont'. course of retina. If you elect
Tory ruts. The•u earn. the clwtlone the I,Ib'rnl party to ofihr you *111 bare
with the rennnl of tole \Shield LauPTsr' rev1 lit of the tariff fn 1414' Intet1wts
Al Premier. and the let(inning ,f fifteen I sof the home and iM noels, and yva
}enry of prosperity for the country, will further hove the atrfc•test ,econ-
'dr. Ring rerire.l t1* news 1n oust a0d r.trera'h1ent In ptrbllc elt•
/tliarkottetc,,,ti ray a heppr r7m!•1 &t,
,► signiflcant omen victory was
brought about last w. I'n•rious to
the election of 1 (9fl w ch resulted
In the return of the fan er admlm
istrttion and the dawn .1 t r golden
era of prosperity for ('Idols, r 11'11-
lr1tL t.-,;ra.•r -tit qtr--(•
dressing a meeting when the wont
broil 4,' to him that the date of t
eleetion hail Toru d.cid,rl. Ion Freda
nigh' of last week. Ilnu. Mackenzie
King w -.as in (,'ItarIottet,wn when the,
wool w -,ie brought to him that t
Ir, riot *ofl14'7 g14 rat an l'tiew
1 hr'rmler 0.
To terry the parallel further, it
was pointed out that previous to the.
election of lento ,rawlkion+ wen• very
had iu the 1►.,mitfion. ilusine,e, was
stagnant awl the people were to a
stare of unrest after several years of
e• feet ory. I'm e
of many oilier\ imlkntlnnsl that tit twi-
lightel WI the t
of the Melghen Government 11nd
appr(aettnl. It might web le looked
upon as such.
�91(vwlitares. with a Perimtf of every dol-
lar of the people's money .ebkh can
be saved. null a evrt•ful accounting to
the people for an money vent.--
pent.""The cleric• le yours" the Lt oral
leader warned him audletwee*. "it is
for you to -ay whetter you want
,'4tnnrnr or continued extravagance;
whether you want freedom and re-
pnre•ntali v.• g,.v.•rnment or continued
arbitrary actions by the Melglrwn Gov-
ernment ; whether yen *1041 to con-
tinue in oilier sn autocracy or get back
to proper principles of government -of
the people for the people and by the
I1 I. Ie•rhap. .ignith.are of 11e tnith'
of the alleged eh,nege In 4.orernment
10 wow.. that Ile men ah:• handed
ort the a nIsm ocem.'ur of the election
date awl the mem Is han,l,,) not the
IDA 11If..t., I,t eIttaWA. wor,, !tt•nators
Itel•l and ,'alder .tpa,n,ntl'. fhottgh
lion John 1' w'l,v 11.4,4 of 1'r,•'.-t,tt,
has retired from the r;ovsrtxnent, lie
sod Mr. ('alder *' 4111 of It. Apgar -
(softy they are to ,'.ern their senatorial
emoluments by handling 'I*tthms for
the young .Premier and, of roursa, bb
Ing at bend to vote down anything to
tis Renate which Mr. M.Ighen doe*
not want to pass.
Ono of the question, of the day,
down In the Marfittw Prorineer 1y :
"Who are the new ministers ?" No -
hotly atewarnntly ever heard of them
and even gnaws( p*rmp,lc who hapten to
he Mown there ars tthahie to giro the
'tattoo; any Information. Notwuly
knows Meows. Holley Monte or Nor -
miens' and after another two months
nobody will ter beer of them ,goon.
While Me Prise Miat„ter has hest
M have ...Ireton from hos MOOS: neet-
tagm, powwow. who dhtapsed with Ahs
aro dared to emotion itis a ffi*pIty, Phos* 248.
iteportm fmom• all sleet lona of the
country are most eneoiraging- An
array of splendid candidates are tee
Ing Maori In the Des In all parts of
the Dominion and the men already
nominated are slosh se to ensure that
when the 1,rh*ral administration to re-
tdrned to omrr In December, an It
premlw•s to he, then w111 he within
Its ranks the materiel for a eattt'oet of
flrat',Mae hnstnrw Laren, competent to
hanttle tho affairs of the Dominion.
rather than, ea et psrseat, a cabinet
made up of men who "came le Riot-
ing for the title and had nowhere
else to go."
Ice creams may arae and kr seams
mar go. but Blackstone's mann forever
See that vow ant order, is Blaci it6tte'a
D' -LAW NO. 25 OF 1141, OF THE
A Bylaw to authorise the borrowing
at $55.11410.1111 by the issue and wale
Of debentures to provide for the
ittipian ifilter
.• , -Witting ion of with
the sunf.iea1 water works system.
WHEREAS the water sod Light
Commission of the town of Ooderk'h
has requested the council of the town
of (:od.rtrh to pr'co'ide the seromary
funds for the purpose of Installing a
filter and chlorinating plant in con-
nection with the water works system
of the town of. Goderieh operated by
saki commission.
AND WHEREAS from reports
which have been received from the
Provincial Board of Health it appears
to be necessary that the mid fitter and
ehlorltattng plant should be estab-
lished la otpper that the supply of
water should be kept pure.
AND WHEREAS the estimated (-fist
of the lnetallatlon of said plant id
AND WHEREAS ft to net'easary to
provMe said sem by the hove of de-
hentures of the town of (ioderich, take
pro.r'edm of the sail debentureto be
applied to the mid purpose and
other. and the amount a[ the (keit to
be hereby trotted being the maid sum
of 55x5.000.00.
AND WHEREAS the total amonat
required by the Municipal Act to be
raised annually by 'special rite dur-
ing flirty yeerl for paying the said
debt and intert in the sem of
AND WilF.REAR it Is demtrnble to
lame the laid dehenturem at oto 1410
and make the prlucipal of the aid
Miro repayable by yearly mittenfloristic
period et thirty years. being the
currency of the said debentures, said
yearly soma being of such respective
amount, that the aggregate*motet
payable h mob year for principal
�te test in reltpect of said debt shall
lie as nearly as fhissble equal to the
enamor no payable. in each of the other
twnty-doe years of the sa14 pleb\.
RpdA3 the aoust .pt the
whelp rateable property of the \lbws
of Oedr•rieb, sceorQpag to the Mat M-
eisel aase'smeat roll thereof. Is
AND W1ill EREAS the amount of the
existing debenture debt of the said that 1411 leaseholders qualified under
municipality is $251,11U4.10. exclusive the provisions of the Muok•Ipal Act.
of Meal improvement debts succored by .ectton .9116, 14. H. 3, are required ten
special acts, nitro or amesements, days before the day of voting to 61e
whereof no principal or intermit 1* In with me a statutory de•lariitlon of
arrest.qualifications, otherwise their names
THEREFORE THE MUNICIPALtoll nut appear on the voters' lost for
enacts ss follows :— that the vote of the electors of the
1. For the purpomem aforesaid it told Town of (:oderIeh *111 to taken
shall be lawful for the Mayor and on said tww+t t the fol-
Treasurer of the acid town of (lode -
timesprop■fid plbylaaces.w tahat im to
rich to borrow the sum of $56.000.00 8117'on Monday. the 31.t day of
and footasne debentures of the maid Cor- (klub"' A. D:, 1821, commencing at
poration to the amount of $15.000.00. the hour of 8 o'eiock in the breu.00m
esoli of which debentures shall um- and nontlnnlrlg until 5 o'clock In the
,kited on the date of the Issue thermf, atMrdwon of flue carne day. by the fol -
awl shall los payable within thirty lowing I►*piaty Returting Omura :
ears thereafter at the once of the Polling subdivision No. 1. at Thomp-
ysows shop, at cosec 01 Vktorls street
tr(steanmr of the said Cres *hall
b `-fig fslgtn atcnre, fi7 TH. to onset 2. The wkl debentures +•hell be puty Returning Officer, and John R.
payable 1n thirty annual ltalmenta .McKay, poll ('lerk. •
doting the thirty yea's next after the Polling subdivision No. 2, at Me -
I.wmv thereof. Irtnb entre. ore, fleet m the Opera3. Each of the said debentures House on Kln*b,
sn street. by Charles
shall b' armed by thy Mayor of the !totem, Deputy Returning -
said town of ('.owlrrIe h, or by some
McLean, Poll Clerk.other person authorized by by-law toPolling aim tine tame; and by -the treasurer
thereof. and the clerk shall seal the
same with the eomlrom :real of the
lmld Corporation.
4. The aid debentures stall bear
interest at the rate of six per cent.
per anmim payn
able yearly at the office
dull the maid trem..jurer, and all have
attacked thereto coupons for the pay -
meat of same, which coupons shall be
signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of
the told town.
3. During the currency of the said
debentures! there shall be railed an-
nually by epeeist rate on all the tate
aide property In the mad town of
(iodetich the mom of 5390510 for the
pwurpore of saying the amount doe in
each of tow said years for prtactpal
mud interest In respect of the said
8. This by-law Mail talse1act on
the day of the Bruit paealag thereof.
Ptgvttdrpplumed olly ped at the Oopncll
Chambers., 'at the Town of (loderteh
this 4th Ray of October. A.D., 1921.
(t4g1) E. R. W IO i.F., L. L. K 4OX,
Mayor. ('Nrk.
anbdtvl0fon No. 3, at the
Wn Hwll, by 31. C. lteteher, Deputy
Returning Officer, and Geo. ikelcher,
Poll Clerk.
Polling amldiviolon No. 4. at
Mothers' wood shop on Victoria street.
by Huron A. Trafford. Deputy Return-
ing Officer, and Wm. Mothers, poll
Polling snbdtvidoa No. 5, at P. I.
Walton's dors West street, by (awsld
Sturdy, Deputy Returning Officer, ■rad
Harold AlsMkdone. Poll Clerk.
Polling subdlv1ba No. 8, at Amplify
Bros.' ktore. West dart. by H. L.
Watson. Deputy Iteturning (Moser, sad
Wm. Tale, Poll Clerk.
Polling m,tbdlvlsion No. 7, at Wm.
AleAzMar'a rwtdesMs, at the corner
of Wtlttea sod Oayyky street'. by
Donald McKay, Deputy Returning
Ogkeet. and Robert Tall. Poll Clerk.
()♦, 0.torday, tae 20th day of
October, 1021. the Mayor of the said
Towa will, attMA,,at . the couarlt
chambers of the alrttl''1!iwn at 18 o'eltwek
In the forenoon, to appoint persona to
'Menet at the various polling places
sforwld, apd $ the Awl slimming
up of the Teem by. the Clerk, on he -
TAKE h'OTICR that the above 1s' halt of the ppe...ms `interested In and
a tree copy 01 a prrepe.e.l bylaw which prdwmWlag .e' atiVeakti the tossing of
ha" been taken into oaglderstk,n. sod the said i roems& blow. 'respectively.
white) w111 he 8naltg paned by the The (lett of the Come ll of the said
Conneil,.oe, the Municipality (la the Town of (4de•rleh meiv shoal at hta
evtne d gpetrt of the stamen be- office 1n toe dotes %a .at 4(1 e'etork
int obtaieed thereto) atter ore atnoth in the foreseen of Tuswilig, the oat
town the }trot peblicatkm in The (lode- day of Nevesahrr, 11121. M stoma up the
ri.'h Menai n,wwpwprt. the date of sambas of lobe ler sad *pleat the
whtuh publiestkiu wail the 8th day of said prepaid bylaw.
(k•tMeC 1921 L. I. KNOZ.
AND merit TAKE/ NOTiCB -% ('pert,