HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-10-13, Page 12wows, mvyrr:
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Saturday, Oct. 15 ; Monday, Oct. 17 ; Tuesday, Oct. I8 ; Wednesday, Oct. I9
The sale will be on every line in the store. Not only a few lines, but every line in the store will be sold at a reduction
to buy your Fall and Winter Garments at a saving of to per cent. All Ready -to -Wear lines reduced to per cent.
These four days will be sale day at The Colborne Store.
of to per cent. on these four da s. This is an opportunity
All Piece Goods Lines reduced; o per cent.
A wonderful range of Children's;Winter Coats at a saving of 10
Der /rent
Frow the infants' bear s n coats to girls' of fourteen years.
they come iu very heavy t eds in brown and 'heather mixtures.
fully, lined and interlined i this season's style. 10 per cent. off.
Ladies' Plush ('oats tv ' h self or fur collars. in short and three-
quarter length with Ino. backs, at a reduction of 10 per cent.
Ladies' cloth ('oat. with or tvith:iltt Air collar, loose back with
belt which can be w ill either inside or outside the stat, large
sleeves, frilly or' heal lined, and the cloths are heavy
They come in doyenne, suedetie and velour,.;, in navy blue.
several shades of ,rowii and and, in any. wanted size, at 10 per
cent. off.
An opport
nity to buy your Winter ('oat cheap.
A large range of Serge Dresses in the finest of serge and trig
rr eotine, alt reduced 10 per cent.
Every size is represented, navy and black are the main colors.
If you need a Dress in serge or trieotine buy now while the price
is down 10 per cent. •s
}every Silk Dress in the store marked Clown 10 per cent.
- They come in.navy blue, brown and black, in the season's very
latest styles. It is impossible to describe these wonderful creations.
They must be seen to he appreciated. 10 per cent. leas than regu-
lar price.
A spweeial line of Taffeta Dresses on sale at $19.50. Ile sure
and see them.
f These Middies come in navy blue and red with contrasting
trimming on collar and sleeves. They come in regulation or balkan
style. All redueed 10 per cent.
isvi'ra Blouse in the store reduced 10 per cent,
!;c Georgette Blouses in every wanted color and the newest styles.
10 per oent. off.
Hahutai Blouses in pure melte in all sizes at 10 per Dent. off.
Voite Blouses 10 per cent off, •
They must be seen to be appreeiated./
A very well selected .toe ;< ,i ladies' Raincoats in tweed effects,
a in all sizer at 10 per oast. off.
Ladies' Raincoats to repro,.—nt a leather coat 10. perant. off.
'Sr SKIRTS teas
Striped and checked Skir,s .til reduced 10 per ant.
tr Ladies' navy blue and black Serge Skirts all reduced 10 per cent.
The styles are the nevre•t and the best.
These cloths are all suitahie for dresses and come in navy and
black, at prices much below last year valves. For the 'sale days
they will. be reduced 10 per cent.
Heavy Serge in navy, hlnek. taupe, grey and reds, at 10 per
cent. off, suitable for -coats ;nal wits.
Viyella Flannel, regular -l. i reduced 10 per Dent. In either
light or dark cloths.
Flannelette Blankets in eiu ,•r 12 4 or 1144, reduced 10 per cent.
Wool Blankets redueed 10 per cent.
Flannelettes in white or .rs reduced 10 per cent.
These Flannelettes eome 36 inches wide, from 20e to 39c
a yard. now reduced 10 per cent.
Shirting in black and 1.1,.• with stripes and cheeks, regular
35e, 40e and 45c, reduced 10 per cent.
Regular 30e Prints reduce : 10 per cent.
g Regular 35c Galatea in wi.•e ground with blue or black stripes,
Nor navy grouna with white s^ipes, all reduced 10 per • Dent.
Sheet itigs, • plow cottons. nainsook, madapollam, eambrics and
grey eottons reduced 10 per cent. for these sale days.
We carry the well known D & A Corsets. A style for every
Silks, Skirtings, Plush Tams, Smallwares, etc. he; fee e
No Goods Charged at Bargain Prices
Stationery for
Particular People
Very finest Lines Finished
Note and Envelopes 35c Quire
and 35c package of Envelopes
Very finest Cid or Vellsa
Note paper and Envelopes 25c,
:1.,c and 7,0c per quire and 25c.
35c and :,(c package envelopes
Regular tines of Note paper
at envelopes IOc quire and
Inc r package.
Lotus Lawn note nd envel-
op,. 1": c:luireand,l:, .ck.ogc.
figure in either front or back lacing. All sizes in each line. For
the sale they are all reduced 10 per cent.
Every Underwear garment in the store will be reduced 10
per neat.
Ladies' Combinations in light, medium and heavy weight, re- t
duced 10 per *eat.
Ladies' Vests and Drawers in every wanted weight, with long,
short or no sleeves, reduced 10 per Dent.
Children's Underwear in white or natural in vests or drawers,
in all sizes, reduced 10 per esat.
Monarch Down, Monarch Floss, in all colors, reduced 10 per asst.
Saxony, factory end fingering yarns in black, white and grey,
reduced 10 per cent.
We specialise in Hosiery.
Ladies' Pure Silk Iiose in black and brown, in all sizes, at 98e
a pair. This is a .wonderful bargain and remember they are pure
silk. 9110.
Ladies' Pure Silk Ribbed -top Hosiery 10 per sent. off.
Ladies' Ribbed Hosiery in pure wool, regular $1.00, $1.10,
$1.50, $2.00, I reduced 10 per cent.
Ladies' PI • Cashmere Hose from 90e to $1.50, reduced in
price 10 per oe - •
Children's PurlWool Hose in white- or black in till sizes, re . I
duced 10 per cent. \..
Kid Gloves in black at tan, regular *1.90, reduced 10 per cent
Ladies' C'hagaoisette Gll, s in tan, black, white and sand, regu-
lar $1.00, redueed 10 per osn
These Old Pictures of Father sad
Nether are very .tear to you. Just
bum t eu orad that your children
would cherish just such pictures of
lou. Stake the appointment today.
The Sallows' Studio
Use an Electric Vacuum
Cleaner and your house will
always be clean. Does the work
quickly, quietly, efficiently and
ec,norr. i Aly.
A reliable, energetic salesageM for
Gooer,ch and County to sell our well
IVE territory and fres equipment.
40 Acres of Nursery Stock
Oen agency is valuable for we grow
the trees we sell. and deliver only high-
grade stock. Writs now for terms.
Pelhua Nursery Co. Toronto, Ost.
410 Acres d Nursery. En'd 40 years.
See our display of iti ctric
Irons, Wiggling Machines, La
letc., at
, North Side of Square. Goderich, Ont,
- CHURCH NOTES. (Green 2264, *Gamy, Ashton 167. Sr. iiT:
--Vernon Willis T7E. Clara Willis 11/.
Attary service's will 1.• rnn- Melvin Dickson 235. Jr. ill.—Annie
Moiled in goo= charit on Sunday.
203. Vats Murray 170, *Bert
Nmemloer 27. by Rev. R. It. («4,rot•
n. Crswllord 1 .9. h. I1.—Hugh Bennett.
M. A., of (otlelte mfrs-' l'n-thyteri{tu
Ruby Di; keno Crawford, F o -
Imce McKenzie, Margaret Ashton, Clar-
ehun'h. Toronto. ence Hoy. Forst halal—Jessie Hoy, John
lbw. J. F. HeYeraft will "UUP1' the Green, Etta Quaid, Violet Ashton, Edna
Pulpit in Vietoria street clntrch nett 'Crawford. Primer Class—Ernest (Yaw -
ford. J:m Ashton, Benson Murray, Clif-
ford Hay, Best conduct—Carman Hay-
den. W. CUNNINGHAM, Teacher.
a e°r'� '► COLHORNR.
TcainAv, Oct. 11.
—- Samuel �fcQtt nn, d
lktjtiel,l. p- blieyed s vary interesting teen
Moil :sr %i......rtj, on Sunday last.......,,..
will hold its Teenier meeting in the
hs•ture roam on Monday, ("etcher lith.
at Si ncieek. The topic will be taken
by the vire-pet-+idents mks )gay Stott -
dart, ausl Miss fhnul .1a1300,11. All
member,' 441V ` r gIesteel :4u be . present
as arrangements for the hamar and
salad tea 'Will be completed.
lir. Geo. Gilmore, otl Ripley, will
(vneluet . spec al service to the tn-
teroets of the W.M.S. land the Yonne
Won:test's `1V.11.N. (.trt Ise r ('It -,'I t in
Knox- church next- eightieth- mnr•Mmr.
There will he a special choir of the
mt•mis,r, of the Art1 Ir (.'111•1e. Iter.
Jas, Ila milton, U.A., will peach in
the evening. Rev. Jlr. Me1't riuid rill
"14114 annivervary servi.rs la the
Presbyterian church in ltipley.
North street Methodist church ner-
vier, text Sunda}' will bo : 1u a.m.—
Classen, Mlssvlon Band and Men's ('lob,
1'he chits topic --"tiow nm wv• learn
hr control nor denies 7 ' will 1.• In-
to 1 u ..,n by Mr. W. 4'. I'ridham.. The
morning service will be conducted by
tier. Jonn.7 Hamilton, the evening
set vice by the pastor. The strftje.'t of
the ereufng discourse will Ire --The
Present World Outlook and the King-
dom of (;eel." Sunday 'sebool at 3
eiel()1i, The (;olden I.itrks Inble claw,
will Mauve a slwr);,1 rally program arsl
er,nlhtlly inosite the aIIIIII members of
the svmgrng.141n11 to attend.
sunday, saltine for his subjects :
morning—'lonviet No. 1 ;" evening—
"An interested tiongrt•gation and an
Iags,rtrut liubject."
Merrkws will he held in the 11.1514
t•hurtl, at the usual hates next Sum
day. Bible school will meet at 3 pm.
The R. T: P. 1'. will meet on Monday
evening at 8 .ieloek and prayer ner-
vier will he held On Wednesday even-
ing at the same hour.
The Arthur Circle Of Koos church
Finding the Trouble
wi'h you car is where our expert
auto knowledge comes in. We don't
have tp linker and try: we know just
where 'the difficulty hes. Send your
machine here when anything goes
wrong. Then you can be lure it will
be made r ht in the shortest possible
time that tbotouglnesa permits.
Mrs. Ernest Mitchell has been visiting
friends at Dungannon the past week...
Mr. and Mn. John Middleton visited
Mrs. Middk ton's parents on Sunday
Mrs. Thomas Wheeler. of N'inglum, vis-
ited Zion friends on Tuesday of this week.
t Mira laurel Treble and Miss Viola
Alin have joined the sewing class ander
the direction of Mrs. Pellow, in the Gale -
rich library. :tori to the girls ! Jce
Connors and A. Allen shippedip carload
of cattle and hogs last weeff. Is ac
Currey shipped .a carload of sheep and •
car of cattle. J. H. Treble shipped a
g,rload of fall wheat. ...(Mo. A. Bean
lug b.,ngtot the farm bi it.nging to James
1 Howatt, one mile east e•f Auburn. Sorry
to kms Mr. Bean and fatnily from our
Fe,w t. Steens.—The Iwdien' Aid So-
ciety of North Zion Methodist church in-
tend holding their annual Thanksgiving
I fowl supper on the evening of November
7th. An excelk nt program will bse,•em
Redmondy the Raymond Radond Concert Co.
®F COURSE you will have
your picture taken this year.
What better , gift; what better
time? Even to -day is not . too
early to arrange for a sitting.
lane hie welling flays in October :
at a , • , . Pi Drag atom known as Canada's gifted Prime Minister,
will address a mass meeting in
Goderich on the evening of
Wednesday, October 19th, l be-
ginning at 8 o'clock. Reserved
seats for ladies. Band and Or-
chestra in attendance.
asetemn.in the afternoon of the same
(t.nttea,ded for lea week., \, :clay at 2 p.m. the Premier will
Salol. rtEPnar.—The following 1.
Gm O'tcher ()pportanity Sales. Buy.
leer oft unities galore. Saving op-
;serlunithw 11nprs•erletntnl. Come
every SAN ay early.
Why pay nvak, for a phonograph
when you can get. a real "Stewart"
from 115 to •$3& and a beau-
tiful cabinet machi for 132 ^
Ask for demonstration a Hlacketnne's
Record*m parlors. Agent Gennett
report of the pupils of S S Nn. I, A h• speak at Clinton.--
field, for the month of September : Sr. IV.
--Carman Hayden 313, Howard Quaid
East Street Garage Go N 2i12. Ji'. IV. - Edna Murray 287, Ivad.)I
Hoy 2112, Willie Richardson 289, (trace
The Industrial Evening Classes.
The committee of the Cotlegistte
Ikoarl 4s greatly Mated with the won-
derful strews with which their 'see-
kers elanewe are ieintg taken advantage
of hy the citizens of Gotk rich. The
(loverttmwst organiser of women's
damns in math*, millinery, ttty«,.-
making and home nursing. e•a to
(iodorfeh to awdret frotn Wetlnewtwy.
October 3. to Friday night. October T.
The results are sn gratifying that the
citizens ought to know ail about It.
On Monday, October 3. thaw young
men enrolled In the class in matter
; maths and since then no others have
In the commercial claws on Moteh,y
night six enrolled; on the Thursday
following four more, and on Ttwtwlay,
October 11. fire more, making a total
or fifteen 40 date.
The drtewemaking deepen began on
Tuesday, October 4. and there was the
splendid response of five young belie",
three ' of Omen were from the hewn -
ships of Gederkt and Vollmrne. On
Taeaday. October 11, this ntsmher was
increased hy two more, Moth of whom
were from Goderlch township. The
Friday afterohon class had four ladies,
an of town. One yonng lady from
Colborne township has wince notified
41m principal that ate will be in at,
temhance on Friday\nest. 'Tibbs funkiest
-the gratifying enrolment in drnnsmak-
ing in the two cla*ee11 of twelve. just
abont enough for one goad (Ive elem.
Mins McKim, the Government organ-
iser. *Mewl that Gorkerleh has ope of
the most ("inattention's. beet lighted and
equipped class moms in the Pmrinee—
a place M•orehy of the attendant 01
more than 100. (Masse. ran 4w• lshl
on any afternoon and evening In the
rooms of the puddle library hawenent.
• The daily papers report that In To-
ronto. Oshawa. Kitchener, etc., the
applk•atNs for enrolment line lap In
pieties as they do et ticket colleen for
sports and ennerment hills. The
committee of els Go/fetich Collegiate
Board would have to May therms hese
new Inas dwtwk" such a 'manes* In-
aternet he crested in °Merk4s,
You cera know one thing wherever
prices go, up or down, you get most
for your money when you buy
Martin -Tailored Clothes
Style, looks, fit, long wear, the prices1
4 consistent with what it costs to make tf „
clothes good Y '
4Y `Int it4i
F. H. MARTIN, Tailor
aa. -ai►l.