HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-10-13, Page 111
When It's a
Question o
call on
0 "The Old Reliable"
A full stock of Light Fix-
tures, Electrical liouseho!d
Utent.ils, etc., always on hand.
Estimates given and con-
tracts taken for Xlectric
Wiring and Fitting
West St. Next Postoffice
Stare 82, Res.193
• w • ,o %, • .40 w 47! Lyninbe. Mow., for advice. Ycoisr lett*
woman. Lerd, read arid answered by :
held strict confidence.
Electrical Coatractor
Thtirrelay, (Maher 13. 1621 --It
THE MISERY OF unveiled the worriment which rr1010. !Ley will spend It 1...rtilirtlit Detroit on Saturday
r. artistk ;di., .eilliaure .41ue. tore going rr here 1 1.t0d, rr as called to Flk Iler ill- on Thursday
(.1 erk °win,: to the death of Mrs.
Rev. Mr. Mc-
. BACKAC jar: --ro. I INiartceL%ndt,eesdtcishwominoettaneurin
w... .r
fall liWanietrinfel3b:htre7f•Frf herr
Amarnt.._,,,o.IIPNsli,,,,,,. son of Mr. ..f imiown. and cern W. ti,.,,,i,,i, a i tIrtielethiod,reiltyatnedriaPnrescbhyutrecrhianonchuTtchiresund. alyn
Removed by Lydia E. Pink. and Jive. titsonce Swale. or iro....n. cdoioolon,...vo or mr. nisi Nits. W.
NI if • v ou toventiv and wa: batil) Row don. of Goilerich towir.liii,.. it.. I September 21)14., the entertainment was
rut nIsOut the head and tat.. It re- I lir. Ilinek, oth,,tuted. " given by Mr. J. W. Bengough, cartoonist,
of Toronto. which was very much en-
quired several stitch..., to itose the 4 /ire ..t Il• early riettlers of Huron
1 Mit'Yotridd.av oInf thihi: weeMkethhii*juilsletn. clurcoch.,00nt
wound. Hi: im now abl..101%, around , (sanity priced away hery itt ti,,• toer-
agtrh. howeVer. 4)11 4114' .411111 .I.rY. '!"11 a 11.114) Illeavoill• 41' "'" 6" Seaforth. }rave an interesting entertain -
while hall) JoYilt %%1.4 PittYlinf with in irvioloi "InelY-"V° 741%"' "". and ment. Both meetings were well attended
id. hall near hi- home he Was knocked !emigrated to Canada 'whit lit* par. I The strtets of Ilrussels are in darkners
I lurvii by a pessing euto. Ile was , ents settling on the Bayileld Ilse. He this week on account of repairs being
made 10 the engine at the lightieg plant.
shaken up and had hi* furs- badly , lived there until alrout tr...,ay yi,atr,
Mei-rated lan su:taitied no other he !ago Whell lie retired and caw, to ClIn-
juries. - , , ; tom Ills wife. who WareEliza Thiiiiii,
Mrs. James 'Iiiitirerlairil celebrate.' I soli, illekl nisrut ttiwftleesuistyetrT.1--ma. si "lire. OTHER TABLETS NOT
her eighty...00h birthday on Wedne.. ! is .141.rired by
day of la.t ,weelk! anti received eon- intret Iteetema moil Mrs. Itolsaa 'rho/up-I
gratulat ions fr.ini, her tautly friends. ' i sou, of Clinton„ aini two 1' •4
An intererting' event took Olive on ! Ito vid 4.44 aim. and Roliert•of Code -
Wednesday. September 2%. when Mr. rich township.
alai 3Irs. l'et0-r W I rollpy celebrated 1 1 11%1 111 came very suddeoly 1,, me,
OW)? TOWS With "Bayer Cross"
their goblet' wedding. The day was , D. .i. Forre5ter on Tuesday of la, st
spent in reeeIvIng congratulations from wPoli• 1 wiwased. who rr a: in tier
a large eirele of friends. sixty-I/lath year, had beet, in poor .
Mr:. 4Itev.4 6. W. River* received lienith for *rime tizoe, tliourril able to
*.Ittly 4.f! th, (Louth, of iker he about trwasloirrillx. 3& 1- Ft irrester.
father. Mr. Volley. . win or ma Wen name oak I; 1 iyAil.../ h
Y.tt rich ha. lawn stweerrful In the Aiken. was born In the N-,4 England
junior, leisttioall *eriets between Zurich ; States. but value to Clinadit in early
and litxtesit II. • ilife. In It0170 she uuirritsi Mr. For-
' \ WINGHAM. I meter Who .11.-41 three year- aiv4. She
Mr. an Mr:. Wm A. Melall an- k survived by four won- and two
immure .the engagement of their only i daughters.
. T I \Ir. tool Mr:. II Elliott mei titbit"
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Watford, Ont.- "I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Ve table Compound for
backache, and I also
bad a female wilak•
ness. I felt dizzy
and nervous, and
was without energy.
1 had to force myself
to do my work, and
was always tired.
Saw a Pinkham ad-
vertisenient which
induced me to take
the Vegetable Com-
pound, and my back
gradually stopped
aching and 1 e t lighter in spirit.*. I
am recommending the Vegetable Com-
pound with pleasure to all I meet w
complain as I did."-Miumum Baoort.
Meaford. Ont.
Woman's Precious Gift
The one which she should most zeal-
ously guard is her health, but she often
neglects to do so in season until some
ailment peculiar to her sex has fastened
itself upon her. When so affected
women may rely upon Lydia E. Pink-
hiin's Vegetable Compound, a remedy
that has been wonderfully successful in
restoring health to suffering women.
If you have the slightest doubt that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound will help you, write to Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential),
Agent for Blue.Bird Washing COUNTY AND DISTRICT II
Machines. Choice line of ' .11
Electrical Fixtures'
carried in 41,
stock. -
Old Colborne Hotel
Phsas 2S1
a - ASPIRIN AT All.1
daughter. A a law a,
Appleby, of
to take Mare
40 netiberry. the marriage have left for Toronto. who--.• they hi-
lly in trendier. i tent it r .
In the egg exiriliit at the We -tern .%n interesting Aervice roOk oats- in
Fair. London. the W
Vingimui brawl. 4.f !eAe.i.s'lirll.t elturtil "11 similes'
the United Fanuc ro-operative Co. ' evening of la -it wowk when root: %Vint:
secured tirst. :etsititl Intl third prize: (110-11X. a young Chinese etIelerit. 4pookt.
4,,, tatoi,.,1 eggs 111 t4iin..iitiot, with on.....the religit 4E4 of China In the
dealers from all 4rver I itario. !afternoon lie gave a telk aisI vKIIIbIted
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred 'ryfogle and some curio:.
little mon left on Tuesday or Indirtrta 1
where Mr. Fryfogie leis a within as -
accountant with the Cher -mil t Motor ,
Co. . .. ,
A quiet wedding took piare t the ! BRIEFS. -Mrs. James Kernighan is vis
home tof Mr. and Irs. Thos. 'en- 1 iting in Bruesele and vicinity. Mimes.
entui ou Wednesday. Septemiter 1 - Maunders. McCall and Wilto. etto are
e , attending Ni rmal at Stratford motored
home for the week -end Mrs. Wm.
Lowry and daughter Reta. of Lotrioe,
visitirg in town Mr. William
unders accompanied MI mother 40
rittenesi tor Isar we, •
TUEiDry, Oct. 4.
when their only dam:titer. Ida. berm
Tioollas :•-vosit•. Staffj. Iji14 F) 441,' wife of Roy 411 _14,g4 (of New
• !ben tonbrook. Init. Rev. Mr. Harris of
1 Cr•ivrre1 or.l'of ofrirtli ..f her son in
W1'11[1151111 performed tite 1'V
Corner (on 4undity of lakt %reek John Treitz, of
oir 14s. le.os. of his darttih-
A.-v.. Mrs Jolm liertmd.f. of Unshorn.
Interment. to.yk Oak. on Wednesday in
tile Co-Alarm/cemetery
.11'01. .414111'
Harold Blackstone's
Furniture Exchange
you are missing a golden
opportuaity to get some
rare bargains
Everything for the home
Bargain day every day here
Upholstering Shop !
Don't throwtureamy):uu,tr see
West, 51. ()puerile Brophy Bro..
Brophey Bros.
; r
The Leading
Funeral Directors
and Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all boors, night or day.
Mr. RINI Mrs. Itisiorough will reside ,
at Newtonbrook.
After an places of Port -eel month.
Mr.. N. St?Buttra.h, widow ttrf the late
!Lev N. S. Intro -ash. dietl on Thursday !
Mr-, .folin A. l'fatt pase0.1 away at her
lions. in flaslin.k.d ..i. 1.4 ‚lir. after a I um"ruitiOrr zirPtensiter :Ito. 111 her eighty-
loiertm, !dittos:. 1100-1ik, I•er 1.11.b4nd, , thital year. Iret-eitred was i,4/r11 in
-he l.,4 V I .1+ ,.ise daughter,' '.rIr: tterbert ' 1''4'04'-'1 ("-di'vtl% butt when '`)". 44114- twil
144 .4 4141.1 14114' son. Ulan. nee. - years of age the tensity mortsi to titoile- ;
IN "1,41,1r.isV afternoon, at rkhill
rirh t.iati:Iiitt. Here slit. lives! tititil
„ 1
\tills N'enit Nrertior, of Dasli,,,!,„i. us., her marriage In 1464. . After thirty- ,
..1,-,lek by an ant.. anii ton or er Thong), i six year: ill the Sletliritlist ministry ;
boner were broken. she wa-- hart'', 1 Mr. Itnrwirooli girls -ea [nitrated anti tire
Yalaketi up
family itrovks1 t.. NVisigliam wlwre rIwy
A ,...ry pr,,,,%; ,I,Ina k 1,1a0,, a, 1111.1 1144.4 ever :itiee. Ite:ble-- her
,karma on W.ritrewlay aftermsin. Sth • I lin' (Laughter: Mr. Romeo»), is :ur-
mot . %ben )ry .lookpinie E1li,411,. of viv.'il 1,Y. th'(' '4,11"r" "MI one l'n'tlier•
Sarnia. nil. ItilinkI in iii•rriaae to Herbt.rt.! The tritteril 1 1....k ;dace 'on Saatinlity
11 11 ri luau Rinker. formerly of I tolorood. . from how Iiitt• rt.sideti.... to Wittgliant
. tirtnr-tery. liev. I'. ('nigg. 11.D. eon -
While 'dry ill; w it 11 nia rclio-s. t lie , . .,
41.011111g of 14.,' three-year--obt ••,... of -%."'.... -.4.•
Nir .irel Mr- r:isirx•- Wiritt104.1. 121 it rile desit,Ir of %Intern Blacliftorti. sr
Wirigham. will Ire! math' tilt' silidect of
tire. anti aire tittle felkaw was lournts1
,,„„......i.„1 of
4;") f „ww.iiip. „might nr.prs-.4.".rind inthertrions icitizen of
to death.• -, a Nesnier's Inquest whk-ti .topena on
' Tiiiirsiliar The deceased writs being'
Baytield fair 54:1.1 Very !snereaatill. An! treated 'itir emne time. and. serous
11114)41.' exhibition at the fair was a grand.'
fatlien-e clock. asymptoms arising, he was removed to
ts-iit seyen feet high. IVingliatu lieruital about noon on Sat -
sr ith pebble.. /obi, „6.31, I.:4,6,10A and auslay. The attending doctors • found
m '4'"' weak to stated an operation
Jiaving the dial and framework faced
treirie a very attaactive exhibit. It W114" hi
tile work of Mr. fleas. of Ilastield. , and lo. died about ". o'clock on that
The death occurred on
tlay. The attending physirian. refut.
Atittember 20th customary eertilicate
of Alois Miller. datti/linir of 11atthew - '144g4" i"Ile- rhe
NI tiler, of l'Iii-elitur:t. Thellevased had of 411 11,44. of death. '1111 41141111.1' W11,1
ordered I.y the allthorttIes and itt 111
grailitated fro om seliforrli Collegiate and
was %tilting till ,,,),„ ,.,,, „1,1 ett,,,,gh t„ p.m. on Saturday t'eroiwr Dr. Red-
imier N'onlial. when sile-rrgA taken ill Mond Unit:Welled ft JIM). After view.
with liright'srdirease. hill' appeand to ' nig the remains the jury adjourned
he improving % lien she was taken MO- 11114 41 Plitir-alay morning. Wren the in-
rienly worse anti primed away 55 *bete weer/ will be opened by Coroner Red
stated. Iler father, brother and sister . mond. A post-mortem PX11 Mill/It 41111
siirvire. i has been .1)0411. the rerun of whielt 1
SE.XFORTII. 1 will he imide known at the inquest.
In spite of unfavorable weather. ' illarlifoni W414 8 b011t fifty-two years
the evre y in colon...Mir -witiv-the--44-age-and leaves it witlew and several I
noVeiling of the soldiers' m nsent small Children. . 1
reosontry erected in Victioria Parkwas . EXETER.
very impressive. There was an at- I Wm. Vale. of Exeter North. revently
tentlfiniv of tunny hundreds and per.' fell froni a lathier while picking mildew
feet ettentlen was paid so that all anti suffered irduritu to his heel:.
were 114111. 40 hear the addressw. which ! Mitch sympethy is felt for Mrand
were given by ltev. It. U. MIFIrermid, ,Mr5. .lostopli Kernick. -of I:shame. in
of ritelerieli. Rev. T. H. ilrown. Rev,' the death of their little tron, Ararat!.
Father Goetz. Her, F. 11. Larkin. li.D.. I George. aged six Months. who died on
and itYV. rapt. White. Cal 1/411 111 Ed. ' .1.‘111'..11.1y of List week.
AfteLA an illners of over a year.
j Davirte'llmeetis. sr.. of Exeter North.
• pusstsi away or' Sundriy of last week.
The Doable Track Rate
treeseelled dining ear service.
Sleeping oars on night trains, and
parlor oars on principal day tvs4ns-
latormation from any Grand
Trunk Ticket adopt, or 0. g. Nom.
tg. Menial Passenger Agent To-
O.R. Laadae,etsNos ago" PM's le
Tows Agate room $
When ,Iit his sevelity-sevelith year. '31r. Res-
Grandmother . ;Tie;ll 1J,fliw4,13f.rn
11:4• nue born in sssitianci
Was a Gin and at the age of seven came to Can -
skirts were afdar with his perents. About twenty-
first asked the druggist ! lit)esititYoseelrii's ant'ioviii.v he'li is siti(rjeil;:txsi lir;
worn by those who
! four sone and two daughters.
for, and insisted on ' noftitir ran. I took plate on Wednesday afTer-
having, the genuine - new* of the sudden death of
Golden Medical Discovery put Jame -I Frayne on Friday. Sep(endwr
up by Dr. Pierce over 50 years :11).('41e as a great ehork to the Nom-
munity. Although not in the Most of
ago. Dress has changed very health me. rrnYne wnS Oble In be'
much sincethen! But Dr. around for tile post year. On Frill/1Y
he suffered X paralytie stroke fermi
Pierce's medicines contain the whIeli be never rallied. Deemeed
same dependable ingredients.Ns-sm born l'a
In boa
rne nd lived there
until a few yeert mrfr When he retired
They. are standard today just as 111111i moved to Exeter. He 15 survived
they were fifty Ivan; ago and iv lit, widow. 01)41 4011 and one dangle
ter, sloe. one heather end tire sisters.
never contained alcohol. A happy event took place et the
I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical home or Mr. and Mrs. Jame. Hill on
Discovery for the stozaaeh andwiles their only daughter. Vents
Wetineeday morning of lard week,
blood cannot be surpassed by any ruirm. beenme the bride of Mimes
tonic and alterative today.
,was performed hy Rev. M. J. Wilmot'
lierhler. of (*shortie. The ceremony
'When you feel "all out of sorts" in the preeente of immediate retativre.
-your vitality at a low ebb -the
of Tiwir daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Mnrkin annune
blood. beoomthe ensi
es surcharged with Anne Isoidee. toymment Robert O. 011lieti, eon
gpissnsl The best tonic is called of 'lir. and Mrs. Robert Ofillee. the
r. Pierce's Golden Medical Dia- marriage to NO place in October.
Mr. and -Mr'.. W. 11. Senders en-
covery. Dr. Pierce manufactured notinee the eivengement of their TiMili-
this "Discovery" from roots sad roc denghter. lAle A., to William Allen
HodgIns of Deese. the marriage to
,barks without alcohol -a ea. take piece In October.
rectivearemedy, the ingredients of
A quiet wedding took plate on Wed -
which nature put in the fields and triNday of last week at the reeklence
forests for keeping us besIthy. of De. and Mrs. Gunn when their elder
It puts vim, vigor, vitality into deciliter, 1b44 Grant, wee married
to FAger A. emus. of Rirminscham.
an blood. Try al All 'd EngNnd. The ceremony was rotten's-.
&ad 10e• to Dr. Pierce's B ay- ea lie Rev. J. E. now. The newt,-
UM, OIL labOlIttrafy foe trig Os . wedded pair left Mr the Adirondarkst
r 7 regr4 li , 7U . otte
0 ,L!
r,rfse. i
Joao orii-ci
are Genuine Aspirin
:i144,,„ IT'S TIME
Now For You to Consider
Your Purchases Clothing
for fall and winter wear. ---- ---
Before buying you should see the values we have in
Men's and Boys' Suits
vs•••iPArittne ,f.otirog'' and Overcoats
All sizes carried in Stantield's Pure Wool
Underwear for Men at an average of 25 per cent. .
less than last year's prices.
Men's and Boys' Tweed Caps with Klingklose Band.
Prices ranging from $I.25 to 52.5o
If yon don't see the "Bayer Cross"
on the tablets, Von are not getting
Aspirin -only an acid imitation.
The "Bayer Cross" is your only. way
of knowing that you are getting genuine
Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for
over nineteen years and proved safe by
Billions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
Pain generally. Made in Canada.
115ndy tin bases of 12 tablets -also
larger sized "Bayer" *Juges an be
had at drug stlrese
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacidester of Salicyliescid.
While it is well known that Aspirin
means Bayer maaufacture, to assist the
public against imitations, the Tablets of
Bayer Company, Ltd., will be stamped
with their general trade mark, the
*Bayer Cross."
• .
\JOUR money deposited in
1 the Bank of Hamilton is
less likely to be spent than if
you keep it in the house. It is
also earning interest for you
while it accumulates.' Deposits
may be made by mail if it is
not convenient for you to call
Prsonally. •
Goderich Branch -A. J. MacKay. Manner
Semi -Ready Tailors and Gents' Furnishers
tr.:* -S-rs-ri, rural.,"
44 4 -
You will not miss the opportunity' to inVt OUT stock of Fall
Goods, which is now complete, rind comp 'ties the newest 'arid
best in Footwear of all kinds, Farm }toots, Work Boots and
Fine Shoes for men, a splendid assortment f High Shoes.
Oxfords, and the popular One and Two Straps, in black and
a variety of shades of brown, for Ladies, and goo t serviceable
Shoes for the Young Folks, all at prices based on e lowest
present-day manufacturer's prices.
for the Slushy Pall weather by purchasing a pair of our
Whether it is the heavy Rubber Boot yon need or the -tiny-
white Over -rubber for Baby, we have them all, every size and
shape, to snit all kinds of shoes.
are more popular than ever. Don't buy till you see our lines.
Von are sure to like them.
It 1tOteri
181444Z-, nr;;;or ,IiP4arrf
The Appearance of Your Car
V'OU want the car you drive to be a style leader. You want
to feel secure in your pride of ownership. -.(0,4KnowA
The New Gray -Dort is just such a car. --,
Note the slanting windshield. See the handsomely tailored
top. Mark the new triangular topped radiator and high hood.
This fine appearance added to the famous Gray -Dort quality
givei extra'. value to your investment in this car.
'Convince yourself. Visit our showrooms -today. Or make an,
appointment to suit your convenience.
• -
Gray -Dort Motors Limited, Chatham, Ont.
.4415444- '14i -
repr'4. ,•1 q(ItAf
tt '4
• • • 1"; • , "S*