HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-10-13, Page 7THE SIGNAL OODE$IOH, ONT • L... Thursday, fk•tole'r 13. 1. - 7 tir SALE OCTOBER OPPORTUNITIES The opportunities offer for successful buying with satisfactory saving during October we hope will prove revolutionary in the process of lowering prices to the puLlic. We plan to make this month the biggest selling month in the history of our business. We hope we succeed and we will succeed\ you help us. Study the offers we have listed below and make your plans to atte nd. These are. savings you will be glad to welcome. We have not space to list them all here. FREE I only Durham Duplex Demon - rotor Razor with the purchase ot\ Colgates' or Williams' Shav- ing stick, powder ai cream. Regular 90c., Value for 50c. A party who purchased\one of these razors from us recently said they "certainly work good." Razor Straps --Large assortment, 20 per cent. off. Big Lots of Soap to clear at 5c. Large round cakes, regular 2 for 35c, 2 for]25c Big Values at 3 for 25c. Baby's Own Soap, 33c a box. Infants Delight, 30c a box. French Castile, 1 Ib. bars, 25c. Tooth Brushes 50c to 75c Values for 43c Heavy Red Jar Rubbers packages for 20c Haines' Wilt- shire Oils Regular SI.00, for 69c Chamierlain's Cough Syrup 35c and 60c for 25c and 50c The Health Bath Fur the future welfare of Canada the children mud be kept healthy nowProtect them from the germs and microbes of di by using l-ifehuoy Soap. l'ur the bath -nothing equals the healing, cleansing free - lathering vegetable oils in LIFEBUOY HEALTH IOA' and the aatiseptio agents die infect the bruises, scratches, etc. that might otherwise be a source of danger. A Life- buoy soap bath sends the children to bed glowing with health and happy oleenlinesa. The .ara•N. other 4. L.l.a«r It a,,g. •/ Its •mord.'' goobers •..rill, ee.saY.S after sae. til the full amount could be pad. the .vmtwili4.l' 46111s1tIttr 4.l 11 :Idti..lble to pay out what 111, 110' WII* tali lethal and make a filwll ,-e11Ie•111"eat later tau. .11t the cies" of the ne•w"14113e1 r.•ferr.rl to, there i. 1.' ground w lruietcr fair 4'11U - plaint. all the. netv•p1Ia•r 111141 1111n4idY la4'u puid the full 4''rrect amount of Its account. A -fury Suetet.sfttl !:tent. In •pit" of 1he uuliturail,l.• %collier. there Wa.4 a 111rg.` :Ott; lance at the euehn• ulna dotal' glten t 1144` 141d- 1el1ow.' IIaII 1111 'l'ue.day 118111 uu.ler the uuspI.v's of the 4'111 ht1i • Women's 4..4lgue. 'Pin• i.rize-W 1111111'+ 1 ..uc.hr,' were : 1.ucly', prllte, Mr.. J., Me1:ee; gentleman's. 'Mr. E. P. Wal-", holy's ,'n,.tda1io', Mr•. Kenneth $.t<ate: geu111 1U.1 11.4 con.Ulat1011. Mr. IF. 11. Martin. After the prize. had 1."•44 ,nturdlsl 11111111 was sem ell. 4444, a 14l111'01'ul supply. til WIInlwleln4.. t -Ile.• .uHl tidy..• 1111/V 14141 34111p1e reft'•-h- me111. The floor waw then cleated for 1l1I44 II;, for winch excellent nus -fir wan f111 11i-11.41 by 111.' Par ill, or. he• Ina. ,I cal 11 %tit. 1W:ly .111 111'W•11.11• 'miming when the .labra" dla•.•t _• •I The committee in .•4w rge i. 1.. b" cols gratululed upon the -n.., - of. :he etch!. New things 144.4'',•u11'1.11111y 16441i g'ditc- • •o,'r 41 111 pl.l rum( -y Solite of these Betel .I•Iuenl. 444 in 4444' form of int- i primed r.•u•wl1e*. w'16114• an, diw''''enol taw, for the liettl•r kn41w It p14'164 nitlons, .We keep Owen -1 with all 41f the•..• 1111tiIov4' 1111.1 miner Iur 1 rcli- ttl.nlersi l 14.n r el,t1wa.-y IM . .k. s, ---i' t + tld,... 1'111• tail 7.ea...e41 will .1'1'.Ile .p14't'ial drug more teeth,. w,. w.• sdM-il your pot nonage on the'41ntn►•e :tit''w'rtitpr you w ieulilieally sui,l Weil. If it'. 11.•11 slid. t%,n`iliy. w44 111880..T1f"tlr�ti- .' E. It. Wigle. aril :' -'l. C..L•rich. Rheumatism Stiffness and all Pain Mina,' Liam. eat bat girlie utn[x tion for the:e 1tarrat.a.a 1 qui<►ly ,, l..•. H io,, AAO...%. hr, h,, • nruc- Igia. ruti.a .6 '1 any land u1 p.,u. An Old Reliable Remedy, %In. S. Faweu, Ilamlhon St -, f . d6ngwou.t; (cat., writes-- .Iie.ra. l.mionent '114ly a- 4 old n•Iirl•k ree•edy. I dhiay. keep la bale in ,,.e h.w'e and ha., moms/nttit to, quite a number d m► Iri0.d:. to "IWMI t ,;,lis c great milt 1 he moat caws et ..: toed a, a curt for rheumatea n. PASTES for 2 Colgate's, Wampole's, Penslar, Vinolia, Minty's, Zodenta. Cor - son's. Chocoates Regulr 60c Ib. for 49c We want you to get a sample of our work in Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, Oat. Developing and Printing t Any film left on Saturday, Oct. 15., will be developed and printed Free of Charge. This offer is made or you to get accquainted with the quality of our work. Here's a Sale on We offer you $1.25 Hot Water Bottle for year guarantee bottles at $1.89. ubber-The $1.00 b for Me. Both t this Fall $1;2 year guarantee and 2 Writing Pads, 10c Sc, 20c for 1Sc, Large size, 25c for 19c. Stationery Values opes l Oc pkg. for Sc. Papetries, 75c for 49c, 50c for 39c. CAMPBELL'S The Square G r err teal. , The work '.till pr..l s.l,ly ter ,6rmple cl by ('9r4.4wa ( Welfare Clinic weekly Child Welfare ('Iitar w'1 tae held on Frhlay, (k•totter 14th. f an _'.30 to 4 p.m. in tate •'on11vil '1latuber of the town hall. All mother,. are invited to hrhlg their children under six years of age for ••xauuh4ltion an*I advice. Visitor', in ter.4.tw1 in I'ubl(c Health !Work will 114• cordially welcome. As Enjoyable Event. The euchre and daiM.' bell 1'y Uwe Maple leaf ('hapter. I.O.14.E., las, IFriday evening was p very enjoyable affair, although the Irrollte writ. not large. About fifty were preset for .heals while a murk larger crowd VII in• Later for the (latticing. Miss Galloon -won the indleaL_►rize at curkl, and Mr. Roy !innate the gentlemen's prise. The Facto About The Bylaw. It had Iwwn Integuleil that an article should he ptbli-lied this week chitlins with all the eircirmstances wMt'h 1141 to the submit, of the filter plaint bylaw to the •lett4 when a twelve. page )aper wa planned it was not expected that "pate woutd ile at -.tw•h a pn'mium. '1'144. 1''"1.4.1" tory wit! he publishes' next week. It" "lire to rend it •a► that y(7111 may vote intelli- gently on October 31st. Chautauqua ('oneert il'klay. The Dominion feather and Matters,. Co., of Clinton, are making the sanitary ten -roll mattress or beautiful down com- forter from your feather bale. They ale., bit nkl or new feathers. Drop a Curt to Cl ()m •antitheagent. will call, Mr. John IV. 14aIkel,1 and daughter, Miss Elvebe'th Salkeld, of G'sdericli town- ship, returned last Friday night from an extended visit with relative" in the Prair Provinces. Their trip extended to 124) 4. ut'Ita nortl of Edmonton[. McEWEN'S Grocery Specials .Special Blend Tea Rubber Rings for jar Cocoa Good .Jam Matches. , Five -pound Tin Table Syrup Kellogg's Com Flakes Dates, loose Large tin of Pink Salmon Half -sire tin of Pink Salmon Ammonia, regular 10 cents 4 packages for 30c One -pound tin MeEwen's Baking Powder for 25c 3 lbs. for $1.00 s 4 pkgs. for 25c 2 lbs. for 25c 4-1b. tin for 75c ' 3 boxes in a package for 35c 45c 3 pkgs. for 25c 10c s lb. or 3 lb. for 25c 25c 2 for 25c Dry Goods Specials All wool Serge in black and navy blue, double wi.25 dth, at 50 per sent. less than during war time. yard Circular Pillow Cotton, was 75e, at 121/20 per yard up Cotton, from A good assortment of Flannelettes, from...20c per yard up Men's all wool Underwear at prices worth while. Men's fleece -lined Underwear at reduced prices. J. J. McEWEN Muss, 281, • PHONES Store, 46 LOCAL Returning Officers for Ilt-lsonsigh, to A141111.44. has been n of ter for North 11, Mg election. Tio boort.. Is the rete Huron. P1 91113 erk o police evurt .eases' • rising w11Mf the ,vunty of Huron. A Correction. ng n for the Hnnklbs, of officer for flout field Magistrate. A. cid received word yes - ha he had been appointed aaistrate. This means that hare' Jori-.I1'tlon over a/1 1)1 C. A. Mr. C. torelay t District I he wit odel Theatre Week of Oct. 17 to Oct. 22 Monday and Tuesday, October 17-18. iRENE 81('11 In an eminent author's my.t.•ry play "A VOI('E iN THE DARK" The lir'% episode of "THE SON OF TARZAN" One rest admission to etrrybldy at the Monday matinee only. Wednesday pnd Thursday, Orl. 19-20. ('ORiNNE GRIFFITH in "THE WHISPER MARKET" EDI►IE RAR.RI in "MR. FATiMA" Friday and Saturday, Oetoner'tt•Lt- EU'GENE O'RRiiEN In "Ti1E WONDERFUL CHANCE" ('heater Comedy "THE LADIES' PET" Two full show. every night starting at 7.341 p.m. --0 Matinees Monday and Wednesday al 4:13 p.m., Saturday 441 1:00 p.m. In the report of die • ilk w1'pt.mther 211th. 941.11 the perr'ntaggAgrA4M11411 wrongly gitveu as ,f••a. p•r.eatage is' S.(KI. This highest te.t for the town. flee .►Iteration.. -Ti.lloyal util,w of the Bell Te Minim Company . !s 1,.'In remodelled. The resent otfi.e will be eowbinewl with t e one adj•. i lig to the west 111111 1111 p'sing rt••u. front wi11 be tests for last week it wag. correct a the A General Mass meeting of all citizens interested in the reception to be given the Hon. Arthur Meighen, Prime Minister of Canada, will be held in the Town Hall on Friday Oct. Eveaiog 14 AT 8 O'CLOCK The appointment of Com- mittees inconnsction with the reception to the Prettier and the completion of arrange- ments for the meeting to be held on Wednesday, October 19th, will be advanced as far as possible. By order of - Committee in Charge Th.. 141;11 k.tan.-Ihu• kb•y .1:1111 iuu 1.1-4 1% 111 41114.11 1le1' .e.ru11 iu 1h,• tl..-.,,pie 'Pe u, ole at Mun.hly- .•%.•Liu_. 11. tul.r IiI4 .,1 !. tiei,H•k. The tic -4 of the seri". of 4'hautau!pul Concerts under the auspices of Huron Lodge. No. 62,'.. wiN Is. held tomorrow evening. Arot nge•tu.•tita were completed this morning to hate the 11.4e of the auditorium of North wtn4't Methotlist church for 11," pwr- pise. The concert originally had 1%4.11 advertised for Temperate.' Hall. The Del Alar Quartette, singers ami instru- mentalist.., will supply the program. Pub&e Libiery Board. qtr the tmeee'ting of the pnhik' library board last Saturday Itev. .1. E. Ford gave fardel• that at the 4,4.51 uo4•tiog 1t.' would move that the ladies' noun TH' made a children's role" anal ar- rangements 11e mask for a children's story hour. - Arrangements were tootle o give Mia. Aitken a week's hollays. o book accounts of ;71 31; end were ordered paid and a large for chiklreu's books was pla..41. retary reported that In S* pteni- adult's (woks and 49$ junior boated. making with maga. ot 1860. t Curse. A. L. COLE Optometrist Eyesight Specialist 'an honor graduate of the Canadian Ophth--- almic College, Toron- to, Ont. Eyes exam- tned by the most up- .. to -date methods and equipment. Office -Masonic temple, West St., Goderich, Ont. Hours, 9-12, 1.30-5.30 and by ap- KINGh1BIt1U(ii:. ; pointfneut. TtF-1'At. Oct. 1L . '..11k• S6INivtin, of D1•troit. in ci 41441 ..1 the hamar :4 14,1- si.ter. Mrs. E. role % Mr. 'Flamm), O'Connor has left hate ,repar:rtary tramming' - waling Mr. Tin,.. (P(',•4 4,•r I' liar rettlnas! 1., 14••ntit after ti-iti44g itt of his Leacher. w he 1 Connor. Ilea luullity' death. he - a1 16 /hIY•-.1. `41$1,. Sir.- •w•14•ks 11811 a11.1 -- 1104pih1 for an to his .'rb eid/ thought inadvisable. wary• 1111.1 )cis. night. The fu We il's•.slay from the 4•ulla.rne cemetery. Air. .terry lnereose your ..indite {ower by • attending the ELLIOTT von.. and Chyles Sea 5er Cely 4..., clew ,n a!I Depannre.s• Thou,.nd, of tau Ie -m t s1.d*nn /1111/P Hr. Wisner. 1.1., 'Write la <ntlota. En,..•i .ear era• K•, J ELLIOTT. Pr.nc,paI. Al'BITRN. - of Itateiel McPhee. The eo11n• 'as gI'te•4G(. to, 11'441'11 of- the Surwley ,,f IR 1,94 llel'h.4•. 9. F:. 11., ,4', Il.oi n.• tow u- l'hcw 1"4 111111' 111 1%s. 111, taken to Winghnin • •rntiou whi.•h. owing million, wa. .Later Ide.- lit. grew .d1'adily 61 a ':Iy'wo11 Nutday tH all .wok 1(1nee on 111. 1711• n'.I.l..' n*'to 77 V- orde The her 11'• books w since a Squealing W As the re-ult\of comments toad.. by a IH'wsptp•r in n neighboring tont'. 1144' Cotb'rich Old , Honlw Week tenn- dvlsable to ex- mittt't considers it plain that the seven •-4464' per tent, paid upon c•rrtnin petrol its Is 1101 1n- 141141(41 as n final 'settle M, Ind M merely an interim payment, to to su)r plementi4l ns seam ns nd411tInnnt fund. are nvallaible. heated of wafting Int. Will Morning Never Come DOES this illustration pic- ture your experience? What is more distressing than being unable to sleep? Sleeplessness is one of the first and most certain symp- toms of exhausted nerves. Thin Is the warning that you need the aaaIntance of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to restore vigor to the MeV* cells and thereby avoid the develop- ment of serious nervous troubles. ,'/CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT..- Tlte leading Commercial't'hi4441 of We.4tcrn Ontario, a .s. ho''1 where you get thorough eonr'cs• under competent itistrll'tars in l'rlm• mereiat, Shorthand and Trleg•nphv 1►epartrrtents. Students get indi%idnal instruction -and mea-t•egett•rr- s* flay time. Graduates are assisted 1., Ix. un.,. Get ..ur fret cTTogite D. A.: icLACII1,.".N, I'nn,,pal pSi 44 11F:NIti'. of Square. MUSic. --- '1'KED.--APPLY TO C. V. Music Studio, north side tf • PUB Gtll.I►F:N (:ATE \ J[. M..4.. first Thursday , ea; i month. in Foresters!.' 114411. - V i ting Bir . Knights welcome. ' J. MrSEVIN, II. MEW, TRcgist ni r. W.P. LEG8L \, -,--1- .- O. CAMERON, K. C., BARRIS-\ it TER, Solleitor, notary - pobile. \ office Hamiltc etreet, (:rol'rlch, third \ door from uare.: Trust funds to loan at to eat 'rates. R r: 1T1�Ta; '`- • RA1tRI14TER, SOLICITOR NO TARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office -Sterling Bank itlock, Ham- ilton -Street, Goderkh. Telephone 88. Real Estate, loans and insnran(e. PROIrnF:HYr, -- ICI1.I,0RAN HOLMES, isAultiwrElts. 14oIA('IT(41114, TAMES I'IIBLiC, ETU. By Improving the ouallty of this Office on the Sgnnre, second t blood and building up the never• from Hamilton Street, Goderlch. system this well-known restorative, brings new energy and strength is the whole body. No- M reate • box, d for $2.7G, all dealers. or $,"•sans, Bates & CO., Ltd., Targets. itl: !•f S MAGNIFICENT STEAMEItS 3 Tb. Gnat Ship -slrlJ .140• ="--2„ - cml;or 1t>Asr"'- "CITY 01' !BUFFALO.' tat Tra• BUFFALO Dailya?iaslirt ' llitk-CLEVMLA ND ,. tear soano - '• pm P. to 1 W*e ,1 Lam �tamm'r n' p i. � tale ctavtaAta •' t,m Ata. ( tseaaaaND 74. . - n.rd*1 a ,••iaa Calor /Gil .hada-eek• TOMB. tr.l off .ad attar wl.wRailroad to tau t.aaaa betw.a and Omar/ a. e1.aAtar dem .t. �a 14.r LubT=w r ... 1 .A - a 1,74 aea.r., t art, M .r. ..t...•.les tet 1nel. va••Irr. Ab. a�..1ro i'... . Alma b, elimal �� .t al TM lir Ta ••ttQANDamei ei de .eet.at .t Min mai lira M dm ammo ranrial ma Marlyn/we IMAM tem. Tlayeatolisw2 A att61i .1a1A to De g- -_ _are rosea s«.4.r tt�J- Mese MSWa .4....rar.-e.td. 441..,.4,, aTs.wy. 1511 rasa. Private funds to loan at lows..,: 4.ates. W. I'roudfoot. K. C., J. L. Klllora%, !Dudley E. Holmes. CHARLES (JARROW, 1.1.. B, RAW RISTEIt, attorney„ solicitor, ete-, Godtrlch. Money loaned at bwest I'1114.5. C I:.tItItIS'IElt. 8(4!. • !CIT( IR, notary pnMh• and enn- ' rcya over. Office -Court 'loose, tulle. riFh. 00-12m INSURANCE. WANG. ETC. oKiLLOP MUTUAL FIRE i OIR.. I AN('E CO. -Faint and Isolated town property Insured. . /hikers -Jas. Connolly, Prost., Code- rich P. 0.; Jas. Evan., Vie-1'rea., Beechwood P. 0.; Thomas E. (lays, 1(14'. -Treace., Noafotrb P.- 0, Directors -i). F. Mc(Iregor, R R. No. 3, t3(wforth: John G. Alleve. Vo. 4• Walton; William Flinn, R. R. No 2, tlenforth; John Bcnnewies, Brced- hagen; CPO McCartney. R. R No. 3, Seatorth ; Robert Ferris, 11, dock ; Malcolm MeV:wen, ('limon; 12 men Evans; Beechwood; James Connolly, Goderleh. Agebta : J. W. Yeo,-Ooderieh; Alex. ieltch, R. R. No. 1. Clinton: William Chesney, Seafortb: E. Bloch - ley, 14eafnrth. Palley -holders can pay all payments and get their turd. re- celpted at R. .4 Morrl.h's Clothing Store, Clinton; R. H. Cutt'a Groery. Kingston street, CoclPHeh, or 3. 11. Meld's General Store, Bayfield,