HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1921-10-13, Page 6(1----Thurs(1ny, °etmber 12,, 1BZ1,
Style - and everything
that goes with it
BE sure you get style, when you
buy a Suit but don't overlook
tailoring and fabrics. 'Without
hand -tailoring and the right all -
wool British fabrics, the style will
not last.
You are sure of good style -and
everything that goes with it -
when you come here.
nptg Bram) engin
Made in Canada
\$35 to $60
Walter C� Furnisher Clothier and`Fumisher
The New
Are Now Ready
New Models
from Canada's
Foremost Makers
and at Prices to
Suit Ec,erybod y
Prices $20.00 to $40.00
lack O'Leather
Suits for Boys
Have ydu seen therlt
yet? Oke you buy
thein you will have
no other. They
wear twice as long
as the ordinary kind.
This season we' arc stowing an array of, unusual
values in
Oxfords, Strap Slippers,
High Shoes
the favorite styles
the. thing for the
Our stuck is moot complete in all
. made in the best leathers. Prices are most reasonable.
For working men our shoes are just
fall. They are solid and reliable.
Life -Buoy Rubbers and Rubber Boots
lead in quality and price. Are now in stock for all pur-
side of Square GODERICH
- -°
Ready for Business
We Have Removed to Our New Stand
and are now ready to attend to all your
requirements in
Work done:by Experts and satisfaction
Masonic Temple
JpEcia.951 Said
-but he reckoned
without Zam-Buk
Writing ft. ' veetvpater,
Tenn., U.S. tr Oscar V.
Petty, says:.r- I four years
I had an obstin•t . ry eczema.
v: skin pw1e: , •.d disfiguring
es of apprared onn
my face and heed t t known skin
ahst acid time • .n could not
be cured. but fries. ,1 Maine got
me to try some tar • ! fo my great
delight. I soon {a ` •nprovetaent.
The peeling akin -• •ei1 within a
.eek At time t • started with
I-am-Buk the no, , ..1 spread all
over my body, so took reason-
able perseverance • .e balm to be
thoroughly effect,. !!oweser 1 40
- delighted to union,- that now. by
the use of Lam -I1 • skin has been
restored to norm.( . ',v c,oudthon "
aka suffered
.kin affection
a faw dews
•-nd:dly He
sats anytbtng
"I have a fnen
from asimilar dist,.
In his case too,
'lam -Bok was ac•
tells me that Zan:
,e has ever'kno',
Z.ae. BMA caws& 'ed lee -kora
basis. oos..a 6.1. • • 000.11.11
....r,wda. ane...., ' 'A:71 s.i,si..es
1'u •.tr .sa1. 4t.Oe.. :.1
FOR TunaS&MPtk •.•i t...M .ass
,... ,. e0da.. 1. i.,11.t Co Toronto.
GET .50k
Wilson., of Goder'. Parents are
speeLsily requested bring their
vtindren to see grandeur of
Sottish s.'enery. .\ -.ion 25 cents.
(`ftildren 10 cents.
'1'h,' Ilotlerich To ,.p Rale AretO-
ciatiou intends hold _ +hoot at the
river ranee on N1.., _,lay. October
lt)th. nt 1:to p.m.
Death of ora Patric-foblowlng an
filo .,• of about a tthe Beath of
Athelia Pickard, w . f Mr. W. .1.
Patton. of the 7tb •,f this town-
ship. oeturred in ' Mary's hospital.
Detroit. on Tuesday ..f Mot week.
Mrs. Patton was torn at Pickering.
but In early life tu.e••I to Go(lerlc•h
township where she h.td hoed ever
sitter. • in 11491 OW...wn+ married to
;Mr. W. J. Pattoa, and besides her ha/I-
ntl .he leaves 1.. -mound her hogs
os' son Vfetor, 0. T. R. engineer at
NIra Falls. itolli o leotlwrs and
four aster : F ' I'u k a rd, of the Cut
Litre: Will. of • Mrs. Steep. of
Hand cM„d, of Standish,
rs. ('J abtr.n. and Mrs.
ria British ('oltimbla.
' •.k place on Friday
M inland .•(•met••t-y. The
nlitgted by Ito-. .1. W.
o7mesville, and the
IID and Fred Pi, ^k
Port Davis, t'. T
Whitely. Th.•
wreatha from
Wtdnesolay. October 12.
Mr. T. .\ ...its r. who had punned
to have an au(tion 411e on Friday of
this week has postponed it t.. M'aday'
of next week.
Dungannon Fair ('anrelled.--am ae-
,•, unt ,.1 the ooirinn,.l rainy tther
the director- ,f Ile n_.uuinn .1_.l1Sit1•
Lural Society leave de iil..l to .•a11 1
all arntneen»nts 1%.r the fair .vhie
hid Isom posit -wool frim 1•14 Friday the Vroarrn : 1'ountry nod others
.1. Ford.
The fain.
'attern.ou to
erervLe was ,•
Johnstone. of
-puffbeareef, were
ani. will .f•'uk
Johuwrh and (
floral tribunes 1
the 1.adi••>' .11d of Tayk r+' Corners.
to Friday of the, week. The concert i int nei.hlors. The "tiro wirtg min -
in the evening ale-) haw 1Mr•0 cancelled, It es bale the deep ayrnpat',y of the
, The anniversary s.'rt ices of the
Presbyterian church will he held nett
Sunday. itev. Charles Cummings, of
St. Helt'ii . will_preoteh at 11 cieloek
in the agbrning and 7 In the 'evening.
There will benoorrice in the Me
°dist Church on that day.
Sunday. °Lieber 21rtl, flag been set
as the (hate for the anniversary ser-.
vhs•s in the lfothrelbst chtin•h. _Rev.
Mr. ('Iyileislale; of Fordwich. will he
tlw-prs.aclter--at:-Jrstlt-faw morning rink
evening service..
The Aisgliean church will fold n hot
fowl supper on the evening if T anks-
gtsdng Ihty. Partleulnre later.
Mr. .1. It.'Me\abb motored to I.nn-
.i.nt this week.
(kir teacher. Mr. F. Rous, armors -
panted by five other tractions (rota thla
l.Mality, will motor to the toss -herr'
tomentlon at Exeter on Thursday.
Mis. .\mlier McKenzie has wevr.d
a position in Kinestslhie.
Rev. Dr. Campbell attended it meet-
ing of Pre+hct(•ry at 11 'Ingham on Tues-
lir. Thos. Park bus movetiout to
leis farm. Mr. Alt. Errington la nMov.
in_ into the house vacated by Mr.
1'n rk.
Miss Mar2nret Pentland -
from linliburton where she had bllf
0 "The Scotch Store"
Many New Lines of Coats, Dresses and
Jumpers are opened up this week.
The Styles are the very newest, and the prices are extremely moderate.
Coats from $19.50 Dresses from $8.50 Jumpers from $4.95
A Sweater Bargain $2.95 each
About five dozen Sweaters and Pull-
overs from our regular stack picked over
to clear at the nominal price of $2.95 each
There is a splendid variety of alt pure
wool Sweaters and Pullovers. regular values
up to $7.50, for $2.95
Outing Flannels, 28 itches wide, $1.15
It is impossible to get delivery enough
of • these popular Flannels. We have in
stoeh.-•today -the following shades : white,
paddy, dahlia, and olive. While they
last $1.15 yard
Woolens Cashmere Ea>tbesiisred Hes $1.50
Embroidered Hosiery is the newest in
Hosiery. Good quality all wool black cash-
mere in neat clock designs. Special
$1.50 pair
Three Special Valves in Hosiery
Women's fine quality four and one
ribbed Heather Hose, speeial....$1.25 pair
Women's extra quality plain Heather
Hose, heavy quality. Last year's price
$2.25, now $1.50 pair
York Flannels, 29c yard
This is a special quality heavy Shaker
Flannel in .smart designs in plaids apd
cheeks for pyjamas. nightgowns and child-
ren's wear, 28 inches wide, special 29c yard
An Wool Blanket Cloth, $2.75
Special heavy quality all wool Blanket
('loth for utility coats and children's coats,
in navy, eardinal, paddy, brown. afi inches
w ide $2.75 yard
Warmer Underwear for the Children
Turnbull's Union Vests and Dratyery,
from 50c
Turnbull's natural wool Vests and
Drawers, from 95c
Turnblu11's Union and All wool Combin-
ation Suits for all ages, from 75c Suit
Turnbull's natural wool and 1)r. Den -
ton's fleece -lined Sleepers, from $1.00
Cosy Underwear for the CtitlJJren
Now is the time to buy the children's
warmer Underwear while the stock is com-
plete in every size. -
We much appreciate our many customers in the country who have come to rely on
our Telephone and ,Mail Order Service which is a great boon to all farmers.' All
goods ordered in the'orenoon are delivered the same day.
Millar's Scotch Store r
The Store That Gives The Best Service
(o :nullity in their Iowa.
The row matinee introducl the
Son of 'run is open to ever ly
next !fol lay. 4 tt totter 17th. at .15
ip.m. It. zii r full program eh
Don't forg••r cur one cent tax. A
efvinow lit.
h. ,I, '.•.tlnuinrenerC
l.al lawt1e
110014•N 1,, ( I. a *eh episode.
Everybody knows
ttwt in Canada there are more
Tem pleton's
Rheumatic Capsules
Sold than all other Rheumatic
Remedies combined for Rhew
tnatisn, uratic, Neuralgia,
Sciatica, Lumbago, etc.
Many doctors prescribe theta,
most druggists se11 them. Write
for free trial to Templeton, Toronto.
Sold hl 11. C. Dunlop.
Ti,' regular meeting of the ('ottntry
11'omnh'+ 1'111 will Ie' held at the
home of Mrs. .1. T. Salkeld on Thurs-
day. tt,•t,d,'r 20. at 2.:G1 pm.
The annual W. M. S. Tlinnkofering
ttrrvice of Union chureit will 1.' held
nest Sunday nft,•rio ,n when Itev. Mr.
(HHMtore, of Itlpley, wilt preach.
(tlwo•dal music also will he rendered.
(ln the following Tii,'vday evening
'Rey. Mr. Moffatt will glee"1jTis Torture
on "Bonnie tk•otlatttl." TMs !eture
la profngefy llluatrated by shout 200
Iwoutlful. colored views, all wper•Ialiy
apleeted: illustrating the historic and
intere.ting scenes of AIM Scotia.
Some MeotM,h songs will be illustrated
and theme will be sung by Mrs. S. C.
--- -
(Mil let-
ent rat Reesma and Milo irttta-
Sons. It relieves at ono* sad gradu-
al) teals ths skl . pm'Likale le tsar Or.flaw'. Ointment tree fr pm the
pspse and .end In. stamp Mr pn.ttaag.. erra
Oar • as easter& or R'
daasL•, aaW a co-
is found even among children. If
you wish your child to be admired,
let us supply the
Wearing Apparel
We make a -trcialty of
Baby Garments
Sandi Side Square
tusk's, Terueto -- Gederich
Monday, October 10.
Annlvertwtry services will be held
next Sunday in the l'restbyterlan
Atnrch. iewborn, followed by a fowl
supper In the schoolroom and an Illus-
trated lecture in the ehutx•h on Mon-
day evening. Rev. Mr. Moffat. of
Millbank. will lecture on "Bonnie
• hied- and show many beautiful
s1 . es of Auld Scotia.
posed at her own home hot has some-
what irnproved. Mn. Win. Oke is taking
earn of her. -
Tbe Ferment' Club meeMng on
Thursday night of this week premises
to be a very interesting one. The main
will be Mr. King,the U F.
cateli(Mte in the coming Federal elec-
tion for North Huron. I tater uum-
bers on the program will 1M' given as
wtN1, Werther with refreshments.
1. Harvest Home anniversary m.('rviees
BENHIImB. -{wNl be held in Benmliier elntreh next
•71uuday, October loth. Rev. J. W.
Tea+n.r, Oct. 11.
Miss•rtrnde Gledhill was taken ill
rite maid ly with an attick of npp•n-
dicitia. She was admitted no the Alex-
andra hoepi Ion Tuewlay evening of
last week and n .rated on the name night.
Since then she a been snaking favor-
able progress tow recovery.
Miss Lucretia \ tone is still intlis-
Good, second-hand Watc
to be sold on Ten Day's Trial.
Money back if not satisfied.
$13.25 Waltham for
2300 " "
15.00 Swiss 'a $7.00
- 2.50 Pocket Bens " $1.00
All others in about same
Every watch will run and keep
Money Back in Ten
days if not satisfied
Halsey Park
Klein Are.
2nd door east from Soeth St_
Johnston, of floln•esvilh', will breach
at 11 a.m. and also at 7 p.m. Special
rnu.ie will be furnished by the ks-al
choir •IMI • thank -offering will Iw r'-
('t'Ire ..At Moth ,w•rvlcea.
The li.'tltel anniversary was quite
a sucrose.. n Splendid t atlona
p oRrt'R
greettel the speaker. Rev. Mr. Quinn.
who tinselled two able mentions. 'olw
church a -aa very ieautifully det.,rMwt.
(igtoh'r opportunity Sales every
Saturday M 4'ampbelt'w :Drew Stere.
The first one.-t4atnr.Isy, Oeto1M'r i nth.
To Men
Who Care
The Fit and Fashion
Expertfrom tiobber-
1 i n's Ltd., Canada's Leading Tail-
ors, will be at my store
Thursday, Oct. 20
with a Complete Range of High Grade Materials for your
winter suit or overcoat.
As an Extra Special for this date only we are putting on a
regular $6b.00 blue serge suiting for $4.5.00. This is guar-
anteed of coarse, (only fifty snits at this figure.)
Every order tailored to your measute with care and exactness
for which Hobberlin's Tailoring is noted.
"Let us have your order on this date."
W. C. Snazel
"Open on Thursday evening, October 20th.